Innocent | Boy x Boy | Cam Bo...

By xxprinceanonymousxx

68.9K 2.2K 430

Mykal was pretty much a loner, despite having two best friends. He recently finished training as a dominant a... More



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By xxprinceanonymousxx


Mykal and Aspen's life had settled down a lot over the next two and a half years. Mykal had graduated college and got a job working at William's business, 5th Dimension, and he was making a steady income. Mykal let his lease run out and then he moved into an apartment a couple of blocks down the road from his old apartment--Ezra had offered to let him use it while he finished getting his degree. Mykal was grateful, the apartment was a lot nicer than anything he was looking at and it was in a pretty good location. Only a fifteen-minute commute to the college and a forty-five-minute commute to 5th Dimension(but that was mainly because of rush hour traffic). They were settled into their relationship and everything was nice.

Mykal's work ended two and a half hours after Aspen's last class, so he often found himself coming home to him kneeling by the door. He still refused to wear pants at home, and would whine if he had to go somewhere--but he'd come out of his shell a fair bit. He hung out with Cameron a lot because Mykal and William worked together. Ezra was around too--he just was more preoccupied with filming his videos with Declan. 

Ezra and Declan had sort of started making a name for themselves in the porn industry--which honestly, Mykal couldn't be mad about. Ezra was doing what he loved, and he was doing it exclusively with Declan so he figured all is well that ends well. He'd been skeptical about their relationship at first because he didn't really know how to feel about Ezra being with his teacher. Ezra had been taken advantage of too many times for him to just blindly accept it--but Declan had really impressed him. Ezra was always dragging him along on crazy trips and Declan was always reigning in his antics while still allowing him to be himself and support his insanity.

Cameron was modeling full time, but he only worked with William's company so that he could still go to school and master in computer science. He still did his cam shows, but he was a lot busier so they'd admittedly taken the backseat. Mykal couldn't blame him for that, his modeling career was more profitable, and graduating with a Computer Science degree seemed important to Cameron. Mykal and Aspen had gone out to eat with them a few times after work and William always footed the bill for them all. When Ezra was in town, he and Declan joined them, and then Ezra was the one waving his wallet around. 

Ezra's mom had called him a few times asking how Ezra was doing--Mykal had felt bad for her, but he'd given her a vague 'he's fine' and hung up on her. Ezra made the choice to separate from his family and it wasn't his place to disclose his personal information to them given he'd made it obvious that he didn't want anything to do with them anymore. 

Mykal... well, Aspen encouraged him to actually talk to his dad after the lease on their apartment ended and they'd... reconciled if you could really call that considering most of it was accidental. His father had actually apologized to him. Nothing he said had really made anything easier, claiming that he and his mom were just awkward and didn't really know what to say to him. When he stopped being agreeable and doing what they said, they didn't know how to handle it so instead of doing anything about it they just thought 'he wants no part of this' and that was it. It didn't really make him feel better--but his father and mother had actually accepted him being with Aspen, and they'd even had dinner at his parents house on thanksgiving the previous year and his parents had asked if he wanted to come back this year too. He wasn't sure yet, but it was an option. He wasn't over the past yet, because while they'd excused and apologized for their behavior, he still had years of bad memories that he had to work through. 

Aspen and his father were on speaking terms, but he refused to go to his familial home. Once he had his belongings out of it, even Mykal offering to go hadn't made him more comfortable with going. Mykal had dropped it, he wasn't about to force him to go somewhere he didn't want to go and because Aspen didn't talk about(and claimed not to remember)why he hated his home and, more specifically why he was afraid of his brother. Mykal suggested that he should consider therapy for his anxiety, which he had done, and Mykal hoped that the matter would come up during his therapy sessions. He didn't particularly care if Aspen ever told him what happened, but he wanted Aspen to deal with it so that he could heal from it. Granted, it wasn't much of a problem, but if it was repressed memories, they could come rushing back to him suddenly and Mykal didn't want him to feel as if he had no one to confide in if that happened. 

