Innocent | Boy x Boy | Cam Bo...

By xxprinceanonymousxx

60.2K 2K 407

Mykal was pretty much a loner, despite having two best friends. He recently finished training as a dominant a... More



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By xxprinceanonymousxx

M Y K A L 

Mykal had come to realize that Aspen seemed to fit effortlessly into being a submissive. He had only required two training sessions to learn the first three positions perfectly, and he'd followed his rules perfectly. It was like clockwork that every night Aspen was at home, he'd receive a message at exactly nine-thirty with a picture of Aspen's dinner. Aspen then call him on the phone and they'd sit on the phone together while doing homework so that he could keep Aspen focused. It was more than that though--Aspen came home with him every day and cooked for him and cleaned for him without even being asked. Mykal personally thought his place wasn't dirty but it became evident how much cleaner it could be with Aspen around. He'd fallen asleep reading on his couch accidentally while Aspen was cooking one time and he woke up to a spotless apartment, a neatly folded basket of laundry and dinner in the microwave--and after that, Aspen just did it every time he came over. 

When Aspen did stay the night with him, it felt comfortable. Aspen often curled up beside him after dinner and read or played games on his phone, doing homework with him and eventually he'd just doze off in the middle of doing whatever he was doing. It was hopelessly cute, and it served as a gentle reminder to Mykal that it was probably time to stop cramming and get to bed. And having Aspen's gentle presence beside him made him feel less lonely. His nights no longer felt endless, wrapping his arms around Aspen took away the emptiness that'd surrounded him for years. He'd been a shell, doing what he had to--over working himself silently in school because he knew he couldn't escape his fathers grips without the ability to be wholly self-sufficient. His father's grip wasn't entirely unpleasant, in and of itself--it provided something, stability--but he knew what he was to his father. He was just like a poker chip, able to be used in a game he couldn't hope to play by himself. He wanted to take the control, he wanted to play the game and watch his father go from silently considering him to be a lazy sod to being unable to help having to suck up to him. He so desperately wanted the tables to turn, to show his parents what he'd felt like trying to suck up to them and do everything they asked until it became too much and he couldn't anymore. When Aspen was around, that emptiness--it didn't seem quite so... empty. 

Aspen filled the space with cute comments and giggles, asking him endless questions about anything and everything, or just offering sleepy smiles and quiet hums when he was drowsy. Aspen was affectionate, constantly leaning on him or holding him in some way as if he were afraid he'd disappear if he wasn't touching him. Even in his sleep, his body stayed as close as it could to him, his arm often wrapped around Mykal's with a peaceful expression on his face. It was beautiful and endearing. He wasn't really sure where the whole Alpha thing came from--but he could understand the sentiment behind it. Mykal was familiar with the trope--the alpha is typically physically larger, with certain personality traits that are overly typical in traditional 'alpha males' and the omega is typically smaller with more subservient personality traits. Which, wasn't that far off. 

He wouldn't exactly call himself an alpha male, he felt certain he was more of a beta than an alpha. But he had at one point been more of the alpha male type back in high school when he was still worried about appearances. Now he didn't really care what people on the outside thought of him, and he held value in few peoples opinions other than Cam and Ezra and he just stayed the hell out of it. He ran his mouth some with Ezra, he wasn't afraid to fight and if it came down to it he would, but he'd always rather be on the sidelines. Out of sight, out of mind. He wanted to one-up his father while remaining in the shadows until the moment of reckoning. He wanted to completely blindside his father. But, given their dynamic, as he was his dominant, it was somewhat similar to if he were his Alpha. They weren't that different. 

Aspen shifting on the bed brought Mykal out of his thoughts as one of Aspen's hands knotted into his t-shirt and a soft sigh fell off his lips. Mykal felt a smile pulling up the corners of his mouth immediately as he took in the sight of Aspen's peaceful expression. Aspen was slowly weaving himself into his apartment, getting under his skin and into his head. He was entangled in Aspen, his beauty, his gentleness, his trust, and his devotion. Aspen's head was resting on his chest, his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, lips parted just the slightest bit, and Mykal couldn't quite help wanting to wake him. 

