
By briisk_333

52.9K 1.3K 3.5K

Sequel to "Tough Times". During college, Cheryl realized a change in Toni. Toni was starting to party more o... More

Into The Future
We Meet Again
New Beginnings
Exposed News
Going Away
Time Passed
Figure It Out
Got You On My Mind
Not Again
Good News
Sexy Time
A Second Chance
The Silent One
A Mess
Revealed Part 1
Revealed Part 2
Revealed Part 3
Revealed Part 4
Bad luck
Almost Here
Bundles of Joy
New Life

Waiting Game

563 22 7
By briisk_333

Lauren's POV

It's been about 3 hours since everyone got the news of Hope and Toni near the edge of death. Jughead and Betty couldn't come to the hospital yet because they were still sorting things out with the FBI.

Yeah, they had to bring in the FBI because they would take it seriously unlike the police who were taking it lightly.

Anyways, right now I was laying on two connected beds with Cheryl on one side and Josie on the other. I wasn't touching them or anything but I let them use my body to get comfortable.

I had my hands behind my head but Cheryl had her arms tightly wrapped around me while Josie had her hand on my neck. She nearly choked me to the point where I couldn't breathe but then stopped.

Finding out the news, they cried for like an hour before they fell into a deep sleep. I didn't have any reaction because I'm not really one to show emotion. But I know I'm going to kill myself and beat both of their asses if they even try dying on us.

It is pretty hard for me to deal with this right now but I just pushed it down to be there for Josie and Cheryl especially.

We were sort of happy Normani was still sleeping so she wouldn't go all crazy over the news, especially with how close she is with Toni.

I sighed and shifted  my head to see Heather standing at the doorway. "Hey baby how long have you been there" I asked her as I tried sitting up. "No, you might wake them" she said, holding up her hand.

She walked over to the bed and gently brushed back Josie's hair before kissing her forehead and she did the same with Cheryl. She then crawled onto the bed and laid on me. "Damn look at you with 3  girls in your bed" she joked and I chuckled slightly.

"Well they are all taken but you are luckily mines" I said as I reached to bop her nose. "Mhm and I'm happy I am" she said as she grabbed my face. She leaned down to kiss me and we were kissing for a while before I felt something wet hit my face.

"Stop baby, what happened" I mumbled against her lips. "Everything has just been so chaotic. I know I'm perfectly fine but it's like everyone else is doing really bad. I'm happy I'm fine but I just wish the others were too" she said as her lips trembled. I sighed and reached to wipe her tears.

"All we can do is have patience and hope things get better soon. We all believe that Toni and Hope will make it because we know they are strong and they'll pull through. Now lay down and get some sleep. I know you've been awake for a long while now".

I pushed her head down to where her face was in my neck. Luckily Josie's hand was no longer there, she was now just hugging my arm.

"I love you baby" I whispered and I heard snoring in return making me chuckle.

I don't understand how someone can fall asleep so quickly. I looked at her and she seriously fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and looked up as I closed my eyes.

2 hours later

"Lauren" someone whispered for like the tenth time and I groaned as I opened my eyes. "What" I mumbled as I tried getting up but there was a weight on me. I forgot Heather was sleeping on top of me. I turned and saw Ally standing next to the bed.

"Whats up" I said as I tried stretching the best I could with three other people in the bed with me. "We got an update on Toni and Hope" she said and now I was wide awake. "What did they say" I asked anxiously.

"They say that it looks like they are in the clear now" she said and I smiled. The smile slowly faltered as she said "But..." "But what?" I said as I held my breath.

"Usually its normal for neurological issues to happen after a cardiac arrest. Hope was lucky to not have that issue but Toni..." "Spit it out Ally" I pleaded to her.

"Toni's not looking too good. Especially the fact that she already had schizophrenia from before. We know she already had neurological issues so the brain trauma might have made it worse than before".

I breathed shakily and laid back down as I felt tears building up in my eyes. I wiped my eyes and sucked the tears up. "Umm so what does that mean" I asked, trying my best not to sniffle.

"Toni's going to have to stay here longer and they have to wait for her to wake up before they do more tests. Her behavior might be erratic when she wakes up and they would have to send her to away to mental hospital".

I nodded and said "Thanks for the update".

"Call me when they wake up" she said, pointing to Josie and Cheryl before leaving. "It's okay babe"  Heather suddenly said, which made me jump slightly. "You heard everything" I whispered and she nodded.

"And I know you're trying not to cry. There's nothing wrong with crying. Let it out Lauren, you're hurting and we're all hurting but you need to let it out or you're just going to be hurting yourself even more".

I sniffled and said "I just want them to be okay". Toni has been through so much shit and now this is another issue coming for her.

Slowly the tears fell and I broke out into tears. I tried to be quiet but it didn't work as Cheryl and Josie woke up confused.

They saw me crying and just hugged me along with Heather. Minutes later, I calmed down a bit but I was sniffling here and there, trying to keep tears at bay.

