Sovereign of Death, King of H...

By DragonBH

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As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the... More

Start Up
Ascend Part 2
Leveling Part 2
Leveling Part 3
Leveling Part 4
Leveling Part 5
Leveling Part 6
Leveling Part 7
Leveling Part 8
Leveling Part 9
Frigid Land Part 1
Frigid Land Part 2
Frigid Land Part 3
Frigid Land Part 4
Returning Storm

Leveling Part 1

681 20 15
By DragonBH

Jumping through the portal, he landed on the ground and noted it was incredibly warm. Searing heat, far greater than any summer heat, were felt on his skin. Looking around, he noted the area looked like something in a volcanic region. The entire region looked like it can't support any life whatsoever. Massive spikes of black earth poked out of the ground with red glowing red veins running along it's shaft.

[User: Izuku Midoriya has entered the Red Gate: Burning Crucible]

'Oh gee, thanks for telling me,' Izuku thought in fear, tucking away the Map into the Inventory. Anyone with a working brain can tell this entire place is screaming Red Gate. Is this what the Map of Success's special effects? Turning normal Gates into a Red Gate. 

Unless the System sees the only way for him to be strong is to go through difficult places like these. It does make sense in the grand scheme things of things. The monsters are dangerous but so is Bellion. Hopefully Bellion would be strong enough to handle them.

'I'm gonna die here aren't I?' he bemoaned. 'Just when I finally escape one death and here comes another. Great, no really. What's next System? Gonna give me something more helpful?'

The man's thoughts were cut short when the ground shook. Brief but he definitely felt it and the shaking grew in magnitude with each passing second. Looking around, the young man found a large rock and ran over to it as fast as he can and hid behind it. He noted it felt incredibly warm and remind himself not to touch it, lest he burn himself. Poking his head out just enough to catch the tell-tale sign of a massive lizard-like creature.

[Green-scaled Salamander]

'A salamander?!' He gasped, watching the lizard-like monster looking around for something. A forked tongue lapping up and down as it swiveled left to right, almost as if it's searching for something. Despite it's name, the underbelly of the monster is black as the night and only the upper parts are green-scaled. Big as a wolf and just as thin.

'Right, right, keep it together.' He recited to himself. Now isn't the time to panic and try to remember what Saiko told him. If he remembers correctly, Salamanders are known for their thick scales and strong muscles, have high flame resistance and individually speaking they're on par with a C-rank Hero. They're also known to move in...packs.

Oh great, right off the bat a C-rank Monster known for their strength in numbers greets him and these things are just considered as grunts in most B-ranked Dungeons. Saiko also mentioned how Salamanders are often found with a peculiar monster. What they are specifically is something he just can't recall right. In addition, this thing is called a Green-scaled Salamander. For all he knows, it might have a different form of weakness than the normal ones.

In any case, the best solution is to kill this one, post-haste lest it warned it's packmates.

Izuku wondered why the floating textbox containing it's species name is glowing a dull orange. Though he decided that question can be answered on a later date. Right now, this thing needs to be dealt with.

Knuckleduster worn in place, the young greenette looked around and found a rock, not as big as his hand thankfully. Gingerly poking it, elation filled him at the knowledge it was not particularly hot. Well, it was lukewarm but it will serve it's purpose. 

He poked his head out, only to find the monster had gone. Odd. Izuku's thoughts halted when he felt something wet dripping on his clothes. The mucus was thick and green, having the similar texture to a saliva. Following the sight, bile rose into his throat as the massive lizard-like monster is standing atop the rock. Reptilian amber eyes boring down on him and saliva dripping down the razor sharp teeth packed maw. A single forked tongue lolling out, whipping through the air.

"Um, hi?" The greeting's response came in the form of a massive roar and Izuku noted the jaw glowed red, much to his confusion. Sadly he doesn't get the chance to dwell on it as big jaw came down on him, forcing the young man to hastily crawl away. Getting up as fast possibly as he can, he turned and threw the rock in hand harder than he had ever done. Imagine his surprise when the rock flew and missed the intended target, smashing against the rock as it tilt it's head to the side.

