Snowflake, the writer and the...

By BarbaraSz8

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Alec is studying to be a lawyer at university at his father's insistence, but he wants to be a vet. He loves... More

Chapter 1- Who are you
Chapter 2- 5 kittens
Chapter 3 - The shelter
Chapter 4 - Robert
Chapter 5 - Hot chocolate and kittens
Chapter 6 - Motel
Chapter 7- Secrets
Chapter 8 - Next morning
Chapter 9 - Lazy day and the first...
Chapter 10 - The dorm
Chapter 11 - The study
Chapter 12 - Magnus
Chapter 14 - Souls
Chapter 15 - Petals
Chapter 16 - Walking
Chapter 17 - Family
Chapter 18 - Rune
Chapter 19 - Coincidence?
Chapter 20 - Fortitude
Chapter 21- Rachel
Chapter 22- Cows and stream
Chapter 23 - Birthday
Chapter 24 - In shock
Chapter 25. Under My Skin

Chapter 13 - The rose

128 16 3
By BarbaraSz8

They got up while Alec was getting ready Magnus made breakfast and coffee.

"Alexander, I'll give you a key to the apartment. Here's a spare key. Take this."

"Thank you Magnus. What are you going to do today?"

When you're gone, I'll tidy up and get to work. I'm working on a novel by a young writer. It's very promising, it's good. I think he has a great future. I've got a deadline in three weeks. When will the lectures end today? "

"The last one will end at 3pm. I'll be home around 3:30. Magnus, do you need anything from the shop? Let me know if you need anything and I'll pick it up on the way home."

"I'm working late today, so I think we'll order in for dinner. Maybe you can bring some fruit. Anything you like. Except kiwi, I'm allergic. "

"Okay. Thanks for breakfast, I have to hurry. See you in the afternoon." He pressed a quick kiss to Magnus' lips and left.

"Alexander," Magnus said after him, "Alexander, take this with you, I made you something to eat. And here's your coffee in the little thermos. Black, just the way you like it."

"Magnus, you're amazing. Thank you." Alec put the food away, took the thermos in his hand and leaned in to kiss Magnus once more.

"I don't want to stop, but I have to go because I'm late." Alec gasped, still tasting Magnus' upper lip with his lips. Mr. Aldertree, my Roman law teacher will excommunicate me if I'm late for class."

"Go quickly then, don't be late."

Alec left, Magnus packed up, fed Snowflake and went into the study. He picked up the manuscript, sat down in the rocking chair and began to read.

When Alec had finished his morning lectures . He went to the dining room, looking for Izzy.

Hello Alec, Izzy greeted him when she saw him. How are ....JEEZ, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAND??? asked Izzy in shock when she saw the bandage on Alec's hand.

Alec told her all about his father's attack. "Why didn't you call me? Izzy asked. 'Is mom all right? She didn't call either."

"Yes, she' s fine. I told her not to bother you, because then you would have left Simon and run home. So at least we didn't have to worry about you. Besides, you deserve a break. And I must admit, I really enjoyed Magnus' care. In fact, I was glad that there wasn't room at the dorm."

"Oh my God, oh my God, I think you two have a thing, don't you? Please tell me I'm right."

Alec blushed, and Izzy started shouting "I KNOW, I KNOW, I'm so happy for you. I want to hear all the details, right here, right now."

"Izzy, please be quiet, I don't need the whole university to know about my private life." Alec rolled his eyes.

As they ate, Alec started telling Izzy about Magnus. He thought a bit about telling Izzy who Magnus really was and that he had been abused, but he didn't go into it. Magnus took him into his confidence, he didn't want to play around with the fact that he was already gossiping. Even if it was about his sister, and even if his sister knew how important Matthew Archer was to him. Trust is an important thing, hard to gain, but easier to lose with a carelessly uttered sentence, and Alec wasn't about to play games with that.

"So you kissed," Izzy said between bites, "and how was it?"

Jeez, Izzy, do you really want me to go into details about kissing Magnus?"

"Of course, I want to know everything, and have you slept together?"

"IZZY, restrain yourself please. God," Alec rolled his eyes "Okay I tell you. Kissing him was really sweet, gentle and sensitive. He's obviously more experienced than me...and no, we didn't sleep together, although we did sleep in the same bed last night. But we agreed that the next step would be too soon. Are you happy now?" He looked at his sister and took a bite of his sandwich.

Izzy's mouth was up to his ears. "I'm so happy for you Big brother. It's time for you to be happy. Where did you get this sandwich? I didn't see it on display, but it looks really good."

"Magnus made it for me this morning. I also got coffee in a thermos. You want it?"

"No, this is for you. Hold this man tight and don't let go, it's a treasure. Simon never did this for me. I'll tell him how thoughtful your boyfriend is."

"I have one more lecture today, then I'm going home. I'm a bit worried about what's going to happen at home. Simon is going away with the band for a few days to do some studio work tonight, so I can't go there now. He'll be home on Friday," Izzy said.

"Dad's never hurt you, I don't think it'll be a problem. I've been talking to mom, since I've been away things have been relatively calm. But if there's any trouble, he treats you or mom badly, call me right away. You understand, Izzy? This is very important. Call me or call Jace. But it's best if you call both of us. I called him this morning, told him what happened, but I told him not to go home and kick our dad's ass while you and Mom were still there. If we get the apartment and we come, I won't stop him, and I'll help him. Alec said angrily."

