Sun & Moon : nct mafia au

By TinyTrack127u

44.2K 1.4K 1.3K


♦️Chapter 1♦️
♦️Chapter 2♦️
♦️Chapter 3♦️
♦️Chapter 4♦️
♦️Chapter 6♦️
♦️Chapter 7♦️
♦️Chapter 8♦️
♦️Chapter 9♦️
♦️Chapter 10♦️
♦️Chapter 11♦️
♦️Chapter 12♦️
♦️Chapter 13♦️
♦️Chapter 14♦️
♦️Chapter 15♦️
♦️Chapter 16♦️
♦️Chapter 17♦️
♦️Chapter 18!♦️
♦️Chapter 19♦️
♦️Chapter 20!♦️
♦️Chapter 21♦️
♦️Chapter 22♦️
♦️Chapter 23♦️
♦️Chapter 24!♦️
♦️Chapter 25♦️
♦️Chapter 26♦️
♦️Chapter 27♦️
♣Chapter 28♣
♣Chapter 29♣
♣Chapter 30♣
♣Chapter 31!♣
♣Chapter 32♣
♣Chapter 33♣
♣Chapter 34♣
♣Chapter 35!♣
♣Chapter 36♣
♣Chapter 37♣
♣Chapter 38♣
♣Chapter 39!♣
♣Chapter 40♣
♣Chapter 41♣
♣Chapter 42♣
♣Chapter 43♣
♣Chapter 44♣
♣Chapter 45♣
♣Chapter 46♣
♣Chapter 47♣
♣Chapter 48♣
♣Chapter 49!♣

♦️Chapter 5♦️

1.3K 45 40
By TinyTrack127u


Donghyuck just crept into his house for his mother to yell at him instantly. He dropped his bag by the porch before watching as his mother came into sight. 


Donghyuck looked at his mother feeling the need to fight back knowing things would escalate from there if he did so. 

"None of your business!" Donghyuck yelled back knowing his mother was going to kill him and was ready to face the consequences.

"SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!" His mother yelled at him, going to smack him.

"Don't touch me!" Donghyuck yelled back catching the hand and trying to throw it away. 

Before Donghyuck could let go of his mother's arm, he felt someone slap the back of his head with something cold and hard. 

"Yell at your mother one more time!" His father was behind him and slapped his head with a remote controller the batteries coming out of the remote as that was done. 

Donghyuck turned around to see his father before falling on the floor, his head fuzzing up as his father hit him again. And again. And again.


It was already morning. Donghyuck felt the sun on his face as he was still by the door's entrance. It took time for him to realise he got beaten by his parents, again.

No surprise there though. He was just on the floor, feeling every ounce of his energy disappear, tasting the metallic taste of blood in his mouth knowing his father probably punched his face. 

The time was when school was meant to start, and if he didn't leave now he would be late but he already accepted it though, unbothered to put the energy in to get up.

Donghyuck eventually got off the floor, when he had the strength to do so, quickly getting a hoody on and walking to school while patching the busted lip he had. He was only just going to be late, but he still put the effort in knowing he had no choice.

On his way, he saw the black Rolls Royce Phantom just drive in. That meant Mark was in school and the last thing he wanted, was for Mark to torment him again.

"Nice to see you going into school late," Mark smirked when Donghyuck was just entering the school wrapping his hand around the younger's shoulder. 

"Go away, Mark. I have to get to my lesson." Donghyuck desperately said before feeling Mark push him against the locker-covered walls when they walked into the school. 

"Your secret is safe with me. I know it's been on your mind," Mark whispered into Donghyuck's ear, his raspy voice making Donghyuck flush again remembering what happened the day before.

"What happened to your lip?" Mark asked Donghyuck making the said boy frightened by the sudden question. 

"N-Nothing..." Donghyuck stuttered before attempting to escape but was stopped instantly by Mark when he held the boy by his hoody.

"If it was nothing then..." Mark touched the cut watching as Donghyuck winced a little. 

"Hm, must not hurt right?" Mark teased as Donghyuck his head turned away. 

The older in rage brought Donghyuck's head back knowing the boy was trying his best to cover up the pain he was feeling.

