Truth Or Fiction

By Ginnyrules27

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The Fates have had it. They're tired of cutting all the life threads of the denizens of the Isle while Aurado... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

Chapter Sixty Six

879 27 75
By Ginnyrules27

Phil Jr. shook his head. "So...which one of us will have murderous feelings awoken with this scroll?"

"Just read," Melody told him with a fond head shake.

"Yes Mel."

"Thank you."

Ben sighed as he sat at his desk. It'd been a few days since Leah's exile to the Isle and he had finally gotten around to arranging a meeting with Aurora and Phillip Sr.

"There's no need to be nervous Ben," Aurora said. "I'm sure it'll go smoothly, whatever the meeting's in regards to."

With Stefan's death a few years back, and Leah being on the Isle now, Aurora was the legal heir to the throne of Auroria.

Aurora sighed softly at the mention of her father. Was it weird that there was a small part of her, a part that she thought she'd long buried, that was jealous of Mal's relationship with Hades?

Ben had hoped Mal would be with him, if only so he could spend some time with her before the meeting.

Malinda sighed. "Believe me, I missed you too Ben," she whispered as she thought about all the meetings she had during that time.

Ever since the council meeting, Mal seemed to be getting busier and busier.

Malinda sighed softly, trying to shove back the feelings that the scrolls were threatening to awaken.

It honestly felt as if they'd only had fifteen minutes between them with how busy both their schedules had gotten.

And that might be another reason to push the coronation back, Belle thought. Ben's health comes first and foremost but school is already stressful enough never mind adding the duties of running a kingdom on top of them.

This weekend, Ben promised himself. This weekend, I'll take Mal on a ride on my scooter. Maybe we'll go to the Enchanted Lake, just relax with the two of us. Or maybe the three of us. Estelle would like the Enchanted Lake I'd think. Run around, swim, or just chill out on the platform.

Mal smiled at the thought. She couldn't help it, it sounded like fun. "Count me in."

He smiled slightly as he thought about Mal's impressively loyal Cerberus. The pup, if he could be classified as such, loved to follow Mal around whenever he could; even going as far as to follow Mal into a few classes much to the amusement of the teacher and other students.

Estelle looked up and yipped softly, as if he was saying 'of course I do! Where Mali goes, I go!'

Estelle had been allowed in of course, if only because how do you say no to a Cerberus of all creatures? A symbol of Lord Hades?

"Only an idiot would say on to Estelle," Macaria said with a small nod.

A couple of teachers had come to him to voice their concerns but Ben had stated that it was a matter they needed to voice to Mal. Just because he was king and dating Mal didn't mean he was going to start telling her what to do.

"Yeah, if Ben ever started telling people what to do, we'd have to assume an alien has taken over his brain," Akiho nodded.

Not that I really could, Ben thought with amusement. Mal's got a fire in her that I love.

"Always have, always will," Benji said.

"Plus technically since she can turn into a dragon, it's a literal fire," Emir added with a grin.

Not to mention, she's the daughter of a God. Two Gods actually. I'm pretty sure she outranks me.

"Since when did you care about rank?" Malinda asked, gently teasing her husband.

He had considered though hiring a helper for Estelle, in the event that there was a class that didn't allow Estelle to join them as it might affect the safety of the students and of Estelle.

"I think Mr. Delay was the one teacher who didn't let Estelle in," Malinda said.

"What?! Why?" Mal exclaimed.

Malinda gave her younger self a look. "Excitable but lovable Cerberus plus chemicals that are likely to explode? Not a good match."

"She's got a point," Lil Shang nodded.

He would have to broach the idea with Mal though—Estelle was her dog, he wasn't going to do anything behind her back.

"Thanks Ben," Mal said. "No one touches Estelle without going through me first."

"Of course the only exception to that is family," Malinda added.


"Yes Dean?" Ben thought as he pulled himself out of his thoughts.

"Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip are here," Dean stated, his voice coming clear from the intercom. "Shall I let them in?"

"What would we do without Dean?" Benji asked with a small smile.

Ben nodded and then paused as he remembered that Dean, despite being an excellent head assistant, could not see through the intercom.

Malinda snorted fondly. "Dean may be amazing but he's not superhuman Benny."

"Yes Dean, send them in."

He couldn't help but smile as he saw Aurora and Phillip walk through the doorway, though he had to admit he was nervous.

"Hey, they're not the Bat so I think you can relax," Harriet said.

"How dare you?!"

"Is she wrong?" Sammy asked, glaring slightly at Leah.

