Spirit Friend (Date A Live x...

By undertalecharisk

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(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal highschool boy living his life peacefully in tengu city with his best friend itsuka s... More

Chapter 1 Encounter
Chapter 2 We Meet Again
Chapter 4 New Student, New Spirit & New Friend
Chapter 5 Another one
Chapter 6 Give Him Back!!
Chapter 7: Double? Triple? Date?!
Chapter 8: Day off.
Chapter 9 Changes
Chapter 10 2 VS 2
Chapter 11: Yamai sister
Chapter 12: Beach Time
Chapter 13: Surprises!
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: Festival Of Chaos
Chapter 16: Rescue Missions

Chapter 3 Hangout

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By undertalecharisk

We are above the tengu city. zooming in we see many people are out some with parents, some with couples and some are alone but sometimes with friends just like (Y/N) and tohka.


I and tohka are in bread shop after tohka yell and ask about bread just outside the shop. I'm at the cashier while tohka is staring at the bread behind the glass.

cashier: that'll be 300 yen.

I take out money from my wallet and handed it to the cashier.

(Y/N): here.

the cashier gives me the bread and whispers something.

cashier: I put extra bread in that bag.

(Y/N): ah thank you so much.

cashier: no problem, enjoy your date.

the cashier wave at us as I and tohka get out of the store and sit at the bench just outside the shop. I take one for myself and give one to tohka.

(Y/N): here tohka.

tohka: *sniff sniff* thank you.

tohka take the bread and eat it cutely while I just chuckle at her response.

tohka: DELICIOUS!!

(Y/N): eat slowly there's more of it.

tohka chewing the bread before swallowing the food and asking for another one. we just eat kinako bread and enjoy each other company.

tohka: (Y/N), what's hangout?

(Y/N): hmm, hangout is where friend spends time together doing something they like.

tohka swallow her food before asking me with sparkle in her eye.

tohka: friend? are we friend?

(Y/N): mhm you're definitely my friend tohka.

tohka: then you're also my friend.

tohka say with a smile.

(Y/N): now let's continue our hangout.

tohka: yeah *sniff sniff* ne ne (Y/N) what's that?

tohka ask after she sniffs a stall with a grill sausage.

(Y/N): oh that's sausage, do you want to try some?

tohka nod her head aggressively. so we walk to the shop and buy a few sausages for tohka. after that we walk a little bit and see many people on the road.

tohka: where did all these people come from? is this an all-out war? if that's the case than I better attack first.

tohka say as she make a magic sphere the size of her finger. I put my hand on her hand as the magic sphere disappear.

(Y/N): no tohka, they're all normal people and none of them will hurt you. if they try than I'll deal with them.

tohka lower her arm and she look at the kid beside her. who's getting head pat after he threw away his trash by himself. after seeing that tohka eat all the sausage and threw away the trash in her hand into the trash bin.

tohka: look (Y/N) I throw away my trash all by myself too.

I smile at her action, she's just like a child wanting affection.

(Y/N): yeah I see it good job.

I say while patting her head just like the mother did to their child.

tohka: hmm~ hangout is fun.

(Y/N): yeah it is fun.

tohka: (Y/N) what's that?

tohka ask as she runs ahead. I'm about to follow her until I hear voices behind me.

Ai: (Y/N)? why is he walking with a girl?

Mai: could it be...

Mii: that's so lame.

I turn around and see Ai, Mai and Mii in casual cloth. coming out of a store.

(Y/N): hello you three. you girls look good in those clothes.

the three of them blush after receiving the compliment.

Ai: oh thanks

Mai: really?

Mii: that's not lame......thank you.

after saying that to the girl, I hear tohka call for me.

tohka: (Y/N), hurry up.

(Y/N): I'm coming!! alright girls it's nice meeting you but I gotta go.

I wave at them and leave them, at the corner of my eye I see tobiichi watching tohka. gotta be careful she might attack tohka later.

Time Skip

right now we're in front of ANOTHER stall and in tohka hand is ice cream and creampuff.

(Y/N): you really like to eat huh.

tohka: mhm, human food is delicious after all.

I smile at her response. while she's eating normally I ask about where she went yesterday.

(Y/N): what happen after you left yesterday?

tohka: just as usual. my body disappears into another world.

(Y/N): another world?

tohka: yeah, another world. different than this one in that world there's only darkness once I get there I naturally fall asleep.

