Survivor Panama: Exile Island

De Misfit298

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16 Castaways are marooned for the next 39 days on Panama. However, a new twist will turn strategy on it's hea... Mais

Episode 0: Cast Profiles
Episode 1: The First Exile
Episode 3: Domino Effect
Episode 4: Game of Life
Episode 5: A Grueling Treasure Hunt
Episode 6: The Invisible Target
Episode 7: Recap: The First 18 Days
Episode 8: Let the War Begin
Episode 9: Flip the Script
Episode 10: Gambling with Safety
Episode 11: Island Fever
Episode 12: Cold Blooded
Episode 13: It Pays to Lose
Episode 14: Million Dollar Challenge
Episode 15: Million Dollar Vote.
Episode 16: Reunion Show + Voting Confessionals
Bonus: Life at Ponderosa

Episode 2: Last Picked, First Safe

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De Misfit298

Well, here's episode 2. I had to change a couple of things from my original plan to make the story better. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it because I think this episode will really set the stage for things to come in future episodes. So, let me know what you think! Also i'm thinking about releasing these episodes weekly just like in the original Survivor but if i'm feeling nice, I may release one a day or 2 early. We'll see.

But anyway, I'll shut up now, here's episode 2 of Survivor Panama: Exile Island.

Current teams.










La Mina.











Jeff: Previously on Survivor. 16 Castaways began their adventure as 4 tribes.

The scene was shown of Jeff telling the Castaways about Exile Island.

Jeff: The tribes immediately faced off in their first reward challenge.

Jeff was then shown telling the tribes about the first Exile.

Jeff: Their race to find 3 amulets where the 2 male tribes finished first. While Sabrina made a lasting first impression.

Neleh: The next time I see her, she'd better watch out.

Jeff: After Casaya lost, Sandra became the first person Exiled. And a secret of Exile Island was revealed.

Jeff was then shown revealing the power of the hidden immunity idol.

Jeff: At Casaya, despite being a member down, they stayed in high spirit thanks to Neleh's leadership.

Neleh: It's like the 4th of July fireworks. Sparks were going everywhere, it was great.

Jeff: At Viveros, things were less productive and Daniel had his sights set on James.

Noah: Here's hoping it doesn't rain tonight.

Daniel: If we lose, I want him out first.

Jeff: And Bayonetta were a tribe divided.

Willow: Rita and I have a lot in common, most importantly, we both don't like Sabrina.

Maddie: How do I make it from Day 1 to Day 39.

Jeff: As for La Mina, their camp thrived and Jordan started going to work on his game. And Scott was on edge.

Jordan: My plan is to play the most strategically dominant game the franchise has seen.

Scott: I would kill for a smoke right now.

Jeff: Alone on Exile Island, Sandra toughed it out.

Sandra: I've barely been able to get any sleep. I managed to get some food here but it's just not enough.

Jeff: And with her newly raised spirit, she helped Casaya win the challenge.

Jeff: Casaya win Immunity!

Jeff: La Mina win Immunity!

Jeff: Bayonetta win Immunity!

Jeff: Viveros going to tribal council.

Jeff: Back at camp Daniel was unwavering.

Daniel: We still sticking to the plan about voting James off?

Noah: Sure.

Jeff: However, Noah, wanting to build trust with James, had a plan to get rid of Ryan.

Noah: Daniel votes for you, you and me vote for Ryan and I know this sounds crazy but if you could, try and get Ryan to vote for me. That way we can get him out instead of it going to a tie.

Jeff: James on the other hand, knew what was going on and at tribal council, worked with Ryan to get rid of Daniel, the team's strongest member.

Jeff: Daniel, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: 15 are left, who will be voted out tonight?


The episode opened up with Viveros coming back from tribal council only to be greeted with a storm.

Noah (confessional): So tribal council was... interesting to say the least. Ryan was supposed to go however James flipped his and Ryan's vote to get rid of Daniel. All that tells me is that James can't be trusted. And to make matters worse, we have to come back to this cruddy shelter with a storm on the horizon. So, it's not fun.

Ryan (confessional): So, I decided to vote off Daniel because I wanted James to know he can trust me and I didn't want to risk going to rocks. But now we've got this storm and I'm not sure if any of us are going to survive to see Day 4.

Meanwhile at Bayonetta, the girls are facing the same problem.

Willow (confessional): Well the update is that we're facing a torrential downpour and none of us can sleep. And to add to that, the rain is practically smacking us from both sides because we don't have anything covering the left and right of our shelter.

Sabrina: Ugh, come on! I need my beauty sleep!

Willow (confessional): I still haven't decided what's more annoying, the storm or Sabrina's voice. It's close though, not sure how close but it's close. So, it's a little bit of bad luck. This beach breathes bad luck...

After Willow finishes, lightning strikes which knocks the camera over.

Over at Casaya, their shelter, while strong still wasn't enough to stand against the storm.

Chloe: I swear to god if the sun doesn't come up soon.

Neleh: We'll just have to get more leaves tomorrow.

To everyone's relief, the sun did come up. It was now Day 4. Over at La Mina, Scott was just sitting by himself.

Scott: New day, same crap.

Scott (confessional): I'm used to smoking whatever at least 3 or 5 times a day, and I have not had even a cigarette for 4 Days now. I don't know how much longer I'll last before going insane.

Herbie: Hey Scott, move your ass and come and help me!

Scott rolled his eyes as he slowly got up to go to Herbie.

Back over at Bayonetta, Maddie and Rita were using a long stick to get fruit. They managed to get a coconut.

Maddie: Yes!

Rita: Good job! You want to just drink this now?

Maddie: Sure, I've been dying.

Maddie (confessional): I mean yeah, it's just one coconut but it's enough and I'm thirsty, and anyway I need to focus on making those stronger bonds so I decide to share it with Rita.

Rita: Thanks, I needed that.

Rita (confessional): Maddie doesn't do much but when she does do something, it helps the team out a lot. Makes me wary about what her game is here.

Sabrina was taking a nap, not doing much around camp. Willow came back with a couple of Papayas in hand.

