The Cold Never Bothered Me An...

Galing kay renrose_

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A car crash. Memory loss. Dead parents. Elsa Arendelle's life is full of bumps and surprises. But she and he... Higit pa

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 36

95 6 5
Galing kay renrose_

Elsa's POV
"Pitch," I hiss under my breath. There's no mistaking that voice that still haunts both my nights and days. My face changes immediately from its I'm-so-depressed-about-my-son-but-somehow-it'll-all-be-okay look to anger. He just had to come along and ruin a perfect moment, didn't he? Could something not go wrong for once in my life?

These thoughts all run through my head seconds after I hear his words. I turn around to face the shadowy man, but then I notice with a start that I'm no longer in Jack's arms. I turn to my right to see me and Jack still locked in an embrace. But one thing has changed. They are both perfectly still, and I'm now standing on the balcony next to them.

Great. He's doing that whole separate-soul-from-body-stop-time thing again.

I can see that my arms are slightly transparent, so that just proves my theory. I look up at Pitch Black, seated upon one of his Nightmare horses, and many emotions flood through me. Fear, shock, confusion, anger. What in the world is he doing here?

So I ask him just that,"What are you doing here, Pitch?" I spit out his name.

He gives a dry, sinister sounding chuckle before replying with,"Oh Elsa, I'm surprised. Really. I mean, I have no idea how you could forget so, so quickly. It's only been a few months."

It takes me a moment to realize what he is talking about, and when I do, my heart just about stops. I try not to show how frightened I've suddenly become. I feel my blood run cold as I remember.

"I was just going to offer you the opportunity of a life time. With it, you won't have to be afraid of your powers. You can be free."

His words surprise me,"O ya? And what is that?"

"Join me." He says.

Despite everything, I laugh,"What? Why do you expect me to join you? I never will, ever." I stand up straighter, a pure look of hatred on my face,"I can't believe you would even think that that could even occur to me."

I turn away from him, and I begin to walk away, when he says," A-a-a, I'm not exactly giving you a choice. And if you refuse, the consequences will be severe. And not to just you. Turn around and see what I mean."

So I do turn, and what I see causes my heart to leap into my throat. Pitch's hand is hovering right over Jack's heart, the black sand surrounding his hand. Of course, Jack is oblivious,"You see," he says,"If I inject this sand into Jack Frost's heart, he will die a very slow, painful death. But, if you join me, he can live. Along with every other person you know."

A wave of realization runs through me, and I realize that if I don't join Pitch, Jack will die, along with everyone I care about. But if I do join Pitch, everyone will be spared. But my life will never be the same.

"I'm waiting," says Pitch.

"Fine fine!" I blurt out,"Just don't hurt him, please."

I snap back into reality, my chest filling with dread. I should've been ready for this. I had struck this deal with this man a few months ago. I should have known. But I didn't. I'd gone through the past couple months living when I should have been preparing myself for this moment. I know I wasn't thinking through my actions right as I'd told him "yes." And it's going to cost me; big time. As I think this, I remain completely silent. Pitch takes this silence as realization and fear, which really, it is. He looks down at me, and laughs,"Remember now, I presume? Good. Now, there's a certain way I want us to do this."

I interrupt him, just wanting to get it over with,"So what? Are you gonna just knock me out here and carry me through the air on that horse of yours and take me to wherever?" I cold wind blows my hair back from my face.

"No no, definitely not. Way too obvious. We could be seen. So that's why I need you to exit this dorm like nothing has happened, say to that guard of yours that you missed dinner and are going out for a late night meal, and meet me in that alley where I showed you your, ah, past," he smirks as he says the last word.

I clench my fists, realization hitting me all at once,"It was you, wasn't it," I say coldly,"You were the one who gave me false memories. How-how could you!" I yell, and then I'm thrusting my hands toward him, and two, large icicles shoot out of nowhere towards him, one aimed at his head, the other his chest.

He deflects the attack with his long scythe, which has appeared out of nowhere, and then proceeds to say,"Not so fast, Elsa of Arendelle. Look here."

