By Firdosefk

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With no memories of her past, Alice lives a new life with her best friend Tristan, while her ghost squad desp... More



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By Firdosefk

Mendaline was aware of Luna staring at her. She liked her, but sometimes the girl got on her nerves. Not only had the idiot ignored Mendaline's warnings of using her powers, but she had also broken their promise of never trying to meet her. Other than that, she was happy to see Luna.

Besides, the people Mendaline had been protecting were already under a curse. She did not think any more harm could come to them. Cora had gotten her revenge.

Mendaline supposed she should've warned Luna off the day Maria had informed them that she was the witch who had created the golden locket, but if Luna was ready to risk her life, who was Mendaline to stop her?

'Her only guardian!' The voice in her head reminded her.

Mendaline's eyes filled with tears, as she remembered the girl's words all those years ago.

"But you're all I have!"

That time, Mendaline had no option but to let her go. Not only to protect Mason and Lorine, but also to protect Luna. Did she have to let her go now?

Mendaline remembered the first time she had seen Luna. A young girl tied to her bed, wearing a dress so torn and filthy, that Mendaline could not guess what colour it had been. The dress had hung loosely on her skeletal figure. She had looked as if her life had been sucked out of her. Her eyes had been blood red. Her lips chapped. Her skin had felt like rough paper. Mendaline had instantly been reminded of Mr and Mrs Skywalker. The couple who had once owned her. The people to whom her father had ruthlessly sold her to.

Mendaline turned to look at Luna now, but she was gone. Though, she got her answer. Luna was more than capable of handling herself. She did not need anyone to protect her anymore. Mendaline wiped her tears. Circumstances could make the softest of people unbreakable.

Unable to sleep anymore, Mendaline got up and looked around. She knew Mike and Maria were together, but where was Charlie? She smacked herself. She was not missing him, was she? She was really going crazy. She had to get these people out of her life as soon as possible.

Mendaline stood up, making her way to her fire. She passed Knave along the way, and stopped dead in her tracks. She stared at him for quite long, before breaking into a smile. He looked so cute when his mouth was shut and he wasn't grinning.

Mendaline knelt beside him. For the first time, he had admitted to her how he was feeling. He deserved to be rewarded.

Mendaline produced a small folding knife. She smirked. The perks of being a witch. She numbed herself, then cut a small line on her palm till she was bleeding. Next, she put Knave in a deep sleep because she knew he would kill her if he found out what she did. She looked around. Alice and Tristan were fast asleep, making her job much easier.

She opened Knave's mouth and poured some of her blood, making him swallow. He did not even so much as move. Then, she healed her palm and removed him from his deep slumber state. The idiot stirred now.

Mendaline stood up, fighting a wave of dizziness and blackouts. The pain of sharing her powers. She shook her head, and finally made her way to her fire.

Mike and Maria arrived in the cave almost around sunrise, hand in hand. As soon as they spotted Mendaline, they shook each other's hands off, as if they had suddenly grown dirty.

Mendaline gave a grin. "Wow! What happened here?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows. Mike and Maria reddened like tomatoes. Mendaline glanced behind them. "Where is Charlie?" She asked. Now she was getting concerned. Mike narrowed his eyes at her.

Mendaline regained her composure. "I mean, does he know about you two and the whole...., you know...., that!" She asked, indicating the two of them with a hand.

Mike shook his head. "Not yet!"

He still hadn't answered her question, which was killing her from the inside. She tried again. "So, you locked Charlie in a room to spend some quality time with each other?" She asked.

Maria did not meet her eyes, but was smiling when she said, "Mike and Charlie are not always together. Sometimes, they both travel to different parts of the world."

Mendaline nodded, but was still worried. She was going to kill that clinger when she saw him. Would she? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. What was happening to her?


It was him. She smiled and opened her eyes. Charlie was floating in front of her, looking concerned. Mike and Maria stood a little further away now, still beaming.

"Where were you?" Mendaline blurted out.

Charlie brightened up. "Shanghai!" He replied. "You should've seen the....,"

"I don't care!" Mendaline snapped. He looked at her in surprise. She cleared her throat. "As long as you stay here you live by my rules, which is not going anywhere without informing me!"

