Survivor Panama: Exile Island

By Misfit298

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16 Castaways are marooned for the next 39 days on Panama. However, a new twist will turn strategy on it's hea... More

Episode 0: Cast Profiles
Episode 1: The First Exile
Episode 2: Last Picked, First Safe
Episode 3: Domino Effect
Episode 4: Game of Life
Episode 5: A Grueling Treasure Hunt
Episode 6: The Invisible Target
Episode 7: Recap: The First 18 Days
Episode 8: Let the War Begin
Episode 9: Flip the Script
Episode 10: Gambling with Safety
Episode 11: Island Fever
Episode 12: Cold Blooded
Episode 13: It Pays to Lose
Episode 15: Million Dollar Vote.
Episode 16: Reunion Show + Voting Confessionals
Bonus: Life at Ponderosa

Episode 14: Million Dollar Challenge

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By Misfit298

Well, here it is. The finale of Survivor Panama. 12 Castaways have fallen short of making it to Day 37. This leaves us with 4 finalists. Who will be the winner of the million dollar prize and earn the title of Sole Survivor. Will it be Neleh, James, Maddie or Willow. Find out who will win the next immunity challenge, guaranteeing themselves a spot in the final 3 and who will become the 6th member of the jury. So, I did what I said I was going to do last week. I was going to read through the first 13 episodes to analyse each of the final 4's individual journey's through this game. And yes, I have officially came to a decision on who I think should win this season. It wasn't easy but hopefully you guys will be satisfied with the result just as I was.

Part 2 of the finale is almost done so I'm happy to say that I will be able to release it in time. I haven't started the Reunion show yet because I wanted to have a plan of what I want to happen there and it wasn't until a couple days ago that I finished my plan for the finale.  I'm so excited for you guys to read it. I've talked long enough so I'll just get to the point. Here's what we know so far. Maddie still has the immunity idol and the next tribal council is the last time she could use it so unless she's feeling bold and giving it to someone else, she has guaranteed herself a spot in the final 3. Now time to find out who else will get there.

Anyways, here's part 1 of the finale of Survivor Panama: Exile Island, Enjoy!







Jeff: Previously on Survivor! Maddie and Neleh quickly found themselves in trouble.

Neleh (confessional): This is looking pretty bad for Maddie and I. We're quickly running out of options as to who we can flip to our side. I'm not giving up, I've come too far to quit now.

Jeff: And knowing this, they found their only option was to vote out the middle man.

Neleh: I think Ryan is a lost cause.

Maddie: You think so?

Neleh: It's clear he can't be trusted.

Maddie: If that's the case... do you think we can get Willow on board with us? We get her to vote for Ryan. It's our only option at this point.

Jeff: At the reward challenge,

Jeff: James wins reward!

James's younger brother was shown coming up to hug him.

Jeff: Will, come on over and give your brother a hug.

Jeff: James won a night with his brother at a private villa.

Jeff: Who's the second person who's going to join you with their loved one at the villa?

Jeff: And chose Willow and her father to join them.

Willow was shown going over to hug her father.

Jeff: James picked Neleh's wife to spend the night at the tribe camp.

Jeff: Who's going to Exile Island?

James: Maddie.

Jeff: Alright Maddie, for the 3rd time this season, Exile Island awaits. A boat will pick you up.

Maddie was shown sitting on Exile Island.

Jeff: While on Exile, Maddie fought through the stress and solved the clues to find the third immunity idol of the season.

She was then shown finding the immunity idol.

Maddie: This is what's going to keep me in this game. I'm so proud of myself.

Jeff: At a stunning villa overlooking the ocean, James, Willow and their loved ones enjoyed some quality time together.

Will: I never thought you would have lasted out there.

James: Neither did I. I thought i'd end up quitting.

Miles: Well it looks like you've came a long way.

Willow: Trust me, I have.

Jeff: Back at camp, Amanda took the opportunity to help Neleh with the food situation.

Neleh: Hey can you get us a coconut real quick?

Amanda: Sure.

Amanda (confessional): After we got up, I've just been going around, helping with the shelter. I want to help Neleh in this game as best as I can.

Jeff: After Amanda said her goodbyes and James and Willow got back from the reward, Neleh started to plead her case to Willow.

Neleh: Ryan has back-stabbed every single person in this game. I wouldn't put it past James to take him over you.

Willow: He has been in the middle a lot.

Jeff: But had little success winning her over.

Willow (confessional): I'm not completely sold on the idea because I don't think final 5 is the move to make it.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, it was a showdown between Willow and Neleh.

Jeff: It is pretty even right now. Neleh and Willow, neck and neck.

Jeff: But ultimately, Willow won herself a spot in the final 4.

Jeff: Willow wins immunity!

Willow: Hell yeah!

Jeff: Back at camp, James saw the next vote to be simple.

James (confessional): I was thrilled that Willow won immunity. That leaves Maddie and Neleh both vulnerable. Now we just have to play our cards right and hope that the one we're voting for, doesn't have the idol.

Jeff: But Maddie came up with a risky deal to Willow, offering up her immunity idol as payment.

Maddie: I'm laying it out on the table. If you vote to keep me here, if I win immunity at final 4, I promise i'll give you the idol.

Willow: Thank you for talking to me.

Maddie: No problem.

Jeff: Which left Willow, completely conflicted.

Willow (confessional): That immunity idol would be so useful because I know those 2 are just going to vote James instead. So if I can get that idol, give it to James and if they do vote for me, I still have a better shot at fire making. If I could make that happen then that would be a great move for my resume.

Jeff: At tribal council, Ryan called Neleh out for her lack of trust.

Ryan: But Neleh, you destroyed that trust when we merged. You had no problem voting me out.

Neleh: Had I stuck with ya'll 3, I would have been number 4 and if any of you would like to deny that in front of each other then feel free.

Jeff: And he exposed his game in front of everyone.

Ryan: My actions in this game have caused bridges to be burnt. But part of that has been my gameplay, being reckless so people do take me to the end and some of the blood ends up on their hands instead of mine.

Jeff: Causing Willow to make up her mind and betray her alliance.

Jeff: 12th person voted out of Survivor: Exile Island, Ryan.

Jeff: And after Ryan left the game, the shocks kept on coming.