I see that his hand has cast a long trail of sand from it, so I follow it with my eyes. At the end of it, the sand has made a fine point, which is now very sharp. But that's not the worst part. Not at all. It is positioned right over Jack's forehead, and if it sank into his skull, he'd die immediately.

"You wouldn't want to find yourself back in your body, me gone, only to see that poor little Jack Frost is dead on the floor with a hole in his head, now would you?"

I curse under my breath, but lower my hands, seeing no other option.

When did I become so weak?

The icicles I had so expertly created vanished, and so did the dark sand,"That's better, now isn't it?" Pitch Black relaxes on his horse.

My insides are boiling, but I don't make a move. Not yet; I can't. Not with Jack and everyone I care for so close. My time will come though, I know it. So I'll bide my time...for now.

Unclenching my fists, I look up at the tall man and say,"Fine then, I'll do whatever you want. Go down to that stupid alley and I'll meet you there as quick as I can."

"That's my girl," he grins a wicked grin that almost makes my knees go weak with fear, but I don't let that show. I will not show my fear to the Lord of Fear, no matter what. Hah, that sounds like it'll go great, doesn't it?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows around my face, causing my hair to go wild as it is blown around crazily. I cover my eyes, trying to protect them from the wind, and when I look back up, Pitch Black is gone.

I then feel that same falling sensation, and I gasp as I feel my stomach drop far. It makes me feel sick. But then, my feet find the ground, and I'm back in Jack Frost's arms. He has no idea, I smile to myself bitterly. He thinks he understands now, that we have no more secrets. I'm always letting him down now, aren't I?

I then realize that I have to get out of the building without raising any suspicions with Jack. How am I supposed to do that? He knows I've already eaten dinner. He probably won't even let me leave this place. He'll ask questions. I then realize that I will have to resort the last, and worst, possible option that I have in order to do this without Pitch becoming angry. I bite my lip, knowing that what I have to do is going to be terrible.

"Can we go inside?" I ask quietly, stepping back from Jack and keeping my eyes on the floor,"I just...I..." I trail off, not really able to find a reason.

"Ya, Ya of course," he says warmly, and my heart breaks into a million pieces. He cares so much about me, would never do what I'm about to, and look at me. I'm just going to stab him in the back.

I take extra care in making sure that none of these thoughts show on my face. All I do is give a meek smile and walk on inside with Jack following me. As I look around at my dorm, a pang of great sadness hits me when I realize that I'll most likely never come back here. I look at my bed with its blue comforter and soft sheets and pillows. I walk over to it and sit down, running my hands over it slowly, trying to take it all in before I have to go. I lift my head and look at my open closet, at all the clothes inside that I'll never wear again. My eyes drift to the small mirror, travel over the blank walls, and rest on the other side of the room, where Punzie has everything set up. I look at her paintings, her purple bed, and then at the cage containing Pascal. I walk over to it and pull out the small animal, stroking it's back before bending down to it and whispering,"I'm sorry Pascal. I really am. But I have to go now. I won't be coming back. I'll miss you. I'll miss you all. Please, make sure that Rapunzel knows that I'm sorry and that I'll always remember our friendship. Please. For me," a strange feeling goes through me, realizing that in the book, she and I are cousins. It just makes me feel worse about not remembering.

I set him back in the cage, sending him a sad smile before turning around. I can tell that Jack is looking at me strangely, but I pretend not to notice. I'm just going to pretend that it's all because of the sad news I just got from him and not because I'm going to leave everyone that I love forever tonight.

My eyes focus on my desk, and on the picture of my family. I walk over to it slowly and pick it up.

I'm all alone now, I realize painfully, my whole family is dead...

I look at Anna's face, caress it with my finger,"I'm so sorry," I whisper to her, and then I do the same to my parents. With shock, I think to myself, Are these really my parents? Or are these fake ones that were just made up for me? What about my real parents? I bite my lip sadly and set the frame down. I then see my phone, and I grab it, shoving it into my pocket. As I do so, I turn on the microphone.

