š–š¢šœš¤šžš | šš¢š„š„š¢šž ļæ½...

By chanelmebil

69.8K 2.1K 4.6K

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2.6K 92 284
By chanelmebil

I've never liked waking up in a place I'm unfamiliar with.

Especially in the home of someone who seems to despise me.

I woke up in a complete startle, hearing soft music come from the other room. I had found a room like Billie asked, farthest from the door she had went into so I had no way of accidentally going into hers.

I stayed up until 3am, pacing back and forth in her living room. My sister had called me, and I could barely hold a conversation with her. I couldn't bring it to myself to let her know what has been going on, I don't need her stressing about this when she already has our current situation to worry about.

When I finally fell asleep, I kept waking up in a panic, thinking of the worst. If Marcus and Ailton had known everything about me now and really was keeping tabs on me, what if they dug too deep and found out everything? Broke into my apartment and found anything about my old life, etc. Every worst possible scenario was clouding my head.

I sat up reluctantly, reaching over to my phone to check the time. 9am.

I had a bunch of missed texts from Gabby, wondering if I'm okay and to call her. I just don't have it in me to talk right now, I don't even want to go out the room.

But I really have to pee.

I quietly step out of bed, and slowly open the door. I walk down the hallway, the music getting louder as I step closer.

I peak out into the kitchen, to see Billie standing there, making eggs, blunt in hand.

She had her hair up in a messy bun, and she was wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt. Her legs fully exposed. Her legs were also covered in tattoos, from top to bottom. I don't think there's one part of her body that doesn't have tattoos, except her face which only has one.

She was playing Kehlani, and half singing the lyrics as she pushed around the eggs with a spatula, and it wasn't until I laughed a little bit that she had noticed me there.

"Fuck dude, you scared me." Billie mumbled, before turning back to her eggs. "About time you're up."

I roll my eyes while turning around to head the other way towards the bathroom, "Go shower, get dressed and meet me in the basement in 10 minutes. Don't fucking take long either, I got shit to do today." Billie calls out.

I don't respond, choosing to just go in and do what she says, considering she's helping me stay away from trouble right now.

I go into the bathroom and hold my hands up on the sink, taking a deep breath. This is just been a beyond stressful 48 hours. I can already feel how on edge I am, I was not in the mood for Billie's attitude today. If she really is going to try to help me, then it wouldn't kill her to be a slight bit nicer to me.

I splash some water on my face, and finally go to the bathroom. After, I get up and get out of that red dress I don't even want to look at.


I have no clothes.

I do not want to go and ask Billie for any clothes, not like any of her clothes would fit me with how oversized they all are.

Whatever, I'll deal with it later.

I strip fully, going to reach towards the shower to turn it on, when the door flies open and Billie is standing there.


I ran behind the shower curtain, trying to shield my body my body as quickly as I can.

"Billie, what the hell!" I yelled, trying to keep myself covered.

She just sat there, and shrugged. "You didn't answer me."

"Well what do you think I'm doing if I'm naked?!" I say back, waiting for her to get out.

"I don't know, shitting for all I fucking know." Billie mumbles.

"What? No- ugh. Can you just go? So I can shower." I say, annoyed.

Billie raises an eyebrow, and scoffs. "Don't flatter yourself, I wasn't looking."

And with that, she walked out and slammed the door.

I groan, releasing the shower curtain. Never in a million years have I seen someone mad all the time, even Afonso was happier then she is, and that man is a miserable bastard.

I turn the shower on, and step in, letting the warm water pool onto of me.

Relief, just for a few minutes.


I stepped out the bathroom door, towel clutched to my chest. I look around the hallway, no sign of Billie. She must already be downstairs.

I walked over to the room I slept in, going to get my phone. I still didn't have clothes, my only option is calling Gabby to bring me something. I decided going against asking Billie for any considering our recent interaction.

So you can say I was surprised when I open the door to see the bed made, my phone plugged in, and clothes laid out on the bed with a toothbrush.