Jeff: Tonight, you will not be heading directly back to camp. We have more business to attend to here.

Jeff: 4 are left, who will be voted out next and who will be crowned the sole survivor?



After Jeff's shocking announcement, he turned to the jury.

Jeff: Jury, you can head on out. We'll see you all back here tomorrow.

The jury all got up and headed back to ponderosa while Jeff directed his attention to the remaining players.

Jeff: Okay, we have just finished tribal council. Ryan was just voted out and became the 5th member of our jury. You are officially the final 4. So tonight, you are not going back to camp because you are all going to participate in your final and most important reward challenge right here, right now at tribal council.

Maddie: Oh jeez.

Willow: Goddamn Jeff.

James was relieved by this, glad it wasn't something bad like another vote because he was certain he'd be next.

Jeff: The winner of this challenge gets a once in a lifetime tour of the Panama canal aboard a luxury 100 foot yacht.

Everyone was both surprised and excited, knowing this will be the push they need to go the last couple of days.

Jeff: You'll get a 5 course meal and you get to spend tonight there. In addition, the winner will decide who will go to Exile Island. Alright, here's how this challenge is going to work. This will test your social game over the last 36 days. You will be asked questions about the first 5 jury members. Each time you get a question right, you score a point. First person to 5 points, wins reward. Alright, beneath your seats are your answer cards. Go ahead and pull them out.

They all reached down and pulled out 4 different cards with letters A to D.

Jeff: Let's get started. First question, what job did Sandra work at for 5 years before quitting? Was it A - a bartender, B - a bus driver, C - a doctor or D - a teacher?

Everyone sorted through their cards and presented their answers.

Jeff: Neleh, James and Maddie all say D, Willow says C. Correct answer, D. Everyone has it right except for Willow.


Sandra: Being a teacher was the worst 5 years of my life. I'm so glad I quit.

Rita: Yeah, kids can be annoying. Luckily me and my boyfriend aren't thinking past marriage.

Everyone's scores were displayed below as Jeff moved on to the next question.

Jeff: Second question, who said that in their application that they had no camping experience? Was it A - Rita, B - Sandra, C - Ryan or D - Sabrina?

This question was slightly harder to answer. They all displayed their answers.

Jeff: James and Neleh say C, Willow and Maddie say D. Correct answer, C, Ryan. James and Neleh got it right.


Jeff: Next question, who would never survive on their own? Willow says Sabrina, Ryan says himself. Correct answer is, Ryan.

Ryan: Never said I had any camping experience.

Some were surprised but remembered that Ryan was more honest than Sabrina.

Jeff: Question 3, What was the name of Rita's dog? Was it A - Danny, B - Layla, C - Emma or D - Tommy?

This took quite some time for everyone to remember. They all revealed their answers.

Jeff: Maddie says A, everyone else says B. Correct answer, B, Layla. Everyone has it right except for Maddie. So here's where we're at, Neleh in the lead with 3 points, James with 2 points, Maddie and Willow both with 1 point.


The clip was shown of Monty and the others after the auction, all viewing their loved one video's.

Jeff: Rita, here's your boyfriend Frank, your uncle Patrick and your dog, Layla.

Neleh knew that this was the one challenge she had to win. Everyone else knew they had to catch up.

Jeff: Question 4, what was on Monty's Survivor bucket list? Was it A - starting a fire, B - know how to cook rice, C - win an individual challenge or D - make the merge?

This was the toughest question so far for everyone to answer. They all thought about it before remembering and revealing their answers.

Jeff: Everyone says D, everyone has it right.


Everyone was shown enjoying the merge feast.

Sandra: Wow, where do I even begin? There's so much stuff.

Monty: I know, get to tick this off of the old Survivor bucket list.

Jeff: Question 5, what was Sabrina's luxury item? Was it A - a hairbrush, B - a mirror, C - a blanket or D - a journal?

Everyone quickly ruled out D and decided between the other 3.

Jeff: Maddie says B, Neleh says C, both James and Willow say A. Correct answer, A, a hairbrush. James and Willow both got it right.


James was shown searching through Sabrina's bag and spotted his fake idol in there.

James (confessional): I just had to make sure that Sabrina really did have the idol. And within 2 seconds of searching in her bag, I find it neatly tucked in next to her hair brush. Weird choice for a luxury item, not gonna lie.

He then rushed back out of the shelter without getting spotted.

Jeff: Alright, James and Neleh both have 4 points, Willow has 3 points, Maddie has 2 points. If both James and Neleh answer this next question right, we'll go to a tiebreaker.

Everyone was feeling tense as Jeff read out the possible last question.

Jeff: Question 6, who is Wayne Brown? Is he A - Monty's son, B - Rita's uncle, C - Ryan's father or D - Rita's boyfriend?

They all thought over the choices before revealing their answers.

Jeff: Everyone says C, everyone has it right.


Another clip was shown of the loved one video reward.

Jeff: And lastly Ryan, here's your mom Beth, your dad Wayne and your sister Emma.

Jeff: Alright, Maddie and Willow, you're both out of the challenge. Neleh and James, we're going to go to a tiebreaker question to see who will win this critical reward challenge. Here's your tiebreaker question.

James and Neleh were both determined to get this one right.

Jeff: How many votes have been cast at tribal council all season?

Everyone's eyes widened at this, especially considering there were 3 ties all season.

James: Does this include immunity idols?

Jeff: Just how many votes were cast, including nullified votes. Was it A - 85, B - 87, C - 92 or D - 96. This will test how good your memory and math skills are.

Both players took a while before answering.

Jeff: Let's see those answers.

They both showed what they went with.

Jeff: Neleh says C - 92 while James says B - 87. One of you is right. The correct answer is...

Shots of both players were shown before Jeff revealed the answer.

Jeff: ...C - 92.

Neleh shot both her hands in the air before James was even more annoyed.

Jeff: Congratulations Neleh, a well earned reward and your first individual win.

Neleh: Thank you.

Jeff: Okay, so 2 of you at the Panama canal on a 100 foot luxury yacht. A 5 course meal and an overnight stay. You're bringing one person with you. Here's the twist, the other 2 people who do not go on the reward, will not go straight back to camp and instead, both of them will go to Exile Island.

