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By Sessakag

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New danger is on the horizon for the shinobi world. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again... More

The Beginning
Man Up
Love At Last
Creeping Darkness
Sixth Sense
Loving Gem
Carnal Climax
Blooming Flower
Right Place Wrong Time
The Otsutsuki
Frigid Confrontation
Desert Nightmare
Just a Cold
Big News
Uncomfortable Reunion
Party Planning
Love and Drama
Akechi Village
Childless Clan
Anything But Orange
Drunken Antics
Entity 504
The Fodder
Restless Night
Endless Worry
Lean On Me
The Final Entry
Don't Like It? Fight ME!
The Truth
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Uzumaki's
Honeymoon Adventure Part 1

A Deity Speaks

397 16 31
By Sessakag

Chapter Thirty-Eight

A Deity Speaks

May 3, 2010

He held her hand as they walked through the corridor of the Hokage office. The little palm in his grip felt cold and clammy, otherwise, the woman next to him gave an outward appearance of calm control. It was only partially a front.

"It's going to be alright, 'ttebayo," he told her, giving her hand a comforting squeeze, "I'll be right there with you. You're strong, and whatever this side effect is, we'll find away for you to not only deal with it, but feel comfortable using chakra again. Don't worry, okay?"

She nodded quietly.

He knew she was scared, but he also knew she was prepared as much as she could be. He had made sure of that to the best of his ability in the days before this fated meeting. The two had visited Yuma, the news that the kunoichi was doing quite well now doing wonders to life his lover from the guilty depths she'd been struggle to climb from. They'd even meditated together that morning. Anything and everything to calm her mind and spirit. It seemed to have worked, there was fear, but not that deer in the headlights look that made his stomach churn and his heart bleed.

Just outside the door, he stopped them, then lifted her chilly fingers to his lips, kissing both knuckle and ring. He didn't speak with his mouth, but with the intensity in his eyes.

And she heard him, clear as day.

Reaching up, she smoothed the back of her fingers along his whiskered cheek before gracing him with an answering smile and milky orbs that bespoke of preparedness.

She was ready.

Reassured, he raised a hand to rap on the door. It opened before he could knock. Naruto stepped back as Kakashi entered the hall, Shikamaru a step behind him.

"Perfect timing, Naruto," the sixth Hokage announced, "saves me the trouble of having to collect you both. Good morning Hinata, I trust you're feeling better?"

Hinata bowed informally before giving him a demure smile.

"Yes, Hokage-sama, much better. Thank you for allowing us time off. Naruto-kun took very good care of me."

"Of that, I have no doubt," the half masked man said, and from the crinkles at his eyes, he could tell his former sensei was smiling, "if anyone could be trusted with your care it's the husband to be next to you."

"Yes, I could never have gone through that without him," Hinata agreed, a charming pink of happy painting her cheeks.

He wasn't the least bit flustered by the exchange. The fact that it was common knowledge that the only person that could care for her in the way she needed was him brought only warmth and pride to his chest. That he could be that for, to anyone, was a secret desire made real, one he would always revel in.

"Who would have though my most hardheaded would not only turn out to be Hokage material, but husband material," the white haired man teased, "you've come a long way from wedging chalkboard erasers between doorway."

Now this, however, did bring a bashful smile to his face. Hinata knew the troublemaker he had been in his youth, all of them did, but he was her big, strong, mature man, now. The less said about his antics the better. She didn't need a reminder of just how clownish he'd been. Seeing his face, she giggled behind a delicate hand.

Well...if it made her laugh, he supposed it was alright this one time.

"Oh, speaking of husband," he said, "We set our wedding date for August 1st."

"Isn't that a bit soon?" Shikamaru asked, brow raised.

Naruto shrugged.

"Depends on what your definition of what soon is," the blonde drawled, "its not soon enough in my opinion."

"But you do realize-"

"That a buncha shit's gonna be rushed and people might get mad, yeah but we already talked about this. Me and Hinata, we want to get married in August. I hope everyone can come, but we can't wait any longer."

"Can't wait?" Nara repeated.

"Any...particular reason for the rush we should know about?" Kakashi asked, his dark eyes moving pointedly to Hinata's tummy.

To say she was mortified was an understatement.

"N-N-No!" she burst, crimson suffusing her face, lavender eyes stretched wide, "N-Naruto-kun and I- w-we just..."

"Its nothing like that." Naruto assured them, "We just don't wanna wait a whole year to be married, 'ttebayo,"

Kakashi gave a sheepish look.

"Oh, sorry about that," the Hokage apologized to the still flustered woman, "I didn't mean to embarrass you, or to imply anything...inappropriate."

"T-That's alright, Hokage-sama. I-I supposed that is a...logical conclusion to come to, considering the abruptness of our marriage day,"

A bashful chuckle left his lips. Naruto wondered if everyone was gonna think the same thing once news got out. With the scrutiny they lived under, he had no doubt whispers of a little Naruto in the making was going to pop up.