He hadn't seen either royal since he broke off his betrothal contract with Audrey. Well scratch that, he had seen them at his coronation but the traditional meet and greets were cut rather short due to the surprise visit from Maleficent.

"That would put a damper on conversations," Emir nodded.

"Your majesty," Aurora said, her voice as soft and pleasant as it normally was whenever she spoke to Ben. She gave a small curtsey as Phillip gave a small bow.

"Why must we have protocols?" Benji muttered, shaking his head.

"Princess Aurora, Prince Phillip, there's no need for that," Ben said gently. "I've known you since I was a toddler. You're friends with my parents. No formalities are necessary."

Ben nodded. "Exactly. No need to bow or anything."

"Then there's no need to use our titles," Phillip stated, a smile on his lips. "Though I think I know the reason why you've called us down here."

Phillip frowned in thought as he looked over at Aurora and Leah. "Yes, I believe I know as well what the meeting pertains to."

Ben sighed. "I do need to talk to you about the line of succession for Auroria. With your mother—."

"Oh that makes sense," Phil Jr nodded. "Mom's rightfully next in line anyway."

"Please forgive my interruption Ben but from what I understand of her crimes, the former Queen of Auroria is no mother of mine," Aurora stated.

"Aurora!" Leah exclaimed.

"I stand by what my scroll-self stated," Aurora said firmly. "Aunts Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are more like mothers to me than you are. They at least never judged me for my parents' actions and raised me as their own. They did not move to almost kill an entire island of people!"

"It is unfortunate that we share the same gene pool but that is it. I, in all honesty, consider Flora, Fauna and Merryweather to be more of mothers to me than her."

"Exactly what I said," Aurora nodded.

Ben nodded softly. "Understood. With Leah's exile to the Isle of the Lost, Auroria needs a Queen."

"Oh don't give me that look," Aurora shook her head as Leah stared at her in shock. "It's just a fact. You didn't raise me, and the brief bit of time you did, you spent trying to make me into what you thought a Princess should be. It's also a fact that Auroria needs a Queen."

"Are you asking if I will be willing to pick up the mantle and the duties of Queen?" Aurora asked softly.

"I know it's a lot to ask, especially with everything your family has been through in the past few days," Ben said. "If you need time to think about it, I can set up a steward in your place."

"...who would that even be though?" Phil Jr. asked. "Grandpa?"

"As if that drunkard would even be able to—."

"Leah I would appreciate it if you withheld your comments about my father," Phillip said, leveling a glare toward Leah.

Granted, he wasn't exactly sure who that steward would be but he'd set one up. Aurora gave him the kindness of getting out of the contract when she could have insisted that he honor his commitment. The least he could do is allow her a few days to think over such a life changing decision.

"We can do that Ben," Belle said.

Aurora shook her head. "I married for love Ben. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't allow you the same choice."

"...I owe it to the people of Auroria and the people of Auradon to make up for Leah's crimes," Aurora said softly. "If by becoming Queen I can begin to heal the hurt she caused, I would gladly do so."

"It is not only my duty as Queen but as a decent person," Aurora said with a nod.

Ben gave her a small smile. "We can arrange for your coronation to occur whenever you see fit. I'll get the paperwork started immediately though."

"Let us handle that Ben," Phillip said. "You've got enough on your plate."

"Ben, I can do that," Aurora stated. "You've got so much work to do yourself, adding another thing onto your plate wouldn't be fair."

Belle smiled softly. "Thank you Aurora. Knowing my son, he'd insist on doing the paperwork himself."

"As has been stated, I've known Ben since he and Audrey were toddlers," Aurora said. "It wouldn't be right to have him work on my coronation. Especially not with all the work he'd have to do as King."

"As well we wanted to inform you of some information we obtained," Phillip said softly.

"That doesn't sound ominous or anything," Evan muttered.


"Aurora, he's got to know. It's not fair to Ben if we were to keep this from him."

"What do I have to know?" Ben asked as Benji stiffed. He'd forgotten about this part of the meeting, so much had happened since then.

Ben tilted his head, slightly confused. "What information? Obviously it seems to pertain to the safety of Auradon?"

Benji frowned slightly. Oh yeah, it definitely pertains to the safety of Auradon.

Aurora and Phillip looked at each other before Aurora sighed. "Leah...before this council meeting, Leah was attempting to drum up support for you to be reinstated into the betrothal contract by stating that it was weakening Auradon by you not having an official heir."

"What?!" Malinda exclaimed.

"Mal, it's fine—."

"Ah ba ba ba! Considering you never told me about this, I would say it's not fine Ben! Leah has to know that's illegal to force you back into the contract just so the heir has Rose blood considering the contract was null and void to start with!"

