The Modern Fairy Tale Town Bo...

By PerkyGoth14

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The residents of Storybrooke begin to remember fairy tale life and share their pasts with their descendants a... More

Chapter 1: Out of the Past
Chapter 2: Broken
Chapter 3: We Are Both
Chapter 4: Lady of the Lake
Chapter 5: Operation: Viper
Chapter 6: The Crocodile
Chapter 7: Harry Hook and The Beanstalk Bandits
Chapter 8: The Doctor
Chapter 9: Return to the Sea
Chapter 10: Children of the Moon
Chapter 11: Into the Deep
Chapter 12: Dance of The Little Sugarplum Fairy
Chapter 14: The Cricket Game
Chapter 15: It's Goin' Down
Chapter 16: The Outsider
Chapter 17: In The Name of The Brother
Chapter 18: Ways to be Wicked
chapter 19: Evil Among Us
Chapter 20: Change of Heart
Chapter 21: Not So Happily Ever After
Chapter 22: Tiny

Chapter 13: Queen of Hearts

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By PerkyGoth14

Back in The Enchanted Forest, Mary Margaret and the other soon made it over to the cell they were looking for after what felt like a very long while of searching. "Huh. Rumplestiltskin's cell. I haven't been here since before Regina's curse," she then remarked before looking back at Emma. "This is where he told us you were going to be The Savior."

"He knew?" Emma asked in surprise.

"Oh, it was prophesized," Mary Margaret explained before they walked on ahead together. "Come on."

They soon continued inside and found that the cell was a bit empty.

"Ugh... What's that smell?" Evie complained.

"You don't wanna know." Mary Margaret replied.

They continued to explore, even searching on the crevices of the wall, though their search seemed to be for nothing so far.

"The squid ink... It's not here." Aurora pointed out.

"Gold said we would find it." Mary Margaret said out of confusion.

"Well, was there anyone else in here with him?" Lonnie asked.

"Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan added as that was a good thought.

"No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden," Mary Margaret explained. "He was too dangerous to allow any human contact."

"No human contact? That sounds messed up." Audrey remarked.

"Totally." Evie added, sounding emotionless.

"How'd he keep from going crazy?" Emma wondered.

"He didn't." Aurora said as she soon found something.

"What is it?" Mary Margaret wondered.

"Is that a message?" Emma asked the princess.

"Yes. And I think it's for you." Aurora nodded as she held out what she found as it appeared to be a scroll.

"Why would you think... That?" Emma soon asked before she looked down at the scroll to see that it had her name written on it... Over and over again and nothing else.

"Yikes... Someone needed a hobby." Audrey rolled her eyes slightly.

"This is kinda creeping me out." Lonnie added.

Emma blinked as the rest of the group decided to keep scouring the cell in search of the ink while she was still preoccupied with Aurora's discovery. "What does this even mean?" she wondered thoughtfully.

"He was obsessed with you, Emma," Mary Margaret told her daughter. "You were the key to breaking the curse."

"We've looked everywhere," Aurora frowned as she stopped her search. "There's no ink in this cell."

"Well, it has to be. He told David." Mary Margaret retorted.

"You were in a Netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation." Emma suggested.

"No. She heard right." Mulan said as she held a bottle.

"What's that?" Audrey asked, seeing the bottle.

"What we've been looking for." Mulan clarified.

"You found it?" Mary Margaret asked in surprise.

"In a manner of speaking," Mulan nodded. "There was ink in the cell."

"It's not true." Emma shook her head.

"Well, it's something at least." Lonnie shrugged.

Then suddenly, Aurora launched the inkwell on the closing mechanism of the cell. Evie looked over at what Aurora did before flashing a smirk on her face.

"Son of a bitch..." Emma murmured until she realized what the princess was doing. "Aurora, what are you doing?!"

Suddenly, they had three unwanted visitors.

"Helping us~" A young voice told them, right behind them.

