Survivor Panama: Exile Island

By Misfit298

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16 Castaways are marooned for the next 39 days on Panama. However, a new twist will turn strategy on it's hea... More

Episode 0: Cast Profiles
Episode 1: The First Exile
Episode 2: Last Picked, First Safe
Episode 3: Domino Effect
Episode 4: Game of Life
Episode 5: A Grueling Treasure Hunt
Episode 6: The Invisible Target
Episode 7: Recap: The First 18 Days
Episode 8: Let the War Begin
Episode 9: Flip the Script
Episode 10: Gambling with Safety
Episode 11: Island Fever
Episode 12: Cold Blooded
Episode 14: Million Dollar Challenge
Episode 15: Million Dollar Vote.
Episode 16: Reunion Show + Voting Confessionals
Bonus: Life at Ponderosa

Episode 13: It Pays to Lose

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By Misfit298

Well here we are. Episode 13 of Survivor Panama: Exile Island. We're nearing the end. After this episode, we'll have our final 4 going in to our 2 part finale where the winner will be crowned. Who will go home after a hard fought battle? And with the hidden immunity idol still in play, who will find it and guarantee themselves safety?

So for those of you who don't know, this episode is where the family visit happens. Wow, they did this one really late in the season I think. But I'm not complaining, benefits my story in any case. It will be weird writing an episode without Sabrina considering she was the center of drama for most of the season but I'll try my best.

Anyways, it's time to get to get to the episode, enjoy!

Remaining Castaways







Jeff: Previously on Survivor! James and Willow felt the pressure after finding themselves on the bottom.

James (confessional): Since my idol's gone, it's up to me to find some cracks in that alliance so I can get myself and Willow back on top.

Jeff: With the idol back on Exile, this made the reward challenge critical.

Jeff: Maddie, Ryan and Willow win reward!

Jeff: And after a split decision on who to send to Exile, Ryan showed that he was loyal to his alliance.

Jeff: Who are you going to send to Exile Island with a guaranteed shot at finding the idol?

Ryan: Neleh.

Jeff: At the reward feast, Sabrina was talked about to be an easy person to beat.

Willow: Well Sabrina's pretty much a lock for the final 2, anyone can beat her, anyone.

Ryan: Fair point. She's like a leech, she just attaches herself to people.

Jeff: Back at camp, Sabrina and James made a surprising connection.

Sabrina: James I got a fish! Come get it before it bites me!

James and Sabrina were shown enjoying the fish and high fiving each other.

Jeff: On the next day, Willow came up with a plan, and managed to turn Sabrina and Maddie against each other.

Maddie and Sabrina were shown arguing while Willow sat back and watched.

Sabrina: You think you have the numbers to win you the whole game, well I'm telling you right now, ya don't. Your game has been riding Neleh's back, do you think the jury will respect that?

Maddie: I thought we were all good. You just don't like admitting when you're wrong.

Sabrina: Maddie, you're dead to me.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, it all came down to a showdown between James and Sabrina.

Sabrina: You're not going to win this.

Jeff: And after 5 and a half hours, Sabrina had enough, winning James his first challenge.

Jeff: James wins individual immunity!

Jeff: With James safe at tribal, Maddie and Neleh set their sights on his closest ally.

Neleh: So we vote Willow off next.

Maddie: Not really any other option so yeah.

Jeff: But Ryan thought of an alternate plan.

Ryan (confessional): I don't want to be 4th place to Sabrina. If people are willing to take her to the end, then she might be the best person to take out for me.

Jeff: And quickly got James and Willow on board. But with Sabrina targeting Maddie...

Sabrina (confessional): There's no other name I'm writing down tonight other than Maddie's.

Jeff: Ryan was left with multiple options.

Ryan (confessional): The closer we get to the end, the more careful I need to be about my decisions.

Jeff: At tribal council,

Jeff: The 11th person voted out of Survivor: Exile Island, Sabrina.

Jeff: Sabrina, Maddie and Neleh were all shocked at the results as Sabrina was the next to go.

Jeff: Sabrina, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: 5 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?



Everyone was slowly starting to wake up from the shelter.

Willow: Hey guys, guess who isn't here to boss us around?

James: I'm guessing you're happy.

Willow: Damn straight i'm happy. Christmas came early this year.

She went and fed Will the chicken who was also pretty cheerful this morning.

Willow (confessional): Last night was great. Sabrina finally got her torch snuffed and we had a nice peaceful night.

She then started to sing to celebrate while clapping her hands.

Willow (confessional): Ding dong the bitch is dead! Ryan voted to save my life! Ding dong the bitch is dead! I've now made it to the final 5!

Ryan: These last few days look to be peaceful.

Ryan (confessional): At tribal council, I decided to go back with James and Willow because I didn't want to risk Sabrina getting taken to the end over me. Plus, I think a move like that will really get me more respect from the jury, and I most likely get a pass to the final 3 so it's a triple win.

While Willow and Ryan were both celebrating, Neleh was less thrilled as she remained in the shelter.

Neleh (confessional): Last night was another failure for me. Sabrina ended up getting herself voted out by throwing her vote on Maddie and Ryan deciding to flip again. This is looking pretty bad for Maddie and I. We're quickly running out of options as to who we can flip to our side. I'm not giving up, I've come too far to quit now.

She and Maddie both got up and had a conversation while walking to tree mail.

Neleh: I think Ryan is a lost cause.

Maddie: You think so?

Neleh: It's clear he can't be trusted. Even if he does vote with us, he'll just flip back to whoever's next at the final 4 and one of us are screwed.

Maddie: If that's the case... do you think we can get Willow on board with us?

Neleh: I mean, it's a long shot, I know she's not going to turn on James.

Maddie: Exactly, so we get her to vote for Ryan. It's our only option at this point.

Neleh: Even if it risks us keeping James for the final 4?

Maddie: Well the tiebreaker's fire making. Either one of us could beat either one of them. So I'm pretty sure we got this.

Neleh: Alright, final 2?

Maddie: Final 2.

The two then shook on it before proceeding.

The reward challenge looked to be another obstacle course. Shots of the course were shown which looked to be a pretty big one.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

The players all walked in and got their first look at the challenge. They all arrived and stood behind the black line.