Willow: Are you going to help us?

Sabrina: Do I need to?

Willow: I mean, it'd be nice.

Sabrina: Listen, I ain't nice, you can handle getting some food by yourself, it isn't hard.

Willow: If it isn't so hard then what's the problem with helping.

Sabrina: I lost my sleep thanks to that storm, I'm exhausted.

Willow: Well so are the rest of us, yet you don't see us laying around, complaining.

Sabrina: Well I guess I'm different.

Willow: Clearly (walks off.)

Sabrina (confessional): I could care less about what Willow thinks. I'd be surprised if she has any friends at home if she talks to everyone like that.

At Casaya, the 4 team members sat across to each other with a piece of papaya in their hand.

Monica: Cheers to a great team!

Chloe: Cheers!

Sandra: Cheers!

After they finish, they all leave, except for Neleh who was staring at the sunset.

Neleh (confessional): You know, I'm thinking about everything I'm missing right now. I miss my wife, I miss my kids, but I know I'm doing this for them. I've never spent this much time away from them and I want it to be for a reason. This game is a lot tougher than I thought it would be but at the same time, I've dealt with worse.

Monica came to sit next to her as they both put their arms around each other for a hug.

Neleh (confessional): I'm missing out on so much right now. It is crazy that I'm doing this to myself. I'm on a tribe that supports each other. We all look out for each other and that's a good feeling, it's just not the same feeling.

Back at La Mina, Scott was just sitting around again, bored out of his mind.

Scott (confessional: I mean back in my life it's just busy but it's fun at the same time. It's just annoying when you have nothing to do.

Scott was seen just rolling around on the sand. Herbie was watching with a confused look on his eyes.

Herbie (confessional): I don't know what's up with Scott. Half the time I think about how many insane asylums he must have escaped from, the other half I think about if he's even human or just some creature from Mars. I don't know, he's weird.

All the contestants then went out to where Jeff was waiting for them. In front of him were 15 disks.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

The castaways then entered the area, onto their mats. Viveros arrived a moment after the other teams.

Jeff: Everyone taking their first look at the new Viveros tribe, Daniel voted out at the last tribal council.

There were a couple surprised faces but everyone stayed calm, after all, they didn't know the other teams very well.

Jeff: Alright, let's get to it. Everybody take a spot on a disk. Men on the light disks, women on the dark disks. Your choice, find one you like.

Everyone wandered around for a bit until they were all on a disk.

Jeff: Ok, everybody take a step back and flip over your disk, if you see a buff, pick it up.

Everybody flipped their disks. Monty found an orange buff while Rita found a purple buff.

Jeff: Monty over here to the left, Rita over here to the right.

After they followed his instructions, Jeff revealed the big twist.

Jeff: 4 tribes are about to become 2 tribes.

There were a lot of shocked and disappointed faces as most people were fine with their original teams.

Jeff: Monty you are the first member of La Mina. Rita, you are the first member of Casaya. We are going to do a schoolyard pick. Doesn't matter who goes first because a woman has to pick a man, a man has to pick a woman therefore ladies first, Rita, you are picking a man.

Rita: Um... guy with the beard, Noah?

Noah: That's the name. Yay, first picked.

Jeff then tosses a purple buff to Noah and tosses a bag of buffs to Rita.

Jeff: Noah, get rid of your old buff, put that one on. Monty, you're picking a Woman.

Monty: Neleh.

Neleh: How'd you know my name?

Monty: You did good last challenge, how could I not.

Neleh: Fair enough.

Jeff then tosses an orange buff to Neleh and the bag to Monty.

Jeff: Noah, you're picking a woman.

Noah: Anyone you want?

Rita: I mean I want Maddie, she's the girl in red but it's your choice.

Noah: Well I don't want Rita to be alone so I'm picking Maddie.

Jeff: Maddie, now a member of Casaya. Neleh, you're picking a man.

Neleh: Guy in the grey hoodie.

Jordan: Good eye.

Jeff: Jordan becomes a member of La Mina. Maddie.

Maddie: Um... Ryan is it?

Ryan: Yep.

Noah was not happy about this choice.

Jeff: Ryan, relieved he's not last picked. Jordan.

Jordan: Girl in the rainbow hoodie.

Jeff: Willow, go ahead and join La Mina. Ryan, now choosing a woman.

Ryan: Girl that went to Exile Island, Sandra.

Sandra: Thank you.

Jeff: Sandra remains a member of Casaya. Willow.

Willow: Scott.

Jeff: Scott becomes a member of La Mina. Sandra, your choice.

Sandra: Guy in the hat and glasses.

Jeff: Herbie joins Casaya. Scott, your choice, choosing a woman.

Scott: Sabrina.

Sabrina: Took you long enough.

Willow slowly closes her eyes in annoyance. Neleh was trying not to seem too annoyed.

Jeff: Sabrina becomes a member of La Mina. All right, we have 3 people left, for your last choice it can be any gender, Herbie it's your pick.

Herbie: Girl in pink.

Jeff: Monica becomes the last member of Casaya. Sabrina you are now picking the last member of La Mina and you are basically telling the other guy that nobody wants them.

Sabrina: Chloe, she looks strong.

Jeff: Chloe goes to La Mina. And that leaves James without a tribe.

James: Story of my life. I'm my own tribe.

Jeff: So how tough would it be to go home 4 days in?

James: It would suck because like I said, I want to do more.

Jeff: Well not only are you not going home...

James breathes a sigh of relief and puts his hands on his knees.

Jeff: You, out of all 15 are the only person guaranteed to be safe at the next tribal council.

James: Oh, hell yeah, thanks guys!

The other castaways were not happy about this.

Jeff: However, you will be spending the next 3 days at Exile Island.

James: Oh... that's less fun.

Jeff: You won't return back to this game until the next tribal council at which point you will sit in and listen.

James: Oh... cool.

Jeff: After that tribe has voted somebody out, you will replace that person as the new member of their tribe and will be back in this game. In addition, there's still a hidden immunity that may or may not be out there. Theoretically, Sandra may have already found it.

