Adriana's Corner

By WordsHaveFeelingsToo

89 9 0

Nina Meralize prides herself on very few things but knowing what to do in times of crisis has always been her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 12

2 0 0
By WordsHaveFeelingsToo

I slump in the couch, phone to ear and envelope in hand wondering if this really has to be done right this very second. Miles and I have been having such a nice chat, talking about everything and nothing for the last half hour and I had a perfectly good day yesterday in the garden and spending time with Alyssa. Do I really want to screw up all that loveliness with a letter from Adriana?

"Miles..." I sigh into the phone after a long pause. "Does this really have to be done right this very second? I had a perfectly good day yesterday in the garden and spending time with..."

"Nina..." Miles interrupts gently. Too gently if you ask me. Does this man never raise his voice? "It's only a letter. What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know. That this will be that letter I've been dreading, you know?"

"No I don't, sorry."

"What if this is the letter that tells me my parents were horrible to her and pretended she didn't exist for no reason?" I rub my forehead, looking at the envelope shaking in my hand.

"Then I'm here and we can talk it through. We will figure it out Nina I promise, whenever it is that it comes out. Trust me."

"Right. No, your right. I'm overreacting. Okay." I sit up in the couch, fold my legs and put the phone on speaker. This has to be done and dammit! I am going to be grown up about it.

"Still there?"

"Yes. Go on." he urges gently. Right, here goes.

To my dear sister, Nina.

I won't say goodbye, don't worry. This is a letter of the official kind. I know I have left everything to you but there are a few things in my house I have mentally set aside for certain people and I'd like you to be in charge of dispersing them. You're a very efficient person so I know I can trust you.

In my wardrobe, I have a large variety of silk scarves. Give them out to Alyssa, Lauren, Taffy and yourself and anyone else who you feel needs them.

My shoes must be given to Taffy. Her and I are the same size and she always coveted my heels so give them to her.

The rest of my clothes are yours. As sisters I always had this sneaky suspicion that we would always be pinching each others clothes growing up. Do what you want with it all but my coats are my babies and I love them dearly. I know for certain that being a London girl, you can never have enough coats and jackets so If you're going to keep anything, make it them. Every time you put one on, imagine it's a hug from me. Same goes for the jewelry. Let the girls have a rummage through.

In the spare room, where my coats will be found, is a large oak cupboard. Please give this to Joe. He won't admit it but he's been eyeing up that cupboard for years so hand it on to him to work his magic on.

My car, if you don't want it, is to be donated to a cause you think is worthy. Barnaby must continue charity work without me.

Finally, and this one is important, in the front yard is a rose. It's the one right by the letter-box and it is bright yellow when it blooms. If you sell the house, dig that rose up, re-pot it and give it to Charlie down at the butcher. It is very important to me that you do that.

Other than those few things, everything is yours to do as you please.

I love you dearly, my sister and wish we could have got to know each other better. I know though that you are kind and funny and you will always do me proud.

Lots of love, your sister and friend,

Adriana Merelize."

I look at the back of the piece of paper just in case there's more but see nothing. "That's it."

"A lot to remember."

"Mm." I nod, re-reading little parts of it.

"You okay?" he asks.

" wasn't what I expected."

"Mm." he mumbles, mouth full of something. I put the piece of paper down and sigh.

"Are you drinking coffee?" I ask as pathetically as possible.

"Um, maybe." he replies.

"What do you mean maybe?"

"I don't want to hurt your feelings." he tells me.

"Why are you drinking coffee this late at night? It's what? Nine thirty over there?"

"I didn't know how long we would be talking and I didn't want fall asleep. Especially if the letter upset you." I close my eyes and throw my head back. I'm sure Miles is being used to torture me for something horrible I've done. "So, what are you going to do today?"

"Might get a start on that list. Alyssa is coming over today with her friend and we're going to do some things. Go for coffee or something. I don't know. It feels so weird not working. I'm still in my pyjama's, you know and it feels good. I'm usually doing pre-work before work, sorting out a house for auction or something at this time. It feels weird."

"I bet. Do your pyjama's look like a suit too?" he asks. I frown at this and look down at them.

