Game of Jealousy \\ Y/n x DWT...

By nothinggjustme

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Book 2 (discontinued for now) Y/n princess of Avlyrra, The Queen of Edessa Tells Dream to give the girl her s... More

I | Sleeping Beauty | I
II | Visiting | II
III | Guests | III
IV | Lost | IV
V | Reunited | V
VI | Girls' Day | VI
VIII | Unexpected | VIII
IX | An Interesting Meal | IX
X | Cooled Down | X
XI | Moved in | XI
XII | Approval letter | XII
XIII | Consent | XIII

VII | Sleepover | VII

197 15 24
By nothinggjustme

"Dinner is ready girls!" Niki yelled as they were just done. They took the muffins with them as they thought it was nice to put them in the oven again so when they went upstairs they would have warm muffins. Niki had made dinner for the girls, as she pretty much liked cooking.

After dinner, they helped Niki clean the dining table, which took way longer than normal but seeing the fact that had never done that before, Niki had to explain everything. Niki had made some popcorn for them and some other snacks to eat. It was not that late probably around seven or eight and the sun had already settled itself.

They all settled themselves on Dream's bed when Drista broke the silence by telling a story. They had all agreed to tell stories about their childhood, and mainly just embarrassing ones as they thought it was funny. Everyone sat legged-cross on the bed and the food was in the middle, so they could easily grab something if they wanted.

"So, when I was younger, eight or something, Clay tried to learn me how to ride a bike. He had this like new one and I couldn't ride a bike yet so he offered me to learn it. We were in the town of Edessa, so there were a lot of people and I yelled from the top of my lungs that my brother was trying to kill me. Clay had to explain to everyone that he was just learning me how to ride a bike." Everyone laughed when Drista told her story.

"Were people worried when you yelled that?" Niki says as she grabbed some popcorn.

"Yup, that is why Clay had to tell them he was just learning me how to ride a bike, and not actually trying to murder me." The little girl explained to her as she was still laughing.

"At least you can ride a bike now?" Y/n says.

"Well, that's the point. I can't. When I was yelling Clay immediately placed me on the ground and told me to stop screaming, I did so later he refused to ever teach me it again. Every time I asked someone if they could teach me, they would bring this up." She explained to the girl.

"Alright Niki, your turn to embarrass yourself!" The princess spoke up

"I do not have a lot of stories or anything I remember, but I think this is a good one. I remember my neighbors setting up a slip 'n' slide. My parents were friends with them and they were there too. I was very interested in watching all of them slide, but I did not want to do it myself. I was just too scared. My dad, however, decided to throw me down it. Afterward, I cried for a solid 10 minutes, meanwhile, they were dying of laughter. It did not hurt or anything, it was mainly just the shock that my father did that." Niki could not hold her own laugh when she was telling her story.

"Alright my turn!" Y/n says as she threw a piece of popcorn towards Drista. The little girl just was so busy laughing that she did not even notice it.

"So When I was about 7 or so, I was getting up from the dinner table and I felt a sneeze coming on. I tried to hold it as we had visitors around and I did not want to sneeze in front of them. But, the more I held my sneeze, the worse it got and when I could not hold it anymore, I sneezed so hard that my head went down and bashed into the back of my chair. This was not really my proudest moment." All three were laughing again and seeing the fact that it was night and the only thing that filled the air were funny stories, they laughed more and more.

"Okey I actually have another one," Drisa says as she threw now some popcorn to Y/n.

"I was in school and we were having some sort of class, I don't know which one anymore. Anyway, my teacher asked us what we thought a 'shooting star' was...I knew this answer was so stupid. I said I like to think it's a unicorn granting wishes or something stupid like that. Literally never been more embarrassed. The whole class laughed and as soon as it left my mouth my brain caught up. Since then I never went to public school anymore and this was literally the reason." Drista said as she took almost a whole muffin in her mouth.

"Wait what? I thought you were very unhappy at that school and that was why you did not go anymore?" Y/n says as she grabbed some food herself too.

