Ephemeral You | Shoto Todorok...


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"Soulmate?..." The male groaned slightly, staring at the body laid on top of him. βΈΊ π–πŽπ‹π… π€π‚π€π‚πˆπ”οΏ½... More

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701 38 15

The rest of the hours were spent with Aizawa picking outfits for Wolf, small arguments here and there as Wolf stood his ground to not wear some of the clothes that Aizawa had chosen. Some of them were just not to his taste, they seemed more to the male's taste. Dark and plain, as Wolf on the other hand preferred something that made him look presentable and himself. He did like dark colours but pairing it all with the same hue hurt his eyes at how grim the style may seem.

"Apologies for asking, but are we done, Mr Aizawa? I believe we've had too much already," Wolf asked as he motioned to the bags in his hands. He stared outside of the store where people passed by, wondering if he could ever get out of this place. Usually, the tailors would come by to bring outfits to his manor, this was quite unusual for him.

"Not yet, we should get some more shirts as well as sportswear for you. Nezu says to train you even outside classes," Aizawa huffed, turning away to face the sportswear section. He thought about finding jackets and some shorts for the boy.

"Can't I just fight in my uniform?"

"No, you can't⸺"

A piercing sound then rang through the store, Wolf startled a bit, eyes trailing Aizawa's movement while the teacher shoved a hand into the pocket of his pants. He took out the device that was still making the noise, one that Wolf recognised as a smartphone, a serious frown settled between his eyebrows before he picked up the call.


There was a look of terror, passing by the face of the older male for a second before he rushed to the door. Aizawa was about to pry the door open, yet halted as he recalled bringing a certain male with him. He spun on his feet, tongue-tied for a short moment.

"Y-You..." Aizawa shut his eyes and sighed, a finger then pointed towards the male. His eyes trailed to the bag of clothes they had paid for earlier before settling down the ones they hadn't onto the seat. "Come here, just wait for me outside. I need to go."

Wolf observed Aizawa's movement cluelessly, following the male to the outside of the store after. Aizawa came back, got into his car in front of Wolf as he took out his yellow goggles from his pants. "I need to go now. I can't take you to U.A., it's urgent. Remember to take care of yourself, never wander off too far. Nezu will have my head."

"Understood, sir⸺"

Aizawa sped past the male in a matter of seconds, stunning the student in his spot for a brief moment.

Wasn't Aizawa too reckless to leave Wolf here all alone?

Anything could happen to the boy yet he chose to leave him here anyways. Perhaps, the sense of urgency had the best of the male that he couldn't properly process the wise decision to bring Wolf instead. On the other hand, it might have been because of the risk of being exposed to the villains if any danger was to occur.

Nonetheless, Wolf was still clueless as he threw his gaze around the streets. His eyes scanned the variety of people passing by, unique in appearance and aura they gave off. His feet felt itchy as he shifted his weight from one to another, not knowing what to do aside from standing on the spot like a statue he refused to be. A deep breath slipped between his lips quietly, a hand smoothed through his bangs whilst he glanced around once more. The place was still foreign for him, it wasn't helping in calming his awkwardness the slightest bit.

'Bookstore', it read on the sign of the store settled two buildings away from the shop Wolf was at. He could easily recognise the Japanese letters as well as the small English ones at the bottom of the giant letters. Perhaps he could spend some time there, just looking around. He also needed to be cautious to not make any mistakes, Aizawa did give him money just now, he just hoped that if anything, the money would be enough if he were to buy something from the store. For a short moment, he also hoped to be able to read the currency correctly to not shame himself.

"It's not wrong to look around, I guess," Wolf breathed. Aizawa couldn't just expect a mentally adult guy like him to sit around and wait like a child, did he? Wolf indeed was capable of protecting himself, he just needed to lay low and maybe not use any of his abilities without the teacher.

And so, the vermillion-haired knight took a step then another one to make his way towards the two-storey building. Countless books entered his sight even clearer now, he was amazed at the interior of the store. It was luminous, just like the clothing store earlier, and the sight of shelves filled with various books brought a sense of nostalgia to himself. Wolf was reminded of his own private library, settled at the corner of the manor, full of solitude and memories of his mother telling him numerous stories of the myths of the continent.

'Mother...' Wolf thought for a second before he shook his head to gather his thoughts.

Despite respecting his father so much, he held his mother closer to his heart. The woman was the one who taught him the beauty of life although his father was the one that pushed him to go on. In the back of his mind, the image of his mother persistently tending the scratches on his palms when he denied her help was still there. It replayed regularly when he thought back to possibly the only woman he would ever love.

On the other hand, Wolf's father was different. A strong and willful guy. He guided Wolf through his days of training, strict yet full of lessons to be taught in life. He looked up to his father very much and didn't expect anything in return. The man was enough and all that he could ask for. Being affectionate wasn't the man's strong point and Wolf understood that.