"Someone call Ally in here" I mumbled and Heather pulled out her phone and called Ally to come to this room. She then hung up and laid her head in my neck as I finally could wrap my arms around her. A few minutes later Ally walked in with a solemn look on  her face.

"What happened Ally" Cheryl asked, noticing the look on her face. Ally frowned and then continued on to tell the girls what she told me earlier.

Josie got up quickly and ran out the room, not even giving us the chance to ask her where she was going. We knew where she was most likely headed anyways.

Cheryl on the other hand was silent as she looked down at her hands. "I'm going to head to her room" she said quietly before getting up and exiting the room too.

I shifted over to one side of the bed and patted beside me, indicating for Ally to come over. She smiled sadly and came to lay on the bed too.

Josie's POV

As I entered Hopes room, it looked like she had just woke up. I smiled and sat down on the chair next to the bed and scooted it closer.

"Hi" I said softly and she sleepily smiled at me. "H-hey babe" she stuttered and I frowned slightly out of confusion.

"How are you" I asked, just so I can hear how she speaks. "Fine, b-b-but I-I-I" she cursed herself angrily as she couldn't say the word.

"It's okay baby, don't get so mad at yourself" I said as I rubbed her hand gently. "I'll be right back, I need to check something".

She nodded and I smiled as I got up saying "Don't miss me too much now". "I-I-I-I'll miss th-th-that a-ass" she said and I chuckled.

Of course she was still going to say something like that even in her condition. I blew her a kiss and left the room to see if I could find her doctor.

As I walked down the hallway, I saw the doctor walking past me. "Excuse me" I called out to her and she stopped to look at me. "I'm a bit busy right now but what can I help you with" she said to me.

"Umm so my girlfriend Hope Mikealson is awake now if you don't know". "Let me stop you right there. Sorry for the cut off but I thought it would be best to let you know that I was just going to check up on her".

"Oh okay then. I'll ask you questions after you do whatever" I mumbled as I followed her back to Hopes room. I sat back down in the chair and silently watched as the doctor did the checkup. When finished, she signaled for me to come outside with her.

"So I see that she is stuttering and I'm sure that's not how it was before right?". I nodded and so did she as she scribbled something onto a clipboard.

"So after a cardiac arrest there are some neurological issues and it seems Hope didn't get the life threatening ones. She may have some problems with her memory and with her speech though. The speech is something that can be fixed over time but other than having patience and going to speech therapy, there's nothing much that can help".

"Alright, thank you" I said quietly. "She will have to stay about one more week and by then we'll have more information about her recovery and what we can offer to help her".

I nodded once again and the doctor rested her hand on my shoulder.

"It may seem horrible and it may not be any better for you to hear this but it's better that she's not dead. A few injuries is better than being buried right now". A few tears fell but I wiped them and nodded saying "Yeah I know, thanks".

She then gave my shoulder one more pat before leaving. I had a small breakdown outside the room before fixing myself up and reentering the room.

"Hi baby sorry for taking so long". "I-it's f-f-f-fine" she stuttered out and I saw how hard it was for her to say it.

"Do you feel like talking or no" I asked her and she shook her head no. "Want to text" I asked and she nodded.

I searched for her phone and found it in her jacket. I gave it to her and pulled out my own phone. "How are you feeling besides the stuttering?" I texted. "I guess I'm fine. At least I'm not dead" she texted which made me chuckle.

We stayed there just texting back and forth and laughing from time to time.

Cheryl's POV

When I first entered Toni's room I had to walk right back out. My stomach couldn't digest how she looked on the hospital bed right now. I spent about 10 minutes outside the door trying to compose myself.

Right now I was sitting next to the bed with Toni's hand in my own. I learned that she was in a coma and they weren't sure how long she would be in it. "I hope soon you'll wake up. Maybe in time for the birth of the babies too" I said with a sad smile.

"This is basically all my fault because Nick was in charge of the whole thing. I wish I never met him and then maybe this all would have never happened. I guess after all these years the Blossom curse is still with me".

I chuckled bitterly and shook my head. Ever since I was little when I think things are going good for me something happens and it's all a fuck show. I know Toni and I were having our bumps here and there after she got out of jail but I wasn't expecting things to be as bad as they are now.

"I love you more than life itself and I don't know what I would do if you left. So your ass better not die on me and the others". I squeezed her hand at the last part and then released my grip.

"When you wake up I'm going to do the best I can to help you get back to your better self. Looks like I'm really going to have 4 babies to take care of now. Little ones in my stomach, you, and Anastasia. Maybe Anastasia will have to step up and help me with small things for the babies".

I laughed, thinking of that happening in my head. I spent a few more minutes just talking to her before I was interrupted by someone. I turned to look at the door and saw Lyria. As soon as I saw her, my anger just blew up.

"Get the fuck out" I gritted through my teeth and she didn't even move an inch. "I'll repeat myself one more time and after that I'm beating your ass. Get.the.fuck.out". She didn't move again and I got up myself and walked her way.