"And you don't have to worry about Leah," Benji promised. "I love you Mal. No one else. Now...please calm down? For Firefly's sake at least?"

"You're lucky I love you."

Ben froze in his seat. That had not been something he had been made aware of. To his knowledge, Emma White was still the unofficial heir of Auradon—the agreement had been made between their parents when they were three after his mother had miscarried.

Malinda sighed, a sad smile pulling at her lips as she rubbed her stomach as her baby kicked. "Thankfully I think it's only ever been used officially once."

"What?" Belle and Beast asked, looking at Malinda in shock.

But Benji nodded, his eyes growing a bit dark as he thought about Cotillion. About a certain duel that didn't go the way the way he'd thought it go.

Of course the agreement was only made verbally, there was nothing written Ben could obtain as proof.

"And as we've been saying, get that in writing," Emir said, shaking his head.

If Leah had been trying to drum up support to reinstate the contract...well then they could just convene a meeting of the newly formed 'what the hell are they gonna do' committee.

Emir and Akiho did their best to avoid looking at each other, as to avoid laughing at Ben's thoughts. They knew the seriousness of what was being discussed.

Because there was no denying the fact that Leah was right in one regard: the kingdom did need an heir and unfortunately, that fact gave Leah and Audrey a strong argument as to why the contract should be reinstated.

Malinda shook her head. "As you can see Ben, we have that covered. And you shouldn't be worrying about that at sixteen."

Just Audrey actually, Ben thought as the realization struck him. Leah's on the Isle, it'll take her time to drum up any support there. If she can at all actually, a former royal of Auradon's probably not going to be the most popular over there if I remember correctly.

Still...Audrey can complain loud enough for the both of them, Phil Jr. thought.

There'd been a reason why Mal and Jay had disguised him after all when they went on their clandestine trip before his coronation.

"Well that and the fact that your father set up the Isle so you'd be in a lot more danger if anyone caught you than a regular Auradon royal would be," Uma pointed out.

"I'm dating Mal though," Ben said after a few minutes as he seemed to be able to form words again. "I'm sorry but I'm not going to end my relationship with Mal just to reenter a contract I honestly believe no one was happy in."

Benji noddd. "Nothing would make me end my relationship with Mal."

"Trust us, we understand Ben," Phillip said softly. "We're in no way forcing you to do so. Not that we could considering you outrank us. But we figured it was information you'd want to have on hand."

"I knew you weren't forcing it," Benji said, giving Phillip a small smile. "But thank you. You were right, I needed to know that."

"We don't know if Audrey knows about what her grandmother was trying to do," Aurora told him. "I understand that she didn't take the dissolving of the contract all that well."

"That would be an understatement," Ashaki muttered.

That is putting it mildly, Ben thought but only nodded. No matter what Audrey had done, it wouldn't be fair to say it in a room where she wasn't there to defend herself.

"You're too good," Harry said, shaking his head.

"Ben..." Aurora said. "I know Leah probably never said it at the council meeting but I will. I'm so sorry she's put this on your plate, and I know Lady Mal probably won't want to see me so if you could...if you could let her know I am so sorry that she was put through that for sixteen years, I would greatly appreciate it."

Both Benji and Malinda looked over at Aurora with small smiles. "Thank you Aurora."

"It was appreciated," Benji added. "Not necessary as you didn't commit the acts but appreciated all the same."

"Of course," Ben nodded. "Aurora, your apology is not necessary. It wasn't you who committed the acts."

"I would never expect a child to apologize for their parents' actions," Benji said. "Even if the child is an adult."

"But as acting representative of Auroria, I should apologize on behalf of my family and my kingdom," Aurora stated. "Leah's actions do not reflect our beliefs and we stand behind our king."

"I will admit it was nice to hear even if I had a feeling I knew that," Benji said.

And you are the reason why we put up with Leah for so many, many years, Ben thought with a small smile.

"That's true," Chip nodded.

Aurora was truly her mother's opposite in every way, shape and form. While Ben had been given the gift of Hope at his christening, he'd begun to give up a little hope of ever having a situation where Leah would not hold power over legislation or of his decisions.

Lucas tilted his head. "But...she's gone."

"Yeah. Now." Chip told him. "And that's after twenty years."

Speaking of decisions...

"Well that doesn't sound ominous at all," Herkie chuckled.

"Hey! You stole my line!" Evan exclaimed.

"Aurora, there is one more thing I'd like to ask you," Ben said. "A spot has opened up on my council due to Leah being escorted to the Isle. I was wondering, as to ensure that Auroria is still represented, if you or Phillip would be interested in taking that spot? It is yours by right."