Even Wolf's mother told him that she was the one who proposed to his father.

Wolf huffed slightly through his nose at the memory before he decided to step further into the store. From section to section, his feet brought him, not exactly paying attention to which area he was standing at. He just found small tranquillity in peering at simple and beautiful covers with expressive titles across them, appreciating how most thick books⸺most likely novels⸺were selling well in this modern time.

'Perhaps, the moderns enjoy fictional literature more,' Wolf hummed in his mind, taking mental notes of this newly discovered fact. Back in his days, he enjoyed reading the history of other nations, particularly battles involving the names of the Vaughans for leading one of the major troupes in the wars.

As Wolf crossed his arm over his torso, finger to his chin whilst he was glaring slightly down at nothing in particular, he sensed whispers surrounding him.

"Is that guy a cosplayer?" There was a gasp and strides on the floor.

"I don't know. He looks so good, though!" Another unfamiliar voice could be heard with a whiff of hesitation.

There was an abrupt squeal, "Ahh, he looks just like⸺"

"May I help you?" Wolf, in confusion, turned on his heel to stare at, not one but three girls who were seeming to be holding onto each others' arms with devices and books in their hands.

The first maiden was red to the tips of her ears, eyes darting everywhere as incoherent words sputtered from her lips. Her blue eyes behind the rim of her glasses seemed to spin for a minute in panic. Wolf tensed in worry of what he had done to someone's daughter for her to look as if he had done something to her.

"I⸺" The girl's arms waved around, the sleeves of her hoodie⸺he heard Monoma called Kendo's clothes that⸺followed her motions as she stomped on her foot as though to regain herself. "M-May I please take a photo with you?" she shrieked and fanned herself, wavy bangs pushed to the side of her face.

Wolf raised an eyebrow, "Why?⸺"

"Me too please!" Her friend joined as the other one nodded as well.

In confusion, Wolf decided to deny their request, yet the looks in their eyes had him paused for a moment. He was used to it, not that he hadn't encountered maidens gushing over his appearance, and he wouldn't mind dealing with them for such a simple matter. He wasn't trying to be arrogant or anything, it was just a fact that he should admit things truthfully.

Although this situation seemed a bit unusual for the male.

"I'm sorry but..."

"Please? Please...umm, boy?" The third girl almost screeched. "You look like somebody we knew! We just want to take a few photos, if that's fine with you of course!" Her gestures signalled how nervous she was, knuckles pale as she gripped onto the books in her arms for dear life.

Wolf took note of their desperation, appreciating it for the slightest before sighing in his mind. It was quite easy to look directly at them, considering how the three of them were all wearing hoodies, knee-length skirts or trousers. Only the third girl had a hand-knitted hat on her head. He was also sure they were quite close to his age, or maybe just a bit older.

"I suppose that is fine," Wolf nodded, nonchalantly granting their wish as their gasps and chants of thankfulness then came streaming into his ears. They were acting a bit exaggerated, he couldn't understand why.

"Thank you, thank you!" The second girl squealed just slightly, heaving a deep breath of relief before holding her device higher in her hands. "Gosh, Runi's going to be jealous!"

"Wah, thank you, handsome fellow! What's your name, if I may ask?" The third girl asked as she settled herself to stand beside the boy.

"...Wolf," The red-haired male had said and there was an unreadable look on their faces.

The first girl spoke as she rubbed her temple. "...Oh, dear angels. Am I in heaven or is this the last seven seconds before my death?" Her hands clasped as if she was about to pray to the ceiling.

"Quit being so dramatic, Hika. Faster!" The third girl groaned, holding up her device even though she also seemed to be shaking in her shoes just now.

Wolf stared indifferently at the smartphone the girls were holding up, looking at himself in the frame of the...camera? If that was what it was called. Aizawa did teach him many purposes of smartphones, but he was still in the process of grasping them. Nonetheless, Wolf remained lost in their conversation, a few points were confusing to his mind.

"Thank you so much! Have a nice day!" The second girl bowed slightly, tugging along her friends before scurrying away from the section. "May we meet again. Awesome cosplay by the way!"

"Cosplay?" Wolf repeated.

"...They even had the same first name!"

Wolf only stared at the corner where they had turned, the first girl's whisper was the only thing left after. Once again, he questioned what just happened as he settled his gaze elsewhere in the store, concluding to exit soon.


"Kaito?..." Wolf heard as he was pinning his gaze onto the pavement of the street, still in front of the store where Aizawa had told him to wait. There was a woman's voice behind him, quite close that he turned around as the voice seemed as though directing towards him.

As Wolf moved his eyes up, he was met with a warm gaze. One that seemed so fond and full of tenderness as he locked with those dark irises. He raised his eyebrows for a brief moment, only slightly, as he realised who the woman was. As he nodded a little, he greeted the woman. "Mrs Hanasaki?"

