Lumity shorts collection

By s_thegardener

6.8K 187 20

A bunch of fluff. More

Dancin' in the rain
(Tallmity) My festival
First kiss
The sleepover confession
(Tallmity) New shoes
Macaroni Art Project
Holy ****!
How to end a perfect date
(Tallmity) To be in a photograph
Birthday of the growth

The holiday of love

898 17 6
By s_thegardener


Amity spelled the word on her tongue, wondering why all the names human had created could sound so beautiful, just like the name of her sweetheart. It had been a couple of months since everything had been fixed, they could finally travel between two realms like opening the door and visiting a close neighbor. With this opportunity, Luz had been giving Amity a hint that she would love to take the witch to meet her mom. However, chaotic magical life, intense exam weeks, the young witches were distracted by the on-going plans and they ended up delaying the trip again and again. That was why us busy witches need excuses like holidays to pull us back to what was forgotten.

Just like Christmas, Boiling Isles had a similar holiday called The Hiberna-titan. Around this season, the Isles slowly became not so 'boiling', temperature started to drop really low as if the Titan was sleeping. The witches believed that was when Titan took a break to revive and to bring the land back to its richness. Before the season came, the Isles would receive a loud rumbling as a sign, from which some superstitious witches claimed that was the sound of the Titan's heart which lied somewhere on the Isles. Medium quakes would occur within the first week, causing snow from the Knee to fall down the towns that lied in the valley. Together with the cold air mass that brought along the freezing wind, Boiling Isles then became no different than a snowy land from human's earth, exposing itself in winter season.

The witches then made use of this period of time and turned it into a big holiday, where you could feel the creepy-merry vibes in all the classic conjuring songs, witches started hanging burnt wreath branches in front of the door to invite ancient witch spirits into their house, shaggy spiders crawling around the red fir trees, blinking troll's eyeballs being hung around the town, the nutty scent from a cup of hot toasted bugs juice, smoke steaming up the newly roasted ostrich-like monsters,... Overall, it was a heartwarming holiday to retreat with family around a fireplace in your cozy house, or you could have a romantic date with your lover just walking around the town and enjoy a hand holding, with the warmth that overwhelmed even the coldest wind. The holiday was pleasant like the small ringing sounds of a bell, waking up a vibration of feelings which had been sleeping deep in the dusty hearts.

But all that ringing meant nothing to Amity's parents, business valued more than the mean of family sentiment, the value which was supposed to fill a grand yet empty house. This was the time some rich investors wanted to burn their money, seeking surprise by throwing a nonsensical amount of luxurious parties, which were no doubt, gold mines for business families to join and dig for chances. Therefore during this season, the Blight parents would be even busier, traveling around and never seen at home. 

Not that Amity minded, she actually enjoyed this little peace of alone time. The witch would rather freely lie on the ground of their living room, wander in the world from her favorite book than have to crack a fake smile, serving some kind of celebration feast held by her parents. Edric and Emira would sometimes throw parties at their house, but ever since they got their own partners, they both ran away in season like this to sneak into their partners' houses, enjoying the coziness of a crowded family, leaving Amity in an empty house with a "Sorry Mittens, we will make up for you later~". The witch found her siblings' concern to be entertaining, they acted as if she was still their little baby. She already had a girlfriend and she too, spent almost all the time at Luz's place, she even had her own closet in Luz's room. Especially at seasons like these, love lit in the witch's heart a desire to be even closer to her loving human.

This year was a bit different, a week before the holiday, they realized that Hiberna-titan happened to be around the same time as Christmas. Since it last around 12 days, Luz suggested to spend half of it at her house in the human realm, this sent Amity both anxiety and excitement. That meant she was about to meet her girlfriend's parent, eek, Amity squeaked in her head. Following were nights with the long-lasting consideration about what to wear to make the best impression, the witch packed up a massive luggage as if she was about to travel around the world, despite Luz already told her they could just come back to Boiling Isles anytime to get the stuffs. "Greeting! No, rude. Good afternoon, maybe not... Hello, queen mother of my...NO, THIS SOUNDS STUPID! Hello, miss Noceda, I'm your daughter awesome lover, no no no, that sounds too abrupt, um...", although she was used to dealing with all kind of witches in those family business meetings, Amity still had to spend hours standing in front of the mirror to fix her speech.