Sandra: I swear, I don't have it James.

Jeff: Alright James, head out, the boat's waiting for you. You'll have flint waiting for you so you can make fire.

James left as some people cheered him on, wishing him good luck. After he left, Jeff turned to the other teams.

Jeff: Okay, 2 tribes. La Mina in orange, Casaya in Purple. Shall we get to today's reward challenge?

After their response, Jeff turned to the challenge set up.

Jeff: For today's challenge you are going to race through an obstacle course, collecting 6 wooden snakes along the way. 1 member of your tribe is responsible for carrying all 6 snakes throughout the obstacle course.

Shots of the wooden snakes were shown.

Jeff: On my go, you'll make your way to the first station where you will collect your first 2 snakes. Once you have those, you'll crawl under a fence, over a 12 foot A frame wall. You'll make your way under the bamboo crawl and grab 2 more snakes. You now have 1 person carrying all 4 snakes. You then go across a wooden ladder bridge. If you fall of the bridge, you got to go back to the start and go again. For the last phase, go through the water and into a pit of leaves where you must find the last 2 snakes. The first tribe to cross the finish line with all 6 snakes, win reward. Want to know what you're playing for?

Everyone: Yeah.

Jeff uncovers the table to reveal...

Jeff: Fishing gear!

Both tribes cheered at the site of the gear.

Jeff: In addition, waiting for you back at camp is 1 raft, the 4 paddles go with it, it should help you try and get some food. Alright, let's take our spots and get started.

The teams took their positions.

Jeff: La Mina, who's going to be your snake wrangler?

Scott put his hand up.

Jeff: Scott, for Casaya?

Ryan put his hand up.

Jeff: Ryan, ok here we go. For reward, Survivors ready? Go!

Both teams raced out to their first station. They hoisted people up so they could reach the snakes.

Jeff: Both tribes, pushing people up quickly. You got to get the snakes untied and 1 person is carrying them.

Sabrina and Neleh untied the first snake and tossed it to Scott.

Jeff: Sabrina and Neleh have their first snake untied for La Mina. Casaya have their first snake.

Ryan then rushes over to pick up the snake. Monty then manages to yank the snake through the ropes. Herbie gets his snake free.

Jeff: Monty has the second snake for La Mina. La Mina can now move on to the second station. Casaya has their second snake, both teams are dead even at this point.

The 2 teams ran through the second station, La Mina starting to pull ahead as they were faster under the barrier but Casaya was able to catch up as they were going through the A frame.

Jeff: Once you have all 7 to the other side, you can go.

La Mina helped everyone through the A frame faster, pulling them in the lead again. Once everyone on their team was on the mat, they could go to where the next 2 snakes were, the bamboo crawl.

Jeff: Go La Mina! Carry those snakes, they'll start to weigh!

Casaya had all their people as Monica was the last one over.

Jeff: Go Casaya! There are 2 more snakes waiting for you to collect on the bamboo crawl, this is where they'll start to get heavier.

La Mina had both their snakes free as Scott was starting to struggle carrying them. Casaya also had their snakes free but were taking more time getting out of the crawl.

Jeff: Both tribes have both of their snakes free. La Mina go! Casaya go! You can see Scott and Ryan struggling with those snakes.

Ryan had a change of facial expressions as he got dragged through the crawl by his team.

Jeff: Both tribes are now on the ladder bridge.

Herbie then trips and falls off.

Jeff: Herbie falls off, he's heading back to the start. This is going to be a challenge for the snake handlers, it's going to be a lot to handle!

Scott took his time which worked out as he made it across with his team.

Jeff: Scott's across, move on!

Ryan was struggling more with this one but his team managed to help him cross the bridge.

Jeff: Ryan's across, go! Last snakes again, we are neck and neck again. Hope you like mud because there's a lot of it.

Monty: I love mud!

La Mina were through the barrier of mud and into the pit of leaves for their last 2 snakes. Casaya were seconds behind, they were looking in the leaves.

Jeff; 2 snakes left, buried in the leaves.

Monty reached in and pulled out on of the snakes.

Jeff: Monty's got his hands on one.

Maddie then called for help as they quickly got their snake out the pit.

Jeff: Maddie has a snake for Casaya. Both teams with one snake left! Who's going to get it first?

Willow: I got it!

Jeff: Willow gets the last snake for La Mina, they got them all. Got to get all 6 across the finish!

All of La Mina cheered as they made their way across the finish.

Jeff: La Mina wins reward!

Scott throws all his snakes to the side and starts screaming at them. He then goes to celebrate with the rest of his team. Casaya were annoyed as they knew they needed that win.

Jeff: Casaya, you worked well together, I don't even think you were out hustled, you just lost. I got nothing for you. You're heading back to Casaya beach, previously the older women's camp. Head on out.

Casaya left with their heads hung in defeat. Jeff then turned to La Mina.

Jeff: La Mina, nice effort. You won yourself a nice reward. Come get it and head on back to La Mina beach, previously the older men's camp.

Everyone clapped as they walked off. Scott, raising their flag in the air in triumph.


Sandra: So, here's the shelter, the water well is over in the forest, our fire is right there. We have an area of rocks over there where you can catch crabs.

Noah: Wow you guys have a nice place here!

Ryan: Yeah, so much better than our place. Our camp was terrible, our fire went out after tribal, the storm knocked our shelter over, it was hell!

The tribe was laughing at Ryan's complaining, except for Herbie who was just off doing his own thing again. Noah was off, trying out the new shelter.

Noah (confessional): Well it was only Day 4 and already the whole gender/age dynamic was completely squashed. I didn't expect it to last that long anyway but still, I'm surprised with the results here.

Maddie: Comfy?

Noah: Very, beats laying down on sand and roots all night.

Noah (confessional): Looking at the numbers here, we have 2 original Viveros, 2 original Bayonetta, 2 original Casaya and we have Herbie who's the odd guy out. We also have to think about James who can end up on our tribe if we lose. So, my scenarios are this, if we win immunity, then Ryan and I could propose an alliance with another duo, giving us the majority.

