Loki And The Thief Pt2

Oleh Sigynista

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[EXPLICIT] This is the second instalment of 'Loki and the Thief' series! Read the from the beginning here: ht... Lebih Banyak

Shall we Dance?
Best Served Cold
Familiar Faces
Rebel Yell
Yule Hunt
A Happy Yule
I Do
A Prince's Pleasure
False Positive
The Sirens Call
Stones Still Standing
Oxfords finest

A Trickle of Honey

424 19 2
Oleh Sigynista

Loki had never realised just how much Y/N's natural scent was so reminiscent of violets so much as he did as we took her in the bed of flowers in the gardens of the palace of Freyja. He had watched her reaching up to a fig tree to grab the lowest hanging fruit, and as she did his shirt she was wearing rode up exposing the the curve of the bottom of her arse and her silken thighs.

He had groaned in agony, never feeling this horny in his life since being in his younger years. He remembered hundreds of years as a teenager imagining a woman like Y/N screaming his name in elation, coming in her over and over again, and now she was here in the flesh. She had quipped that 'something must be in the air' when discussing their athletic sex life, "As long as it's your legs I don't care!" He grumbled as he put a hand on her abdomen and pushed her into the dirt.

She giggled that delightful little giggle that to him was like the sound of silver bells on a gentle breeze as he grasped her hips and set in on her sex with a savage moan. She wiggled, panted, and begged for release but he didn't give it to her, keeping her on the edge of her climax. His Jötunn form released itself, but this time he managed to stop his growth ensuring Y/N wasn't in such pain as before.

Y/N didn't know what had come over her. She loved Loki in both Jötunn and Aesir form, but she found herself craving the former more, and more. His cock, she noticed was... different in this form, ridges formed, his tribal markings she understood them to be were like a 'ribbed for her pleasure' kind of deal. He was gentler in his fucking this time, taking long languid strokes in an out of her, but she wouldn't allow it, undulating her hips towards him, egging him on and enticing him.

"Don't do that!" He snapped, "You never need do that pet, I... can barely...contain myself as it is!"
But she didn't listen, in fact she kept presenting her neck for his bite until he gave in, pumping her full of his seed, until the wet sounds were that of both their cum, moistening their thighs. Y/N raised herself to him and they both came one last time and she brought her mouth to his shoulder deciding to give him a love bite as he had given her, bruising his flesh.

Now they lay there among purple flowers, surely the gardner would be enraged when he saw how crumpled the flowers were.
"I don't want to leave here." Y/N groaned sitting up and bit her lip when she saw the dirt on Loki's crisp white shirt.
"We have been here six months, any longer and I think even Odin would drag us back to court."
It was true, there was much work to be done on Asgard, but Loki promised another honeymoon when there was time, and more wild love making.

What Loki wanted though really, was more time to research thjs monster he became.

The journey back seemed shorter, or at least because they knew it was back to life at court, and Y/N felt a little concerned that she wasn't going to spend as much time with Loki now the honeymoon was okay. As soon as they landed and set foot on the docking station, they were greeted by the people of Asgard and the Royal Family. Thor began bounding up like a bull in a china shop, putting Loki in a headlock and ruffing his hair. "Welcome back brother! You were missed at court, many a maid cried at you leaving. Cried witb joy of course!" He chortled then turned to Y/N, "And how is the fair lady Y/N of Freydis? You know, you can still change your mind, if he has treated you terribly." Thor winked and Y/N supressed a smile.

"Thanks goldilocks, I'll keep it in mind." Thor picked her up in a big bear hug, the himbo was almost squeezing the life out of her almost, she wheezed at him to let go.
"I'm sorry, little sister! I don't want to crush my new niece or nephew!" He beamed, and Y/N looked at him confused. "Errrm, Thor? I think you're mistaken... I'm not... pregnant."
Thor seemed taken aback and looked to Loki with a smirk. "Come now, you can tell me. I am to be an uncle surely... and there will be a new Asgardian Heir... come now."
Thor was met with silence from both Y/N and Loki, Loki gave Thor a warning glance to not discuss the subject any more. "Well... it's just good to have you back."

