Episode 9: Flip the Script

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I have had a lot of fun with this series. It's one of those things that I'm addicted to. Now that we're down to 9 players, who the hell knows how this will play out? It is time to get on with the Season, here's the episode!

Remaining Castaways.











Jeff: Previously on Survivor! The members of Casaya were sent to merge with La Mina.

Ryan: This is where the game really gets exciting.

Jeff: The members of La Mina, unsure about La Mina's loyalty, chose to stay together, hoping to find cracks in Casaya.

Willow: I don't know if tribal lines are going to be as strong as people say they are.

Jeff: Casaya were welcomed, and Sabrina soon joined them.

James: I was happy with it being just the 4 of us.

Jeff: Both sides quickly put the game aside as they came together to enjoy the feast.

Neleh: I think they were surprised at how well they were welcomed to our beach.

Jeff: After celebrating, the La Mina alliance quickly set their sights on Noah.

Monty: Let him build the shelter so we'll vote him off.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, Noah was the last one standing from the Casaya alliance. But ultimately, it was Monty who outlasted them all.

Jeff: Neleh drops out, Monty wins the first individual immunity!

Jeff: Back at camp, Casaya formed a plan to get rid of Sabrina.

Noah: It'll be easier to get Sabrina off because she could easily just flip back to the others. Then after Sabrina's gone, we'll take out those 4 one by one until it's us left in the final 5.

Jeff: Little did they know, that their alliance had a mole.

Ryan was shown talking to Sabrina.

Ryan: I'm not completely on their side. They want us 5 to vote you out.

Sabrina: Wow, they're smart yet also somewhat dumb.

Jeff: Going in to tribal, Ryan knew he was in the power position.

Ryan: My mind is still up in the air.

Jeff: At tribal council, Sabrina called out the Casaya alliance in an attempt for Ryan to flip.

Maddie: Sabrina can believe what she wants to believe.

Sabrina: You and Ryan are disposable. Noah's told me that.

Ryan: Is that true?

Jeff: And when the vote came down to a tie, Ryan knew he was the decision maker. In the end, he decided to get revenge on his former tribe mate as Noah was the next one sent home.

Jeff: Noah, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: 9 are left, who will be voted out tonight?



The castaways got back from tribal council as they placed their torches against the tree. They then went off to have their conversations. The Casaya trio who voted to keep Noah all met in private.

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