𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤|| ᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ᴜs...


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A zombie apocalypse breaks out in a high school, now students are trapped and trying to escape. A couple who... Еще

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𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟜

665 30 6

Day 3

It was finally the third day of the apocalypse, they would once again wake up to not knowing their future.

The sun could be seen, the light shined through the small window in the closet.

It had stopped raining.

Slowly one by one did the students start to wake. The first one up was Cheongsan, he did not sleep.

Eun Kyung stirred in her sleep, snuggling closer to Wujin, he smiled brightly at the contact.

"You're such a pervert." Suhyeok commented

"What? I can't help it, she's so warm." He said as he got closer

Suhyeok would be disturbed, but he couldn't say much. He had also been all touchy touchy with Nam Ra.

Who could blame him? It was Nam Ra!

Speaking of Nam Ra, she stood alert, she had looked better than yesterday.

"What's wrong?" Joon Yeong asked

"Did you see something?" Dae-Su asked as he stood up

Eun Kyung rubbed her eyes and listens the conversation.

"The smell is stronger." She replied

Dae-Su immediately smells himself, checking if it was him.

"I don't smell anything." He replied

Eun Kyung couldn't help but chuckle a bit. He was always funny even when things were tough.

"They're coming towards this direction." Nam Ra explained

"It doesn't even matter anymore, we can't get out. We're trapped. There's no way out." Joon Yeong expressed

Playing "Trap" by Henry ft. Taemin and Kyuhyun

"Please don't say that." Hyo Ryung begged

By now everyone was awake thinking of plan and processing their situation. It was their normal routine now.

Silence could be heard, throughout the room.

"I should just confess..." Dae-Su said

Everyone stared at the boy in shock.

"You're joking..."

"Noona, you're the perfect girl." Dae-Su confessed

Eun Kyung's eyes widen at the boy.

"Yah, Dae-Su stop it." Wujin said

Dae-Su ignored his friend and continued his confession to the older girl.

"I watched you when you were shooting your arrows, I saw you train every morning. I went to your tournaments and cheered for you. I caught myself yelling "Copper beauty" a few times, I've liked you for many years now, now I want to be a man not just a fanboy." He finished

Wujin covered his sister's ears from the cringy confession his friend had just made.

"Oh, brother." Eun Kyung sighed, facepalming herself

Ha-Ri let go of Wujin and stood up, facing the boy who had just confessed.

"You're, Yang Dae-Su, right? You call my little brother, brother-in-law?" Ha-Ri questioned

Dae-Su head held low until he heard the girl say his name. His face grew in shock and stared at the girl.

"Yes. So that means you know? Brother-in-law, you told her?" He looked at his friend

"Yea...I might have told her..." he smiled sheepishly

Ha-Ri takes her hand out for Dae-Su who hurriedly wipes his hands to shake her delicate ones.

He smiles brightly at the hand contact. Ha-Ri smiles as well and began to speak.

"It must be nice to meet me." She said

"Yes." He replied, still shaking her hand.

"Then, are you ready to die?" She questioned with a serious look on her face

"Yes." He replied once again without hesitation

"Oh no." Wujin and Eun Kyung muttered

The two hugged each other and hid their faces not wanting to see the next scene.

Dae-Su stops and stared at the girl in front.

"Wait, what? Today?" He asked

Immediately, Ha-Ri throws a punch at Dae-Su who tries to cover himself as fast as he could.

"Brother-in-law! Help!" He begged

"I'm glad you feel that way, I'm pissed and need to vent." She stated as she continued to harass the poor boy.

"Help!" Dae-Su begged

Ha-Ri threw balls in his direction while Wujin covered the girl in his lap.

Eun Kyung couldn't help but want the touch of her boyfriend, he looked so good right now.

Eun Kyung pulled in his tie and pulled him into a kiss. She didn't want to let him go, she wanted him with her forever.

Wujin wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her closer. They didn't care about the stares, they just wanted to have a moment.

What did make them stop though, was the sound of a crate shaking.

The two pull apart and look at Suhyeok. He looked back at them with a glare.

"What are you doing?"  Joon Yeong asked

"Do you think we can move this? We can tie all these together and make a shield." Suhyeok explained

The group stared at the boy and nodded.

That was their next plan: making a shield.


"Don't take all the balls out." Eun Kyung told Hyo Ryung

"Oh, okay." She replied

"How's your foot?" Cheongsan asked

"Much better. I can actually walk on it now." She smiled

"I guess Wujin's massages really did help."

"They did. It hurt but it did the job."

"Don't let no other man touch your feet, they're mine." Wujin said as he walked by

Cheongsan and Eun Kyung cringed at his comment but went back to work.

"I'm sorry about your mom." Eun Kyung said

"None of you knew...it's no one's fault. I never thought that would be the last time I'd see her." He sniffled

"None of us know what will happen. I know you're hurting, I'll be here to listen to you whenever you need it. At the least I can be someone you can rely on."

"Thank you...it means a lot."

"I glad it does." She smiled


"There's no way this will work. We should make a box." Mijin said

"I disagree, it should be a wall." Wujin spoke up

An argument had broke out whether the shield should be a box or a wall. Both ideas had pros and cons.

The wall could move more easily, and they wouldn't be trapped in case zombies took over. On the downside, the zombies could climb over the walls.

Unlike the wall, the box would protect them from the zombies, but they could easily be bitten and have no room to fight.

It was a difficult choice.

"Are you trying to pull rank now?" Joon Yeong asked

"Say it to my face. I said say it to my face!" Mijin exclaimed" Mijin exclaimed

She walked up to the boy and slapped his head.

"Yah!" Wujin exclaimed

He pushed the girl away from his friend.

