Ask/Dare SCPs and author

By UniteTogether

69.7K 1.2K 10.5K

SCPs who you can ask questions: SCP-001 "Scarlet King" SCP-001 "Gate Guardian" SCP-035 SCP-049 SCP-049-J SC... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Addendum Ask-106
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Addendum Ask-New objects
Part 10
Part 11 - Ask and Dare
Conversation 2
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Broken brotherhood
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20-J
New SCPs
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37-A
Part 37-B
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62.1
Part 62.2
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74 - War
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Omniversal War
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88

Part 82

243 8 43
By UniteTogether

*Two months ago*

Author: I know you aren't lying, because I can see your mind, but is this the only way?

134340: Yes, it is the only way to get somebody out of the Omniversal Void, but as I said, it is extremely...

Author: Extremely risky, dangerous and stupid, yes, I know. Ugh, I will think about this and if I bring 5205 back, then I will fulfill my part of the deal and take this curse away from you.

134340: Just... Be careful...

Author: I will be, don't worry...

*Two days later*

106: Author, take away that knife, you are going to hurt yourself and you know how dangerous this thing is!

Author: I know... But that's the only way... *Stabs his left leg with non-existance knife*

953: Author... Why...?

Author: ... I will bring him back, I promise. *Sends an erasion beam on the knife and erases it with himself*

106: God...

173: Fucking...

2662: DAMN IT!

239: Here goes the creator of this world... His family will be looking for him, how are we going to hide his disappearance?

5025: *Creates a clone of Author and sends it on his place* He will take his place and predend to be him, but this won't work forever, let's hope he will come back until they realise...


106: It has been almost two months already and he still hasn't come back...

682-1: Wasn't he supposed to have powers over that void with this knife?

953: *Tries to communicate with Author with telepathic connection* It is pointless, he doesn't respond...

5025: ... Let's start the Ask and hope, people will understand what happened.


173: I don't think he could help us, Omniversal Void as Author said is almost impossible to escape, and barely anyone has any information about it. And I don't know why they call me peanut, probably because of my body shape.


053: Eh, it is okay.

105: Right now we own the most popular SCP channels, so yes, we do. Author also watched some of them in his universe, but he never said which ones.


239: ... Damn you Author, if he was able to help, then why did you decide to go alone?!

682-1: Yeah, it is too late now, the knife is permanently gone. But thanks for willing to help.


5025: Because 5205 is needed in the past, if we take him away, something terrible could happen. Even I don't like messing with the past, and messing with the past on Omniversal level is even more dangerous.

953: *Stays in one place shocked and keeps a hand on her head* Pain... Suffering... Struggle... Dangers... Defeated... Found him...

2662: What are you doing 953?

953: I have a connection with Author and I am saying what I got...

105: Pain, suffering, struggle, dangers, defeated, found him? What does it mean?

953: Coming... Soon... Prepare... Shield... What in the world?! *Sees a table which is glitching and starts glowing* Put a shield around it, NOW!

239, 5025 and Author?: *Make a shield around the spot, which barely survives a massive explosion*

239: Holy...

5025: Is that...?

Author and 5205: *Are standing in the place of explosion, with over half of Author's body being corrupted and 5205 completely exhausted*

2662: Impossible...

5205: I will be fine, better help Author, as he won't be able to survive much longer without help... *Falls on the floor*

049: *Puts Author on a table and starts operating him with help of 239, 5025 and Author?*

*Few hours later*

Author: *Lies on a bed with corruption completely gone from his body and 953 sitting on him in her fox form* My head...

953: Thank God you are alive, we were worried about you!

Author: I told you I would be fine...


Author: Calm down...


Author: ... Maybe because you know you don't want to do that?

953: ... Okay, fair point, sorry for screaming at you.

Author: It is okay, I kind of deserved that.

5205: *Enters the room* Author, we need to talk.

Author: ... You want to do exactly as you said in the void?

5205: Yes, I need a break.

Author: I... I cannot stop you... If you want to go to heaven and stay in there forever, then it is your choice, my friend...

5205: Not forever, but definitely for some time. I am just tired of everything, and now that Void... I REALLY need a break.

Author: It is okay... Did you at least help 134340?

5205: Of course I did.

Author: *Smiles* Then it was a pleasure working with you 5205.

5205: We will meet again one day, I promise. *Opens a portal and goes to heaven*

Author: ... At least he is safe now.

953: Do you want to continue the Ask without him?

Author: I have to, I am sure he would want me to do it.