"No!" I scoff, "What's so bad about suits? I like suits. They're practical and professional and...riddle me this Miles Hamilton, do you wear anything other than jeans, skivvy and shirt?" I sit up with a smug look on my face. I'm disappointed he can't see it actually. It's rare for me to put on such a face pre-coffee.

"Hardly but..."

"Hah! See! Don't preach what you don't know Mister!"

He laughs quietly and I smile as I do every time I get a reaction of some kind from him.

"Yes but I like wearing what I wear. I don't wear it because it's convenient to my job. I wear it because it's comfortable."

My smug face disappears and I glare, leaning back again. I'm determined to win an argument with this man.

"Meaning?" I ask.

"Meaning the reason you've gone and left me behind to freeze is to find yourself, right?" His voice is still clear and calm making me wonder if he has any idea how an argument is meant to play out. "Right Nina?"

I screw up my nose, having a feeling this isn't going to be the battle that I'm supposed to win.

"Your point?" I ask begrudgingly.

"You've gone to find the you that isn't a real estate agent, the you that doesn't do everything for work including your clothes and hair."

"But I wear it all like that for practicality."

"Practicality for what though?" he tests gently. I think about this.

"For work." I mumble in defeat.

"Mmm. I hate being right."

I laugh at this.

"No man hates being right."

"I do. You could have done with the self esteem boost."

"There are ways other than telling me my dress sense sucks. Second man to say that by the way, so my self-esteem is a tad low. Thank you Miles, you always know what to say."

He laughs again.

"I could have taken the cheats way out and sent a drunk email declaring that your gorgeous."

"Well, why didn't you?" I ask, not taking his bait. He laughs but doesn't reply. "I'm starting to wonder if our conversations have ever been this scrappy."

"Probably not but you have the girls coming over. Why not go on a shopping spree. Buy a new look, hair, your sisters things like she wants."

"Seriously, Miles what planet are you from because here on earth, men don't call women on the other side of the planet at ungodly hours just to see how they are unless they want something in return. Secondly, men always like winning arguments. It's a matter of pride and ego to them, they don't care about the other persons self-esteem and lastly you've just told a woman to go on a shopping spree to buy shoes."

"The third doesn't count." he cuts in softly.

"Why?" I scoff with a smile.

"It's not my money you'll be spending."

"Fine, but there's still the other two." I point out. There's a brief silence.

"I'm sorry but does that mean I'm right again?"

"Hah! See! You are enjoying winning! I'm right! Your wrong!. . .Oh look sunshine!"

"Don't you dare." he says in a stiff tone. I jump and open the curtains, letting the sun collapse in after it.

"Its warm too." I point out to him with.


I laugh but quickly stop, seeing movement in the back of the garden. I slide open the door and step out to get a closer look.

"Oh, Joe's here. He's early....Morning!" I call out. Joe's head whips up and I wave. He just looks at me curiously and slowly waves back.

"Aren't you still in your pyjama's?" Miles asks. I look down and curse in horror, quickly running inside again with Miles laughing loudly in my ear. I try to glare at him through the phone but can't help but smile instead.

"It's not funny." I try to say in a serious tone as I close up the curtains again.

"Why are you smiling then?" he laughs.

"How do you...I'm not smiling."

"I know when your smiling, and your smiling."

I laugh, giving in.

"Okay, I may be smiling but I'm also hanging up."

"No, don't hang up..."

"I have to. I have guests to entertain."

"I've just drunk a very strong, very sweet coffee. How am I meant to sleep?"

"I'm sorry but that's not my problem. I'll be thinking of you while I sit in the sun though. . ."

"Nina. . ." he moans. I laugh and shuffle my slippered feet.

"Thanks for letting me call." I say, hoping I sound like I mean it.

"Your actually hanging up then?" he sighs.

"Uha." I yawn.


"We'll talk again soon." I reassure him.


"Bye Miles."

"Night." he sighs, not sounding the least bit impressed. I smile widely and hang up.

