Burn (BWAM)

By She_writer_scenario

262K 7.1K 1.9K

Imagine being married off to a Mafia King just to pay off someone else's debt. Enzo Liu is the most coldest m... More

Hi ;)
His eyes met mine
Why must I be here?
How to run from the mess you made
Do Not
Just Imagine
Trust Issues
I cannot but I can
Eyes Everywhere
The first time I kinda believed
A crack in the glass
Best + Bitter = Better
Mischief Deal
Mr. Brightside
Satan's at the head of the table
Circle of idiots
Terrifying. I love it
Pleasing a Storm
Ironically Alive
Patting My Own Shoulder
Through the blinds
Interesting Concept But Poor Execution
Prepare yourselves
A Wedding to Remember
Words to live by
Level Up
Be Brave
My Icy Heart, It's Melting!
Everything I wanted
Just a little further
She looked like a work of art
This is too intense
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
I wish I had a camera
I came I saw I left
Cold hands warm hearts
All bundled up
It's cozy inside
Cocoa, cookies and cuddles
Baby it's cold outside
It's the season to be freezin'
My Girl
Down came the rain
Secret and lies
The world's lying to me
After the world has fallen
Let it rain let it pour
Little Grey Cloud
The heart is a mirror
Until my last breath
Things change and I have
Chained by Faith
I don't like this
I defied death for this
I'm here
All night
Worship the ground she walks on
I Love You
The End
She bleeds flame
Cool, I want to leave
Only fools fall in love
50 shades of your blood
Pain, Suffering and Jesus
This is the sad part
Cover your cough
A signal of Trust
You were my favorite crime
Watch me start a fire
This isn't good
I'm crying but I'm happy
Our Future
Shut the fuck up
That's just it
A Throne without Faith
I'm not good enough
Why are you like this?
Please try
We aren't good people
Tears of a Blade
An Offer I could definitely refuse
This is burn
I'm bad for you

What I remember

6K 161 12
By She_writer_scenario

Songs for this chapter are;

Billie Eilish - NDA

Billie Eillish - Bad Guy

Camila Cabello - Easy

Camila Cabello - Used to this

Tommee Profitt - Can't help falling in love (light version)

Enzo POV

I check the bullets again before walking down the long corridor with Titus. The rest of my men are on the other side of this gigantic mansion and still no sign of Joey, I thought we were friends the last time I cut off his fingers but it seems somehow the dipshit is mad at me. He has a few neighbors so I'm using a silencer to make this easier.

"Do you know any interesting restaurants to go to?"

"Who are you carrying to an 'interesting restaurant?"

He asks whilst opening a door and checking inside.

"None of your business"

He stops in his tracks and a huge grin appears on his lips. Just fucking great, I roll my eyes just as he gasps like a bitch. Why is he always acting this way?

I quickly think to say something before he starts up with his shit.

"We're going out and I just don't know where to take her"


He sounds like a little bitch

"Stop with that oooo shit. It's just a date"

I've never been on much dates but I guess we should if we want to make this 'dating' thing work. It's kinda funny when I think about it, we're engaged to everyone else yet we're trying to figure each other out at the same time.

"I'm glad your finally admitting what we all know"

I roll my eyes, he's so obsessed with me dating Ivy. She's just one girl yet he's doesn't give a shit about anyone else I fucked with.

"I'll send you some recommendations and since this is your first relationship maybe you should take things slow"

I roll my eyes again. No one tells me what I can and cannot do and I can't believe I'm saying this but I only care about what Ivy wants. If she expects us to take this slow we'll do it even though I have no idea how a slow relationship works are we even in a relationship or are we just dating? Fuck I'm confused

"First of all this isn't my first relationship", I defend.

Somehow the longer we walk the longer the corridor becomes. As we talk our voices bounce off the walls and echo throughout the hall and now everyone knows my business.

"I keep telling you, having your body count increase doesn't count"

"Fucking ass", I mutter to myself, "it might be my first relationship but I'm not sure how to treat her now. Most of the time she's been a pain but now it's like I'm used to the pain"

"That's all apart of falling in love", he says and I stop in my tracks.