"But..since his wife is there too...wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?" Claudine asked.

The spot on the council that had been held by Leah was supposed to go to Aurora after Stefan's death. No one had really tried to figure out why it hadn't but Akiho always had the theory that Leah refused to give it up.

"Why should I give up my husband's seat?" Leah sniffed. "Aurora's place was with her daughter, not dabbling in politics."

"Then why not give the seat to father? If mother's place was with me and Phil?" Audrey asked, her soft voice startling everyone. There was no antagonism in Audrey's tone, just pure confusion and it was clear to everyone that she was merely trying to understand her grandmother's decision.

"That seat has been in our family since Auradon was founded!"

"...and father's part of our family," Audie said, glaring at Leah. "He married into the family after all, just as Aunt Anne took the Rose last name after father married mother and to this day I don't know why but it's the only way Arianna could have the last name of Rose despite being on father's side if the family. And by the way, mother has two children but you've forgotten one of them as you often do."

Leah scoffed. "I don't have to explain myself to you. You who have worked to poison my granddaughter against me."

"I haven't done anything," Audie said calmly. "If Audrey becomes poisoned against you, it would only be due to your own actions."

After knowing what he knew now...Ben honestly wouldn't put it past the Beauty Matriarch from Hell as Chip liked to call her among other nicknames.

"Hey...can we refer to Leah as the pink demon as well as Freddy?" Harry asked.

"But Leah doesn't wear pink," Akiho said.

"Neither does Freddy and mom said that we could refer to him as 'the pink demon'!"

"...the man has a point," Sammy nodded.

"While we of course accept the position on your council Ben, let me talk with my husband to see which one of us will actually sit on the council," Aurora said. "The new duties as King and Queen will take some getting used to of course."

"There we go," Claudine nodded.

"I think you're preaching to the choir there Briar," Phillip chuckled as he looked at Ben.

Both Ben and Benji smiled as they heard that. It was nice to know that Phillip would feel comfortable referring to Aurora by 'Briar' in front of them.

Ben smiled; for as long as he could remember, Phillip had referred to Aurora as 'Briar' whenever it was an informal setting or around royals they trusted.

"I don't know why you won't just use the name she was born with," Leah scoffed.

"Because for sixteen years Aurora knew her name only to be Briar," Phillip stated. "And so that is the name she is still more used to answering to. It's what makes her comfortable and therefore will be what I use until the day comes that she asks me not to."

"It's been an...adjustment I must admit," Ben nodded. "Still, the ability to make changes for the betterment of Auradon and the people of the Isle is one I welcome."

Ben nodded. "What my scroll-self said."

Aurora gave him a small smile. "And I look forward to working with you in achieving those changes, Ben. I hope the trust between our kingdoms and our families is still intact."

"Of course," Benji said with a nod.

"Aurora, you allowed me the chance to back out of a contract we'd established when Audrey and I were three," Ben said gently. "As I've been saying about the VKs, they are not their parents. Why then would I judge you on an action of yours? Especially when you allowed me the aforementioned kindness?"

"That would be rather hypocritical," Celia nodded.

"Well to be fair, we couldn't really insist you kids stay in a contract when we married for love," Phillip spoke up. "I was prepared to give up my throne for who I believed was a peasant girl I met in the woods."

"I believe you told grandpa that it was the 'fourteenth century' as justification as to why you should be with mom," Phil Jr said with a chuckle.

"You were lucky that we were betrothed ourselves then," Aurora teased her husband slightly as she gave him a smile.

"Actually that's a good point," Kitty asked. "Would King Phillip be violating the betrothal if he married Queen Aurora before he knew her true identity and therefore had to step down from his line of succession?"

" your daughter interested in contract law?" Hades asked, looking at Kit. "Because I'm pretty sure that's a very good question that should have been considered."

"Aurora isn't Queen," Leah said. "Honestly Kit, you'd think you'd teach your daughters to recognize rank."

"Yes well considering Kitty did get Aurora's rank correct, I see no reason to correct her," Kit said. "And you're acting way too familiar with me for someone who's been stripped of her own rank and sentenced to the Isle, Leah."

"But anyway Ben, there are no hard feelings about that. I apologize, let me revise that statement. There are no hard feelings from me or Phillip."

"At least we know not all the Roses wilted," Chip said with a small smile.

"I know Audrey still is adjusting," Phillip sighed. "She's probably not going to take the fact that Leah's on the Isle all that well."

"I see we're stating the obvious today," Evan muttered.

Ben held back a sigh of his own; that was an understatement.