"Augh!" Audrey and Lonnie yelped.

"Harry Hook?!" Audrey asked. "You jerk! Don't scare us like that!"

"Don't scare you?~" Harry grinned darkly as he stood between his father and the older redheaded woman. "But that's my specialty~"

"He takes after his old man, you know." Hook added, sounding very proud.

And soon, Cora teleported the compass to her hand.

"No!" Emma suddenly cried out.

"No. Don't waste your energy, dear. Rumplestiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell," Cora taunted before facing the sleeping beauty. "Thank you, Aurora. We couldn't have done it without you."

Suddenly, everyone else looked betrayed and upset.

"No... No way..." Audrey whispered as she felt the most horrified since Aurora was her future mother.

"Why would you do this?" Emma demanded.

"How could you?" Mary Margaret added.

"What's gotten into you, Princess Aurora?" Lonnie added.

"Don't blame her. She was only doing what she was told." Cora reassured with a chuckle before she pulled out a beating heart suddenly.

"You took her heart?" Emma asked in horror.

"Actually, I did," Hook piped up. "It was a gift."

"Forgive us," Cora soon said as it was time for an exit now. "We'd love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits."

Hook nodded, going to go and leave. "Let's go, son." he then told Harry.

"Aye-Aye, Dad." Harry nodded on the way.

"Hook. Wait. Please don't do this," Emma pleaded, trying to stop the adult pirate. "My son is in Storybrooke. He needs me. He needs Evie too... She's his big sister."

Hook scoffed in response. "Perhaps you should've considered that before you abandoned me on that beanstalk and tried to keep me from my son." he then retorted coldly.

Harry narrowed his eyes as he nodded in agreement.

"You would've done the same." Emma defended since he was a pirate after all.

"Actually, no," Hook replied before he brought out a certain bean in his hand. "Do you know what this is, Emma?"

"The bean that the giant kept." Emma realized.

"Yes, indeed. A pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquest, but this... Well, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol... Something that was once magical, full of hope, possibility," Hook replied before he showed them the bean suddenly, looking a bit maniacal. "Mm. Now look at it. Dried up, dead, useless. Much like you. The time for making deals is done, just as I'm done... With you." he then concluded.

"Bye-Bye~" Harry added before he soon left with his father.

"We're trapped!" Audrey cried out.

"What do we do now?" Lonnie asked.

"I guess we just might as well give up while we're still ahead even though we're caught in deep, deep trouble." Evie suggested as she sat down.

"Evie, that does not sound like you at all to just give up so quickly," Emma said to the blue-haired girl. "We're going to get out of here."

"Oh? And how do you suggest that we do that?" Evie soon asked.

"Easy!" Emma said as she brought out her sword and began to use it to try to hack at the bars to break them down and let them out, catching Hook and Cora in time before they would be stranded forever in The Enchanted Forest.

The others looked at her and around before they sat down in despair. Not even Mulan could get them out of this situation as Emma continued to hack away after what felt like hours and hours.

"We aren't gonna break it down, Emma. It was enchanted to hold Rumplestiltskin. We don't have a chance." Mary Margaret soon told her grown daughter who soon stopped what she was doing and went to sit down.

"This is my fault." Aurora frowned out of guilt.

"Yes, it is." Evie bluntly agreed.

"Evie..." Lonnie and Audrey frowned at that.

"No, it's mine," Mulan disagreed and defended. "Cora stole your heart because I failed to protect you." she then told Aurora softly.

"That's very sweet, but I believe it's my fault," Emma soon spoke up. "I'm The Savior, and I'm not doing much saving, am I?"

Mary Margaret looked soft and soon decided to sit down next to Emma. "We're gonna win this fight, you know. Good always defeats evil. Even if Evie isn't acting like her old self, but she will be again soon once we get out of this if we all work together." she then advised softly.

"You sound like Henry." Emma remarked.

"Guess optimism runs in the family." Mary Margaret guessed.

