She would persevere

By SaarJT

1.3M 40.5K 4.9K

How would you feel when the world you grew up in crashed and burned? What if you were tossed into one that wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.75
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.50
chapter 5
chapter 5.50
chapter 6
chapter 6.50
chapter 7
chapter 7.50
chapter 8
chapter 8.75
chapter 9
Chapter 9.50
chapter 10
chapter 10.75
chapter 11
chapter 11.50
Chapter 12
chapter 12.50
chapter 12.75
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.50
Chapter 14
chapter 14.50
Chapter 15
chapter 15.75
chapter 16
Chapter 16.50
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.50
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.50
Chapter 18.75
Chapter 19
Chapte 19.50
Chapter 20
Chapter 20.50
Chapter 21
Chapter 21.75 Lemi
Chapter 22
Chapter 22.50
Chapter 23.50
Chapter 24
Chapter 24.75
Chapter 25
chapter 25.75
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.75
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 37.75
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - Epilogue

Chapter 23

17.7K 558 31
By SaarJT

I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today

The party was already in full swing when we arrived. Half drunk on the front lawn and all. We ditched the car a little further away so I knew no one would mess with it and entered the house.
Gotta say, Taylor knows how to have a party. There were disco lights and smoke machines everywhere.
"Let's start with a drink." I yelled to Qui. He nodded his head and let me to the bar. Yes you heard right. Taylor had made a bar for parties like this.
We started with a shot of vodka to start. After that I just had a beer. Aquila dragged me to the dancefloor and we danced and danced.
We were dancing to the song Rumors by lizzo when Damien thought it would be fun to grind up on me from behind, so I just went along while smiling.
Safe to say if Adaline saw us now, she would commence world war III. Looking up at Damien, All I saw were those twinkly eyes and white ass smile of his. If he had dimples, it would be a perfect picture.
We slow danced a bit longer before I let go and went to get more drinks. Don't get me wrong, Damien is hot as hell, but he also became a really good friend that I do not wish to lose. And next to that, geography could one day become a serious issue.
Grabbing another beer I went looking for Elena and found her playing beer pong. We played a few before we hit the dance floor again.
Qui was completely wasted and most of my friends were drunk. It made the most laughable videos ever.
"Babe! Let's play a game!" Marc yelled out. There was a whole group of people around him.
"Sure. What are we playing?"
"Never Have I EVER!" He screamed out. At a certain point I didn't even hear the statements because I was laughing too hard at the explanations.
Looking at my phone it was already past 3 a.m. and... Fuck.
A message went out 20 minutes ago. Someone was asking for a service. I checked the message if it was an urgent one.
"Taylor. Do you have a laptop or pc I could borrow? I need to check something and my phone is dead."
Taylor was shit faced and just grinned at me. "Taylorrrrr...." "Whatsapp?" he slurred.
"Your laptop, where is it?" I asked him slowly.
"My room... wait where you going?" I made my way upstairs to his room. Seeing two people making out on the bed in a really gross way, I just had to interrupt. "Babe, What the Fuck?! How could you?!"
I gasped. The girl immediately bolted and I just laughed.
"What the hell, dude?" "I ain't your dude. Now get out!"
I closed the door behind him and opened up Taylors computer. Putting the thumb drive in and pushing in the codes I saw the message. This was not good at all. It was now 03.30 am. I had two hours.
I left Taylor's room in search of Aquila. We needed to go, like an hour ago.
And I found him. Liplocking Kath. Ofcourse, sluts.
"Qui I need you to get in the car, we're leaving. Kath, I'll give you a lift together with Damien, can you go get him for me."
"Yes. Thanks for giving us a ride." She smiled at me. "We can't go yet." Qui started to whine.
"Dude you can kiss her all you want in the car okay?" Him being his drunk self just smiled at me. I put my arm under his shoulders and walked with him to the car. Setting him in the back seat he was already starting to fall asleep. Good, I wouldn't have to explain much to him. Turning around I saw Kath walking towards us. Without Damien.
"Where's Dae?"
"He said he'll catch a ride with some of the guys." ugh, great just my luck.
"Get in, I'll go get him." she nodded and sat next to Qui. I walked back into the party to locate him. He was sitting with some of the cheerleaders, flirting around. I rolled my eyes and walked up to them.
"Dae, let's go!"
"You can go, I'll catch a ride with someone."
"No, you're catching a ride with me. Let's go!"
"I'm not leaving. Stop being such a bitch!" He yelled out at me. Lord give me strength. I curved my lips into a seductive smile, walked up to him and straddled his waist. My lips close to his ears as I whispered.
"Dimitri Aleksander Petrov. If you wish to live, you best get in my car so we can leave. NOW!" I looked him straight in the eyes as his were wide open, got up and walked out of the party, Dimitri on my tail.
"Get in!"
I revved up the car and drove off as quickly as I could.
"Who the hell are you?" he demanded. I looked through the mirrors and saw Qui asleep, that's good.
"Your father asked the conductor for help. Your location has been compromised, you need to leave."
Kath gasped. "What about our stuff?" Really? That's what she thinks about? Why am I not surprised?
"Don't worry, someone else will clear the house. My job is to get you to LAX as soon as possible."
Getting out of suburbia was not that hard. The car flew over the streets forgoing stoplights. 
Speeding up to the highway the coast was clear and I revved up the engine a bit more.
"What do you know?" I looked at him and listed everything.
"Dimitri Aleksander Petrov, Age 18. Younger brother of Russian Mafia Alexei Aleksander Petrov. Katerina Anastasia Petrov, Age 17. Russian Mafia Princess. Both are currently being hunted by the Chinese Mafia. You have spent 2 years away from family here in America and shall henceforth no longer exist in America. My job is to get you to the airport where someone else will take you on a plane that will get you out."
"Who are you?"
"You know me. I am Adelaide. I owe the conductor a favour and they are cashing it in since I was closest to you. I--" I stopped talking. We were speeding but the car behind us was going even faster.
"Hold on to something, we're not slowing down."
There was a sharp turn in front of us, the car behind us was not slowing down. They would get to them, even if it was suicide on his own part. I calculated the probability of surviving if we went any faster. Chances were slim. So this would be just have to be plain old 'dumb luck'.
"Say your prayers!" I yelled out just before drifting through the bend.
Kath was screaming from the top of her lungs. Straightening the car back out, I sped up even more. I had to admit, this car could go fast. We were currently doing 220 km/h and no chance of us slowing down.