Feeling the heat growing on his tail, Izuku spared a single glance to the back and felt the stomach dropped at the sight of flaming ball of gas. A sharp turn conducted and Izuku skidded across the ground but the man quickly recovered. The last he saw was the fireball exploding into tiny pieces.

'This is pointless. I can't beat this thing at a distance.' He chided himself. The only way to beat it is to smash the soft underside. Saiko mentioned how Salamanders' in general have soft underbelly, theorizing it is to help them to absorb heat from their surrounding easier as their scales prevented them from doing so properly.

Briefly, he wondered why the heat had gone and turned around. Only to be taken aback to see the perpetrator is now chasing after him. Minds abuzz with methods on how to defeat the beast, he decided on one particular move. Taking a deep breath, he halted as strong as he can, the shoes' squealing under the forceful change in motion and ducked down. However, he wounded up sending himself sprawling forward due to his momentum carrying him forward.

Looking up, he saw the monster's underbelly as it sailed over him and landed in front of him. For a moment, he saw the left hind legs was glowing a bright blue. He couldn't dwell on it for long as it landed on the ground not too far away from him.

Before it can turn around, Izuku grabbed onto the monster's tail and pull himself forward.

'This better be good,' he prayed hopefully. He doesn't have anything else to go on. A mere hunch.

A knuckleduster aimed and rammed straight into the back of the monster's left leg. The sound of bones breaking and the scales covering that spot were broke, falling over the floor. It cried out in anger and pain, turning around as fast it can. Izuku held onto the tail for dear life as the owner shook wildly through the air, unable to do anything else.

Up and down Izuku went as the tail owner repeatedly slammed the human down to the ground. Bones were broken at each blow but he preserved, clinging onto the appendage despite the pain. A small part of him wondered how each blow feels less painful with every strike. It could either be the passive skill at work or the adrenaline pumping through the vein. However by the third blow, Izuku can no longer withstand the powerful attacks brunt.

Letting go, he fell to the ground hard. Groaning, he winced, gently feeling the broken bones. Nothing he never had in his life.

Pushing through the pain and tried to get up but failed mid-way when the monster lunged forward. The man tried to punch and succeeded, his knuckleduster collided against it's snout but proved ineffectual, shattering into a tiny pieces. Per the laws of physic, the monster's momentum won in their collision and Izuku was knocked down onto the ground. 

A guttural growl came out of the beast, a single tongue lapping along the man's features. Growing disgusted and fearful to what may occur next, Izuku kicked and punched as wildly as he can. The legs connected to the underside and the knuckleduster hit it but the attacks seem to only annoy it, if the growling were anything to go by.

"Screw you, I'm not gonna die to you!" Izuku cried out, punching and kicking as best as he can.

Briefly he noted both front claws were glowing red and soon learned why, as it slammed both it's claws down onto his arms. Effectively preventing the young man from fighting. He tried to lift them up to no avail and Izuku's blood ran cold as it watched the underside glowed, the bright light travelling upward through the throat and out of the maw.

"No, no, no." He thought to himself. 

Drawing both legs toward his chest, Izuku lunged forward and kicked as hard as he can. To his joy, the sounds of bones breaking make themselves well known. The lizard-like monster cried out in pain and let go, limping away all the while whining in pain.

"Oh no you don't," Izuku snapped, rushing forward and grabbing the tail. Pulling it closer, the lizard struggled to escape but was unable to. It tried to kick but the young man dodged with relative ease and let go of the tail briefly. However he then reaffirm his hold and stomped onto the outstretched leg, breaking it into two.

Another cry of pain as both hind legs dangled uselessly, a wonderful sensation Izuku hadn't felt begun to blossom like a flower. That emotion grew as it watched it struggled. 