It was probably better he didn't know what happened. He was protective of Aspen, and he already hated Jonah just merely because of the odd circumstances surrounding Aspen and his relationship. Aspen having been drugged and pushed or fallen down the stairs and Jonah being involved was already questionable. And Jonah having been sent away for drugging Aspen led Mykal to believe there was some foundation behind their concerns he didn't know. But he wouldn't push Aspen. If he didn't remember it, there was a reason, and if he just didn't want to talk about it, Mykal could accept that.

Mykal sighed deeply as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex and pulled into his parking spot, catching sight of Aspen's car in the spot beside his. Thank fuck, Mykal sighed, rubbing his temples as he rested his head against his steering wheel. He was so tired, all he wanted to do is hold Aspen. He got out of his car and hit the button to lock the doors before he walked into the building and stopped by the mailboxes and grabbed the mail. A box was in it and it had 'have fun ;P - E.D.' Fucking Ezra, Mykal thought with a chuckle before he headed up to his apartment and unlocked the door. 

"Welcome home, Alpha." Aspen said softly, his head tilted up so that Mykal was looking into his eyes. Mykal quickly sat the box down on the table by the door and threw his keys into the bowl by the door.

"It's good to be home," Mykal said, stepping forward and carding his fingers through Aspen's hair. "Were ya a good boy today?" Mykal asked, and Aspen nodded and sighed, pushing his head up into his hand with a quiet purr. Mykal smiled and let his eyes slip closed for a moment. Home. It was a relief. He had paperwork out the ass at work, all the damn time. He just needed some Aspen time.

"I made dinner, it's waiting for you on the table," Aspen said, smiling. "It's still warm so you should hurry!" Aspen suggested and Mykal nodded and leaned over and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 

"Thank ya, baby. I'll go eat." Mykal said, and Aspen giggled and blushed, hiding his face behind his hair a little bit as he peeked up at him. Mykal smiled and motioned for Aspen to rise before turning to the kitchen. Aspen stood up, he heard the telltale sound of his collar jingling and Mykal sat down at the table and dug into his food happily. 

"Alpha?" Aspen called, and Mykal called back a huh, and then there was a moment of silence. "What's this in the box?" Aspen asked, and Mykal shrugged before realizing that he couldn't actually see him.

"I don't know, Ezra sent it. Open it," Mykal called to him. Aspen's reply was muffled and then he went silent for a few minutes before Aspen squeaked and he heard clattering. "Oi, what's that? Are ya okay?" Mykal asked, going to stand up before Aspen peeked out from around the corner of the kitchen doorway. 

"Alpha, what is this?" Aspen asked curiously, holding up a box. Mykal's eyes widened a bit and he choked on his bite of Spaghetti Carbonara. Ezra sent him a fucking stroker. But it clearly had a picture that was very suggestive on it, so even if he couldn't read the language on the box, he should've been able to make deductions. But he was seemingly oblivious to implications. 

"It's a sex toy, Ezra must've bought it and thought it'd be hilarious to send it to us," Mykal said, rolling his eyes. Aspen walked farther into the kitchen and tilted his head as he ran his eyes over the box in curiosity. 

"What... is it... for?" He asked, trying to read over the language on the box. Mykal would have to google what language it was written in later--he couldn't read the damn thing either. But, it had a pretty telling image on the front of it. He couldn't really tell by looking whether it was supposed to be a fleshlight or just a stroker.

"Masturbation?" Mykal asked, pointing to the box. Aspen's eyes narrowed in on the image and his face heated up and his eyes widened a little, curiosity deepening on his face. He looked as if he were trying to see past the box and determine it's use. Mykal couldn't help but smile a little and push himself away from the table and turn to face him. "Ya wanna try it?" Mykal asked, and Aspen's eyes fluttered over to him shyly as his face heated up more. 

"C-Can I?" He asked, his eyes widening a little. Mykal nodded. 