(Y/N): than when you wake up, you come into this world?

tohka: yeah but it's more appropriate to say I'm forcefully woken up. it's has nothing to do with what I want, I'm just pulled over here irregularly.

(Y/N): I see.

I notice that tohka look sad after I ask that question. I look around to see if there is anything that would cheer her up. I found a restaurant not too far from here.

(Y/N): tohka would you like to go there?

I point to the restaurant. tohka take a look and her eye fill with excitement. she stands up and grab my hand and pull me toward the restaurant. as we reach there the restaurant's name is "YAMAZAKI" huh? weird I have never seen this restaurant before.

tohka: (Y/N), what is this place?

(Y/N): this place is called a restaurant, where people pay to sit and eat meals that are freshly cooked and served on the premises.

I explain to tohka while she's drooling.

tohka: sound delicious. come on let's go.

we're about to go in before I hear someone call me. we both turn to the source of it.

Tomonachi: Yo!! (L/N)...

he says slowly stopping as he sees tohka beside me. he runs at me and put his hand on my shoulder.

Tonomachi: how did you end up with such a beautiful girl without me knowing. I'm jealous.

he says as he poke my cheek. I push his hand away and tell tohka to go inside first. tohka nod and enter the restaurant.

Tonomachi: she seems to have an expensive taste.

(Y/N): expensive?

I look at the sign in front of the restaurant and see the price. 

(Y/N): WHAT?!?! how the hell is a simple dish can cost 2000-4000 yen?!?!?

tonomachi: having a problem with money? don't worry I have something for you.

tonomachi say as he pulls out a ticket meal worth 5000 yen.

tonomachi: Good luck!! 

he says before walking away. I silently thank him for the ticket. I walk inside the restaurant and hear a tired but familiar voice greet me.

reine: welcome.

(Y/N): reine sensei? what are you doing here?

reine: I work as a part-timer here.

(Y/N): I see.

don't you already have a job as a teacher?

(Y/N): anyway reine sensei do you see a girl with purple hair with a red ribbon come here.

reine: that girl is over there.

reine sensei point toward a seat where's tohka is. tohka see me and call me.

tohka: (Y/N), here here.

I walk to where she is and take a seat in front of her. after a little bit of waiting a waitress come to us.

waitress: can I take your order?

I recognize that voice somewhere and see the waitress is actually kotori.

(Y/N): kotori? what are you doing here?

I ask while tohka look at the menu.

kotori: I work here as a part-timer.

(Y/N): does shido know about this?

kotori: of course.

kotori replies with confidence than we hear tohka having trouble to pick a dish. kotori suggest a dish for both of us.

kotori: if you're having trouble deciding which dish to pick, I suggest "what about this?" set.

(Y/N)/tohka: "what about this?"?

I and tohka ask kotori, not long after ordering the dish we see the "what about this?" set.

(Y/N): huh, that's actually a perfect name. It makes one think "what about this".

Tohka immediately takes the food into her mouth and keep saying 'delicious' after taking a bite of each food.

(Y/N): slowdown tohka. You're gonna choke.

Tohka: mhm, here taste it.

Tohka feeds me one of many foods from the set. I chew the food before swallowing it.

(Y/N): mmhh!!! It's delicious.

Tohka: right!!

We both eat the food set together. After a while, we finish our food and I go pay at the counter. While paying kotori mention something.

Kotori: ne do you know about the 'shopping arcade' at the south station.

(Y/N): south? But isn't that place are residential area?

Kotori shrugs her shoulder and leaves to tend to other customers. I walk out of the restaurant with tohka.

Tohka: (Y/N), where's next?

Tohka asks in excitement.

(Y/N): hmm, I heard there's a 'shopping arcade' south from here. We can go check it out.

Tohka: sure.

We walk together to the place Kotori mention. Soon we reach the bridge.

Tohka: (Y/N), what's that? Can I eat it?

Ask tohka while pointing to the fish beneath the bridge.

(Y/N): no you can't eat it. At least not until you cook it first.

Tohka: whoa, look (Y/N), there's even a red one and it's fast.

(Y/N): those red ones are 3 times faster than the black ones....but it's not suppose to be here.

While thinking I see some sort of 'entrance' at the other end of the bridge. We walk just past the 'entrance' and suddenly we are greet by a man.

Man: congratulation you two are the 100,000 visitors to this 'shopping arcade'. Special just for you, today all the food are free.

Tohka as usual are excited like a child and I just follow her wherever she goes.