Charlie looked at her. "Why do you care so much?"

Mendaline looked away. "I already have a lot on my plate, I don't want to sit here worrying if Cora got her hands on you!" She lied.

Charlie looked disappointed, but nodded as if he understood. Mendaline could not see him like this. Luckily, she had a news that would lift his spirits. She proudly announced, "I have given Knave some of my powers, which means...," She paused for dramatic effect. "He can see and touch you folks again!"

Charlie looked like he would explode out of happiness. Mike gave a big smile. He turned to look at Maria, who smiled back.

Mendaline was taken back by a hard gust of air. Charlie had hugged her. "Thank you!" He whispered.

Mendaline had not hugged ghosts before. Hell, she did not remember hugging any guy except for one moron, but hugging Charlie felt like something she had never felt before. The feeling felt so foreign, that Mendaline did not know if there was a word to describe it. All she knew was that it made her feel happy. She hugged him back and closed her eyes. She wondered if this was what it would feel like to hug a cloud.

Charlie broke the hug. Mendaline opened her eyes, only to see Mike wiggling his eyebrows. Mendaline pushed Charlie away and made a show of wiping her clothes. "Seems to me that you're in love with Knave!" She commented.

Charlie did not seem to hear her. He was staring at his hands as if he could not believe he had touched her. He shook his head, as if clearing his thoughts. 

Mendaline looked at him. "And do not hug me again!" She warned.

This time, Charlie had heard her since he looked very disappointed. However, Mike was not fooled. He was still giving her an annoying smile. Maria had joined him. Mendaline considered turning herself into a fly to get out of this situation.

Mike seemed to have sensed her uncomfortableness and found some sympathy in his heart. He gently brought them back to the subject. "How did you give Knave powers, Mendaline?" He asked.

Mendaline coughed. "How about we see if it works?" She asked, hoping Mike would not push it, which he was about to do. Mendaline quickly added, "Who would like to wake him up?"

"Me!" Charlie volunteered, already on his way. His face lit up, as his hand touched Knave's shoulder. "IT IS WORKING!" He shouted, waking Alice and Tristan up.

"What is going on?" Asked Alice, coming to join them. Tristan was a few feet behind her, rubbing his eyes. Mendaline gritted her teeth. He looked like a damn donkey.

"Mendaline gave some powers to Knave, so now he can see us again!" Mike explained.

Alice turned to her in surprise. "Did it work?"

"That's what we're checking," Charlie replied. "I can touch him, but we will only know if he can see us if he wakes up!" He said, shaking Knave's shoulder, shouting his name, "KNAVE!"

Mendaline panicked. Had she removed her deep sleep spell?

"Knave?" Charlie tried again. This time he opened his eyes, and Mendaline let out a sigh of relief.

"Charlie? Mike?" Knave called out unbelievably. He grabbed Charlie in a hug.

Mendaline raised an eyebrow. "They both seem to be equally in love with one other," She whispered to Alice. "I think you should get out of the way of those two!"

"I think so too!" Alice whispered back.

"Seems like someone missed me!" Charlie said, sounding surprised. Mendaline could not blame him.

Knave did not reply. He hugged Mike next, who patted his back saying, "Glad you can see us, Knave!"

Knave broke the hug, shaking his head. "I am dreaming!"

Mendaline walked up to him and pinched him in the arm. "Hey!" He shouted. "What the hell was that for?"

Mendaline smiled. "To let you know that dreams do come true!" Knave looked confused. She rolled her eyes. "I mean you're not dreaming, idiot!"

"It's real Knave!" Said Alice, smiling at him.

Knave shook his head. "H...., how?"

Mendaline blew out an air of exasperation. "Since you were crying your eyes out last night because of the twins, I had a brilliant idea of lending you some of my powers!"

Knave shot her a look. "You're exaggerating!"

Mendaline pouted. "I am...," Knave cut her off, by pulling her into a tight hug.

"Um..., you're welcome?" She said, unsure of what else to say.

Knave broke the hug. "I did not say thank you."

Mendaline felt her eyes grow wide. She looked around in disbelief. She couldn't believe this idiot. She shot him her most deadly look. "GO TO HELL, WENTWORTH!" Mendaline shouted, pouring all her anger into her words. How could he be so selfish? She wondered, wishing for a way to take back her powers.

