Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fi...

Per Namifangurl07

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Many things happened during these years. Events which cause us to rise or fall, laugh or cry, make us love or... Més

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Not So Ordinary
CH2 - What Are Friends For. . . ?
CH3 - Fate Has It's Ways - Part1
CH3 - Fate Has It's Ways - Part2
CH4 - Invisible Scars. . .
CH5 - Found Within. . .
CH6 - Destinies. . .
CH7 - Communication Is Key
CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 1
CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 2
CH8 - Paths Of Our Own. . . - Part 3
CH9 - Invitation To Demon World
CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part1
CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part2
CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part3
CH11 - About Our Future. . .
CH12 - Drifting Apart. . .
CH13 - Where to now . . . ?
CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part1
CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part2
CH14 - The Distance Between Us - Part3
CH15 - Fighting. . .
CH16 - Hurting. . .
CH17 - Fearing. . .
CH18 - The Feeling Of Guilt
CH19 - Taking responsibility
CH20 - Self Reflection. . .
CH21 - Final Decisions. . .
CH22 - It's okay. . .
CH22 - The Day of a New Chapter - Part1
CH22 - The Day of a New Chapter - Part2
CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 1
CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 2
CH23 - That First Step Of Bravery - Part 3
CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part1
🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month Everyone!🏳️‍🌈
CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part2
CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part3
CH26 - Starting To See

CH24 - Conflict In The Mind

70 4 5
Per Namifangurl07

After finishing with the assignments that were given earlier, the leader of the SDF  left to the main base to call his other soldiers from the Living World, curious if there is any update about the Mazokus' behavior that is worthy enough to get written up to a criminal record and jump into action, but with the proper back up this time around.

However, once he got a hold of his promising spies from the other side, he felt the bitter taste of disappointment drop on top of his tongue as the comrades broke it to him that they couldn't find any eye-catching problems that could have been used as evidence beside that one outburst from the Urameshi girl and the damage that was left in that forest near Genkai's temple.

"Are you sure you three?" The captain once more insisted, his mind being set on denial and disbelief since he still thinks that those demon creatures, the Urameshi twins were up to no good.

"Positive." Replied the woman with her neon green locks and magenta headband around her forehead. "From where we are standing at the moment, there is no signs of any kind of disturbance, let alone destructive activities from our targets." As she was talking through the communicator, her other comrades exchanged a look of concern between one another, clearly not liking how the captain was holding up.

Ever since the Tunnel incident, things in Spirit World became a bit more hectic than usual with the new changes that were caused by the last mission which they couldn't complete.

That also included Captain Otake, who, by the looks of it was affected the most. His obsession on trying to find an excuse to finally get those Half-demons, half-humans down for good is slowly snowballing into a large problem, which the SDF Leader never breathed a word about to anyone, but clearly, he had a hard time covering up his irritation about it as well since his performance at work did became slightly sloppier than before.

And giving him this kind of news sure pulled one of Otake's nerves or two, hard, bruising his pride once again.

"Where are you right now?" The leader asked as he tried to take a deep breath in, and out to keep himself collected and focused, attempting to hold up the professional façade as best as he can. But right before he can hear his spies utter another word, an ogre came in, interrupting the conversation.

"Captain Otake!" The purple skinned ogre spoke as his hands were full of papers. "My apologies for the interruption, but his majesty has requested your presence into the throne room right now."

 The order kind of surprised Otake, mainly because he thought the emperor is busy with some 'other matters' so to speak. 

With Koenma in other words. 

Either way, he knew better than to make his ruler wait. 

With a small sigh he turned back to the screen with his back straightened and chin lifted up high. His eyes jumping to one soldier to another while it goes narrow, meaning his strict side coming back up again. 

"Continue on with your search." The captain finally gave out his orders. His voice almost identical to a growl while eyebrows knitted together in frustration. "I don't care what it takes, find anything about those half-breeds, record another earth-shattering incident like that other one from that Traitor Phoenix, and once you got it, report it immediately." With that he stormed out of the SDF's lobby base, his speed making the ogre jump like a scared cat while his knowledge ignores the frowns that were painted on Shunjun's, Rinbai's, and on Ryūhi's expression right before the screen cuts to the blackness.

As Captain Otake was wandering around the long halls in a hurried pace, he wonders what does King Enma want this time around. But then his curiosity went to the once Heir of the throne, and now he wants to know what happened to him.