I dread to know what he's doing to my overall view on men. Ruining it probably, leaving me destined to be single for the rest of my life. I hope that doesn't mean I have to start acquiring cats. That wouldn't end well for them. . .I shake my head, trying to focus.

I need coffee really badly. I've been on the phone since half-six and I'm shattered, not that I'm going to blame Miles. It was nice to chat to him for so long without me breaking down, which reminds me...


"To my loyal ex-employee, Tina.

How goes the job hunting? Did you get in contact with Andy?

I already sent a referral for you so don't be scared.

I have a rather huge favour to request of you. Can you go and buy a bottle of good scotch and go give it to Miles a.k.a 'Hot Guy' down at the coffee shop for me please and tell him its from his quickly recovering patient. Thanks. Let me know how much to reimburse you. Add to the list a bottle of Baileys for yourself. You have been a spectacular person to work with and I really am sorry for leaving you in the lurch like I did.

Remember: GOOD Scotch. None of that cheap crap. Thanks a bunch.

Kind regards,



"Hay Boss!

For sure. I can do that for you. Any excuse to talk to the man is welcomed. Thanks in advance for the Baileys too.

I haven't gone to see Andy yet. I've been a bit of a wimp about it all really but I will now, I promise. Thanks for setting it up.

Hope you're well. To the booze shop for me!

From you're best ex-employee,



One from Miles pops up also.

"I fully blame you for how awake I am right now."

I grin but decide not to reply or let him make me feel bad.

After a shower and a change of clothes (making sure the buttons were done up properly this time), I make my way out to the sun and Joe who's slaving away in it.

I did a good twenty minutes of solid slaving in one particular patch yesterday, enduring the scratches, the stubborn roots and being stalked by a rather vicious butterfly only to find that the particular patch looked no different. Joe's patch looked all cleared and neat and tidy so I decided I'd leave my patch and help him. At least it would look like I was getting somewhere. I don't mind getting messy and dirty and active but I like to do it knowing it's accomplishing something. This is restoring a part of Adriana's life she loved so much. This is worth all the bugs, sweat and tears.

Joe, I've discovered is anything but the 'nice man' I thought he was and I discovered this yesterday when he threw a wet leaf at me, leading me to believe I was being attacked by a large disgusting bug. I was not impressed so got him back via throwing what I thought was a clump of dirt at him, only to discover it was a rock with dirt on it. He's lucky I have a shocking arm because I was aiming for his face.

He now has a bruise on his leg and cringes at it every now and then to make me feel bad.

I felt so bad that I left him to work on his own and instead, watched more Sea Patrol with Alyssa.

She is a very sweet girl and I didn't think it would be anywhere near as relaxing as it was. I thought I would feel as though I'd be babysitting but she's very easy to talk to and very mature for her age. She introduced me to some music and gave me a list of movies I have to watch when I get the chance. What was even nicer was that not all of them had Zach Effron in them though I may be behind as to what's cool.

Granted, it was still weird in the sense that I'm so used to only talking to people who I work with or for. I'm slowly discovering a sense of humor of my own that I didn't know I had though I think Miles is getting the brunt of it. If sarcasm even counts as a type of humor.


I open the curtains and door and step outside, smiling at the 'feel good' sunshine again. Joe looks up momentarily, spots me, then back down, digging some dead looking plant out. I slide on some shoes and head over to him.

"Morning." he mumbles, not looking up. I fold my arms and tap my fingers on them, pushing a piece of dirt (or rock) with my foot.

"If you don't mention my pyjama's, I'll bring you back cake from Oxford Food Garden." I say to him. He pushes the spade in, leans on it and looks at me with a lopsided smile. I can't believe he has to consider this. "You've just spent the last half hour concocting smarmy things to say about it haven't you?" He chuckles lightly and wipes his brow.

"You can't buy wit with cake." he tells me quietly.

"Uha." I challenge. "Go on then? What were you planning to say? I warn you though; no cake."

"Make it a pie and you've got a deal."

"Fine. No mention of it at all anyone."

He shrugs and picks up the spade again.


I beam a smile.

"Good. Moving on. What time will Alyssa and Lauren be ready do you think?"