I stare him dead in the eyes and I hear him gulp. No matter whatever mood I'm in he should never use that word around me. Liu men fear the weak word called love and under no circumstances will I ever fall in love with this girl.

"Don't use that word around me"

I continue to walk and he follows.

"Right I forgot how scared that word makes you"

"I'm not scared of anything and I'm not falling for her. I'm just.....getting used to her"

He walks past me and I see him roll his eyes. As I was just about to hit him in the back of the head I'm interrupted by a loud sound of something dropping. It echoed through the hall and Titus glances back at me as he draws his knife. I nod at him and pull out my gun before walking to the noise.

We walk to the staircase that leads to Joey's bedroom and Titus decides to head upstairs. My gut tells me somethings wrong, we checked the bedroom twice and after up turning it Joey has more sense then to go back in there. I glance behind the staircase and I slowly walk towards it.

I see the small bucket and I aim my gun to the shadows casted behind the dark concrete staircase.

"Are you gonna come out?"


I know he's there and now he's starting to piss me the fuck off.

"Come out Joey"

Titus stops in his tracks at the top of the stair and now I'm pissed I aim the barrel to the concrete wall and pull the trigger. The silence becomes loud as the bullet sticks through the wall and soon a shivering Joey steps out from behind the stairs with his hands behind his head.

"C'mon man I didn't know it was you"

"Fucking liar"

I grab him by the collar and pull him away from the enclosed space. I shove him against the concrete wall and he groans when I wrap my hand around his throat and I bring the gun to his head.

"Alright alright alright calm down man.  What......what can I do?"

"You've been fucking with me for months now, your times up"

"I can...can tell you anything you want to know, just put the gun down"

I place my finger on the trigger and he starts begging, I hate when people beg it always takes the fun out of killing them.

"Um.....Archer......Archer Chadwick's in town and they say he wants to kill you"


"I swear to you that's what people are saying on the streets. He isn't over you killing his uncle man"

"I don't believe you"

"You have a gun to my head why would I lie!"

"What else is he saying?", Titus asks from behind me.

"I don't believe this asshole"

"He doesn't have a reason for lying lets hear him out"

I sigh and let him go before backing away. I raise my hands and take my thumb from the trigger.

"Fine I won't kill him"

I hear them both sigh and I bring my hands to my sides before putting my finger on the trigger. Within seconds the barrel is aimed at Joey's head and I pull the trigger. He slides down the wall leaving a trail of blood behind and I hand Titus the gun.

"See he doesn't know shit"

I walk away and leave them. There's no fucking way Archer is back in town and if so I'll kill him.


I'm confused do all girls like being embarrassed like that. He basically called her a whore in front of her entire family yet they still had sex. Why are women like that?

Come to think of it why am I even reading this? Its almost seven and I've been reading this stupid book almost all day but it's too dramatic to put down. But everything this female character does just pisses me off who the fuck wrote her?

My door swings open and I glance up. Its Enzo and he eyes me before saying.

"We're going out put on something nice"

Without another word he shuts the door behind him and I'm left confused on what to wear. We haven't spoken all day yet he's ready to take me somewhere. I'm not complaining I'm bored anyway so the question is what to wear. I hop off the bed and walk over to my closet. I already showered for the night and moisturized so the only thing left to do is to fix my hair.

Maybe I can just put in a half up half down. I glance through the closet and I decided to wear something casual, it might be cold so I grabbed a leather jacket and a short black dress.

I quickly change out of my jammies and into the outfit. I'm quickly dressed and I braid my hair into a half up. I slip into my boots and open the door before stepping out into the hall. I can barely breathe thanks to the butterflies in my chest as I walk downstairs.

I spot Enzo in all black with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair is left messy and some of his tattoos are peaking out from the dark shirt. I watch him as he stares into his phone screen. He finally glances up at me when I get closer to him then the phone is shoved into his pocket.He eyes my outfit before nodding.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"


His hand wraps around mine and he leads me out of the house. I left my phone on the bed and I wonder what's gotten into him to make him this secretive. We haven't spoken since yesterday and I spent the entire day sleeping off my hangover, I didn't even get to say goodbye to him when he left for work.