The car swerved over the road, trying to get away, but the other cars were in pursuit. The one car multiplied into seven. They were sitting ducks. Adelaide swerved the car from one lane to the other dodging other incoming traffic. Dimitri swore under his breath and Katerina couldn't stop crying when they started shooting. She was scared for her life. Of course, it was her life on the line. Luckily for Adelaide there were not too many cars out on the streets for her to bother with. She had to get the pursuers to either stop or die.
"Do you have a gun on you?" She asked Dimitri. He checked his rounds, there weren't many.
"Make it count. Shoot the tires." Adelaide said in a grave tone. She was giving her pursuers one last chance. Making her program hack into the pursuers GPS system, she started talking through the bluetooth.
"This is the conductor speaking. Cease this pursuit. The people in the car fall under my protection. I repeat: This is the conductor speaking. Cease this pursuit. The people in the car fall under my protection."

The pursuing cars gave no indication that they would back off. Adelaide hit her steering wheel. They were coming up to their destination with seven cars still tailing them.
"There is a bend coming up. I drift into it, you pull down the window and shoot. Aim for the tires. Got it?!" "Copy that." Dimitri replied. Adelaide continued to swerve that car from lane to lane, staying out of a direct line of fire.
"Now!" She screamed out. As the car curved in the bend and drifted over the asphalt, white smoke was released from the heat. Temporarily semi blinding the other cars, Dimitri fired his rounds.
Hitting a couple times, they could see the damage when the car got out of the bend. They still had three cars tailing them. They were not stopping at all. Coming up to the back side of LAX, Adelaide could already see the private Jet that was ready for them. They had no were else to go. Adelaide stopped the car. She took deep breaths in and out. Maman was going to be livid when she would find out about this. "Stay in the car, Do not open the doors, do not make a sound."
Adelaide opened the car door with her hands up and closed the door behind her. From the pursuing cars, four came out with guns loaded. Guns aimed at Adelaide.
"Give up! Any last words?" The man taunted her. She looked him straight in the face.
"Yes! My name is Aurora Wilson. I fall under the full protection of the St. Clair family! Pierre St. Clair is an uncle of mine. Harm me and he will insite war upon you all! Qui craint de souffrir, il souffre déjà de ce qu'il craint." They didn't necessarily know what I was saying, but it sounded threatening.
The St. Clairs were one of the most frightening mafia's there were. Not because of the alliances they had, but the power they held. The St. Clairs were one of the oldest houses in Mafia history. Going against the French was utter suicide. Actual suicide. None would be left alive.
The man in front of her was talking to someone via his headset.
Before Adelaide could do anything, the men slowly walked back to the car and drove off.
"You can get out now. It's safe." She told the other two. Seeing Aquila still blissfully unaware of the potential deadly scenario they had just been in.
"That is your ride." I said as I pointed to the jet. "It will land in Amsterdam, from there your brother's second will pick you up. If you need anything, I am a text or a call away." Katherine went in for the biggest, tightest hug. "Thank you." She whispered. "To think that my dear friend would be the conductor that had saved our lives not once but twice already. I owe you everything." Katherine had tears in her eyes. She didn't want to leave. Adelaide on the other hand was stuttering. Katherine couldn't know who she was. Seeing the look Adelaide gave her. "I will never tell a soul." Katherine winked at her. Dimitri also hugged Adelaide and thanked her for saving his life. Adelaide waved them off and Waited for the jet to start its taxi. The sun was beginning to rise. Adelaide wiped away a few tears.
This is not goodbye, it's a see you later.
With that notion she got back in her car and started her journey back to the house.

Chapters about to get longer and more intense?

Soooo.. little update. I have been approached by someone about if I wanted to post my story on Goodnovel and get paid. I simply said no, I am not making this story to get money off of and next to that I've heard stories about goodnovel that I didn't really like (I don't know if it's true or not) But I will keep posting it on wattpad until the end and then I'll see what happens. So if any of you see this story on another platform that isn't Wattpad, please let me know.

Love, Sarah

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