"If it doesn't... then I can do this." Mark moved closer to Donghyuck's lips.

It was so close to meeting that it looked like Mark was going to kiss him again like he did the day before. Probably because there was nobody around them and Mark was feeling confident. But a kiss was not what he got. 

"Ah!" Donghyuck wined, pushing his body against the lockers from the contact between his lip and Mark's teeth as the Canadian bit harder on the cut.

They didn't kiss but Donghyuck could feel the cut reopen. It was so swollen and inflated that  Mark was able to bite it and not make their lips touch each other but if anyone was to walk in they would think they were kissing.

"Don't lie to me next time," Mark muttered to the younger, getting off, stepping back and looking at Donghyuck realising he was beaten up again.

He laughed watching as Donghyuck slid against the lockers, before going to his next lesson. Meanwhile, the said boy was frozen, recapping what just happened in front of him. 

"Shit I have to get to my lesson." He said out loud before running after Mark so it seemed like he was with Mark and that was the reason he was late. 

"Lee Donghyuck, why you are late." Mr Qian asked Donghyuck, who quietly entered the classroom, out of breath from running. 

"Sorry, Sir... I'll make sure this doesn't happen again" Donghyuck bowed before rushing to his seat noticing how Mark smirked at him as he sat behind him.

"I don't get paired enough for this shit." He cursed to himself before smiling and carrying on with his lesson.

Donghyuck didn't do anything throughout the lesson though. He just looked out of the window of his seat. The work they were doing, he already knew the answers, quadratics were easy and he had already finished his sheet.

The end of the lesson was what he was waiting for, so he could go into the music room, sing his heart out and jam while everyone played games, chatted with friends and whatever.

Wasn't his problem unless Renjun, Jisung and Chenle wanted to hang with him. He walked along the hallway, covered in lockers, quickly stopping at his, to put some books in and out.

"You never learn, unless you love to see me here." Mark sighed cornering Donghyuck once again along with the lockers. 

Jeno and Jaemin smirked at what was going to happen, their arms folded as they leaned against the lockers knowing someone would want to interrupt.  

"Yah! Leave Donghyuck alone!" Renjun dashed in standing in front of Mark. 

"How about no. Jeno, Jaemin?" The two went beside Renjun. 

Jaemin tugged on Renjun's arm. But that failed to move the boy. 

"Don't touch me!" Renjun yelled pulling his arm out of Jaemin's grip. 

"Look Mark leave Donghyuck alone- YAH! GET ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Renjun screamed as Jeno put Renjun's light body onto his shoulder and carried him into the classroom made only for F4 as per Mark's request.

"How pathetic of your friend." Mark flicked Donghyuck's head as Donghyuck looked at Mark with disgust. 

"Leave Renjun out of this!" Donghyuck felt the first blow to his head. 

"He puts himself into that position. He should know the consequences." Mark then punched Donghyuck in the stomach making him fall to the ground. 

He felt Mark pick him up and throw him into the lockers knowing the boy wasn't going to stop there even though he hoped for it to be the last blow.

"You're so worthless. You're a disappointment to everyone. Your friends aren't even friends if they can't help you and your fat ass. I'll wait for the day you finally break, go down on your knees, and beg me to stop. What a sight that would be." 

"Beg? Never! My pride is much more worth than this." Donghyuck squeezed his fists, licking his cheek, tasting the blood from the cut in it. 

"My pride is bigger than your shitty F4 will ever be. Just because you can play around with everyone here, does not mean you can play with me!" 

"I'll let you off this once because I messed with you this morning... Twice isn't a good amount in a day," Mark said before pushing Donghyuck's head against his locker watching as his body collapsed to the cold floor and eyes fluttered shut from exhaustion.

"Donghyuck looks half dead."

"Doesn't he always nowadays?"

"Why does he do that to him?"

"He's in the mafia, that's why he can do that." 

"No, he is just hella rich! Are you stupid!" 

Mark glared at the girls and boys that were gossiping about him watching as they all got startled and instantly left. He rolled his eyes, as he walked away from Donghyuck. He ignored the comments and the looks he got from people as he walked past.