Then I turn to look at the most important part of my life. The thing that I will miss the most. What I hold most dearly.

I lift my face to meet Jack Frost in the eyes. The man who I fell in love with centuries ago. Married. We had a child, a family together. And then we were separated. It was almost impossible that we would ever see each other again. But we did. We did. That just shows how strong our love really is. We had been separated by centuries, by two different worlds. But we found each other.

Maybe that can somehow be the case now.

I look Jack right in the eyes, try to show him with them how much I love him. How sorry I am that I have to do this, that I let him down, again.

Forgive me, my love. I think to myself, and then I raise a shaking hand towards him. He takes a small step backwards, and says,"Uh, Elsa, what are you doing?"

I close my eyes, not wanting to have to watch the pain in his eyes when I unleash my ice, where I know it hits him square in the chest.

I'm sorry.

When I open my eyes, Jack is a crumpled heap on the floor. I cover my mouth with my hand, but then take it off. I have to say goodbye.

"This is for you, Jack. Please understand that. For you, for Anna, for everyone we care about. I'll never forget you Jack, okay? Never. No matter what kind of terror I may have to go through, I won't lose that. I forgot you once, and I'm sorry. But I'll never do that again. Day and night, you'll be on my mind," I take a deep, shuddering breath, knowing that he can't hear me, wishing that he could,"Please, Jack, please, forgive me for letting you down. Because Jack, I- I love you, okay? I love you. So don't you dare just become closed off when I'm gone. Don't you dare. You better live fully, okay? Do that one thing. Do it for me. I love you. Don't ever forget that. Even if the sky is falling down, even if the world is collapsing all around you. Don't ever forget that."

And then I leave. I turn my back on Jack, on everyone, open the heavy, orange door, and walk out into the hallway. I look at everything. I want to capture it all one last time. I look at the gray water fountains, one taller than the other. The thinly carpeted blue floors. I pass the meeting room. Esmerelda's room. And then I find myself standing outside of Merida's room, where all of my friends are now hanging out and having fun, completely oblivious to everything. I raise my hand to knock, wanting to say goodbye, but then understand that that is not an option if I want to avoid what just happened with Jack.

So I uncurl my fist, which had been ready to knock on the door, and put it flat against the door before leaning my head on it,"Goodbye guys," I whisper, and turn around and walk away.

I reach the elevator, and hit the down arrow button. I can even hear it groan as it comes up. I almost smile. Almost. I'm reminded of the first time I got here. When I had been shocked about how loud it was.

The doors open, and I step inside. I then bring out my phone and stop the recording on the microphone. I cut out some unneeded parts and send it to Jack. When he wakes up, I want him to hear my farewell. To hear my voice one last time.

The elevator lowers painfully slow, but really, I don't mind. The slower it goes, the better. I dread the moment when I will step out of this campus forever. The thought makes my heart contract violently.

The doors open, and I just stand there, not moving. I can't find the courage or the strength to step out. How I wish that I could just screw this whole thing and go back to my dorm. But no. Not if I want my friends to live.

So as the elevator doors begin to close, I snap back into focus, and quickly squeeze through the doors just as they shut closed.

I look at the elevator one last time before heading towards the exit. As I reach the door, I hear a low gruff voice behind me,"Uh, Elsa, where ya going?"

Pumba. How could I have forgotten?

I compose myself quickly and turn around, trying my hardest to smile,"Hey Pumba, I was just going out to eat. I was studying all day and I missed dinner without even noticing."

"Oh, okay. Shouldn't someone come with you?"

My heart is pounding so hard, I'm afraid that it is audible even to him,"No, I'll be fine. Thanks though." I'm about to leave, but then I realize that this is the last time I will ever see this man again. And I don't want the last thing I ever said to him be a lie.

So I walk over to him, and give him a tight hug before saying,"Thank you for always being my friend Pumba, for always being supportive and kind. You have no idea how much that has always meant to me." And without waiting for a response, I turn around and head quickly out of the building without looking back.



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