"I think it skipped a generation." Emma said softly.

"You should know better than anybody," Mary Margaret reminded. "You broke the curse."

"What have I done since then? I got us stranded over here, burned down the wardrobe, let Cora get the ash, and now, the compass," Emma said out of defeat. "The only reason I ever broke the curse was because it was exactly what Gold wanted me to do. I had nothing to do with it."

"What are you talking about?" Mary Margaret soon wondered.

"He told you I was The Savior. It was his plan. Once I fulfilled that role, maybe that's all I was ever meant to do," Emma explained wearily. "Everything I've ever done... He had it all mapped out before I was even born. I'm not powerful. I'm... I'm not... A Savior. I'm a name on a piece of paper," she then added softly as she brought out the scroll to her mother. "I'm a pawn, and that's exactly why we are in here. And Cora's on her way to Storybrooke."

Mary Margaret frowned as she put her arm around Emma to hopefully comfort her even if things looked very bleak right now. Evie's eyes flashed briefly before they went back to normal. Once again, this startled Mushu into hiding back into Lonnie's dress pocket.

Meanwhile, Cora and Hook were traveling through a field as Harry kept Evie in tow for them.

"Where are we going?" Hook soon asked.

"Lake Nostos. The legend says its waters hold the power to restore what was once lost," Cora informed. "It'll return magic to what remains of this wardrobe. And then, we'll be able to cross worlds."

"Are we there yet?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Patience, child..." Cora advised.

And so, they soon arrived at the dried-up Lake Nostos.

"I may be a simple pirate, but... I know one thing," Hook spoke up. "Lakes have water."

Cora soon waved her hand, and a small vortex magically formed in the middle of the former lake. Suddenly, a geyser of water shot up from the ground. "After everything we've been through, why do you still doubt me?" she then gently retorted to the pirate.

"Everything you've been through together?" Evie asked. "You mean there's more to your story about working together?"

"Why, of course, my dear Evie," Cora nodded to her granddaughter. "Besides, didn't you know it was your mother's fault I had to move away after you were born? She sent me into another land."

Evie frowned, feeling deeply concerned about that.

"Oh, don't feel too sad or worried about me," Cora replied. "Wonderland was interesting, but I got to be a queen in that world... A lot like The Red Queen and The White Queen if you know what I mean~"

Evie thought about it before she looked a bit wide-eyed. "...You were The Queen of Hearts." she then murmured in realization.

"Indeed I was, my dear," Cora nodded. "Why else do you think your mother says that your grandmother was an Evil Queen, and she became one as well, and you are predestined to become an Evil Queen when you grow up?"

"No... That won't happen to me..." Evie frowned and shook her head. "I never have, will, or never will I ever become an Evil Queen. I dedicated my life into being a good person especially when Henry was first brought back home from Boston.

"Oh, but it will once you return to Storybrooke." Cora retorted with a smirk.

"Return to Storybrooke?" Evie asked. "Y-You mean, you're gonna let me go?"

"Not exactly... I shall explain later, but trust me, Evie... Once you're back in Storybrooke, no one will even recognize you anymore because of a little help with a new special friend of mine." Cora said with a grin.

Evie gulped and frowned nervously about that.

"Don't worry, Toots... Ya still got me..." Harry grinned as he looked at Evie.

"...I think I'd rather take Henry to prom over you," Evie firmly pouted at the pirate boy before looking over. "How are you gonna do that anyway, Cora?"

"Please, dear... Call me Gramma." Cora insisted.

"...No, thank you." Evie muttered slightly.

Cora smirked a bit. "Well, I have a friend who specializes in shape-shifting and so far, she's fooled Emma and Snow White. Though it doesn't take too much to trick or fool Snow White... She's a rather silly and foolish girl." she then said.

"Leave Ms. Blanchard alone," Evie firmly pouted with a glare. "Besides, if anybody in Storybrooke, Henry and Mr. Gold are too smart to be fooled by a doppelgänger. Even a good one." she then retorted bravely.