I walked over to the bed, the clothes were neatly folded up. I dropped my towel onto the bed, and began to put on the clothes, catching a whiff of a pine scent mixed with vanilla. The clothes fit almost perfectly. Granted, it was only a black t-shirt and sweatpants, but it still fit.

I throw on the socks, grabbing my phone and letting Gabby know that I was fine and she didn't need to come here. As much as I'd like her to come, I just know there would just be constant bickering between them all.

I quickly brushed my teeth, and threw my hair up in a bun. I left the room, and started heading down the stairs to what I hoped was the basement.

Once I had reached the bottom of the steps, I heard noises from a distance. As I walked around, I took notice to the furniture all being to the floor down here as well. It was beautifully put together, but so bland. She had a sectional couch down here as well with huge TV. A bar was set on the opposite side of the room, with a huge fireplace.

I began to walk down towards the bar, noticing there's a hallway right next to it. I walk down there, leading to a gym area where Billie was there, punching a punching bag.

She had her AirPods in, grunting with each punch she threw. The shirt was gone, replaced with a sports bra and basketball shorts.

"Billie." I said, watching her in the mirror, but nothing.

I walked towards her, tapping her on the shoulder. "Billie?"

She looked up into the mirror, taking an AirPod out. "You're late. I told you I had shit to do." She mumbled, readjusting the punching bag.

I fiddle with the hem of my shirt, "Oh, yeah. Sorry- thank you for the-"

Billie turned away, interrupting me as she walked towards a bin, picking it up. "We're training today. Self defense first, considering you shit bricks when someone just walk towards you."

I frown at her, crossing my arms. "Thats not true. I was scared because you broke into my apartment and were walking towards me like you wanted to kill me."

Billie gave a low laugh, "Okay, whatever." She says, bringing the bin over. It was full of boxing gloves and pads. "You ever take self defense classes?"

I shake my head reluctantly.


Well kinda.

Before I left Brazil, I had taken self defense training, with only the intentions to ever have to use them against Afonso in case he had ever found me. I never really thought much into the fact that at one point I could need to use them. on someone else.

And I can't even tell Billie any of this anyways.

So lets stick with no.

Billie scoffed, shaking her head as she put the bin down. "Of course not. Put on the gloves."

I took them from the bin, and put them on. Billie gets herself into a stance, and jerks her chin at me. "Punch me."


"Like..in your face?" I ask, looking at her confused.

She gives me a small smirk. "You can try."

I nod, and get in a position to punch.

I got this.

I begin to throw one out, and she already had swung my arm around, and pinned me face first into the wall, hand behind my back.

"You have to move quicker than that. People at these drops, they're trained and can snap you in half in two fuckin' seconds." Billie says, releasing me.

She gets back into a stance, looking over to me.



"Dude, you aren't even fucking trying now. Come on, again." Billie snapped, looking down at me, now sitting on the floor, barely able to fucking breathe.

"Billie, I can't keep going. I'm gonna fucking pass out, damn." I huffed out, trying to catch my breath.

I did training yes, but not this.

Billies had me going for nearly an hour and a half, not a break, no water, nothing.

"We can go again tomorrow, get up. I'm bringing you to Wicked, I have things to do and you have tattoos to sketch." Billie says, putting everything back into the bin.

Tattoos to sketch?

"Um, what? Tattoos to sketch?" I said, standing up.

Billie takes the gloves from me, and bringing the bin back over. "Well, that is your fucking job isn't it? The one Gabby insisted you have and now we are in this mess?"

I scoff, "We are in this mess because you let your mafia people or whatever think that I was involved with your- drug shit or whatever."

Billie ignored me, and went down the hallway to the other side of the basement. "I'm showering, then we are going."

I sighed, and went over there as well to go upstairs. But once I got to the top, I got really lightheaded.

I grab the railing and sit down at the top of the stairs, letting myself breath. I was seeing dots, and my whole mouth was going numb. My anxiety started spiking, and I knew I was going to panic.