"It was," Benji whispered with a small sigh.

The nickname the Tourney team had bestowed upon her of 'Banshee' seemed aptly earned. Ben was honestly worried his ear drums were going to burst at one point during her tirade.

"Audrey!" Aurora exclaimed.

Ben shook his head. "No, no, it's—."

"Okay I know he's about to say that since he's King, the buck stop with him," Benji said. "But Ben, you don't deserve to have your ear drums burst because your ex is upset."

And I notice that she's not yelling at Beast and he did the same thing you did Ben, Mal thought. It might just be because everyone sees you as a peer while they see Beast as a King but still. Not cool.

Thankfully, his friends and shadows had whisked Mal and the other VKs away as they saw Audrey approach so they weren't subjected to Audrey's ire.

"And why would they do that? I can take her!"

As it should have been really, He was the king, it was his decision to seek restitution for the Isle and its citizens.

"Ben, you have the right to make your own choices," Chip said. "That doesn't give here the right to yell at you."

"Audrey has the right to express her disappointment," Leah said. "I wouldn't expect you to understand that."

"Yeah I wouldn't be talking now if I was you," Chip said, glaring at Leah.

Audie looked over at Lucas. "How's it feel not being the person in charge of keeping Leah alive?"


For the Auradon citizens segregated into their own subsection of Auradon, split off from the rest by natural and magical means.

"We are fixing that though," Benji said firmly.

Ben wasn't going to lie though, after about fifteen minutes of a rant about how he was specifically targeting Leah because he never really liked her grandmother, he was thankful when Chad came and somehow led Audrey away.

Chad shrugged as his sisters looked at him in shock. "You're welcome Ben but you don't need to be."

I don't know how he can do it, even when they've been broken up for a couple of weeks, but Chad has always been an Audrey whisperer, Ben thought.

"But how?" Lucy asked. "How can Chad be an 'Audrey whisperer' when you've been 'friends' with her just as long Ben?"

"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss Ben?" Aurora said softly, breaking through the silence that had overtaken the trio of royals.

"....not that I can think of," Ben said as he thought about it. "I do appreciate you coming down here. If there's anything I can do for you or your family—."

"Thank you Ben but there's no need," Aurora said.

"Ben, that is incredibly kind but there's no need," Aurora said, giving Ben another kind smile as the two Auroria royals got up to leave.

"What my scroll-self said," Aurora nodded.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Auradon Prep, there was another meeting going on. However, this one was more impromptu.

"Why do I have a feeling it involves Mal?" Hadie asked.

"Hey! Lightning Butt!" Uma snapped as she finally came across one of her Olympian cousins. If she hadn't known better, she'd have thought that they were avoiding her.

"So is it me, Macaria, or Herkie?" Hyllus asked. "We're the only ones at Auradon Prep who'd be referred to as 'Lighting Butt'."

"Yes Uma?" The girl asked with a sigh as she turned to look at her.

"Looks like it's Macaria then."

"Look, I'd rather not spend more time with you than I need to so I'll get right to the point. What's going on with Mal?"

"Hey the Auradon side is proving to be pretty okay but I like Mal more," Uma said. "So I'll do whatever I need to to make sure Mal's okay."

The other girl frowned and tilted her head slightly in confusion. "I...I thought that was your doing."

"Why would it be my doing?" Uma exclaimed. "In case it's escaped your notice but I like Mal's Isle garb!"

"Why in Uncle Hades' name would I change my cousin into avoiding all things Isle in her wardrobe?"

"Exactly! Like my scroll-self said!"

"Well sorry Uma but Mal wasn't like this before you came so it was a logical step. Especially since I don't know you all that well."

"Why would I turn my cousin into that?"

"We get it Uma," Jay said, shaking his head.

"And who's fault is that Macaria? Considering you and your siblings seem to excel at avoiding us Isle kids."

" may have a point there," Macaria said, flinching slightly at the actions of her scroll-self.

Well, not all of us, Uma corrected herself with an inward frown. Macaria had instantly taken a shine to Gil of all people, at least according to Carlos.

Macaria couldn't help the faint blush that came to her cheeks.

Uma never thought she would agree with the brainless morons who called themselves family but she had to agree with Hyllus on this one whenever the older Zeus grandchild called the two of them being together strange.

"Hey!" Macaria exclaimed, glaring slightly at Hyllus. "Some might say the same about Mal and Ben! Gil seems like a sweet guy from what we've read!"

"Ah even across timelines, somethings never change," Audie shook her head. "Even if we have no idea how it happened."

Uma sighed and looked back over at Macaria. "Does Mal have your mental link on mute?"