"Oh, but we're not finished, Princess... Xinjiang is a master of disguise and we've told her all about your spark personality~" Hook soon retorted with a dark grin.

"Did you say... Xinjiang?" Evie asked in a weary voice and wide eyes.

"Yes... Perhaps you remember your dear friend Lonnie's story about her mother and going up against Xinjiang, especially traveling with her cousin?" Harry grinned darkly.

"...What are you...?" Evie began to ask with very wide eyes.

"That's right... Not only have Queen Aurora and King Phillip had trouble back home, so has Northern Wei with the return of Xinjiang," Cora concluded with a wicked smirk. "Aurora, Phillip, and Mulan don't have bright futures, so their descendants were forced to try to fix the past, but they'll be history." she then added, winking a bit since she made a rather subtle pun.

"...You sent Xinjiang after Audrey and Lonnie's parents." Evie realized.

"Yes, but not only that, but she was also a great help in dooming at least one of the unneeded descendants," Cora nodded. "She was aiming for both, but no one's seen Shang Li since he fell down that bridge, so it would be then time to eliminate Mulan so that one of your new friends will cease to exist."

"No! You can't do that!" Evie cried out. "Just because my mom banished you and didn't want to go down your path, but you forced her doesn't mean you should wipe away all of the descendants!"

"Oh, dear, dear, dear, no..." Cora shook her head. "I'm not going to get rid of all of the descendants..." she then reached out and gently stroked Evie's face. "I still want you around after all~... You could come back to Wonderland with me after everybody in Storybrooke hates you... Although, we'll have to change your name into something more fit for a Princess of Hearts... Such as... Gelda... Or Rosa... Or maybe even Valentine or Queenie."

"Queenie's a little on the nose, wouldn't you say, Your Majesty?" Hook retorted.

"The ladies are talking~" Cora gently chided the adult pirate.

Hook rolled his eyes at that.

"I will never stay with you or trust you, especially after what you did to my parents when I was a baby!" Evie glared with tears in her eyes. "So just give up! Gramma, I don't wanna hate you, you don't have to be an Evil Queen."

Cora firmly frowned and seemed to ignore Evie for now.

"Please... Everyone needs another chance... If you get some time, we'll probably sit down and talk this over with a plate of cookies," Evie suggested. "At least I hope cookies... I heard that grandmothers bake cookies, give you money for your birthday, and video games for Christmas."

"Hm..." Cora merely turned away and shook her head as she decided to not listen to Evie right now. "I'm sorry, my dear, but you've left me no choice..."

Evie frowned as things looked very dark and bleak for her right now, sighing before a tear rolled down her cheek, dropping on the ground in what nearly looked to be in the shape of a broken heart.

Meanwhile, Emma's group was still shown to be stuck inside the cell with no other choices or options on what to do now.

"We are gonna get out of here." Mary Margaret said as she analyzed the scroll.

"I swear she's been saying that for five hours now." Audrey groaned a bit.

"She probably has." Xinjiang droned, still posing as Evie so everyone thought it was her despite her very dower behavior right now.

"How? By staring at that scroll?" Emma asked her mother. "It's not like its gonna magically open a door for us."

"Yes, it is." Mary Margaret countered.

"What?" Emma, Audrey, and Lonnie suddenly asked.

"When I was little girl, I used to sneak into Cora's chamber and watch her practice magic," Mary Margaret explained. "She had a spellbook. And Emma, the spells were in the book."

"That's what a spellbook is. Genius." Xinjiang muttered dryly.

Mary Margaret frowned and tutted. "Evie, be a nice girl, okay? Watch." she then added before blowing on the scroll to show what she meant.

Suddenly, the ink began to slide off into a mist.

"Whoa. Squid ink!" Emma gasped in realization. "Gold wrote the scroll in squid ink."

"It's magic's one true weakness." Lonnie whispered.