The woman snapped from her thoughts, likely realising that she had gotten the wrong person...or name as sadness flashed shortly through her eyes. Nonetheless, her gaze then was back to its fondness, her lips tugged into a soft smile as she nodded back. "Ah, I see. You're that boy from the hospital back then...Wolf, right?"

"Yes," the male replied. He didn't dare to invade the woman's privacy, although a part of him had already figured out a slight part as to why the woman was calling for him earlier.

She must have been reminded of her late son upon seeing Wolf.

"It's been a while, Mrs Hanasaki. I hope you've been doing well. Our encounter was short but it was a pleasure to meet you." Politely, Wolf added.

"...I am. Thank you." There was a pause. "What are you doing here? Are you waiting for anyone?" Mrs Hanasaki asked, her eyes then roamed behind Wolf. She was trying to spot if the person the male was probably waiting for had arrived.

"Ah, no. I'm waiting for Mr Aizawa to pick me up. He had left me here in urgency due to a call earlier. I visited the bookstore and came back here to continue waiting for him."

"How long has it been? Have you been standing here for quite a while?" The woman took a step closer, allowing other pedestrians to walk by.

"More than an hour, I assume. The sky had changed from what I observed, I couldn't exactly tell the time as I don't have a watch with me right now," Wolf frowned unconsciously, almost seeming pouty that it made the woman across him chuckle slightly at his behaviour.

'Why is she laughing?' Wolf wondered in amusement.

"Don't you have your phone with you?" Mrs Hanasaki shook her head as she quieted down her laughs.

The male stiffened. "You're right..."

The woman's smile broadened. She then took her phone from her bag, checking the time for the poor boy in front of her. "It's three in the evening now. Would you like to come with me? If you're willing to, of course. I just hoped to spend some time with you."

There was something behind her eyes that told Wolf he should agree with the lady. Those mirrors held so much love in them yet silent screams laced through her features as he took note of how her hands trembled slightly on her sides. It was as if she was trying to reach out to him at how every so often she seemed to have the urge to grasp onto his hands.

Just what was it with everyone trying to ask something from him today?

Wolf didn't reply for seconds, still deciding in his mind as he stared down at the woman's shoes instead. What if Aizawa came the moment Wolf was away? He did tell Wolf to stay until he came to pick him up.

Yet, it had been more than an hour and the male was still not back. As reckless as Wolf might be to be following Mrs Hanasaki, Aizawa too was reckless to leave the male alone on the street with five bags full of clothing he didn't know he would ever wear or not. There was also another additional bag with two novels that Wolf had purchased from the bookstore earlier.

If anything, Wolf could just teleport somewhere to escape danger if he were to be in one.

"It's⸺" Wolf noticed the slightest crack in the woman's voice, it made him focus on her once more. "It's fine if you don't want to. You're probably busy, I'm just..."

"I'm going," Wolf spoke as the woman slowed down, seeming to be lost of words. "I'm sure it'll be just fine, Mrs Hanasaki. I would like to have the pleasure to spend time with you too."

"Great..." her voice was filled with most gratitude, eyes squeezed shut as an obvious sigh of relief passed between her dry lips. Her gaze trembled a little, quivering hands motioned to the other side of the road. "Please come with me, I'll make you some tea."

Parked a silver car in front of a pharmacy, different from Aizawa's and was much more cozy inside. It was as though the car represented the owner when Aizawa's was plain and silent, Mrs Hanasaki's car was filled with several plushies, a dreamcatcher and soothing songs from the radio.

The ride was silent yet comfortable in a way, Mrs Hanasaki drove the car with care as her gaze shifted to Wolf several times from the side when she stopped at the red light. He could still sense how nervous she was, although this time seemed a bit less. Like, she was sort of happy and thrilled.

Wolf didn't feel any sense of danger, if anything, all that he could feel was the motherly warmth emitting from the woman. The way she spoke reminded him of his own mother, gentle yet awkward in a way.

When they came to a stop, they were somewhere in a neighbourhood not far away from their start. Wolf's eyes set onto the two-storey house, decorated with several plants and flower beds in the front yard as another car was parked inside. He looked over at the woman as though silently asking if that was her house and received a brief nod after.

Then, a sad look waltzed to her face, more apparent without those fake smiles from earlier.

"Let's get inside, shall we?"

We just hit 5K!!

Mmm, the reads do increase a lot
lately, idk why but
Tysm, I love you guys so much >_<

Anyways, I hope you'll look
forward to next chapter as this one
is a bit of a filler.

No worries! The next chapter will be
the start of another ride. So
remember to buckle up and
prepare yourself on the next

We'll start to uncover many things
in future updates so be sure to be
there ;)

Have a good day, stay safe

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