"Mal...Mal knows about the mental link?"

"Of course she does! Why wouldn't she?"

"Maybe Uncle Hades didn't think it would work through the barrier?" Macaria ventured a guess.

"Except he knew it did since he could do it with Aunt Persephone," Herkie pointed out.

"Oh...then I got nothing."

"Of course she knows! She was raised as Uncle Hades' daughter, you really think he'd keep that from her?"

"As if I would," Hades said with a small snort. "It's one of the few ways I can contact her."

Macaria shrugged. "She never really brought it up whenever we talked but let me go ahead and give it a go."

"Thanks," Uma sad, looking over at Macaria.

"Family has to stick together after all," Macaria told her. "Even if there's discord."

Uma nodded and watched as Macaria grew silent, trying to reach out to Mal with the mental link of the Olympians. It wasn't five minutes before the brunette spoke once more.

"She...she didn't answer," Macaria said, a dejected note to her voice that seemed rather out of place if Uma was being honest. "The link is supposed to work between Olympians without fail. The only time it doesn't is if one of us has it on mute or..."

Malinda sighed softly as Benji wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Sorry," she whispered.

"Or?" Uma prompted.

"Or you're not considered family," Macaria whispered. "I knew Mal's not the fondest of my grandfather or father but I thought...I thought she at least considered me family. I know it's stupid especially since we've only known each other for about a month but..."

"Well to be fair...she does have a reason if she doesn't consider us family," Herkie said softly.

Uma sighed. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, she's got me and Hadie on mute too and I know she considers her brother family."

"I'd be offended if she didn't!" Hadie said.

"She does?"

"Why wouldn't I?!" Mal exclaimed.

"Yep. And I'm willing to bet any money that she's got Sushi Breath and her little sister on mute as well."

"Elle doesn't eat sushi—."

"That's what you decided to focus on?" Herkie asked, looking at his sister.

"Yeah, yeah," Uma waved her hand as if brushing off the complaint. Hey, she needed a cruel nickname that wasn't about the girl's chair. She was wicked, not lazy. Why go for the low hanging fruit after all?

"...thank you Uma," Elle said softly. She wasn't ashamed of her chair but she knew it was a possibility that one of the VKs might go after her for it.

Uma shrugged. "Like my scroll-self said, why go for the low-hanging fruit? If I'm going to insult you, it's going to be over something you can actually control."

Macaria sighed. "So if she's most likely got all of us on mute, then what in the world is going on with Mal?"

She's just being mentally tortured by probably the worst person to be around kids, Benji thought.

"Well I'd be the first to blame Blueberry but she's been out of our room so much it's almost like she doesn't live there," Uma stated.

"Uma, be nice," Persephone warned as she gave her great-niece a look.

It was the truth—as the doctors got closer and closer to waking up Evie's father, the blue haired girl had spent more and more time away from the dorm. That, on top of classes and her start up business, made it so that Evie was only in the dorm when it came time to sleep.

Evie and Dizzy perked up as they heard that.

"Ooh I can't wait to hear about your business!" Dizzy squealed.

Not that Uma was at all complaining about that of course.

"Uma, really. Be nice," Malinda said.

"I am nice," Uma said. "If scroll-me was being mean, she'd have lobbed more than the one smoke bomb we heard about at Evie."

"Could it be Audrey?" Macaria asked. "She seems to be more on the warpath than she usually is, going on about how Mal stole her life."

"Pink. Fly," Mal said.

Don't be so quick to discount her, Malinda thought, gently rubbing her stomach.

Uma scoffed. "The day Mal takes anything Sleeping Brat says seriously is the day we should just start panicking."

"Exactly," Mal and Uma said, both girls nodding in agreement to what scroll-Uma had said.

"Okay..." Macaria said slowly as she turned to leave. "But just something to think about Uma. The impossible has a way of happening in Auradon. Did you ever think you'd be having a civil conversation with the daughter of Hercules?"

"I think I know the answer to that and it's more than likely 'probably not'," Macaria said, chuckling slightly.

"Hey, my hatred of your father notwithstanding, you're less insipid than the other Boreadon girls around here. Plus you're one of the few people I could reach out to about Mal without worrying Aunt Steph."

"Uma. Worry me," Persephone sad.

"You know Great Aunt Persephone will find out eventually," Macaria pointed out. "She's only on the Isle for six months after all and she's going to see the change in her daughter."

"I knew you had brains! You, mini-nut-Meg, must get those from your mother," Hades said.

"Hey!" Hercules exclaimed.