To the witch's nervousness, Luz just gently assured while leaning into her arm, "I'm sure mamá would love you right away. Just be yourself, my mom has a magical sense! She has always seen and shown me the beauty in everything. Now it's time for me to show her..." Luz looked up to give a small kiss on the witch's chin " beauty!". 

Luz's smile could melt all the snow and got back the spring even if it was stubborn and traveling months away. Facing such a sweetness, Amity's anxiety always felt like it was wrapped by a soft blanket that held the scent of a lover. While she was caressing Luz's warm cheek and looking into the eyes that carried all the love of an earthy color, Amity thought, maybe to raise such a sweet person like this, the mother must had been more than kind, that even a word from her lips could grow the roots of all the beautiful flowers in this world. With that comfort, Amity just closed her eyes while holding her little love, waiting for the day to finally meet the person who brought this love to life, and then, to her life.


The day eventually came, the weather was even more freezing than it was on the Boiling Isles. The first thing that greeted them was a hostile wind that almost flung Luz's trapper hat away. The girls shut their eyes and shivered, feeling like even with shoes on, their toes were still numb with cold, making it a bit different to move. When they already reached Luz's house, the human girl held her lover's hand tight, carefully asking if the witch was okay. Amity didn't feel that nervous anymore actually, although she almost had a panic attack the night before from imagining all the scene. Maybe it was the cold air that froze up her fear and turned it into an ice cube, which then got broken to pieces of courage when she turned to Luz and caught that familiar loving gaze. Her mind was fleshed up and now she only worried about losing her nose in this icy weather. 

Standing in front of the humble residence, Amity scanned her eyes around the house, it was different to her enormous manor. Luz's house looked...normal. Not like normal in a poor way, but normal in a way that made the witch felt like it would be a safe place to walk into. Even the sight of the house was enough to calm her down.

After Luz had rung the bell, there it came a middle aged woman, who also looked...normal. She was wearing a modest sweater over a casual knit pants, looking shabby but also warm like an old happy memory. The woman's face still looked lively, with plump tanned cheeks that had no sign of age. A pair of big glasses covered half of her face, yet Amity could still see clearly the gentle eyes that nourished the gaze of another young girl, the gaze that raised up the sun in her heart.

"Mija~ Mami was waiting!"

The woman turned to Luz first, she cheerily squished her daughter's cheeks and caused the human to giggle profusely while whining "Mami~". When she finally turned to Amity, the witch suddenly froze up, dropping all the decent lines she had prepared. She just stood there with mouth slightly open, speechless and stiff like a tree. Facing the awkward young lady, the woman seemed to understand her nervousness. She reached her hands to hold Amity's hand, wrapping it entirely in her large palms, then she gave it a little pat before squeezing it. Laying her hand in that hold, Amity felt like all the freeze was just replaced with a series of balmy days. The winter was completely sucked away once the woman started speaking. Unlike Luz's frisky chirping, her voice was low and warm, giving the witch's anxious soul a sense of security.

"Hello, little witch friend of Luz, I'm her mom, Camila."

A familiar thumb rub was felt on the back of Amity's hand, the witch hesitantly looked to her lover who was grinning from ear to ear, as if a sign that told her it was okay to go on. She got herself together before looking up to give a simple greeting, now she felt like all those speech practices were so ridiculous, sincerity was enough to make the best and the most natural words.

"Nice to meet you, miss Camila. I'm Amity Blight, and I-I..." Amity bowed her head to cover her flushed cheeks, slightly clearing her throat to shake out the stuck words "I'm your daughter's girlfriend."