Jeff: It is time to get to today's challenge.

Everyone instantly recognized how familiar some of the parts from the course looked.

Jeff: For today's challenge, we have taken elements from past challenges and put them together to create a 4 stage obstacle course. Here's how it works. On my go, all 5 of you will dig in a circle of sand, looking for a bag. First 4 to find a bag, will move on to the second round. For the second round, carrying that bag, you will race to untie a wooden snake. The first 3 to get to the finish with the bag and the snake, move on to the third round. For the third round, you are carrying the bag and the snake as you race over a sand hill, in to a water pit where you will untie a large fish. The first 2 to get to the finish with the fish, the bag and the snake, move on to the final round. For the last round, you will square off, head to head as you are now carrying all 3 items you have collected through a series of wooden tunnels and towers. First person to the finish, wins reward.

The players were all overwhelmed by how big this challenge was and was hoping the reward was worth it.

Jeff: Today, you are all playing for love.

Everyone was shocked and started to get emotional.

Jeff: Face to face, in person, with your loved ones.

Willow was easily the most emotional of the group as she dreamed of making it to the loved ones visit.

Jeff: The winner of today's challenge is responsible for allocating who gets love and how much love they will get. We'll draw for spots and we'll get started.

Everyone was now prepared and ready, knowing this challenge will be a difficult one. They all took their spots at the start of the course.

Jeff: First 4 to get a bag and cross the finish, move on. Survivors ready? Go!

They all raced out and started digging, remembering this as the immunity challenge of episode 3.

Jeff: Everyone wasting no time digging quickly. Four people are going to get a bag and move on to the next round.

Maddie then saw the corner of her bag and pulled it out. She then ran for the finish.

Jeff: Maddie has her hands on her bag, Maddie moving on!

Everyone kept digging for their bags. Willow got her bag and reached the finish.

Jeff: Willow moving on!

A few seconds after, Neleh also grabbed her back and ran across the line.

Jeff: Neleh moving on! 1 spot left! James and Ryan both still digging.

James dug his bag up and ran to the finish.

Jeff: James moving on! Ryan's the first person out of this challenge.

Ryan: Again? Seriously?

Ryan then took a spot on the bench as the other 4 moved on to round 2.

Jeff: Round 2. First 3 people to untie their snakes and make it across the finish with both their items, moves on to Round 3. Survivors ready? Go!

Everyone raced out and went under the bamboo crawl. Most of them recognize this from the reward challenge of episode 2 where it was their first challenge as the new Casaya and La Mina tribes. James doesn't remember this due to him being on Exile at the time.

Jeff: Willow and Neleh both untying their snakes. James and Maddie falling slightly behind.

A few seconds after, Maddie and James both made up some ground and was untying their snakes.

Jeff: Everyone working on their snakes. Who's going to make it to the finish line first?

Willow had her snake free as she ran towards the sand hill.

Jeff: Willow has her snake untied. She's making her way towards the finish.

Neleh was able to get her snake.

Jeff: Neleh with her snake undone. Maddie and James still working on the knots.

James got his snake free and Maddie did a few seconds after he did.

Jeff: James has his snake free! Maddie has her snake!

Willow then ran down the hill and across the finish.

Jeff: Willow moving on!

Neleh then made it across the finish in time.

Jeff: Neleh moving on!

James and Maddie both raced to get to the finish. James managed to make it a few seconds before Maddie did.

Jeff: James moving on! Maddie just a few seconds too late. She's out of the challenge.

Maddie then dropped her items and went to sit next to Ryan.

Maddie: I needed to win that one.

Ryan: I know. Sorry about that.

The other 3 then took their spots.

Jeff: Round 3. We have Willow, Neleh, James. The first 2 to get to the finish with their bag, their snake and their fish, move on to the final round. Survivor's ready? Go!

Neleh took a bit of an early lead but left her snake at the start to had to run back and get it.

Jeff: Neleh lost her snake, she has to go back. Willow has a bit of a lead, James not too far behind.

Neleh was trying to catch up to the other 2. Willow ran down in to the water pit.

Jeff: Willow in the water pit!

She and James both reached their fish and started untying. This reminded them of the reward challenge of episode 5 where there was a lot of running involved.

Jeff: Neleh trying to make up some ground. She's now untying her fish.

All 3 were working on their fish. Willow freed hers as she proceeded to the next sand hill. James then had his freed.

Jeff: Willow's the first to free her fish. James not too far behind! Neleh now falling out of it.

Neleh then had her fish free but it was too late as Willow and James both reached the other side of the hill and crossed the finish.

Jeff: Willow moving on! James moving on! Neleh now out of the challenge!

Neleh sighed as she went and took a seat next to Ryan and Maddie. Willow and James both proceeded to the final round.

Jeff: Alright, final round. It's a showdown.

Willow: This again?

Jeff: Willow already knows this part. She made it here 10 days ago but lost to Monty. Let's see how she does against James while also carrying all 3 of her items. Who's going to be in charge of allocating the love? Survivors ready? Go!

James and Willow were both off. They started crawling through the ladder tunnel with Willow pulling ahead.

Jeff: Willow with a bit of a lead right off the bat! She's heading up the first tower! James right behind!

James then comes up with an idea and stuffs the items in his clothes. He then tries to catch up with Willow.

Jeff: James with a bit of a strategy. He's putting the item's in his clothes, making sure they don't fall out.

Willow kept up with just carrying her items, wanting to maintain her lead.

Jeff: Willow working hard on extending her lead.

She then crosses the zig-zag first with James following behind.

Jeff: James trying to catch up! Willow getting close to that ladder.

Willow kept going, trying to reach that ladder quickly until the bag slips out of her hand, through the tunnel and on to the ground.

Willow: Aw crap!

Jeff: Out of nowhere! Willow loses her bag, has to go back and get it!

She then goes down the tunnel, on to the bag and picks up her bag.

Jeff: She has to go through the whole course again! This now opens the door for James!

Willow then rushes to the start and tries to catch back up. James then makes sure he still has all his items.

Jeff: James using his time wisely, making sure he still has all his items. This could be it.

James then reaches the ladder and goes down it.

Jeff: James down through the tower!