Everyone gasped at this. Neleh then felt the pressure of making a tough decision.

Jeff: So the name I want is the person who's going with you on the reward.

Neleh: Maddie didn't get to spend time with Sierra so it's the least I could do.

Maddie: Thank you.

Maddie then went over to hug Neleh.

Jeff: Willow, first time going to Exile Island. I'm sure James will be happy to give you a tour on his 3rd trip.

James: Thanks for the reminder.

Jeff: Okay, it's been a long night. Grab your torches and head on out. The boat's waiting for you.

Everyone got their torches and went their separate ways.


James and Willow got off the boat, dreading a night on Exile. All was quiet between the 2 before Willow decided to speak up.

Willow: Are you mad at me?

James: I just don't get it. Did you want to make a big move just for the hell of it?

Willow: Listen, I'm sorry, I just had to go with my gut feeling.

James: You do realise if one of those 2 win tomorrow, then we're screwed.

James (confessional): My head is just spinning and it hasn't stopped since last tribal. I can't believe that Willow would just flip on me like that. Especially considering that Maddie still has the idol in her hands.

Willow: Maddie told me if she won immunity tomorrow, she would give me the immunity idol.

James: I don't believe that for a second. She would say anything just to get to the end.

Willow: The last thing I want is for you to be mad at me.

James: You just sunk my game. How are we supposed to make it to the end now?

Willow (confessional): I was going to have to turn on Ryan eventually. I don't want James to feel like I've betrayed him. It just sucks that it was a risk I felt like I had to take. I want that immunity idol.

It was the next morning as Maddie and Neleh both woke up and looked out, admiring the lovely view together while on their yacht.

Maddie: Thank you so much for picking me.

Neleh: It was an easy choice. Now, we get more energy for the immunity challenge.

Maddie: I know. We're getting closer and closer to winning.

Neleh (confessional): This was the challenge I needed to win. I wanted to prove that I was the best social player and now, Maddie and I have an even better shot of making it to the final 3 together. The reward was a 5 course meal on a yacht while traveling through the Panama canal. It was just great for me psychologically as it was a nice break.

Maddie (confessional): It feels great knowing that I managed to sway Willow over. Now I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot in the final 3. Now all I have to do is to make sure Neleh gets there as well so I can increase my chances at winning.

Neleh: This is exciting. I've never been on a yacht before.

Maddie: Neither have I. I haven't been on many vehicles. I've only seen yachts on like TV and stuff.

They both sat down on a sofa with a table in front of them as a waiter got them drinks.

Neleh: Here's to final 4!

Maddie: To final 4!

Neleh: You think we'll actually make it to the end though?

Maddie: I'm not sure. Those 2 are fierce competitors.

Neleh: Well, let's keep fighting until the end!

Maddie: Hell yeah.

Both of them then started drinking. As they were doing so, the yacht passed through a large autoliners boat.

Maddie: Damn, that's a huge boat.

Neleh: Yeah, could fit my whole house in there.

They were now enjoying their 5 course meal provided by the staff.

Maddie: I bet James is pissed right now.

Neleh: Yeah, why wouldn't he be. For the first time this season, he ain't the one in control.

Maddie: Yeah, feels good knowing that we're going to get a leg up for the immunity challenge.

Neleh: You concerned about giving Willow your idol if you do win?

Maddie: Yeah, i don't want to come across as someone who breaks their word. I'm not like Sabrina.

Neleh: So are you going to throw it?

Maddie: I might have to. She could give the idol to James for all I know.

Neleh: How stupid would we look if James whipped out a second idol?

Maddie: Very. So the best case scenario is either you or Willow winning. Mainly you that way with your immunity and my idol, we're set for the end.

Neleh: I bet it's awkward with him and Willow right now.

Maddie: I'm so glad you won.

Neleh: I'm glad I got to take you.

Maddie (confessional): It's day 37 right now. The end is getting closer and closer and I can pratically see the million dollars. The only person in my way is James. He's a huge threat to win and he can beat anyone. If he wins immunity, I'll throw up.


Things were quiet on Exile Island. Last night was brutal for both James and Willow. They were both shown to be exhausted and eating their rice.

Willow: That challenge was annoying.

James: Yeah, that last question was a mess for me.

Willow: How did you get your answer?

James: I was counting the people that were in every tribal. But then I forgot about the re-votes where the tied players couldn't vote.

Willow: Would you have picked me if you won?

James: Of course I would have. Did you think I wouldn't have?

Willow: I was on the fence to be honest. I thought you'd still be mad at me.

James: Well yeah, I was mad. But I get over things that make me mad. The bottom line is, we're both still in this game together. If one of us wins immunity, the other has a pretty good shot at winning at fire.

Willow: I guess that's true.

James: Maddie though, she's tough.

Willow: Yeah. Still not sure about the whole idol deal with her though.

James: She wins immunity, she's more likely to give it to Neleh.

James (confessional): I still do want to go to the end with Willow. She's the only one that's truly had my back and I want to repay her for it. She would be the only person i'd be happy to lose the million dollars to. And if Maddie wins immunity, that's it for one of us because she can give the idol to Neleh which is the last time it can be used.

Willow: Yeah, why did I think I could trust her like that?

James: Don't beat yourself up over it.

Willow: But I just screwed this for the both of us. Because Neleh has a strong chance of beating either of us at fire.

James: Well I guess we just have to use the day to practice.

Willow: Alright, hope we don't waste the flint though.

Willow (confessional): James is right, there's still a chance for both of us to make it to the end. So we need to stay strong and use the time we have here to help us build a fire in case of a tiebreaker tonight.

Willow was shown using the machete to strike the flint.

Willow: You got to scrape some of the magnesium off so it'll be easier to catch the spark.

James: Alright. We can do this.

At the front of the yacht, Neleh and Maddie were shown sitting and enjoying the view together.

Maddie: Here we are!

Neleh: This is going to be great.

The yacht was shown arriving upon the Panamanian canal. Multiple shots of the area were shown. There were roads, boats, bridges and plenty of sea where the yacht was passing through. The 2 passengers were both relaxing and enjoying themselves.

Neleh (confessional): The Panama canal connects to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and most of the canal was like a river. And then you get to the locks which is what allows you to rise or lower depending on where you are at the canal which is really cool.

