The Fox 🦊

By AlissaWillow

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Ishual is your ordinary librarian that likes to jog and read. Of course he isn't a librarian anymore but who... More

Chapter 1: Uzushiogakure
Chapter 2: The City of the Lost
Chapter 3: The Secrets of Uzushiogakure
Chapter 4: Chaos and Konoha
Chapter 9: Chakra
Chapter 5: Ridiculum Homines
Chapter 7: Animarum Requies Part 1
Chapter 8: Animarum Requies Part 2

Chapter 6: New Friend

109 5 0
By AlissaWillow

Authors Note: Alright, so I did end up changing the tags again. Just watch out for those and I also realised rather belatedly that the tags I used isn't tags that are used by the community as a whole.

From The Willow.


I am a coat that can only be put on when I am wet.

What am I?


His stomach grumbles loudly, echoing in the near-empty streets and off of the buildings. 

Kakashi's head tilts down to stare at his belly, Naruto was sure that the man was amused, and Kurama? Well, he was laughing rather loudly. 

Naruto wanted to pout, it wasn't his fault that he hadn't eaten anything yet! He had just been on his way home when he had been waylaid by the hound ANBU. 

"Why don't I buy you some yakitori, hmm?" Kakashi offered up, immediately Naruto opened his mouth to agree but shut it quickly wanting desperately to slam his head against the wall. Why was he so agreeable so suddenly?!?!

He had never once in his previous life accepted food from a stranger no matter how well he thinks he knows that person! And here he was almost agreeing. 

Naruto narrows his one visible eye and scowls at the man. 

"Why would you buy me anything?" He snaps rather harshly and recoils as if slapped, his eyes widened comically as he realized that he was being very mean. The ANBU stares at him for a while, his body perfectly still, like a statue. 

It felt, at that moment, as if he was being studied carefully under a magnifying glass. 

And he did not like that feeling at all. 

Kurama huffed softly. 

He won't hurt you, kit. The nine tails said softly. Naruto blinks and looks away fidgeting before quickly rushing past the ANBU, only for a strong arm to wrap around his middle, jerking him against a hard chest and holding him securely there. 

"I am an ANBU of this village, I would never hurt you for any rhyme or reason. Not even if it was an order, I promise. Now may I get you some yakitori?" The man asked after lowering the boy onto the ground and spinning him around to face the hound's mask. 

Naruto stares silently at the covered eyes of the man, wondering if he should or shouldn't trust Kakashi's words. 

He looked down, he'd never been bought anything, except yesterday when jii-san had come over with groceries for him. But that didn't really count, he hadn't had much choice in that. That had felt more like a gift mixed with an obligation than anything else. 

This felt like someone reaching out to him in hopes of getting to know him, to protect him, to care for him. 

And unsurprisingly he didn't know how to react. Naruto balled up his fist, grows furrowed. He had enough, for once he was going with his heart and not his mind. The boy inhaled and looked up. 

"Okay, buuuuut!" He held up a finger eyes glittering with mischief. The ANBU leans back and watches him. 


" You cannot pretend to be a stranger when I call you hound without that mask on!" Naruto says determinedly. 

Kakashi twitches. 

"Alright, if you can make out who I am without the mask then I won't pretend that I do not know you." He agrees. 

Kurama burst out in loud laughter that rang against his skull. 

Naruto beamed brightly at the man. He was happy. He hopes that the hound wouldn't hurt him. 

The ANBU held out his gloved hand, palm up in invitation, Naruto blinked slowly at the hand in confusion. Did the man mean to hold his hand on while they walked, why? 

Don't second guess everything! He scolded himself as he took the hand offered. 

Kakashi stood and began to walk carefully as if he were afraid of harming Naruto. 

Instantly Naruto's opinion of the hound soared just a bit higher and he held the hand just a tiny bit tighter in thankfulness. 

"What's yakitori, hound-san?" Not even his years of being in the library helped him much with cuisines, he was sure though that yakitori had something to do with grilled chicken. 

"You've never had any?" The ANBU asked astound. 

"Nope, usually the shopkeepers are too mean or ask too high prices of me when I want something. " It was the reason he'd worn hoodies while interacting with shopkeepers and sellers so that he could buy the groceries he needed without being shammed. 

The hand around his shakes just a little, the man sighing audibly. 

"That..... Alright, a yakitori is a skewered piece of chicken that they grill. It's tasty and spicy. But I am relatively sure you will like it." 

"Mhm, okay, and if I don't?" Naruto inquiries. The streets were fuller now, louder too as people began to open up shops and restaurants. Spicy and sweet scents filled the air and carried them across everywhere. 

Kakashi glanced down at him, the ANBU mask hiding his eyes and face from the world and making it very difficult for Naruto to see what the man was feeling.  

"I'll make it up to you by letting you try other food, hm?" The man offered. Naruto hums as he considered the offer, he wonders what the man would buy if Naruto didn't like the yakitori, but like Kakashi, he was sure that he would like it. 

Spicy food was always a favorite of his. 

"Okay, deal." Kurama snickers softly. 

Are you sure you aren't trying to manipulate him so he could feed you every day for free, kit? Naruto huffed softly, that wasn't his intention! 

"Deal." Kakashi agreed, swinging their hands in a mockery of a shake. Naruto giggled before he could stop himself his eyes widening in shock soon after. 

He was sooooo going to regret agreeing to this. What if the man noticed that he wasn't acting like a normal 5-year-old?! 

Wait! How the hell does a normal 5-year-old act in anyways? He stumbles, Kakashi's hand jerked, and soon he was higher, much higher than he had been mere seconds ago.

Small hands scrambled to find purchase in silver strands of hair from where the boy sat on the man's shoulders. 

"H-hey!!!" Naruto protested. Kakashi's shoulders shook in near-silent laughter. "Put me down!" 

"I don't think so. Isn't the view up there much better?" The ANBU asker's voice tinged with laughter. Kurama was laughing too. 

He couldn't believe the fox was still laughing not that Kakashi would laugh either. Didn't he have anyone on his side? Naruto's cheeks were red and he was pouting. 

He was an adult in a child's body, being manhandled like this wasn't right. 

But....everyone saw him as a kid, didn't they? Awww, come on! What was his life?

"Six yakitori, please." Kakashi's voice snapped him out of his depression. They were surrounded by the scent of spices and chicken, there was a wide berth around them, the people side-eyeing both of them. 

Naruto blinks slowly at them and they took several hesitant steps back as if afraid he would strike out. The shopkeeper's hands shook as he handed over six wrapped sticks, Kakashi putting down something before they were off again. The ANBU unwrapped one and held it up for Naruto to take. 

It was a piece of meat that looked like spiced-up chicken and when he bit into it he nearly moaned if not for the fact that he was supposed to be a kid. The flavor was a burst of juicy hotness on his tongue and he loved it. It might even rival ramen or pizza. 

"And?" Kakashi asked. 

"It's very good, how does one cost?" Naruto asked after swallowing. The man tisked. 

" Whenever you want it, I'll buy them for you, all you need to do is ask, okay?" The hound said. 

"Hai! What happens when you're not there and I'm craving some yakitori, huh?!" Naruto demanded, scowling down at the man. 

"Then you'll have to wait until I am available, no?" Kakashi said. Naruto made a face. 

"No way! That could be weeks! An ANBU works very long missions after all!" He argued. 

"Then you agree you'd wait for me?" 

"Now you're just being mean!"

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