Odin's face had remained with the same stern look, and Frigga was serene as ever seemingly paying no heed to Thor's bullish behaviour, but Y/N could feel the dissapointment emanating from all of them. Six months of being together had not produced and heir to Asgard, and while this was not something sweeping around the court in gossip and conjecture, it did look as though their efforts were fruitless.


Y/N and Loki were happy to be back in their own room, Y/N flopped onto the chair in tbe corner of the room. "You saw that right? The look in their eyes when we told them I wasn't pregnant? What the hell was that?"

She dropped her satchel next to her, then bent down to open it and retrieve a book. "I did, but you shouldn't concern youself with that. We have bigger things to contend with."

He was right, they were to recieve the Elven lords and ladies and the finalising of the deal was about to be done over a feast. Y/N was nervous, it would be the first time she had seen Aaran since the Fall, and was sure he would do everything to make her feel uncomfortable. She had tried to get out of being at the dinner at all, but it was customary for every royal family member to be there. She wondered if back home this had happened to royals in the past and they like her had to hold her tongue. It angered her to no end to think lords could get away with this shit.

"I still don't get why I have to see him. Will 'Tits McGee be there?" Loki controlled a smirk that was beginning to etch across his face, and righted himself before confirming that the Lady Aífe would indeed be there. "Then I guess it will have to be something I will habe to bear." She huffed. Loki sat on the bed and watched as she stood and went to the wardrobe to change. He sat with his legs wide open, something that back home Y/N used to be annoyed with, man spreading but when Loki did it, it was... mesmerising.

"Tell me pet, have you given any thought about Midgard?"
She paused what she was doing to turn to him. "In what way?"
"To visit there. You haven't seen your mother for nearly what? Two years now? I am sure you miss her terribly?" Y/N avoided his gaze, the subject of Y/N's earth mother was a touchy subject. While she wasn't her birth mother, she still brought her up, and even if they clashed often, she still thought about her, and her friends harsh words haunted her still.

"We can talk about this later." Y/N smiled as she sauntered up to him with a mischevious skip in her step. I have bigger things to contend with, and I wish to contend with the biggest first." She knelt in front of him stroking his thighs, her eyes traveling to his crotch. "I want to deal with the most important one first... and needless to say, the biggest." She grinned.

"Wicked..." he ginned and leant back, ready for the heaven that was to come.


Y/N hadn't seen Brokkr since she came back. Anywhere. it was as if he had dissapeared from the face of the Asgard. She figured he must have been bored with interfering now, and hopefully had gone onto someone else or some other mad scheme. She had no time for the lessons anyway, she had more important things to attend to, mainly the hospital and health clinic Y/N had in mind.

The way she dealt with the Draugr attack and attended all the residents os Asgard with much needed medical help spurred her on to do something that hadn't been done before. The royal family had their own healers, but the poverty stricken in Asgard had no one. This would be her contribution, a Midgardian bringing health and healing would raise an eyebrow, especially from the resident healer Eir.

In fact this afternoon's meeting with the medically skilled goddess was about just that. Eir sat with Y/N drinking the tea that had been provided for them by the new maid Brenna. "So you are proposing that I give away my power to heal?" Eir asked with a raised brow, Y/N had asked her to teach local low level healers how to administer medicines and care for the sick. "Only in case of emergency, if a war strikes then we need every healer we can get."

She went to further explain her reasoning, to ensure that all training came from her would ensure no back street doctors could set up practice as only acreddited doctors from her courses would be permitted to treat people. "Think of it and extending your power rather than giving it away. You would be the official head of all health on the educational level too!"

Y/N explained the process, a minimum of three years learning form Eir who had control over what would class as qualified.
"But what about greed? Some healers may decide that they can charge whatever they like! I don't want the people cheated and taken advantage of." This was true. Sly back handed deals and cheating people was an issue on Asgard as on Earth it seemed too. "Then... we regulate it. And we give them a code to follow certain standards that have to be met. And I amd proposing to Odin that with the help of the palace, we can ensure that everyone works at a same standard at a same price, and poorer people will be helped with aid from the palace."

