What have I done...?

By TeresaSullivan427

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While at the ski lodge Rose has an attack of the darkness during which she confronts Dimitri about the way th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 17

846 26 4
By TeresaSullivan427

"As I said before, I will Little Dhampir. I promise you that I will do my dead level absolute best to take care of him for you while you are away. And no, you're not currently pregnant."

"Thank you, Addie."

"You're welcome Little Dhampir."

I watched as my cousin and my soul mate hugged each other goodbye. When she turned to me, I took her by the hand and lead her a little further away, just to be sure that Christian wouldn't be able to overhear our conversation.

"Detka please be careful, I can't live without you and our children. I already love all of you sooo sooo much that I just don't know what I would do with myself if I were to ever lose any of you Roza moya. Lyubov' moya, boginya moya, princess moya, milaya moya, dorogaya moya, my everything." (baby, my, my love, my goddess, my, my dearest, my darling)

"I love you too Mitya, more than my own life. You and our children are already everything to me too Comrade. I just want to make sure that you know that. I wouldn't be able to face another moment without you, all of you." She said as she combed her hand through my hair, that I had left down just for her. Because I know that she loves my hair down just as much as I love hers down, free, and natural. As much as I love to watch her ponytail bounce and sway as she walks, when her hair is down, free, and natural it just stirs certain feelings deep down inside of me.

"I do know that detka, I feel exactly the same way milaya moya. Honestly, I have never ever really doubted your love for me Roza moya, only my worthiness of it and of you. Just please, don't ever again doubt my love for you, angel moya. EVER." (baby, my dearest, my, my)

"I don't and I won't ever again, I promise you that. But you have to promise me the same thing detka. You are the only man in the whole world who is worthy of me and my love. You are the only man in all of existence past, present, and future who deserves to be my husband and the father of my children. I don't won't you to ever forget that either detka." (baby, baby)

"Thank you lyubov' moya, thank you sooo very VERY much detka." (my love, baby)

I leaned down and kissed my soul mate passionately, desperately even. I knew that she could taste my fear, worry, concern, and apprehension because even I could taste it. We kissed for so long and held onto each other so fiercely that Adrian eventually had to interrupt us and break us apart.

"I'll be there just as soon as I am supposed to be detka." I whispered against her lips. (baby)

Holding her face between my hands I tried to express to her just how afraid that I was. "Please, for all that is holy, please be careful detka. Because you have to come back to me, I really won't survive this world without you, especially not with my sanity intact. I love you so much Roza moya, so so so so much detka." (baby, my, baby)

"I will and I love you too Comrade moy, Mitya moy, soul mate moy, lyubov' moy, Mitri moy, Dimitri moy, my absolutely everything." She said just before giving me one final, for now, loving and extremely passionate and amazing kiss. It was so passionate and filled with sooo much love that it was almost frenzied and animalistic. (my, my, my, my love, my, my)

"I love you detka." We said as one. (baby)

Soon, Adrian and I were watching ledi lyubov' moya and her friend pull away from not only the ski lodge but from us as well. (my lady love)

"She will be fine cuz. Just trust in her, trust in your training, trust in my training and above all else trust in her abilities and skills. And her love and determination to come back to you, to love and protect you and your children."

"I do Adrian, God knows that I do. But I am still scared to death and sooo worried about her, for her, and about losing her."

He patted me on the shoulder. "I know you are cuz, I know that you are. Just don't forget that you can always see everything that she sees, does, feels, and hears. You can always be right there with her the whole time. If you keep a watch over her then maybe that will help to ease your mind some. I intend to ask Guardian Petrova for you to be with me constantly until it is time for us to go to Spokane. Because I know that you won't be able to guard, or do anything of the kind, and watch her at the same time."

"I hope so and thank you. That means more to me than you will ever know cousin." I sighed.

He patted me on the shoulder again. "You and she are both a part of my family, and you know that we watch over, take care of, and protect our family as much as we possibly can."

I sighed, "I know we do. We all do."


"So, you and Guardian Belikov are finally together openly then?" Christian asked about an hour after we left the ski lodge.

I was shocked and I let him know it. "I'm not sure that I know what you mean Christian."

"Rose, I just saw the two of you kissing each other as if your very lives and sanity depended on it back there. Regardless of what some people in this world seem to think, I'm not blind nor am I stupid. And I have known about the two of you ever since that ride to get Lissa back from Victor Dashkov."

I quickly looked at him and could tell that he was telling the truth.


"Well, I did overhear every interaction between the two of you on that car ride remember. Not to mention when he told you that he needed you to stay in the SUV and stay safe. Honestly, all of that was such a dead giveaway that he is in love with you. I just wondered if you loved him, in the same way that he sooo obviously loves you, in return. I thought that you did, but now I know, for absolute certain that you do."

I sighed. "Yes, I do. But you can't say anything yet Christian. Not until the time is right."

"What about to Lissa?"

"No, not even Lissa can know yet. It is just not safe for Dimitri and me, for her to know yet. I am sorry that I am asking you to keep a secret from her, but it is for the best right now. Not just for Dimitri and me, but for everyone concerned. For everyone that we know and care about."

"If I do this, are you going to tell her that I knew about the two of you before she did?"

"Not if you don't want me to."

"I will keep your secret for as long as you keep mine."

I stuck my hand out to him and we shook hands.