"Grab the lube an comere," Mykal said, stuffing a bite of food into his mouth. Aspen hadn't ever topped before. Mykal actually wasn't opposed to it, but Aspen said it felt weird for him to be on top of him. Mykal didn't really bottom, but he wanted to ensure Aspen was also fulfilled as well, and it wasn't like he'd never bottomed, and it didn't feel bad either. But Mykal wasn't really broken up about Aspen preferring to bottom, he had a nice ass, and no one could ever complain about having someone so pretty begging you to fuck them. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what Aspen, who could cum from rubbing against a pillow on the floor, would look like while having his dick buried in something. 

Aspen made his way back into the kitchen and walked over to Mykal, who pushed his plate of food out of the way with little intention of actually finishing it as he lifted Aspen by his waist and sat him down on the table in front of him. Aspen squeaked and settled, his face heating up a little. Mykal plucked the box with the toy in it out of Aspen's hand gently and pulled up the tape on the box so he could open it. 

"This is a stroker," Mykal said, reaching into the box and pulling it out, showing it to Aspen. Aspen's face deepened in color as his eyes widened in fascinated horror as his hand reached out and cautiously ran his fingers over it. "Do ya wanna try it?" Mykal asked, and Aspen's eyes widened more as Mykal's hand pulled away from it.

"Y-You wanna put th-that up m-my b-butt?" He sounded so scandalized, Mykal couldn't help but laugh. "Th-That's like, way too big, i-it looks like it'd really hurt! And it's got weird ridges or something on it! No nononono that's not goin' up my booty-hole. Don't laugh at me this is no joking matter!" 

"You're cute, I can't help it. It doesn't go inside of you, Kitten. It's used to simulate the feeling of anal." Mykal said, taking the toy out of Aspen's hand and flipping it so that he could see the entrance of the toy. 

"A-All... All the others went inside of me," Aspen stammered, covering his face with one hand as his eyes looked over the toy. He paused for a moment before he reached his finger out and poked at the hole of it for a second, before the tip of his finger slipped inside and he gasped softly and blushed. Mykal smirked.

"Wanna try it now that ya know it's not goin' up your ass," Mykal asked, and Aspen looked up at him and nodded his head, his eyes sparking with interest. "Pull off your panties, angel," Mykal said, and he lifted up and pulled himself out of his panties before he hesitated for a moment and tugged the hem of his sweater, his eyes meeting Mykal's with an obvious question in them. Mykal's heart skipped a beat and he nodded his head and watched as Aspen pulled the sweater off of his body. His nipples pebbled almost immediately when the air of the apartment hit them and he shivered a little. 

Mykal grabbed the lube and squirted some of it onto the outside of the hole, and offered it to Aspen. Aspen reached his hand out but hesitated and glanced up at him nervously as if he didn't know what to do. "Ya just wanna get the lube inside of it, okay, Kitten?" Mykal encouraged him, and Aspen nodded and let out a shaky breath, pausing for a moment before he turned those enchanting green eyes to him.

"H-Have you ever used one of these?" Aspen asked, and Mykal nodded his head as he watched Aspen curiously. "I-Is it similar?" He asked shyly, blushing a little and biting into his lip before averting his eyes. "Does... it feel similar?" He stammered, and Mykal smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek gently. 

"Well, I haven't actually used one meant to replicate anal," Mykal admitted, reaching his hand up and pushing two of his fingers inside the toy. Aspen gasped softly, his eyes widening as they followed the movements of his fingers. "Well, gotta say, ya definitely are warmer, but the rest is pretty similar." Mykal said, and Aspen nodded. For a minute all that Mykal could hear was Aspen's stuttered breath and the sound of the lubrication before Aspen let out a whimper when he pulled his fingers out of it. "It should be good now, put lube on you too. Ya can use as much as you want," Mykal told him. 

