Episode 10: Gambling with Safety

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Half the cast have already left the game. Only eight players remain to fight it out for the million dollar prize. How will be the next one out? Wow, can't believe we've reached ten whole episodes. I did not think I had it in me to write for this long. We are 2/3 of the way through this. Can't wait to see how this all looks like completed. We left off last episode with Sandra getting voted out with only 3 votes as Ryan successfully plays his idol but still feels betrayed by almost the rest of the tribe.

How will the aftermath play out? Find out on Episode 10 of Survivor Panama: Exile Island.

Remaining Castaways










Jeff: Previously on Survivor! After Noah's exit, it appeared that Sandra, Rita and Maddie would be picked off.

Sandra: Now none of us have a chance in hell.

Jeff: The next morning however, Rita came up with a plan to destroy the La Mina alliance.

Rita was shown talking to Monty.

Rita: There's 6 of you and 3 of us. It's not a big deal if you lose one.

Monty (confessional): It does give me a longer time in the game and I could flip over to join Casaya.

Jeff: At the reward challenge, the survivors were randomly divided into 3 teams and played for breakfast in bed.

Jeff: Monty, Rita and Sabrina win reward!

Jeff: And Ryan, after flipping on Casaya, found himself heading to Exile Island. However, an additional twist made sure his time there was worth it.

Jeff: There will be a second immunity idol hidden in this game.

Jeff: On reward, Rita convinced Monty and Sabrina to turn against Ryan, splitting the votes against him and James.

Rita: We plan on doing 4 votes on him and 3 votes on James if he does play an idol.

Sabrina (confessional): While he did vote to keep me, I don't care. We can get him out and the rest of Casaya will follow.

Monty (confessional): There is a chance that I could be the one in the middle. And for that to happen, Ryan needs to go.

Jeff: While back at camp, Sandra was pitching the same plan to Neleh and Willow.

Neleh: I've been feeling uneasy about him for a while.

Jeff: Unbeknownst to her, Willow was playing double agent.

Willow (confessional): I've already made a promise to James and Ryan, and I don't plan on breaking that anytime soon.

Jeff: While on Exile Island, Ryan discovered the clue to the second immunity idol.

Ryan: It said it's not on Exile Island. So, I already assumed that it was back at La Mina beach somewhere.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, Monty wore the necklace for the second time in a row.

Jeff: Monty wins immunity!

Jeff: Back at camp, Maddie campaigned to get James voted off.

Maddie: I don't want one of them flipping.

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