Ͳաìʂէҽժ Ͳìʍҽ | Rewritten

By YouCreate___

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*╔═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╗* ᴀ ʀᴇ-ɪɴᴠᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ 'ᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀᴄʀᴏꜱꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ' ᴀɴᴅ 'ᴀ ᴛᴀʟᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴏʟᴅ ᴀꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ'. *╚═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╝ �... More

♔ Disclaimer & Basic Terms♔
♛ Cast & Characters ♛
➼ Prologue : Future-viewing machine.
➼ The Chosen Individuals.
➼ The Protector.
➼ Ladies Rocks 1.
➼ Ladies Rocks 2.
➼ Dvāpara Yugānāṃ.
➼ The Children Unite.
➼ Revelations.
➼ Ladies and gentlemen!
➼ Was it a joke?
➼ Several Discussions.
➼ Fiasco I
➼ Fiasco II.
➼ Fiasco III
➼ Fiasco IV
➼ Fiasco V.
➼ Maa-Paa Gets Hitched!
➼ Undercover Kuru Princes.
➼ A (Non)Musical Evening I
➼ A (Non)Musical Evening II
➼ The Choice & News
➼ The Start of Unveiling
➼ The Past : Kush's Pov.
➼ Interval.
➼ Ramaa!
➼ Caṇḍālī
➼ Unknown Happenings.
➼ The Uneasy feelings.
➼ The Illusion.
➼ Mussed up plans.
➼ The Worthy Person.
➼ Moments of Happiness.
➼ Dread
➼ Course of action.
➼ Justice served.
➼ The Turmoil-filled days
➼ The Curses are Broken.

➼ Deviousness.

2.8K 191 37
By YouCreate___

Hastinapura - In the Heart of a Forest (same time as the celebration night)  

Krishna and Balrama huffed when their children nearly rushed in their arms. Devika, Valandhara, Ragini, Vijaya watched with a soft smile. 


The watching girls eyes widened as Sudarshana and Panchajanya took human forms - their fathers. Shatrughna had been the avatar of Sudarshana Chakra - the divine discuss representing the wheel of time while Bharat had been the avatar of the divine symbol of dharma, the conch held by MahaVishnu, Panchajanya. 

As they all cradled their children close, Krishna asked, his eyes holding the same serenity he displayed as Rama, "Sanchali? How is she? What about Luv? Kush, had your sister survived the journey through time? She had taken the most of the side-effects on herself."

"She is healing," said Kush with a grimace, "Pitashri, her body is weak. It is not capable to take the otherworldly qualities and radiance of her soul. She cannot use her divine knowledge for it will put a strain on her weakened body which just as may result in her untimely death, again. But you already know this, don't you?"

Krishna nodded with a sad  helpless smile, " I know, my son. You are well aware of you sister's temperament. Sanchali would need her rest now. She had sacrificed so much."

Balrama chuckled, "It is still so astonishing to see you as a protective Father, Prabhu."

"The world had seen me at my worst and my best, SheeshNag," replied Krishna, "For my wife and my children there is rarely anything that I can't do." He turned towards a watching Luv, "How is you elder brother? How is my Luv?" 

"Jyesht is adjusting well," Kush said with a small smile, "He is grumbling though but I think he understands that he needs to take over. Jyeshtha can't take too much stress after all." Sonakshi added, remembering her eldest brother's astonished expression, "And Didi says that he won't get the throne until he marries."

Everyone laughed at that. 

"Sanchi is the only one who would have survived the effects of passage of time," said Panchajanya, "I am glad she is well. Perhaps I should check-in with her once if you allow me Prabhu."

"You do not need my permission, Panchajanya," said a loving Krishna, "Sanchi is your daughter as much as she is mine."

"Pitashri," asked Vijaya turning inquisitive eyes at Sudarshana, "Why couldn't the effects of travel through time be distrusted to everyone of us equally? This way Badi didi wouldn't have been effected!"

"If it was possible, my darling child, I would have done that. But Sanchali had the mental and the spiritual fortitude required to go through and survive the process. She had accumulated great spiritual power from the time when Mata Lakshmi was abducted as Sita. All her adversity had granted her a wealth of spirituality, the radiance of which her body of Kaliyuga is trying hard to sustain."

Krishna, Balrama, Sudarshana and Panchajanya exchanged a grim look unknown to their children. 

"Is that why every single one of the Devas goes through several trials?" Ragini's insightful question to her father's answer surprised them. 

Krishna nodded as he placed a caring hand on her head as Ragini turned beaming eyes at him, "A very good question, Ragini. You're correct. Compared to Mortals, Animals, Asuras, Daityas, Gandharvas or Yakshas,  the only immortals are the Devas. There is a reason behind it. Devas are born with a higher affinity for spirituality and spirituality can only be increased through trials and hardships. DevaAsur Sangram or even the various conflicts and the controversies written through out time have been nothing but methods to gain more spirituality."