Latching onto it's back, Izuku climbed up without any struggle as it can no longer stood up. Properly placing his body behind the green scales, Izuku wrapped one arm around the throat and clamped down onto it, holding the arm with his second arm. Effectively locking it into a chokehold.

"You're gonna die here, you lizard monster." He whispered giddly into the ear hole. Or at least he assumed so. A single amber eyes glared at him and Izuku grinned. The explosion came like expected, shaking the man greatly as a result and his stomach sank as they flew upwards briefly before crashing down.

Smells of charred flesh entered his nostril, causing Izuku to wince at the stench. Awful is the most fitting term but despite having took a life, he felt great. This, this thing is his first kill. Something he had done without the aid of anyone else.

A notification came, surprising him.


[Congratulations, you have levelled up 7x]

[2x Green-scaled Salamander's scale]


"What?!" Izuku grew shocked to hear the notification. The loots were nice but they're not his main concern, it was the levels gained. A C-rank only levelled him up six times in a row?! The difference in strength between the lizard and him is simply immense. Whatever the amount were, it should've been far more!

It doesn't make any sense. At home he checked through every features of the System but it made no mention about the level debacle. Does the experience gain work on a merit-based system; the one with largest contributions gets the lion's share of things? Or the System distributes the total experience point gained between the summon and the use reven when the summon made no contributions?

So many questions and yet no plausible explanation. 

'I guess I shouldn't be greedy since I am getting stronger. Best start allocating the stat points,' he wondered. A simple thought and the Character Sheets pop up. There might not be another chance for him to do this.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level 8]

HP: 1300 MP: 10

[STR: 9 DEX: 10 CON: 13]
[INT: 17 MN: 1 LUK: 1]

[35 Stat Points.]


"Five stat points for each level up? Neat. And my health comes back with the level up? Cool." He idly commented, grinning at the delicious rewards. At least that explains why he doesn't feel anymore pain and the bones feel fine on their own.

If he can level up more, that will be great. Already knowing what he wished to focus on, he distributed the points to the desired stats.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level:8 ]

HP: 2300 MP: 110

[STR: 19 DEX: 15 CON: 23]

[INT: 17 MN: 11 LUK: 1]

[0 Stat Points.]

<Are these your final choices?>



The 'Yes' button pressed, the screen disappeared and imagine his surprise when the changes kicked in. Like some sort of cold sensation, the sort one gets from bathing cold water, enveloped him and was able to helped him forget about the surrounding areas' heat. The euphoric sensation disappear as fast as it came. 

"Wow, I felt...amazing,' he breathed, checking the arms. A thin and lean arm as usual. But he noted they are packing denser muscles, if only by a little. The change is barely perceivable but it's definitely there. A bigger mana pool is a nice addition as well.  The ones that received no upgrades will have a focus on a later date.

Glancing towards the lizard's carcass, an idea formed in his mind. An army is what he must have and therefore he shall get it. The System gave him a Class that revolves around utilizing an army. Might as well make one now.

"For what you put me through, you'll be helping me." He spoke, giddy at the thought. Time to put this monster to work for the abuse it put him through. "Arise."

A black shadowy claw shot out of the broken mess of a deceased body. It clawed it's way out and an entire body followed suit. The entire process reminds him of a birthing process which is ironic but fitting. Much like Bellion, the color it wore in life had turned to black and blue.

[Green-Scaled Salamander]

[Rank: Normal Level: 17 (23%)]

"How odd, what does the twenty three percent refers to? How many experience it must gain to reach the next level? Or the current progress it has? The same question went to the other percentage found in the stats and skills. Does the same rules apply to them as well?

The more he explores this newfound power, the more questions he has. And yet, he still can't find any answer of some sort.

The newly-made Summon nudged Izuku's thighs. Curious at where it is pointing, he turned towards the sight, catching a large pack of similarly coloured Salamanders. All of them looked positively hungry. If the drooling snout were any indications.