"Mwell, yes I always twell people that bwecause I do not want to embwrasse myswelf. Besides, after that happened I was unhappy becwause everyone brought it up all the twime, so I twechnicwally did not lie." You could barely hear what Drista was saying, as she still had half a muffin in her mouth.

After telling some other stories as well, they decided it was a good idea to do something else. They had books brought with them, but they thought it was more fun to play a game or so.

"Alright then, let's play truth or dare," Y/n spoke up, as the others were brainstorming about what to do.

"I'm in!" Drista says quickly.

"Alright, so am I!" Niki answered as well.

"Okay, Y/n, truth or dare?" Drista continued.

"Truth?" The noise was as unsure as she was about answering it.

"Do you like my brother?" Drista's singing voice did not make it any better. She knew exactly that Y/n did not want to answer it, and even though she already knew the answer, she wanted to hear it from Y/n, coming out of her mouth. The girl stared right into the little princess' eyes, looking dead serious.

"Dare." She says as she is still looking and not blinking once.

"Okay, I dare you to," Drista waited for a moment and looked around to see if she could come up with a good dare, "So, I dare you to put a whole muffin into your mouth." The girl said while chuckling.

"Ugh, whatever I hate you." With that said, she grabbed one of the baking trays. They had put a wooden cutting board underneath the baing tray to keep the bed clean.

"I know, just do it, you have are the one who agreed on this." Having a grin on her face that Y/n really wanted to wipe off. She shoved the muffin in her mouth and inhaled deeply through her nose before eating the whole thing. Luckily it was the worst thing ever, she could have had way worse dares.

"Alright, Niki. Truth or dare." Y/n spoke up when she could finally speak again.

"Truth I guess." Niki had no idea what kind of question she was going to ask and got a bit nervous. however, she knew that she was lucky because Drista would mainly focus on Y/n, which meant that Y/n would also focus on Drista.

"Do you actually like to be my maid, or would you rather be someone else?" Even though it could be a very dangerous question, it was not, seeing the fact that Niki really liked her job.

"I actually do like it and nope, I would never want to serve anyone else rather than you. I mean I would not mind some people, like Drista or Dream, but that does not mean I would rather serve them instead of you." She explained, being relieved it was not a bad question.

"Y/n, truth or dare?" The woman asked.

"Truth." This time there was a lot more confidence in her voice, however, the confidence she actually had was even lower than before. She was nervous, as she had no idea what they would ask her.

"Do you like Dream?" Looking proudly over to Drista.

"Ugh, dare." Even though you were not allowed to switch they did not say anything about it. Drista had cockily put a piece of popcorn in her mouth, being completely amused. Niki was having her moment too as she thought it was very funny.

"I dare you to put a whole muffin into your mouth." Both Niki and Drista were dying of laughter now, and could not hold it anymore. Drista put her head in a cushion that lay next to her and Niki put her face in her hands.

"you are so messed up, actually." Y/n began, but could not be mad or anything as she thought it was kind of funny. "Maybe. maybe I like him alright?"

"Good enough," Niki said as they were still recovering from laughing.

After two hours or so, they were still playing truth or dare. They had been running around in the castle for at least five times, because of some stupid dares Drista came up with. It was very funny and they all acted like they were drunk or so. They had all changed into their pajamas, so they did not have to do that later. It was not like they were planning on sleeping soon, since it only was eleven o'clock.

Both Niki and Drista were wearing an oversized hoodie, with sweatshirts and Y/n was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with sweatshirts. Niki had told Y/n to put on a hoodie, but Y/n did not have any anymore and was too stubborn to borrow one from Niki and told her she was not going to get cold.

"Alright last round," Drista spoke up and they all agreed to this. It was fun for as long as the game lasted but after this round, they wanted to do something else.

"Niki, truth or dare?" It was y/n turn to ask this time and she chose Niki. They had decided that they could not ask someone twice now, as they were in their final round.

"Dare." The sound was very confident.

"I dare you to make some new snacks! since we do not have much left." The girl chuckled. Niki did not mind however and thought she was lucky that she did not have to do anything annoying. Also, she could eat from the snacks herself, so it did not matter and eventually, someone had to bring some new snacks, which would be her either way.