They hadn't had sex yet and Mykal was going crazy. He had offered, but Mykal had an inkling it was his first time so he didn't want to rush it. Plus, he had to stretch him out a bit. And he had been--for a whole week already he'd been working toys inside of him, taking them up one size every other night. It'd be well worth it in the end, he just had to tough it out for now. Aspen's safety and well-being comes first. 

Mykal's eyes darted over to the clock on his nightstand. four hours. That's how long he had before he had to drag himself out of bed and get to the gym. He sighed softly and leaned his head over towards Aspen's and tried to coerce himself into at least a few hours sleep.


Mykal was fucked. He'd completely forgotten about the three-page essay he had to write for his German language class--in German--and he had not been able to get three lines done let alone three pages. Maybe it was because Aspen was traipsing around with slightly damp hair and one of his sweaters that were too big, the neck of it was down around the top of one of his shoulders and the sleeves were pushed up around his wrists, somehow looking simultaneously like an angel and the most sinfully sexy little minx Mykal had ever seen. Mykal's eyes had admittedly been following his movements while he scampered around doing this and that, just keeping himself occupied. 

Mykal liked that Aspen was able to keep himself busy, and he absolutely loved that Aspen was comfortable at his apartment. His pretty voice typically flowed throughout the rooms as he cleaned, lost in his own little world as he listened to music and serenaded him. He found it somewhat relaxing actually, it was sort of like Marco polo--he could always tell where his little kitten was. That being said, his kitten was being a little too quiet for comfort.

"Kitten? Ya got all quiet, is somethin' wrong? Ya need help?" Mykal called, looking up from his paper and glancing around his apartment. He heard the sound of something thunking against the floor, and then a soft curse before the sound of pitter-pattering followed and Aspen's head poked out around the corner of the hallway with bright eyes.

"Sorry Alpha, I was trying to find something in my backpack but I dropped it." He giggled, tilting his head to the side and looking at Mykal with a smile. "Do you need me?" He asked, widening his eyes in a way that made Mykal's heart speed up. 

"Comere, lil bit," Mykal said, and Aspen giggled and all but skipped over to him. He wrapped his hand around his wrist and pulled him down into his lap and buried his face in Aspen's neck. Aspen giggled and wrapped his arms around Mykal's neck, squirming around when Mykal laid his hand down on the top of his thigh, fingers lightly brushing the outside of his leg. Mykal sighed deeply, catching a whiff of his cologne or... something that smelled like it.

 "Ya smell like me," Mykal said, pulling back away from his neck a little bit.

"I-I put on your cologne before I showered," Aspen murmured, hiding his face in Mykal's neck. Mykal raised an eyebrow and brought his hand up to his cheek and gently urged him backward. "I-I just like it, please don't j-judge me," He said in a soft tone, his eyes looking up into Mykal's in a way that made him want to coo at him. But he figured that'd probably look like he was making fun of him. 

"Doesn't that wash most of it off though?" Mykal asked, genuinely curious about the thought process behind it. He didn't particularly care if Aspen used his cologne, more power to him, but didn't showering afterwards defeat the point?

"W-Well, k-kinda," Aspen admitted, flushing as he covered the bottom of his face with his hand shyly. "I-It's j-just subtle, a-and i-if someone gets u-uncomfortably c-close they'll smell y-you." He said, even his ears tinting with color. Mykal seriously wondered if there was any blood left anywhere else other than Aspen's face. 

"Well, ya can achieve the same thing by waterin' it down a little," Mykal said softly, combing his fingers through the back of Aspen's hair gently. "Here, ya want me to show ya how?" Mykal offered, and Aspen nodded his head, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Go grab my cologne, pretty. I'll be in the kitchen, okay?" Aspen pivoted up out of his lap and darted off, little giggles following behind him. Mykal walked into the kitchen and went to his junk drawer and pulled out one of the travel-sized spray bottles he collected. He loved them because it was super convenient to carry around a spray bottle of glass cleaner for his phone on the go--he really had been saved by it before. 