I tried to grasp the railing to get up, but my arm was giving out. I could feel my heart beating, it felt like it was pounding out of my chest.

"Angel? What the fuck? Are you good?" Billie says, walking over towards me.

"Just a bit lightheaded. I'm fine." I lied, grasping onto her railing.

"When was the last time you ate?" Billie snapped, crouching down next to me.

Oh, oops.

"Sometime yesterday morning, I don't know." I mumbled, closing my eyes again.

Billie groaned, "For fucks sake." She says, through gritted teeth, putting her hands around my waist, lifting me up.

She walked me over to the kitchen, sitting me on the chair. She walks over to her fridge and pulls out a bowl of fruit, and a water bottle, placing it in front of me.

"Eat." Billie mutters, before sitting down in front of me.

I start eating the fruit, and taking sips of the water. The dots slowly began to fade away, and my stomach grumbled, I realized how hungry I actually was.

"You need to eat and drink water before we train. I don't need you fuckin' passing out and shit every time." Billie says, before standing up. "Lets go. Bring the fruit and water."

I give her a look, examining her outfit. She's still in the same clothes, and not showered. "Where?"

"To the bathroom. I need to shower." Billie says, tapping her foot.

I felt the heat rise up to my neck right into my face, my eyes widening. "Uh, what? I..uh-do you mean.." I trailed off.

Her tongue glided across the inside of her bottom lip, smirking at me. "I mean, if you want-"

I shook my head quickly, trying not to make direct eye contact with her.

"No, that's not what I meant. You're not staying out here alone, I don't need to walk out here and see you passed out on my floor, so let's go." Billie replied, before walking out the kitchen.

I sat there for a second, trying to comprehend what just had happened. Billie knows she's intimidating, for sure. But she also knows she's good looking too, she makes it quite obvious.

"Angel!" She yelled from the bathroom, knowing I have yet to leave my spot from the kitchen.

I got up reluctantly, making way towards the bathroom. Once I got in, I was in relief to see that she was already in the shower.

I sat down on the toilet seat, eating my fruit as I hear Billie open up a bottle of something in the shower.

As I was staring out the window, Billie's phone was next to me, and it kept going off.

Texts over and over, and suddenly a call came in, a call from Destiny.

Billie ignored it as it continued to buzz, and she called once again.

"Uh, do you wanna get that? Its Destiny." I mumbled, sticking a grape in my mouth.

"Fuck no." Billie says, "Give me it."

She reaches her hand out from shower, and I hand it to her.

"Why wouldn't you want to answer your girlfriends calls?" I asked, finishing the last of my water.

Billie scoffed, before turning the water off. "Destiny is not my girlfriend."

Uh, the way Destiny acts, I think that's her girlfriend..

"But, Gabby said you guys..you know." I mumbled. Sex is always a weird topic for me, since I've haven't had sex that I genuinely enjoyed in a long, long time. That wasn't forced. That wasn't for money.

Billie grabs a towel, and puts it in on before opening the shower curtain.

Thank god.

"Fuck? Yeah we do. That doesn't mean we are in a relationship, I don't date." Billie says, before stepping out the shower, and walking out the bathroom door to her room, with the door slamming.

I genuinely wonder if this girls bipolar.

I get up, and head back to the kitchen and put the bowl in the sink and water bottle in the trash. Soon after, Billie comes trailing out her room and right down the stairs. I take that as that we are leaving now, so I follow.

Once we get to the garage and into car, she speeds out and begins speeding down the road, even faster than yesterday. I look over to Billie, to tell her to slow down once again, when I notice her eyes.


She's high.

I sink back into my seat uncomfortably, gripping onto the seat. As much as I can't stand being in a car with someone who is high, nothing I can do now.

The rest of the car ride was silent, the only thing that was heard was the soft music playing on her bluetooth, and the cars around us.