"That was actually the dumbest last dare!" Drista yelled.

"What? I just want more snacks!" The girl yelled back.

"Yes, dummy, but Niki said that if we wanted more she would make it for us. Which means that we could have asked her!" They were playfully yelling at each other and not mad. They were both chuckling as Y/n realized how stupid it was.

"Wait, Niki, I take mine back!" The girl says quickly as she sees Niki quickly sprinting out of the room.

"Nope, to date, can't hear you!" The woman said as she definitely could hear them. It did not take her extremely long to return with some snacks. The woman had put down three wooden bowls, on where she had put in the muffins, as she had put them in the oven again, another one filled with popcorn, and the last one with crisps.

"Alright, Drista truth or dare?" Niki immediately said when she was back. She stood in the door frame and walked over to their fort.

"Uhh, dare. Let's just all pick dare." Y/n agreed to it and they both waited for Niki to ask her a question.

"I dare you too," Niki paused for a second to think about a good dare, before speaking up again. "I dare you to walk up to one of the guards and without saying anything start to sing."

Drista stood up without hesitation and walked downstairs, followed by the other two. They waited around the corner, so they could still see Drista, but no one could see them. They tried their best to hold their laugh, but it was hard, as they thought it was the funniest thing ever.

The little princess walked outside to find a guard. When she saw one, she walked over to him and stood in front of him. She did not say anything and stared right into his eyes. Before he could say anything, she cut him off by singing from the top of her lungs.

"Let it go, let it go, Can't hold it back anymore, Let it go, let it go, Turn away and slam the door, I don't care what they're going to say, Let the storm rage on, The cold never bothered me anyway" The girl had never sung with more passion than she had done right there. When she finished the part, she run as fast as she could inside. They were all laughing their asses off.

"Cheez, Drista. I had not expected you to actually do that!" Niki said as they settled down on the bed again.

"Alright, last one, Y/n, truth or dare? Oh, and by the way, there is no way back. You either have to choose truth or dare and if you have chosen one, you can not go back." Drista said as she had already something in her mind.

"Fine, dare, because I had already said that one." Y/n could not go back now, so she had gotten only more nervous.

"I dare you to sleep on Dream's bed tonight," Drista says while throwing one of Dream's cushions to the girl. The grin on Drista's face had not been bigger, as she was proud of her own dare. In the beginning, they had agreed to sleep on the ground, because they thought that Dream might get mad as they actually had slept on it, however, she knew damn well that he would only get mad at Drista and not Y/n.

"Wait what?!" Drista thought that the girl's reaction was priceless.

"It is just a bed, Y/n. No biggy." Looking over at Niki, to find her holding her laugh as much as she could. She had even put a cushion in her face, but it did not help and you could still hear her laughing. Drista chuckled as well, which did not help either.

"No biggy? This is Dream's bed, he sleeps here every night." The girl dramatically explained and used her hands to make everything more clear.

After half an hour of arguing, Y/n gave in. She did not really have a choice. The girl was now just trying to distract the other two, by playing another game. They decided to play hide and seek, but only in a certain part of the castle, as otherwise, it would be impossible for the seeker.

"Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, ready or not? here I come!" Niki was the seeker in the first round, so the round did not last very long. Both Y/n and Drista were chuckling when Niki would come near them, so she knew where they were hiding.

In the second round, it was Drista's turn, which took not that long, but it was not a fast round. Niki had the best hiding spot and took the longest to be found. She had hidden herself in Drista's bathroom which she had not expected. Because Niki actually took a pretty long time to be found, Y/n helped Drista.

They played for another few rounds, and each took longer and longer, as they found every time even better-hiding spots. When they called it the last round, both Y/n and Niki were looking for fifteen minutes to find Drista. The time passed pretty quickly and when they returned to their room again, they decided that they would not stay up for long anymore.