Noah then looks over at Herbie who was by himself, chopping wood.

Noah (confessional): But if we lose, then I'll have to cut deals to make sure, me, Ryan and Herbie stay. Then we'll have James on our team and we could have an all-male alliance to stick together through the next couple of votes. We'll see what happens.

Sandra was not so happy about the way things turned out at the swap.

Sandra (confessional): *sigh* we have been invaded by these... people.

Rita: I like our name, I like our colour, I like our people. This is going to be fun.

Sandra (confessional): I mean some of the people like Herbie, he's okay. Then we have Ryan who's a bit of a douche.

Ryan is shown trying to open a coconut with his head.

Noah: Careful you don't get concussed!

Monica (confessional): I'm not a fan of this tribe. I've lost Chloe, she was my ally, I lost Neleh, she was my ally. I have Sandra who I barely know anything about because she's been exiled. If we lose, I plan on targeting the younger guys because James being on our tribe means another number for them.

Monica and Maddie walk to the water well to fill up their canteens.

Maddie: So how are you feeling about all of this?

Monica: I'm concerned, I think we both have allies on the other side we can work with when the tribes merge. For now, though, I think we should get the guys out. If James ends up on our tribe, that's another number for them.

Maddie: That is true. Well listen, I'm fine with us working together and going through with the merge. I'm just not sure what the other tribe's motives are, so we'll see what happens and go from there.

Monica: Ok, thank you.

Maddie (confessional): Monica is a smart person, despite the possible language barrier vibes I get from her. She's like me, always thinking about the numbers in this game. So, it'll be interesting to work with her so I can learn more about her tribe.

Maddie: So, what is your tribe like?

Monica: They're mostly the same, I don't know much about Sandra since she's been exiled but the other 2 were good around camp.

Maddie: Right.

Monica (confessional): I know Maddie is trying to get information out of me, so I told her the basics which was there were all the same. I will work with Maddie for now but I know I'll have to get her out sooner rather than later.


Monty: Welcome to Casa La Mina. Make yourselves at home!

Chloe: Wow this place is amazing.

Neleh: Yeah, good job guys!

Scott: Thank Herbie, he was doing most of the work.

Scott (confessional): I'm happy I have more people I can relate to out here. When I was with the older guys all I was thinking of was when I was going to leave. Ever since I got back, that thought hasn't come to my mind once. So, I'm more relaxed now.

Jordan: Nice to have new company here.

Sabrina: Tell me about it, it was so boring back at my camp, I thought I was going to perish.

Neleh: I'm going to explore the area some more, anyone want to come with me?

Willow: Gladly.

Willow (confessional): I'm kinda pissed off right now. When Jeff said it was going to be a tribe swap, my first thought was "oh great, I can be free from Sabrina and I can still get Rita on my team". Well the exact opposite happened, not only did I lose Rita, I'm stuck with Sabrina for at least the next few days, if not until the merge hits.

Neleh: Listen, I feel like an outsider on this tribe. Chloe and I could just as well be the easy votes. But I don't want either of us to go.

Willow: Well you both seem like nice people, if it were up to me, I'd have both of you stay.

Neleh: Well why can't we just get rid of Sabrina? I feel like we'd have a more positive tribe without her.

Willow: Do you have some sort of beef with her?

Neleh: Well, sort off. In the first reward challenge, when it was down to us 2, neither of us found the medallion, we kept going through the pile until there was 1 skull left. We both raced for it and she pushed me to the side, grabbed it, and ran off.

Willow gasped at this.

Willow: Damn, well if it makes you feel any better, I've had to deal with her for 3 days now.

Willow (confessional): Listen, if it were up to me then Sabrina would be out. However, she seems to be getting along with the guys weirdly enough which means they hold the majority.

Neleh: Well thanks for listening to me.

Willow: No problem. And hey, if we lose, I'll make sure it's not you going home.

Willow (confessional): I plan on keeping my word to Neleh as she seems like a great ally for me. But for now, I'm trying to plan my next move and by process of elimination, Chloe's going to be next one gone.

The camera then pans over to Chloe who's just observing things.

Chloe (confessional): It's obvious that the people who stick out the most are myself and Neleh. Everyone else seems to be in the numbers and getting along. So, if we lose, we're pretty screwed here.

Jordan and Monty are seen walking across the beach, to the rock area to collect crabs for dinner.

Jordan: This is perfect, you, me, Scott and Sabrina make up the majority.

Monty: Yeah, who do you think is the weakest of those other 3?

Jordan: Probably Chloe. Not only is she the weakest physically, but she's too quiet for me. She barely talks game with anyone and is too explosive, Neleh and Willow both helped us win today.

Monty: I hear you, man.

He reaches his hand under a rock, only to get pinched by a crab.

Monty: Ow! Damn crab!

Jordan chuckles at this.

Jordan (confessional): I think I'm in the best position in this tribe right now. I have a strong alliance of 4, plus I have 2 shields in Monty and Sabrina going into the merge. I couldn't be happier right now.

Monty (confessional): I ain't got loyalties to no one. What I do have, is my physical strength and my social strength, and that's all I need to win this game. So, Jordan, I wouldn't get to comfy if I were you. Because anything can happen.

Sabrina was relaxing in the shelter, happy about her position in the tribe.

Sabrina (confessional): This is great. I can play these guys like a fiddle and they don't even notice. If we lose then Chloe's gone and Willow will follow suit. These people don't stand a chance.


James was seen unwrapping the clue to the immunity idol. He read the first clue which was what Jeff gave to Sandra verbally. He then read the second one.

James: Clue #2 – Day 4. It is up above the tide line.

He then turned the paper around and it shown a map with a highlighted area of where the idol could be. Before he went out on his hunt, James first went back to try and make fire.

James (confessional): I have a lot of thoughts flowing through my mind right now. First one was holy hell, last picked, first safe. I'm also trying to use as much of my time to look for the immunity idol as I can. But I'm also trying to start fire so I don't get cold.