Willow was trying to catch up but saw it wasn't worth it.

James: This is for you Will!

James then walks across the finish line with his items in tow.

Jeff: James wins reward!

James then drops his items and cheers. Him and Willow both share a hug before they re-join the others behind the black line. They all then see another black line next to Jeff which they assumed was for their loved ones.

Jeff: Okay, now we get to the fun part. First, we're going to bring out your loved ones. James, here's your brother, Will.

James then watched as his younger brother emerged from the bushes and walked his way towards the area. Everyone clapped upon his arrival.

Will: How are you not out yet?

James: *Laughs* I have no idea.

Will then stood behind the other black line, opposite James.

Jeff: Neleh, here's your wife, Amanda.

Neleh was now in tears as she saw the love of her life walk her way to the area.

Neleh: How are the kids?

Amanda: They're fine. I've missed you.

Neleh: Same here.

Jeff: Ryan, here's your sister, Emma.

Emma was seen in tears, looking at her brother.

Ryan: Stop, you're going to make me cry, *laughs*.

Emma: I can't help it, I love you.

Ryan: I love you too.

Jeff: Maddie, your roommate, Sierra has flew in all the way from New York just to see you. Let's bring her out.

Maddie's tears were quickly falling down her face as Sierra walked towards her.

Sierra: I'm so proud of you.

Maddie: Thanks.

Jeff then turned to Willow who was already on her knees.

Jeff: Willow, we haven't brought anyone out and you're already crying.

Willow: My dream was to be standing here. I wanted to prove to myself and my parents that I can do this. I'm just so happy.

Jeff: Well, the wait's finally over. Here's your father, Miles.

Miles wasted no time in walking out and seeing his daughter, proud that she made the final 5.

Willow: Hi dad.

Miles: Hi sweetie.

Jeff: Okay, so James. Here's how this is going to work. 2 out of the 5 players are going to go with their loved ones on an overnight stay. You'll go to a beautiful villa, you'll have pizza, lots of stuff to drink, plenty of snacks. In addition, you'll have separate bedrooms so you'll have a little privacy. That's for 2 of you. 1 of you will get to go back to camp with your loved one where they get to live as you've been living for the last 34 days. That leaves us with 2 people. This is where it gets tough. One of the final 2 will get a hug with their loved one, and that is it. And the last person will get nothing more than this, separated by 20 feet. And that person will be sent to Exile Island.

James: Oh, wow.

Jeff: So the first decision I need is, who's the first person who's going to join their loved one on the overnight stay?

James: Myself and Will.

Jeff: Will, come on over and give your brother a hug.

Will ran over and hugged his older brother.

James: Wow, you really have missed me.

Will: Of course I've missed you. You're my best friend.

Jeff: Okay, next decision. Who's the second person who's going to join you with their loved one at the villa?

James: I know how much the family visit meant to Willow, so I'm keeping my word so she can spend some time with her father.

Miles: Thank you.

Willow and her father ran to each other and shared an emotional hug.

Miles: I'm so proud of you. Keep fighting.

Willow: I will.

Jeff: Now, the next decision. Who gets to bring their loved one back to camp with them?

James looked at his 3 options before making his decision.

James: Tough call but I'm going to go with Neleh and Amanda.

Neleh: You're awesome James, thank you.

Amanda then ran over and hugged Neleh where they shared their first kiss in 34 days.

Jeff: Alright James, toughest decision now. 2 people left. Both of their loved ones are here. Who is getting the hug and who are you sending to Exile Island?

James sighed at this, knowing he was going to get blood on his hands.

James: I think i'm going to send Ryan back to camp.

Maddie sighed at this but understood. Ryan patted her on the shoulder.

Ryan: I'm sorry.

Maddie: It's fine.

Jeff: Ryan, come over and hug your sister.

Ryan: A hug is all I need.

Emma laughed at this as her and Ryan shared a long hug together.

Ryan: I want a 5 course meal when I get home.

Emma: Sure thing. I'll make sure we're all there when you get back.

Ryan: Thank you.

The 2 of them then separated back to their original spots.

Jeff: Maddie, Sierra, i'm sorry that this is as good as it gets. Hopefully it was enough for you to see her.

Sierra: You're a strong person. I'll be there when you get back. Promise.

Maddie: It's fine. Stay strong.

Sierra: You too.

Sierra then walks off from the area, waving to Maddie.

Maddie: I miss her already.

Jeff: Alright Maddie, for the 3rd time this season, Exile Island awaits. A boat will pick you up.

Maddie then sighed as she gathered her stuff and walked off to where the boat was.

Jeff: Okay, Ryan, Neleh, Amanda, Willow, Miles, James and Will, head on out.

Everyone departed from the area, going separate directions.


Maddie went over to the top of the giant skull where the trace of clues were waiting for her.

Maddie (confessional): I was annoyed but I wasn't surprised. Ryan's the only one that knows about me and Sierra's relationship so I expected it. Yeah, the others all have love waiting for them back at home but to me, Sierra's the only love that I have. She means the world to me and I want to win for her so we can both have a better life.

She was then shown chopping a coconut in half.

Maddie: I can picture this as James's head right now.

Maddie then unrolled the paper and read the next clue.

Maddie (confessional): But I need to stay focused right now. I have a game to win. I know I said I didn't want to find the immunity idol but at this point, desperate times call for desperate hunting. I need to adapt to my current situation by taking my fate into my hands.

Maddie: Clue #2 – Day 34. The idol is located under somewhere blank. Blank?

She then compares it with the first clue.

Maddie: Somewhere blank, under your nose.

Maddie (confessional): Then I remember something, if I had read the clue where the clue was. At Exile Island, we have this giant skull and at the top of it is where the flag is and the clues to the immunity idol are. The skull is white which in most cases means blank. Also said under your nose. The skull has a nose. So I quickly put 2 and 2 together and I think I know where the idol is.

Having an idea where the idol is, Maddie snatched up the machete and went in front of the skull where the nose was. She then started digging through the ground underneath. She kept going until she hit something hard.

Maddie: Is that it? Did I get it?

She then dug around the area that she hit and it appeared to be box shaped. She then lifted it up.

Maddie: I think this is it.