Once we pulled into the shop, she turned off the car and slumped back into her seat, looking over to me. "Go."

I turned to her, "You're not coming?"

"I am, just not yet. I have a few things to do first." Billie mutters, going onto her phone.

I knew what she meant.

To get more high.

What I'm about to do, I probably am going to regret right after, but fuck it.

"I know what you're doing." I blurted out, biting the inside of cheek, knowing that this was going to not end well.

Probably should've kept my mouth shut.

Billie snaps her head back to me, "What the fuck do you mean?"

I swallow, pointing my finger to her. "I can see it, in your eyes. Last night too. That shit isn't good Billie, it can fuck you up-"

Billies eyes were shooting bullets through me, and her hands gripped the steering wheel. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Don't fucking sit here and try that shit. You don't fucking know me, remember that. I can do whatever I want, don't speak on shit I do, ever."

Yup, bad idea.

I shake my head, "Billie, I wasn't trying to tell you what to do. I was just saying..like, I don't know. Be careful?" I said, it more sounding like a idiotic question if anything.

"I don't need you to say anything at all. What, I'm nice to you for two seconds and you think you can come and talk to me about some shit like that? Get the fuck outta here." Billie spats.

"Uh, nice? You think you've been nice? You've been anything but fucking nice to me. I fucked up last night, I got it. But I wouldn't ever been at the dinner if you just kept me out of your bullshit." I snapped back.

Theres no way this girl thinks she's been nice to me at all. Helping me when I nearly passed out isn't being nice, its a human fucking decency.

"Doesn't matter. I'm the nicest you are going to get in this situation. It won't matter anyways, because once you go in a fuck the drop up and they realize how fucking useless you are, you won't make it out." Billie spit out, her eyes turning almost black.

Stupid bitch.

"Fuck you." I said, before grabbing my stuff and getting out the car. Once I shut the door, she immediately put the park in drive and took off.

I'm so over this, I'm so over her. How she thinks she can talk to people that way, is disgusting. My whole life people talked down on me the way she does, and I didn't run away to hear it again from someone else.

I walk into the shop, to see Destiny and Gabby sitting at the receptionist desk.

"Hey babe, you made it back in one piece! How are you? Where's Bil?" She asks, pulling me into a hug.

One piece? Barely.

"I'm okay, she took off. We got into an argument, what's new." I muttered, while fixing my hair.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?" Destiny snaps, walking over towards me and Gabby.

No, not another one. I cannot deal with her now.

"Destiny don't start this shit." Gabby mumbles, crossing her arms.

"I didn't know they were yours. Billie left them out for me so I just put them on." I said, not even giving her the chance to argue with me.

But of course, she finds a way.

"Billie left them out for you? Ha, in your fucking dreams." Destiny laughed mockingly, "What is it, Angel? You trying to be like me? Got Billie's attention for a night so you think it's gonna be like that always?"

"Destiny, who the fuck said that? She trained with her today, so when she goes to do this drop she doesn't fucking die." Gabby says, giving her a look.

"I'm not trying to be like you, trust me. She literally just gave me clothes so I didn't have to get into my dress. It's not that big of a deal." I added in.

It's apparent this girl has feelings for Billie, and she's mad about me. Which makes absolutely no sense, Billie treats and talks to me like shit.

"Stop crossing a line. You are the bottom of the barrel type of bitch, you don't belong here. You never will." Destiny spats, eyeing me up and down.

Nope, not doing this.

I'm done. I will deal with this on my own.

I'm done with Billie, and her little lap dog. Talking clearly gets nowhere, being nice gets nowhere, so I'm going to handle it myself and I can have Gabby help me.

"Nope. I'm not doing this today, keep me the hell out of you and your drama." I say, turning to walk out the door.

"What the fuck is actually wrong with you? Angel, wait! Don't go!" Gabby says to Destiny, then calls out to me.

But I don't listen.

I walk out that door, with 0 intentions of going back.

are we sensing some character development here for miss billie??👀

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