James was struggling to start a fire as he hadn't had much experience with a flint.

James (confessional): Even though I'm guaranteed at least 5 more days out here, it doesn't help that I could be the easy vote for either team next time we lose. It also doesn't help that the losing team has to have me on their team, like it's a punishment or something.

He then manages to get sparks going when striking against the flint, onto the coconut husk. He then added wood but put it in pieces at a time to not put the fire out. Once he formed a reasonable sized tepee, he surrounded it with plenty of rocks. He then started to dig in the sand where the tide was coming in which he thought was where the idol was.

James (confessional): But I have to push through. This self-doubt doesn't help, especially in a game as stressful as this. I've got a job to do. My main priority is winning this game and I think I can do it.

James: How deep could this thing be buried?

He kept looking but couldn't find anything. He then started to get hungry and saw that it was getting late.

James: Damn, I'll have to look tomorrow, I still got plenty of time.

James then went to sleep so he has enough energy for tomorrow. Unfortunately for him, another storm was approaching and he couldn't sleep because of the noise.

James (confessional): This place is horrible. It's like the devil's lair. Is it traditional to have storms at night in Panama? because I've had to put up with 2 in a row now. This is going to be hell.


James was awake but didn't get much sleep.

James (confessional): My first night here, yeah it was torture. Exile Island is no joke. I'm glad I had the shelter set up from when Sandra stayed here. My fire went out so I was cold the whole night. The only other benefit is that I don't have to worry about sharing my food.

He then thinks about what's to happen at the upcoming tribal.

James (confessional): The fact I get to sit and listen in at the next tribal council is a good way to gather info and first impressions. So, I'm prepared for anything that comes my way so I can use it.


Scott and Neleh decided to try out the teams new fishing equipment.

Neleh: Have you ever used this stuff before?

Scott: I don't think so. But let's give it a try.

Scott (confessional): At the reward challenge yesterday, our team won fishing gear. So, a spear gun, hooks, tackle box, a couple of drop lines, fins and a mask and the raft which was big enough for 2. So Neleh and I decided that today we'd try and catch some fish ready for tomorrows immunity challenge.

Neleh practised using the spear gun which was like a vertical slingshot.

Scott: Careful, that things used for SeaLife only.

Neleh: It's fine, I used to do a lot of swimming back in the day, this'll be fun!

Scott: Alright, you do you.

Those 2 were paddling their raft out into sea, in search for some fish.

Neleh: I'll go search underwater and you can stay here fishing.

Scott: Sure.

Scott (confessional): While I would have rather done something more active than just fishing, she seems like she'd be better at it so I kept calm.

Neleh was swimming and took in the beautiful scenery of the ocean.

Neleh (confessional): The view was absolutely beautiful. That just goes to show you that there ain't an experience quite like this one and you got to make the most of it because you may never get the chance again.

She was doing a good job catching fish and when she caught one, she'd swim back to the beach, put it in a bucket, and swim out again. This went on for a while.

Jordan: How many fish is that now?

Neleh: I think six now?

Willow: Wow, you're a legend.

Neleh: I need a break.

Scott: It's fine, I'll take over.

Neleh (confessional): My goal was to catch 7 fish, 1 for each tribe member but after I caught my 6th, I was exhausted. I need to get in good with my tribe and if being the food provider's the way to do it, then sign me up.

Scott then took the spear gun and set back out with the raft.

Scott (confessional): I wanted to get the hang of using the spear so I practised with it a bit.

As Scott let go, he accidentally flung the spear gun into the sea, losing it.

Scott (confessional): And on my first practise shot, the whole spear flung into the water. That thing was slippery.

Scott tried to dive down to get it but he couldn't find it.

Scott: There was no way in heck I was going to find that spear in an ocean that big. Damn, what was I going to tell the rest of the tribe.

He then returned to the rest of the tribe.

Scott: So, listen guys, I lost the spear.

Monty: What? How?

Scott: I was searching for fish, then I got ambushed by this shark that was about the size of my arm. It was attacking me and grabbed the spear with its big mouth and it slipped from my hand. He then swam off with it. Sorry guys.

Chloe: It's fine.

Scott (confessional): It looked like they bought it. I don't know, I probably should have bitten my arm to make it more believable.

Monty (confessional): Scott's pathetic. Everyone knows that when you get attacked by a shark, just punch it in the nose and it'll swim right off.

Neleh (confessional): A shark? Really? I don't believe that for a damn minute. And what annoys me the most is how relaxed he's being about it. No one gets away from a shark attack relaxed and without any shark bites. What? does he have bullet proof armour too?

Sabrina and Monty were down in the forest.

Sabrina: How the hell could he have lost that spear like that.

Monty: Relax, shark attacks happen.

Sabrina: There wasn't a fucking shark there. What would a shark want with a spear?

Monty: It probably thought it was edible.

Sabrina: How can a thing with blades be edible to a shark. Next thing you tell me it can eat rocks and sand because it thinks they're edible. Maybe the ocean as well.

Sabrina (confessional): Scott's trying to cover his ass by saying a shark attacked him. And the most annoying part is that Monty actually believes him! He is an idiot that needs to go now!


Ryan and Noah were walking together across the beach.

Noah: Listen, no hard feelings about tribal. I just didn't know where your head was at. But I wasn't expecting you to leave.

Ryan: It's fine, that's in the past. We got to stick together to survive this.

Noah: So, what were you thinking.

Ryan: We should probably work with Sandra and Monica.

Noah: Agreed. Rita and Maddie are more sneakier but Maddie keeps to herself a lot. We should probably target her if we lose tomorrow.

Noah: Right, I'll go and talk to Monica.

Noah and Monica were sitting by the shelter, watching the fire.

Noah: So, I was thinking of perhaps forming a secret alliance. You, Me, Sandra and Ryan. That's 4 right there which will give us the majority.

Monica: Oh Okay, but can you trust Ryan?

Noah: For now, yeah, I don't see him screwing me anytime soon. So, who do you want gone?

Monica: Maddie is sneaky. I know Herbie doesn't talk to anyone but he still helps around camp.