Knave held up his hands. "I was just kidding!" He cleared.

Mendaline took a deep breath, convincing herself he was only acting this way because he wanted things to go back to normal. This was how the idiot behaved when he felt he could not control things. It was annoying, but this was Knave. He hated showing emotions and he had shown a lot in one day.

Alice suddenly looked up. "Could you give Tristan the power to see the twins too, Mendaline?" She asked hopefully.

Tristan looked at her in horror. He started shaking his head violently. Alice ignored him. Mendaline felt sick. She fought the urge to follow Tristan.

"Mendaline?" Alice called out.

"Ye... yeah, what?" She managed.

"I asked, if you could also lend Tristan the power to see the twins?" Alice repeated.

Mendaline cleared her throat. "Knave had been able to bear the powers, but I am not sure if it would work on normal human beings," She said. "Besides, lending Knave my powers has already drained me and if I would have to give Tristan my powers too, I would be dead by the next morning!" At least she was not lying. Even though that was not the only reason she was reluctant to lend her powers.

Alice seemed to have realized this too. She looked like she was about to burst out, but Tristan intervened. "That is okay!" He began. "I am better off without powers."

Mendaline shrugged. "Exactly!"

Alice opened her mouth in disbelief. "What prob...,"

"Alice, can we talk?" Tristan chimed in. Reluctantly, she followed him out of the cave.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Knave asked, "What problem do you have with Tristan?"

Mendaline narrowed her eyes at him. "Why are you so worried about him?" She demanded. "You are supposed to support me!"

"It is not in me to be so mean! And just so you know, I don't hate Tristan." He said, looking like he did not believe that himself.

Mendaline wanted to remind him she was no fool, but she was tired of hiding things. "He just reminds me of someone I hate." She said.

"Who?" Asked Charlie.

"Does it matter?" She asked.

"Why did you help me?" Knave suddenly asked.

"Because it was the first time you showed your real feelings." She replied honestly. "Well, to me at least!" She looked at him and smiled. "See, sometimes it's good to share things with people." Charlie snorted.

Knave looked as if he was about to join him but thought better of it. Still, he decided to be annoying as usual. "I think you should practice what you preach, Mendy." He said.

Mendaline shook her head. "That is not my motto," She began. "I prefer preach, and then do whatever you want!" She looked around. At some point, Maria had disappeared. When had that happened? She looked at Mike. "Do you have any idea where your girlf..," She stopped herself. "I mean, where Maria is?"

Mike reddened. He shook his head. Mendaline nodded. If not with them, Maria was probably with Luna.

Mendaline turned towards Knave who was on his tiptoes, staring at where Alice and Tristan had gone. As if doing that would help him see and hear them.

'Idiot!' She thought with annoyance. She shook her head. "Doesn't this Tristan guy have a house?" She asked.

"Not at the moment!" Knave replied, still on his tiptoes. "What do you think they're talking about?" He asked.

"Probably how heartless I am?" Mendaline guessed. "Or maybe Tristan is convincing Alice to leave you!" She said, ignoring Knave's deadly stare.

"Neither of the two, Mendaline!" Said Alice, walking up to them. Tristan was nowhere to be seen, which was good riddance.

Alice looked around. "We are going with Tristan to his workplace!" She announced. "He is waiting outside for us."

Mendaline raised an eyebrow. "Why? Is he not capable of handling his job on his own?" She asked.

Alice sighed. "Look Mendaline, I have no idea what Tristan ever did to get your special treatment, but I am sure as hell that he doesn't deserve it. So either you talk it out, or just stop passing comments against him." She did not look angry, but her words felt like acid. She turned towards Knave. "You're not going to believe where he works!" She said excitedly.

Knave shrugged. "On the moon?"

Alice smiled. "Your mansion!" She announced, as if it was that obvious. She looked thoughtful. "But before that," She paused, looking at Mendaline. "Do you think you could provide me a pair of jeans?"

Alice had decided they all walk towards Knave's house. She had said it was to get a nice stroll, but Mendaline knew it was for the benefit of Tristan, who could not teleport. Why the hell couldn't they just grab a cab? Who took a walk so far anyway?