Author: Okay, but just be sure... *Puts an anti-aphrodisiac shield around them and goes for a dinner*

105: Oh, we do actually. Not often, but from time to time we go and practice our skills.

106: *Gets flashbacks from videos about WW II because of the word "heil"*

5025: For me they are good as long as they are tasty.

Author: Yeah, Maths at university is a black magic, everything else is bearable.

953: It cannot be THAT bad Author...

Author: Oh? Then listen to this...

953: ... I think I messed up.

Author: Function "f" has a right-hand limit equal to "L" in a focus point equal to "a", when, and only when, for all sequences "Xn" which belong to the domain of the function, "Xn" greater than "a" and convergent to "a" where n approaches infinity, then limit from f(Xn) where n approaches infinity is equal to "L", when and only when for all epsilons greater than 0, exists gamma greater than zero, that for all X-es belonging to the domain of the function, distance between "a" and "x" in a Dx metrics is greater than "a" and less than gamma plus "a", then a distance between f(x) and "L" on a Dy metrics is less than epsilon.

953: ... What?

Cain: Oh, that definition? It is pretty easy, there are way worse.

106: Wait. Wait a fucking second. This was ONE definition?!

Author: Yes.

106: ... I think now I remember why I didn't study Maths when I was younger.

Clef: *Listens to the whisper* Alright, it will be fun.

953: You really want to torture him, don't you? *Kisses Author*

Author: Of course he wants to torture me, especially now, when I finally came back.

Bright: 953, my dear, dear kumiho, I am sorry, you are a kitsune... Please don't kill me, it was a dare...

953: ... Fine, I will show you mercy today.

Bright: Phew, thank you.


053: Thanks!

173: *Puts it on and goes to a mirror to check, how she looks* Hey, it fits me!

166: Thank you!

076 and 073: *Take photos, but they don't show it to each other*

682-1: *Grabs the umbrella and puts it over 053's head* I am fine with getting wet by rain, so I will use it to protect her.

999: Thanks, but thankfully I am surprisingly resistant to low and high temperatures.

079: Honestly? You gave me a perfect gift, because my previous printer was broken, so thank you.

Author: Luckily he is alright now, but I am not going to take the happiness away from him, even for a single day. My body hurts like hell though, so... I wish my body didn't hurt anymore. *Pain disappears*

106: After 24 hours you will be groaning in pain again...

Author: Screw that, at least it won't hurt that much.

5025: *Pulls out the van from a river*

Author: Okay, random people will answer this. First one, 999.

999: Honestly? I don't know, maybe some of the fanarts of me, which can be really... REALLY... eh... Can I just get amnestics to erase this image from my head?

173: I think it is too late already, sorry.

999: Damn it!

Author: Next one, 106.

106: I don't remember anymore, it was ages ago but I know it made her happy.

073: I can win it easily. And Author will answer the next one.

Author: Something I would never do again? Probably I will never try to take care of flowers again, the last time I tried it, they all died.

073: I don't know, it depends on how we define a cyborg.

Author: *Checks the profile* Which one though? You have more than one story in here.

106: Wait. We have our own "When day breaks" stories?

Author: Poland. I hope I don't have to explain why. And yes, I disliked spinach but I got used to it few years later.

073: Damn it, this won't end well...

*Few minutes later*

073, 106 and 2662: *Are the only ones who finished the challenge*

953: ... Are you kidding me?!

5025: ... *Opens a portal to a world with a 40 km track*

*Few hours later*

053: *Goes through the finish line and falls on the floor*

5025: *Snaps fingers and restores everyone's energy* I am NOT doing this again!

Author: Honestly? I don't know, I haven't played many horrors recently and I don't have my favourite one.

682-1: Gladly. *Takes a bite and gets hit by a ball* Hey!

Author: Have a good day too! *Dodges the ball and eliminates 682-1 from the game*


Author: Ah shit, here we go... *Gets thrown into a wardrobe with 953* Again...

*Seven minutes later*

5025: *Opens the door* Okay, you can leave now.

Author and 953: *Leave the wardrobe while smiling and looking at each other*

106: Why are you guys smiling? Did "something" happen in there?

Author: No, you will see the next dare and you will find out why.


106: ... Okay, this is the best dare I have seen in this Ask book! But who is choosing the punishment?

Author: We will choose it.

106: Okay, then let me start.

5025: Moment! *Puts a shield around everyone, which measures the speed they get hit with a tomato* Okay, you can start now.