"Listen, you know that's not the way, right? You and Jace are not kicking anyone's, I repeat, ANYONE's ass. On the one hand because violence can't be the answer to violence because then you'd be no different than him, and on the other hand because of the kind of relationships he has, you'd find yourselves in jail in a heartbeat and neither me nor mom would survive that. Let's keep to the plan, okay? We'll keep digging into the secrets of the office and take it to court. Even though you don't want to be a lawyer, you're gonna be a damn good one. This is your last year of college. You've been top of your class since the beginning, your mind's as sharp as a blade. By the time you graduate, we'll have all the resources we need to take him to court. Just be patient, okay?"

"Okay, I know you're right, and fine, we'll back off. I've got 2 more lectures, I finish at about 3pm. Can you talk to Jace?"

"Sure, I'll go see him on my way home, it's been a while since I've seen that idiot. I miss him. I gotta go, my class starts in five minutes. Take care of yourself."

You too, and please text me tonight to make sure everything's fine at home, okay? Now run along and take care of yourself. Sending love to mom and Jace."

Alec bought some fruit on his way home and saw a small flower shop next to the grocery store. He went in and started looking around. The florist came up and asked what she could do for him.

"A red rose, please"

"A perfect choice, the young lady will be pleased." said the florist

"Actually, sir," Alec said, blushing and staring at his shoes.

"Darling, don't blush, say it proudly. Love is love, and if you bring him a flower as beautiful as this, it can be the most wonderful love in the world." said the flower shop lady as she wrapped the rose in paper.

"Thank you Ms. You're right, the most beautiful."

"Lisette darling, just simply Lisette." The lady handed him the flowers and said goodbye. "I hope to see you often."

"Goodbye Lisette, and thank you. Everything" Alec said and left the shop.

When he got home, he put the fruit on the table. He didn't see Magnus. He thought he was still working. He quickly made a creamy coffee, the way Magnus likes it, and a black one for himself, put the rose on the tray and headed for the study. He knocked on the door, "Magnus, don't be scared, it's me, I'm coming in."

Magnus sat at his desk, his laptop open, papers all over the desk. He looked up and his heart melted when he saw the tray.

"Alexander this for me? You never cease to amaze me. Thank you" Magnus said with a huge smile on his lips. "Red rose is my favorite, and you're the first one who is given to me."

They sat down on the sofa and talked while they had coffee. Alec told him that he had met Izzy and they had talked. Magnus asked cautiously "Alexander, did you tell her who I am and what happened to me?"

"Of course not Magnus. After what Camille did to you, do you think I'd give you up so easily? I would never. You can trust me. When the time is right, you can share as much of this as you like. That's for you to decide, and I will never walk all over you. Trust is a precious treasure, and trust is very important to me."

Magnus looked gratefully at Alec. "Thank you Alexander." They drank their coffee, chatted a bit, rested for half an hour.

"I've got a few things to finish up here today, if you don't mind, the boy who wrote the book is very talented, but he got a bit tangled up in the story threads at one point, I'll have to untangle and put it right."

"I also have to get ready for tomorrow, I'll bring my books and study."

They both did their work in silence, not noticing that it was getting dark. Suddenly they heard a demanding mewling from the door.

"I think someone's hungry. Sorry, Snowflake, I didn't realize it was so late. I'll get you dinner."Magnus said to her.

"Alexander, how are you doing? Are you still a lot?"

"No, I'm done for today, I'm tired. Let's go and feed cat mommy."

"Are you going to feed her? I'll order pizza. We have to eat dinner too. What kind of pizza do you want?" asked Magnus

"Of course I'll feed her. The pizza's the same as you want as long as it doesn't have pineapple on it." said Alec.

After dinner they talked a bit more, then decided it was time to go to bed.

"Magnus, would you mind if..."

"Alexander, would you mind if..."

They all spoke at once and burst out laughing. "I think we want the same thing, so?" Alec finally asked.

"Yes, I think the guest room will be empty from now on. I haven't slept as well as I did last night in years. Your closeness, the warmth of your body, just your presence was so comforting. I can't remember the last time I slept without nightmares."

"Alec looked at him lovingly. "I love you Magnus," he said, and hugged him.

They were both tired, they cuddled up, and then fell fast asleep. Alec woke up at five in the morning. It was still early, but Magnust's side was empty. He waited a while to see if he'd gone to the bathroom, but Magnus just didn't come back. He got up to look for him. He wasn't in the living room, so he went to the study. Light filtered out. 'Magnus, did you work last night?' he thought to himself. He went into the room and saw Magnus asleep on the desk. The laptop was open in front of him, switched on. He reached over to close it and then saw the opened file. It was not the notes from the book he was editing. When he saw it and read it, he was overwhelmed with joy. Because on the open document he read: Magnus Bane:  "Under my skin". And many, many pages written.

"Magnus, you're writing again" he said out loud

"Alexander, is it morning already?" asked Magnus in a sleepy hoarse voice.

"Yes, all night, have you been writing?"

hmmmm ... Mumbled Magnus half asleep, whatever that means.

"Come, I'll take you into bed, you must be numb. You need to rest. ' With that Alec lifted Magnus up, bridal style, and carried him into the bedroom. He laid him in the bed, covered him up. "Sleep my love, I'm very proud of you."

"I love you Alexander" Magnus murmured sleepily

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