Camila widened her eyes, she put one hand on her cheek and shouted happily "Oh! Amity, baby! Luz already told me about you!". The witch couldn't help but letting out a little shriek hearing her name being called out loud. She quickly turned to Luz who was scratching her head "Sorry~ couldn't help, I was excited". Amity tried to hide her shyness by letting out an awkward laughter, she could feel her face was burning up, great, the first impression she made was planting red rose in front of their house. The woman hurriedly wrapped her arms around the girls, pulling them into the house.

"Don't just stand here, come in! Come in! Oh dear, it's freezing out there, my poor babies!"

Amity felt like the more Camila talked, the sweeter the words became. Although the witch had been used to the way Luz talked, that was still strange to hear such sweet words from an adult. It was a completely opposite energy coming from her own mother, whose voice was enough to annoy the witch just from calling her name.

It was like two different worlds once they passed through the door. Amity nervously looked around the house, no gaudy chandelier, no pricey faux fur rug, no frilly curtains, or any other fancy decorations. It was a small house with many windows, brightening the place not just with the electric lights but also with the life from nature. A cabinet occupied half of the way, on which family pictures were laid. In the pictures, they all smiled bright or acted funny as if they didn't pose for the best pictures but just enjoying the moments. Amity was sure those were some of the best memories that Camila wanted any guests who came in could see, unlike the giant family picture hung in her house, which the witch just wanted to tear it down every time she looked at her own face.  Right in the middle of the house, sat an old sofa that was placed tastelessly, but it made Amity felt like wanting to throw herself on its comfort without carrying any uptight politeness. Sitting on it was another girl around their age, hearing the sound, she threw her head back to check before jumping up in astonishment.

"Wah, they came! Helo Luz~ Helo...Luz's girlfriend?" Vee climbed up the sofa and waved at the girls, Amity just gently bowed her head and smiled while Luz introducing her name.

The day went on pretty easy, with some pleasant talk while gathering around the sofa. Amity was stiff at first, but something from the way Camila nodded and smiled at her every time she finished an awkward line, worked like a pat on the worrywart head and gently whispered "It's okay. I'm listening". The young witch had always had to talk to her mother either facing Odalia's back, or with the mom raising her chin and looking down at her child. Camila was also looking down at her, but maybe it was because Amity was shrinking in her seat. The way this generous woman looking down at the witch was similar to the way when someone noticed a flower glimmer its beauty in the storm, holding a wish to protect that preciousness. The geniality from the mother of her beloved's was like a gurgling river in its gentle season, streaming down Amity's anxious mind to melt it away, putting her to rest in a sense of belonging. The stressful witch slowly loosened up herself, she felt like she could answer anything without having to form a smile that stirred up all the unease in her, the kind of accessories she had been wearing in all those parties she was dragged to. This house was decorated with nothing but love and genuineness, the home that was built from years and memories of the beloved people, who actually cared about each other and looked into each other's eyes, turning the place into a nest where it hatched up even more kind and loving spirits.


Luz and Vee were told to prepare the bed for Amity, the two non-blood related sisters seemed to have fun upstairs, loud laughter and screaming with feet stomping sounds could be heard clearly, causing Camila and her daughter's girlfriend to giggle at the babies.

"My Lord! I told them to clean up the room, not to cause a mess!" Camila complained, yet her voice sounded so gentle, as if she wanted to hold a little moment when her children acted like actual children.

The only two calm person (and a witch) were in the kitchen. Although it was still a bit far from the evening, Camila already started preparing the food for their dinner since some dishes needing a moderate amount of time to be fully cooked. Tantalizing fragrance started to fill the room, inviting the hunger to come early and desire to be satisfied their appetite. Amity was standing with arms holding herself, quietly observing how a home cook putting her love into the food. Camila merrily hummed a little song, which Luz seemed to adopt her cheerful behaviors from, Amity thought. Being struck by some self-awareness, the witch felt like she would throw her manner away if she kept being useless by standing like a decorative lamp. Trying to step a bit closer, the polite witch offered to help.

"Do you need me to help with anything, miss Camila?"

"Oh no no no honey! Make it your home, go around the house if you want!" Camila laughed while wiping her hands on the apron "Are you hungry already, Amity? Can't resist the flavorful smell from a Dominican's magic, eh?"