Maddie opened the box and inside was indeed the hidden immunity idol. Upon realizing this, she started getting emotional again.

Maddie: This is what's going to keep me in this game. I'm so proud of myself.

Maddie (confessional): I couldn't believe it. I had found the immunity idol with only 2 clues. James made a big mistake sending me here and I'm going to personally make sure that it costs him. I guess sometimes it pays to lose. But as much as I want to use this idol now, I need it at final 4 because I know I'll lose at fire making. So now it's just the case of what are my best options?


Neleh was busy talking to Amanda while Ryan left to give them some privacy.

Neleh: I ate snails for the last few days.

Amanda: Were they good?

Neleh: When we were hungry, they were. And this is where we sleep.

Amanda: Wow, must be easier when the days go by.

Neleh: Yeah, the more people go, the more room there is in the shelter so that's always nice.

Neleh (confessional): I was really happy that Amanda was chosen to come back to camp with me. She always talked about how she wanted to see what camp looks like, what the view looks like and she wanted to experience that with me so that made for a nice afternoon.

Neleh: Hey Ryan, do I smell bad?

Ryan was back with some fruit.

Ryan: We all smell bad but Neleh smells the worst from all the work she's been doing.

Amanda: Yeah, she's like that at home as well.

Neleh (confessional): So I think she really enjoyed it. She learned quite a bit just from watching us work and actually wanted to help out.

Amanda was shown chopping one of the coconuts open and drinking out of it.

Amanda: Wow, that does taste good.

Ryan: Trust me, the taste wears off after a while.

All 3 laughed while enjoying themselves.

At the villa, James, Willow and their loved ones were busy looking around. James was mainly just looking at the food they had there.

James: Wow, 3 types of ice cream. I'm having one now, I don't care what anyone says.

Willow joined him and looked at the food in amazement.

Willow: Drinks, pancake mix, that's a lot.

James (confessional): We got to go to this beautiful house in Panama. I am living the dream right now. My dream was to be on a private island while enjoying pizza and what do you know? I'm on a separate island, there were like 4 types of pizza. There was some white wine and beer for Willow and her dad to enjoy while for me and Will, we just sat in the corner with our soft drinks and lemonade. It was like an all you can eat buffet and those are always my scenes.

A short montage was shown of them all eating food.

Miles: Aren't you going to be sick afterwards?

Willow: Yeah but I'll worry about that later.

James then looked in the mirror in shock of how he looked.

James: Wow, I already look homeless.

Will: I never thought you would have lasted out there.

James: Neither did I. I thought i'd end up quitting.

Will (confessional): Looking at James now compared to 34 days ago before he left was just shocking. He looked like he'd just recovered from his first hangover. He looked exhausted. Also I have never seen him with a beard before, so that was a nice surprise.

Willow meanwhile was outside with her father, reflecting on her time out here.

Willow: So Day 1 we were all on 4 tribes with 4 people, I was freaking out. I spent the first 3 days with 3 other people who didn't know what a shelter looked like.

Miles: *Laughs*.

Willow (confessional): This is without a doubt the best reward so far. I'm at a villa, an overnight stay, a ton of food, I got James here with me who's been my best friend throughout this whole thing. And I got to see my father again.

Willow: So by Day 4, I end up on this new tribe. We were in the minority as one of the female's, Chloe left. After that night was when I met James. Us 2 teamed up and stuck together to this point.

Willow (confessional): My father doesn't usually get these sorts of experiences. He's always so busy with work and stuff. It felt good to be the parent in that situation. I was the one telling the stories, I was the one to hug him when he cried.

Miles: Well it looks like you've came a long way.

Willow: Trust me, I have.

Miles (confessional): It was a lot to take in. You know, back at home, Willow was always this rebellious child that acts by her own rules and I started having doubts about her future. But I can see now that she can handle herself just fine. I'm so proud of her.

It was now night time and James and Willow had gone in their bedrooms. James then talked to Will about Exile Island.

James: So I had managed to find the hidden immunity idol on Exile Island.

Will: Oh cool, do you have it? I want to see what it looks like.

James: Nah, had to play it like 4 days ago because I had gotten the most votes. Monty, the biggest physical threat went home. And after that, I won immunity.

Will: You actually won something? What else have you been doing out here?

James: I named a chicken after you.

Will: Oh, I'm shocked. Of course you did. So Willow's your closest ally in this?

James: Yeah, we've been close ever since the second tribal council.

Will: So you think she'll take you to the end?

James: I hope. If she doesn't, well more power to her.

Will: I'll say. Anyone that does take you out, deserves to win this game.

James: Gee, thanks.

Will: I meant it as a compliment, dude.

James: I'm sure you did.

James (confessional): Will and I started to talk about the game and what my best chances of getting to the end are. He got really invested in my game to the point that he thought i'd win no matter who I was up against which I don't know if that is true. But the thought of him expecting me to win this is a bit scary.

James and Will both met up with Willow and Miles outside to chat.

Miles: So are you two looking to go to the end together?

Willow: Hopefully.

James: Yeah, it's been pretty tense out here.

Miles: Who are you guys thinking about taking out next?

James: Probably Maddie, she's the biggest threat right now.

Willow: We're thinking Neleh already found the idol so we just have to make sure neither of them win immunity.

James: That's going to be tough. Neleh's a strong competitor.

Miles: What's the name of that other guy? Ryan?

James: Yeah, I'm a bit uneasy with him but I think he's on our side again.

Miles: Well if what you're saying is true and Neleh does have the idol, wouldn't it be a good idea to take Ryan out instead.

Willow: At the final 4? Probably.

Will: What if those 2 vote together?

James: Neleh will probably try and get one of us out. With Ryan, he's flipped so many times, he's in the best position.

Willow (confessional): It was nice to see my father and James's brother engage in our strategy. I mean, like us, they're also fans of the show so it was nice to hear their input.

It was now getting late and the group all went in to their bedrooms, ready for a good night's sleep.

Will: Looking forward to sleeping in an actual bed after so long?

James: As long as you don't snore through out the night, yeah, i'll be just fine.

Will: No promises. Can you read me a bed time story?

James: I would but the season doesn't air for another couple of months. But hey, it won't be too long.