I first slapped the shit out of her multiple times before shoving her out the door and onto the ground. I bent down and grabbed her shirt, bringing her to my face. "What the fuck are you doing showing your face here" I spat in her face.

"Cheryl calm do-" "Don't tell me that shit Lyria! I thought we had a fine relationship and thought we ended on good terms but of course it was all a fucking act!!".

"No listen-" "No. You listen to me. You're going to get the fuck up and leave this hospital and never come back. Don't even come anywhere near us or I swear you'll regret it. You fucked up my life so I won't be afraid to fuck up yours".

I shoved her down again and as I turned around she grabbed my arm. "Unhand me bitch!" I yelled but she kept her grip on me. "No! You have to listen to me and let me explain myself!" She yelled and I looked at her.

"Don't yell at me" I said glaring at her and then at her hold on me. She immediately let go and I smacked her again just for the fun of it.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen, you have to trust me. I only told him some small things just to keep Toni away. I realized she wasn't as bad as Nick made her seem and I promise you I tried to fix things. I even got fucked over by Nick so it's not like I knew everything that happened was going to happen".

I rolled my eyes and said "All I'm hearing from you right now is a whole bucket of absolute bullshit". "So you're saying you don't believe what I'm saying" she asked with a look of hurt on her face.

"You shouldn't be the one feeling hurt right now. My girlfriend and my close friends are in the hospital. Hell!! Even my daughter is in the hospital right now! Some fighting for their lives at this moment and some who just got cleared but not one hundred percent sure if it's going to stay that way. I'm hurt because I felt like I couldn't protect them when maybe I could have. If they die, their blood is on my hands".

She was about to speak but I didn't let her get the chance. "If I didn't meet Nick, Toni wouldn't be in a coma right now and Normani and Hope would be in perfect condition laughing and being with their girlfriends. If I never bullied Veronica in the first place or invited her back into my house Anastasia, my own daughter, wouldn't be under heavy medication after being shot. If I never met you, my life would have been better".

As soon as I said that her face fell but then it showed anger. She tried grabbing me but I shoved her and she came at me again. "Get the hell off of me Lyria!!" I shouted but she pinned me to the wall.

"I thought I was protecting you and now you're saying you wish you never met me?!?!". She lifted her hand and smacked me twice. My heart started racing as I looked into her eyes.

I felt myself starting to shake as the look in her eyes were the same ones Toni had in her eyes years ago.

"Don't hurt me please, I promise to do better next time. Just please don't hurt me" I pleaded shakily. She smiled and trailed her nail across my face. "I would never hurt you Cheryl, I love you too much for that".

I looked at her in fear and just as she was about to hit me again she was tackled to the ground. I immediately slid down to the floor as I hugged my knees. "I-I'm okay. N-n-nothing wrong" I repeated over and over as I hid my face into my arms.

Archie's POV

I was walking around the hospital and about to visit Toni's room after visiting Hope's room. I heard a woman's voice but she sounded scared. Confused, I sped up to look around the corner and saw someone pinning Cheryl against the wall.

Cheryl was shaking out of fear and I quickly made my way over there as I tackled the person. Luckily she let go of Cheryl instead of bringing her down with us. "The fuck are you doing?!" I yelled at her as I realized it was Lyria and she just looked at me.

"Get the hell off of me Archie" she said as she struggled to get me off of her. "No bitch" I said simply and she rolled her eyes and huffed as she continued struggling.

I pulled out my phone and called Heather, telling her to come to Toni's room.

A few minutes later, I heard someone running from behind me. "Archie what-" I'm guessing it was Heather pausing and I'm guessing she saw Cheryl's state.

"Stay with her and make sure she doesn't pass out again. If she passes out anymore there's going to be issues" I said seriously and she nodded saying "Yeah I know".

"Wait is that Lyria" she asked and I nodded as I stood up, pulling Lyria up with me.

"You lucky I can't beat that ass right now Lyria!" Heather shouted from behind as I dragged Lyria with me to the elevator. We got in and I smiled at her.

"Cheryl's on a roll here. Another ex going to prison, how fun right". She tried fighting off the grip I had on her wrists but it wasn't going to work.

"No, no. You're going to be on your best behavior now. Be happy we're sending you to the police or we would do wayyy worse than what they put you through" I gritted in her ear. The elevator dinged and the doors opened and I put on a smile.

I kicked Lyria in her leg and she put on a fake smile. We then headed out the hospital as I got in my car and found some zip ties to put on her legs and wrists.

I put her in the passenger seat and buckled her in. "Oh how nice of you" she said sarcastically.

"I could just let you die in a car crash right now but you should suffer first" I said with a smile as I hopped into the driver's seat.

I called Betty and asked her where to bring Lyria. She was confused at first but then told me the location. "Let's go on a road trip shall we" I said as I backed out of the hospital parking lot and drove off.

Everyone responsible for this shit is going to get what they deserve.

I don't have questions I just want this book to be over with already honestly💀

Y'all gonna get another chapter but just later on cs a bitch is hungryyyy

Love u guys and hope y'all are doing good🤍🤍🤍

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