"Deal." We said as one.

For the next five hours, it would have taken seven, but I really wasn't any good at sticking to the speed limit, and thankfully we had a police scanner and a radar detector. I told Christian everything that Adrian, Mitya, and I had discussed and decided that he would need to know. Or that he could know right now I should say.

When we got to Spokane, we found the location of the local shopping mall where the strigoi were taking people from with no problems. After that we went to a Taco Bell, right across the street from the mall, and we ate enough to last us for a few days. But only after I had taken Christian to the closest feeder's community.

Once that was all done, we made our way down to the basement of the shopping mall. It didn't take long before we got ourselves discovered, captured, and taken to a house a few miles away. Well, actually I don't really know how far away we were taken because the strigoi knocked me unconscious before they even took us out of the basement of the shopping mall.

When I was knocked unconscious my mind automatically connected with Dimitri's.



"Why don't we go get some lunch Dimka? She is fine, you know that."

"All right Adrian. But I don't know how much I will be able to eat because knowing that she is unconscious worries me. But you're right, other than being out cold she is ok. I just hate like ad that they hit her like that." (hell)

"I know cousin, I know. But you need to keep up your strength so that you will be able to take care of her, if she needs it, when we get her back."

I sighed. "I know. Let's go." I hated knowing that I was going to be able to eat over the next few days while the love and light of my life would not.

Adrian and I were walking down the hallway towards the main dining room. When none other than that suka Natasha Ozera made herself known to us. (bitch)

'Roza lyubov' moya if you are seeing this even though you are unconscious. I promise you that I do not want to be anywhere around her. EVER. I promise you that on my life lyubov' moya.' I mentally promised the love and light of my life just in case she could see and hear what was happening right now even with her being unconscious. (my love, my love)

"Dimka, where have you been?" Tasha asked me as though she had some kind of right to know things about me.


"Hello, Guardian Belikov." A fellow guardian said as he walked by.

I turned my head and nodded at him. "Guardian Wilson."

As soon as he was out of hearing distance Tasha whisper yelled at me. "What in the fuck is that?!!"

I looked around but I saw nothing.


"That fucking mark on your fucking neck!!"

I lifted my hand and run my fingers around my neck until I came to a spot that was a little tender. I laughed to myself because my sexy little vixen had marked me just like I had marked her.

Only she had left at least one of her marks where everyone could see it, not that I cared in the least. I am hers after all, and that gives her every right in the world to mark me as she sees fit. As I said, just like I had marked her beautiful and amazing body.

"THAT is private Natasha."

"Dimka, you are going to be my guardian and my life partner. So, nothing is private, especially something like THAT." This suka is yeblya deranged, out of her yeblya mind. (bitch, fucking, fucking)

"One, I am not EVER going to be your guardian OR your partner in anything much less life. I have told you no more times than I care to try to remember to count, more times than I CAN even count, and it will NOT EVER change. No matter what you say, do, or think. Now, excuse me."

"No, I am not going to excuse you. You tell me right fucking now what that is!!"

"You want to know?! You REALLY want to know?!!"

She nodded.

"Then fine I will tell you. Apparently, my girlfriend got a little excited and marked me just as I marked her last night. Now you know and you also know exactly WHY I will NOT EVER be with you or anyone else but her. I am deeply in love with my girlfriend, and I intend for us to be together for the rest of our lives. I actually intend to marry her someday soon."

She was looking angrier and angrier with every word that I said.

"You are mine..."

"For the very last yeblya time, or at least it better yeblya be the very last yeblya time. I am not, have not ever been, and will not ever be YOUR any-yeblya-thing Natasha!! So, I suggest that you get the blyad' over it already!!! Get the blyad' out of my yeblya face, get the blyad' out of my yeblya life and leave me and my girlfriend the grebanaya ad alone forever!!!!" (fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fuck, fuck, fucking, fuck, fucking, fucking hell)

"We shall see about that. You belong to me, and I will make for damn sure that you don't ever forget that again Dimka. I am done giving you a say in the matter." She turned and stormed away from me, and Adrian busted out laughing.

Very quickly sobering he said. "She's not done. I saw her aura and she is determined to have you in her bed, Dimka."

"To yeblya bad for her that I already have a woman that I am going to marry and have a family with then, isn't it?" (fucking)

He and I both laughed this time.

He went silent and very still all of the sudden and I watched as his eyes glazed over. Because of this I knew without a doubt that he was seeing something that I could not see. Possibly the future, or A possible future I should say. One which I was afraid would include Natasha because his visions were almost always triggered by current stimuli, at least as far as I know.

Standing there I waited for him to come back to himself, and about five minutes later with a loud gasp he finally did so.

He turned and looked at me, his face aghast his eye filled with horror, terror, fear, and pain. "She really isn't done yet Dimka."

"What did you see Adrian?"

"When she finds out about Rose, she intends to frame her for murder, a murder that she commits herself. And when that doesn't work, she will try to have Rose killed by a group of strigoi. A group that she pays to attack the academy two weeks before Rose's eighteenth birthday."

"Oh, my God!! That grebanaya suka!!!" I was stunned because I never in my life thought that Tasha was crazy enough to let her obsession with me push her to do something like that. !!! I shook my head. (fucking bitch, crazy ass fucking bitch)

"Can you see who she plans to kill?"

He nodded. 

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