For a moment, Izuku wondered whether he should summon forth Bellion. Whoever he is and whatever his agenda might be, there is a undeniable fact about that angelic warrior. Bellion is a powerful warrior through and through. Whoever gave him this power, this new servant, wants Izuku to succeeds that much is clear.

"Bellion, I don't know if you can her me. I don't know why you chose to help me. But if you can hear me, please help." At his words, the shadowy warrior crawled out of his shadow in a kneeling position. It got up, brandished that sword and the two make eye contact. 

"Please help me." He repeated in a whisper. The angel bowed and rushed into the fray, sending a group of Salamanders flying as the sword turned whip flew at remarkable speed.

Notifications poured in and all Izuku could do was grin at the carnage. Gladly he charged into the fray.


Katsuki Bakugou eyed the larger Red Gate, looking it up and down as if he couldn't believe the very thing is standing before him. When he received Nighteye's call about one of their Gates turning to Red, he was ecstatic at the prospect. Prospect of fighting a powerful monster to further strengthen himself. Monsters from Red Gates are known to be far dangerous than a standard Gate.

Hence he ran as fast as he possibly could from HQ and all the way to here. The man had to be cautious along the way, knowing that if he moved too fast, the shockwave caused may damage nearby innocents. Usage of Quirk can also hurt some bystanders, wouldn't want them to get blasted.

'Anything to get stronger,' he thought, tightening his fist. Ever since that humiliating match against that winged warrior, he's been jumping into many Gates as much as he can. Knowing Izuku was the one who saved his life puts a bad taste in his mouth. And one he had been wanting to get rid off ever since then. Katsuki knew his own strength and to find out that he is lacking disgust his very being.

"Oof, this Gate got some bad mojo to it, don't chu think?" A young man drawled out, a familiar one. Slowly, the Explosion user turned to his fellow sidekicks, both are of similar ranking. One of them wore an outfit best described as a ninja equipped with modern gears. However, the most noticeable of all equipment owned is a pair of cleaver-like swords with chains connecting them, hanging of the man's back.

In contrast to his colleague, the foreigner was dressed more casually than either one of them, having only a pair of loose fitting pants and chains dangling by the side, leaving the abdomen bare. A bleached white sinister mask worn over the face with brown hair sticking out on top. A blue scarf to match the pants and a set of combat boots along with knee guards were the finishing touch.

Held in one hand is a giant mace half the owner's height. Strapped to the man's back was a tower shield taller and wider than the user himself. 

"Don't you feel a little cold?" Katsuki questioned. Said man glanced at him. The blonde couldn't see what expression he was making.

"The cold never bothered me." He replied plainly.

'I call bull. Everything you're wearing is practically radiating with mana. ' Katsuki thought. Standing in such close proximity he can sense the energy radiating off of him. All those items must have been made by magicians or someone similar, meant to provide warmth.

"Sparky, a-are you eating?" Katsuki asked, bewildered to catch him chewing on a hotdog. In a time like this his co-worker still find the urge to eat?

"Hey, hey, I ran all the way here y'know. I'm like the Flash, I gotta eat to restore energy." Kaminari defended, chomping down onto the hotdog greedily.

"Y'know I had expected Japanese people to be more..." The foreigner paused, inching away with as he tried to look for the appropriate words. "refined in the way they eat. Manners are something you people took pride in no?"

Sparky shrugged helplessly, wiping away the sauce on the lips. The action further aggravated Katsuki,. 

"It is what it is. A shame All Might isn't here but Lemillion-san and Nighteye are getting here. Also the name's Denki."

Hearing that made Katsuki felt disappointed. Almost like many other aspiring heroes, he looked up to All Might. However, it was the man's overwhelming power and strength that the young ashen blond looked up to. The power to even take down a single Giant in one blow or even a Dragon. There is something beautiful about it.