Will: I hope, I hate waiting.


Ryan and Neleh were watching as Amanda was hard at work.

Neleh: Hey can you get us a coconut real quick?

Amanda: Sure.

Amanda (confessional): After we got up, I've just been going around, helping with the shelter. I want to help Neleh in this game as best as I can. She's been doing this for a while it seems like so she deserves a break. I know i'm not going to be here much longer so I'm using my time as best as I can.

She was then shown handing the coconut to Neleh and Ryan.

Neleh: Thanks babe.

Ryan: Yeah, thanks.

The three of them spent the rest of their time talking. They then saw the boat approaching the beach.

Neleh: Aw, they're coming. I don't want you to go.

Amanda: Stay strong, I believe in you.

The two of them then shared a hug and a kiss.

Amanda (confessional): I am so proud of Neleh. She's grown so much out here. Just to know that she's doing this for our family, that's how much of a pure hearted person she is. I am sad I'm leaving her again but it's okay. I'll see her again soon. She's a hero, she's my hero, she's our boys hero. She's amazing.

Amanda then walked towards the boat. She then waved to Neleh who waved back, tears in her eyes.

Neleh: Bye honey.

Amanda: I love you.

Ryan: See you Amanda!

Amanda then got on the boat. Neleh and Ryan then watched as the boat departed from the island with Amanda looking back.

Neleh (confessional): Having Amanda out here to share some of this experience is has truly helped me out. It has given me enough drive to go and play these last few days as hard and as smart as I can. I want us to have a wonderful life together.

Ryan: I liked her.

Neleh: Yeah, she's amazing.

A couple moments later, another boat approached the island which had Willow and James on it. As the boat reached the beach, those 2 jumped off and returned back to their camp.

Ryan: How was it?

James: Bed was nice, pizza was even better.

Neleh: Listen, thank you so much for what you did for me. Amanda always wanted to see what the camp looked like.

James: No problem.

Neleh pulled James in for a hug.

James: It was a tough call. I am sorry, Ryan.

Ryan: It's fine. Like I said before, one hug is all I need.

James: I do genuinely feel bad for Maddie though.

Willow: Yeah, me too.

Neleh: Makes me wonder why it was her roommate of all people though.

Ryan just sat there, thinking about Maddie and what she told him.

Ryan (confessional): Maddie told me about her tough life and why Sierra's the only one that was there for her. I am sticking to my word and not saying anything about it to anyone. It's for her to share whenever she wants. Still, I hope she's doing okay.

Ryan: Roommate or not, Maddie wanted to spend time with her as much as you wanted to spend time with Amanda so it's justified.

Neleh: I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying, I don't blame James for picking the way he did.

James: It was nothing to do with that.

Neleh: She hasn't really opened up about her family life like the rest of us have.

James: I mean, she didn't have to.

Ryan: Can we just move on from this? This is just unnecessary.

Willow: I agree. Let's just carry on with the day.

Later in the day, Neleh and Willow were by themselves while James and Ryan were off collecting firewood.

Neleh: Ryan has back-stabbed every single person in this game. I wouldn't put it past James to take him over you.

Willow: He has been in the middle a lot.

Neleh: And if Maddie and I get voted out, there's a strong chance the other person will have the immunity idol. So unless you win the immunity necklace, you're looking at a 4th place finish right now.

Willow: What are you trying to say exactly? Me join you guys and vote the other 2 off?

Neleh: It's just a thought. But Maddie's at Exile right now. So we can continue our conversation after the challenge.

Willow: Alright.

Willow (confessional): Neleh does have a good point. Ryan has a great shot at making it to the end. If I do switch and take him out, it might get some jury votes in my corner. But at the same time, I'm not completely sold on the idea because I don't think final 5 is the move to make it.

Day 36 has arrived and it's time for the next immunity challenge. There were 5 long 20 foot poles in the water, each in different colors.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

The Survivors all arrived at the scene, knowing that this immunity challenge will guarantee themselves a spot in the final 4. They all dropped their stuff next to them as they stood behind the line.

Jeff: We'll now bring in Maddie from Exile Island.

Everyone looked out and saw a boat make it's way to the beach. When it arrived, Maddie jumped off of it and went to join the others.

Jeff: So how was it?

Maddie: It was awesome. The weather was beautiful and relaxing. Way better than the first two times.

Jeff: Okay, it is time to get to today's immunity challenge. First things first, James.

James sadly took off the immunity necklace and handed it back to Jeff who hung it up on to the post.

Jeff: The immunity necklace is back up for grabs. Today's immunity challenge is going to require balance and a steady hand. You are each going to stand on a very small perch on top of a 20 foot pole in the water. On my go, you'll lower a bucket in to the water, take the water collected in the bucket and pour it in to a very narrow bamboo chute. As the bamboo chute fills up with water, it will raise a flag. When the flag is high enough for you to reach, you'll grab it. The first person to raise their flag over their head, wins immunity and is guaranteed a spot in the final 4. That is a 1 in 4 shot at a million bucks. One big rule, your feet are on the perch, your butt, your knees cannot touch the perch. Losers, tribal council tonight, somebody going home. We'll draw for positions and get started.

Everyone went and climbed up their poles. Once they got their feet on the top of the perch, they all dropped their buckets into the water.

Jeff: For immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final 4. Survivors ready? Go!

Everyone quickly raised their buckets, careful not to spill any water out. Neleh was the first one back up.

Jeff: Neleh first one with her bucket back up. Willow doing a good job.

Willow poured her water and most of it landed in the chute.

Jeff: Your goal is to get water in to that bamboo chute as quickly as you can.

Not many people were lucky due to the size of the chute but kept trying.

Jeff: As the bamboo chute fills up, the flag will raise.

Neleh starting to make some progress as does Willow.

Jeff: Neleh's flag starting to raise, Willow's flag moving a bit. No one else getting any luck.

Ryan then aimed and managed to get his first amount down the chute.

Jeff: Ryan's starting to raise a bit.

Some time passed and everyone was starting to get the hang of the learning curve.

Jeff: Patience and balance is key.

James gets his bucket up and pours, getting some inside the chute.

Jeff: James getting a little bit of water inside the chute.

Willow then got more water in to hers.