Hades gave his nephew a look. "You willingly entered a deal with me where you gave away your godly strength when other people depended on you. But don't feel bad, you come by it honestly."

"Hades..." Persephone sighed.

Uma paused and looked over at her.

"What?" Macaria asked, noticing how silent Uma had gotten.

"You called Mal Aunt Steph's daughter."

Macaria shrugged. "Yeah. That's what she is."

"Would you look at that! More proof of your brains!"

"I thought you'd be in the same camp as Sleeping Brat, she keeps going on about how Mal is biologically Maleficent's."

"Yeah right, I"m not an idiot," Macaria said with a snort.

"Yeah, I'm no idiot," Macaria scoffed. "With the exception of the dragon motif, there's nothing about Mal that could connect her to Maleficent. And regardless, she stated at Ben's coronation that she wasn't Maleficent's daughter. I'm not arguing with someone who can turn into a dragon."

"An excellent point!"

"You may actually have some brains in that head of yours," Uma chuckled. "Must come from your mother."

"Seems like you've corrupted my granddaughter to your way of thinking," Posideon shook his head.

"I'd be offended on behalf of my father but his history has shown that you have a point," Macaria sighed.

Hercules opened his mouth to protest before closing it and sighed. "Okay true."

"I have to get to class Uma. Let me know if you need any help figuring out what's going on with Mal."

"This may sound strange but I will," Uma said. "I hope scroll-me does too."

"I...I will," Uma nodded. She wasn't going to go out of her way to befriend her cousin but another Olympian on the case might help.

Macaria nodded. "I'll help anyway I can."

Now all she'd have to do is make sure Harry didn't spend the entire time flirting with her and Uma would be great.

Malinda chuckled. "Harry never flirted with Macaria. Though I will say, Harry's not the Rat you have to worry about ending up in a relationship with our cousin, Uma."

" know who I date?" Macaria asked.

"Of course," Malinda said, as if it should be obvious.

I wonder if it's Gil, like in my timeline, Audie thought with a small smile. Hopefully the scrolls will tell us how in the world they got together if it is Gil.

Seriously, did that boy have a habit of flirting with her family members or something? She still remembered the flirtationship Harry had with Mal when they were thirteen.

"Wha-Cap'n-I don't-I mean-I don't specifically-that meant nothing!" Harry spluttered.

Well more like she remembered walking in on them in the clubhouse.

Oh great... Uma thought as she looked away from Harry. At least Mal's married to someone else in the future but still...I don't exactly want to take a trip down this memory lane...

Let's just say Uma spent about two weeks enjoying Jay's company and avoiding Mal and Harry's.

"Yeah I wondered what had happened since it was unusual for Uma to avoid Mal or Harry," Jay said, nodding.

At least Mal looked guilty about it, Uma thought as she made her way down the hall.

You didn't see the look on your face Uma. Of course I felt guilty, both Mal and Malinda thought.

Harry to this day maintains he doesn't know what he did to earn the silent treatment. I mean the boy has two sisters and does not understand women at all.

"I still don't know what I did," Harry said with a small mutter as he shook his head.

"Hey Uma!"

"Speak of the sea devil and he shall appear," Uma chuckled as Harry came up. "Where were you?"

"Good question," Harriet said. "Considering he's almost always at your side."

"Trying to avoid working on the Remedial Goodness homework," Harry stated.

"Why am I not surprised?" Mal chuckled.

Uma nodded. Fairy Godmother had originally decided that it would be a good idea for them to write letters to their parents' respective heroes to reach out and create a dialogue, show that they had changed and that they weren't their parents.

"...why should it be up to the kids to open up the line of dialogue with adults rather than the other way around?" Harriet asked.

Uma and Hadie, understandably, thought the assignment was dumb simply because their parents' respective heroes were also family.

"And adults! As Harriet pointed out, kids should not have to mend the riff caused by adults!" Sammy nodded.

Harry was avoiding the assignment on principle. As he stated, Pan cut off his father's hand and caused him to have a debilitating case of Krokodeilophobia. Why should Harry then have to reach out to Pan?

"...Harry has a point there," Harriet said, even if it hurt to semi-defend her father. But Pan had made it so that her father would have to live in fear every day , looking over his shoulder for Tick Tock. Harriet didn't blame scroll-Harry for not wanting to do the assignment.

Poor Gil was the most confused.

"What else is new?" Harry snorted.

"Umm...does that mean I need to write a letter to the Queen Mother?" Gil had asked in class. "Or can I just write to Ben? Because I'm pretty sure Ben already knows I'm not my dad."

"Oh dear," Fairy Godmother said. "Perhaps that wasn't the best idea for an assignment."