A time lapse was shown of a boat entering the docks with the gate closing behind it. The space that the boat was on rose which allowed it to proceed along the area.

Maddie: Wow.

The yacht stopped in front of this closed gate which was shown slowly opening.

Maddie (confessional): There was no words to describe what I just saw. The canal itself was just amazing. And it's unbelievable to think that something man made can do something like that.

After the gate opened, the yacht proceeded along the area, leaving Maddie and Neleh both stunned.

Neleh: That was so cool.

Maddie: This whole area was just amazing.

Maddie (confessional): Neleh and I are both in this together. We've been tight ever since we've both been on Exile together which admittedly ain't a long time but in this game, it's long enough to where I trust her 100%.

Neleh: This is my favourite time of the day right here.

Maddie (confessional): We were just taking it all in and thinking how nice it would be if we could actually make it to the end together. We've still got 2 days left though and a lot can happen in just 2 days.

A few more minutes passed and the yacht officially departed from the canal and Maddie and Neleh could both see their island coming in to view.

Neleh: I think that's our island right there.

Maddie: Yeah, I think you're right.

Neleh (confessional): You know, from a distance, in a yacht, this island looks like a nice place. And it's weird making that comparison. It almost made me excited just to get back to our beach. Is that really where I spent the last 37 miserable days of my life on? Admittedly though, it was nice to come back and have the beach to ourselves for a while.

The 2 of them were shown getting off the yacht and returning to their abandoned beach.

Neleh: That was amazing.

Maddie: It was. I already miss it.

Neleh: I can't wait to lie down.

Maddie: I hope Will was doing okay.

Neleh: Yeah, I hope he didn't get too hungry while we were gone.

They both then realised that some of their rice was missing.

Maddie: I swear we had more rice in here.

Neleh: Guess he really did get hungry.

Will the chicken was shown taking a nap in his area.

Neleh: Who knew owning a pet would be stressful?

Maddie: We'll have to ask James when he gets back.


James and Willow both looked around and had five separate fires going on. 3 of them were started by Willow and the other 2 were started by James.

James: Not too bad.

Willow: Yeah, I think we went a bit overboard here.

James: Well at least it'll keep us warm.

Willow: Kind of annoying that we are leaving here today.

James: It'll be fine. As long as one of us wins, we still have a shot.

James (confessional): I never thought that I would be able to start a fire by myself while I was out here. I'm not an outdoors person, I just sit around and play video games for a living. I owe it all to Willow though. She's been a great person to have around.

James: Thank you for helping me out.

Willow: No problem. It's been fun.

Willow (confessional): James has been my best friend out here. But even I know that I can't beat him in the end. So if I do make it to final 3 with him, it'll be tough but I might have to vote him off. It sucks but that's just life. And hey, who said all fairy tale's had to have a happy ending?

James: I'm so nervous.

Willow: Same here. This is a million dollar challenge.

The 2 then looked out in to the distance, ready for the upcoming immunity challenge.


As Neleh goes to lie down, Maddie sits by herself and eyes the flint.

Maddie: I feel like I need to get better at starting a fire. I want to give Neleh a break from doing all the work around here. She deserves it. I want to try doing it before I leave this place.

She then started to scrape the flint against the machete.

Maddie (confessional): I do think it's a bit strange that I've not started a fire that much. The only times I did was when I was on Exile Island and even those didn't last too long. Even James managed to get a fire going that lasted for like 5 minutes.

Maddie: Neleh would never expect me to start a fire when she wakes up. So I'm going to try and get one going to surprise her.

Shots were alternating between Maddie getting closer to starting a fire and Neleh sleeping in the shelter.

Maddie: Come on...

A few more seconds passed as Neleh was woken up by Maddie screaming.

Neleh: Are you okay?

Neleh ran down and saw that Maddie had sliced her hand open with the machete.

Maddie: I tried to start a fire and cut myself.

Neleh: Ooh, that's going to need a couple of stitches.

Maddie (confessional): I was mostly scared because I heard the sound and when I saw the blood coming out, then the pain started setting in. I tried to move but I just felt so light headed. I felt like I was going to pass out. So Neleh came over and helped me towards the shelter.

Neleh then set Maddie down, lying in the shelter and waiting for the survivor medical team to show up. Maddie was squirming because of how much pain she was in.

Neleh: Just keep breathing.

Maddie: God, this hurts a lot.

Neleh: They're going to stitch you up, you'll be fine.

Neleh (confessional): It was pretty scary at first. I was scared for her because I didn't know how serious it was or if Maddie was going to be able to stay in the game as a result. I don't know, it looked pretty bad from where I was looking.

Maddie: I feel like I'm losing it.

Neleh: You'll be alright.

Neleh was trying to wipe all the blood off without causing any more pain to Maddie.

Maddie: Ow!

Neleh: Sorry!

A boat arrived at the beach and the Survivor medical team got out.

Neleh: It's ok, medical's here.

Maddie: Oh thank god!

Medic: Do you have any more or is it just this one?

Maddie: Just the one.

Medic: We might need to move you out to over here if that's okay.

The team helped Maddie up and got a better view of her cut. They then got some of their equipment out.

Maddie: Are you going to numb the whole hand?

Medic: Just around where the lacerations are.

Neleh cringed as the needle was getting inserted into Maddie's hand.

Neleh: Ouch...

Maddie: Yeah, it is quite isn't it?

Neleh (confessional): It looked so painful from where I was but Maddie actually stuck it out like a brave, strong woman. She ended up getting 4 stitches on the palm of her hand. I'm proud of her for having to go through that much pain and staying tough throughout cause I know I would have lost it.

Maddie: Please tell me it isn't too serious.

Medic: It should heal up nicely. Though it will leave you with a bit of a scar on your palm.

Maddie: Oh nice, I get a souvenir.

Neleh: Lucky *laughs*.

Medic: You don't feel the needle right?

Maddie: Nah, I'm good.

She then looked down at her bandaged hand.

Maddie (confessional): I got my butt kicked by the elements pretty hard out here. And now, my own clumsiness came back to bite me, quite hard.

Maddie: I feel like an idiot *laughs*.

Neleh: Don't stress, it happens.