"Hah, if it was Mr Andre or Mr Reid, they wouldn't need to rest like that All Might. American Heroes are the best in the world." The foreigner laughed. Resulting in the two other blonde to glare at him.

"You know I'm right." The man replied smugly.

"If they're so powerful like you say, why aren't Goliath or Reid number one, Chill-san?" Katsuki's retort had him snorted in derision. 

"If All Might is truly strong then why did he suffered an injury while the other Pillars didn't?Answer that Bakugou-san," Cole sang, a smug expression on the face. As the two A-rankers glared down at one another, Denki stepped in.

"Now, now, let's focus on the task at hand okay. American Pillars are powerful and Japanese Pillar isn't just the same. Happy?" 

"Right," the Explosion user drawled, breaking eye contact of the foreign superhero. If he kept looking at him, he might feel the urge to let loose. "So, did you found out who jumped into this Gate here?"

"Yep, Kaoru, one of the guards btw, told me it was a guy our age. By the name of Izuku Midoriya. Funny thing is, that dude is still in training. Can you believe that?" Denki laughed, shaking his head. Unnoticed by Denki, Katsuki tensed up and eyes widened in shock.

'That fucker did that?!' he thought in shock. Of all crazies who pulled a dumb stunt, it has to be that guy. Whatever possessed him to do that? And he had already gotten out of the hospital?!

"R-really?" Katsuki asked, trying to maintain a stoic appearance. His question received an approving nod.

Cole laughed, mocking how the Japanese still have suicidal people amongst their masses even in modern times. Naturally the two decides to ignore the man, not wishing to give him the satisfaction nor the fuel to his actions. Neither wanting to spend a single time with him but had no choice. 

"Yeah, don't know why though. Feel bad for that guy. Must have a death wish or something." Denki muttered. "I mean, I think he does have one. Who would jump into a Dungeon by their lonesome?"

"I see." Katsuki's grunt earned a befuddled look from the shinobi-themed man.

"Dude, that's cold. A person is inside there."

"So? My country sees their fair share of morons committing suicide as well. But they didn't make a show out of it." Cole butted in.

"One more word, snowman and your Pillar can pick up pieces of you on the roadside." Hearing Katsuki's words, the foreign man smirked, flexing the muscles on his body. The temperature around them grew colder, no doubt a side effect of the man's Quirk. Not wishing to back down, Katsuki cracked several explosions on. Nothing powerful nor destructive, just enough to draw attention.

Having read Cole's files and reasoning for transferring here, the young sidekick had opted to give him a chance seeing how they are similar. However that sentiment died out after several weeks of interaction, having personally seeing how crude of a person. Patience wearing thin, he had been wanting to beat some humility into the arrogant punk.

Katsuki said nothing except giving a sidelong glance and setting off small explosions. Denki chuckled and stood between the two.

"Y'know what Chill-san, how about I take you to the hotdog stand I went earlier. They can cook very well." Cole glanced at Katsuki before turning towards Denki and give a single nod. The two walked away, leaving the explosion user by himself. Even from the distance, he can hear Cole muttering something in English. No doubt nothing nice.

'Whatever, just one more week and I'm free of that idiot.'

Katsuki Bakugou returned to staring at the massive swirling energy in front of him. In the line of Hero work, one must be willing to risk life and limb. Every minute spent in a Dungeon is one where death lurks behind them. To not have the resolve to fight tooth and nail and Quirk is incredibly foolish.

If that idiot died in there, so be it. He wouldn't need to dirty his hand just to get what he wants.


It was chaos.

Izuku Midoriya didn't really knew what was happening. All he saw were reptilian monsters charging at him, claws and teeth shining as it sailed through the air. The same went for his fist and legs, thrown without a care and pulverizing anything that made contact. At some point, his knuckleduster broke and he resorted with to bare hands.