Noah: Yeah, make sure you talk to Sandra so we can make it official.

Monica is then seen relaying the alliance back to Sandra.

Monica: So, I managed to get us in an alliance. It's us, Noah, Ryan, that's 4. We control the majority.

Sandra: Ok, who are we targeting first.

Monica. Maddie, she's a social threat that has better connections on the other side.

Sandra (confessional): What is Monica thinking? She drags me into this alliance with people who we've only known for less than a day. She's playing this game too hard and that's worrying me.

Little to their knowledge, Maddie was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Maddie (confessional): I noticed an area that Monica and Sandra go to a lot so I set up a little fort for myself to sort of eavesdrop on their conversation without getting caught. Now that It's confirmed that I can't trust Monica, I need to get her out. But right now, I need time to set up a plan for if we lose. This will be fun.

It was now Day 6 and time for the immunity challenge. Shots of the challenge were shown.

Jeff: Come on in guys!

Both tribes made their way in, taking their first look at the challenge they'll be facing.

Jeff: Ok, how's everybody doing? Scott.

Scott: Pretty good. Our team put the fishing gear to good use. Neleh caught us plenty of fish so we didn't go hungry tonight.

Some of his team were glaring at him for what he did.

Jeff: Casaya how are you doing?

Ryan: Terrible. Some of us didn't sleep well. Others went hungry, but we have enough team spirit to help us win.

Jeff: Ok, let's get to today's challenge. Here's how it works, todays immunity challenge will test your ability to work together. While transporting a giant zombie head from the ocean to the beach. Each tribe has a boat, that boat is anchored to the bottom of the ocean floor with a large wooden box. In addition, each boat has 6 holes filled with rubber plugs.

Shots of the boats were shown with the rubber plugs showing where the holes are.

Jeff: On my go, 5 tribe members will pull out the plugs and begin bailing the water that's now in the boat. The other 2 tribe members jump into the water and start pulling the boat forward by pulling the anchor which is very heavy. Once you get to shore, clip your boat into the hitching post. You must now transport the anchor up the beach, to your finish mat. The first tribe to get their zombie head on the zombie body, wins immunity and is safe from tribal council. The losers will vote somebody off tonight. Alright, let's get started.

The 2 tribes made their way to the start, some had flashbacks of last challenge and how hard that was.

Jeff: For immunity, Survivors ready? Go!

Both tribes quickly got on the boat as the divers went underwater to get the anchors.

Jeff: It is Neleh and Monty in the water for La Mina and Rita and Maddie in the water for Casaya.

Both tribes have their plugs removed as the water started to invade their boats.

Jeff: You're going to have to work together to keep that water off the boat.

The boats started to slowly move but were delayed by the divers having to come up for air. La Mina were slowly pulling into the lead.

Jeff: It is La Mina in the lead right now but they need to make sure their water doesn't drown their boat.

La Mina were trying to get the water out of their boat. Casaya were making steady progress with the boat and their communication.

Jeff: Casaya is now on the move. Can they catch up with La Mina before it's too late?

Casaya started to get a rhythm going as La Mina's boat was starting to get more filled up with water.

Jeff: Casaya now catching up to La Mina. La Mina needs to pick it up because their boat is slowly sinking.

La Mina was now slowing down, Neleh was out of breath. Casaya was now close to passing them. La Mina tried to get their water out and were slowly starting to empty their boat again.

Jeff: Casaya slowly passing La Mina, it is now Casaya in the lead. La Mina had a huge lead and they have blown it.

Casaya was now approaching the shore as was La Mina who were a few seconds behind.

Jeff: Get that anchor to the shore and get that boat flipped in!

The anchor from Casaya was carried in as was the boat which was now heavier due to the water. La Mina was now getting closer to the shore.

Jeff: The boat will get heavier as soon as it is on the sand and still in the water.

Herbie was then trying to clip the boat to the stand but was struggling.

Jeff: La Mina starting to close the gap again! Herbie struggling with that clip.

Herbie then manages to connect the boat.

Jeff: Herbie manages the clip. You now got to carry that anchor to the finish and place that head on the zombie.

Herbie then ran back to his team as they started to carry the crate to the finish. The team carried the anchor while Ryan carried the head.

Jeff: La Mina still has a shot. They've got their chest on land. Casaya, very close to that finish.

Willow then dragged the hook and managed to connect the boat quickly however it was too late as Ryan managed to get the zombie head on the body.

Jeff: Casaya wins immunity!

Their team cheered, relieved that they were all safe. Everyone gathered back to the mats as Jeff gave Casaya the tribal idol.

Jeff: Casaya, that was a massive come from behind win. Your teamwork proved effective. No tribal council for you tonight. Head back to camp and enjoy the night off.

Casaya grabbed their things and headed back, cheering along the way, annoying the other tribe.

Jeff: La Mina, tribal council for you tonight. It's going to cost you guys a member. You'll have the afternoon to figure out who it's going to be. See you tonight at tribal.

La Mina headed back to camp, wondering who they're going to vote off.


Scott was seen staring into the distance.

Scott (confessional): When there's a competition, I don't like to lose. I'm beat right now. I want a cigarette, I want a coffee. I just want something to set my mind straight.

He was then walking back to where Jordan, Monty and Sabrina where talking.

Sabrina: It's agreed. we're voting off Chloe tonight. You in Scott?

Scott: I don't know. I'm struggling out here. I think I might quit.

Monty: Come on man, it only gets better from here.

Scott: I haven't had a smoke in so long. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Sabrina: Hey, if you leave then you're screwing us over. We have to have James on our team after tonight and he's going to be a number for them.

Sabrina (confessional): I'm already annoyed that someone here is going to get swapped out for lazy James. I mean he didn't get picked for a reason, he should have gone home. And now Scott wants to quit? Listen I've already gotten over the whole shark situation. I don't need another reason to want to kick him in the testicles.

Chloe: Hey guys what's going on.

Jordan: Scott wants to quit and we're trying to convince him not to.

Chloe: Oh ok.