Then again, Alice was gone nuts from the time she had regained her memories. Why did she have a sudden urge to wear jeans? Mendaline guessed some mysteries could never be solved. She glanced around. They seemed to be more cars than humans.

The minute they had entered the town, Mendaline had felt as if her ears were going to blast. She was so used to the silence of her cave, that she had to drain the noise of engines and chatter. So, the only people she could hear now were a couple of ghosts, a young witch, a cursed boy, and a donkey with blonde hair.

Mendaline had thought nothing could surprise her in life anymore. However she had to admit, Tristan working at Knave's place was a surprise she could never get over. She smiled at the irony. Tristan was not leaving Knave's life any time soon.

Mendaline wondered how Knave felt about the idea of Tristan working for him. She turned to look at Knave, intending to ask the question which died on the tip of her tongue when she saw him. He was walking beside her with his head down, looking lost in thoughts. She decided to leave him looking like a crushed soul. She fastened her pace, though Knave annoyingly kept up with her.

The twins and Maria were together, looking deep in conversation. Mendaline wondered if Mike was letting his brother know whatever his relationship status was. Alice was walking a few steps behind them, no doubt eavesdropping.

Tristan was..., Mendaline panicked. He was making his way towards her. "Why is he coming towards me?" She wondered aloud.

Knave raised his head. He looked confused. "Probably to see if you are capable of killing him?"

Mendaline definitely was and she would prove it. Tristan reached them. "Could I please talk to Mendaline?" He asked Knave.

Knave raised an eyebrow. He looked at Mendaline, asking her permission to leave. She smiled at the sweet gesture and nodded. She could handle this clown alone.

Knave gave a nod and joined Alice who looked at him, then at Mendaline, her brow furrowing. Then, she turned away and continued walking, as if nothing had happened.

"So?" Asked Mendaline, putting all her concentration on her legs. She had lean legs she realized. She also realized she could run quite fast. She saved that information for later.

Tristan was walking alongside her, studying his own legs. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Mendaline supposed she should've guessed this was coming. "Because you remind me of someone I hate." She said, giving him the same answer she gave the others in the morning.

Tristan seemed to be searching for a reply which made him quiet for at least some time, in which Mendaline found herself wishing to have breakfast again. She suddenly felt very hungry, even though she had eaten to a full stomach before leaving. Perhaps all the truth-telling was finishing her energy.

After what felt like days, Tristan finally said, "But, I am not the one you hate."

Mendaline knew that, but even his damn name began with the letter 'T', Tristan and Trent. Even if she tried to ignore that similarity, she could not help but notice how similar the two looked. Both had blonde hair and brown eyes. They even had the same donkish smile, that had once made her feel as if she had butterflies in her stomach. The memory filled her with rage now. How stupid had she been?

"Mendaline?" Trent called out.

Mendaline turned to look at him. There he was. Smiling at her, as if teasing her. Mendaline grabbed his collar in rage. Tears filled her eyes. "YOU IMBECILE!"

"MENDALINE!" It was Charlie. He was holding her by the waist, trying to pull her away. 

All of Mendaline's rage suddenly vanished. She blinked, and Trent was gone. Standing in his place was Tristan, looking like he had just survived a car crash. Knave and Alice were by his side, looking at her in horror. Mike and Maria were a few feet behind them, looking shocked.

Alice put a hand on Tristan's shoulder. "Are you okay?" Tristan did not reply. He was looking at Mendaline with wide eyes.

Guilt started clawing at her chest. Mendaline shook her head. "I am so sorry!" She cried. Tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Charlie let go of her. "Are you okay, Mendaline?" He asked so gently, that it broke her heart.

Mendaline was not at all okay. "I need some time alone!" She said. "You guys go ahead, I will join you later."

Knave reached out and gently grabbed her shoulders, making her face him. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I could come with you if you want."

Mendaline smiled at the offer. He was willing to not see his parents, just to make her feel better. If it were to him, he would probably stab himself to make others happy. Still, "I don't think you would make me feel any better." She admitted.

Knave grinned. "You're right!" He said. He looked at Charlie.

Mendaline knew what he was going to say next. "I need some time alone!" She said again, staring her meaning into him.

