It started at Christmas

By Suusari

114K 2.7K 122

Newly rewritten It started at Christmas containing fluff and smut I hope you guys will like it it is my first... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92

Chapter 70

871 23 1
By Suusari

Olivia pov

I woke up a few hours after i cried myself to sleep.  I felt so tired but i dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. After i was done i put on a sundress and waddled into the living room. The room was quiet the guys where all still asleep in the guestrooms. I made myself some quick breakfast and decided to go do some work at my old house. Not feeling up for a hangover trio....Scott wasn't there he was in New York but he gave me the keys so i could check in for mail and water plants. I grabbed my laptop from my office and loaded the dogs in the car. 

I crawled my  way in the car and before i took off i quickly sent Chris a text that i had taken the dogs and didn't know when i would be back. I just didn't wanna see his face right now.  I know i was being petty and i know it probably was a drunken mistake... but after everything that happened and every choice taken away about my pregnancy coming out and both of us agreeing to keep the genders to ourselfs... i just couldn't let it go. Then there was the fact that he got so drunk that if something would have happened to me and the babies he wouldn't even be able to help. 

I stopped by the groceries store waddling in.... picking up some things for myself. I forced myself to smile at the bag boy that walked me back to the car with my snacks, and when i arrived at the house i let myself in and together with the dogs i took a nap in the guestroom.

Chris pov

I woke up with a massive hangover, it took me a few minutes to notice where i was. I looked around our guestroom and wondered why i was in here. Last night was fuzzy... I got up and walked into the kitchen both Mackie and Seb where sitting at the breakfast bar. "Morning".. i said, "morning" they both groaned. They both look like shit just like me.  "Did you talk to Liv yet?" Seb asks looking at me worried.  "No ill check on her in a minute... i need coffee."

"She was really pissed last night when you told about your 3 girls..." Mackie said. "Yeah i never seen her pissed like that" Seb said.  I looked at him in shock and groaned as the memories of last night came flooding back in. "I spoiled the genders of our babies?" i groaned.  They both looked at me like i was crazy. "Yeah man she came in i dont know how late and you walked over to her and dropped on you knees in front of her and asked how your girls where doing...."  I run my hand trough my hair as my heart sank. "Oh shit i fucked up...."  Seb and Mackie both looked at me. "Yeah she was pissed said to sleep in the guestroom, worst of all she told us to make our own breakfast" Mackie said.  I rolled my eyes, Mackie's concern about breakfast was my last concern

I put my coffee cup down and walked to the bedroom. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I walked in but the room was empty. I checked the bathroom she wasn't there either. I walked back into the kitchen. I looked around and i realized the dogs weren't here. "Whats wrong?" Seb asked. "She is not in the bedroom, have you guys seen the dogs?"  They both looked around... "Now that you mention it no..." Mackie said.  I was starting to panic, and walked to Liv her office. "Her laptop is gone..." i said to Mackie and Seb who had followed me. 

"I need my phone..." i said as i walked to the living room frantically looking for it. "Calm down" Seb said "i will call your phone so you can find it."  I heard it ringing between all the couch pillows. I grabbed my phone and saw a text....  "She left..." i said sinking into the couch staring at the screen from my phone. "What?" Seb and Mackie said confused. "I took the dogs, dont know when i will be back." I said reading the text to them. I dialed her number but there was no answer.... "FUCK!!"  i yelled throwing my phone on the couch. 

"Dont worry man... she will be back she probably need some time to cool of...."  Mackie said but his voice didn't sound as sure as his word.  "I'll try and call her..." Seb said. But to no avail she didn't answer. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "God i fucked up" i said again. Both Mackie and Seb stayed quiet. I grabbed my phone again and called Liv again, no answer. I sighed, i opened her text again. I replied.. "please sweetheart can you please answer the phone? I just wanna know if you're alright."

After a few minutes my phone dinged. It was a text from Liv.  "We are fine"  was all it said. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that she at least was okay. I texted back. "Baby please i am so sorry... please just come home, i cant tell you how sorry i am i love you."  It took a few moments before there was a reaction. "I need some time, i get that you are sorry but right now i cant even look at you.... Not only did you give away the genders, you where so drunk that if something happened to me and the babies you couldn't even help." 

I looked at the screen reading the text again and again. "You okay Chris?" Seb asks. I shook my head, "she didn't even texted i love you back" i whispered.  "She loves you man, she is just hurt right now."  I run my hands trough my hair anxiety creeping in not knowing what to do with myself. "She is alone" i whispered.  "What if something happens? She is right though... i was so drunk if something would have happened i couldn't even be there for her." Both Mackie and Seb looked at the floor.  "I am sorry man" Mackie said.  "Yeah i feel partly responsible..." Seb chimed in. "Dont" i said shaking my head, "i am responsible for my own actions." 

I stood up, "i am going to take a shower."  The both nod. "We will order breakfast" Seb said. I nodded, and walked to the bathroom. 

Olivia pov.

After i had woken up from my nap due to my phone going crazy, i got out and made myself a snack. I checked my phone and saw a bunch of missed calls and a text from Chris. My heart broke when i saw the text. I knew that he was worried but i was still angry... or sad, i dont know what i was feeling. I just didn't wanna face him right now but i knew i just had to let him know we where okay. I just send a text back saying we are fine. My phone dinged again. It was Chris again asking me to come home that he was sorry and that he loved me. I looked at my phone letting out a sigh, thinking about what i would sent back. I decided to just be honest about how i felt. I told him that i knew he was sorry but i just couldn't look at him right now, and that not only he gave away the genders... but he was so drunk that he couldn't help me if something had happened.