Meanwhile, a boy walked over to Donghyuck picked him up and took him into a vacant classroom with 5 others. 

"Finally got him. Clean up his blood, and run a DNA test. We need to know if he is the boy, " A boy who looked like the leader of the boys announced as he ran into the room putting the passed-out boy on the table which had cushions on top.

"Baekhyun, do whatever you can to protect him. Get close to him, whatever if the results are what we think. Chanyeol, that also means for you to stay away-"

"WHAT NO!" One of the boys yelled running over to another, hugging the said boy tightly. 

"Sorry kid... it's only for this. We can still be together!" Baekhyun said to Chaneyeol who instantly glared at the smaller.

"Whatever it is, Baekhyun is doing it. He's the best we got," One of the people commented as he reached for the boy's shirt and was going to start applying ointment on the bruises.

"So, this is what the assholes have been doing to the poor boy, give me the ointment Jongin!" Another person said pushing said boy out of the way.

"Kyungsoo~ Let me help!" Jongin whined back making the mentioned boy look at Jongin confused as he was terrible at first aid.

"It's not just Mark who has been doing this. Junhui said that it was his parents as well," The leader's right-hand man reminded as he patted the leader's shoulder and kissed his head to make him stress less.

"You know what to do then." The leader looked the redhead, dead in the eye, who nodded back, knowing what was meant. 


Donghyuck woke up. He wasn't in pain and most oddly in the classroom, he was meant to be in after lunch. It made him question what he was doing there as he remembered that he was supposed to be lying against the lockers or in the medical centre.

"You alright now kid?" Baekhyun asked as he noticed Donghyuck wake up, instantly winking at the said boy.

"Uh yeah... I'm fine... What are you doing here?" Donghyuck asked knowing it was Baekhyun and that he probably wants something from him.

"I helped a little with your situation. I-"

"Please don't help anymore. I can have fought back if I wanted to," Donghyuck shot back after realising Baekhyun was trying to be a knight and shining armour, probably trying to flirt as well.

Baekhyun's eyes widened. He knew Mark always beat the shit out of the younger but the fact Donghyuck could have fought back this whole time made him sceptical.

"Absolutely not! You can't just let someone hit you constantly without knowing why!" Baekhyun hoped the boy understood pain isn't something he should be enduring. 

"I let him do what he wants because there are reasons. If I wanted him to stop I would have fought him already like I said," Donghyuck stood up ignoring everything Baekhyun tried to do. 

"W-What do you want anyway?" Donghyuck asked, startled by Baekhyun's sudden personality change that made him look intimidating. 

"Wait and see Donghyuck, everything will soon make sense, just wait," Baekhyun warned as he noticed Mark walk into the classroom.

Shooting a glare at Mark, Baekhyun then got up from his seat and ruffled Donghyuck's hair realising he was going to be late for his next lesson.

"Hyuck we were looking for you all over the place!" Renjun burst into the classroom checking everything was fine with the younger. 

Donghyuck thought for a second. If he said he didn't know what happened to him, Renjun would be very worried about him.

"I-I just wanted some... me time... sorry..." Donghyuck made up on the spot making Renjun find the boy quite suspicious.

Renjun sighed, hugging Donghyuck who expected to be in pain but wasn't, and that made him very concerned because it was almost as if the boy was never in pain.

"I can't trust you being alone," Renjun muttered to himself. 

"Huh?Why?" Donghyuck questioned making Renjun's eyes widen in the realisation that he said that out loud. 

"Oh, don't worry... just stay away from Baekhyun, you know he is bad news," Renjun nervously said, rubbing the back of his head.

The teacher for the lesson soon came in meaning Renjun had to move back to his seat in between Jeno and Jaemin, and Donghyuck had to be next to the window alone.

Well, Mark was behind him, but Mark just ignores him for some reason and that is what always makes him happy, maybe why he loves music despite the fact he is the best at it.

Donghyuck looked across to Renjun and it seemed like he was going through hell. Jeno and Jaemin were whispering things into his ear as his head was on the table and his neck looked like it was being strangled.


I wonder who the 5 people were. I also wonder why Baekhyun randomly showed up in Donghyuck's life. 

Tiny Out ~ (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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