A Salamander's maw glowed a bright red and it lunged forward. Izuku sidestepped and kicked the legs, breaking it in an instant. Another kick sent into the throat, causing it to chortle. Without any hesitation, he repeatedly kicked it in the throat. Only when a notification comes up, he moved onto another Salamander.

[Congratulations you have levelled up 1x]

[You have ga-]

Uninterested with the following rewards, he continued to attack as much as he can. Bobbing and weaving through the masses, punching and kicking. Never had he felt more joy fighting

Through the chaos, he caught a brief glimpse of Bellion, swinging his terrible weapon in it's sword form. Perhaps Bellion wished not to cause friendly fire since the whip were not pulled out. Something Izuku felt grateful for. As soon as it came, a Salamander blocked his vision.

During this particular gruesome battle, he learned that his Observation skill allows him to predict the attack of an enemy. How will they strike and when they will strike. The possible weakness of the lizard as well. He said possible because some turned out to be a hoax and only further aggravated the monster.

As soon as he killed a Salamander, he brought them back to life and they fought under his banner with great ferocity. Brief flashes of confusion in their still alive comrades shone in those amber eyes. Some Summons perished during the battle and he made more using the killer.

"I-Is that all you got?" Izuku slurred, frantically looking around with his knuckles held up. Looking down, he realized the ground is stained with blood, soaking his sneakers. 

The entire sight looked it would fit in a warzone. Carcass of far too many Salamanders strewn across the fields, some were split into two while others suffered some form of gruesome death. Burning, beaten or a chunk of their very soft flesh missing. It doesn't take a genius to tell who did who in based on their injuries.

"Right, glad to see you guys are alive." Izuku spoke happily to the Summons that are still standing. Alive doesn't sound very fitting given their nature. A quick headcounts revealed that thirteen remained; Bellion and twelve Salamanders out of the thirty he raised up. Bellion walked forward and Izuku grew pale when he saw a decapitated head towed in back. Much to his own horror, the others did the same; some carried a head in their maw while others used their claws to roll decapitated heads towards him.

It would've looked hilarious if it weren't for the fact those are body parts of once living beings.

"No, no, stop that. Please." He pleaded, feeling sick at the sight. Bellion looked baffled but complied with the order, dropping the head like a sack of flour. The others followed suit and panted, looking like a dog than a monstrous fire-breathing lizard. No doubt they had decided to took after him, looking up to first summon like some sort of brother figure. Or at least he assumed so.

Relieved, he brought up the character sheets. During the fight, he kept getting notifications about leveling up. While it pleased him knowing he is getting stronger, they're rather annoying. Notifications that had almost cost him his life at least twice.

Jaw dropped at the sight but he quickly regained his composure. Already knowing what to do, he allocated the points into the desired Stats.

The reasoning behind such an act is because he recalled how many times he had come close to death. Not moving fast enough, not hitting hard enough, not able to take so much damage. Having more Mana or rather more Mana of Darkness is also important as every spells requires Mana and the cost for Soul Extraction had increased with each leveling up.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level: 18 ]

HP: 2300 MP: 310

[STR: 29 DEX: 25 CON: 23]

[INT: 17 MN: 31 LUK: 11]

[0 Stat Points.]


Wiping it away, the man got up and beckoned his Summons to follow. Only to pause upon realization that he doesn't know where to go. Where do they exactly needed to go? Logic and common sense dictates he should move forward seeing as how the Gate is still locking him down, meaning the boss of this Dungeon is alive. But this place is huge.

"Huh?" Izuku turned, catching Bellion poking him. His first summon pushed his hand through the air gently and then placed the two hands together, slowly opening them in a certain gesture. The others watched, not knowing what to say nor act. 

"What are you trying to say?" Izuku asked. The angelic warrior looked annoyed but tried another attempt, cupping two hands together before pulling them apart but not too far. Belkin acted as if he was trying to read while looking towards the sun. 