After i had finished my snack i walked back to the guest room and crawled back into bed. Was i being unreasonable?  I thought to myself. I mean he had the right to have a few drinks with his friends....But these where not just a few...he could barely walk.  Asher jumped on the bed and laid his head on my belly. I stroked him and he looked at me. "I know sweetie.. i miss him to.." Dodger jumped on the bed and laid on the other side of me. I sighed, rubbing my belly the girls where restless like they missed their dad. "Dammit" i said to myself, I rolled out of bed and waddled trough the house thinking what to do. 

I started to cry and cursed myself for doing so. I knew i had to go back because i blamed him for being irresponsible and now i was doing the same... staying here alone and even though i was mad the only thing i wanted was to be held by Chris. I sighed and cleaned myself up. I loaded the dogs and my stuff in the car and drove home. 

Chris pov.

After we had eaten breakfast the guys and i sat down on the couch watching a football game. I couldn't get into it i was wondering how my girls where doing. I cursed myself for being so irresponsible. All of a sudden i saw Asher and Dodger running in i sat up and looked as Liv appeared. She didn't say a word and walked to the bedroom. I stood up and followed her. 

I stood there as she took her laptop out of the bag putting it on the bed. She didn't even acknowledged i was there. "Sweetheart?" no reaction but i could see she was fighting her tears. I walked over to her and sat down on my knees in front of her. "Baby please i am so sorry."  She stayed quiet for a second. "I know" was all she said. She didn't even look at me. "Can we please talk about it? I pleaded. I could see a tear rolling over her cheek. "I know i was irresponsible, and i know that i screwed up but please baby talk to me this is killing me." She looked at me tears in her eyes. 

"Chris i know you are sorry, but the one thing i asked... to not tell anyone about our girls. I dont even care that you where drunk anymore because i know that i cant expect you to not have a few drinks with your friends...."   I shook my head. "No baby you where right i would never had forgiven myself if something would have happened and i couldn't be there for you." 

"If it helps Mackie and Seb wont tell anyone they promised...."  She scoffed, "oh like you promised... who is to say that they wont get drunk tomorrow and wont spill it then...." She said i a harsh tone. She sighed hanging her head. "I am sorry that was not fair she said." 

"Its okay" i said hanging my head. "You know what the most annoying thing about this whole mess is..." she said putting her hands on my face making me look at her. "As angry as i am at you right now, all i wanted was for you to hold me."  I stood up and kissed her. At first she didn't kiss me back, but she finally gave in to the kiss. "And you know what is even more annoying.." she said. "The girls where being restless until now. There already such daddy's girls."

I smiled and put my hand on her belly. "I am sorry baby" i said looking at her and leaned in and kissed her belly. "I forgive you" she said running her hand trough my hair making me hum a feeling of relief washing over me. "You better put the fear of god into them... if they spill the beans i am going to kill them." I shook my head a smile forming. "I dont have to" i said now fully smiling at her. "They are scared of you more."  She smiled, "Good" she said. 

She sat down on the bed kicking of her shoes. I sat back on my knees in front of her kissing her belly over and over rubbing it to keep the girls calm so she had some relief. 

"How is the head?" she said, "i'll life" i said laying my head in her lap. She chuckled, "how are Seb and Mackie? I sighed, "Better than me..."  She sighed, "I am going to take a nap i am really tired..."  I took my head out of her lap. "Okay baby let me tell the guys and ill come lay with you." 

I walked into the living room. "Everything okay?" They both ask looking at me. "Yeah everything is okay she wants to take a nap. I am going to lay with her. The babies are being restless so i need to read to them."  The both seem relieved like myself. "Can we go say hi and say we are sorry?" I smile at them. "Sure i say just knock before you walk in." 

Olivia pov

There was a knock on the door, after i said come in both Mackie and Seb walked in. "Liv" they both said looking at there feet. "We are sorry for stressing you out." 

"Thanks" i said smiling at the fact they looked like two guilty schoolboys that had to apologize from mommy. "Chris said that the babies are being difficult..." I nodded and patted the bed. They both laid down beside me and laid their hands on my belly. "Jesus" Seb said "what are they doing? playing soccer?" 

I laughed, "Chris always reads to them it calms them down." I said smiling.  "Can we try?" Seb said smiling. I chuckled, "Sure the book is on the nightstand." 

Chris came walking in and laughed as he saw Seb and Mackie laying next to me on the left. "They wanna try to calm the girls" i said smiling secretly loving the fact i just could talk about them now. Chris walked to the right side of the bed and laid down next to me. "Is this going to be a thing now sharing the bed with them?" I chuckled, "you should really take a picture and post it.. the internet would break down" Chris looked at me with a fake annoyed look. I giggled, "Not many women can say they shared a bed with Anthony Mackie,  Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans at the same time," I joked 

Chris pulled out his phone and took a picture and grinned. "What are you doing?" i said.

He showed me the photo, it was actually a really cute picture. Seb and Mackie with there heads in a book reading to the triplets Chris laying on the other side of me. 

The caption under the the photo read, "The things you do for your pregnant wife and babies.... Like sharing a bed so Uncle Mackie and Uncle Seb can read to our babies." He both tagged Seb and Mackie in the pictures and posted it. 

"Well that is going to be the talk of the town" i said laughing. Seb and Mackie where doing their best  but the girls wouldn't calm down. I had enough and grabbed the book giving it to Chris. "Sorry boys it isn't working."  As soon as Chris started to read they became calm. And i started to drift off to sleep.

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