"Ahh," Audrey nodded. "I wonder what an ogre's weakness would've been?"

"Cheese puffs?" Emma shrugged at the teenage girls, trying to make a joke.

Lonnie and Audrey just glanced at Emma, feeling a bit confused. Emma then shrugged at them before she looked over with a laugh as the ink then spread onto the bars of the cell and then disintegrated.

"Told you. Good always wins." Mary Margaret smiled.

Xinjiang soon stood up and began to leave the cell with the others.

"Wait! I can't go." Aurora said.

"We can't leave without you," Audrey replied to her future mother. "Believe me, we need you in the futu--Uh... Back home."

"I'm sorry, but I deserve this," Aurora insisted. "You have to tie me up."

"No. I'm not leaving with you." Mulan soon said.

"I can't be trusted," Aurora defended. "Not as long as Cora has my heart."

Mulan narrowed her eyes in determination. "Then I will get it back for you." she then said.

"Oh, Mulan." Aurora said softly.

"I will." Mulan nodded.

"Guys? We gotta go." Emma said, seeing as Mulan, Aurora, and Audrey had trailed behind.

"Go on without me, you'll be okay." Aurora told her future daughter.

Audrey frowned, not sure how to feel about this, and soon stepped away.

"Do it," Aurora soon told Mulan who then began to tie her up against the remains of Rumplestiltskin's cell before she looked back at the others. "Good luck."

"Thank you," Mary Margaret said with a nod. "Good luck to you."

"What does this mean for the future?" Audrey asked Lonnie nervously.

"I'm afraid I don't know." Lonnie whispered.

The two teenage girls looked very nervous about their own future since Aurora and Mulan were doing this. Xinjiang soon smirked at their fear before she began to look quiet and innocent to keep up appearances.

Back at Lake Nostos, the geyser gradually subsided, leaving behind a small lake.

"Perfect." Harry approved.

"No!" Evie cried out.

"And now, the ashes," Cora said, taking out a vial. "Would you care to do the honors?" she then requested to the adult pirate.

Hook then took the ashes and sprinkled them into the lake. As that happened, a whirlpool magically formed in the center of the lake.

"Here we go. We'll be in Storybrooke soon enough," Cora noted. "I really look forward to seeing my daughter."

Evie frowned as she looked rather defeated while Harry held onto her so that she couldn't escape from him.

"Don't forget our end of the deal, Your Majesty," Harry soon spoke up to Cora. "You said my dad and I could skin ourselves a couple of crocodiles."

"Ah, yes..." Cora nodded. "Captain Hook, perhaps you'd like to show your son something."

"I got it, Harry... We'll be there soon." Hook told his son as he took out the compass while Evie looked very hopeless.

"I told you I'd deliver you to Rumplestilskin," Cora nodded as she took the compass then. "Now don't let go unless you want to end up someplace that isn't Storybrooke."

Suddenly, an arrow was shot at the compass and was knocked out of Cora's hand. Soon, everyone looked up to see that there were Emma, Mary Margaret, Lonnie, Audrey, Xinjiang, and Mulan. Evie looked hopeful that the others would see her there and see suspicion that Xinjiang was pretending to be her. However, unfortunately for Evie, Xinjiang spotted her with eyes like a falcon and suddenly made the teenage princess disappear with the pirate teen so it would seem like Evie was always there.

"You're not going anywhere," Emma told the bad guys. "This portal's taking us home."

"The compass. Get it." Mary Margaret told the others.

And soon, they all split up.

"All right, Audrey! Stay close and stand low!" Lonnie advised the princess. "You should be just fine!"

"These shoes were not made for running!" Audrey complained. "I'm just glad I'm not Cinderella herself right now otherwise I'd probably get myself killed!"

"Just focus on more of your soul than your shoes right now, Princess!" Lonnie suggested as they ran along together.

"Find it first. I'll take care of them," Cora told Hook. "Don't worry about my granddaughter and your boy. They should be in a safe spot until we need them again."

