Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reade...

By Shadowking2030

184K 2.1K 881

A Story where you (Y/N) is cheated and abused by those who you thought was people you loved but apparently w... More

Important Notice
Bio Information
Prologue The Day A Protector Vanished
Chapter 1 A New World DxD Part 1
Chapter 2 Meeting the First One DxD Part 2
Chapter 3 The Magical Advisor Appears DxD Part 3
Chapter 4 Magic Training Under a Devil Leader DxD Part 4
Chapter 5 A Meeting with a Fiance DxD Part 5
Chapter 6 a Hellish Training DxD Part 6
Chapter 7 The Match For Ones Freedom DxD Part 7
Chapter 8 A Familiar plus A Holy Meeting DxD Part 8
Chapter 9 Meeting with the Angels and Fallens Dxd Part 9
Multiversal Army
Chapter 10 Facing a War Crazed Fallen DxD Part 10
Chapter 11 Meeting the White Dragon Emperor + Reading the letter DxD part 11
Chapter 12 The fifth Lover Plus Training DxD Part 12
Chapter 13 Answers received Dxd part 13
Chapter 14 A Life Changing Wish DxD Finale
Bio Update
Chapter 15 A New World RWBY Part 1
Chapter 16 A Day in Remnant RWBY Part 2
Chapter 18 Match Against the Bully's RWBY Part 4
Chapter 19 Defending a City RWBY Part 5
Chapter 20 Immense Training + Confessions RWBY PART 6
Chapter 21 Meeting a Thief and a ice cream RWBY PART 7
Chapter 22 Obtaining the Golden Transport RWBY PART 8
Chapter 23 The Trap is Sprung RWBY PART 9
Chapter 24 The Unforgettable School Dance RWBY PART 10
Chapter 25 Triple Confessions RWBY part 11
Chapter 26 A Short Vision + Training RWBY Part 12
Chapter 27 Old Foe Appears + Clue RWBY Part 13
Chapter 28 Answers + Departure RWBY PART 14 (Final)
Chapter 29 Reunion and Confrontation Genshin Part 1
Chapter 30 Settling a Old Score Genshin Part 2
Chapter 31 Childhood Friends Reunite Genshin Part 3
Chapter 32 Meeting The Archon of Geo and Lightning + Confessions Genshin Part 4
Chapter 33 Visions Unlocked and a Family discussion Genshin Part 5
Chapter 34 Confessions + Training Genshin Part 6
Chapter 35 Tragedy Strikes Genshin Part 7
Chapter 36 New Universe Borderlands Part 1
Chapter 37 Saving a Leader Borderlands Part 2
Chapter 38 The Evil Jack appears Borderlands Part 3
Chapter 39 A Special base + Discussion Borderlands Part 4
Chapter 40 A Test and meeting the b-team Borderlands Part 5
Transformation Question
Chapter 41 Training Session and Confession Borderlands Part 6
Harem + World Question
Chapter 42 an attack on Sanctuary Borderlands Part 7
Chapter 43 Stealing the key Borderlands Part 8
Chapter 44 The Royal Reveal Borderlands Part 9
Chapter 45 Training with the Raiders Borderlands Part 10
Chapter 46 confessions and meeting the Sheriff Borderlands Part 11
Chapter 47 Training and a Confession Borderlands Part 12
Chapter 48 A Clue Found and Onward to the next World Borderlands Part 13

Chapter 17 Training The Arc + Tearful Reunion RWBY Part 3

2.5K 32 5
By Shadowking2030

3rd POV

After entering the door that would lead to the training chambers where Y/N will train Jaune at

Jaune is amazed/Shocked at what he sees

Jaune:Where are we?!

Y/N:We are in what one of my mentor's calls the hyperbolic time chamber which as you remember time flows differently here

Y/N explains to Jaune

Jaune:Yeah 1 year here is only a day outside

Y/N:Correct now for your first part of my training we will be doing Physical training meaning you won't need to use your weapon and shield so place it near that pillar over there

Y/N points towards the pillar which Jaune places his weapon and shield at

Y/N:Now then for the next  2 months in here we will work on your upper body and lower body to make you able to handle someone in hand to hand combat so to begin I want you to atleast do 120 Push ups before the 2 months are up

Jaune Gulps but gets into position and begins to do the push ups

Y/N:I should also mention every seven days that pass I will be placing a heavy concrete slab on your back making the push ups become even harder

Jaune:Your joking right?!


Jaune then pales at the words Y/N says but continues to do the push ups

Timeskip 28 days

28 days has passed in the chambers which Jaune has already managed to get half of the 120 push ups done even with the gravity setting and the heavy stone slabs on his back

Y/N:Your doing an excellent job with the push ups Jaune I'm impressed

Y/N says while doing his on set of push ups

Jaune:Thanks but how exactly will this help me in the match with Cardin and his team again?