"A-ah, yes, these all look really appetizing! You are a good chef, miss!" Amity shyly smiled with a blush, Camila must had heard her stomach growling.

Every mother who cooked loved to be called a good chef, Camila happily returned the witch's compliment with a smile that spread light to the sunflower field.

"Aren't you a sweet lady? No wonder why my daughter fell head over heels for you. She talked a lot about you on the phone."

"Ah! T-thank you, miss!" Titan, I have to bury that girl in kisses later, Amity made a mental note while awkwardly scratching her head "You are a really kind hearted mother as well, miss. I can see where Luz gets her sweet and loving nature from."

Camila proudly laughed, then she raised a finger to make a sign for the witch to wait for her. She then hurriedly reached for the cupboard, taking out ingredients to prepare something. From behind Camila's back, the witch could only hear some rustle of a bag being opened, then some clinking sounds of when a spoon stirring in the mug. After a while, Amity could smell a signature roasted aroma, a scent that came knocking on the dullest mind and woke it up.

"Here, have this for now baby" Camila handed the witch a mug of brown liquid. It looked like roasted bugs juice, the witch thought, but she knew it clearly wasn't. "Go on, have yourself on it. Luz always loves when I make her hot cacao. The souls of the lovely children all need to be kept warm." The woman urged while giving a gentle squeeze on Amity's arm.

The witch was a bit hesitant, but the scent of the hot cacao was so pleasant and warm, holding her in like a rare sweetness for an empty soul that was craving for love. Willingly, she took a sip of its slightly bitter favor, such a raw taste of delight, and oh titan, she felt like someone just lit a campfire for the frosty forest inside her. Hot cacao really was like a lover that was born for winter, giving you a lingering kiss on the lips. Amity fell in love with the taste right away.

"Do you usually help your mom with cooking, Amity?"

"A-ah!" The witch got startled a little hearing Camila's question. Being pulled back to the reality with such a topic, Amity was afraid that she might cause Camila to worry knowing how loveless it was in her family. Blood made blood, being raised under a cold roof, what if Camila thought the witch would grow to be heartless just the same? Who would want to leave their daughter to someone with an ominous background like that. Hesitantly, Amity replied, words stumbling.

"No...Miss. My mom is always...busy and away from home. She is not...Um, we have, private chefs and..." She looked down, her eyes darkened when she drowned her gaze into the cacao, hand gripping tight on the mug. How she was once used to act so proud, stepping on everything while raising her chin to announce she was a Blight, but now facing a humble soul with a big heart, she just felt, ashamed. 

"I...I don' parents and I don't really have a nice relationship, miss. We don't really spend time together..." Trying to assure, she got all her strength to look up again, holding a determined fist "I-I may not have the best family, but don't worry, miss Camila, I will make sure that Luz feel safe!"

"Oh no, baby..." Being a good natured person who held a sensitive realisation of others, Camila could tell the young witch was one of the kids who didn't get enough parental love in a well-off family, the kind of family which had nothing but a golden tag. It wasn't a surprise, the woman had seen a lot of families like that. No wonder she could sense a familiar sadness from those golden eyes, her gaze was tough but hurt, a sorrow which you could notice in many other kids who were raised without adoring attention. That thought touched the compassion of a mother, Camila couldn't help but reaching out her arms to wrap around the young witch. Quietly, the woman reminded Amity that she was loved.

"Amity, I hope Luz treat you well and give you all the love that you need. Sweetheart, I told you to make this place your home not because I wanted you to be comfortable at someone else's house, but because I wanted you to feel at home. Visit us whenever you want a place to go to, you will always be welcomed here. We will be your home, baby." The sweet woman looked down and whispered "You also don't have to be so polite and call me 'miss'. You are my daughter's girlfriend, Amity. If you don't mind, do you want to call"

Amity looked up, her golden eyes widened, like an early dawn that was ready to raise and brighten the whole world. To her reaction, Camila placed into her heart another warm smile, caring and tender like a mother who held a newborn baby.

