The Caged Bird

By bvnnytale

4.6K 208 1

In a dystopian future which has reverted to the medieval way of life, vampires have become the elites. Tasked... More

01. The Next Life
02. Daylight Attack
03. The Harem
04. Lessons
05. The Lord Returns
06. The Party
07. A Plan Revealed
08. Wartime
09. Leave
10. King
11. The Meeting
12. Dinner
13. Returned
14. The Feeding Chamber
15. Favored
16. New Tutor
17. Handmaid
18. Jealousy
19. The Enemy
20. Hygate Dilemma
21. Embrace
22. Reunited
23. Feeding
24. Warning
25. Union
26. Favor Rite
27. Celebration
28. Just a Dance
29. A Trade
30. The Plan
31. A Beast
32. Unborn
33. A Second Chance
34. Missing
35. By Any Other Name
37. Revenge
38. Intruder
39. Birth
40. Rebirth
41. The Next Life

36. Wedding

62 3 0
By bvnnytale

The day of the wedding had come. The great hall had been decorated to Lark's tastes. To compliment her dress black velvet had been draped across the ceiling to create beautiful black waves above the altar. These waves were dotted with glittering stars made of delicately blown glass hanging down as if they were floating weightlessly above the heads of the guests. Black and deep purple flowers burst from every available space as if growing in abundance from the stone of the walls. The altar was laid with purple silk and hundreds of candles which gave off an ethereal and moody atmosphere. A runner of black fabric was laid in the aisle that had been created in the center of the room with cushioned benches on either side. Black feathers adorned every flower arrangement, an ode to King who Lark would soon have to leave behind.

The guests were few but all were prestigious. It seemed there were very few humans in attendance. As Lark peeked from her hiding place she wondered if it was because her marriage to August set a bad example for their own pets. They didn't want their servants to think they might be granted the same exception. This marriage was still considered taboo and unusual. Lark snuck back into her dressing room to don her wedding attire. The guards were displeased to see that she had evaded them even for a moment and rushed her back inside the room to prepare. Sara assisted her in putting on her gown and helped her style her hair in a beautiful crown of curls and braids. A feather from King was tucked into her hair and she was draped in the jewels August had bought for this momentous day. Her cloak was tied into place and her veil laid carefully over her hair. It was time. She clutched a dark, romantic bouquet to her chest. It was made with black roses, dark purple foliage, and a stunning bat orchid. Music swelled from a small orchestra in the hall. And it was time.

With Sara at her side Lark floating down the aisle under the watchful eye of guests and guards. She had the appearance of a night creature not quite vampire but still dangerous and mysterious. She certainly appeared almost inhuman in the way she held herself like a fae untethered to the mortal plane. But she was very much human. She glided directly towards August who stood awaiting her in a dark suit. His high collar and deep purple cravat were in stark contrast with his pale skin and the fresh white of his dress shirt. His charcoal waistcoat fitted perfectly and he appeared like a painting in the candlelight, gazing at her in a way she never could have imagined. The depth of his love was clear in the way he watched her moving towards him as if all time had stopped.

She reached him and the ceremony began. But they hardly heard the words being spoken. It was not until they were required to declare their vows that they took their eyes off one another. Very shortly it was over and they all but ran from the hall to embrace in a private corridor. They laughed and kissed deeply as the guests applauded and filed out of the hall to dine in an adjacent atrium. After adjusting their clothing and calming their excitement, August and Lark were announced and joined their guests who swiftly approached the pair to congratulate them. In the controlled chaos of the introductions, Lark couldn't help but feel as if she was being watched. All eyes were on the couple but one pair was more piercing than the others. This could not be a simple guest. But when she sought out the source the uncomfortable sensation would pass and she would try and shake the uneasy feeling that began to overwhelm her. There was no awkwardness or strange looks from those who had come to celebrate with them other than the expected discomfort at the unique situation. Though the vampires avoided speaking to Lark more than was necessary, most were polite, if curt, with their greetings. August seemed to glow under their attention as he rarely did. Usually rather reserved if still very charismatic he knew outshined all others in the room aside from Lark. They may have been hesitant to fraternize with August's new wife but all could see what he had chosen her. Her beauty and grace were evident and her etiquette was impeccable. However there were two faces in the crowd which turned to her with malice. They mingled in the background of every scene, watching quietly as the night unfolded. Neither Lark nor August had spotted them and the guards had been easily distracted for a moment to allow their access. They made no sudden moves and would not reveal themselves until the time was right. As they turned on the dance floor their disguises kept them concealed. But Lark had felt their presence and they would not stay hidden for long. As the guests began to fade from the hall and morning approached, Lark felt her anxiety begin to build and rushed to August's side.