"W-Will you do it? I don't wanna make a mess," Mykal didn't point out that his cock was leaking precum onto the table as he poured some lube into his hand and spread it over his erection. Aspen sucked in a deep breath and shot his eyes down to Mykal's hand before taking them back up to his eyes.

"Now, go ahead and put it in." Mykal said, his heart speeding up in his chest as he guided the toy down to Aspen's erection. 

"A-Ah, Alpha... It's slippery," Aspen gasped, his hips parting as the toy slid down around the head of his erection. Mykal watched in excitement as he slid the toy down more around him, and Aspen panted and tried to wriggle upwards into the toy faster. Mykal smirked and pushed the toy down to where he was buried inside of it fully. "Aah, A-Alpha, its..." He stammered as Mykal tugged it upwards. Aspen's head tipped back and he moaned.

"How's that? Is it good?" Mykal asked and Aspen moaned in response, nodding his head desperately as he started moving his hips upwards into the toy. "I won't be angry if you cum," Mykal assured him as his eyes shut and his stomach muscles clenched slightly, and Aspen whimpered in acknowledgment as his eyes parted a little and he gripped tighter onto the toy and he rested his body back against one of his palms, his feet settling into the chair beside Mykal's thighs. 

Mykal's hand fell away and he leaned back in the chair, watching with arousal biting at him as Aspen panted and moaned, his hips subtly rocking upwards into the toy as he pulled it up and down his length. He'd never seen something so erotic in his life, Aspen looked gorgeous as he worked himself off in front of him. The glimmer of desire, the haze consuming his eyes was alluring and Mykal was hard as a fucking rock. His hand reached down and palmed himself through his dress pants, sucking in a deep breath.

"Ya must be feelin' good, look at how cute you look," Mykal teased, his eyes darkening and his tongue running along his bottom lip as he watched him. "Try and last as long as ya can, kitten. It feels good, right?" Aspen let one of his legs fall over slightly, resting his calf against the chair's arm as Mykal gripped his fingers into Aspen's thigh and squeezed.

"I-I c-can't cum?" Aspen asked in a shaky voice, biting into his lip as he pushed up into the toy. He moaned and shuddered as Mykal trailed his fingers along his thigh teasingly. "I-I need..." Aspen looked fucking delicious with his flushed cheeks and pleasure-dazed eyes. Mykal was overcome with desire, Aspen's pleasured noises hitting his sense and making everything narrow in on him. He needed him, he needed his baby--it was more than just want at this point. He needed him, physically yes, but also... he'd been gone all day, his patience was thin, and he was just emotionally and mentally drained. He just needed to touch him, to hold him and lose himself in his body.

Mykal reached down and wrapped his hand around the toy again, squeezing his fingers around Aspen's hand to tighten the grip around it and moving his hand faster. Aspen groaned and thrust his hips up into the toy while moaning out 'no' as he shuddered and his head fell back, his muscles tensing and his hips pushing up.

"C-Cumming--" Aspen gasped, and Mykal sped up the movements on the toy and Aspen cried out loudly, his hips working up into the toy as he rode out his orgasm. Mykal smirked a little as he held the toy still on his erection but his hips kept pushing up into them even though he'd just came.

"Ya just came and yet you're still thrusting," Mykal teased, pulling the toy off of him and tossing it onto the table. He'd clean it in a few minutes, it wouldn't take long to get it sorted out--and the table was wood so all he really needed to do to get the lubrication and cum off of it was wipe it with a bleach rag and then disinfect it. Only because of food. Mykal was a little germaphobic at times. He wasn't so bad, but it was a little inconvenient at times. 

"Th-That felt so... good," Aspen murmured, his foot moving from beside Mykal's leg. Mykal tensed when the foot pressed down on his erection and fought against the urge to thrust into his foot. He's asking for it tonight. "A-Are we done? Y-You're hard s-still.." Aspen asked, and Mykal chuckled a little, his eyes darting over to the place where he'd sat the toy.

