Episode 7: Recap: The First 18 Days

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As I am writing this, I am working hard on the next couple of episodes for when it's time for them for them to get released. But for those of you who don't know, or forgot, this is the recap episode which is a rundown of the first 18 days of this game. The original Season had it on episode 7 which I thought was fitting because it serves as the border between the tribal phase and the merge phase. 

Now, here's the recap episode of Survivor Panama: Exile Island!


The episode opened with shots of skulls, shrunken heads and other various things with the Season logo coming in to view.

Jeff: Tonight, in a special episode of Survivor: Exile Island, we'll take a closer look in to the personalities of the Survivors with 13 scenes of all new footage.

Previews of the scenes were shown. This included arguments, people bonding and some fun scenes.

Jeff: We'll also see highlights of the events that shaped the first 18 days of their adventure of a lifetime.

Scenes of the last 6 episodes were shown. This included La Mina arguing, Scott and the missing machete and Ryan whispering to James after the log rolling challenge.

Jeff: Hunger.

Neleh was laying down after her fish trip.

Jeff: Thirst.

Rita: That son of a bitch stole our wine!

Jeff: And violent storms.

A shot was shown of La Mina huddling in warmth while a storm was taking place.

Jeff: Push some beyond the capacity to cope.

Scott: I'm struggling out here. I think I might quit.

Jeff: The misery appeared to have no end in sight.

Sandra: I'm not sure if there's any hope in us surviving this.

Jordan: I'd say we got 3 more days left until the tribe perishes.

The camera then went to Exile Island where more storms were shown.

Jeff: Exile Island was a place where some would be banished to suffer.

Maddie: This is brutal. I would not wish this on anyone. Well, maybe some people.

Jeff: And one, who would find the potential key to survival in the game.

The shot was shown of James digging up the immunity idol and breaking the bottle.

James: This changes the game for me, big time.

Another storm was shown at the younger women's camp.

Willow: This beach breathes bad luck.

As shown before, lightning struck, cutting Willow off.


A shot was shown of Day 1, with all 4 boats approaching Exile Island.

Jeff: 18 Days ago, 16 American's landed on a remote island off the coast of Panama, to begin the adventure of a lifetime.

The 16 players were then shown on Exile Island, standing in their starting tribes.

Jeff: For the first time in Survivor history, they were split in to 4 tribes.

Jeff: Younger men vs Younger women vs the Older men vs the Older women.

Jeff was then talking to them about Exile Island.

Survivor Panama: Exile IslandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin