Prime minister Is My Husband

By trishibooklover

24.7K 1.5K 233

"He is the youngest prime minister of the country. He is single , he is handsome, he is intelligent, he has... More

1 care free life
2 Responsible Bright
3 dream to become romantic poet
5 look at yourself
6 Are you dietecian
7 Thank you
8 Bodyguards
9 i like to look handsome
10 uneasy feeling
11 ready for another lecture
12 my devil husband
13 Avoiding me
14 I am Gay
15 my dear husband
16 My mysterious husband
17 my sassy husband
18 My crying husband.
19 my shy husband
20. I missed you
21 my hot husband
22 My husband secret

4 meeting with brat

1.1K 70 7
By trishibooklover

After 1 week

Bright POV

" so you are the choosen bride" The voice came from my behind. The voice is angelic, if i am not in this situation may be i can appreciate that voice. When he called me bride , i am really irritated by that tone.I didn't waste my energy to stand up and turn to look at him. Ultimately he is coming in front of me.So i just sit there like i didn't listen what he said to me.

"Hello Mr. Bride , I am your soon to be husband" Person said while sitting on the chair in front of me. I look at the person in front of me i froze for second. Point to be noted i only froze for second. As earlier i said if i met this person in any other situation may i frozen for minute. But his comments are making me to strangle him you know.You know when we really want to strangle person but we can't do, that feels helpless. I am the prime minister of the country and the brat in front of me talking like i am some beggar to him.

keeping aside all the things, i decided to talk him in a civil manner , which he don't know. I ignored his comment with my kind heart. I looked in his eyes and said " I am Bright, nice to meet you Win"

He shook his head, like he didn't believe what i am saying. Then he smirk at me and said "I can act as nice to meet you too" . He is now getting on my nerves. I don't know when i am jumping on him and cut his tongue. Control bright you are PM you have to listen carefully and act carefully. You can't act according to your emotions.

" Did you talk with your parents" I asked him ignoring his smirk as calmly as possible.Then one of their maid came and serve us snacks and black coffee. The  arouma of the coffee smells so good that, for a second i felt soothing effect on my body.

" Yes  they told me it is all decided by our grandparents and it is good for both the countries. if we break this marriage arranged by our elders it will cause a damage to harmonious relations of both the countries. So moral of the story is we like or not we both have to marry each other. And for a second thought you are not that bad so i am going to marry you" He said like he is making some sacrifice here. Tsk  this brat really has some ego problem. But anyway he decided to marry me that's good news for me. Because many people in the parliment are always ready to throw me out. if this marriage agreement broke , then opposition will use this to their beneffit. That risk i really don't want to take now. It is only second year of my office so i have to be careful.

" Good to hear that, i thought you reject this agreement" I said looking at him while sipping my coffee.He is very beautiful person i thought may be he has a boyfriend or girlfriend. may be he will reject me, but it turns out all different story.

"  Don't assume that i agreed to this marriage because you are handsome. The only reason i decided to marry you because i love my grandpa more than anything in the world. Until my last breath i will follow every word of him. " This time he speak genuinely with no smirk at all. Looking at his expression i know that he is very fond of his grandfather. But i know his grandfather passed away decades ago but the way he speaks it looks like he talk with him every day.

" You love your grandpa that much huh" I asked him. He smiled at me.'shit' for a seconds i felt like my  heart skip. for the first time i saw how beautiful his smiles. He looks like a big bunny. God this man is something different, i think he is going to be dangerous field around me.

" Off course i love him, he is my buddy" He said while eating snacks in front of us. he even don't have manners of offering me.What a brat

" So" I asked him raising my brow

" so what" he replied while munching his snacks like a kid who never eat food for ages

" you don't have anything to ask me" I asked him looking directly in to his eyes.

"I have some conditions, and they are compulsory"He said seriously. I looked at him just silently . He finished his snacks and cleaned the hand with tissue paper. Then he leaned on the chair like he is a boss. He crossed his hands on his chest , like he is going to presenting deal. what a show off i scoffed internally.

" My first condition i want monthly stipend as a husband.Second everyday you have to eat dinner with me.Third i don't want to show my face publically in front of media i like my privacy." he said while showing his three fingers. Just like kids in kindergarden.

ok i am confused now.I can agree with the first i can give him anything he want. But second and third i can't able to do that.How i am supposed to have a everyday dinner with him, sometime i have to work overtimely, some time may be there some emergency. Third one, i don't know how to do this, because the deal of the marriage happened between former foreign ministers of the both the countries. Almost all the people in the parliment know about this, then how i am supposed to hide him. All of them want to see him. Media is going to mad at me. I have to think about this before taking any decision.

i took a deep breath to avoid all those frustarating thoughts and speak to him " Here i thought i am the Bride" i smirked at him.He raised his eyebrow and smirked at me.

"Well if you want me to bride i am ok with that, i will consider we both are lesbians" He said which made me choak. I rubbed my chest and gulped the water. ohh god what are you doing with me. Where i am supposed to become best prime minister, but where i am dealing with this brat, who don't have any manners.I calmed myself for sometime.

" can't you talk properly, what is your problem" i said this time seriously with the firm tone.

"This is how i am Mr. Bright. I don't want to act cutely in front of you. This is how i am, if you really want to marry me, you have to face this each day and until the last breath" He said in stern voice.

" By  the way what is your occupation" I asked him with curiosity because he looks like a model. I thought may be he is model.

" I have a billionire father , my grandpa gave me island and my maternal grandpa gave me one penta house  with monthly pocket money ,my soon to be in laws are billionires and soon to be husband is prime minister. So i never thought about doing any occupation.Why should i stress myself when i have everything.  i am happy with my life without any occupation" He said tapping his fingers on the table.But i don't believe it, because there is something in his eyes which saying me he is hiding something from me. If he is hiding something, then he can't hide it anymore because i am going to reveal it.

"bright Win come inside home" Win's mom called us. We both stand up and walked together inside the garden. Finally enter their mansion. I sit beside my mom and he sit beside his dad.

" I hope this went well" My mom asked both of us

" offcourse mom" That brat said. Ohh he already calling my mother as mom. he is really really something.And my mother beamed with word 'mom'." But i think Bright need sometime to take a decision"He said. Then all the parents eyes on me. He want to prove me wrong in front of them. but it is not going to happen, i will tell them truth.

" He has some conditions to marry me.It looks like very easy to him. but his one condition is very difficult for that i have to discuss with my cabinet. I want to know what their opinion. then i will tell you guys about my decision"I said and now all the heads turn to him in 180 degree angle. I patted my shoulder internally with my win against brat.He blinked his eyes like a puppy. he looks cute though.

" mom you know i hate attention, so i said i don't want to show my face publicly. I don't like whenever i go outside people stare me like i am a show piece. i just want my peaceful and common life" He said. So he don't like attention. Then i will show you what attention means metawin. I smirked is going to be fun.

" bright you should discuss with your cabinet. This marriage is not only our home deal. At the same time we can't ignore the right to privacy of win. I know you will manage it son, just be careful. I don't want any opposition party make a big issue about his" My dad said

" i will see , i discuss with my team" I said assuring them. That's when my assistant arrived there.

" sir it's time to leave"He said and i nods to him. I hugged all of them. Finally i stand in front of the man who is the cause of my frustration now. why he can't be like other people, who want to die for taking a single pic with me. Anyway without further thought i hugged him.

"I will see you soon my future wifey" I whisphered in his ear and nibbled his ear which is not visible to our parents.His body stiffened 'good job bright, that is we call tit for tat'. I looked in to his eyes and smirked at him.Without giving him time to process the things ,i left the place. When i am near the door i turned back and looked at him. He is looking at me with his piercing eyes through which he is going to kill me at any time.I smiled and left their mansion.

Win Pov

" How dare he " I slammed the door behind me and screamed and jumped on my bed. How can he nibble my ear without my permission. and that smirk i want to squeez that smirk from his face.

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