"They were up when I left, making coffee." I gasp and grasp hold of his shoulders.

"Coffee? Actual proper suck-on-a-bag-of-coffee-beans coffee or instant?" Joe glances at my hand gripped on his shoulder and raises an eyebrow.

"Um, the first one."

"See ya!" I chirp, letting go. "I'll leave the house open, help yourself to whatever, I need coffee."

He grunts something back I don't quite catch and I run excitedly to my destiny, my reason for living, the fluid that runs through my veins instead of blood. The one thing worth running for.



"Question:" I interrupt the two girls who are having an argument about the uselessness of the boss's at the Oxford, while holding the particularly black coffee to my lips. I didn't hear the first half of the conversation as I was too busy savoring the taste of my brew. They both turn away from the dishes to look at me. "Why is it called the Oxford Food Garden? I saw no garden."

"See!" Lauren frowns, hitting Alyssa with a tea-towel, "I told you the name sucked. I mean...sure, if there was a garden but..."

"It makes it sound homely." She defends, not as passionately as I'm sure she'd hoped.

"And Oxford? Is that the last name of the owners?" I ask. Lauren laughs cynically again.

"No, they're not that imaginative. It's the name of the street. Oxford street...Uha...oozing imagination isn't it?"

I laugh and take another sip of coffee. This girl is fantastic.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Alyssa asks. .

"I have to go buy a coffee machine and shoes...interested?"

"Always!" They smile.

"Then I was thinking of an early lunch at the inappropriately named café before coming back home to do or watch something. I promised your father a pie so..." The two girls look at each other and smile. Their secret eyebrow-raise is scaring me. "Something wrong?" I ask, feeling as though I'm missing something.

"No, not at all." Alyssa smiles. "Finished with that?" she asks, looking at my empty cup.

I look into it and hand it over lamenting its end.

"So, this therapist of yours..." she asks as she washes the cup out. I fold my arms and raise an eyebrow.

"Yeeees." I reply suspiciously.

"He's...just a friend?"

My eyebrow remains up.


"Are you sure?" she asks glancing over her shoulder. I roll my eyes.

"Grief, you're worse than your father."

"Joe was asking?" Lauren beams, sitting up straight in her wheelchair.

"Enquiring. Why?"

"No reason." she says in a suspiciously high tone. I can tell this day is going to go just swell.

"And this therapist." Alyssa continues.

"Miles." I fill in, still very suspicious.

"Right...Miles. Nothing is happening or...going to happen?"

I cross my legs and sigh.

"He's twenty-nine and is a nomad."

"Nomad?" Lauren frowns.

"Doesn't stay in one place for very long."

"And how old are you?" Alyssa asks, drying her already dry hands on a towel. I sigh laughing a bit.

"Twenty-five plus commission." I reply with a small smile.

"Packet of M&M's says she's 31." Alyssa says to Lauren. I throw my head back and laugh.

"No. I think she's older than she looks. 34. Maybe 35 tops."

They then look at me expectantly as I continue to laugh. Miles mustn't have been as drunk as I thought he was that night.

"Both very good guesses."

"And?" they urge, leaning forward.

"And both of you are wrong. Shall we get a move on?"

They look at each other and smile.

"Dad is 43...what's the age difference?"

I let out a long sigh and decide to give in. If I don't tell them now then I won't hear the end of it until I leave.

"Seven years."

I see them both look at each other, doing the numbers in their head. Lauren is the first to look at me surprised.

"You look good for your age..."

I chuckle, unable to help but go red.

"Yeah, so I've heard."


I don't know what the big deal is about shoe shopping. It's tiring, stressful and my feet hurt from trying on heels that are that teeny bit too small.

My shoe collection contains one pair of heels and even then, they're only two inches high. Being a real estate agent, appropriate shoes were a must. Every high-heeled real estate agent I know has either severe back or feet problems.

What I have always wanted though is a pair of red heels. Every woman does.

I've been standing in front of the mirror with two different heels, not having the faintest idea which one I should buy. If I can't yet make decisions on something like shoes, how can Miles expect me to make the big decisions?

"Which do you like more?" Alyssa asks as she tries on cream ballet flats.