"Whaddya wanna see, me usin' it too?" Mykal asked, leaning his head back against the chair with a teasing smirk. Aspen stilled, a pouty look taking over his face before he pushed himself up and settled himself down into Mykal's lap, resting his ass down on his pants-covered erection and grinded down against him. Mykal groaned and his hand gripped down into Aspen's hip, trying to still him.

"Y-you don't need to u-use it, because you h-have me," Aspen said stubbornly, curling his arms around Mykal's neck and grinding down into his chest with a breathy moan and a slight twitch from his sensitivity. "Y-You can use me, anytime you want, however you want," Aspen said petulantly, his fingernails biting down into Mykal's shoulders through his shirt and grinded himself down against his erection harder. Mykal groaned.

"Are ya jealous? How cute." Mykal tsked, trailing his nose along Aspen's neck as his hand smoothed down his side and to his hole. His fingers lightly brushed against his hole, not surprised that there was lubrication on his hole because of how much he'd used. However, he'd not expected Aspen to cry out and grip into his dress shirt when he slipped his fingers inside of him, Aspen's body clenching around them as he pushed back into them.

"P-Please," Aspen whimpered, his arms tightening their grip around his neck as he trembled a little. "I'm y-yours, all yours Alpha, you can do whatever you want to me, whenever, wherever," He broke off with a moan when Mykal reached up and pinched his nipple, twisting it a little in between them. "P-Please, w-want you, now, please," Aspen whimpered. 

"Ya don't wanna say that princess," Mykal growled, his eyes sparking with amusement as he thrusted his fingers deeper into him and curled them towards his prostate. "I'll keep ya stuffed so full, baby, full of my cock and cum, you'll never be empty again," Aspen moaned and pushed his hips back against his fingers. 

"W-Want that, I-I--" Aspen whimpered, his hands gripping into his shirt desperately as he rocked himself against Mykal's chest and erection, and subsequently his fingers as well. Mykal groaned, lifting Aspen enough to be able to reach down between them to undo the button on his pants and pulled his cock out of them. Mykal pulled his fingers out of Aspen's hole and let his erection take their place. Aspen pushed back against his erection immediately with a pleading moan, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Ride me," Mykal growled into Aspen's ear, Mykal's fingers gripping tighter onto his hip as Aspen shifted back and sank down onto his length with a loud moan. Fuck, Mykal groaned mentally as his fingers tensed their grip on Aspen's hip slightly and his heart sputtered in his chest. Aspen was so warm, so tight, it was so easy to lose himself in it. So easy to love him. Aspen didn't waste any time before he started rocking his hips, and clinging onto Mykal with breathless moans let out right by Mykal's ear. "Aren't ya so needy for me," Mykal demanded, reaching his hand over to grip into Aspen's chin, pleased when Aspen shuddered and looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes.

"W-Wanna be f-full, full, Alpha, please," Aspen moaned, the angle not allowing for him to fully take his length inside of him. Mykal smirked a little and slid down in the chair a little so his body was bent more and he pushed him down with the grip on his waist. Aspen cried out and his eyes widened, his thighs trembling as he settled to the hilt inside of him.

"Ya look like you're about to explode. It's not enough to cum without me filling ya, is it? You're leaking all over my shirt." Mykal teased, reaching down between them to brush his hand over Aspen's tip, collecting the bead of precum there, and spreading it around the head of his cock. Aspen moaned and trembled more, his head nodding almost mindlessly as he tightened his grip around him.

"I-It isn't! P-Please, Alpha," Aspen pleaded, "It feels s-so wrong not to have y-you..." Aspen was cut off by Mykal pulling him up and off of him before he was being bent over the table, one of Mykal's hands laced through his hair. Mykal thrust back into him in one smooth motion, Aspen letting out a pleased moan as Mykal settled deeper inside of him and pulled his head back roughly. Mykal smirked a little as the stroker caught his attention on the table. He picked it up and examined it while he thrust his cock into Aspen in a steady pace. 