"What are our chances of having everybody off that day?"

"Hmm," the Rokudaime hummed thoughtfully.

A few moments passed.

"Better than they were a few months ago," he finally answered, "If this decline in jubokko attacks continues, it shouldn't pose too big an issue to match schedules for that day. Which reminds me."

Once again, he turned dark eyes to the lone female among them.

"The village has been fully repaired, and from the last report, everyone there is just fine. Thank you for your hard work on the mission," he was smiling behind that mask again.

Hinata returned it, the relief in her eyes palatable. That was the end of that incident he concluded. Yuma was fine, the villagers were fine and their home repaired. The Hokage felt her work there was more than satisfactory. All there was left was to take these components and heal the cracks in her heart.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," she murmured.

"Now, before we start Hinata's assessment, there's information we need to discuss."

Blonde brows crinkled. Information?

"Regarding what?" he asked, "is it-"

Kakashi held up a hand.

"Not here," the older man said, "Just follow us,"

He started down the hall and the trio of younger folk fell into step a few paces behind their leader. This gave him the opportunity he needed.

"So what was up with Kiba the other night?" the blonde questioned.

"The usual," Shikamaru shrugged, "too much to drink and not enough brain cells."


"I know I know, don't call idiots idiots," the Hokage's adviser huffed without heat, "sorry, Hinata."

"Still...That's not nice..." his fiancée chided, "You shouldn't say those things about Kiba-kun. I know he's a little...rough around the edges but he really doesn't mean any harm."

Naruto chuckled when the genius apologized again, his face one of comedic chastisement.

It always amused him when his friends got a 'butterfly scolding'. Like her chakra, his woman was as gentle as the fluttering wings of a butterfly, and while she felt compelled to stand up for her friends even among friends, she was so sweet and soft about the rebukes it was hard for any of their friends not to heed it. She was just...too nice to be mean to. Not to mention, the very friends she rebuked would put any person bold enough to be mean to her through several layers of earth. Himself included. He wouldn't hesitate to bash a thick skull nor would his group hesitate to put him in a hole if he gave his significant other any grief. He'd welcome it. As Sakura had pointed out years ago, as he'd learned over their years as friends, best friends and lovers, Hinata would never give him what he deserved, no matter what he did.

She held a special place among all of them. That was just the sort of response she elicited from those around her.

"That's bullshit though, Shikamaru," he countered as they walked, "Kiba was acting all weird before he started drinking. It only got worse when he started drinking, dattebayo."

"Weird like what?"

Naruto gave the man a look.

'Cut the crap, you know what I'm talking about,' his eyes said.

"It's nothing, Naruto."

"Didn't look like nothin', you damn near dragged his ass outside and he never came back in after that."

"Is Kiba-kun alright?" Hinata questioned.

"He's fine," Shikamaru assured the pair, "just something going on with him and Tamaki."

"Then why didn't he just say that? Wouldn't be the first time," the Uzumaki pointed out.

"Beats the hell outta me," he shrugged, "anyway, this thing with Tamaki and Sasuke being back has him acting like a dumbass. He'll get over it."

Though not completely sold on the information, Naruto didn't argue it further. They'd reached their destination. He looked up at the name designating the building.

The Intel facility.

They stepped inside, walked down several halls, descended some stairs before reaching a metal door. The Hokage placed his hand on the scanner right of the metallic portal. It beeped, then the doors hissed open. Without a word, they boarded the elevator and descended.

A number of Hyuuga roamed around, some analyzing the unfamiliar, complex script of the Otsutsuki, others taking a few moments to rest their eyes. The gave nods and bows in deference to the Hyuuga Head's daughter as well as the Hokage as the group passed them by. Two men stood out amongst the sea of busy work folks. Naruto didn't question Sai's presence in this clandestine location. He'd already suspected his socially confused friend held a position of high importance that required the utmost secrecy.

Speaking of secretive.

He turned his gaze to his reticent friend standing next to the male in question. Sasuke stood arms length from the man, watching as the four approached.

"The Cipher Corps managed to decipher more from the Otsutsuki," Shikamaru began once they reached both man and paper ladened table behind them, "from the scroll, it seems as though Kaguya expected other Otsutsuki to come looking for her. The main family of the Otsutsuki. From what we can infer from her text, the Otsutsuki are constructed much like the Hyuuga, separated by main and branch family, though, in the case of the Otsutsuki, it's unclear with which method a member is branded main or branch. The white Zetsu she created were in preparation of fending off the pursuing members of her clan."

"So, they might try and unseal her for whatever reason they're after her," Naruto mused aloud.

The adviser nodded.