"I don't know. I like the cherry red but the darker red is nice too but when a woman wants to buy red shoes, doesn't she usually mean red red...but on the other hand the darker ones are more comfortable but is that just doing what Miles warned me against and going for practicality? I'm over thinking this aren't I?"

"Not at all. Red shoes are an investment." Lauren jumps in, "There's a way to go about it. What outfits will the shoes go with?"

"There's a problem there. I have to re-do my wardrobe as well. Apparently its not good enough."

"What's wrong with it?"

"I have a lot of suits." I admit. "Apparently."

"What colours do you go for then? Bright like me? Light like Alyssa or darker ones."

"Probably the grey, deep Autumn kind of tones." I say, having no idea what I'm talking about. Can you compare colours of clothes to colours in houses?

"Solved. You buy the deep red shoes. You'll wear them for longer because they're more comfortable and they'll go with more outfits you are yet to buy."

"Right." I nod and start taking them off, "Know anything about coffee machines?" Lauren beams me a smile.

"Depends what colours they come in."


I have three conflicting opinions coffee machine wise.

Lauren wants me to buy one that looks like a robot.

Alyssa likes the one that comes in pink and the shop owner is trying to sell me the most expensive one.

I haven't even got a say yet and I'm confused. I just want a nice coffee machine to last me all through my coffee loving life. How hard can it be?

I rub my eyes hard, the sound of the negotiations blurring into background noise.

"I need caffeine."

"We're working on it." Lauren says. She seems to have noticed my recent drop in concentration so has been doing a fantastic job of conning the shop owner into telling all things that shop owners won't usually tell.

"I mean now! I need coffee now! Can we finish this later and go to lunch?"

"I agree." Alyssa nods.

"But I've got him right where I want him!" Lauren moans as we turn her wheelchair around and wheel her out.

"He'll be here when we get back. He's weak willed, we only need to find a price less than theirs and use it against them. He's not one of the big guys therefore he'll want to make a sale no matter what so he can look good to the boss."

"It's weird you can do that, but can't pick out your own pair of shoes." Lauren bites. I just laugh as we get in the car. If there's one thing I've decided, it's that I'm keeping the Renault. How that works in with me living in London, I don't know yet.

"Is there internet at the inappropriately named coffee shop?" I ask the girls as I drive Barnaby through the streets.


I smile.

"Good and I need to talk to both of you and Taffy about something. Intervene if I start sounding like a business-y person."

"With words like business-y being used, I think you'll be fine." Lauren mutters.

I'm not sure about how I feel going back to the Oxford. I mean the coffee was really good, the food looked incredible but again, I worry about seeing Taffy. I'm worried she'll accuse me again and today I just can't be bothered with that. I'm actually enjoying my day and I don't want it to be ruined by people rubbing in my face how absent I am.

When we step into the Oxford, I head straight to the computer. I'm hoping, rather cruelly I'll admit, that Miles will still be awake.

"Dear comfortably dressed Miles,

Because of your temporarily brilliant idea of drinking black coffee an hour before bed, there may be a chance that you haven't slept. Bad for you, but great for me because I need your advice.

Its an emergency and my sanity and well-being depend on it.

What coffee machine do I get when I don't want to spend five hours cleaning it or reading instructions on what the hundreds of tiny teeny buttons do? I hope you can sense the importance of this matter and can reply soon.

From your apparently badly-dressed patient but with shiny new red shoes,

Nina Merelize."


"What time is it over there?" Alyssa asks as I settle back into Adriana's little corner. Situated right by the front window, its the perfect spot for people watching.

"Uh...nearly midnight. What kind of pie am I getting your father?"

"Anything with meat."

"Right." I nod and get back up.

The café is just as packed today as it was before and according to Alyssa this is slow compared to when lunchtime hits. She said it may pay to get out of here before that time or we'll be swamped.

The amount of food stacked in the covered area is mind boggling. I best stick with just coffee today as this will be harder than picking from two pairs of shoes.

Taffy sees me and pauses before smiling...genuinely, thank goodness.

I smile back, relieved.