He slipped his hand beneath Aspen to where his pretty pink flushed cock was hanging down between his legs and put the toy into position and pulled out of Aspen. He waited for a moment until Aspen was pushing his hips back into his erection trying to take him, and then the thrusted into him harder than he had been, settling the toy down around his cock at the same time. 

"Hnnghhn," Aspen choked, his tongue falling out of his mouth as his eyes rolled back and he rocked his hips back desperately into each thrust. "H-Haa... A-Alpha," Aspen pleaded, his thighs trembling as his hips tried to move in both directions simultaneously but he couldn't figure it out and he was working himself up to the point his moans were echoing all around them. It was music to Mykal's ears after a day of phones ringing and people he didn't care about talking. 

"Oh ya really are likin' this, hmm?" Mykal asked, looking over Aspen's back with lustful eyes. Aspen moaned and gripped one of his hands around the edge of the table. Mykal played with the grip he used on the toy as he bounced him back onto his erection, each forward bounce allowing Aspen to thrust into the toy too, and he just fell down against the table a little, his head resting down on it as he let Mykal control the pace and rhythm, moans and pleas falling off of his lips in rapid succession. Mixes of words--more, Alpha, please, harder--all slurred together to make one barely understandable plea as a little bit of drool slid down his chin and his face red, his eyes widened and hazed with pleasure, as his hair fell down over the table where he had his head rested and turned to the side. 

Perfection, Mykal couldn't help but think. 

"Ya look so cute, but I can't hear ya," Mykal teased, thrusting into him hard enough to make Aspen squeal and jolt forward into the toy, shuddering as Mykal squeezed his hand around the toy. Aspen sobbed out a moan, pleasured tears beginning to prickle at the corners of his eyes.

"A-A-Alpha--deep," Aspen managed to get out, prompting Mykal to chuckle a little behind him and pull him up by his hair to where his back was pressing firmly against Mykal's chest before he let go and slid his hand around to Aspen's neck. He wrapped his hand around his throat and squeezed a little, making Aspen moan and push back against him.

"Ya feel like heaven baby, fuck," Mykal groaned, biting down into Aspen's shoulder. Aspen moaned and pried his eyes open to look over his shoulder at him, eyes dark and desire-filled. Mykal could feel his orgasm coming, could feel Aspen tightening around him as he got close. "Ya take me so good princess, so perfectly," Mykal moaned, thrusting into him rougher as he got closer. Aspen moaned in response and rocked his hips back. "So beautiful, Kitten, you're... fuck," Mykal broke off to bite down into Aspen's shoulder again as Aspen clenched around him tighter and his body broke out into shivers as he sobbed. Mykal let go of his neck and slid his hand down to his chest so that he wouldn't fall as the blood rushed to his head and thrusted into him harder.

"C-Cummm... cumming!" Aspen choked out as he tensed and he jolted into the toy and let out a sob of pleasure. Mykal groaned and his pace stuttered, the feeling of Aspen's hole clenching around him knocking him breathless as he came. He bit harder down into his shoulder and held him close to him. "Th-The nim shocks." Aspen hummed, his body sinking back against Mykal's as he fell down from his orgasm. 

"I know, baby." He cooed, pressing a kiss to Aspen's temple as he pulled out of him and carefully maneuvered him so that he could lean down and scoop him up into his arms, carrying him off to the bathroom. This is the best way to relax after a long day of work, Mykal thought as he turned on the shower and let the water heat up, taking the time to coo at Aspen whenever he did something sweet. 

He couldn't imagine his life without his cute little kitten curling up to him. "I love you, princess," Mykal murmured into his ear, smiling a little as he stood up and sat him down into the tub, going to pull away.

"A-Alpha," Aspen twitched a little and his hand curled into his dress shirt, letting out a little breathy sigh. Mykal melted. Everything inside of him melted. He was sure Aspen was an angel, his angel, his everything. 

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