Maddie (confessional): But I think that was a learning experience. It taught me just how real this is and how what doesn't kill you or in this case pull you from the game, makes you luckier. And you know, it reminded me of just how human I am.

The most important immunity challenge so far has arrived. The challenge itself was divided in to 4 sections, one for each person. In each section, there was a puzzle board divided in to 3 sections and a line leading from the board to a section of sand which was shaped like an octagon. Each corner had a symbol on it, just like the episode 4 reward challenge.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

Maddie and Neleh walked in and were instantly surprised by how big this challenge looked.

Neleh: Wow...

Maddie: This should be fun.

They both went and stood on the black mat while also setting their stuff down.

Jeff: We'll now bring in Willow and James, returning from Exile Island.

A boat came in carrying the duo. Willow was shown still wearing the immunity necklace from the last immunity challenge.

Maddie: I've seen enough boats for one day *laughs*.

James and Willow walked in, carrying in their stuff.

Jeff: Welcome back, guys.

Willow: Thanks.

They both joined Maddie and Neleh on the mat, receiving hugs from them.

Jeff: Neleh, how was the tour of the Panama canal? Did you get some food in your belly?

Neleh: I got more than enough food. And the canal itself was just amazing. Nothing like what I've seen before.

Jeff: Maddie, what happened to your hand?

Maddie: Got in to a little bit of an accident when trying to make a fire. Doctors said i'm fine to compete.

Jeff: Well it's a good thing you only have 2 days left, right?

Maddie: Yeah, what a relief.

Jeff: Alright, final 4. Are you guys ready to get to today's immunity challenge?

After their responses, Jeff turned to Willow.

Jeff: First things first, sorry Willow.

Willow sighed as she took off the necklace and handed it to Jeff who hung it back on the post.

Jeff: Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you will work to solve 3 puzzles. Here's how it works, using a set of co-ordinates, you'll cross 2 ropes. Where the ropes intersect, buried beneath is a bag of puzzle pieces. Once you've retrieved the bag, race back to the answer board and solve the puzzle. That puzzle will give you your next set of co-ordinates, leading you to another bag of puzzle pieces and more co-ordinates. You'll then receive your third and final bag where you must solve a word phrase.

A montage of the challenge was shown with the end puzzle spelling out "Safe from the vote".

Jeff: First person to complete all 3 puzzles, wins immunity and is guaranteed a spot in the final 3. Your first set of co-ordinates have already been set up for you. The 2 symbols on the left must be tied with one rope while the 2 symbols on the right must be joined with the other rope. Makes sense? We'll draw for positions and get started.

Everyone took their positions . They all started in front of their answer boards, looking ahead at the sand pits which already had their ropes set out for them so they know where to dig for the first bag.

Jeff: Here we go, for immunity. Survivors ready? Go!

They all raced out and within a few seconds, reached their sand pits and started to dig for the puzzle pieces.

Jeff: First co-ordinates are already done for you. Everybody digging!

Everyone was working hard to get an early lead. Neleh found her first bag quickly.

Jeff: Neleh's found her first bag of puzzle pieces.

James then found his bag, followed by Willow.

Jeff: James has his pieces, Willow right behind with her pieces.

Maddie was then behind as she was the last to find her puzzle pieces.

Jeff: Maddie now has her bag! Everybody back, trying to work on their first puzzle.

Neleh was the first to open her bag and get her pieces out.

Jeff: Neleh, first to get hers open.

James then pours his bag on the table, revealing a dozen puzzle pieces.

Jeff: James has his open.

Willow and Maddie both got their bags open as they rushed to catch up.

Jeff: Maddie and Willow right behind. This puzzle will give you your next set of co-ordinates.

Neleh was rearranging her pieces, trying to see which ones go where.

Jeff: Neleh moving pieces around, James making some progress.

James had over half his puzzle done. Neleh was now starting to catch up again.

Jeff: Neleh now catching up!

Maddie looked over and tried to figure out her puzzle. Willow was making some progress but not enough.

Jeff: Willow getting closer, she's got some ground to make up.

Neleh then quickly pieced her last 2 pieces together before memorizing her next set of co-ordinates.

Jeff: Neleh has her first puzzle done. She's heading back out.

Neleh then quickly runs out to get her second bag. James then finished his puzzle.

Jeff: James has his first puzzle finished. Can he catch up to Neleh?

Neleh was in the middle or re-arranging her ropes as James ran back down to catch up to her.

Jeff: Maddie and Willow both falling behind.

Maddie and Willow both only had half their puzzle figured out. Maddie then finished her puzzle.

Jeff: Maddie has her puzzle done, she can head back out.

Neleh was already digging for her second bag as was James. She then found it and was running back to her station.

Jeff: Neleh has her second bag. It is Neleh in the lead right now, James and Maddie digging for their second bunch of pieces.

Willow then finished her puzzle and wasted no time running out to get her pieces.

Jeff: Willow has her first puzzle done, she's now back in it.

Neleh was back at her station, working on her second bag. James then pulled out his second bag and sprinted back to his station.

Jeff: James has his second bag. He's got some ground to make up if he wants to catch up to Neleh.

Neleh then opened her bag and started to go to work on her puzzle.

Jeff: Neleh now pulling away from James!

Willow then found her second bag and ran back out to her puzzle board.

Jeff: Willow has her second bag! She's overtaken Maddie who's struggling.

Maddie was tired. She was digging with one arm because she didn't want her injured one to become infected.

Jeff: James now has his bag open. Neleh making progress with her second puzzle.

James was quick to get his puzzle coming together, he was now catching up to Neleh.

Jeff: James working hard on his puzzle.

Neleh was trying her best to keep her lead. She manages to finish her second puzzle.

Jeff: Neleh has her second puzzle finished!

James then fit his last few pieces in and quickly memorized them.

Jeff: Look at that, a few seconds after, James has his second puzzle finished. He's heading out for his final bag!

Neleh was sorting through her ropes as James arrived to the sand pit. Maddie was shown to be exhausted.

Jeff: Maddie, completely out of it.

Maddie: This is torture!

Jeff: It is Neleh and James in the lead, fighting for a spot in the final 3!

Willow then finishes her second puzzle and analyses as much as she could.