Time Skip

After a hours of eating food for free. It's start raining so I and Tohka are currently in an arcade hiding from the rain.

Tohka: t-this place it's not...uhh umm what was it again?

(Y/N): AST?

Tohka: yeah that. It's not AST secret base, is it?

(Y/N): haha. Don't worry I won't ever bring you close to that kind of place.

I say while patting tohka to calm her down which is working.

(Y/N): this place is called an arcade it's the kind of place where you go to play games and have fun.

I explain to tohka what kind of place arcade is. We look around to find some games to play while waiting until the rain is over.

Tohka: (Y/N) look it's a giant kinako bread.

Tohka points to the bread doll inside the claw machine. I just smile at her innocence.

(Y/N): tohka that's not kinako bread, that's is a doll in form of kinako bread.

Tohka: hoo~ I want it.

Said tohka, so I put the money inside the machine and tohka start try to get the doll from the machine which she obviously fail.

Tohka: Mou~ why can't I get you?!?!

Tohka pout and yell at the machine while I watch and laugh at the scene.

(Y/N): hehe, tohka let me.

Tohka moves to the side to give me space to control the machine. I put the money inside the machine and it starts moving. I move the claw to one closest to the hole.

(Y/N): when you play claw machine you need to have a strategy to win. Like this.

Once the claw is directly above the one close to the hole, I move it to the side just a little bit. I push the claw button and the claw grab the top of the bread doll. Lifting the doll up for a few second before falling again but this time it fall straight into the hole. Tohka looks at me with sparkle and amazement.

Tohka: WHOA!! Amazing, how did you do it?!?!

I blush a little feeling embarrassed when she compliment me. I take the doll and give it to tohka.

(Y/N): here.

Tohka:...(Y/N), thank you.

Tohka takes the doll and gives me a warm smile and I smile back at her.

Time Skip

The sun is on the verge of falling down in 1 hour the sun is going to completely disappear for the day and it'll be nighttime. (Y/N) and tohka are at the old park at the cliff. The two of them are casually talking while enjoying the sunset.

(Y/N): today Is fun.

Tohka: yeah today is very fun. I like this hang out thing.

(Y/N): I'm glad that you're having fun.

Tohka: today I see the beauty of this world and humans.

Few hundred meters away

There are two people at the cliff beside the signal tower. One with a sniper in their hand have white hair and another with binoculars have black hair both of them are AST member.

Kusakabe: still I can't believe it, a spirit manage to appear here without triggering the spatial quake and manage to come in contact with a boy.

Origami: permission to shoot.

Kusakabe: not yet, the higher up is still discussing the matter. This is a rare situation after all.

Suddenly kusakabe receives a signal from her communication device.

Kusakabe: point alpha is here. What happens- what? we get permission to shoot?

With (Y/N) and Tohka

Tohka: the human I've met today is very kind. No one tries to kill me.....that's why I think...I should not come here anymore.

(Y/N) eye widens in shock when he hears tohka say that.

(Y/N): what?

(Y/N) ask as he can't believe what tohka just say.

Tohka: now I understand the reason why AST is coming after me. It's because I bring destruction to this beautiful world.....it's better if I not exist.

(Y/N) look at tohka shock.

(Y/N):...do you....really mean that?

(Y/N) eye is cover by his hair as he look down at the ground. Tohka nod her head sadly signal 'yes'.

Tohka: mhm.

(Y/N):...tch fine. Go and disappear if you want.

Now it's tohka turn for her to be shock.

tohka: ....eh?


F.member: comander princess mood level is going down.

kotori: i can see that!! (Y/N) what the hell are you doing. Teleport him here right now!!

F.member: got it.

they about to teleport (Y/N) until someone stop them.

shido: wait!!

everyone look at him.

kotori: what? he's in danger right now, that idiot will get himself kill!!

shido: i know but look.

shido point to the massive screen in front of them that show tohka holding (Y/N) hand.

(Y/N) and tohka

tohka: ...eh?

 tohka make a sound of confuse as she didn't expect to hear that. (Y/N) walk past her and stop right behind her. than he start talking.

(Y/N): look like I'm the only one who's enjoy today's hang out. i forget you hated this world, sorry.

(Y/N) about to walk away before tohka turn around and grab his hand. (Y/N)'s eye is still cover by his hair not turning his back, while tohka's eye looks like she's about to burst into tears.

tohka: Wait!! I also enjoy today's hang out.