Y/N:Well because it will help you become more resilient to their attacks plus I'm sure Pyrrha wouldn't mind you being a bit buffer if you catch my drift

Jaune turns his head away causing Y/N to Laugh in response

Meanwhile with the group outside the chambers

Irina:Hey Pyrrha a question if you don't mind me asking?

Pyrrha:What is it?

Irina:Well it's just you love Jaune right?

Irina's words turn Pyrrha into a blushing mess

Akeno:So it seems you do

Nora:How do you guys know of her feelings for fearless leader?

Serafall:Well we women all have something called a Woman's intuition so it was easy to pick up on

Ravel:Right so when will you confess to him Pyrrha?

Before Pyrrha could speak the door to the room is then seen opened which the one who opened the door is Ruby and her team followed by Coco and her team

Ruby:Hey Guys what's going on?

Irina:Hey Everyone what brings you all here?

Yang:We came to see Y/N which Velvet told us she lead you six to here

Akeno:well as you can see Y/N is busy training Jaune for a day so you won't be able to see him today Yang

Blake:Why is he training Jaune for?

Back with the two in the chambers

Jaune has finished the 120 push ups which now he is learning hand to hand by sparing with Y/N using only his fists

Y/N:Keep it up Jaune after we are finished here I'll help you get better at swordsmanship

????:Why don't I teach you both better swordsmanship my son

A voice says throughout the chambers

Y/N:Who's there?! Show yourself!

Suddenly a bright light hits the ground near the two which blinds them for a second

From the light a individual in armor steps out and is standing before the two

The individual

Y/N and Jaune then look at the individual who just appeared in the chamber

Y/N:Who are you? And why do I get the sense of family coming from you?

????:Well first let me introduce myself before anything...I am Arthur Pendragon L/N

Jaune:Wait L/N?! Then....

Arthur:Yes I am Y/Ns Father

Y/N:How...How is it that you now show up after all this time?!

Y/N shouts as tears are flowing down his face


Y/N:Where have you been?! I always thought you left me in another world cause you thought I was a disgrace!

Arthur then punches Y/N in the face which causes Y/N to slide back on the ground

Arthur:Do not ever think you are a disgrace to the family! Your mother and I love you very much!

Y/N:But I don't even know who my mother is or if she is even alive!

Arthur:oh she is very much alive my son infact one of your ex girlfriends work for her as we speak

Y/N:Wait I know it can't be fischl or eula as they wander alone then.....No way...


Y/N: Mother is Jean?! The knight captain?!

Arthur:That's correct my son

Jaune:I hate to interrupt this family reunion but shouldn't we focus on training me for the match tomorrow?

Y/N:Jaune is right Dad

Arthur:Alright well for the remaining time in here we will be focusing on both of your swordsman ship so get ready boys

Y/N and Jaune both nod and bring out their respective weapons

Jaune then begins his training session with Y/N and Arthur to improve his swordsmanship

Outside the chambers

Blake:Wait so Jaune is training with Y/N for the match against Cardin and his team?

Ruby:And if Jaune wins then Cardin and his team confesses to other crimes they done besides bullying?

Yang:but if Jaune looses then you five along with Y/N will go somewhere else in remnant to continue your mission?


Weiss:Why would Y/N Propose that for that dolt to do?

Irina:I'm sure Y/N will tell why when he and Jaune comes back tomorrow

Blake:What do you mean tomorrow? And why are you sitting near a door for?

Irina:The Door Blake leads to a chamber where time flows much different than out here

Coco:How so?

Ravel:well 1 day out here is a Year in the chamber on the other side of the door near us

Fox:So one could basically get an entire years worth of training in the chambers while only a day passes?

Akeno:that's right plus the gravity is 10x heavier than out here so you would have to be able to withstand that to handle training in the chambers

Timeskip to tomorrow

Within the dorm of JNPR are those of Pyrrha Nora Ren and Y/Ns Girlfriends who are all asleep

Suddenly the door opens which causes the 8 to wake up

Pyrrha:Is someone here?

Pyrrha says all groggy while yawning

Looking around she eventually sees the door opened

Pyrrha:Everyone wake up They're back!

The others wake up just as Y/N and Jaune exit the door

Y/N:We are back and Jaune will most certainly best Cardin and his team

Jaune:Most definitely and it's all thanks to you and your father Y/N you both helped me improve greatly

Irina:Wait you met your father in the chamber?

Y/N nods and explains what happened in the chamber

Y/N:Anyway Jaune you and your team best get your classes

Jaune:Right see you later then

Y/N and his group nods at which the six exits the dorm but not before putting the door back in the capsule

Y/Ns group then heads back to their dorm to relax until time for the match between Jaune and the bullies


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