Snowflake, the writer and the...

By BarbaraSz8

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Alec is studying to be a lawyer at university at his father's insistence, but he wants to be a vet. He loves... More

Chapter 1- Who are you
Chapter 2- 5 kittens
Chapter 3 - The shelter
Chapter 4 - Robert
Chapter 5 - Hot chocolate and kittens
Chapter 6 - Motel
Chapter 7- Secrets
Chapter 8 - Next morning
Chapter 10 - The dorm
Chapter 11 - The study
Chapter 12 - Magnus
Chapter 13 - The rose
Chapter 14 - Souls
Chapter 15 - Petals
Chapter 16 - Walking
Chapter 17 - Family
Chapter 18 - Rune
Chapter 19 - Coincidence?
Chapter 20 - Fortitude
Chapter 21- Rachel
Chapter 22- Cows and stream
Chapter 23 - Birthday
Chapter 24 - In shock
Chapter 25. Under My Skin

Chapter 9 - Lazy day and the first...

193 17 4
By BarbaraSz8

Alec started to wake up 2 hours later to Snowflake's meowing, but he didn't open his eyes yet, he was so happy to be in Magnus' calming presence. Snowflake was sitting on Magnus' lap, meowing plaintively. Magnus spoke softly to her.

"I know, girl, you're hungry. I'll be right over and get you some of your favorite salmon food, but you see I can't move right now. We'll wait until Alexander wakes up, okay? He needs me right now. Oh, Snowflake, I'm starting to feel like I need him too. You're all I have. You're all my joy and support. But it feels so good to be near him. And even though I know he's a broken soul, I feel he can heal my broken soul. Maybe it's time for a change. What do you think?"

Snowflake looked at Magnus all the time. And when Magnus asked her what she thought, she answered with a small meow. "Good girl. I know you don't like it so much, but there's the dry food, eat some of that." Magnus said to the cat.

"Go and feed her. She needs the energy," Alec said in a sleepy, hoarse voice.

"Are you awake Alexander? How are you? Did you sleep well?" asked Magnus, and he could only hope that Alec hadn't heard his earlier conversation with his cat.

Alec rose from Magnus' shoulder, stretched, and looked at Magnus with eyes still puffy and sleepy from crying. He smiled.

"My soul has probably never been so calm, Magnus. I don't know how you felt it, or how you knew, but it was just what I needed. Not words, not consolations, but what you gave me. Quiet understanding and caring. Thank you."

Alec smiled, feeling weightless, and stared into Magnus' eyes. Those beautiful chocolate eyes he now saw without make-up. He still found them beautiful. They gazed at each other for a few moments, only to be interrupted by Snowflake's demanding mew. They both looked at her and laughed.

"Come on girl" said Magnus, you get to eat. He got up, and a Snowflake followed right behind. He took out the salmon pouch, when he opened it Alec brought Snowflake's plate. They didn't even notice, but they did it in perfect synchronicity, as if they did it every day, as if they'd lived together for a long time. They carried the bowl to where Snowflake and the kittens were lying, and while Snowflake ate, they admired the sleeping kittens. They were all white like Snowflake, except for one, whose 4 little paws and the end of his tail was tabby. He was the smallest. He had to be revived. Snowflake finished eating, washed up, and then cuddled up to the kittens, who immediately crawled over to her and started eating.

"You're a good mum, Snowflake," Alec told her, and stroked her head. Magnus, have you thought about what you're going to call the little ones? Do you even want to keep them?" asked Alec.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it. I don't know what's best for Snowflake. I'll ask Ragnor. He gave me Snowflake as a present. The apartment is big enough, although living with six cats might not be the best idea." Magnus laughed. "But I think I'd definitely want to keep the smallest one, with tabby pows one you brought back to life."

"Did Ragnor give you Snowflake? I didn't know that. When?"

"I have had Snowflake for 3 years. When I came home from the hospital, Ragnor gave her to me. She was still quite small, but she gave me a task and a goal so that I wouldn't get completely lost in the past. I had to take care of her and raise her. At that time I knew nothing about cats, I never had a pet. So Ragnor gave me a meowing little furball, and I didn't even know how to keep her alive. As you can see, I managed." Magnus pointed to the kitten family. "But without her, I don't know where I'd be right now. She' s given my life a new purpose. She's my family. Don't you think it's time for tea? Some jasmine tea?"

Magnus suddenly changed the subject, indicating that he didn't want to talk about this memory any more. Alec had a good sense for small emotional impulses, so he noted the new piece of information and asked nothing, although he sensed that there was something very deep behind Magnus' words. But he waited patiently.

"This is a great idea, Magnus. I'll help you"

They went back to the kitchen, Magnus put the kettle on the stove, Alec took out the cups. When he turned towards the kitchen island, he accidentally bumped into Magnus. Magnus slipped, Alec put his hand under his back and caught him, but in the process he dropped the cup, which shattered. He groaned loudly as he caught Magnus with his wounded hand. He lifted him back up.

"I'm sorry I broke the cup, I'll pick it up right away" said Alec, still holding Magnus in his arms.

"It's just a cup, don't worry about it" said Magnus, and at that moment he gave Alec a kiss on his cheek. Time has stopped around them. Alec turned, leaned down to Magnus and without thinking, kissed him softly on the lips. But he immediately pulled back, "I'm sorry Magnus, I don't know what got into me, I don't...I never...I don't do that, I'm so sorry." Stammered Alec, blushing and embarrassed.