Either he got punished for his crimes, or got something entirely different. Although, this eventually became an insignificant matter, because the SDF Leader thinks Koenma will get the kind of consequences that he had told to Ayame and her coworkers.

The results with the Prince of Spirit World finally finding his common sense back and see the error of his ways when he decided to defend the monsters that Spirit World had been trying to keep at bay.

Savage animals or brutal beings as they would call them. . .

Otake's train of thoughts were soon got interrupted by the sound of echoing footsteps that were becoming closer and closer to him.

The captain raised up his stare from the floor to see who it was, and to his surprise, he saw the mentioned prince himself walk from the throne room.


'Guess they finished with. . . whatever conversation they had.' Otake mentally noted to himself, as he took notice of his slow pace in walking which was no doubt caused by the presence of the brunette teen. The captain quickly shook the feeling off, and tried to fasten his tempo, but he had a hard time about it because his focus went on the air that Koenma's aura was giving. A sense of power. . . maybe even control. . . And those blazing eyes reflected the fire of determination and bravery. Needless to say, the leader of the SDF was kind of stunned by it. Mainly because he didn't expect this kind of reaction at all. He counted on something entirely different. "K-Koenma sir!" Otake called out of forced habit. Nothing came from Koenma, who just passed by the Captain's side, and just moved toward the exit of the hall without any sound coming from his mouth. "Wh-where are you-!?"

"Don't." The sharp tone from the once Prince of Spirit world sliced the end of the SDF Leader's question as his feet loudly stopped their journey, making the captain flinch a little out of shock. "Just don't!" The newfound coldness in the brunette's voice forced the captain to hold his breath as his eyes were glued onto the teen's figure that stood still with fists curled up tightly and shaking in anger. Even if the moment was no longer than one minute in real life, it still felt like the start of eternity. The hall was now dead silent, and the tension made the air became harder to swallow down, let alone bone chilling. Eventually, it all came to a stop. . . but even so, it was no better than what came next. "I've already made my choices here, and so have you, captain." Koenma voiced out his thoughts with a hint of bitterness as he couldn't stand this rigid environment any longer. "So, do both of us a favor and leave me and the others out of your narrow beliefs." There came a small pause that lasted for three seconds. "I'm done playing YES-MAN." Then for the first time in this conversation he turned his head slightly, and his eyes became slender and sharp the moment they found the captain's frame. "And I am certainly done with those who would rather judge a book by its cover instead of actually looking into their story to the fullest." With those last words, Koenma finally gave himself permission to leave.

The message stung Otake in every sensitive way it can reach. . . But being stubborn man as he was, he decided, or at least try to ignored it, and focused back on his original task.

To meet up with the king himself.

Speaking of the almighty ruler, he was now sitting on his throne, his head resting on his palm while the words from his son kept on repeating themselves like a broken record, over and over again. He couldn't ignore them, no matter how much he wanted to. And even if he got a solution to this, the unsettling feeling within his stomach would keep on causing him troubles. . .

For the first time ever, the emperor felt conflicted. . . All because his son was able to finally stand tall. Maybe even taller than the King of Heaven's himself. . .

Just then, the captain arrived at the throne room's gate. Once he was led inside, he kept his head low all the way into the throne room as usual, not looking at his emperor unless he has permission to. And by permission, it means the start of the discussion.

"I came as you asked you majesty." Otake announced in a respectful manner as he fell on one knee and hand with his ruler looking down at his figure before lifting up his head, and gaze at the window.

His thoughts being elsewhere. . .

[Minutes before the bridal toss]

"Thank you very much for the dance, Kazuma. I had a blast honestly." The now shy Ice Maiden thanked the teen boy as the slow dance eventually came to an end along with the music, but even so they were still at the edge of the dance floor with their hands holding onto each other without their knowledge. "Though I still apologize for my clumsiness." Yukina added apologetically as she brushed some lose hair locks back in place while she remembered the many embarrassing times where her little feet had stepped on the teen boy's, not just once, but a few rapid times.