"Hi." she says nervously tucking her mouse brown hair behind her ears.

"Hi. How are you?" I ask warily.

"Good." she nods. "Did you want something else with your coffee?"

"Uh. Sort of. Can I get a vegetarian pie to take away thanks? One with lots of green stuff in it."

"Sure. Not a meat eater, huh?"

"No, I am. Long story." I smile, hopefully not as evilly as it was in my head. "Actually, can we chat for a second. Only if you have a spare two minutes. Won't take long."

Taffy's eyes widen and she nods.


The inappropriately named coffee shop is starting to get packed but I'm eager to have a proper look around this time. It feels weird sitting in my sisters I'm trying to take over or continue her life.

Then again, I'm wondering if that's entirely a bad thing. Adriana had friends and laughs and sun and happiness. All the things I had none of until I came here. Maybe staying here for a few months isn't such a bad idea.

My head begins to swell with uncertainty so I shake it off. I've only been here a week and a half. Too soon to start being irrational and start making big plans.

"So!" I drain the last of my coffee and sit up straight. "The reason I've gathered you all here is..."

"Business-y!" Lauren jumps in. I close my eyes.

"Right, sorry. Let me start again. There's a bunch of stuff Adriana wants you all to have."

The three of them look at each other sadly.

"She's so sweet." Alyssa says, looking down.

"So, when are you all free to come over?"

"Physio tomorrow." Lauren says.

"Work all week." Alyssa adds.

"Same." Taffy says quietly.

"What about evenings? Tuesday evening? Make a night of it. Dinner and such like?"

All of them mumble in agreement and I nod back. Right, small steps.


After throwing my bag on my bed and kicking off my shoes, I quickly check my emails.

"To Nina and her shiny new shoes,

I'm gathering all this talk of you thinking you dress terribly, is a cry for a compliment. I haven't had a drink to help me appropriately feed your self esteem so ask me again later.

As for the coffee machine. If you are going to replace me, any of the small DeLonghi ones are good. The Italians know what they are doing.

And no I can't sleep. I was expecting to be talking to you for longer but you deserted me. I do understand though. I just wish the time difference wasn't so great.

I'm way past tired and I have to work tomorrow. . .You'll be the death of me I'm sure.

From your very tired, very cold coffee man,




Not only are you mean when you're tired but you're also a thief. "You'll be the death of me." That was my line.

Thanks for the permission to replace you with a hot Italian though. Consider it done.

Sleep well,



I send the email with a smile, wondering what Miles used to do before I came and ruined his sleep pattern. This thought is interrupted by the girls putting music on full blare.

More time was spent at the inappropriately named café than I thought would be. The allure of the local produce, Italian made pasta's, spices I'd never heard of, and meats and cheeses that look too good to be true, was too much to resist.

If I discovered one thing from the hour Taffy spent explaining things, it's that she knows her food. Her eyes light up and she seems to comes alive, meaning I also got overexcited and ended up buying half the shop. None of us girls know how all these things fit with each other so we're going to have an experimenting session with them this afternoon. I'll get the coffee machine later.

I pick up the pie I bought for Joe and make my way through the house. It's a bit squashed because I dropped the bag but hey, he's getting this pie as a bribe, its hardly going to be served on a silver plater. I trudge through the piles of weeds and dying plants and towards the sweaty browed man in the check shirt.

"Here!" I say, holding it out for him. "It was a pleasure doing business with you."

After wiping his brow and shoving the spade into the soil he takes the bag, looking inside it. He looks back at me.

"It's squashed." he grumbles.

"You didn't mention what condition the pie had to be in when you got it." His un-amused eyes stay on me and I smile, very proud of myself. "I hope you like spinach and feta." I add. He sighs heavily and his eyes go a fantastic shade of 'Unimpressed'. "Come up with a price yet? You've already done a few days work. What'll it be?"

"I'm doing this as a favor to Adriana. I don't want to get paid." he says, looking away from me.

"Too bad. Name your price." He says nothing, just wipes his brow. "Joe!...Joseph! it Joseph?" He raises his eyebrows ever so slightly in confirmation. "Give me a number." I demand again.