"Do you want to try calling it, mija?"

Amity started getting flustered, she kept looking up and down, but when she finally faced up at the woman again, that adoring gaze of a mother was still there, patiently waiting for a timid bud to grow into a flower, in the garden that was tended with love. Amity tried to make a sound, like a baby who just learned how to talk.

"M-mom." She called out, her voice was small, almost like a crack.

"That's the first step! You did great, my baby."

Maybe it was the squeeze tightening around her delicate figure that pushed the button inside Amity to fall out. The witch felt like her nose, then her entire face, started burning up. The feelings that had been held back now surged up and broke the dam, flowing down all over her rosy cheeks. She messily raised her hand to cover the heat on her face, pressing down the breathy sound of when happiness broke into tears.

"Aw, my baby..." Camila held the overwhelmed witch into her embrace, whispering her more the love from a mother she had been longing for "There, it's okay, baby. It's okay..."

Amity leaned into Camila's gentle hold, buried herself deeper into the unfamilar adoration which she was still learning to get used to. She didn't expect to lose her cool in front of her girlfriend's mom, that was so embarrassing. But the more the witch tried to shut her eyes to hold it back, the more tears found their ways to stream down, weeping all her face. The young witch's beauty was covered in tears, shining up in the gorgeous light of a dedicated sun that was about to fall asleep. The color of when the day coming to an end came in through the window frame, quietly gave Amity a kiss on her cheek and told the young girl that there would be a new beginning for her, a love, a house, a family, and a mother.

The siblings already got down and witnessed the whole heartwarming scene. They shared an understanding smile along with a little shush before tiptoeing away, leaving that tender quietness to last for more than a moment, the moment in which a string of maternal connection was born.


The dinner they had that night was simple but delightful. The dishes weren't spread fully the length of the table like in the parties Amity had joined, which she had always felt it was a horrible waste of food. The witches there only had like a tiny-dainty taste, they cared more about their appearance than the passion of the cook. The food was never really appreciated for its soul and was always thrown away. But if there was a small fur on the dish, the party would turn into Scream. The rich were only there to swing around, dancing, showing off their sparkling wings and keeping their mouth busy with flowery conversation that was made just to serve their elegant faces. The food was even more tasteless at home. Being cooked by some experienced private chefs, the taste was actually okay but the atmosphere it was put on made Amity wasn't able to swallow the heaviness. The table were empty most of the time, or when there were enough people, they would seat at different corners of the table that felt like a mile away from each other. Amity couldn't even hear what they were talking about, words fell like broken glasses on the distance.

Because of all that, to Amity, sitting in a table with people she adored, having food that was cooked with love was like being granted an impossible wish. The witch didn't even care if she would have a bad stomach later or not, she just knew the food tasted beyond delicious. Its favor carried the depth of a beautiful culture, which was no similar to any bland dish the wealthy witch had from the top star restaurants on the Boiling Isles, yet that superficiality still received endless compliments just from being best-seller. Camila's dishes could win any star, the witch proudly admitted. 

Amity couldn't help herself but taking a mouthful of her food, a scene which caused everyone to lean back in surprise since she looked like someone who would just kiss the tip of the food and say "I'm full". The table was small and the seats were a little packed, but Amity loved that her foot could reach Luz's foot under the table, tickling the human to giggle then give the witch a loving nudge. Sometimes they would secretly hold hands under the table in between the talk. The heat from the hands burned up to their faces, blooming two little roses in the room. Must had been because of the warm soup, the mother concerned. The innocent Vee just looked at her sisters in confusion, maybe for now she was more interested in good food than having a relationship. Throughout the dinner, Camila had never stopped looking at all the young faces with the most tender smile she could wear. The more children she had, the bigger the mother's heart grew.


It was already really late, Camila went to sleep after blessing her children with the sweetest goodnight. The young fellows returned to their room to have some silly girl talk, but not long before Vee reached her limit with a big yawn and climbed up to fall on her cozy bed. Finally, the lovers were left with a little privacy.