"Alright ladies, I actually have to get up early tomorrow, so while you are taking the fort down, I will make you some hot chocolate for you, I will also grab some other stuff, because there was one more thing I wanted to do and after that, we are going to sleep," Niki spoke up.

"Do we have to take everything down?" Drista complained as they had spent a pretty long time on making everything.

"Alright then, you can make a little fort on the ground, but the rest has to go away," Niki said as she walked out of the room. Drista and Y/n did what was said and made a small fort on the ground next to the bed. they had put the snack that was over in front of the bed and the fort, so they could still reach it, but the temptation was less.

The moment they were done, Niki walked in with three hot chocolates and a basket in her hands. The basket was filled with products like face masks, oil, and stuff like that.

"Alright girls, who's first," Niki said as she walked towards the tiny little fort on the ground, filled with cushions and blankets everywhere. Niki had to agree with that that the fort they had made actually looked cute. They had to rebuild it several times, but it was worth it explained Drista.

Niki put the masks on the girls' faces as they lay relaxed on the cushions. She had even put cucumbers on Y/n and Drista's eyes, but Drista ate them every time. They all thought it was funny though. While they were leaving, Niki was telling them stories about her childhood and everything. Niki could clearly see that they both liked it as they had not been this relaxed before.

Eventually, they were done and decided to finally call it a night. It was pretty late and especially for Niki because she had to get up early in the morning.

"Alright girls, good night." Niki gave them a little forehead smooch and walked out of the room.

"Y/n, you can not sleep yet by the way," Drista said as she left the girl in confusion.

"Why not?" They were both lying in the for, very warm and comfortable. The light was not off yet, so it was not completely dark. However, the fire in the fireplace was not there anymore, which gave them all the warmth. Y/n was so stupid not to borrow a hoodie from Niki and now regretted it fully.

"Your dare." Drista did not say anything more, so it took a while before Y/n understood what she was saying. She had completely forgotten that her dare was to sleep in Dream's bed.

"I am not going to sleep in his bed Drista." The girl said as she turned her back to the little princess, now facing the blankets of the fort. She just wanted to sleep and knew that it would be too cold to get up right now.

"Yes you are, it was a dare." Now Drista was sitting up abruptly, and without noticing took the blankets that covered both of them with her. It was not her intention as she knew Y/n was cold.

"I am too tired to argue about this right now, Drista. And besides, I am too cold anyways so I will actually freeze to death" The girl said, as she was pulling the blankets over her body again. However this time, Drista grabbed all the blankets and pulled them off of Y/n. Which gave Y/n a shiver through her whole body.

"It was a dare, besides you are not going to get your blankets back. Also if you are really that cold, you can just grab a hoodie out of the closet." Drista said and before she knew, she got hit by a cushion

"You asked for it." Y/n simply said and quickly grabbed some more. It all escalated quickly into a pillow fight. They got up from their fort and ran through the whole room, throwing cushions at each other. They were both laughing and running until they were completely exhausted.

"Here, put this one on!" Drista said as she had grabbed a hoodie from Dream's closet.

"No way I am putting that on! I already have to sleep in his bed, I am not going to wear his hoodie too." The girl said as she threw the hoodie back at Drista again. She also grabbed some pillows that laid on the ground and threw them as well.

"Alright, it is up to you, but I will put them on next to you if you change your mind."

When they finally had put all the lights off and laid comfortably, Y/n broke the silence. She knew Drista was not sleeping yet. This time Y/n was actually in Dream's bed, while the little princess was in their little fort. It had only gotten colder and colder, so Y/n had decided to actually put the hoodie on.

"I hate you," Y/n said as she noticed the strong sense of Dream. It felt safe and it was very comforting. She noticed that the more she thought about it, the more butterflies came alive.

"That is what you say now, but I know that one day, you will be thankful. Besides, I know that deep inside you really don't mind laying there in Clay's bed and in Clay's hoodie." Drista's voice was soft and you could hear the tiredness in her voice.

"No I don't, I really really hate you." The girl eventually said.

"You can maybe fool yourself, but not me." With that said, they both fell asleep. They were trying to stay awake, but they could not even keep their eyes open.

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