Balrama took over, as everyone sat down on the grassy land, "Everyone has a spirituality within them because everyone has souls. You have seen higher affinity of spirituality in Prahlāda amongst the Daityakul for he had started to chant the name of Prabhu Hari from within his mother's womb."

"And that's why Humans, Asuras, Daityas, Gandharvas or Yakshas do hard penance so that they can be granted boons. This penance allows them to increase their spiritual presence of self which allows them to withstand the presence of the Trinity or any other High Gods like Indra dev or Surya dev for those brief moments."

"What about us?" asked Chandraketu curiously, "Or even the demigods?"

"There has been very few demigods," said Krishna leaning back against the trunk of the tree, posture at ease as the Lord of the Universe smiled at his younger son, "Children born of boons, yes, but actually demigods, very few. All of you are born of us. Sudarshana, Panchajanya and Shesha, are your fathers. Your mother are just as divine - the true consorts of your fathers. Hence, none of you can be considered a demigod."

"What are we then?" asked Devika, a speculative note in her tone, "Kirti, Archita and I have been reborn. Will that change who we are?"

"No," said Sudarshana, his smile the same soothing as he caressed his youngest daughter's head, "Your souls hasn't change. No matter what name you have now, your initial identity as Anjali, Archita or Kirti had not been compromised. Mata Lakshmi has various names, but she remains MahaLakshmi, does she not?"

Devika looked thoughtful, while Panchajanya continued, "Now coming to demigods and children born from boons - their spirituality is higher - not as high as the Devas, but considerable that by the time they had reached adulthood, they could easily visit various immortal worlds such as the several Lokas around the Universe. Many humans, for example, Maharaja Dashratha, was invited to join in the DevaAsur Sangram during his time or we can take the example of Nahusha, the son-in-law of Mahadeva - both of whom were well endowed with great spirituality."

They all stayed thoughtful and processed the information they have been given. After a while, Vijaya spoke up, "Umm.....I have something confess. I don't know if it's right or wrong but I really want to help them so...."

"Speak putri," said Krishna with affectionately, "What has you troubled?"

Vijaya noticed the interested gazes of her siblings. She confessed how she had accidentally overheard Karna-Yuddhisthira's conversation. She spoke how she felt and expressed that she wanted to help in some way.

"A chance may come, Kirti," said Krishna with a knowing smile, "Do not fret. And children? Friends are hard to come by, especially genuine ones. Remember that."

Mahendragiri Mountains 

"Pranam Parshurama," said Surya dev as he landed beside the ancient sage.

Parshurama greeted back with joined hands just as humbly as the Aditya before him. Surya dev said, biting the inside of his cheeks, "Do you think this will work?"

"When Narayana had granted you this boon, my friend," said Parshurama with a smile, "Then worry not for it will come into fruition."

"That's not the reason I am worrying," replied Surya deva, a concerned look shining in his handsome stature, "My son's curses - all three of them, I am worried about those, Bhargava."

"Aditya," said Parshurama, "I am well aware of it, yet trust me on this. Sanchali can find a way out of this."

"Curses can't be lifted completely," said the new arrival, "It has to be completed for it to be dispersed."

"And won't that be the cause of my son's death, putri Sanchali?" asked Surya dev.

Sanchali shook her head negatively, "Pitashri used them as such, but that doesn't mean that's the only way."

"Can you find a way to lift each of them?" asked Parshurama, raising an eyebrow at Sanchali who shrugged, "I cannot promise you anything."

They heard the sounds of hooves approaching. The celestial chariot drew up close as Aruna halted in front of them. Karna jumped down from it, thanking and wishing Aruna who waved the youngest prince off. He greeted and took blessings from both his Gurudeva and his father, before giving a curious glance at Sanchali, who blinked at his presence.

"Now that you are here," Parshurama said, "I can proceed. Putra Karna, I am asking for you the Guru Dakshina which has been left incomplete and it must be completed by dawn."

"Guru Dakshina?" wondered Karna, "What is it, Gurudev?"

"Before that," replied Parshurama, he nudged Sanchali, "Meet her. She is like my daughter and she would accompany you for the journey. She is a learned woman. Do not forsake her advice if she gives you any."

Karna nodded, glancing at Sanchali again who gave a pretty smile, "Pranam, I am Ramaa. Acharya speaks highly of you."

"I am Vasusena," Karna introduced himself, "It would be a privilege to work alongside you."

Parshurama and Surya dev smiled at each other as Parshurama spoke in a stern note, "The Kingdom of Anga had become the victim of corrupt officials. I need you to liberate them and transform the kingdom into a successful kingdom. Transform it in anyway you wish."

On the way to Anga 

Maharathi Karna and Avadhduhitṛ́ Sanchali sped by  on their respective horses. Both of them did not even glance once at the various breathtaking landscapes which would have forced people to just stay and enjoy the serenity of such landscape for a while. 

They stopped near a stream of water to allow the horses to drink, eat and rest for some time after being pushed to the limit by both the riders.