Knave gave a small nod. "Take care!" He said, kissing her on her forehead.

Mendaline cocked her head to the side, studying him. If she had a brother he would've been like Knave. Perhaps not. All her own had betrayed her at some point in life. She was sure her brother would've been no different.

With that in mind, Mendaline gave a small smile and vanished, but not before she saw Charlie's concerned face.

Mendaline sat in her cave, looking at her fire. She had lost control over herself. She was angry. At Trent, her father, her mother, Mr and Mrs Skywalker, but mostly she was angry at herself.

She was weak, she decided. Even after so many years, Mendaline could not make herself strong enough. She still broke down whenever she thought about Trent.

Mendaline sensed him, even before he appeared in front of her. "I thought I had made it clear that I needed time alone, Charlie." She said. Though she found herself extremely happy he was here. It was like she almost needed him to be with her.

"I don't think you really meant that!" Charlie said.

Mendaline said nothing, because it was the truth. She remained silent, as he settled himself next to her. Mendaline resisted the urge to rest her head on his shoulder.

"Want to talk about it?" Charlie asked.

"Yes!" She replied with certainty. She couldn't keep it in any longer. She had lived her whole life keeping everything to herself, that she was desperate for a release.

Mendaline looked at Charlie. His eyes reflected his sincerity. Something she had never seen in Trent's eyes. She could trust this man.

Mendaline took a deep breath. "Do you remember that I once mentioned how my mother had tried to kill me?"

Charlie nodded. "And your father had saved you."

Mendaline snorted. "Sure he did!" She gave a rueful laugh. "He kept me for a few years like how you would keep a sheep before slaughtering it. He then sold me to a couple for some pennies!" She looked at Charlie. "Do you know what he had said before giving me away?" Her mouth quivered as she said, "That he never loved me. Nor did my mother. The only reason he had saved me, was so that he would not die out of hunger!" She shrugged. "Witches were quite in demand at that time."

"But why did your mother try and kill you?" Charlie asked, looking puzzled.

"Because my mother did not want a witch more powerful than her!" She replied. Charlie looked stunned. Mendaline explained, "Since my father and my mother both possessed powers, it was obvious I would end up more powerful."

Charlie said nothing. After some time he asked, "How old were you when your father sold you?"

"Eight? Nine? I don't remember!" She admitted. "What I do remember is that I did not know how powerful I was, or how to even use my powers," Mendaline said, hugging herself. "The couple who had bought me, Mr and Mrs Skywalker, knew how to prepare witches." Tears filled her eyes, as the memories filled her mind once again. "Every day, they brought new ways to test my skills. Sometimes they would pour boiling water on me. My skin would feel like it had peeled off! However, the next day there would be no sign of burns on my skin." Mendaline stopped.

Unbidden, more and more images came to her mind. Mrs Skywalker putting nails under her skin. Mr Skywalker cutting her fingers with his pocket knife, to see how fast her hand healed. Mrs Skywalker tying her to the bed with wires that would cut into her skin all night.

Mendaline did not tell Charlie all that. Instead, she said, "They used to starve me for days to see how long I could go on. They would only feed me when they thought I was slipping away." She gave a dry laugh. "They never used to let me out of their stupid cottage! The only clothes I owned was one of Mrs Skywalker's old dress."

Charlie grabbed her hand. "Why?" Was all he could seem to ask.

Mendaline understood his question. "They found it amusing to torture a witch! It brought them happiness." She squeezed his hand. "I was just surviving, unaware of any other feeling besides pain, and the fear of not knowing what they had planned for me next. I was desperately wishing to die, and that is when Trent entered my life," She closed her eyes. "He was Mr and Mrs Skywalker's son, who had been living with his grandmother. He was around sixteen."

Mendaline opened her eyes. "It was the first time I had ever seen someone around my age, and it had felt so good!" She stopped, wondering if this was a good idea after all. However, it was too late now and she was not backing out.

Mendaline quickly continued before she lost courage. "Trent was nothing like his parents! At least, not at first. He treated me with respect. He brought food for me, which was not bread and water. He talked with me for hours when his parents were not around. He made me feel like I was normal, that I meant something to someone! He....," She broke off. Charlie waited patiently, as she took a moment to collect herself.