"Someone is here," she whispered. She smiled as if she was telling him a private secret. The nearby guests turned away politely, shaking their heads at her boldness. But while they thought she was teasing her new husband she actually meant to warn him. "That couple at the far end of the hall were not announced. I am sure of it." August was skeptical due to the heightened security but he admitted he did not recognize them. Or did he? He gathered Lark in his arms and swept her onto the dance floor in an attempt to casually approach them without their knowledge. But they seemed to be aware of the movement of their hosts and glided away just as surreptitiously. Lark was able to catch a brief glimpse of the man's face. It had been disguised with a fashionable moustache and his hair color had been altered but she could mistake him for no one else. It was Devroe.

She gasped audibly and stopped in the center of the floor. August swept her up and brought her with him to the side of the hall where a small wooden door led to their private corridor. He hadn't recognized Devroe but Lark's reaction left no doubt that the situation was serious. They did not leave yet but waited to see if there would be any further developments. They were relatively safe so close to an escape route.

"Devroe," Lark muttered darkly.

She and August looked across the room to where the couple now stood close to the exit. The lady had tied her cloak around her shoulders and they appeared as if they were moving to leave. In unison the pair stopped and turned towards where August and Lark stood stiffly on the other side of the dance floor. They faced them completely for a moment and made direct eye contact. To August's horror and relief his former harem girl stared back at him from her place at Devroe's side.


As the sound of her name died on his lips, Vayn and Devroe approached the guards at the door and swept past them before August could give word to stop them. He was glad she hadn't been dispatched by her new mentor, though he mourned her loss to a monster such as Devroe. She may have betrayed him but he had long cared for her and knew she would never be fulfilled in the protection of his former prisoner. Perhaps he was wrong. Maybe Devroe would spare her and change her to keep her with him forever. It was not unheard of. And he guessed that Vayn would accept the proposal without hesitation. He and Lark stood still for a moment, their eyes following the retreating forms of Devroe and Vayn, before they ducked into the corridor. August swiftly informed a guard of the situation and he rushed to alert his fellow guards to the situation. But August was confident the pair would not be captured. If they had entered the castle so easily they must have an accomplice. Their exit would be equally smooth. He made the quick decision to accelerate their honeymoon escape. Though they weren't meant to leave for another week he sent word to prepare for their immediate departure. The sooner they were away from the heavy atmosphere of the castle, the sooner August would feel confident in Lark's safety.

Lark informed Sara and her parents, who had been chosen to accompany them, of the change in plans and they all packed quickly and quietly. By dawn they were ready to depart and climbed into the available carriages to begin their journey. Lark felt sick as they rumbled up the poorly maintained mountain roads and approached their temporary home. She felt Vayn and Devroe's eyes still on her as they had been in the grand hall. They might be following the small caravan. With the sun rising it was unlikely that Devroe could risk traveling out in the open but she could not help but feel that a monster would reach out and grab at her dress at any moment. August's carriage had been specially fitted with curtains to block out the light. He held her closely to him as they settled into uneasy sleep as the sun blazed down outside of their small sanctuary. Her dreams were full of phantoms.

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