(Y/N): that's a lie.

tohka shake her head.

tohka: no, it's the truth. I also enjoy the time we eat and play together.


tohka is taken back by (Y/N) shouting, still not showing his front. in his voice sadness, anger and desperation can be heard.

tohka: (Y/N)...?


(Y/N) say as he finally turns around and face tohka. tohka is shock when she sees his face, especially his eye. it's pouring water out. seeing (Y/N)'s face tohka grip his hand tightly and answer with a sad face.

tohka: it's because once I go back and fall asleep I won't be able to control myself.

(Y/N): than don't go back and stay here with me!!

tohka look somewhat happy but still sad.

tohka: but... there are many things I don't know about this world.

(Y/N): that doesn't matter, I'll teach you everything about this world!!

tohka tell (Y/N) the reason but (Y/N) counter her easily. she gives him another reason.

tohka: I'll have no place to live and no food to eat. also, unexpected things might happen.

(Y/N): You can live with me, I'll give you as much food as you want. I'll also take care of the unexpected when it's happen!!

hearing (Y/N) say that tohka start questioning.

tohka: is it okay for me to exist? is it okay for me to be in this world?

(Y/N): of course, it's okay.

tohka: you're the only one who'll say that. the AST won't want me to exist.

(Y/N): that doesn't matter!! I said it before I'll say it again. if this world rejects you then I'll reject the world and ACCEPT YOU!!

(Y/N) scream loudly to the sky. tohka blush a little and look at (Y/N) warmly.

(Y/N): decide. take my hand and we can live together or refuse and you can go back to the other world.

tohka: (Y/N)...

at that moment all the things both of them did come to tohka's mind. tohka smile.

tohka: I decide...

tohka say and reach out to (Y/N) hand. suddenly an explosion happens covering the two in smoke.


kusakabe: distant clear, wind direction clear, wind speed clear, temperature clear, RH clear. No problem. we're clear.

origami: executing spirit princess begins.

origami says as she shoots at tohka. A gunshot ring out and an explosion happen at the place where tohka and (Y/N) are.


kotori: damnit!! I thought they already give up on her. what's the status?

F.member: the situation is unknown but at the very least tohka is fine considering we can see her mood but it's dropping to the dangerous level.

reine: look something is coming out of the smoke.

(Y/N) and tohka

(Y/N): *cough cough* 

tohka: (Y/N), are you okay?

tohka ask (Y/N) as he coughs up from the smoke. (Y/N) lookup and see tohka no longer in her casual cloth but in her armour.

(Y/N): yeah, I'm okay thank you.


Tohka POV

tohka: I decide...

I say as I reach my hand out to (Y/N). while reaching my hand out I look at (Y/N) face but I see something shining behind (Y/N) head. I focus and see what's the shining thing is, it's turn out to be a weapon. (since spirits have an enchanted physical they also have enchanted eyesight).

tohka: <Sandalphon>!!

I summon my angel and change my cloth to astral dress than I stand behind (Y/N) to protect him. suddenly loud sound like 'bang' and than smoke cover up both of us.

Flashback end


(Y/N): what was that?

I ask no one but tohka answer me.

tohka: it's AST. (Y/N) wait here I'll go and-

I didn't let tohka finish and grab her hand and run.

(Y/N): let's get out of here!! while the smoke is still covering us.

I run with tohka in my hand.

tohka: why are we running away? i can fight them.

tohka state but I refuse to let her get hurt

(Y/N):no, if you fight more of them will appear and you might get hurt. i can't let that happen.

tohka: got it then hang on.

(Y/N): hang what?

tohka didn't answer my question instead she carry me in bridal style and fly out of the smoke


I hug tohka tightly as I'm scared of falling.

tohka: ah, (Y/N)...too tight.

I realize that I'm holding tohka too tight and apologize.

(Y/N): sorry.

tohka: no, it's fine.

tohka say while blushing. tohka look behind us with an annoying expression.

tohka: tch, those AST.

I look behind her and see many flying girls following us.

(Y/N): this is bad. tohka throw me.

Tohka POV

in the middle of flying (Y/N) tell me to throw him.

tohka: what?! are you crazy?! do you want to die?!

I yell at him but he tells me the reason why.

(Y/N): no, I'm not planning on dying just yet. you can't fly any faster because of me so if you throw me they will catch me and that will give you enough time to run away.

what (Y/N) tell me make sense but...

tohka: but what if they didn't catch you?!?!