"We can only assume it has something to do with the original reason she arrived here. The God Tree. Their objective may be to find a way to release her, or they may even pick up where she left off without freeing her. We won't know unless we discover more scrolls, stumble across evidence from some other source or encounter another one of their kind first hand."

"Has there been a confirmation of a link between the Otsutsuki and the jubokko yet?" Hinata questioned.

Naruto also wanted the answer to this question. From Ino's depiction of what went on inside the minds of those creatures, chakra consuming trees that functioned like that of the Shinju they'd fought a war to stop, it was almost like being in denial to question whether there was a connection. This was no damn coincidence, there was no way in hell the Otsutsuki weren't connected in some way to it and until he saw evidence indicating the opposite, nothing could convince him otherwise. As his fiancée had asked, was there confirmation linking the two yet.

"No concrete confirmation, but it remains an educated assumption," the Hokage answered, "the Otsutsuki were fleeing Cyilo and reported the weather anomalies as signs that he was nearing their world. Following the beginning of the jubokko attack, the anomalies began appearing in our world. Both have ceased, though not simultaneously, close enough to render any notion of coincidence almost null. At this juncture, we are treating these two situations as stemming from the same source. The Otsutsuki."

"If the anomalies have stopped, does that mean Cyilo is no longer near our world?"

"It's possible, but without more information we can't know for sure."

A worried frown suffused the Jinchuuriki's lips. Hinata sidled closer to his body, wrapping her other arm around the forearm above their joined hands. Absentmindedly he slid a comforting thumb over her soft skin.

"We've uncovered more about Cyilo, or rather his iteration of the Otsutsuki's beginning." Ino's lover announced.

Sai moved, plucking a piece of paper from the overburdened table and began reading.

"I breathed.

I slept. I dreamed.

I felt the warmth of the sun, the cold of the wind, the moisture of rain and the thrumming of nature.

I watched the world change and grow and yet, amongst this ever shifting plane, I remained the same. The flowers that bloomed and wilted whispered a concept my mind had not realized.

I existed, I experienced the growth and death about me, but among this cycle, I was untouched.

I did not live. There was naught for me to do but drift endlessly in this world teeming with energy.

I had no purpose. No destination.

I yearned to find reason for my creation and upon one endless day, I found it.

I split myself in twain.

One half, I called Cyilo of the body, the other, I named Sylvana of the spirit.

We were 'one' no longer.

I was Cyilo and she; Sylvana.

Our days together drifted by, slowly, ceaselessly and through the passage of time, the desire for new meaning arose once more. Many eons elapsed before we found it anew. We breathed life from the elements around us. From the very earth, I crafted sturdy entities and thus named them sons, and from the intangible winds, Sylvana wove delicate beings and named them daughters.

And thus we became; the Otsutsuki."

It sounded like something you read in a book, poetic and ominous considering the creatures it discussed. They had more information about Cyilo, and a new puzzle piece to worry over.

Who was Sylvana?


He could hear something, low and steady. The gentle trickle of water.

A stream he thought, though he wasn't sure.

He listened a bit longer, straining to hear. Gentle wind blew across his sweaty skin, and the low call of birds trilled above. He tuned it out, listening instead for what had roused him. Then he hear it. Unmistakable this time. Running water. It wasn't far from here, that clamming flow. He swallowed against the dryness in his mouth. He was more than parched. He needed water.

Shino opened his eyes and promptly slammed shut them as stinging sunlight scolded the unprotected orbs.

It was something he rarely if ever experienced, and it confirmed the strangeness of his circumstances; he wasn't wearing sunglasses.

Where was he?

He willed his slumped form to move, to obey the directive of his brain and received no response.

Why couldn't he move?

He strained, mentally, physically, demanding his nerve endings to contract his muscles and push him from the hard unforgiving ground beneath his cheek. It was an exercise in futility. He was either too injured to move, or too tired to do so. Nothing hurt, but he was beyond tired. He gave up the fight and felt the unbearable exhaustion force consciousness from his mind...

He was being carried. He could feel the wind flying through his hair, the solid mass of a muscular back, and the up and down motion he recognized as the dash from tree limb to tree limb.

He wanted to open his mouth and speak, to ask the man carrying him what was going on, what had happened to him, but the moment he probed his vocal cords, it was like hot acid spilled over them. It burned his throat and melted his gut.

Something was wrong.

But his addled mind couldn't piece it together.

He drifted away again.


She swallowed, feeling frigid sick churn in her belly.

"Just like last time," a deep, soothing voice murmured next to her ear, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'll be right here, 'ttebayo. Trust me."

He gave her midsection a squeeze.

She nodded.

She didn't doubt him for a moment. What was the point of preparing as they had if she backed out now.