"Oh, it was no big deal, Yukina, really." Kuwabara gave his reassurance as his free hand went to scratch the back of his orange locks, his pale face now matching with the Sakura blossom's colors. "As long as I you enjoyed yourself, it was worth it." Hearing that, the female demon couldn't help but chuckle in delight. Soon Kazuma followed the example in a light hearted matter, feeling the pride burst within his chest at this small accomplishment that he never thought he would achieve. However, when the two calmed down from their little fit of laughter, their stare accidentally fell onto their other hands, that are still entangled into one another's grasp. Immediately, their heads began to flush with the color amber red, but no of them were able to pull away from one another. They were just frozen in the moment. Or more like. . . feel the moment. Usually, Kuwabara would be okay with it, so does Yukina since they did this many times. But now this small gesture in this moment hit them differently. Just like at the dance request, or their magical time on the dance floor. . . "O-oh. . ." Kuwabara breathed out in a daze as he continued on staring at their hands not knowing what to say or do. For once he wasn't the confident and brave knight he thought he was, but instead a flustered teen who still had a hard time believing that he is this close to his crush. 

Unfortunately, the moment soon came to an end as soon as Yukina ripped her ruby eyes away and set them onto something. . . or more like. . . someone else . . . 

A girl with raven-black hair wearing her pastel blue dress, and that sad frown that the Ice Maiden knows way too well. . . As the Ice maiden's stare remained on the Urameshi girl's figure, her hand slowly slipped away from Kuwabara's grasp. At first Kazuma was a tad disappointed with that small gesture, but he knew better than to feel sad for himself and instead be concerned about Yukina's wellbeing in the matter. 

"What's wrong?" The teen boy with orange hair, asked softly before he ordered his stare toward the same direction his crush was looking at, only to find himself feel dejected as soon as he saw his teammate looking so defeated and sorrowful. An image that he never thought he would ever live up to witness. 'Hey, what's wrong with Miyuki?' Kuwabara asked himself right before he sees his Ice maiden shuffle over to the Urameshi girl, and he let her, because clearly Miyuki needed someone at the moment. . . That last thought made the teen's head perk up fast before his eyes went narrow and began to dart around the crows, searching for someone in particular. Someone that also needs to do that very thing. He eventually found that someone, and wasted no time to march his way up to that person who was also busy sorting out his own thoughts and emotions as well. "Hey, Urameshi!" Kuwabara called out, but instead of his usual childish gruff yell that he would usually use back in the High School grounds, he for once used a more formal tone while sneaking in a drop of strictness into it.

"Huh?" Yusuke hummed out questioningly but also tiredly as he slowly turned his head around and looked at his friend who was now close, wearing a solemn expression on his face.

"Listen pal, I know you hate to be reminded, but don't you think you should check on your sister?" As soon as the question left his mouth, the Urameshi boy's eyes widen in surprise before they went to search for the said sibling. However, by the time he found her, Yukina had taken things under control already. Or at least calmed things down with her. Something that made Yusuke let out a small sigh of disappointment.  The brother figure let his head drop with one hand massaging his face, hoping to get some of the mental pressure off of him, but of course it did not work. Instead he felt even worse.

Even though he did have a great time with that dance with Keiko. . . still he did not make him feel any less guilty for his neglecting behaviors that comes out as a forced habit. . .

Judging by the dispirited expression, Kazuma now felt bad for somewhat scolding his friend about his performance at the moment. 

"Never mind, I guess you also have a lot in your mind as well, pal. . ." He commented just as a certain redhead happened to tag along with his beloved water-bender staying behind at the dance floor and have a lovely conversation with her brunette friend that was now blessed with rosy cheeks, and her mother who just smiled away without any issue.

"Is everything alright here?" Kurama asked his comrades, clearly concerned for the sorrowful vibe that he can literally feel coming from the boys. Mostly from Yusuke, who remained silent and just turned his gaze toward his previous view. . . Keiko. . .

Kuwabara didn't know what good reply he can give to the Fox-Demon, but the redhead eventually got a reply that he didn't really expect from his friend.

"Are we though?" The Urameshi boy finally spoke, but quietly while his hazel-eyes remained on the brunette girl's petite figure as his sudden question did gain some raised eyebrows from those that were within close range. Kazuma turned to Kurama questioningly who did the same to him, and by the exchanged looks, they were confused by the Urameshi boy's question. Feeling the awkwardness flying in the air, Yusuke sighed, clearly feeling a little dejected at the moment. "I'm sorry it's just. . . I don't know how to feel right now since. . . I guess now it just hit me how a lot had happened to us and how it's so. . . weird to be here without being in danger. . . you know. . ." The words might be vague, but they did reflect on the many feelings that mixed in together and created a huge tornado within his mind that has the size of a mountain.