Magnus looked at those beautiful hazel eyes, and lost in them. He stood on tiptoe, took Alec's face in his hands, pulled him close. Their mouths were only inches apart. Their breaths touched. "May I?" asked Magnus in a whisper. Instead of answering, Alec leaned down and gently touched his lips to Magnus'. A shiver that had never felt ran through them both. It was a soft, gentle, innocent kiss. Then their mouths began to move slowly, sensually, a little shyly without tongue. Then Magnus softly licked Alec's upper lip. Alec slowly opened his mouth and their tongues touched gently, softly, wetly. They felt butterflies fluttering in their bellies. Their tongues began to explore each other. They began to dance in sync,and explored every corner of each other's mouths, tasted each other's sweetness, the strawberries, the pancakes. They could feel each other. There was no dominance in this kiss, no urgency, it was soft, accepting, and as natural as it can be between soul mates. Time stopped completely around them. They came back to the sound of the teapot whistling. Their foreheads touched, and lived in the moment a little longer.

"I've been waiting for this ever since I saw you at Ragnor" said Magnus, almost in a whisper. Alec blushed, almost inaudibly breathed, "Me too" They just looked at each other for a long moment as the teapot whistled loudly. They laughed at each other, let go of each other. That's when Magnus saw Alec's hand.

"You're bleeding," he said, horrified. Alec didn't even notice, but when he caught Magnus with his injured hand, the wound opened. "Come on, we'll bandage this."

They went into the bathroom, Magus carefully removing the bleeding bandage. He washed the wounds and re-bandaged it.

" Done. Shall we finish making the tea? Someone's distracting me..." said Magnus with a shy smile. Alec couldn't help it, he smiled too, and his face turned as red as a tomato.

"Yes, let's go. ' They finished their tea, unpacked some snacks and took everything into the living room. They sat down on the couch.

"Honestly Alexander, it was unexpected but..."

"but..." Alec's blood ran cold at that "BUT". At that moment he knew he shouldn't have done that. In a second, it all came crashing down. He leaned his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his two hands, didn't look at Magnus, just continued Magnus' sentence so fast that Magnus couldn't get a word ... " have someone and you can't do this. I'm really sorry Magnus, I... I... I don't know what's got into me, I'm not like that, I don't rush in like that. I've never done anything like that, I'm sorry, I really am." said Alec with such speed that Magnus couldn't stop him. His eyes were clouded by his tears, which Magnus couldn't see because his face was still buried in his palms.

When he finally finished, Magnus laughed. " Jeez, Alexander, no way. Do you think if I had someone, I would have let you kiss me? No. I was going to say it was unexpected, but I am happy now." Magnus said to Alec, who by now was completely confused.

Alec's face was still buried in his hands after his previous sentence. Now he turned his head towards Magnus, looked at him, raised those beautifully arched eyebrows and smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Magnus, I feel so stupid right now." Alec said, laughing now. "Can I have some tea? But if you have something stronger, that'll be fine." They both burst out laughing.

"Well, it's been quite a rollercoaster few days. You know what? I'm going to see what's at home. I don't really keep alcohol in the house." Magnus went into the kitchen and shouted back. "There's only one bottle of red wine." Magnus took two glasses into the living room. But then he remembered: Wait a minute, you're not 21 yet."

"Magnus, I'll be 21 in two weeks on the 26th. Can we forget about the two weeks for now? "

Magnus laughed at him and poured 2 glasses of wine. He sat down next to Alec and said:

"Then I think we should get a few things straight to avoid situations like this. So much has happened to us in 2 days that I think we can skip the long process of getting to know each other. I'll go first, okay?"

He took the glass of wine in his hand and raised it to Alec. He took a sip and began:

"I'm 25 years old and I haven't had a man or a woman in my life for 3 years, since my accident. Yes, I am bi, I swing both ways. I had a girlfriend before the accident. Her name is Camille. I have a cat, I live with her. Jeez, I just noticed: I have six cats, I live with them. I have a good relationship with my dad, but we hardly see each other. I live alone in my apartment and work as an editor for a publishing company. Ever since I saw you with Ragnor, I can't get you out of my mind. Something about you has grabbed me. So you don't think for a second that this is all happening because I felt sorry for you or something. I've been thinking about you for weeks, practically."

Magnus said as he took Alec's hand and began to stroke it gently.

"Your turn"

"Okay..." said Alec. "I'll be 21 on 26 September. I'm gay, I haven't had a boyfriend since high school. It was a short time there. Because of my dad, it was only for two months. His name was Andrew. We dated and kissed, but that was it."

Alec looked up shyly. His face was red as a tomato. "If you know what I mean. I'm still... still..."

Magnus stroked his cheek softly. "Alexander, there is nothing to be ashamed of." Alec looked at Magnus with grateful eyes. Words were not needed.

"I' ll continue. I have one year of law school left. I have 3 siblings, Izzy lives with us, Max is in college, Jace moved out. Otherwise, my family life is a mess. My mother told me 2 days ago that she wants a divorce, which I support completely. And you met my dad. I'm sure you noticed, but the first time I saw you at Ragnor, my jaw dropped. You were glowing. I started to feel attracted at first sight, but I suppressed the feeling because of my father, but as you can see, I couldn't control myself here. That's all in brief," said Alec.

The rest of the day was spent talking, drinking wine in peace and quiet, which after the past few days had been very good for both of them.

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