There was no going back. Only forward. It was imperative, and not just for her own comfort or peace of mind. That debriefing about the Otsutsuki had hardened the resolve of every person in earshot. Eventually, that alien race was going to knock on their doorstep, of that she had little doubt. There was no question her husband to be and his best friend would be on the front lines yet again, but this time, she wanted to play a bigger role than she had in the last. A position in which she could help her Jinchuuriki lover even if she could never hope to display the sheer power those two wielded. She had no bijuu within her, no Sharingan, nor the overwhelming strength or medical prowess Sakura held. Compared to those three and others, her abilities were meager, but if she could harness what was inside her and amplify what she already had, then maybe, if she couldn't fight shoulder to shoulder with him, then at the very least she stood a greater chance at protecting the love of her life.

For him, for herself, for those that needed protecting, she would become stronger. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

Sweat sliding between her shoulder blade, breath trembling between her lips as her support system unraveled his arms and stepped away, Hinata formed the two finger seal she used to activate her kekkei genkai more times she could count. She hesitated a moment, then another, then let chakra flow into her eyes.


She could feel the veins stretching below her skin in a way she'd never experienced before. It wasn't a routine sensation. No...this was a delicate, soothing whisper that climbed towards her pupiless orbs. Color, vivid, intense and touched with something more she couldn't define, filled her orbs. She could see things in the surrounding space, things she couldn't describe even if she tried. There was a slithering beneath her skin, a foreign touch that...didn't chill her.

It merely...flowed over her...

Through her...

Around her...

It was her...she and this feeling, they were the same.

Connected and entwined. Entranced, she gazed out into the horizon, barely cognizant of her surroundings, unable to track the flow of time. She stood there, experiencing the sensations flooding her senses.

Big hands spanning her waist startled her.

"You alright, sweetheart?" her lover questioned at her ear, "can you handle it?"

She blinked, the fog in her brain slowly dissipating. Feeling as though she were waking from a dream, she craned her neck and looked at the face she knew and loved before once more gazing out at the tall trees in the distance. There was a new sensation thrumming inside of her, one her sluggish mind was working overtime to process. It wasn't coming from within her, however. It was coming from the concerned man behind her. There was a melding warmth between them, suffusing her spine in comfort. That bright radiance at her back was one she'd felt before, back when he'd enveloped her and the Allied Shinobi Force within his chakra.

She looked down at his hands.

Tanned skin. Calloused fingers.

No sign of Kurama's cloak...

Then why...could she feel his chakra seeping into her back. He gave her middle a gentle squeeze.


"I'm...alright," she mumbled.

"Are you sure?" he challenged, "you look kinda...out of it."

She felt more than kinda out of it. Like she was moving around underwater.

"I'm fine..."

"How do you feel?"

How did she feel?

"Strange," she supplied, "but...it doesn't feel bad or scary...just strange. I can see...more? I think. And I feel...I think I can feel your chakra but..."

She craned her head again, noting the lack of feline irises.

"You're not..."

He wasn't in Kurama mode, nor did she think he'd shared chakra with her...but she could feel it clear as day, smoothing over her skin. This warmth that burrowed into her bones and permeated a place deep within her. A place that felt intangible and bottomless. His unique energy was filling that sudden gap. Nothing she had experienced before, that's how it felt. Like she had never before felt the chakra of her lover a day in her life. She leaned into his embrace, unable to help herself.

His blonde brows crinkled, sharp sapphire orbs shifting over face.

"What do you mean you can feel my chakra?"

"It's like that time, back during the war, when you and Kurama shared chakra with us," she explained softly, basking in the splendor his body produced, "I can feel it even deeper now,"

He looked over at the men watching. Unwrapping an arm, he called the group over, he pulled away as they reached them, leaving her feeling bereft and cold in the process. The unpleasant sensation scuttled over her nerve endings.

She reached for his hand and felt her world settle.

After she reiterated the situation, Shikamaru took over, instructing her to remove all contact between her and the Jinchuuriki, which she did quite reluctantly.

"See if you can feel mine, Hinata," he prompted, holding out a forearm.

She reached out and touched his arm, held it a moment then shook her head.

"I...don't feel anything."

Turning, Shikamaru gave the white haired man at his side a look and he too moved towards her and her offered his own arm.


She shook her head, letting his arm go.

Kō was next. His veined eyes concerned.

She shook her head.

"Under the assumed premise that this issue with her chakra stems from receiving it from Hamura, we can speculate a bit about the reason she can feel yours. A reaction to your connection to Asura? Maybe Hagoromo's chakra?" the Nara pondered, "if either of those or anything connected to those hypothesis are true, it should also follow that she would be able to sense Sasuke's chakra the way she can yours. Sasuke is also a reincarnate and received power from the Sage of Six Paths."

He turned to the silent male in question. Sasuke quietly stepped from the spectator sideline and approached the group. His cloak parted as he too gave her access to his lone arm.

A beat passed before she again, shook her head.