"What are you doing? Wait, you meant the map?" A nod was given and Izuku called forth the Inventory, pulling out the Map of Success. Unfurling it only to find not the drawing of Musutafu but an island. A volcanic island and on it were several places of interest. One of them happens to be a place called the Breeding Ground with pictures of lizard-like creatures.

"No, it can't be, can?" He wondered. It sounds too good to be true but after what he had experienced and seen, it might be true. 

"Bellion, what exactly are you?" His question earned a solemn stare before the taller being bowed. The greenette scoffed at the sight. An unhelpful gesture in all honesty but Izuku didn't lashed out. 

"In any case, it seems we're in the Breeding Ground." He commented. A rather fitting name given what he had encountered.

Looking over it, he saw how there is a volcano and several other places with names. One of them in particular caught his interest. The base of the volcano drawing showed two giants. Underneath it said:

"Lairs of the Sinned?" He muttered. That name sounds mysterious and judging by the drawing, they're located at the volcano. Which is the very same one in the distance. It sounds tempting to just go straight for the boss but it would be better if he find other places similar to the Breeding Grounds, maybe level up more before confronting them head-on.

"Where should I go?" He asked. "Should I find more to add to our merry band?"

Colour him surprised when a gauntleted hand pointed at the Breeding Ground, the one where they currently are. Looking to the owner, only to catch Bellion. Izuku stumbled back out of surprise, shooting the angel a suspicious look 

For his part, the swordsman looked surprised and hurt, unable to believe what had occurred. Bellion walked forward but Izuku held out his hand, gesturing for the summon to stop. It complied, bowing all the same. It then looked towards one of the salamanders. A silent communication seems to transpired and once the eye contact was broken off, Bellion turned liquid and melted back into the greenette's shadow.

The Salamander Bellion had looked trotted forward, pulling on the map in Izuku's hand. The man let go, not wishing to spoil the piece of paper. Laying it on the ground, it pointed at one of the place with it's claw. A place called the Proving Grounds.

"We should go there?" Izuku's question received another approving nod. To say Izuku trust him would be a lie. Everything about his powers are questionable at best to shady at worst. Nothing about it makes sense nor the reasoning for this Bellion to serve him. Izuku eyed the being questionably who only stared back passively, tilting it's head down slightly.

"I want to increase my level a little more." He spoke, mind set on a destination in mind. 

Willing everyone to sunk into his shadow, he pulled out the map while looking at it. Satisfied, he rolled it up and took towards the road. Several minutes passed and he soon realized he is walking upwards, a hill perhaps. As he walked, the young man noted it was couldn't help but be captivated by the scenery. Despite the fiery volcanic landscape and the searing heat, the entire place had a fantasy vibe to it.

'I wonder if Dad is here? It would be nice to see mom happy again.' He thought hopefully. In all honesty, Izuku had little to no memory of his father as his father disappeared when he was just a child. Into a Red Gate no less. Although the government had labelled him as deceased and told his mother it's best not to held out false hope, the young man had dared to hope that his father was still alive.

Red Gates are an unknown as these particular portals can take people to a myriad of places. Ranging from a swamp to a desert or even a frozen wasteland. Those that entered tends to never come out and only a few did.

A foolish thought but no one said a man can't dream. After all, he is now on his way to become a Hero and people often said he can't be a Hero. Who's to say his father isn't out there? His dad was one of the strongest Hero he knew.

Feeling the heat increasing Izuku found out the path he walked on had started to go upward. Pressing onward, he found himself on a hill, overseeing a large field of black soil with rivers of lava, the whole place truly looked like a volcanic area. Looking up, he saw a sky covered in smokes preventing the greenette from knowing whether it is night or day on this place. In the distance was a large volcano and he can make out pillars of smoke flowing into the air through the tip. No plant life whatsoever but he saw the place where the Lair of the Sinned lies and the Proving Ground which is right in front of it.

'Guess, I'll be visiting the boss after all.' he thought jovially.