Even though none of his friends knew which trouble is playing in the Urmeshi boy's head right at this moment, still, they can tell that he was all worked up, and like everyone, have a hard time to comprehend at times after going through one hell of a ride that they were forced to be part of.

Either way, they can do nothing more other than just try their best to offer as much emotional support as they can.

"Try not to worry to, much about it at the moment, okay?" The redhead spoke softly, getting his comrades attention. "Yes, we may have important matters no doubt, but at the same time we also need to just have our breaks from dramas. Let's just try and enjoy it while we still can, alright?" Hearing him say these things made the boys, especially the Urameshi boy feel his shoulders relax again. Acknowledge that he is allowed to finally have a break for now.

"Yeah. . . you're right as always Fox Boy. . . " Once again, Yusuke threw out the same compliments as before, but none the less he always felt grateful for his friend's words of reassurance that were able to pull him back to reality. "Sorry for dropping the mood. . ." At that Kurama just shook his head weakly.

"It's alright, really." The redhead replied with reassurance once again. "There is no need to apologize for being worried about other things. It's completely narural."

A minute had passed, and eventually they announced something that brought in the next greatest thing to the dance floor. . .

The bridal toss.

"Oh, shit. . ." Yusuke couldn't help but comment it out loud as soon as he saw the ladies form into a group while the bride herself walked in front of it, keeping a great distance while prepare herself for the big throw.

"Oh, heck yeah." Kuwabara exclaimed under his breath quietly as the tinkle in his eyes shined brightly, clearly excited for this moment while hoping that the girl that gets the honor to be the next bride will be his beloved Ice maiden.

"Well, this should be interesting." Kurama also gave out his thoughts, his emerald eyes gluing themselves onto his Little Lotus's figure, and he couldn't help but let a small smirk of amusement slip onto his lips.

Eventually, the big moment came, and after a deep breath later, Shiori leaned down, then jumped right back up, throwing the flowers up into the air high.

Most of the women were reaching high up to the sky, screaming their heads of as they were so thrilled by all this. A few even tried to jump upward in their high heels, wanting to raise their chances of getting the bouquet of luck.

However, all those efforts died down, the moment those flowers had landed into the hands of their chosen target. . .

[Future Bride, sketch by me]

The younger girls were ecstatic for their brunette girl, and along with other women, they congratulated her. Even Shizuru gave her blessings to her teen friend. As for the other guests as side witnesses, they clapped in joy and cheered for the future bride to be.

All except one. . .


It's not like he was unhappy or upset. . . no. . . he just felt. . . overwhelmed at this moment. . .

Just as much as Keiko, he was speechless at the sudden turn of events. . .

"Well, looks like you have beaten me again Urameshi!" Kuwabara commented as he trapped the mentioned Urameshi boy within a head lock hold. "But either way, congrats to you, man! Here is my early blessings." He jokingly added as his first drilled on top of Yusuke's squishy cheeks that were turning rosy.

"Hey! Get off of me, Stupid!" The trapped boy cried out, finally snapping out of his daze, and he attempted to peal the orange haired teen off of himself. "You are ruining my suit!" To his unfortunate though, his tries met with too many errors this time.

"Gentlemen, please not here!" Kurama warned his friends, and thanks to that, they did stop. The physical horse play that is, but not the verbal attacks, made up by some insulting jokes that the two would throw at one another. 'Well, at least now they are in a somewhat better mood. ' A nervous drop of sweat rolled off of the redhead's cheek as he tried not to lose his remaining braincells for the moment. However, from the corner of his eyes, he noticed something, . . . wrong. . . He didn't know what it was, until it hit, initiating a quick search around the crowd. . .

'Where is Miyuki?' The Fox-Demon questioned himself in concern as he stared at the spot where he had last seen her. Then his eyes went narrow as he lifted up his gaze towards the path that is between the woods.

He took a small glance at the boys, hoping that Yusuke would be finished with his insult game, but sadly he wasn't.

Even though he knew it would be best to inform the actual brother in the situation, Kurama decided against it due to the fact that the Urameshi boy is just as troubled as his sister.

So, he took matters into his own hand once again. . . like a friend would. . .

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