"Touch Naruto again."

She stepped eagerly and latched onto him. Instant warmth. The gnawing disquiet she hadn't realized had been humming inside her quelled.

"Can you feel his chakra?" Kakashi questioned, reminding her why she was clinging to him the first place.

"Yes," she breathed, too content to moderate her tone.

"Then it seems like this reaction is Naruto specific. I know I'm just repeating what I said earlier and what I said last time, but again, there can be any number of reasons for this trend. Naruto is a Jinchuuriki, he holds Hagoromo, Kurama and his own chakra within himself, not to mention the other bijuu. Or maybe its because his hair is blonde and his eyes are blue, at this point, it's hard to pinpoint what's the catalyst, what in him makes him different from the rest of us."

"So basically, we got nothing. Back to square one, dattebayo."

"Theories, that's about it." Shikamaru confirmed.

Naruto sighed.

"Kurama have any input?"

He shook his head.

"You sense anything different this time?"

A thoughtful frown crossed the jonin's face.

"Yeah, I can feel Hinata's chakra a lot more now and that other one is really thin now. I can barely feel it."

"Our theory that the disturbance she felt was a matter of adjusting to Hamura's chakra seems to have panned out then. With her chakra signature overshadowing the others, it may mean her control will fall in line with it," the ponytail wearing shinobi turned to the woman in question, "Can you demonstrate the Hakke Kūshō for us, Hinata?" Kakashi asked.

She nodded and the group retook their places.

There was no hesitation this time. With energy swirling behind her veined eyes, and power pouring into her hands, she moved.

"Hakke Kūshō!"

It was of a greater scale this time, thundering across the expanse of the training grounds, tearing deep chasms in the earth, blowing her dark hair about her small form in the mock hurricane the force created. Uprooting trees, tossing boulders like mere pebbles, splitting a cliff side, the attack crashed loudly against the barrier Naruto had assured her could handle whatever came from her destructive hands. The resounding boom rattled her bones and made her eardrums vibrate. The barrier flashed a vibrant red as it absorbed the shock wave before returning to its invisible state.

She straightened, startled anew by the power that had come from her hands. This time, however, she felt only that this time.


There was no terror. No all consuming fear leaving her dry mouthed and petrified. This didn't feel out of her control. It didn't feel like it was completely not of her. She felt like...

She really could control it.


The light switched off, cool air breezed beneath the bedspread as it was lifted, then the mattress next to sank. Naruto had barely settled beside her before she moved, climbing atop him. Wrapping her arms under the arms slinking around her and nestling her thighs snuggly around his waist, Hinata clung to the hard body beneath her in a way she hadn't before.

"You okay?" he rumbled below her, stroking her hair back.

Hinata felt the stroke to her very core, she could imagine this is what a kitten felt when petted. All fuzzy and blissful. Heady and feeling more than good, she tightened her hold. She wanted to meld with his body, live beneath the warmth she blazing from his naked physic. When she held onto him, when their physical forms touched it left her so amazingly content.

"Yes," she answered, "tired,"

He ran his hands up and along her spine.

"Your chakra feels wonderful, Naruto-kun," she sighed.

"You still feel it?"


She nuzzled his chest.

It's...resonating," she whispered, "it feels good."

"Don't know why that sounds sexy but it does," he growled in her ear.

She barely heard him. The warmth of his chakra, coupled with his calmly beating heart was lulling. Comfortable, sated and more content than any one person should be allowed to feel, Hinata drifted off to sleep...

She became aware some hours later, jolted into the reality that she wasn't asleep anymore. And yet her mind, her consciousness felt so very far away. Hinata stared unblinking at the shadowy ceiling above, pupiless gaze cutting through the pitch blackness of the bedroom. She lay perfectly, disturbingly still. Listening, feeling the flow of time slide over her naked flesh. Naruto's snoring form shifted at her side, his mumblings of sleep distant to her ears.

Her mind was miles away.

Her thoughts slow.

All she could hear was the quiet. All she could see was the whiteness above her. All she could register was the slow tick of time.

She blinked...

And found herself upright in bed. The sheet sliding down her naked body, her eyes turned to the golden haired man currently inhabiting a world of dreams.

She watched him.


For how long, she couldn't fathom in this limbo state within her mind.

Another pass of her eyelids brought her to the bright orange window seat. Leaning forward against the curved back, knees cushioned on the plush pillowed seat, Hinata gazed into the tall reflective glass at a face that was hers...but also...wasn't.

She stared and time passed.

It was her face...

It wasn't her face...

'What are you afraid of?' this woman in the glass, the one that wore her face, questioned.

"I don't know," she answered softly, feeling her own lips move, distantly aware that the identical ones in the window didn't, not even when the woman spoke to her.

'Why don't you know?'

"I don't know."

'You are strange to me.'

"You are even stranger to me."