Jeff: Willow now has her second puzzle. She's trying to stay in this!

Neleh: Why is this not working?

Jeff: Neleh struggling to find that last bag of puzzle pieces.

She then looks at her ropes and James's ropes and realises her mistake.

Neleh: Aw crap!

James: Yes!

Jeff: James finds his third and final bag!

He then runs back to try and solve his last puzzle. Neleh has her ropes rearranged and was digging in a different spot.

Jeff: James is now in the lead! Neleh starting to fall behind.

Neleh: Oh no i'm not.

Neleh then gets her third bag and runs back.

Jeff: Never mind, Neleh manages to get her final bag. James still trying to open his bag.

James then manages to get his bag open and rushed to arrange all his pieces. Neleh was back at her station.

Jeff: James has his bag open, he's now working on that third puzzle.

Neleh then gets her bag open.

Jeff: Neleh with her bag open. It is Neleh and James, immunity on the line.

James was piecing together his first few pieces.

Jeff: James doing a good job of maintaining his lead.

Willow then gets her bag from the ground.

Jeff: Willow with her last bag. She has been struggling so far.

She then runs back to get her bag open.

Jeff: It is down to James, Neleh and Willow. All 3 taking their time, doing their best not to panic. Neleh has her first few pieces in. She's catching up to James. Neleh has been close these last few immunity challenges, will this be the one that she wins?

Neleh then getting her next few pieces in, she was around half way while James was just over half way.

Jeff: Neleh gaining on James, this is tight right now.

James then getting closer to finishing.

Jeff: James getting close, Neleh needs to hurry.

Neleh was also getting closer, not giving up.

Jeff: Neleh getting closer, she only has a few pieces left.

James was then getting his last few pieces in. As soon as he got them in, he raised his arms, letting Jeff know he was done.

James: Safe from the vote, got it!

Jeff: James wins immunity!

James jumped in the air, happy he managed to finish.

Jeff: Guaranteed a spot in the final 3!

Neleh put her head on the table, annoyed while Maddie fell back in the sand with her hands on her face.

Willow: Good job James.

James: Thanks.

Everyone then met back up on the mat as Jeff took the necklace off the post.

Jeff: James, come on over.

James walked over, exhausted from all the running and digging but happy it all paid off for him.

Jeff: Your second time wearing this necklace, well done.

James: This was a must win.

Jeff: James is safe from the vote tonight. Neleh, Willow and Maddie, after 37 days, this game will come to an end for one of you at tribal. Should make for a very fun afternoon. Head on back to camp, see you at tribal.

Everyone grabbed their stuff and left the area.


The 4 players all got back to camp and immediately separated. James was seen hanging up the necklace.

James (confessional): I was so happy that I won today. Had I not then I would have left this game with a couple of burnt knuckles. I'm so close to actually winning, it's just making me more and more nervous for tomorrow. But I can rest easy tonight and have Maddie and Neleh scramble some more. That'll be fun to watch.

Maddie and Neleh were going off on their own until Maddie ran ahead.

Neleh: Where are you going?

Maddie: I'm going to throw up.

Maddie (confessional): When James won again I was just about ready to give up. That's 4 times now where I've tried to get him out and just couldn't. It's really starting to get to me. The good thing is though, I have the idol. The question? Am I going to keep it or give it to Neleh?

Maddie: Willow's got higher odds beating me than she does you, so I think I should keep it.

Neleh: Yeah, especially with that stitched up hand?

Maddie: It's getting better. I think you're better off with the fire making.

Neleh: Think you're right.

Meanwhile, James was looking at the sunset when Willow joined him.

Willow: So who are we going to vote for?

James: Well Maddie's most likely keep her idol because of her hand.

Willow: So we vote Neleh.

James: Yeah, pretty much.

Willow: Because you know those 2 will take each other to the end.

James: The both of us have come a long way together. I'm not going to turn on that now.

Willow (confessional): While I am happy that James won, it was kind of a worst case scenario for me because I know that without safety, I'll be forced to go to fire against Maddie or Neleh. And I was thinking if they did have the idol, Maddie knows she doesn't stand a chance, especially with her hand so she's probably going to have the idol. So I'm voting for Neleh tonight and I hope James will do the same.

The sun was starting to set and Neleh found James down by the beach and went to talk to him.

Neleh (confessional): So tribal council's coming up. James has the immunity necklace and Maddie has the hidden immunity idol so it looks like it's down to me and Willow. But what if I could try and convince James that turning on his number 1 ally is actually beneficial to him? I don't know how it will go against Willow, she's a pretty strong competitor. So I'll try and see if I could play the player here.

Neleh: So I didn't get a chance to talk to you after last night so I'm going to say it now while I have the chance.

James: Go ahead.

Neleh: Willow had said to me that she wasn't confident with her chances of winning, especially against you. So she wanted to make a deal with Maddie that involved giving her the immunity idol for final 3. And that's what lead to Ryan leaving. If you and her go to final 3, do you really think she'll take you to the end?

James: That's what I've been wondering. She does have a strong chance at winning that final challenge tomorrow.

Neleh: If you were to vote her off and keep me, I will fight tooth and nail to make sure it's you and me at the end.

James: Really? Why?

Neleh: Because I think I can beat you. You have quite a few enemies on the jury and that's a good reason to bring someone with you so you can win.

James: And you think you're odds against me are better than with Maddie?

Neleh: Are you kidding? I'm going to get overlooked by her ans she's going to claim most of the moves. Plus, if I take her out, I'm confident I have her vote.

James: That's true.

James (confessional): I don't think Neleh can beat me *laughs*. But she does have a good point. Putting Willow on the jury would mean another vote in my corner. And this is that point in the game where you have to be thinking about jury votes. And out of everyone, Maddie is the least likely to win tomorrow, especially with her stitch on her hand. So if getting rid of Willow is a move I need to make to increase my odds at making it to the end, I might have to pull that trigger tonight. It won't be pretty but I think it's the move I have to make.

Neleh: So, if you do end up voting for me and I win that fire making challenge, it could be a million dollar mistake. Just saying.

James: I know. It's a lot to take in right now.