Ezra had dropped his phone in places Mykal personally would've rather it hadn't come back from, so he fully considered these bottles sacred. But they had other uses too--cleaning his cameras for filming and when he almost finished a bottle of cleaner and wanted rid of the bottle but didn't want to waste what was left in the bottle too. He'd even saved Cameron once because Cameron had broken his perfume once and he'd brought it to Mykal to fix it. Well, Mykal couldn't reconnect broken plastic, but he could transfer the liquid from bottle a to bottle b. 

He fished out a small bottle and was opening it when Aspen came into the room and stood beside him. "Here it is Alpha!" He said, holding up the cologne bottle for him to see. Mykal smiled and took it from him, taking the cap off. 

"Here, be my helper and hold this, 'kay," Mykal said, handing him the cap. Aspen took it and smiled brightly, curiosity written on his face. Mykal leaned over and pulled out his pliers and a small flat head screwdriver--he had a lot of those eye-glasses kits too. The little screwdrivers are awesome for taking stuff apart that probably shouldn't be taken apart, but he digressed. He carefully lifted the base with the pliers, using the screwdriver to break the seal on it. He didn't want to break the bottle, he could still use it if he didn't--but if he did it wasn't the end of the world. He might even have a second bottle somewhere around the apartment. 

Once it was opened he carefully pulled the sprayer out and picked up the bottle and carefully poured a little bit of his cologne into the bottle. He didn't want to put too much or too little, so he left it at about a quarter, putting just a tiny bit more to be cautious before he set the bottle down on the counter and put his cologne bottle back together quickly. He took the cap from Aspen and closed it before he picked up Aspen's bottle of cologne and walked over to the sink and put water into it. 

"Aspen comere," Mykal said, as he turned around and grabbed the lid for the bottle, and screwed it onto the bottle. He sat it down, confident that it wouldn't be spilled, and grabbed Aspen by the waist and hoisted him up onto the count easily. Aspen blushed and let his legs dangle off over the edge as Mykal stepped between his legs. "What ya want to do is shake it then spray it. The cologne isn't water-soluble, so ya have to shake it to get it to temporarily mix." Mykal explained, and Aspen nodded, his eyes widening.

"It'll be less strong?" Mykal nodded. He'd put enough water in it to make most of what sprayed out would be water--so it'd be a similar strength to what it was when he just showered afterward. "Thank you, Alpha!" Aspen squealed, wrapping his arms around Mykal's neck and buried his face in his neck. 

"No problem, Kitten. Are ya stayin' the night tonight?" Mykal asked, and Aspen hummed, a pretty sparkle in his eyes as he pulled back and looked up at him innocently. 

"Well, I am kind of already in jammies," Aspen said, his eyes lighting up mischievously. Mykal smiled a little and nodded, brushing the hair out of Aspen's eyes before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Aspen pulled him down a little more, looking over him with mischievous jade green eyes, his face flushed bright red but there was a determined light in his eyes. Mykal's heart practically flew out of his chest when Aspen's lips hit his cheek. It was just a soft brush of his lips on his cheek, but he could feel lust zinging through his veins. 

He looked down into Aspen's eyes and laced his fingers through the back of Aspen's hair, tilting his head backward and he leaned down and brushed a kiss to Aspen's lips. Aspen's arms immediately tightened around his neck and he let out a whimper, his lips eagerly moving against his. At first, he seemed a little uncertain over what to do, but Mykal slipped his tongue into his mouth and took control of the kiss, leading his tongue with care and precision. 

It took him a second to get the hang of it, but once he got used to it, he was moaning and pressing closer to him. Aspen's legs wrapped around his waist, and Mykal let out a deep groan as he felt his cock brush against Aspen's. Mykal put his free hand on Aspen's lower back and pulled him closer, grinding their hips together. Aspen broke the kiss and gasped in a deep breath, his pretty deep green eyes opening up to peer up at him through his lashes. 