"Ask me later." He mumbles. I close my eyes knowing perfectly well this means he won't give me an answer. The man is impossible.

"Hey, uh..." Joe swallows hard and looks down giving me the impression that he's about to change the subject, "Has...has Alyssa said much to you...about anything?"

I stare at him blankly. I want to help him out, I really do but how do I do that when I haven't the faintest idea what he's talking about?

"Sorry pal, you'll have to be a smidgen more specific than that." I say. His anxious, pained eyes stay on me a moment longer then they flick down.

"Never mind." he says quietly, shaking his head.

"No, what? She may have said something. I just don't know what something you want me to comment on."

He scratches the back of his head and nods, still not looking at me.

"Uh, Kath, her mum, has been trying to talk her into moving up there."


"Queensland. To study."

"Study? Study what? I thought she loved her job."

"Mm," he grunts, scratching his neck again. "Kath has been trying to get her up there to 'set up a proper career for herself,' unquote."

"Right." I sigh, folding my arms and looking away in thought. This woman is climbing very quickly up my list of the people I want to get my claws into. It's one thing to marry someone without telling your old family, but it's another to then try and take away the only family Joe has from him.

"She hasn't said anything?" he asks quietly. I shake my head lightly.

" she hasn't. I mean, I don't know her well but I personally can't see her leaving you or Lauren to be honest. Have you asked her yourself?"

He shakes his head slightly, his shoulders tensing. This confuses me. I thought those two had an unbreakable open relationship. I thought they talked about then clicks and my chest tightens.

"You don't want to ask in case she really is leaving. . .you kind of don't want to know. . ."

He shifts uncomfortably on his feet clearing his throat.

"I've only got her now." he says quietly, shifting on his feet. "If she goes I ..." he shrugs letting the words run out. I nod and look down feeling sorry for him again. Sheekers, if this is what it feels like to have friends, maybe my life was right for me. I'm not used to this.

"I can inquire about it if you like but I doubt she'll be doing it." He nods again. "Joe, I'm sure if she was considering going, she would have talked to you about it."

"Mm." he nods, "Right..." he then looks at me with renewed enthusiasm. " Right, so am I allowed a cup of tea with this. . .thing?"

"It's still a pie." I tell him as I turn towards the house. I hear him mumble something and smile. It feels good to help others...though not with two teens staring at us through the window with grins plastered on there faces. Why do a get that feeling that I'm missing something again?


"To Miles Hamilton,

Evening, I hope you've been sleeping better. I'm about to have a coffee break. Spent a lot of yesterday and this morning sorting through the garage and have dropped off a few things to the charity shops already. Mostly just old frames and bits and pieces. Nothing of huge significance yet. Maybe its good that I don't know the history behind each piece.

I've had no breakdowns along the way which I'm very proud of but still have the rest of the house to get through yet.

I'm thinking of staying for a couple of months maybe or longer. I'm really enjoying it here. Highly recommend it as an O.E hot spot.

Know you'll be in bed so don't reply. Just thought I'd fill you in on the last couple of days.

From your loyal ex customer,


"To Nina

Still not sleeping that great but it's fine. Just got back from playing at the Foxten again so will head to bed soon.

Glad your staying there for a while. You deserve a break. Will try and call before I go to work tomorrow. Enjoy your coffee

From your tired, sung out coffee man,



I'm at the Oxford again as a detour before picking up my coffee machine and I'm armed with another melting moment. I'm sure they have other food but I'm yet to get past the sweet butteryness of these delectables. I'll be surprised if I ever do.

I've asked Alyssa to join me when she gets the chance so I can hopefully drag out some information for Joe. I should have done it yesterday and put poor Joe out of his misery but I said I'd do it discreetly so now will have to do. I couldn't get the look of Joe's saddened face out of my head yesterday and that was even after he bought me a melting moment which he had crushed in the packet. Little did he know how well it went over ice-cream. I have a feeling I've started something now. A weird one-upmanship thing I'm now determined to win.

"Hey Nina!" Alyssa chirps, sitting down. "I'm really sorry. I don't have long. It's lunch rush in half an hour and we have to have everything ready."