'I can feel you within me. We are the same.'

"How can you feel me within you, when you are within me?"

'Do you know who we are?'

"I am Hinata."

'We are Hinata?'

"I don't know."


A smooth voice washed over his ears, the low timbre of conversation rousing him from sleep.

Naruto stirred.

Spread nearly eagle, flat on his stomach, he lifted his head from the drool spot on his pillow. He wiped the moisture from his lip and cheek. Tired blue orbs swept the room for the source of the voices he'd heard before lighting on the naked woman staring out of the window. Lingering slumber muddled his brain, leaving his thought and reaction time slow and sluggish. He blinked a few times, trying to push the fog from his head. He didn't hear her speaking anymore, if she ever had been. Considering he had just roused from dreamland, the conversation he thought he'd heard was probably from whatever dream had had him drooling like that.

He gazed at her for a few seconds. She didn't look like she was sleeping. Of the few times his woman had fallen to asleep over there, she usually curled up into a little ball of cuteness. She seemed alert but she wasn't moving.

At all.

The stillness of her body seemed...kinda weird.

"Hinata?" he called out, his voice husky with sleep.

He watched her dark head move slightly, tilting to the right, an indication she had heard him, but otherwise, she didn't move. Didn't turn to him or reply.

"What's wrong?" he murmured, sitting up with a yawn.

He rubbed his eyes. When he felt like he could see clearly, he looked over at her again. She stilled hadn't budged. He flicked back the sheet, intending to collect her from the window seat. He didn't know what was wrong but he wanted to make sure she was alright.

She moved before he could.

And the way she moved... he couldn't help but to sit and watch. While the lush, naked form always roused and held his attention, it was the motion of that exquisite physic that he couldn't turn from. Her movements were fluid and graceful, more so than usual. Her steps light and limber. He almost wondered if he was still dreaming as she fairly floated down the small decline and sidled over to the bed. There was an intensity in her eyes, one he recognized but at the same time...didn't.

Even with this new light in her orbs, he knew what she would do, once she reached him, but sill, he was surprised when she fused their lips.

It wasn't as though Hinata never initiated sex, she did, though he never really gave her a chance to considering he was all over her any chance he got. However, night time fucking was something she had never initiated. It was always him, the rampant libido, Hinata craving, ever ready Uzumaki that roused her sleeping form and joined their bodies.

He wasn't complaining, not by a long shot, but it was a little off. He was not only aroused but pleasantly off-kilter.

She tongued his mouth the way he did hers, sucking his lips before nibbling hard enough to smart. He reached for her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her down atop him. Eager hands smoothed over the plump flesh that was her ass cheeks. He squeezed, then brought both hands down with a slap that echoed within the confines of their room. She squealed into his mouth. He slid calloused hands over her buttocks, smoothing the sting away. She pulled away far too soon for his liking and he reached out to correct the situation but she batted his hand away.

Something she had never done before.

"Hinata, what-"

She reached out, gripped his shoulders and with a heave, tossed him backwards onto the pillows behind him. He didn't get a chance to figure out what was going on, because the moment his back hit the fluff behind him, her dark head descended. Scorching heat engulfed his dick, the sensation like a punch to his gut.

"Shit," he puffed, taken off guard and more than a little turned on.

He sucked in a breath, struggling beneath the sudden onslaught. She tongued his sensitive head, before suckling softly. His muscles tensed, the sudden rush of blood leaving his head then pooling in his groin brining starbursts before his eyes. She dipped again, sucking with soft, sedate pulls. Warm saliva dripped, smoothing the up and down glide of her mouth and throat.

Heavy lidded, glinting blue orbs watched the erotic scene in his lap, unable, unwilling to tear his rapt gaze from the ivory skinned goddess noisily, devoutly swallow his heated length again and again.

"That feels so good," he whispered, caressing the softness of her crown.

Up and down, suck and tongue.

His toes curled.

The sight of her, the hotness of her mouth, the soft gurgle her throat made...it was slowly driving him crazy. Tender fingers found his sack, tracing their shape, smearing the wet that had escaped the tight seal her lips created. He felt it down to his very core, along every cell in his body.

Air raced from his lungs.

He shuddered, biting his lip against the torrent. His tenuous restraint took another hit when he felt her warm palm cup him, then give a gentle squeeze. The sound that left his own throat was loud, and unmistakably desperate. His thighs trembled, fighting the urge to thrust. Feathered touches traced him again, her throat contracted, and just as he gave pained groan, preparing to fuck the decadent mouth causing him such delicious torment, she pulled back, sucking hard from root to tip in a slow drag that rolled his eyes.

He felt her tongue swirl the throbbing head before she swallowed him again, setting a quick, tenacious pace that made him sweat.