Neleh (confessional): Looking at the jury votes so far, I know I've got Sandra and Monty's votes. If I take out Maddie, that'll get me Rita's vote. James will get Willow and Ryan's votes and I think that's it. Sabrina might still be pissed at James for blindsiding her and Maddie may respect my game. So if I do win tomorrow, it could be a great move taking James to the end. But I still want to show that I'm a loyal person because I turned on my pre-merge alliance once. If I turn on my final 2 with Maddie, that'll just show that I'm not as loyal as I say I am. It'll be a tough decision but I'll have to actually get to final 3 to make it.

Meanwhile, Willow was getting some last minute fire making practice in before tribal council. James came to watch her.

James: Come on, you taught me how to do it.

Willow: Yeah, I think I've got the technique handled.

James: Just add some small sticks after the first layer of husk and add your second layer of husk so that fire burns through those sticks quicker.

Neleh and Maddie were on the other side of the beach with Neleh also practicing with her flint.

Maddie: Just try not to panic. Don't even think about how she's doing, just focus and yourself.

Neleh: Yeah, I've come way too far just to go home 4th.

Maddie (confessional): I have mixed feelings right now. Willow should know that she can't beat James at the end. So if I vote Neleh off, then maybe that will sway her more to my side because she has a stronger chance at winning that last challenge. But turning on Neleh would mean she would hold some vendetta against me on the jury and I don't need that, especially when the jury decides who wins in the end.

A small montage was shown of Neleh and Willow both working hard at making fire. After they were done, they were both shown sitting opposite each other in front of the campfire.

Neleh: Nervous?

Willow: Very. This is pretty tense, going to a fire challenge.

Neleh: Well good luck to you.

Willow: You too.

The 2 of them shook hands as they got up and grabbed their torches.

James (confessional): Going in to tribal tonight, anything can happen. The end is in sight and we're all focused on winning that title at the end. For me, the money isn't that important, it's just having that title of "sole survivor" can really help me come out of my comfort zone more often. So yeah, I'm pretty nervous but i'm not letting it get the best of me. We'll see what happens. I know I need to make the right decision or it will screw me royally.


The final 4 all walked with their torches and their stuff to tribal council. Jeff, as always was waiting for them. Once they all reached the area, they set their torches in to their holders and sat down with their stuff next to them.

Jeff: We'll now bring in the members of our jury.

The four of them all looked to their left to see the first 5 jurors enter one at a time and sit on the jury bench.

Jeff: Sandra, Rita, Monty, Sabrina, and Ryan voted out at the last tribal council.

The camera zoomed in on Ryan as he was the last one voted out. He was clearly happy and excited to see James winning the necklace.

Jeff: Alright, well when we started this game, we had 16 people. Now we're left with only 4. Maddie, how important is it to stay on your toes going in to these last couple of days.

Maddie: It's really important. We're all thinking about the end and who the jury is planning on voting for. So, it's honestly kind of scary but in Survivor, you have to stay strong and who knows? It may pay off for one of us.

Jeff: James, you've made it clear that you needed to win today, still feel that way?

James: It was obvious that Maddie and Neleh were planning to vote me off after Ryan left. So the feeling that I've guaranteed myself one more night out here is just amazing.

Jeff: Neleh, last night you've won your first individual reward. What was the thought process behind taking Maddie?

Neleh: Maddie has kept her word to me this entire game and I thought she deserved it after missing out on the loved ones visit.

Jeff: Willow, if what Neleh's saying is true and her and Maddie have had each others back then it would seem like you were in trouble. Do you feel vulnerable tonight.

Willow: Sure do. But not all hope is lost yet. I've still got a chance to make it to the final 3.

Jeff: What about you Maddie, do you feel vulnerable?

Maddie: Nope.

Jeff: Really?

Maddie: Yeah.

Jeff: James, feel suspicious to you that Maddie is not the least bit worried?

James: Not really because we've suspected for a while that Maddie or Neleh had found the hidden immunity idol after I played it.

Jeff: And what makes you think Maddie would have it?

James: After what she did to her hand? I think she'd want to cling on to that thing because she knows she's screwed without it. So as far as I know, that would be the only reason that Maddie would feel safe tonight.

Jeff: So let's talk about the hidden immunity idol. On Day 1, I made it clear that the last time it could be used was through the final 4 vote and we're at the final 4 now. So tonight is the last night you can play it. Did that topic come up at all?

Willow: Yeah, of course it was brought up. Maddie and Neleh were the first 2 people to go to Exile Island after Monty left. So we don't know if they 100% have it.

Jeff: The "they" being Maddie or Neleh?

Willow: Yeah, and if neither of them do have it, well it was a massive mistake for James and I to not at least try to look for it.

James: But I am convinced that Maddie does have the idol and I know the rules that you can only play that thing for yourself and if you want to, you need to give it to someone else before tribal council. So that does reduce the power slightly. So it's a risky call, giving it to someone else and putting yourself on the chopping block for them.

Jeff: So either way Maddie, it seems like good news for you because if James thinks you have it, then you're most likely not going to get voted for.

Maddie: Meh, i'm not sure if I have it or not. We'll see in just a few minutes.

Jeff: Well here's what we know. If there is a hidden immunity idol, it will come in to play after the vote. So going in to the vote, the only person you can't vote for is James. Neleh, if this is your last night, you've been out here 37 nights. How would you say you've changed through out this experience?

Neleh: Survivor's one of those things that you're not sure if you should try or not. I have lived my life wanting to live it the best that I could. I want my kids to be able to watch this one day and be proud of their mother. Just to see the things that I've done out here and how long I've been able to last. If this is my last night, I've had a great time out here. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that very few people get to experience.

Jeff: Willow, how about you? Have you changed out here 37 days in?

Willow: I'd say I have changed in ways I haven't even realised. I've grown to be more tolerant out here and evolved in to this fighter. There were a lot of different personalities out here and I like to say I've been a part of quite a chaotic tribe for the first half. I will forever be thankful to have gotten to live out my dream and have my father be proud of me. And I can come out of this game, knowing that I've survived 37 days of all that and I am proud of myself and the people that I'm left with.

Jeff: Maddie, since not many people seem to know for sure whether you have the idol or not, it could be you tonight.