"That's fine. do I put this? Your dad..."

For some reason Alyssa's eyes light up and she smiles.

"Yes." she urges enthusiastically. I give her a sideways glance and decide to just ignore the look. "He was saying that your mother wants you to move up to Queensland?" she deflates a little and nods.

"Yeah, end of this year."

"Right...right." I nod, wondering now how to word this. "Sooo, were you thinking of going or..."

"No. Goodness no. I couldn't leave Daddy here. If I want to study, I'd do it here."

"Ah." I nod, "thought so."

"Why?" she asks, big eyed. I lean back in the chair and cross my legs.

"Your dad was wondering." I say quietly and hopefully vaguely.

"Well why didn't he ask me?" I keep my eyes on her, hoping I don't have to explain, but the blank look on her face stays there. I sigh, looking down.

"You're the only family he has left. I don't think he could have handled the answer if it was a yes."

Alyssa covers her mouth looking guilty.

"He's been stressing about it this the whole time? Oh my goodness I feel so bad. I didn't say anything about it because I thought he'd know I'd never go!"

"Yes but remember he probably never thought his wife would go either and she did."

"Oh... why did he go to you then?"

I shrug and pick up my coffee.

"He thought you might have said something to me. I said I'd ask."

"Poor daddy." she sighs. "I feel so bad."

"Well don't say anything. He doesn't want you to know it's worrying him. I'll just tell him myself and he'll be fine I'm sure. "

"Okay." she nods still looking pitiful. "You know he's at work today aye?"

"Oh, no I didn't. I'll tell him later."

"He just works down the street. Crawford Cabinetry. That way." she points up the road so I stand up, taking this as a hint that I have to tell him right this moment. I'm guessing this also means I'm not allowed another coffee.


Crawford Cabinetry is a building filled with burly men covered in shavings. Joe fits right in. In fact, it took me a while to separate him from the other scruffy checked shirt wearing men. I soon separated the men from the Joe when all looked up at the strange sight of a woman on their territory. I then decide I should take full advantage of this situation. He killed a perfectly good melting moment so I think I have the right to kill his perfectly good reputation.

"Joseph Celine McKenzie!" I call out. The only head that isn't already looking at me pops up and everyone else's turns to him with a chuckle. Joe looks at me and I put a hand on my hip. "Outside. Now!" I order. This is followed by an echo of "ooooooooooooooooo's" from the rest of the men.

Joe himself slowly heads over looking very unsure and ignoring the other comments by his fellow work mates.

"You're in for it mate..."

"Joey mate! What did you do?"

"Give her my number if you survive will ya?"

Meanwhile, I try my best to keep a straight face as Joe gets to me with a very worried look on his face.

"I don't have a middle name" he tells me looking confused. I smile.

"You do now. Just a bit of payback. Ummm so I talked to Alyssa..."

"Wait." he says quietly, taking off his cap and folding his arms. "You did all that because I broke your biscuit?"

"Pretty much. Revenge really is sweet. So as I was saying..."

"You do realize what you've just started don't you?" he asks, his voice scarily steady.

"What? With them?" I ask nodding my head in the direction of his gawking workmates.

"No...with us."

"Oh. Yes. Although you're the one who threw the wet leaf at me making me think it was a spider so technically you started it."

Joe rubs his eyes shaking his head, though I'm sure I can see a hint of a smile. I love winning. He sighs and then finally looks at me.

"You were saying."

I laugh a little then put on my serious face.

"Okay so; I just talked to Alyssa and she said there's no way she's leaving. In fact she was horrified that you thought she would."

"She's staying then?"

I nod in reply and he closes his eyes in relief. I smile lightly, glad I've actually been of use while I'm here. He runs his hands down his face and exhales

"Thank you." he says genuinely, "Your impossible and this all still means war but...thank you."

I nod and smile, backing away.

"It's fine...And Joe!?" I call out loud enough for the others to hear. "I'll have my box set of Desperate Housewives back please!"

Joe just flashes a smile at me. A smile I already know I should be worried about.

* * * * *

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