Hook nodded and proceeded to do what was asked of him, only to be pursued by Emma. The two of them soon began to swordfight. Cora created a ball of fire and threw it at Mulan, only for her to deflect it with her sword. Audrey and Lonnie kept running around while Lonnie occasionally brought out her sword for her own defense while Audrey was defenseless on her own. Mary Margaret aimed an arrow at Cora, only to miss when the older woman disappeared in smoke, sending Aurora's heart flying over Lake Nostos.

Hook then caught it just in time and tossed it back to a surprised Mulan. "I may be a pirate, but I bristle at the thought of a woman losing her heart... Unless it's over me." he then told the warrior woman.

Audrey and Lonnie shared a look before they both suddenly shuddered over that. Hook soon picked up his sword again as he and Emma restarted their fight.

Mary Margaret ran over to a still shocked Mulan. "Go!" she then suggested to the warrior woman.

"No. You need the compass." Mulan reminded.

"Aurora needs her heart." Mary Margaret retorted.

Mulan looked soft and she really did want to help out Aurora if she could help it before she brought out her sword to the other woman. "Take it. It deflects her magic," she then said. "Make sure Li doesn't poke her eye out with her own sword."

Mary Margaret nodded as she took the sword and Mulan soon ran back to Aurora. Lonnie looked a bit nervous about her mother doing that to be with Audrey's mother as she wondered what that could tell for their future. She then noticed a fireball coming right for her and Audrey and soon used her own sword to deflect the fireball, learning quickly of course from her future mother.

"I had no idea you had such a soft side." Emma said as she fought the pirate.

"I just like a fair fight," Hook defended before knocking her down mockingly. "Good form, but not good enough."

"Where's Cora?" Mary Margaret asked as she checked on Lonnie, Audrey, and Xinjiang.

"I saw her a second ago." Lonnie said as she looked around.

Suddenly, they all heard a whistling sound before they turned around to find that Cora was right behind them. Lonnie began to help Mary Margaret face off against Cora as Audrey backed away, looking around for somewhere to hide.

"Audrey, look out!" Lonnie suddenly cried out as a fireball was racing right toward the future Sleeping Beauty.

"...Audrey?" Mary Margaret asked herself quietly before she suddenly ducked down as Cora sent another fireball after her once she was distracted.

"Huh? Aaaugh!" Audrey looked over before gasping with wide eyes as the fireball was coming right at her... Only for her necklace to suddenly glow and a bright blue bubble appeared, shielding her, and the fireball suddenly dissipated.

"...What the hell?" Mary Margaret murmured as she looked even more suspicious and alarmed about the two teenage girls now.

Emma grunted as she was soon trapped on her back with her sword as her opponent was a lot better than she expected him to be.

"Normally, I'd prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back," Hook began to grin down at Emma's fear and despair. "But with my life on the line, you've left me no choice. Bit of advice: when I jab you with my sword, you'll feel it. You might wanna quit." he soon concluded as he leaned closer.

Emma grunted until she discovered the compass right beneath her in the sand. "Why would I do that when I'm winning?" she then retorted and felt a sudden blast of strength, causing her to stand up and punch the adult male pirate down, causing him to collapse to the ground, now unconscious, and get the compass.

"Wow! Nice shot." Lonnie said out of respect and amazement.

"Thanks. Now let's go home!" Emma nodded and announced.

"Why do you wanna go to Storybrooke?" Mary Margaret asked her step-grandmother.

"Because my daughter and granddaughter need me. And now I'm gonna give her the one thing my daughter's always wanted: your heart," Cora narrowed her eyes as she began to reach out to Mary Margaret. "Goodbye, Snow."

"No!" Emma cried out as she suddenly ran in, attempting to charge only for Cora to suddenly grab her chest instead as Mary Margaret was pushed out of the way in time.

"Emma!" Mary Margaret gasped for her daughter.

