Lean on Us (LukaxAdrienxReade...

By RavenRebel24

567K 19.8K 12.8K

~Highest rank: #1 in mlb ~ -COMPLETED AS OF OCTOBER 5, 2022- (A/N: Please don't read this story if you're und... More

Not So Smooth Beginnings
(Y/N)'s First Friend
The Concert
Give and Take
A Whole New Kind of Crazy
The Blur of Red and Black
What Was That About
Asra, let's fly
The Easy Stuff
All Comes Crashing
No Regrets
A/N: Small Update!
A Huge Mess With a Side of Pancakes
When's The Wedding
Viperion Takes The Stage
Authors Note: The Sequel
Authors Note: The trilogy
Add a little bit of ✨Spice✨
Sunsets and Heartbreak
A thousand whispers
Beach Day
Projects and New Friendships
Couffaine versus Agreste
Authors Note
They Boink in this one (female version)
They Boink In This One (male version)
Fleeting moments
Let's plan a wedding
First Time for Everything
What Good Boyfriends Do
For Gay Rights (SPICE WARNING)
Big Break
They Boink in This One: The Sequel [female version]
They Boink in This One: The Sequel [male version]
Never Again
48 Hours
(luka x reader) shameless self-promo time
Livid and Loved
Back Together
They Boink In This One: The Finale (Female ver.)
They Boink In This One: The Finale (Male ver.)
Lean On Us (The End)
Trust in Us: The Sequel
updating lean on us

My hero

3.5K 146 37
By RavenRebel24

(A/N: Aww you guys didn't think I'd leave you like THAT, did you?) 

He was being pulled off the ground as he fought to stay with the pile of dust that remained of Raven, with nothing more than the bracelet on the ground. He was shouting, not even sure of what he was saying as the ladybugs swarmed past them as if the dust was nothing more than that- a pile of dust. Ladybug was gone the moment she finished her job, the only two left being Chat Noir and the man dragging him away from the scene.

"It should have been me!" he sobbed, escaping from Viperion's iron grip and collapsing onto the ground "It was all my fault, I killed them- they had a whole life to live- they- they were fighting so hard- they're the reason we beat the damn thing and it's my fault they aren't here!"

Viperion was silent, his own emotions locked deep down inside him as he watched the man in front of him shatter. It was amazing how fast he cracked, so determined to take the blame and bear any and all consequences for his wrongdoing.

"Chat," Viperion shouted, his voice trembling as he struggled to compose himself as he held up his ticking bracelet "Relax, okay? I can't go back in time and save them if you're screaming"

"How did you-"

"I activated it the second the forcefield fell." Viperion answered, his voice as cold as ice "now let go of my arm so I can clean up your mess." The moment Chat's hand was off Viperion he was gone, leaving the kitty all alone. Without his lady, without his little bird, and without the mysterious snake


Viperion shuddered as he felt himself in his past body, a sensation he was never sure he'd get used to, but he was taking off the second the forcefield fell, shoving Raven to the ground before they hurt their ankle. He didn't know how he made it as fast as he did, but all that mattered was the love of his life was in his arms again and the Akuma was being taken care of.

Raven smiled after getting over the shock of seeing Viperion "Took you long enough to get here sweetheart-" they were swiftly interrupted by Luka crashing their lips with his. He committed the taste to memory, fighting back tears as he lived with a memory nobody else would know. He was panting as he pulled away, burying his face into their shoulder, remembering their smell and clinging desperately to them as the ladybugs flew past them.

"Luka-" (Y/N) whispered so softly only the two could hear it "What happened?" he was shaking so badly (Y/N) could feel it through their stiff suit, and they heard the familiar ticking of his watch as he bit back a sob.

"Later-" Luka breathed, "I'll tell you later- just- let me hold you for a minute," his voice caught in his throat "please"

"Yeah," (Y/N) whispered, their hand caressing his hair the way he loved so much. His hair was smooth despite the constant damage from dying it, a job (Y/N) took when they started dating. They looked at the small mark on his neck from the night before, they took in every intimate detail of the man in front of them no matter how small it was, and they could feel the relief he felt and the heartbreak in his voice as he tried to muffle his sobs. "You can hold me as long as you want, but can we do it at my place? I can't exactly detransform in the middle of the street."

Luka nodded shakily, helping them stand as they ducked into an alley to detransform and walk to (Y/N)'s house. They were walking up the driveway as the rain started to fall. Luka laughed, looking up and feeling the water drip down his face as he spun (Y/N) around and kissed them "I love you, so much that I don't think I'd be able to breathe without you."

(Y/N) smiled, kissing him again with their arms wrapped around his neck "I love you too. We'll take the back way so Owen doesn't ask why we look like we just ran a marathon."

Luka nodded, following (Y/N) around the house and collapsing into their bed, opening his arms expectantly for (Y/N) to join him. Luka kissed their head as they buried their face into his chest, sighing happily as Luka held them close. He looked down and saw the pile of dust where they were supposed to be and flinched, a gasp escaping his throat.

"Luka?" (Y/N) said, pulling away to look at him and hold his face "What happened, my love? I've never seen you so...so shaken up before."

"I don't even know how to-" Luka's breath hitched as chills ran down his back "I lost you-" tears began to fall again as he pulled (Y/N)'s face back into his chest. He didn't want (Y/N) to see him crying so hard "The forcefield went down and I went to find you but by the time I got there- you were turning to dust- Adrien had hit you with his cataclysm on accident and- you were gone-" He sobbed, "Adrien was screaming and crying that it was his fault but I was so- I was so- you were gone-" He sniffed, his grip tightening on his lover "I was so focused on the absence of you that I didn't even punch him or- I was just focused on getting you back- I watched the one person that makes life worth living die and there was nothing I could do to save you- I heard you scream- I just-" he broke down, his muffled sobs turning into full-on wails, his breathing almost non-existent as (Y/N) tried to soothe him.

"But you did save me, love, you did so well-" (Y/N) whispered, running their fingers through his hair "You are so strong and so brave- and I'm here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere- just breathe with me, okay? Just breathe that's all you need to do right now."

Luka nodded, his voice gone as he cried into their shoulder, desperately trying to get air into his lungs. His throat felt raw as he finally steadied his breathing after what had to have been hours of crying in (Y/N)'s arms. The sun was completely down by the time he could bring himself to loosen his hold on his darling. (Y/N) smiled at him when he finally pulled himself away from their shoulder "Hello, my hero." they pressed a kiss to his forehead as a weak smile graced his lips "You're staying over so I can take care of you tonight, okay?"

"Will you marry me," He whispered, blinking in surprise at his own words "Obviously when we're older and-"

"Yes," (Y/N) giggled, pulling him in for a long, sweet, drawn-out kiss "Yes I will, Couffaine."

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