Eir smiled gently and sat back. She like the idea. "And where would this great school be? And has Odin sanctioned this?"
Y/N sighed, "The building I propse to use, is one outside the city. It was a great house belinging to some Nobleman but now it's empty."
She left out the part about Odin, he of course hadn't sanctioned it...Yet.


Y/N stood in the shower and let the hot water trickle down her back and neck. The waterfall mechanism of the shower in Y/N and Loki's room was a perfect height and preassure to give relief to even the weariest of souls.

She took the soap scented like thyme and juniper, the scent Loki most covered himself with, and she brought it to a lather over herself. Loki was seasonal with everything, but what she loved was when he smelled of forrest rain or the citrus scent of blood oranges.

With a smile etching across her face she worked the soap over her body, wishing Loki was with her now while she was in the mood. She had noticed her libido had spiked a great deal over the last months, she couldn't keep her hands off him. She thought maybe her new zeal was the fact they were married, and they had been apart for so long.

Still, it still felt little extra. She ran her hand over her breasts, and flinched at the sensitivity she felt as her fingers went over her nipples. The water hit her chest making her feel warm and aroused. Her hand delved down to her core, closing her eyes she breathed raggedly and bit her lip, thinking about Loki... in his true form.


"You damned fools, how many times have I told you, we need scouts on the outer banks around Jötunnheim!" Loki growled as he threw the plans for the espionage of the frozen realm on the table, Asgards chiefs of the army looked down embarrassed. This eapionage was not sanctioned by Odin, in fact it was totally illegal. But Loki could not risk the newly risen son if Laufey, Helbindi, to become powerful enough to launch an assault on Asgard or lay one taloned finger on Y/N.

The thought of it made him burn again, worried that his true for would shine through as it was beginning to when he became angry. "Warriors." He corrected and broke a smile, "you must forgive my outburst. I just wish to ensure that our lands and that of out allies are secure."
The Chieftains looked nervously to each other, after a few seconds one finally got the courage and spoke up. "My Lord Loki, there is no evidemce that the Jötunn have the power to even hold a village Fête, never mind launch an attack on Asgard." Sten said jovially.

Loki knew different, Loki knew that the elven spies had caught a band of Frost Giants before sent by Helbindi. "They are always testing our might. We need to be sure of our defenses and keep our borders intact. We need to keep safe what is mine!... Ours. Our lands and people." He calmed himself before it got out of hand, feeling the rush of energy he got when ready to fight. "Carry out my orders and do them to the letter. Tell NO ONE." He commanded and stormed out of the room.

He stepped out onto the loggia and looked up into the powdered blue sky, misted with clouds and the suns shining their spring light. Frkm there he could see the little but of wilderness Y/N had made her own, the olive tree, bergamot, other midgardian herbs and flowers. He smiled, her simplicity was beautiful to him, she wanted gor nothing- jewels, silks, gold- you name it. And she chose to grow and heal the earth and those around her. Bringing improvement to Asgard and the other realms that were joined.

"She is tenacious your Y/N." Thor huffed as he stood with his brother, his red cloak billowing behind him. "That's what will make her a great consort. A real queen lays down the facts and decisions as soon as they are clear, and executes every plan accordingly. Plus she is stubborn. You need that in a queen." Thor chortled, it was true, Frigga was known for her quite and calm stubbornness which always came across as a divine authority. "Indeed she is, but queen of where brother?"

This Loki sneered at, in his mind Thor did not deserve the throne, it was his though by divine right. Loki too was not all that keen at the idea of becomming king, but the title should be his, after all it was his birthright. "Perhaps Asgard, perhaps Midgard... or elsewhere." Loki could sense Thor's mistrust and frown at the thought of both Loki and Y/N leaving Asgard. "You are a prince, Loki. All the pleasure and none of the work, be grateful for that."

Loki's eyes rolled and then his ears pricked, and sense of smell reeled with excitement. He looked around for what was going on, but could not fathom it. Suddenly, a little cry floated through air... "ahhh.... Loki..... mmm..." it was Y/N. He felt his heart tighten, something was amiss she was in danger... No... she was in the throws of pleasure... calling his name.
He felt a strong sense of claim was over him, a desire to pleasure and dominate.

A desire he was now about to fulfill.

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