"Well, that's my target." He muttered, referencing the map. It seems far away and looking down, he caught several Salamanders moving about. A smile wormed to his face at the sight, elated at the prospect of gaining more power. Getting down off the hill, he ran onward. Funnily enough, he encountered no enemies along the way.

Reaching the Proving Ground, he realized it resembled a smaller version of the Colosseum. A large and round field with walls surrounding it. Braziers filled with magic stones stood atop the walls, illuminating the place. And standing in one corner was a large podium and that podium was occupied.

"An Orc?" He muttered in shock. To see one of these powerful monster is a frightening thing. Orcs are known for their combat prowess and quite capable by their lonesome But something about this thing baffles him as it has red skin in place of the usual green one. Perhaps their war paint? Izuku recalled hearing about another breed of Orcs called High Orcs. They're noted for their red skin as well.

However he can't be certain as it's brain was exposed. Which is a disturbing sight on all honesty. If anything, it's very appearance reminds him of a Power Ranger villian. 

Hanging above it's head was a textbox saying [Runaway Construct Mars] in red. Forcing the young man to gulp in fear. During his time fighting the lizard's, he learned that those with red boxes are the most dangerous to him. Orange are a threat but not a big problem and white are just easy prey.

"Welcome, intruder to the Proving Ground." It bellowed, spreading it's arm in a dramatic manner. It's voice were guttural and sounds terrifying but this thing spoke in undoubtedly human language. Surprising Izuku as this is the first time he heard a Magic Beast speak.

"I see you are surprised." It spoke. "It matters not, you will die soon enough. I knew my Lord will sent you, fledgling user of the king's energy. It matters not for you will die here."

"W-wait, can't we talk this out? I have so many questions." Izuku's words had the humanoid hulk glared at him, a vein on the forehead threatening to burst. Slamming down on the podium and web-like cracks spread along the edges.

"You dirty little Tark have no right to speak to me. You who conspire with the two Monarch are but trash. I will have your hide for trespassing into my home." Mars growled, frothing at the mouth. "Luckily I have my pets to help me with that. Meet Phobos and Deimos, they wish to speak to you for murdering their children."

Unconsciously, Izuku took note of the terms the monster had used. Home? This place is his home? And what does it mean by Monarchs? What is he even talking about? Izuku have no friends but he was certain he conspired with no one at all. And certainly no kings of any kind are his friends.

"Children? You mean the Salamanders?" He gasped in shock. While he would feel guilty for murdering children he doesn't in this particular instance because those children were giant fire-breathing lizards wishing to rip him apart. Those things tried to kill him!

"Those things tried to kill me!"

"A natural thing for you are beneath us. Our food and delicacy." Mars answered confidently, licking his lips. Hearing what the monster said angers him. Food?! Food?! Regardless how strong this creature is, he will definitely be killing it.

Hearing the sound of chains clicking, Izuku realized there were several portcullis built in the walls. As the chains moved, he caught the sight of two Salamanders, larger than any he fought were pulled up. Both were equipped with armor covering their legs and underbelly, their most exploitable weak spots.

Their names were glowing orange, signaling they aren't a major threat at all to him.

Looking back to the Orc, he was surprised to see his hands turning into a pair of hammers. In one double hammer overhead swing Mars destroyed them, sending bits of stones and dust flying about in an explosion. Izuku winced when one landed on him and dodged some of the ones that almost hit him. A shadow growing underneath, Izuku quickly moved out of the way and managed to evade the High Orc who had leapt down to greet him.

The monster grinned, brandishing the transformed appendages menacingly. Phobos and Deimos, the two Salamanders growled as they approached. Standing by their master's side.

"You have a Quirk?" Izuku exclaimed in shock. How, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There are so many things he wants to learn right now. Only humans have Quirks so how can this thing can use one?

"My king may have been a worthless piece of shrakh but he had granted me power. One that I will use greatly." He roared. "Come, filthy Tark and face Mars, future king and saviors of Orcs!"

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