"Oh, you foolish girl. Don't you know?" Cora mocked. "Love is weakness." she then added, starting to rip out (or at least try to) Emma's heart, only for from within Emma, a blast of magic blasted her backward.

"No, it's strength," Emma retorted as a burst of white light spread out from her body in all directions, suddenly and somehow causing Cora to disappear. "What was that?" she then wondered.

"That is a great subject for discussion... When we get home," Mary Margaret replied before she soon ran to the portal that was there while Audrey and Lonnie got out of the way, not sure what else they could do. "Come on. Ready?" she then asked her daughter.

"Yeah. Let's go." Emma nodded.

Audrey and Lonnie were about to walk away, wondering what to do for the future now, but then suddenly, something happened and they slipped and fell into the portal right after Emma and Mary Margaret. Xinjiang narrowed her eyes as she saw that before she looked around and slipped in after them, being very sneaky and stealthy as always.

Back in the forest in Storybrooke, Henry tried to the well. "Stop it! You can't! You're gonna kill them! Please! No!" he shouted only to get caught by Regina. "They're going to make it through! We have to turn it off! You're gonna kill them!" he yelled as he managed to break free and rushed forwards towards the well.

Mr. Gold then stepped forwards and made sure to get a secure hold on Dee Dee so she couldn't try and run to the well either.

"Please just stop!" Dee Dee also cried out.

"Kids! What are you doing?" Regina asked Henry and Dee Dee.

"They're gonna come back!" Dee Dee cried. "Let us go!"

"Emma, Evie, and Mary Margaret are going to come through. I know it," Henry told Regina. "You said you wanted to change, to be better. This is how. You want me to have faith in you? Have faith in me."

Seeing Regina was going through towards the well, Mr. Gold frowned. "Regina!" he warned.

Regina soon absorbed the magic.

"NO!" Henry and Dee Dee cried out.

"I'm sorry, kids," Regina softly told them. "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, a hand came out of the well and grabbed the edge. Emma manage to pull herself out, followed by Mary Margaret and finally Evie.

"Mom?" Henry asked as Emma climbed from the well.

"Henry!" Emma exclaimed.

"Mom!" Henry exclaimed and rushed over.

"I missed you." Emma softly told her son.

"I missed you, too." Henry replied to his birth mother.

"I missed you so much." Emma smiled before Mary Margaret soon joined in.

Evie then stepped over to Regina. "Mommy~" she then said innocently.

"Oh... Oh, my dear sweet Evie..." Regina said before hugging her teenage daughter warmly, gently patting her on the back.

Evie took in the hug, smirking a bit before she stepped out of the hug. Mr. Gold let Dee Dee go and actually looked a little hopeful. Evie then got out of her mother's way as she looked around then.

"What's going on? What happened?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She saved you. She saved all of you." Henry smiled at the women then glanced to the well.

Emma hugged him again. "Thank you." she told Regina.

"You're welcome." Regina replied to Emma.

"I missed ya, Evie!" Henry smiled as he rushed over to reunite with his sister.

"Henry?" Evie smiled back as she kissed the boy's cheeks in a sisterly way. "I missed you too."

Henry looked a little concerned and curious. "How come you didn't do the funny kiss?" he then asked her.

Evie blinked before she looked around a little confused. "Oh, the funny kiss. Of course." she then said before kissing his forehead.

"Nah! Not that one," Henry reminded. "The funny kiss."

Evie narrowed her eyes, looking a little annoyed with him.

"On my nose." Henry then added as he pointed to his nose.

"Ohh... That funny kiss." Evie soon realized before she then kissed the tip of his nose.

Henry then smiled and chuckled warmly as he reunited with his sister and especially since his birth mother and grandmother were back home safe and sound. Evie rolled her eyes before smirking, then looked over to see that there was another big problem in Storybrooke right now. Audrey and Lonnie soon looked around, seeing where they were and felt even more lost on what to do now as they seemed to get further and further away from their mission of helping their future mothers.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked as she soon ran towards Mary Margaret, and the two of them also shared a hug.