"I mean this with all the respect I can muster really? You think?" Harriet asked.

"Harriet..." Milah warned.

Let's just say Fairy Godmother quickly gave them another assignment. Uma still wasn't going to do it of course but even Harry had been impressed with Gil.

"Everyone duck and cover! It's a sign of the apocalypse!" Jay exclaimed.

"So, saw you talking with the Demigoddess," Harry said as they made their way down the hall together. "Was she able to get Mal on the mental link?"

"And you didn't come to join the conversation?" Jay asked.

Harry shook his head. "Scroll-me probably figured cap'n would want some privacy for that talk."

"No, and you saw me talking with her and didn't come up?"

"Thought you might want some privacy for that conversation cap'n."

"What I said! Is there an echo in here?"

Uma smiled slightly at that before sighing. "Harry, what am I going to do? Something's obviously going on with Mal but I don't know what."

"Talk. To. Her," Harry said with a sigh.

Malinda shook her head. "I didn't exactly have time for Uma to talk to me, Harry," she said.

"You could talk to Blueberry. Don't you share a room?"

"Much to my displeasure, but Blueberry's been out of the room so much that she's practically invisible. What about Gil? He's perceptive and he's not as close to Mali as we are so he might see something we're missing."

"Yeah right, that'll be the day," Harry said with a small snort.

"Fish for Brains has been a little down lately according to DeVil," Harry sighed. "I doubt he's noticed anything."

Almost everyone in the room frowned as they heard that.

"I hope everything's okay," Dizzy said softly.

"What's wrong with Gil?"

"I think he's missing Brooke. I know the lass left us for Freddy and the Angels but she was still his cousin."

Harriet shook her head. "We will get Brooke back Gil. That's a promise."

" know Gil can't hear you right?" CJ asked. "He's not even here."

Uma gave her first mate a small smile. Harry may have hated the ground Gil walked on, even though he was under their protection, but every pirate understood the importance of family.

Harry nodded softly. Like the scroll said, he might have hated Fish for Brains but he knew the importance of family. Family was one of the few things on the Isle that Auradon couldn't take away from them.

"Not to mention the fact that Brooke didn't really leave us willingly," Uma sighed. "Locklyn basically gave her an ultimatum: us or her."

"...what?!" Harriet growled. "Locklyn's practically Brooke's mom, that's not a choice you give someone! Not to mention she's asking Brooke to choose between her and Gil!"

"I can not kick her out of the Rats for this because this is the future, I can not kick her out of the Rats for this because this is the future," Uma muttered as Mal's eyes glowed bright in anger.

Harry shook his head. "The LeGume brains are strong in that one. It was bad enough she entered a fling with Freddy but to not only leave the crew and take Brooke with her?"

"Which will not be happening!" Harriet said firmly. "Locklyn wants to leave? Fine but Brooke stays."

"Well it was her decision," Uma said. "We couldn't force her to stay and it was probably safer for the crew that we didn't. Not with the younger members of the crew that we have."

"But...what about the 'young member' she took with her?" Sammy asked.

Still...I wonder if Ben might be able to get Brooke off the Isle? Uma thought briefly.

"Yes!" Ben and Benji said instantly.

The young girl was the one Angel who didn't deserve to be there. But then she shook her head. She needed to focus first on Mal and then on getting Celia off the Isle.

"Celia had a way off the Isle no matter what and just because I'm going through something, that doesn't mean we leave kids on the Isle who don't deserve it!" Mal said firmly. "Or do you want to leave a girl in Freddy's clutches who's only there because she didn't want to lose her cousin?"

Brooke would get her chance.

"Does she?" Uma asked, looking at Malinda.

Malinda nodded. "Yeah, she does."

"The fact that you're not exactly providing details is alarming."

"Well I guess it's up to you and me then, cap'n," Harry said with a small smile.

"Just like it always is," Uma said with a small smile of her own.

"To steal Jay's line Uma, I'm with you till the end of the line," Harry told her.

"I guess so," Uma nodded. "But first I guess we should do that Remedial Goodness homework otherwise Fairy Godmother will be on our backs."

Harry sighed. "I guess you're right. But after that we talk with Mal?"

"Of course!"

"But wait, Uma, since when do we do homework?" Harry asked.

"Since we want to stay with Mal in Auradon, Harry!" Uma said firmly.

Phil Jr. shook his head. "Well that's the end of the scroll. Who wants to read next?"

Evie slowly raised her hand. "I'll read...if no one else minds that is."

"I don't think anyone does Evie," Snow said, giving her step-sister a kind smile.

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