106: Alright. What is the best thing about Switzerland? It's flag is definitely a big plus! *Gets hit by a tomato with a speed of 20 km/h*

049: Why do doctors wish actors to break their legs? Because every play has a cast! *Gets hit with a speed of 5 km/h*

035: Have you heard about the new restaurant called Karma? You cannot order in there, you get what you deserve! *Gets hit with a speed of 35 km/h*

166: Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space... *Doesn't get hit*

035: Pfff, not bad!

166: Thanks.

682-1: What is red and sounds like a carrot? Parrot. *Doesn't get hit* Easy!

2662: Recently my father was cutting Onion in the kitchen, and I was crying because of that. Onion was such a nice dog... *Gets hit with a speed of 729 km/h while everyone is laughing*

953: Okay, dark humour is allowed then. Is the shield around me?

5025: Yep.

953: Okay. Everyone says that dogs are cute, adorable and sweet. Okay, they might be sweet, but when they are sweet and sour they taste way better! *Shield gets hit with a speed of 1358 km/h*

053: Noo, the first joke was already terrible, but this one is even worse!

Author: *Tries to drink tea without laughing* I don't know what you are talking about it was good!

999: You guys have a terrible sense of humour...

953: More like dark one?

999: Still, it is terrible.

Everyone else but Author: *Says their joke, but doesn't exceed 953's joke's speed*

106: You are getting punished today little fox, and nothing will change that!

Author: I still have my joke to say, did you forget?

106: Yeah, sure, just say something normal and I can promise you, that you won't regret it.

953: Author, please! I will do whatever you want, just say something which will give you a higher speed than what I got!

Author: Hmmm ... ANYTHING I want, huh?

953: ...

Author: Okay, we have a deal. Don't worry, I won't ask for anything sexual.

953: Phew.

Author: Alright, the worst and most unfunny joke, here I come. What is it? Red and flat?

106: Red and flat? A red leaf?

Author: Nope, try again.

2662: A pool of blood?

Author: Closer... *Puts a shield around himself* A baby under an anvil...

*A loud explosion can be heard and when dust falls down, Author was thrown away with his shield through a wall*

035: Holy...

105: Wow...

5025: Seventeen...

173: Seventeen what?

5025: Seventeen thousand six hundred and eighty km/h... This joke was so bad, that all tomatoes jumped on him with this speed...

Author: *Slowly stands up, with his entire body in pain again* Ouch...

5025: Dude, you do realise we are going to choose a punishment for you, don't you?

Author: Screw that, your reaction to that joke was priceless. But I didn't expect that tomatoes will be THAT agressive.

5025: Well, as your punishment...

953: As a punishment, he is going to watch a kid's show which I choose for him.

Author: 953, no... Don't force me to do that!

953: We will watch it after the Ask, as I already know what to choose for you...


105: Oh, it was a pretty good game. They had to fix it a little bit, but after a huge patch one year after the premiere it became one of the best games ever.


173: *Hugs them back*


049: Okay, deal.

*One check-up later*

Author: So, what are the results?

049: You need a bit more iron in your blood and it wouldn't hurt to get some more vitamins. And everything else is okay.

682-1: Lamb. I don't know why, but it is just so good!


Author: It is okay, I brought him back already.

953: Yes, and also almost died because of corruption. It took 5025, your sister from another universe and 5205 almost five hours of healing magic to save you...

Author: Wait. Was it that bad?

953: Yes. Yes it was.

Author: ... Damn it, maybe I really was too risky...

682-1: I will tear you apart for that!

953: *Throws a big book at his head which explains differences between kumihos and kitsunes* Head shot!


682-1: These guys? GOC merged with Foundation many years ago, and CI doesn't exist anymore.

Bright: I didn't agree to that, but I do agree now!

682-1: Sure, thank you br... *Looks at the pizza* Wait. THIS IS A GODDAMN HAWAIIAN PIZZA! YOU WANTED TO GIVE ME FOOD POISONING!

682-2: *Tries it* It is not that bad actually!

682-1: ... No, thanks.

Bright: Thanks.

682-1: Cheese donut with fermented fish? Compared to this abomination, hawaiian pizza is normal ...

Author: So, are you going to try it?

682-1: No.

John: Disarm and send back to their cells, unless they are armed. Of course sometimes my people don't care, and just like that they almost killed 5205 when he was a D-class.

953: Now, it is time to torture you Author...

Author: God damnit... *Teleports them to an isolated room with a TV* Just, please, don't choose anyth...

953: *Plays "Happy Tree Friends"*

Author: This is... Acceptable... Thank you.

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