"A-Alpha," Aspen whimpered, his fingers gripping tightly into his hair. "P-Please don't stop," He looked so cutely desperate. It was adorable.

"Aren't ya just so sensitive," Mykal chuckled, nodding his head before he leaned down and captured his lips once again. Aspen's hands moved down to his chest, his hands balling up in his shirt as he shivered and moaned into the kiss as Mykal tangled their tongues together. Mykal's fingers dug into the swell of Aspen's ass, and Aspen wiggled his hips, rubbing himself forward against Mykal's chest. Mykal pulled away from his lips and rested his forehead down on Aspen's, listening to the needy moan that escaped Aspen's mouth as he peered up at him with desire-darkened eyes.

"P-Please touch m-me, Alpha," Aspen said, his voice soft and pleading as he pulled Mykal closer. Mykal lifted him up off the counter, his arms easily slipping down to hold him to his chest before he carried him to the bedroom. Aspen giggled breathlessly as he rubbed himself against Mykal. He was still giggling when Mykal pushed him back into the bed and kissed him again, passionately as he slipped his hand up the bottom of the sweater and cupped his erection in his hand. 

Giggling was abruptly stopped when Aspen let out a moan and arched his hips up into his hand, his legs tightening around Mykal's waist even more. Fuck, he couldn't wait to be inside of this pretty little body. 


Cameron showed up at his house at eight in the morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and way too fucking early for Mykal to even properly function. It's supposed to be the fucking weekend, what kind of drugs does Cameron take to be up at eight without bags under his eyes and enough energy to immediately let Mykal know whatever he wanted, he wasn't getting out of it. He could try to run, but he had a feeling Cameron could probably catch him. He was like a speeding bullet when he got running. 

"So what do you say?" He asked, and Mykal blinked a couple times, trying to clear the sleep from his eyes as he leaned on the bar of his island. How did it come to this? All he wanted was to sleep in with Aspen and yet here he was, confused as hell as to what the fuck what happening. "Mykal, we'll get you a coffee on the way," Cameron said, patting him on the shoulder encouragingly. 

"Wait what? Yo where are ya draggin' me before the fuckin' birds are up," Mykal complained, and Cameron tsked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're much more agreeable on the weekdays," Cameron said, giggling a little as he turned around and dug in the fridge for something. "Where do you keep the cold brew? Please tell me you drink it." Mykal shook his head, and Cameron sighed deeply. "Then you need to hurry because I need to get my morning coffee fix." 

"If you're so tired why not come back later," Mykal asked tiredly, resting his forehead down on the counter and letting out a deep sigh. 

"Alpha?" It was soft and faint, but Mykal's head popped up immediately. He'd hoped that they weren't being loud enough to disturb him, he'd been up late working on... well, training of sorts. He was way too tight, Mykal would be an idiot to try to push himself inside of him without working him up to it. He was getting better with bigger sizes, but Mykal could deduce that he was sure to be sore and tired, Mykal had wanted to let him sleep it off in peace. 

"Alpha?" Cameron mouthed, and Mykal shrugged and shot him a look. What could he really say about what Aspen called him--it meant the same thing to Aspen as 'daddy' did to Cameron. Well, maybe not exactly, because William took on a more caregiver-type role whereas he was more of a dominant--but the sentence was still true. It's all just different parts of one bigger sub-category anyway.

"In here, Kitten," Mykal called, and paused for a moment to see if he was going to get a response, but instead he was greeted by Aspen's pretty little self scurrying into the kitchen before he stopped short when he took in the sight of Cameron. His eyes widened a bit and his face heated up. He was wearing one of Mykal's sweaters, draping loosely off of his slender frame, and Mykal couldn't help but run his eyes over him hungrily for a moment.

"Aspen, this is my best friend Cameron. Cam, this is Aspen," Mykal said, motioning between them. Aspen looked over Cameron timidly, his eyes darting over to Mykal as if he didn't know quite what to do. Mykal was about to usher him over when Cameron spoke up.