Mendaline sighed. "I was madly in love with him for almost four years. We made a plan to run away together, and one night when we got a chance, we did. However, his parents were standing right by the door. I was so scared. Not for myself but for Trent. With the thought of what his parents would do to him." Her heart tightened with the memory. "Trent was unbothered! He kissed me on the cheek, before going to stand next to his parents. He had stood casually with a smile, as his parents explained how they were testing me emotionally, now that they had understood my physical abilities." Mendaline's heart filled with fury, as she remembered Trent's words.

"Did you really think a person like me would ever love a witch?"

Mendaline felt like she was suddenly back in that cottage. She was begging Trent to tell her it was part of his plan to escape. She had been hoping to tell her it was all a lie, even when his parents had dragged her by her hair, tying her to the bed.

Charlie put a hand on her back. Mendaline jolted back to reality. She could almost feel the pressure of his hand. He was like her anchor to the present. The reminder that she was safe now, and that it was all in the past.

"How did you escape?" Charlie asked.

Mendaline licked her lips. "I was not only focusing on Trent," She said. "I was also learning to control my powers. So when they began tying me to the bed this time, I was powerful enough to overcome them!"

Charlie looked at her. "I hope you killed them!"

Mendaline looked away. "Not exactly, no!"

Charlie narrowed his eyes. "Then?"

"I turned them into logs that would never reduce to ashes!" She said.

Charlie understood her meaning. He looked at her fire with renewed interest. "Are they...," He swallowed hard.

Mendaline nodded. "They keep burning along with my fire!" She confirmed. Charlie was silent. "And I feel no guilt!" 

"You shouldn't!" Charlie said. It was the second time that day, that someone had managed to surprise her.

Mendaline had expected horror in his eyes. However, when he looked at her she found respect, along with something she could not tell. No one had looked at her this way before. It made her heart race.

Mendaline looked away. "Tristan reminds me of Trent, they look alike!" She said, mostly to stop him staring.

Thankfully, Charlie looked away. "Even their names start with, 'T.'" He pointed out.

"You don't say! I would've never made that connection!" She said sarcastically. Charlie chuckled. "I don't know how to control my rage when I think about him." Mendaline admitted.

"Perhaps, by letting go?" He suggested. Mendaline looked at him confusingly. "You are not the old Mendaline anymore. You have friends who care about you, who love you!" Charlie assured. "You are not alone anymore and that is why you do not need that anymore!" He said, indicating her fire. "Letting them go would help you find the peace you are looking for."

Mendaline looked at him. Did she really have friends? She thought about Knave, who treated her like his sister. About Mike and Maria, who talked to her as if she were one of their own. She thought about how Alice had stood up to her mother for Mendaline. She thought about Luna, who perhaps considered Mendaline as her mother. She thought about Mason and Lorine, who would do anything to protect her.

Lastly, she thought about Charlie. How he had never given up on making her part of their group. How he was always there whenever she needed him. How he had made her understand things no one else could. He was right. She had friends who would die for her.

Mendaline let go of Charlie's hand and stood up. She doused the fire with a flick of her hand. Three identical logs laid at her feet. She clicked her fingers, and after countless years, they reduced to ashes. 

As Mendaline watched the wind blow the ashes away, she felt as if the bags that had weighed her down for so long, were finally light enough to fly away too. She smiled, enjoying the relief.

"So?" Charlie asked. He was still sitting. A small smile had tugged at his lips.

Mendaline sat next to him. This time, she rested her head on his shoulder. As she did, she finally found what she had been searching for her whole life. Peace and contentment.

 "You were right," Mendaline told him. "I found my peace!"

"Me too!" Charlie replied. "And I guess Mike and Maria have found theirs too."

"You're not angry?" She asked.

She felt Charlie shake his head. "Not if it makes Mike happy!" He paused. "Plus, Maria has made up for her mistakes."

Mendaline smiled. "I guess I still have a lot to learn."

Charlie chuckled. "And I promise I will be right here to teach you." He said.

He put his head atop hers and Mendaline closed her eyes, enjoying every moment of her new life. A life of peace and contentment, with Charlie in the centre of it all.

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