Maddie: If it is me, had it have been a couple weeks ago, I would have been annoyed. But now, I feel okay knowing that survivor isn't about winning, it's about leaving this game a better person than you came in as. And I have made mistakes and I'm determined to learn and grow from them. Can't say that I will have many supporters coming out of this but one thing I can say is that I did put myself through this and this whole experience, i'm going to take back home with me and share it with the people who do love and support me.

Jeff: And James, even though you are safe tonight, what has your experience been like while you were out here.

James: I've had way more fun than I thought coming in to this thing. It was everything I dreamed about it being and more. This whole thing to me has just been about wanting to do more with my life. I've always been afraid off even stepping outside after ending up in the hospital but now, Survivor has helped me build my confidence back up and has given me the passion that I need to win this thing.

Jeff: Okay, let's get to the vote. James, you have the immunity necklace. You keeping it for yourself?

James: Thought about it, i'm keeping it.

Jeff: James is the only person you can not vote for. Hidden immunity idol or not, everybody else is fair game. It is time to vote, Willow, you're up.

Willow got up and walked to the voting booth. She wrote down Neleh's name.

Willow: It's been fun playing this game with you. But voting for you is my only chance at making it to Day 38, good luck.

She put the vote in the urn and sat down. Neleh was next as she cast her vote for Willow.

Neleh: Sorry it had to come to this but I'm hoping that James will be the one getting most of the blood on his hands tonight.

Maddie was the next one up as she was going back and forth between her options. She showed her vote to the camera but it was unknown who her vote was for.

Maddie: I've had to make a lot of decisions through out this game but this one is without a doubt the toughest one I had to make so far. Hope you understand.

James was now the last one up. He made up his mind about who he was voting for and like Maddie, showed his vote to the camera without giving away who his vote was for.

James: I really do value your friendship in this game, but I've got to think about myself in this moment. Nothing personal.

After he put his vote in the urn, he went to sit back down with the others.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

Shots of the jurors were shown, excited about a possible fire making challenge. Jeff then returned with the votes.

Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff took the the lid of the urn as he took out the first vote.

Jeff: First vote, Neleh.

Neleh sighed at having her name written down after 22 days.

Jeff: Willow. 1 vote Neleh, 1 vote Willow.

Willow looked at the floor, preparing herself.

Jeff: Willow. 2 votes Willow, 1 vote Neleh, 1 vote left.

Willow looked back at James who just looked straight ahead, making her nervous. Jeff then unfolded the last vote.

Jeff: ...Neleh. We have a tie. Neleh with 2 votes, Willow with 2 votes.

Willow sighed in relief as Neleh looked at James who just smiled.

Jeff: Alright, Neleh and Willow, if either of you have the hidden immunity idol, now is the time to play it.

Willow and James both looked at Neleh who just shook her head.

Neleh: Lets do it, lets break this tie.

Jeff: Neither of you have it? Alright, it's official. The idol no longer has any power in this game. James and Maddie, you are both safe. Neleh and Willow, you are going to take part in a tiebreaker challenge. Here's how it'll work, it is a fire making challenge. You've been out here for 37 days, making fire should be something you know how to do.

Most of the jurors were nodding their heads, excited that they'll get to watch an intense challenge.

Jeff: You will have a fire starter kit and a small fire pit.

The camera panned over to the 2 fire making stations which was in front of the entrance that everyone came in.

Jeff: Your job is to build a fire tall enough to burn through the rope, raising a flag. First person to raise their flag, stays in this game and moves on to the final 3 and will live to see Day 38. The loser is out of the game and becomes the 6th member of our jury.

Both Neleh and Willow nodded, understanding the rules.

Jeff: Alright, Willow take a spot. Neleh, take a spot next to her.

The 2 of them got up and went over to their stations. They then sat down and looked at the equipment provided for them.

Jeff: You each have in your kit, magnesium flint, you have a knife, you have kindling and you have all sorts of ways you can make a fire, coconut husk, things like that. On my go, you will begin, first person to burn through that rope and raise the flag, stays in this game. Here we go, Survivors ready?

Neleh and Willow both shook hands before preparing themselves.

Jeff: Begin.

The words "TO BE CONTINUED" showed up on the screen and just like last episode, the camera zoomed out of the tribal council area as the credits started rolling.

Jeff: Next time on Survivor! Neleh and Willow face off to make it to the final 3.

Both of them were shown trying to start a fire.

Jeff: The final 3 all pay one last visit to Exile Island, paying tribute to their fallen comrades.

A close up of Exile Island was shown as well as the 12 torches of the previously voted off castaways.

Jeff: And the most brutal immunity challenge we've had this season.

A shot was shown of the challenge was shown with both Maddie and James struggling through it.

Jeff: Who will make it to the end and who will become the sole survivor? Tune in next week to find out!


James = Neleh

Willow = Neleh

Maddie = Willow

Neleh = Willow

5th place: Ryan

6th place: Sabrina

7th place: Monty

8th place: Rita

9th place: Sandra

10th place: Noah

11th place: Jordan

12th place: Scott

13th place: Herbie

14th place: Monica

15th place: Chloe

16th place: Daniel

Authors note: Hate to end things on a cliffhanger but this episode is long enough already. Now, time to go through a couple of changes. First of all, since the day system is different on this story compared to the original show, I had to do something about the reward challenge. Because one thing I've learned is that survivor is used to doing 1 challenge per day. So I decided to bring back the night time challenge that survivor used to do. I wanted to do the fallen comrades challenge because that was one of my favourite ones and it let you guys play along. It also allowed me to pay homage to some of my previous episodes which was nice.

So what can you expect for part 2? Well first of all, there isn't going to be a final 3 reward challenge. I just felt like that was complete filler for the original finale. Instead, I'm going to give the castaways a chance to talk about the season as a whole, kind of like in big brother just not as long. And I also wanted to change the final immunity challenge to something more epic. Having a balance based challenge isn't really that fun. I prefer it when survivor stuck to the endurance challenges because then we get to see the players put all their emotion in to winning it which is something I want for my season. Also, while this change is minor, I want to bring back Jeff's fun ways of delivering the votes that he used to do before Panama. It's not anything major but it's something that I thought would be fun to do.

But other than those 3 changes, you can expect the rest of the finale to play out traditionally. Until next time, see you whenever!

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