"Hello!" Cameron said, smiling brightly. Aspen smiled waved shyly, hesitating as his eyes darted over to Mykal. "I'm Cameron." Aspen shifted a little, and Mykal could practically feel his nervousness washing over him from the distance. Mykal held his arms out to Aspen, and Aspen immediately moved. Mykal was surprised at how fast Aspen was at his side and burying himself into his side as if he could disappear into his arms.

"H-Hi," Aspen said, shifting around in his arms a little. "I'm Aspen," He said, peeking over Mykal's shoulder at Cameron. Cameron giggled a little and Mykal felt relief wash over him. Cameron was probably the best person Aspen could be introduced to this way because he didn't judge people and he was generally pretty perceptive.

"It's so nice to meet you! Do you want to go shopping with Mykal and I?" Cameron asked, and Aspen looked up at him questioningly, clearly asking if he could or not. Mykal sighed. He didn't remember agreeing to go shopping, but if Aspen wanted to go then his hands were tied. Mykal nodded his head and Aspen peered over his shoulder at Cameron again, nodding his head. "You two get dressed then," Cameron said, offering Aspen a kind smile. 

It was good timing, however, because he did want to take Aspen shopping. And if Cameron was there, he'd at least be able to help with the shit Mykal didn't really know shit about. His closet was mostly t-shirts of greys and blacks, with the occasional white, and then blue jeans so he didn't exactly have to match anything. He did have other stuff--suits and ties--but he mainly stuck to stuff he considered comfortable. He wasn't working or anything, so there wasn't much of a reason to dress up. Cameron could help him with any of the more feminine products and clothing that he wanted, and Mykal could just offer up his credit card.

Well, for Aspen. Cameron has William who can foot his shopping addiction bill much better than Mykal could. 


Mykal found himself being drug around by a hyper-active coffee-fueled Aspen and a similarly active Cameron who seemed to have found his other half. At first, Aspen had hidden behind him, but slowly over the day he grew more comfortable with Cameron and began talking to him more openly. It was admittedly more than just a little cute to watched Aspen talk amiably with Cameron, a beautiful smile on his face. The pair were both incredibly pretty, and Mykal had noticed quite a few sets of eyes following them. He was used to that--Ezra and Cameron both attracted attention when in a room. 

He hadn't been expecting the spark of possessiveness that shot through him when he followed the gazes to Aspen. He found himself walking a little closer behind them as they walked around. He stayed pretty quiet, only offering words when one of them directed their attention to him, and honestly, Mykal preferred that. He didn't mind talking, but he definitely preferred being surrounded by other people talking. 

He was drawn from his thoughts by Aspen clinging onto his arm, peering up at him with a cutely inquisitive look on his face. "Alpha are you okay?" He leaned up to say it softly so that only Mykal could hear it, and Mykal nodded and smiled a little. 

"I'm all good, Kitten," Mykal murmured, pressing a kiss to the tip of his ear. Aspen giggled and a blush spread across his face before he buried his face in his chest. "Hmm, did ya find somethin' ya wanted?" Mykal asked, and Aspen shook his head. "Ya don't have to be shy, pick out whatever ya want," Mykal said, and Aspen nodded and buried his face in Mykal's arm. "Good boy," Mykal murmured, pressing a kiss to his head gently. 

Aspen graced him with a beautiful giggle and a bright smile before he started pulling him towards where Cameron had wandered off to. Mykal let him pull him along, smiling a little until they stopped in front of the store that they stopped in front of. It sold lingerie. Mykal smirked and shot Aspen a look, making Aspen blush brightly. 

"Get at least seven pairs," Mykal instructed into Aspen's ear quietly, and Aspen nodded his head, biting into his lip shyly as his eyes sparkled with excitement. Mykal watched his scamper off to catch up with Cameron, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned in and said something to him quiet enough that Mykal couldn't hear it. When Cameron shot him a grin, he felt his blood freeze. They were gonna be the death of him, he already knew it. 

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