A black SUV pulls up and he opens the door for me, I raise an eyebrow at him before hopping into the back seat with him soon joining me. The car soon pulls off and Enzo soon pulls out his phone again. I rest my head against the leather seat as the car drives past the gates and I wonder where he's taking me.

"How was work today?", I ask


"What made it complicated?"

He sighs and puts away his phone.

"Well I did something", his grey eyes meet mine.

"You killed someone?"

He nods.

"Do you ever have a guilty conscious after you...you know?"

"Not really"

"So you feel perfectly fine after killing people?"

"Rarely I get nightmares about them but that's it"

"What was your childhood?"

"Well if I could describe it in a few words it would be dark, hell and horrible"

"Well I'd appreciate it if you can tell me about it sometime", I softly ask and he nods.

His hand rests against my knee and I kiss him. The kiss is a soft peck and I soon pull away before giving him a small smile.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?"

"Fine, I'm taking you on a date"

A grin appears on my lips and he scoffs as I wrap my arm around his elbow and squeeze on it gently. A date.....Enzo Liu is taking me on a date I can't help but giggle.


The drive was short but I enjoyed it. As soon as I hopped out the car my eyes widen at the beautiful restaurant. Twinkling lights are decorated beautifully around the building and I've never come here before, I usually like going to fancy restaurants with my friends but this...this is way out of my league. We walk up to who I assume is the manager and the man doesn't say anything as he shakes Enzo's hand. I stare at the two men as they shake hands.

"Mr. Liu right this way"

The man leads us to our table and I see how truly expensive this place is. As we walk past tables, I see most of the customers are young women with their sugar daddies. A man who looks about 75-80 is seated next to a blonde in all red. Her hair is curled to perfection and she smiles at the old man as she feeds him a spoonful of chicken soup. Her hand is on his thigh and her eyes immediately dart to Enzo as we walk by them. Now that I come to think of it almost every girl in the restaurant eyes are glued to Enzo. He seems to notice because he holds my hand which causes the butterflies in my chest to flutter even more. I never thought holding someone's hand would bring me this much joy.

The manager soon leads us to a large table a little farther from the rest of people. Its beautifully decorated with candles and a red bouquet of roses in the center of it. We both take our seats and I order champagne and Enzo orders bourbon as the waiters bring us our menus. I take off my jacket and rest it on the chair and I glance around the parlor again.

"I think we started off a little rocky, so why don't we try again?"


"Hi my name is Ivy Devoe", I smile.

"Well Ms. Devoe it's lovely to meet you, Enzo Liu"

"Please the pleasures all mine"

He leans against his chair and grabs the small glass of bourbon before sipping from it.

"So tell me a little about yourself"

"Well if you must know I'm a college dropout. I used to work at a coffee shop before getting fired for some reason", I say and he smirks,"Umm....I was raised by my father I don't really know my mum and last year I went through a pretty hectic breakup"

"Why did you dropout of college?"

"I just lost my passion for it. It used to make me happy and excited but after awhile it just felt like a chore"

He nods and I get the feeling I'm making things depressing so I change the subject.

"What about you, what college did you go too?"

"I went to private school then businesses most of my school years were boring"

"It can't all be boring"

"Well I did pick up smoking and tried different kinds of drugs"

"You did drugs?", I gasp.

I know he kills people and smokes but drugs too.

"Why are you acting all surprised?", he gives me a smile.

"Because it is surprising. What else did you experiment with in college?"

"I was mostly learning about business but I may of sorta been a dick"

"Were you a manwhore?", I smirk and rolls his eyes with a scoff.

"I was experimenting"

"Is that what we're calling it now?", I laugh.

The waiter comes back to our table and places two menus in front of us before leaving again. I chew down on my bottom lip as I do a quick glance of the menu. Everything seems fancy as hell and I can purchase groceries with the same amount of money and still be full. Most of the items cost a fortune yet still manages to be a tiny bit of food.

"Don't tell me you didn't experience college either?"