He grimaced, eyes shooting open to view the source of his painfully potent rapture. The sight was just as devastating as the sounds and sensations. Coral tipped titties swinging, ass to the air, hair plastered to the soft sheen on her skin, Hinata held his hips firmly, sucking with single minded purpose. He tensed, reaching out for a fist full of midnight tresses as her raven head bobbed in his lap. It wasn't the first, nor the fiftieth time she'd sucked his cock, but damn if she wasn't employing trick he'd taught her.

As though to prove the thought true, she executed one technique she'd struggled with. One that blew his mind the few times she was able to accomplish it.

On the downward stroke of her feasting mouth, she didn't come up. The harsh pace slowed to a crawl. Inch by inch, he disappeared inside that wet cavity. He sucked in a breath, enraptured with the sight, bliss carving deep furrows inside his abdomen as he watched. Plush lips touched the base of his dick, her nose brushing his abdomen, her wet little tongue lying flat against his sack. Her cheeks hallowed, the subsequent suction turning his legs to jelly. He trembled, tugging the silky hair in his grip.

"Fuck," he panted.

He was teetering on the cusp of destruction. Orgasm pounded a warning drumbeat at the base of his cock.

She reared back, tightening the confines of her mouth as she released him with a resounding pop of her lips. He twitched, trying to catch his breath. Cool air flowed uncomfortably over his glistening sex. The sudden cold didn't last long.

She moved again, swinging her leg over his, mounting his body. She reached down, lined their sexes and sank down with teeth gritting sluggishness. He reached for her hips, his groan joining her soft mewl the moment her weight settled onto his groin. She was wet, tight. Gripping his cock in a lust inducing vice reminiscent to the one following their sparring session the other day.

Her lush little pussy was struggling to make room for him again, and it aroused him to no end. He opened eyes he hadn't realized he'd closed.

She sat poised over his body, destroying him with the naked beauty of her sweat slick flesh bathed in glowing moonlight. She reached down and captured his face in her gentle hands, gazing at him with a piercing focus he had never seen on her face before. She moved, rolling her rounded hips, her expression the image of burning scrutiny and then bliss erupted, suffusing the entirety of her bewitching face. She rose, placing delicate hands to his pecs, her blunted fingernails digging into the hard muscle. With his muscular chest as leverage, she began her entrancing dance, bouncing her voluptuous form atop him, then rocking her hips with that sensual roll she'd started with. He stared, transfixed by the ethereal beauty rinding him, sucking in air with desperate pulls as her wet pussy milked his cock with a force that rattled his addled brain. Her pace was gut wrenchingly leisurely, deliciously torturous.

He reached for her nipples, tugged and was reward generously. Liquid heat bathed his dick, that grip intent on launching him prematurely into orgasm tightened a notch. He hissed, reaching for her hips again. He bounced her, showing her the tempo he desired, the pace he needed. Her spine bowed, fingers turned claws hooking his abdomen. Dark hair tumbled over his thighs. His hips lifted, burning blue orbs feasting on the writhing woman above him, panting as he traced the milky peaks and valleys that made up her incredible figure. Head thrown back, body trembling, she was without a doubt the very essence of sex.

This flesh and blood female was the Goddess Rati incarnate.

High pitched cries filled the room.

She took over, rising and fall with greater force than he'd wordlessly demanded, seemingly unable to control herself any more than he could. She writhed, singing her ecstasy to the ceiling, the delicious, lascivious melody twining with the squeak of the bed and the heady squelching their joined sexes created.

He winced, gritting his teeth as sharp bliss lashed his spine. His stomach clenched, the warning signs of climax teasing his cock. He sucked in air, willing himself to last. Control hadn't been an issue for him in a very long time, but as his toes curled, and his jaw tightened, as he fought the tenacious tide, he knew it was a losing battle. He didn't know if it was a continuation of the after effects of his dry spell or the fact that his fiancée's entire lead up to this moment had him overly excited.

Whichever it was, he was about to suffer the consequences.

She came with a shudder and her weeping sex milked his. He groaned, ecstasy tightening every muscle lining his body. For a moment, he fought the call to climax, refusing to give in, wanting to force this delicious friction, this wildly throbbing sensation to last before control was ripped savagely away from him. Each pull of her pussy heighten the pleasure circling his bloodstream, forcing more than semen from his body. There was something else leaving with him. Some intangible force that sapped his strength, left him dizzy, adding potency to the heady sensations crashing through him. He didn't know what it was nor could he figure it out at the moment. He couldn't think pass the rushing in his ears, the pounding in his blood, the excruciating deliciousness tightening his balls. This was nirvana in a way he had never experienced.


Washing over him with a tsunami's force. His dazed brain soaked up as much as his senses could stand and then some. Glutton and slave to the bliss screaming along his nerve endings.

He was boneless when his conscious mind returned to his shuddering body.