I ask in worry, (Y/N) just assure me that they will.

(Y/N): don't worry, I'll be fine.

He says with a warm smile but I get the feeling he's scared. No, I refuse to let you go.

Tohka: no, I refuse.

(Y/N): but-

I cut him off.

Tohka: no, I won't let you go. There's must be another way.

I shift (Y/N) position so I can hold him with one hand. Than I use the other hand to summon <Sandalphon>.

Tohka: <Sandalphon>!!

<Sandalphon> appears in my hand and charges it with mana and swing to those AST as (Y/N) call them.

AST.member: Arghh.

(Y/N): tohka your left!!

(Y/N) yell and I see the white hair girl (Y/N)'s call origami coming from the left.

Tohka: you again.

I say annoyingly to her.

Origami: give (Y/N) back and die. You're already surrounded.

I look around and see all of them have surrounded me. Tch, I can get out of here if I can use both arms but...(Y/N). Just than I hear (Y/N) whisper something.

(Y/N): tohka go inside the forest.

I listen to (Y/N) and quickly dive inside the forest. Origami is about to follow us but stop as her equipment is too big to go inside the forest. Seeing as no one follow us, I unsummon <Sandalphon> and keep flying to the direction (Y/N) point.

Time Skip


After flying inside the forest for a while we escape Into the city where there's many people. I tell tohka to change her cloth so we can blend in with people. She hesitantly agrees. We both run inside the crowd of people and somehow manage to reach my house without being attack or follow.

(Y/N): *phew* that was close.

I release a relief sigh. I see tohka in the living room with me sitting on the couch with a bad expression.

(Y/N): tohka, you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?

Tohka reply to me but still looking sad. she's been making that expression ever since we manage to escape.

Tohka: no, I'm fine. What about you? Did you get hurt?

(Y/N): I'm fine thanks to you for protecting me. So don't look sad okay?

Tohka: but, I'm the reason you are in danger.

I pat tohka head and smile at her before I hear a grumble.

Tohka: *grumble*....ah, I'm hungry.

Tohka says shyly as she holds her stomach. I just smile at her.

(Y/N): come on, I'll cook you something.

Tohka cheer up instantly. I went to cook something for both of us.

Time Skip

Both are us are currently watching a TV show and i ask tohka about it earlier.

(Y/N): tohka how do you know that AST attack?

Tohka: hmm, I just see it.

(Y/N): see it?

Tohka: mhm.

(Y/N): I see, hmm.

Tohka seems confused and wants to know what I'm thinking.

(Y/N): I'm wondering how they know that you're a spirit. There's no way they just guess it.

Just than the TV show about a slime and a dragon. The slime told the dragon to keep his mana inside. Than I realise what if tohka is releasing a high amount of mana and AST use that to detect her.

(Y/N): tohka can you stand up for a sec?

Tohka looks at me for a moment before she stands up.

Tohka: like this?

(Y/N): yes, just stay still a bit.

I download a wavelength detectors app and scanned tohka. The app shows that tohka have a high level of wavelength different from humans.

(Y/N): tohka, I think I know how to keep the AST away from you.

Tohka: Really? Tell me!!

Tohka asks in excitement. Than I explain my theory to her.

(Y/N): so tohka, do you think you can lower your wavelength- uhh I mean mana down?

I ask tohka as she nods and her body glows purple. The glowing slowly die down. I scan tohka again and see the wavelength is the same as normal humans.

(Y/N): You did it!! Good job.

Tohka: really?!

I nod and give her a head pat before I hear a yawning escape her mouth.

(Y/N): look like you're tired, come on I send you to bed.

Tohka silently, follow me to the guest room and I'm about to leave when she holds me.

Tohka: don't leave.... I'm scare if I wake up and you are not there... I'll- I'll-

I envelop tohka in a hug to calm her down.

(Y/N): shh, it's alright. I'm gonna go get a sleeping bag and I'll come back.

Tohka: why? There's enough room for me and you in the bed.

She couldn't be telling me to sleep together right?

(Y/N): n-no I'll sleep in the bag.

Tohka look sad when I refuse.

Tohka: (Y/N), am I bothering you? 

Tohka said as she look like she want to cry. Sigh, this girl.

(Y/N): alright, we'll share the same bed.

Tohka: yay.

Both of use get inside the bed and lie down comfortable. Not long after i fall asleep. Not hearing what tohka say.

Tohka: thank you (Y/N), MY friend.

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