"How was your Christmas Eve? Do you enjoy your time with my family?" Luz whispered after giving Amity a kiss on the tip of her nose, they were lying close together on the lower floor of the bunk bed.

"It was fun, Luz. I love it here. Sweet and warm...just like you." The witch returned the kiss onto her lover's cheek, but as if she had been holding it back, she pulled Luz in closer and planted even more kisses all around the human's face, causing Luz to giggle loudly before hearing a groan from her sister and covering her mouth. Amity continued in a whispery voice.

"I mean it, Luz. Your mom is so loving and kind...and incredible, for raising up someone precious like you" They shared a genuine smile while Amity caressing Luz's cheek, which was still warm from flushing up by the love it received from her girlfriend's lips. 

"Say...just a random, random question..." the witch let out a small cough, hoping the dark was enough to cover her red face "Do you prefer...Luz Blight...or Amity Noceda..."

"What is this~ going full speed on the process after just one day staying at my house?" Luz chuckled quietly. She shifted herself a little lower so she could nuzzle into Amity's neck, finding a lovely scent and allowing the witch to pull her in even closer by wrapping her arms around the human. "Ah, can't decide~ I love both...I love you."

Amity slid her fingers into Luz's hair, combing it while she took advantage of their position to place more kisses on it. She mumbled in between the affection.

"...What should I do, Luz...I'm feeling a little overwhelmed to sleep."

"Oh? Do you want to stay up all night then?" Luz looked up and whispered on Amity's lips. Her grin was hidden in the dark, but Amity could still draw the outline of her girlfriend's lovely face thanked to the dim moonlight from the window. The witch playfully commented.

"That sounds...bold."

They giggled quietly before sharing a small kiss on the lips. Luz went back to her favorite warmth on the vale between Amity's neck and shoulder, the breath she let out while she was talking caused the witch to feel a little tickled.

"If we make it, we can even beat the sun by catching it before it rises." Luz suggested in a small breath. Hearing this, the witch leaned back in surprise.

"You can watch sunrise here?"

"You can't watch sunrise there?"

"Yup, it would melt your eyeballs like mascara, like this." Amity ran two fingers down from her eyes to describe the horror, causing her human to let out a small squeak.

"Nooo" Luz grabbed Amity's hands "Sunrise is like, one of most beautiful wonders your eyes deserve to have in this lifetime!" She pushed her body up to reach for the witch's eye and kiss on it. "It's decided then, we are gonna watch the sunrise! It's not that clear and breathtaking if you watch it from my tiny window but...sometimes when I was lucky, I could catch it and it was still" Luz did a chef kiss "An absolute beauty!".

"Are you sure you can make it?" Knowing her girlfriend was nowhere near a night owl despite living in the owl house, Amity showed concern while patting Luz's head.

"Hn-hn!" Luz nodded constantly in excitement. The girls didn't realize they were being a bit too loud until another groan was heard from the upper bed "But this girl needs to sleep before sunrise!".

The couple avoided to make any more sound by plugging their ears, dipping themselves in a romantic series while holding their own romance in their arms. The chilly night became so warm when their feet could touch and play with each other. Amity would casually hold Luz's hand up and kiss on her palm, then she took a deep breath on it, as if when someone took in a pleasant scent of the hands that baked cookies. Sometimes Luz would look up to kiss on Amity's chin, but the greediness of a lover urged her to pull the witch down for a longer sweetness that could only taste on the lips. They took their time and kept the kiss slow and gentle, being careful not to make any sound that could tickle their sister's ears, and after all, they had a whole night to be slow. While they were holding each other, they felt like they could hear their girlfriend's heartbeats which replaced the tick-tack sounds of a clock, counting seconds to the dawn.