Jeff: Willow's flag making more progress. Neleh doing a nice job.

Neleh was quick to get her bucket back in the water, hoping to beat Willow.

Jeff: It is pretty even right now. Neleh and Willow, neck and neck. Maddie not making any progress.

Maddie was getting water everywhere as she was starting to wobble on the perch.

Jeff: Willow has a bit of a lead right now over Neleh and Ryan.

Neleh then made another nice pour into her chute, raising her flag higher towards her.

Jeff: Neleh now quickly catching up.

Neleh: Come on...

Ryan was starting to make more progress with his flag.

Jeff: Ryan now in this, his flag raising some more.

Willow's flag was getting closer to her and had a small lead on Neleh's flag.

Jeff: Willow getting closer to that flag, immunity getting closer for her. But Neleh's flag also making ground, can she catch up in time?

After her next pour, Willow checked to see if she could grab her flag.

Jeff: Is it close enough for Willow? No! Not close enough for Neleh either.

Both Willow and Neleh's flags were still out of their reach as they raced to gather more water.

Jeff: One or two more buckets could do it.

Willow then got more water and poured it straight down to her chute.

Jeff: Willow right there, getting closer and closer to having that necklace around her tonight.

Neleh was starting to panic now as she tried to get more water.

Jeff: Neleh not giving up, her flag looks to be almost high enough.

James then stopped to watch, hoping Willow could pull it out.

Jeff: James now stops to watch. Willow's almost there, she's reaching for the flag.

Willow tries her best to reach her flag while Neleh was raising her flag up some more.

Jeff: Neleh now reaching for her flag.

Neleh still wasn't able to reach hers in time. Willow got her flag by her fingers and lifted it. She then raised the flag above her head.

Jeff: Willow wins immunity!

Willow: Hell yeah!

She then does a back flip from her perch, in to the water to celebrate. Neleh sighed, knowing that this was the one challenge she had to win.

James: Good job, Willow!

Everyone then dived in apart from James who just took the ladder down.

James: I can't emphasize enough how much I'm scared of heights.

They all then swam back to the docks where Jeff reached for the immunity necklace.

Jeff: Willow, come on over.

Willow then walked over to Jeff who put the necklace around her neck.

Jeff: Congratulations, that was another close match. Willow is safe at tribal council. Neleh, Ryan, James, Maddie, for one of you, your game will come to an end tonight. Head on out, I'll see you at tribal.

The Survivors all walked back to camp in their damp clothes, going to prepare themselves for tribal council.


Everyone arrived back at camp, eager to dry off after another water challenge.

Willow: *Sigh*, well that was fun.

James: Not for me, I almost wet myself!

Willow then kissed the necklace before hanging it up at the shelter.

James (confessional): I was thrilled that Willow won immunity. That leaves Maddie and Neleh both vulnerable. Now we just have to play our cards right and hope that the one we're voting for, doesn't have the idol.

Later that day, Maddie and Neleh both went further down the beach, away from the others to talk.

Neleh: Please tell me you found it.

Maddie reached in to her pocket and pulled the immunity idol.

Neleh: Oh my God, you're awesome!

The two then hugged it out but then realized they were in a bit of a bind.

Maddie: Who are they going to vote for though?

Neleh: I don't know. We need to make sure the right person has the idol.

Maddie (confessional): So as soon as we got back to camp, I immediately tell Neleh that I have the immunity idol. It looks exactly like the ones that James and Ryan played so I'm certain that this one is the real deal. And she was talking about making sure the right person has it so we can play it. As much as I like that plan, there's still going to be 2 others on that side and that's enough to force a tie.

Maddie: Or, we could keep the idol for another round, have one of them vote with us and we'd be good.

Neleh: I'm sorry but I don't think anyone is going to vote with us.

Maddie: Willow seems to be our best chance to vote for Ryan. Have you made progress with her?

Neleh: I've put up some pretty good arguments but I still don't think she's sold on the idea. I told her that you could talk to her later.

Maddie: Right, I think I can do that.

Maddie (confessional): In Survivor, if there is a tie in the final 4, the tiebreaker's fire making. And I have no idea how to make fire. Willow and Neleh are the only ones out of the 5 of us that can make fire. So if I make it past this vote with the immunity idol still in my pocket, not only do I make the final 4, but my immunity idol gets me to the final 3. And if those 2 vote for Neleh and myself and Neleh vote for James, Neleh's got this one in the bag. I finally get out my arch nemesis and I increase my chances of getting to the end.

Neleh: If we can pull this off, we'd be set.

Maddie: Yeah, this will be a million dollar conversation.

Willow and Maddie were beside each other, eating rice before the sun started to set when Maddie started the conversation.

Maddie: So I was planning to speak to you about a couple of things.

Willow: Yeah, I was curious to see what your pitch was.

Maddie: So, I don't want to go home tonight, obviously. And I'm sure you've noticed that Ryan is a great person to take to the end. If someone is going to get taken to the end over you if you don't win the last immunity, then that person is your biggest threat.

Willow: More so than you or Neleh? Because I still don't know if you or her have the immunity idol and that thing's powerful.

Maddie: Alright, well I might as well see if we can work something out here.

Willow was then taken back when Maddie showed her the immunity idol.

Maddie: This look like the one James showed you?

Willow: Sure does. Wow, i'm impressed.

Maddie: So here's my offer. Me and Neleh are going to write down Ryan's name tonight. If you vote with us and get him out, that let's me keep the idol. Now, I don't know if there's going to be another chance to even find it. So, if you vote Ryan out with us, I want to make sure I'm safe no matter what. So if I win immunity tomorrow, I will give you the idol which will guarantee you make it to final 3.

Willow: Wow, that's quite the bargain.

Willow (confessional): So right now, I have quite a bit of power because I won immunity and I have my options of what side to take. Going with Maddie is actually tempting because I'd be increasing my odds of actually making the final 3.

Maddie: And if you vote for Neleh and she goes home, I still have the idol which I can keep for myself. And I don't think James and Ryan are going to turn on each other and are going to vote you out for being the biggest physical threat.

Willow: That is true. Ryan has set himself up really well.