Sanchali looked up at the sky, her melancholic orbs took in the vast sky littered with bright luminous stars. Night has already fallen and it had barely been a day of travelling but she already missed her family. She played with the hem of her uttariya, head tilted slightly as she gazed into the water.

"You looked to be in deep in thought," said Karna, as he took a seat beside her on a separate rock.

Sanchi looked at him, taking in his radiant form highlighted by the moonlight. She had recognized him easily enough and even without the introduction of his parentage, she would have - perks of growing up in Kaliyuga for the second time.

She asked without thinking it through, "What is your plan upon reaching Anga?"

Dark somber eyes met hers, voice soft and kind, "I have no idea. Perhaps I will act once I've seen the problem although Gurudev did say that it's about corrupt officials."

"Human nature is fickle," said Sanchi, her gaze returning towards the water, "They continue to change and adapt, it's a curse and a boon at the same time. Are you going to attack? A war perhaps?

"No," said Karna, exhaling a breath. He felt she was testing him, "A war would cause more harm than good. The commoners would suffer even more and the kingdom would fall before it even have a chance to rise."

"Well said. " said an approving Sanchi looking at Karna again, "When do we leave again?"

"Now if possible," said Karna, eyes roving over her tired face, Do you want to rest more, devi?



"Call me Ramaa," said Sanchi getting up from her seat, "I like being addressed by my name, Suryaputrah."

"Then don't call me Suryaputrah," said Karna with a 'please-don't-call-me-that' look, "It's Vasusena, if you must."

"Are you ashamed of your celestial father?"


"Then why are you so against being called with your father's name?"

"Because I wish to make my own identity without my father's influence over it," said Karna, resolutely not looking at Sanchi. If he had, he would have seen surprise flash over her face.

After a few moments of silence, she replied, "Alright. What's your mother's name?"

"Radha," His answer was prompt and without hesitation. Sanchali wondered whether he knew his birth mother before shrugging. It wasn't her matter to interfere in. She wasn't going to play 'hero' or in this case 'heroine' in his matters. He knew his celestial father and that's enough - at least, that was Sanchi's thought process. 

"Radhanandana," said Sanchi, smiling at the surprising and questioning look of Karna, as she replied to his unasked question, "You told me you don't want to reveal your father but I cannot call you by your birth name. You're older to me and it would be disrespectful. I'll address you by your mother's name. Will that appease you?"

Karna gave an heartfelt smile before getting up, "Abhar! It will. Shall we?"

"Yeah," nodded Sanchi as she slowly ambled towards her grazing horse, who nudged her hand softly when she reached out. Karna already mounted his horse, waiting for her to do the same so they could proceed for their journey. 

But Sanchali stopped, as she turned around with a look on uneasiness. Did she hear a cry? Like someone crying? She focused on the sounds, tilting her head curiously. She heard the soft sniffs of a child.

"Did you hear that?" asked Sanchi turning towards Karna who frowned slightly, "Hear what?"

"A child's cries." replied Sanchi, a worried frown playing across her face.

Karna blinked, a bit perplexed at the thought, "A child? At this time of the night?"

"I heard correctly," said Sanchi, honey eyes meeting his resolutely, "We should check once."

Karna nodded as he jumped down from his horse, as Sanchi led the way. They neared an ancient tree whose huge trunk could easily hide anyone. The coarse bark was thick and prickeled like sharp thorns. 

Sanchi's eyes widened as she found a child — a female, of around five-six years old, crying bitterly.

"What happened?" asked Karna to Sanchi. The child stopped crying, startled at the sudden voice of Karna. She scooted further inside the roots of the tree, her teary eyes wide and filled with fear. Sanchi gave a sharp glare at Karna who smiled sheepish with an I-did-not-mean-to-frighten-her look. 

She walked round the tree while Karna also followed. His eyes widened slightly at seeing the child. A frail young girl of around six, adorned in various scraps and injuries, she wore threadbare clothing. Her cheeks were hollow with rapidly drying tear tracks, eyes wary and suspicious and ribs protruded. She looked malnourished. Karna's heart softened at her sight.

He did not feel any kind of demonic influence, so he did not stop Sanchali for approaching the scared child. 

"Are you okay, dear?" asked Sanchi, as she crouched down in front of the child. Her powerful demeanor softening with ease. As the child did not answer, simply flickered her fearful eyes from Karna to Sanchi, she continued, "Where are your parents? Why are you here at this time of the night?"

The child did not answer, though she became even more fearful. The girl fainted from exhaustion and the stress of surviving in the wild.. Sanchi caught her before she could hurt her head on a sturdy root. She picked up the child with ease, frowning slightly at the weight of the kid.

"How long before we reach Anga Pradesh?" asked Sanchi, her honey orbs steady.

"Barely an hour or two," replied Karna, already moving towards their horses.

Target 75 votes. I hope you like this one. A new plot with Anga, Hastinapura and Panchala is on the way. I hope you're excited.

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