Luz's head started to fall around half past three to four, the witch had to slightly shake her and give her more kisses to keep her up, but those tender affection just lulled the human girl to drown deeper into the river of doziness. Amity decided to give in and let the sleep take her love away, yet she still kept the pride of a lover by holding Luz tight in her embrace. The cold air became even more solid at night, Amity carefully wrapped the blanket tighter around Luz, making sure to give shelter to all the uncovered parts so her love wouldn't get cold. The witch ended it with a kiss on Luz's forehead, giggling when her girlfriend slightly kicked around with a little whimper. They were facing the window, Amity just sat there and held her love, quietly observing the way night moving so slow as if it never moved. She could hear the gentle swishing sound of the leaves, giving her mind a peaceful winter song. Sometimes she closed her eyelids and let them rest, but she didn't fall asleep. The love she had been received was too much to be used up in one day, her heart was clear and wide awake as if it was eager to stay every second with life.

It was 5:50, noting the flurry dawn slightly peeked out and gave the world the tic of winking, Amity gently laid up Luz, who just wanted to stay longer in her dream, she reached to cling on the witch's neck with a long groan. The witch anxiously watched the young dawn breaking through the window, looking up to the not fully awake sky that was similar to the half-stirred mixture made of her excitement and fear. Despite knowing human's sunrise was harmless, it was still scary as if she was about to witness an urban legend. Luz finally won her drowsiness, she woke up with eyes still bleary, lazily yawning in the witch's arms. When the pearly glow started to spread across the sky, unconsciously, Amity raised her hands to cover her eyes.

"Hey, hey...It's okay." Luz quietly laughed 

"I-I'm scared" The fearful witch whined, full of hesitation "I need my eyes, I want to look at you."

"It's okay..." The human girl laughed and placed a small kiss on her lover's chin, chuckling on it "The sun does nothing but blessing your soul" Luz comforted Amity using her usual caring gesture, one arm wrapping around her girlfriend, the other hand putting on the pale hands. Patiently, she guided the witch with gentle words.

"It's okay. Don't be afraid. I'm pulling each finger out, and you slowly open your eyes, okay?"

Amity timidly nodded, letting Luz pull each fingers out to open her hands just like when the human got through layers of her personalities and opened her heart.

The morning light slowly appeared clearer each passing second, reaching its fingers to fully draw open the curtains of the night. Sun started pouring out its golden and bring life to the colorless world, lifting up the sky as if giving it hope. The touch of light seeped through the window, into the world in a little room, and into the eyes of the young lovers. They held their breath before letting it go, feeling like their hearts were beating faster, like a gap of time when someone granted themselves a break just so they could get back stronger and more passionate in life. Rays of sunshine streamed down and colored the ground, waking up all the dreariness. Eager to join in and paint the picture, some hidden birds decided to announce their presence by bringing in a chorus of melodic chirps. The little notes that were enough to play an inspiring song in the young girls, about how life was still going from the simplest things in a normal morning.

"Beautiful..." Amity looked down at Luz with a broad grin, rosy hue was spotted on her cheeks, golden eyes glowed up in the early light. She was also turning sunshine.

Luz took her time to admire her lover and took in all the charming glow. The human girl grew another sun with her smile while running her finger on the loveliness of the witch's face. She whispered in the cold air.

"Yeah, it beautiful."

They shared the first warmth of the day with a kiss in the embrace of the morning light, no one was sure what beauty each of them was implying, but the girls also didn't know, at that moment, their love was beautiful like a sprout which made it through all the hardness, raising its life up from the dry ground. The girls then fell down on their bed again while still wrapping arms around each other, cuddling until they patted their love to sleep, breathing soundly with each heartbeat. 

When Camila peeked into their room and caught such an adorable scene, of the girls just holding each other to sleep with the most peaceful expression on their faces, she couldn't help but smiling by herself and let the girls sleep as much as they wanted to. There was no need to run after any planned schedule, the true meaning of a holiday was simply for tiring souls to relax, for distant lives to get closer, and for love to be remembered. While walking away, the woman didn't forget to make a wish for her children, an act she had been doing every single day ever since she became a mother. 

Wish for them to live, wish for them to grow. Wish for them to love and to be loved. Wish for every morning when they woke up, all their pain would be kissed away, so they could stay pure and happy as if they were just reborn. And no matter how many wishes it took in life, they would always, always be the beloved babies of a mother.

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