"Shit, are you crazy? What's wrong with you? Noona, stop her." Wujin said

"Say it again." She dated Joon Yeong



A loud crash could be heard. Nam Ra had just pushed a crate loudly.

"We'll vote on it." Nam Ra stated

The situation had escalated quickly and Nam Ra wanted everyone to stop.

"Who are you?" Mijin asked looking at the girl

"I'm the class president." She replied

"Let's vote." She said once again

"Fine." Mijin replied

"Who wants the wall?" She asked

Half of them had raised their hand, including Eun Kyung.

"Wujin, I thought you were on our side?" Dae-Su asked

He coughed, "I changed my mind..."

"Who wants the box?" Nam Ra asked

Only a few raised their hands.

"Than it's decided, we'll be doing the wall." Nam Ra concluded

"What about you?" Mijin asked Nam Ra

"I choose the wall." She replied

And once again the students began to build their shield, only this time there were no arguments.

"Don't blame me when zombies start to crawl over the wall." Mijin said

"I'll take full responsibility." Joon Yeong replied

"What an asshole..."Mijin muttered

Eun Kyung walked to the crates and began to tie the crates together. She tried to do the bottom but her stomach began to hurt.

She groaned in pain and kneeled down.

"What's wrong?" Wujin asked

"I'll be fine. Just hunger." She replied as she tried to stand up

Wujin saw her struggle and helped her up.

"I'll do it, just relax." He told her

Eun Kyung walked away hopeless. She really wanted to help.

He looked through her bag and pulled out the scissors she had packed. They were useful as he tried to cut the ropes and zip ties.

"I wished that was me and Ha-Ri Noona." Dae-Su sighed

Ha-Ri walked by the boy and smacked his back. He hissed in pain and pouted.

"Keep wishing." She said

Hyo Ryung and On-Jo laughed at the boy in pain.

"Guys...chocolate bar."

Everyone's head shot up to the voice, it was Cheongsan who was holding a bar of chocolate.

They all ran to him and stared at the chocolate.

Dae-Su was the first to take it and began to inspect it.

"Do you think we can eat it?" The boy asked

They all shrug and see the boy's expression change to a sadden frown.

"It's expired..." he sighed

"So what?" Suhyeok asked his eyes staring at the bar

"Let's take small bites. We'll be fine." Eun Kyung said


They had all gotten in a circle.

Dae-Su opened the bar and passed it to Wujin first.

The boy drooled and open his mouth wide, eating a whole chunk.

His girlfriend, who stood beside him smacked his arm.

"I said tiny bites!" She scolded

Wujin apologized and handed her the bar. She sighed and passed it on.

"You're not going to eat it?" Wujin asked

"My stomach hurts, I don't want to make it worst. Maybe once we make it to the other side we can eat."

Wujin nodded and hugged the girl.

"I'll make sure to buy you the best food once we do." He smiled

The girl chuckled and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Yah! Dae-Su! Joon Yeong didn't take a bite!" The students complained

The couple stared at the boy in disbelief.


"It's okay...I'm not hungry anyway..." Joon Yeong replied

It was obvious that he was hungry.

"I'm sorry! I really am!" Dae-Su cried

"I guess we should just armor up." Mijin spoke

They nod their heads and began to look for objects to use as protection.

They looked through the shelves and baskets looking for any type of protection.

Eun Kyung wrapped Wujin with duck tape on his arms and legs.

"Make sure to not get bitten." She warned him

"Yes mom." He whined

"I'm serious." She glared

Wujin chuckled and nodded.

"I won't get bitten." He reassured her, "Now let me wrap you."

Eun Kyung sat on the mattress and lifted up her arm. He carefully began to wrap her arm with duck tape.

She looked down at the boy who's focus was on her arm. She stared at him with stars in her eyes.

He was always careful with her, always.

"Like what you see?" He asked

He lifted his head up and stared at her.

"No." She pushed him away and took the tape with her.

Her face was a bright red.

"Yah, stop flirting." Ha-Ri smacked her brother's back

"I'm not!"

"You're saying cringy as shit." Eun Kyung rolled her eyes

"You like them, stop denying it."

"What should we call this kdrama?" Suhyeok asked Dae-Su

"Mmm cringey pick up lines." Dae-Su replied

"No, cringy love." Cheongsan butted in

"No, no, disaster." Joon Yeong said

"Why disaster?" Suhyeok asked

"Look at them. They're a disaster."

The group looked at the couple who began to pull on each other's hair saying cringy pick up lines to one another.

"Who knew god would drop such a beautiful Angel." Wujin whispered

"Yah!" Eun Kyung pulled on his hair harder

"What did the person say to the chicken who crossed the road?" Eun Kyung asked


"You're dead now."

Wujin looked at her.


Eun Kyung pushed the boy away and got up.

"One more pick up line and my fist will be the last thing you see."

"That would be nice." He replied

"Oh! My god!" She groaned

"How are you two related?" Asked Suhyeok

Ha-Ri stood beside him watching the couple.

"I don't even know." Ha Ri sighed

"It's time guys." Joon Yeong announced

Eun Kyung took a deep breath in and held onto Wujin's hand.

"Everything will be alright." Wujin reassured her

"I hope."

"This will work, right?" Dae-Su asked

"It will." Joon Yeong replied

Everyone was nervous.

"Is everyone ready?" Joon Yeong asked

"Ah shit, you better be right about this." Mijin said

"We've seen so many zombies already. They're not smart enough for this." Joon Yeong said

Joon Yeong and Suhyeok walked up to the door. Their hands hovered over the door knobs.

They look at each other, nodding.

"Push!" Suhyeok exclaimed

It was now or never.

My competitions are now over, I'll be able to post regularly now. Thank you for 2k! We're almost at 3k too! It's honestly so shocking to this happening to me. Thank you thank you thank you. You all deserve so much!

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