She then walks off, making Sabrina more mad.

Sabrina: See, now she's gone off to blab about this to Neleh and Willow. This is why we need you here so you can help us get rid of her.

Neleh and Willow were off to the side talking.

Neleh: So, you promise I'm safe.

Willow: I swear, I'll have your back and when we get back with James then we can convince him to join us. Then we'll go from there.

Neleh: Sounds good.

Chloe then approached the 2.

Chloe: I don't mean to interrupt or anything but I just wanted to let you know that Scott wants to quit and I heard Sabrina berate him for doing so.

Neleh: Typical.

Willow: Wait are you serious that he wants us to vote him off?

Neleh: If he wants to quit then let him quit. That's even better for us.

Chloe (confessional): Just when we thought it was over, Scott wants to quit. You have people begging to stay here. If he wants to quit then let him quit. He already lost us the fishing spear.

Neleh: Well I still want to vote Sabrina off, she's a deva.

Willow: I hear ya, I just don't think we have the numbers.

Chloe: We might as well try though.

Scott was going back and forth on what he wants to do.

Jordan: Listen, I'm sure it's just because you haven't drank much in the last 2 days. Maybe if you drink something then you'll feel better. Trust me, I've smoked before and to me it's mostly the same as drinking water.

Scott: Alright, fine. Maybe I will feel better.

Jordan and Scott then walk back to the rest of the tribe who were all sitting by the fire.

Jordan: Guys, I'd hate to be the type of person bring this up but Scott wants to say.

Scott: I'm really sorry about my whole sanity flip flop today. I think it's just dehydration setting in and if I drink something, I'll feel better. But I do want to try out here. So, I hope you guys forgive me.

Sabrina: And now we have to talk about who we're going to vote off. And this part sucks because whoever we vote out, they're switching with James. So, I just want to do this as honestly as I can. I feel like we need to keep the tribe strong as we can when going into challenges so I'm sorry Chloe but you haven't performed the best so far.

Chloe: Gee thanks.

Sabrina: Well what do you want me to say?

Chloe: I don't want you to say anything because quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing your voice.

Sabrina: What are you talking about? You've never came and talked to me like the guys did.

Chloe: Yeah there's a good reason for that.

Sabrina: Well listen, you need to get over it, stop playing the victim.

Chloe: Victims aren't we all.

Chloe left, leaving Sabrina fuming.

Sabrina: Well she's just sealed her fate.

Neleh (confessional): As much as I want Chloe to stay here, it seems like the damage has already been done and there's nothing I can do.

Chloe (confessional): I've had it up to here with Sabrina's constant Bitching. If I do go home, then at least I don't have to listen to her anymore.

The sun was starting to set as Chloe was sitting by herself, just watching the tide. Neleh then came and sat next to her

Neleh: It's ok, it's just a game.

Chloe: Why does she have to be so brutal?

Neleh: She'll get hers one day, I promise.

Chloe: There's nothing I can do right now.

Willow then approached the 2.

Willow: Hi, can I give you a hug?

Chloe then got up and hugged Willow.

Willow: I feel so awful. I don't like this.

Chloe: It's fine, you have to do what you have to do. I get it.

Chloe (confessional): I knew I stood no chance from when I was the last one picked. I just don't fit in with these people. But I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not just to screw over someone else. It's not right.

It was now time for tribal as everyone grabbed their things and started to head out.

Monty (confessional): We have to keep the tribe strong and to do that, we have to get rid of our weakest link. I'm just worried that Scott is going to suddenly stand up and ask people to vote him out. I mean anything can happen at this point.


La Mina approached the tribal council area and went in the cave. Since this was everyone's first time here, none of them had a torch.

Jeff: Behind each of you is a torch, go ahead and grab one, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual at tribal council because in this game, fire represents your life in this game. As long as you have fire, you are still in the game however once it is gone so are you.

Everyone followed the instructions and after they got their flame, they put their torches back and sat down.

Jeff: We'll now bring in James, from Exile Island.

James entered the area for the second time this game. He placed his torch of to the side and sat down to the left of everyone else.

Jeff: During tribal council, James is just listening in, trying to get engaged in the tribe dynamics. Once the vote is over, he will join this tribe and go back to camp with you guys.

Everyone nodded their heads in acknowledgment.

Jeff: Welcome to tribal council, for most of you, this is your first visit. The only one who's familiar with this place is ironically, the only one that's safe and that's James.

James nodded his head and smiled.

Jeff: So, let's talk about the challenge because it seems that the way Ryan was talking was that they weren't doing too good and you guys had fish last night, yet somehow, they won. Jordan why do you think that is?

Jordan: I guess most of us underestimated how fast the water was going to fill up our boat and we got careless. Then when our boat was sinking more, that slowed us down and cost us.

Jeff: Scott, what happened when you guys got back to camp?

Scott: Well I for one wanted to quit because I felt like I was losing my mind. I told everyone to write my name down, it was just crazy. I just could not get the hang of dehydration and not being able to eat. I quit smoking the day I got here as well so that didn't help.

Jeff: So, is this like a detox for you?

This caused the tribe to laugh.

Scott: It's like this psychotic, bad idea detox. But thanks to some words from my buddy Jordan, I managed to push through it and now I want to stay.

Neleh: But despite that, there are other reasons why Scott has a target on him. For example, he managed to lose our spear gun which meant we couldn't catch fish apart from the ones I caught beforehand.

Scott: That wasn't my fault.

Willow: Right, a shark stole it right from under your nose.

James pulled a confused face at this.

Jeff: Wait, Willow catch me up. What is this about a shark?

Willow: Well Scott told us that the reason he lost the spear was a shark attacked him and stole the spear with its mouth.

Jeff: Wow, a shark attack.

Scott: Yeah and for some reason, these guys don't believe me.

Monty: I don't see why it's unusual. Shark attacks happen all the time.

Jeff: Well either I need glasses or as I can see, Scott seems fine. No bites or anything.

Scott: Well I managed to defend myself with the spear until the shark took off with it.

Jeff: So, you guys have no fish?