He felt drunk and dizzy, sated and languid. He reached for her, sliding a hand along her damp back, then up before wrapping it around her nape. He pressed, drawing her lips to his. And as she descended, as he gazed into her beautiful eyes just before their lips met, in the darkness pierced only by a sliver from an eerie moon, those pretty round windows into her soul seemed to...glow.


May 4, 2010

"Good morning." Naruto yawned.

"Good morning, Naruto-kun." his fiancée beamed over her shoulder.

He shuffled over to her curvy form, sliding his lips along her neck and filling his palms with the generous curves of her hips as she stirred the pot of some delicious concoction. Last night had been amazing. Every time they made love was amazing, but something had been different and for the life of him, he couldn't put his finger on it. Whatever it was, he wouldn't mind a repeat.

In fact, he'd demand it.

"Naruto-kun," she giggled as he nosed the back of her ear, "you're really affectionate this morning."

"Yeah," he grinned against her skin, "I'm still revved up from last night."

"Last night?" she repeated, confusion coating her words.

"Yeah, don't you remember?"


"You got outta bed last night."

Did I?" she questioned, brows furrowed, "I don't remember anything after we laid down. I was really tired yesterday."

"Well I woke up and you were on the window seat, looking out the window,"

She shifted, meeting his gaze with a wealth of confusion. She tended to be a sleepy head when roused prematurely, maybe her brain hadn't been fully awake last night. He certainly had had trouble separating himself from sleep too.

"Naked and delicious," he added with a wag of his brows, "I guess you were half asleep because wen I called out to you, you didn't answer. You just got up and put the moves on me instead, 'ttebayo."

Her confusion cleared, an expression he was very well familiar with taking its place. Crimson stained her cheeks.

"M-Mo-Moves?" she stammered.

His grin broadened. While they'd both shed a lot of their embarrassment, him significantly more than her, in favor of enjoying their intimacy, Hinata was still prone to bouts of shyness. Feeling a need to tease, he pressed his lips to the side of her neck.

"You had a busy day yesterday, Princess. Clearly you were stressed and needed to release some tension. You might've been sleep here," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her head.

He reached for her breasts next, tugging her nipples taunt beneath his shirt hugging her body, drawing a moan from her lips in the process.

"But clearly your body was wide awake and making demands you were too tired to ask for."

He pressed warm kisses to her neck, squeezing both globes as he moved.

"Feel free to put the moves on me again, anytime," he invited, "you don't even have to wake me up. Just climb on top and-"

"N-Naruto-kun!" she exclaimed, cheek flaming, "I-I don't even remember...putting the...moves on you..."

He chuckled as she trailed off.

He went from playful to serious a beat later. Taking her free hand, he brought it to his lips, unable to tear his gaze from glittering diamonds on her little digit so close to his glinting ban. Despite her plan to place a ring on his finger in a bid to stem the urge to be wed, it had only poured gasoline on the fire inside of him.

"I know you've been stressed out," he told her softly, "you've been through a lot the last couple weeks. I'm here for you, in whatever way you need me. Just tell me what you need from me and I'll give it to you. Even if its as simple as needing a hug or making love,"

He kissed the underside of her delicate jaw, moving his hands to her little waist.

"Things are getting better, so try not to worry so much, alright? We'll figure out what's going on with your chakra, and if we can't pinpoint it, then we'll make the best of it like we are now. Weird as it is, this chakra has its perks," he pointed out, "still feeling my chakra?"

She nodded.

"Good," he murmured, raining more kisses as he spoke, "enjoy it for however long this lasts and when something else develops, we'll work through it. We'll take the good and deal with the bad, okay?"

He felt her smile beneath his lips, her cheek chubbing as it stretched across her face.


"And try not to worry so much I know this shit the Otsutsuki is scary, but we can't do anything about it now. As much as I hate it, we're gonna have to wait for one of those bastards to make a move, or get lucky and stumble across something that'll let us make the first move. Until then, don't stress yourself out over it, dattebayo. I got a feeling there's gonna be plenty of crap to worry over later. For now, let's just focus on what's in front of us."

He gave her midsection a tender squeeze.

"Besides, we have a wedding to plan. Still gotta let old man Hyuuga know the new wedding date. Kakashi-sensei said he already sent a message to Gaara. He's waiting to hear back. Shikamaru's working to move everybody's schedule around, so all that's left is to start planning, send out invitations and hope everybody can make it."


I'm getting feedback from new people and it's so heartening! Hey ya'll! :D And my regulars too! Hi!!! On a serious note, I really appreciate everyone that sends me feedback and reactions. I especially love the quotations pinpointing your favorite lines from the chapter! Now those are a treat I've not experienced since I started writing fanfics but I love it! Thank you! Hope you all continue to enjoy this chapter and I also hope it scared ya, lol. Kinda creeped me out to be honest.

That's all I got.



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