"Where's my husband?" Mary Margaret asked Ruby. "I need to find him."

Ruby nodded and soon, the two of them ran off together to go and find David.

"Um, your mom... She's, uh... She's... A piece of work, you know?" Emma soon spoke to Regina.

"Indeed, I do," Regina replied. "Welcome back."

"Thanks." Emma nodded.

Mr. Gold soon watched what was going on and was now about to turn around and leave until there was suddenly a tiny tose in his face. Dee Dee had soon brought out a rose for Mr. Gold that she had found.

Mr. Gold glanced back to them as he was walking. He then glanced down to Dee Dee. "Is that for me?" he asked quietly.

Dee Dee nodded, though blushing a little bit.

Mr. Gold gently took the rose, put it in his buttonhole on his lapel, and then crouched down slightly. "You're a very kind girl." he told her and gave her a small fatherly hug.

Dee Dee giggled bashfully at the compliment as she looked soft before she skipped away from the scene suddenly.

Mr. Gold nodded before he soon looked over at Audrey and Lonnie curiously. "Hm... Looks like I have a bit of work to do." he then said as he began to approach the two teenage girls who looked very lost and very scared right now.

Soon, everyone met up and reunited at Mr. Gold's pawnshop. Ben, Mal, Jay, and Carlos looked very glad to have Evie back, Dee Dee looked very happy that Henry got his family back, and it felt like all was right again in Storybrooke. The big question was just what to do with Audrey and Lonnie now that they were lost and stuck in Storybrooke. Doug was soon walking over with a flower behind his back.

"I was right. You really have changed," Henry said before hugging Regina right away. "Thank you."

Emma soon came by before smiling as she saw that her parents were able to reunite with each other the way they did.

"Emma." Mary Margaret smiled warmly at her and David's estranged daughter.

"Well, it looks like we have some catching up to do." David advised.

"You have no idea." Emma nodded in agreement.

"How about dinner at Granny's? On me." Ruby offered.

"As long as it's not chimera, I'm in," Emma replied before looking at Henry. "Hey, kid, you hungry?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Henry nodded, breaking away from his adoptive mother, going to join the others in leaving the pawnshop while Regina was trying and failing not to tear up.

"Uh... E-Evie!" Doug spoke up, his voice cracking a bit from nerves, startling the girl instantly.

"Oh! Uh... Hi..." Evie blinked, looking at the boy before pausing and looking away before smirking. "Douglas."

"Actually, just Doug is fine," Doug corrected before he brought out a flower. "I... Uh... Erm... I was just wondering if we could probably... Uh... Well..."

"Hey, Evie! You wanna hang out with us?" Mal's voice suddenly asked.

"Sure! Sounds great!" Evie said before suddenly dashing away from Doug.

Doug sighed and shook his head. "So close..." he then said out of frustration and defeat.

"Congratulations. You just reunited mother and son," Mr. Gold remarked to Regina. "Maybe one day they'll even invite you for dinner."

Regina flinched, still feeling a bit concerned, though something deep down ached inside her heart, like she could feel that something was terribly wrong and she had no idea what it was just yet. It almost somehow felt like maternal instincts which was odd because as far as she knew, both of her children were now fine. The reunited group happily walked down the main street of Storybrooke to Granny's Diner.

However, meanwhile, a large ship was seen drawing near the town. Evie was tied to the gangplank with Harry beside her while Cora held a black wilted rose as Hook was taking a look out into the horizon.

"There it is." Hook informed as he inspected the town through his telescope.

"Storybrooke," Cora smirked in relief before looking at her granddaughter. "No worries, darling... You know what they say. If you're ever so humble, there's no place like home~"

Harry, Hook, and Cora grinned darkly in anticipation while Evie just had a wide look of shock and fear on her face.

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