"Well I wasn't a whore like you but I did lose my  virginity there"

"Was it worth it?"

I glance up at him.

"It was thirty seconds in a janitor's closet, not even close"

I go back to the menu and see a smirk on the corner of his lips.

"Well if it were me, it would have been minutes and you wouldn't been able to walk for days"

My cheeks flush and I focus on the menu before deciding. I try to hide my smile with the menu and he soon places his down on the table.

"Have you decided?"

I nod and he calls the waiter over. We order our meals and go right back to talking. This feels natural to me I don't feel as if I'm chatting with a Mafia King who I'm forced to marry its as though he's a simple man I met on the streets of Moscow.

"So what do you do for a living?"

"It's kept underwraps"

"Is it like a spy or something?", I rest my palm against my cheek as a huge grin appears on my lips.

"Something like that"

I take a sip from my glass and continue. This date is fun, I like getting to know him like this.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"I don't usually date and I was too busy with work to start dating''

"So your usually single?"

"Pretty much"

"So if we're keeping tabs I would technically be your first girlfriend?"


I smile even brighter and he tries to take it back.

"I probably dated in college so you wouldn't technically be my first relationship"

"Too late I already am"

"What about your mum?"

I sigh,"Well...from what I was told she didn't love my father anymore and she got fed up with me and left"


"No it's fine the staff called her a bitch anyway"

We both laugh and our food finally arrives. My mouth waters as I stare down at the steak and steamed vegetables. Enzo ordered the same and thanked the waiter as he walked back to the kitchen. I took a sip from my glass before digging into the meal.

"Tell me about some of your tattoos", I asked whilst cutting my steak.

"I like them and I have thirty-six to be exact"

"I saw the dream catcher on your heart, what does that stand for?"

"My mum, she loved them when I was little and she liked hanging them all over our house"

"She sounds really sweet"

I take a bite of my steak and it's actually amazing. I take a sip of champagne to wash it down and he takes a bite of his.

"She was. Can you tell me about this breakup?"

"Well I trusted this guy.....I'm lying I really loved him and he made me feel like I was on top of the world then he started closing off from me and I caught him sleeping with my best friend"


"No it's fine, trust me I enjoyed kicking both of their asses afterwards"

He smiles and I take another bite of my steak.

"How long have you known Titus?"

"Since I was probably eight. His dad was good friends with my mum and we've always been close so after graduating college he moved in with me"

"What about Jade?"

I always thought they dated or something, they're practically the same person.

"I actually met her in college. She was mean and tough as nails, she's basically the strongest person I know"

"Have you two?"

He stares at me confused before finally grasping what I meant.

"No fuck no", he laughs and I will admit that I'm actually relieved,"she's like my big sister"

"Why not little?"

"Please we both know she'd kick my ass"

We both laugh and I'm soon finished eating. I rest my palm against my cheek and listen to him. He's the most interesting person I've ever met.

"Well what about your friend Kay? Is there anything there?"

"You know his name is Jay and there was actually"

His eyebrow raises and I actually never wanted him to know about Jay and I's past relationship but I will since he seems so interested.

"He and I dated in high school it was a mutual breakup and we've been close ever since"

"Hasn't it been weird?"

"Not really. I guess it's because he understands me and my nerves and my over thinking. And he's so positive..... rarely but still"

"I want to know why you were so rude to me when we first met"

"I wasn't rude", I defend.

"You liar"

"I'm serious that.... that was my everyday emotion"

I avoid his eyes because of the embarrassment that causes my cheeks to flush.


I stare into his eyes and we both laugh.

"Was I that mean?"

"You were a monster", he says as he takes a sip of his bourbon.

"Well you were bad too"

"Because you were acting annoying and here I thought you just had an attitude"

"What I call it is I'm nice when we actually sit down and talk", I say with a warm smile.

"Well if you must know this is the first time I've ever laughed this much with anyone"

"I actually believe you. You're always so up tight in those suits with your panties in a bunch"

He gives me a big eye roll and I smile before pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well I'm having a really loving time with you too", I admit.

Am I actually falling for this man?

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