Mieczyslaw Mikaelson (HELP WA...

By sterek4ever721

50K 837 140

Stiles Stilinski didn't want anybody in Beacon Hills to know his secret. Because Stiles' name isn't actually... More

Chapter 1 (Something new)
Chapter 2 (The Mikaelsons)
Chapter 3(Secrets)
Chapter 4(Kol)
Chapter 5 (Tears)
Chapter 6 (The Little Things)
Chapter 7 (Pack Meetings And Other Torment)
Chapter 8 (Immaturity)
Chapter 9 (Tales Of Huskies and Screams)
Chapter 10 Pt. 1(Where is he?)
tiny, short hiatus
Chapter 11(All the world's a stage...)
Chapter 12(Memories)
IMPORTANT (not a discontinuation)
New Story (I promise I will finish this one)

Chapter 10 Pt. 2(Games To Be Played)

2K 33 2
By sterek4ever721

There are some confusing things in this chapter so if you have any questions you can ask them in the comments here or on Archive of Our Own.

Stiles Stilinski is Mieczyslaw Mikaelson.

Mieczyslaw's POV

It was not hard.

It was not difficult to devise a plan.

To know how to lie to supernatural creatures. To lie to my own family.

They do not know what I am planning.

After I leave Rebecca and Freya, I teleport to the edge of the preserve. 

I know that he is here, I can feel the connection I have to the nemeton pounding like a heartbeat through my blood. Almost a decade ago when my memories came back, I found that my magic, when unused, had latched onto the nemeton and formed a link between us.

I felt the power yank and I gasped and smiled.

I start running through the trees using my vampire speed and magic to propel me. 

While running, I grin mischievously. Like dominos, the steps of my plan will fall in line until I get what I want. What I need.

When I reach the nemeton I wash the emotions off my face and watch the man who ruined my life. Unsurprisingly, he smirks.

"Mieczyslaw. I did not think you would be back here so quickly..." My father says, "I thought it might be a little uncomfortable considering this was the place of your twin's death."

I hold back the urge to tackle him and instead just turn my chin up at him. "You patronize me, Father. I have a proposition for you. We do not need to go through demeaning small talk."

Mikael nods once and interlocks his fingers together looking expectantly at me. I grit my teeth at the condescending stance that made him seem like he was thinking that I was trying to impress him.

"You killed my brother." I start, trying to make my voice stay steady, "And I will always hate you for that, but we can help each other."

Mikael raises an eyebrow looking sceptical, "How is that?"

"You help me keep my secret..." Mikael nods, seeming amused at the idea. "And I," I swallow through the thickness in my throat, "Will help you kill every one of my living siblings."

Mikael hums, noticing the wording, "You plan to get Kol back."

I nod confidently, "Yes and I will do anything to get him back."



I know everything is falling into place when I hear Lydia's scream.

No one knows what I am planning. I throw the introspection around like dice. 

I had thought this mere moments before when getting to the nemeton. But now? The belief felt so much better. There was no guilt, no grief, no hate. Just blessed indifference.

A revelation broke through my blissed expression and turned it into a frown. I flexed the band I should have felt strongly in my chest and felt it twitch weakly. 

I snorted at the pack bond I should have felt.

The bond was idiotic anyway, it just chained me down. I nod to myself at the thought. 

My eye catches Mikael's and I see the familiar twinkle in his eyes that probably reflected in mine. It was a spark, a dangerous look, only Mikaelsons could muster.

It was a look of pure insanity.



I roll my eyes and his lip curls at the sight of disrespect.

"What would you like me to do?" I question.

Mikael snickers, running his fingers along the dried blood on the tree stump that I had been trying to ignore. "Well... I can not trust you yet." I snort. "So I need you to seal the deal." I narrow my eyes when he pulls out a sword. The same sword he killed us all with when he turned my siblings and me into vampires. "I kept it," Mikael says looking wistful, "It symbolised too much."

"Yeah, maybe because you killed your children with it." I sneer.

"You are right, Mieczyslaw. It was the night I lost my children, my wife, my human life. I regret that night every single day." 

"I do not feel sympathy for you, you bastard." I spit, "I can not imagine anyone having sympathy for you after you killed your innocent children in cold blood."

"I did what I had to do!" Mikael yells. He pulls back in his emotions like a vacuum and clears his throat. "Give me your hand, Mieczyslaw." I give it to him, aware of what he was going to do.

I do not wince when he slits my palm, then his, with the sword. 

"Sword or personal preference?" Mikael asks a smug look on his face.

"Sword," I grit out, "I want payback." He chuckles and I glare at him.

I take the sword calmly when he holds it out.

He puts his uncut hand to my chest and I point the sword towards his heart. I hover my bleeding hand over his mouth and he does the same to mine.

All in the same moment, Mikael thrusts his hand into my chest, I slam the sword into him and we both press our hands to each other's lips and drink.

It was a pact, a peace treaty, in a way.

As soon as I feel my magic cramping and telling me the deal was officiated, I pull back my hand and the sword and Mikael does the same. He takes a handkerchief to wipe the blood coating his hand.

"One more thing..." He says and I pause looking up at him suspiciously. "I want you to turn off your humanity."

I huff, caught off guard, "An original can not turn off their humanity. Rebecca tried already."

Mikael scoffs, "Klaus told her that. In the 17th century. She was going to try but Klaus, the selfish wanker, told her he had already tried and immortality made it impossible."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Why do you need me to have my humanity turned off?"

"It is simple, you will be more willing that way. Right now you are weak. You come to me asking for my help," I grimace, "And the price is that you will assist me in helping kill your siblings. Even if you believe that when the moment comes to shove the white oak dagger into their hearts you will hesitate. And I can not have that."

I gulp feeling my magic repelling against the idea. I should not do this. I cannot do this. Giving up my emotions? That is insanity. But... I can. 

It would be so easy to just give in. I would be able to breathe without feeling guilt or shame weigh me down. I could kill someone in cold blood and not have to look over my shoulder. I could finally not feel the pressing weight of the secrets I keep from my friends.

My friends...

I cannot turn off my humanity. I could hurt them. I could hurt her.

But if I had my humanity off I would not care about that. I would not care about anyone.

"Okay." I say and Mikael grins. "How do I turn it off?" I close my eyes tightly ignoring the tears that sit in my eyes.

"Breath in," I follow his instructions taking in the scent of the woods around me. "And when you exhale, exhale out all of your emotions. All of that guilt, Mieczyslaw, that regret. Focus on the relief you feel when it all whisks away."

And I understand now. Why it is called a humanity switch. In just a second parts of my brain feel as if they shut down.

I laugh opening my eyes, and wonder 'Why didn't I ever try this before?'.

I grin and just before I hear a scream break out I say, "Let the games begin." 

Hi, guys like I said sorry about the late update, this is kind of a short chapter. Before I publish this I wanted to include the scene where the Mikaelsons are turned just in case anyone forgot about the scene:

Word Count: 1251

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