Jordan: Not anymore.

Jeff: Chloe, let's talk about what's going on at camp life.

Chloe: Well for the most part, everyone was okay with each other, up until today.

Jeff: What happened today?

Chloe: Well after the challenge, some people weren't afraid to say who they wanted gone.

Jeff: Is that true Neleh?

Neleh: Absolutely. Look, no matter how happy you try to be no matter the situation, it's hard to stay like that when the situation gets more bleak.

Chloe: I was told that I was going to get voted for tonight and that was what got to me a bit today. Especially in the challenges that we have competed in as a team, I don't think there is something that I in particular did or didn't do that they could say that I should have done it better.

Neleh: And can I just say that I've gotten to know Chloe and she may have issues communicating with people but at the same time, she's still human like the rest of us. It pissed me off when somebody even had the thought to quit and you have Chloe here who is trying her best to stay, and I have her back.

Jeff: So, you want Chloe to stay?

Neleh: Yeah, I don't think she's really been given the chance to prove herself and I'd be pissed if I was picked last for this tribe.

Jeff: But Chloe, you were still picked in favour of James who was sent to Exile.

Chloe: I don't know what James went through on Exile, but I'm just saying it had to have been better than this.

Jeff: Jordan, do you know what she's talking about?

Jordan: I understand what she means, but it's hard to trust someone that's perceived as quiet to fly off the rails so to speak.

Chloe: Hey, I wasn't the only one, don't put this on me.

Jeff: So, what exactly happened?

Jordan: Her and Sabrina had a fight because Sabrina said she wanted Chloe out.

Jeff: So, Sabrina, you had no problem admitting that?

Sabrina: I was just trying to be fair and say who I wanted out but then she has the need to shout at me for having an opinion.

Chloe: But there has to be some sort of self-awareness when you're saying something like that.

Sabrina: Self-awareness or not, it's a game so I think you need to get over it. That's just how I feel.

Jeff: Well to me, this tribe seems a little all over the map, I'm curious to see how it plays out. It is time to vote. Willow, you're up.

Willow got up and on her way to the voting booth, mouthed the words "don't worry" to James to which he nodded in response. Monty was up next as he was slightly on edge about the whole thing. Sabrina was next as she wrote down Chloe's name.

Sabrina: Last one picked, first one out. Maybe grab a book on social skills on your way out, Bye-bye.

Scott was up as he was still laughing about the whole shark story. Next was Jordan who was glad his alliance stuck together. Chloe voted Sabrina without any hesitation.

Chloe: You may come from a rich family, but to some people you're worth nothing.

Neleh was finally up as she felt like she knew what was about to happen. After she cast her vote, she went back and sat down.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

As he went to count the votes, shots of Chloe, Sabrina and Neleh were shown. As was James who was also nervous despite being safe.

Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff pulled the lid off the urn as he pulled out the first vote.

Jeff: First vote, Chloe.

Chloe sighed at this.

Jeff: Sabrina.

Sabrina's face was unwavering.

Jeff: Sabrina, 2 votes Sabrina, 1 vote Chloe.

Sabrina rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Jeff: Chloe, we're tied. 2 votes Sabrina, 2 votes Chloe.

Willow was shown looking down at the floor.

Jeff: Chloe, that's 3 votes Chloe, 2 votes Sabrina.

Chloe sighed in defeat, knowing that her time was up.

Jeff: 2nd person voted out of Survivor: Exile Island, Chloe. That's 4 votes, that's enough. Need to bring me your torch.

Chloe got up and grabbed her things. Neleh and her shared one last hug together.

Chloe: Good luck, I hope you win.

Neleh: Thanks.

Chloe then grabbed her torch and put it down in front of Jeff.

Jeff: Chloe, the tribe has spoken.

Chloe nodded as her torch was snuffed. She waved to her tribe before walking off to the exit. Neleh and Willow waved back, as did James who felt bad at her departure.

Jeff: Alright, James drop your green buff, I got an orange one for you. Go ahead and join your new tribe, La Mina.

James did what he was told, caught the new buff that Jeff tossed to him and joined his new tribe. He shook hands with Willow and Neleh before sitting in between them.

Jeff: Grab your torches and head back to camp, good night.

Everyone grabbed their torches as they left tribal council. During this, the credits started rolling.

Jeff: Next time on Survivor. James gets his first look at his new tribe.

James: It's like I've just entered a war zone in here.

Jeff: New alliances are formed.

Willow: If us two stick together, we can do this.

James: I feel like I can trust Willow. She'd be a great person to go far in this game with.

Jeff: And old alliances are tested.

Sandra: At this point, I don't know if I can trust Monica.

Jeff: While things get rough at the challenge.

Shots of people wrestling were shown.

Final words.

Chloe: I just found myself on the wrong tribe that expected more from me than they did everyone else. I tried my best to fit in but it just didn't work out.

Willow's vote: I'm sorry Chloe, I wish it wasn't you tonight but don't worry because I'll make sure Sabrina gets what she truly deserves.

Chloe: I wish Neleh luck because I know it'll be tough for her to survive but if she does, no doubt in my mind, she can make it all the way.


Jordan = Chloe

Monty = Chloe

Sabrina = Chloe

Scott = Chloe

Willow = Chloe

Chloe = Sabrina

Neleh = Sabrina

15th place: Chloe

16th place: Daniel

Well, that was episode 2. I had a lot of fun writing this one. Especially the whole "shark attack story". I just thought of it and thought it'd be funny to put in. Poor Chloe though, it was sad to see her go but at the same time, she didn't make as much of an impact as some of the other bigger characters did. But I did want her to have some moments so there was that fight with Sabrina and that short lived friendship with Neleh. Also, in future episodes, during someone else's final words, if you see someone else speak during that, it's what they've said in their voting confessional when they've cast their vote. Got the idea from Australian Survivor.

Feel free to drop a review, letting me know what you think of the series so far and any suggestions for future episodes would also be nice. Episode 3 will for sure be a wild one so I hope you're excited for that. Until next time, see you whenever!

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