Maddie: I know that you like to gamble, you've done it twice in this game now. And you have the best chance at winning that final 3 immunity challenge if you're up against me. Because I've won a car in this game, that's it. James and Ryan have both been on plenty of rewards so they have a good chance at this.

Willow: Right, so that's your deal?

Maddie: I'm laying it out on the table. If you vote to keep me here, if I win immunity at final 4, I promise i'll give you the idol. I know you have a lot to think about so I'll give you some space.

Willow: Thank you for talking to me.

Maddie: No problem.

It was now getting closer and closer to night time and Ryan pulled his alliance aside to discuss who they're voting for.

Ryan: Did you get anything useful from her?

Willow: Yeah, it turns out that Maddie has the immunity idol.

James: You're kidding?

Willow: I'm serious, she showed me it, looked like the same one that you played.

James: So we vote for Neleh then?

Ryan: Wait, maybe Maddie wants that to be the plan. If she showed you the idol, maybe she's trying to bluff us.

James: Fair point.

Willow: Should we take the risk?

Ryan: I think we should. Maddie's getting way too much power in this.

James: Plus voting her out because she gave away immunity would just be hilarious. Probably would go down as the dumbest move this season.

Willow: Compared to everything Sabrina's done? Yeah.

James: So let's keep going forward, let's make to final 4.

Ryan: To final 4.

Ryan (confessional): I'm pretty nervous going in to this vote. My name hasn't been coming up for a while. And if we do vote the right person, the other one still has the idol for final 3 so I may have to flip my vote one more time when that happens to make sure I get there. We're in the endgame stage now, it's time for this war to end.

Willow (confessional): So going in to tribal council, I'm a little bit on the fence. Because that immunity idol would be so useful because I know those 2 are just going to vote James instead. So if I can get that idol, give it to James and if they do vote for me, I still have a better shot at fire making. If I could make that happen then that would be a great move for my resume. But we'll just have to see what happens. Can I trust Maddie or is she really just being desperate?


With tribal councils happening daily now, the players all know that the end is near and they're going to have to stay on their toes if they want to make it to the end. With this in mind, they all arrived at the area again and set their torches and their stuff down, ready to get things underway.

Jeff: We'll now bring in the members of our jury.

Everyone looked to their left and saw the first 4 jurors enter one at a time.

Jeff: Sandra, Rita, Monty, and Sabrina voted out at the last tribal council.

Jeff: James, let's talk about the loved one challenge. Was that a tough dilemma, being in charge of allocating the love?

James: It was brutal for me to have to do that. But obviously my priority was my brother and getting to spend time with him. Willow has had my back this entire game and I thought I owed it to her for picking for me to go on that terrifying helicopter ride.

This got a laugh out of some people. Jeff then turned to Neleh.

Jeff: Neleh, how'd it go with your wife back at camp?

Neleh: It went great, she was thankful for the experience she got. We're both fans of this show and she was thrilled to get to see what your typical survivor beach looked like. And it really meant a lot when she said I was her hero and that she was proud of me for what I was doing. It was something I'll never forget.

Jeff: Willow, you were open about wanting to see your father for a long time at the challenge. And now, you have the immunity necklace so is it safe to say that these last couple of days were some of your best?

Willow: Absolutely. Him getting to see just what I've been through out here was a magical moment. And now I'm one step closer to changing our family's life so it was just unbelievable. Couldn't ask for anything more.

Jeff: James, let's talk about what happened after the immunity challenge because at the last 2 tribals, you were safe. Now you have a chance at going home after so long. Is it stressful having to constantly fight for your place in this game?

James: I was terrified knowing that these people were out to get me. I mean Maddie in particular was vocal about wanting me out. But to me, it just becomes more fun. You can look at it anytime you want. She considers me a threat, I consider her a threat so it all evens out.

Jeff: So Maddie, why is James a threat?

Maddie: He has done the best job when it comes to jury management. He's good at putting on a show so the jury already has a good idea of his game so that way when it comes to Day 39, he doesn't have to even say anything because he's shown what he is capable of.

Jeff: And James, same question, why is Maddie a threat?

James: Maddie has been able to overcome astronomical odds coming in to the merge. She's the last one remaining out of the Casaya alliance and has made a couple of pretty bold moves to get herself here. Plus, if you look at her chances in the final 2, she's a great shot to win.

Jeff: Neleh, who can you trust in this stage of the game?

Neleh: It's hard for me to trust anyone fully, it's just that I trust some people more than I trust others right now.

Ryan: But Neleh, you destroyed that trust when we merged. You had no problem voting me out.

Neleh: Had I stuck with ya'll 3, I would have been number 4 and if any of you would like to deny that in front of each other then feel free.

Neleh took the silence as her response and signaled Jeff to continue.

Jeff: What about you Willow? What do other people usually see in you?

Willow: Jeff, with me, what you see is what you get. I'm just a girl that loves adventure and taking risks.

Jeff: And do you feel like you are taking a risk tonight?

Willow: Tonight yes, I am taking a risk. I've talked to my group and we've agreed on who we're voting for.

Jeff: And what's the risk in that?

Willow: Well, it could backfire. There have been other people who have taken risks and got voted out because of it. So I made sure that all my risks were justified so I could stay in this game longer.

Jeff: Ryan, do you think you have a chance to win this game?

Ryan: My chances are definitely lower than everyone else's. And my actions in this game have caused bridges to be burnt. But part of that has been my gameplay, being reckless so people do take me to the end and some of the blood ends up on their hands instead of mine.

Jeff: Maddie, how worried are you, being 3 days away from the end, is it just making you more nervous that you may not have what it takes to win?

Maddie: I do feel somewhat uneasy tonight. I have voted incorrectly every single tribal council I've been at, and that's not exactly a good look for me. But dominant games aren't always the best games. We've seen that season after season where the jury is always expected to look at the most basic, under the radar game. But every jury member sitting over there has their own criteria and if you know that criteria and you can tick more boxes than the person sitting next to you, well that's called best gameplay.

Rita smiled and nodded at this which Maddie noticed.

Jeff: Okay, let's get to the vote. Willow has the individual immunity necklace, you going to keep it?

Willow: Sure am.

Jeff: And the hidden immunity idol can still be played either tonight or tomorrow's tribal council. If somebody has it and they're going to use it, you'll use it after the vote. It is time to vote, James, you're up.

James got up and walked towards the voting booth. He wrote down Maddie's name for the first time and showed it to the camera.

James: That speech you just made perfectly summarizes how dangerous you are and why I need you gone.

He then put his vote in the urn and went back to sit down. Neleh then walked up to the urn and was praying that her name didn't come up. It was now Maddie's turn as she wrote down Ryan's name.

Maddie: I value your friendship more than anything in this game, but voting you out is my only shot at staying.

It was now Ryan's turn, knowing this vote was going to be a tough one. After he cast his vote, he went back to sit down. Willow was now the last person up. When she reached the booth, she paused, realizing her position and got nervous. Shots of Maddie and Ryan were shown as Ryan turned to James.

Ryan *whispering*: Why is she taking so long?

James shrugged at this, not sure himself. Willow then made her decision as she showed the camera but it wasn't revealed who her vote was for.

Willow: This is probably my biggest gamble in this game. But I see it as my best chance of making it to the end. I'm sorry.

She then went and sat down.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

Shots of Willow, Ryan and Maddie were all shown. Jeff then returned with the votes.

Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff took the the lid of the urn as he took out the first vote.

Jeff: First vote, Maddie.

Maddie nodded her head while Neleh patted her on the back.

Jeff: Ryan. 1 vote Maddie, 1 vote Ryan.

Ryan was slightly surprised that he was the one that got voted for. James was shown to also be shocked but was also relieved.

Jeff: Ryan, 2 votes Ryan, 1 vote Maddie.

The jury was shown watching, not quite sure what was going to happen.

Jeff: Maddie, we're tied. 2 votes Ryan, 2 votes Maddie, 1 vote left.

Different thoughts were going on in everyone's minds as the last vote was pulled from the urn.

Jeff: 12th person voted out of Survivor: Exile Island...

Jeff paused for a bit, letting the suspense build up before showing the last vote.

Jeff: ... Ryan.

Ryan's eyes widened as he looked a the ground in disbelief. Sabrina was shown to be happy as she thought he got what he deserved.

Jeff: Unless you have the hidden immunity idol, you need to bring me your torch.

Ryan got up and gathered his things, not sure what happened or why it happened. James was shaking his head, trying to process what just happened. Ryan then placed his torch in front of Jeff.

Jeff: Ryan, the tribe has spoken.

Ryan then sighed at his torch getting snuffed. He turned back to the others before leaving.

Ryan: Good luck guys.

As he left, Sabrina held up her middle finger at him. Maddie and Neleh both turned to each other and was shown to be happy. Jeff then turned to the group.

Jeff: Well, the 4 of you have made it a long way in this game. There are 3 days left until the final tribal council and now more than ever, the ability to adapt, moment to moment, is what's going to get you there.

Jeff then paused for a bit with the other 4 curious as to what he meant.

Jeff: We are going to test that right now.

Everyone was now shocked and nervous, not knowing what Jeff had in store for them. The jury were also surprised and somewhat excited.

Jeff: Tonight, you will not be heading directly back to camp. We have more business to attend to here.

The group all looked at each other. This was unusual and definitely not traditional for Survivor. The camera then zoomed out of the tribal council as the typical credits were shown.

Jeff: Next time on the season finale of Survivor! James still recovers from the aftershocks of tribal council.

James (confessional): My head is just spinning and it hasn't stopped since last night.

Jeff: And his alliance with Willow is on the brink of ending.

Willow: The last thing I want is for you to be mad at me.

James: You just sunk my game. How are we supposed to make it to the end now?

Jeff: But can they recover in time to defeat the other duo?

Maddie (confessional): Now I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot in the final 3. Now all I have to do is to make sure Neleh gets there as well so I can increase my chances at winning.

Jeff: And with 4 people left, the immunity challenge is a big one.

A preview of the challenge was shown which looked to be a large set up and the 4 remaining players were all intimidated by it.

Neleh: Wow...

Jeff: Who will make it to Day 39? And who will the jury vote to be the Sole Survivor.

Shots of each of the 5 jury members were shown.

Final words.

Ryan: I guess I should have just voted off Willow when I had the chance. Because after that, I was pretty much screwed whatever would have happened because Maddie or Neleh would have had the idol and Maddie most likely would have played it. But I am proud of myself for going as far as I did. I've escaped getting my torch snuffed countless times and managed to find myself in the middle for a lot of the game. I think I've proved a lot during my time out here. I am hoping either James or Maddie wins, they deserve it the most in my opinion.


Maddie = Ryan

Neleh = Ryan

Willow = Ryan

James = Maddie

Ryan = Maddie

5th place: Ryan

6th place: Sabrina

7th place: Monty

8th place: Rita

9th place: Sandra

10th place: Noah

11th place: Jordan

12th place: Scott

13th place: Herbie

14th place: Monica

15th place: Chloe

16th place: Daniel

Authors note: So, it looks like Ryan has officially been eliminated. I know that whatever would have happened, he would have went home. It was just a case of if Maddie managed to get Willow to vote with her. Ryan was a joy to watch. Him constantly fighting himself from the bottom to making sure Casaya won those last 2 immunity challenges were some of my favorite moments of the pre merge. And him during the early stages of the merge was also fun. But over the last couple of votes, he slowly started to wear off on me. So I decided it was the right time to give him the boot. He was more fitting to be in the family episode than Sabrina was so that was why he lasted longer than her. But anyways, these 4 were always planned to be the final 4 ever since the merge, that has been my plan.

I'm also going to make sure that these last 3 episodes are my best yet. Because after all, I want to finish this season better than I started it a couple of months back. And while I know the Reunion show isn't as important to some people as the finale is, I want it to be just as special and to be a fitting end to an otherwise great season.

Just so you guys know, I'm currently working on the part 1 of the finale. I've gone as far as the beginning of the final 4 immunity challenge. So, hopefully by next week, I'll have that episode up. And one more thing, there will be a few changes from the original season to this one. Most of those changes will be in part 2 though. So at the end of part 1, I'll list some changes that you guys can expect to see in 3 days time. But anyways, until next time guys, see you whenever!

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