Cariño || Encanto one-shots

By mj_nanase

23K 291 175

Reposting my Encanto one-shots from Tumblr :> Also, I don't take requests, I'm very sorry :< I write fo... More

Reflection [camilo x gn!reader]
Trust the process [camilo x f!reader]
We'll make this work, I promise [camilo x f! reader]
We'll make this work, I promise [camilo x f!reader] part 2
Words hurt [Camilo x f!reader]
Please don't be inlove with someone else [Bruno x f! reader]
Papà [Bruno x f!reader]
Papà [Bruno x f!reader] part 2
It's your all fault [carlos madrigal x f!reader]
When you didn't say I love you back [Madrigals x gn!reader]
Soulmates [Camilo x gn!reader] pt 1
Soulmates [Camilo x gn! reader] prt.3
When you didn't say I love you back pt.2 [Madrigals x gn!reader]

Soulmates [Camilo x gn! reader] prt.2

540 15 3
By mj_nanase

Summary: Soulmates exist, so does it feel like you two aren't meant to be?


"Their family is against Soulmates."

Luisa continued on her path, letting the boy grasp the reality he's in, but looking back after moments to make sure he was alright. Camilo felt his heart pump faster in milliseconds, questions flooding his brain of his. Why, how, when?

The green-eyed trailed behind the woman, eyes glued at the ground as they walked. Forming questions that he wants answers to. "Why..." he hesitated as his next words, thinking that it's rude, but still inquired. "Why are they against Soulmates? They bring nothing but, I don't know-love? Hope?"

"I think it's not about love or hope, but being betrothed to someone, is what they're against."

Is that why [name] hates me?

"How? I mean isn't it good that you already have someone out there for you? How did they hate it?" He inquired once again, brows knitted together. Flinching at the sudden impact at the back of his head, glancing behind him with grass-green eyes searching for any source of life that hit him from behind, but found no one. He figured it was you who caused it, so he brushed it off.

Luisa hummed in thought, adjusting her hands to carry the shovels that is slipping out of her grasp. "I think it started when Señora left..." she mumbled to herself, debating if she should tell her cousin.

"Señora? Señora who?" Camilo inquired once again, wanting to know the answer, as he now strolling beside his prima. Curiosity is getting the best of him.

"I don't think it's my story to tell, Milo." She dismissed, waving her hand at her two sisters in the distance, who's glad that she returned, but raise a brow at their cousin who's bothering her about something.

"But Luis-" He tried once again, but the said sisters stopped him from coming any closer, a vine various flowers bloom at the sides of it, as it made an 'x' position making the boy unable to get through, deep frown painted on Isabela's face.

"She's busy, now go!" She pointed her slender fingers to the opposite side of them. Her brown ones bore into Camilo's skull.

"I'm not a dog! You can't expect me to obey you!" He sway his arms around him, clearly offended, mimicking her glare at him. "Luisa! I shall save you from these dragon-looking creatures!" He dramatically announced, moving his hand past the plant, reaching to the air. As the giant woman shakes her head in amusement.

"Dragon?! Well, at least we don't eat like a dog!" Mirabel protested, erupting a gasp from the boy, putting a hand to his chest. The glass-eyed hooked her arms with the first-born together, throwing her primo a mocking look, smirking at him.

"You take that back!"

"No. That's for stealing my leftovers."

"W-well! At least, I don't look like a lizard."

"Milo, your name sounds like a lizard, maybe tía did it 'cause you look like one." The youngest throws another payback. The brunette in a bun covered her eyes with her palm at the background of the two, her white shirt lightly going up and down as she held the laugh that was begging to come out. She can't take to look at the scene anymore, knowing she will laugh.

The green-eyed boy pouted in defeat, leaning his head at the plant that's being held as a barricade. His curls bounced as he did so, a thin layer of sweat is formed on his forehead, with the ray of the sun it appears like it's shinning a bit. "I just wanna talk to Luisa..." he whined in a softer tone.

"We know, but do it later. Luisa needs her time to rest, okay primo?" The oldest brought her hand up, ruffling his fluffy hair. The boy's eyes are still narrowed from the teasing, but he started it, so he didn't mind much.

"Okay," finally admitting his defeat, he strolled his way away from the sisters, recalling his conversation with the brunette.

His thoughts went paused when he heard one of them call, "we still love you even if you look like a dog!"


A hand ran through his curls in distress, as he played detective with your family's issue with Soulmates.

Señora? Señora who?? Does she have something to do with you? Probably. But what? What did this woman do to your family to make you hate Soulmates?

Should I just ask? No, that's too personal. Maybe they'll open up after some time?

The shape-shifter is snapped back when a ball hits him square in the face. Causing him to stumble backward, swaying his arms to balance, ignoring his throbbing head. The once clear view of the sky is now getting blurry.

A series of gasps are heard from a small group of children, one of them looked horrified and nearly tearing up.

"I'm good! I'm alright!" He stalked towards them, kneeling to their height, his pants made contact with the dirty. His arms gestured his appearance and reassured the now crying girl. "No wounds, no blood-" he patted the bottom of his freckled nose, glancing at hit for any source of red, and found none. "I'm perfectly fine, don't cry." Softly patting her arm.

"But yo-you said, you can't get hurt anymore because," she paused when a hiccup interrupted, her little hands clenching her colorful skirt, before continuing. "Your Soulmate can feel it too! I don't want them to hate you!" Letting go of her dress, her hands cover her petite face, sobs coming out of her mouth.

The three of her friends went to comfort her immediately, one soothing her back, the other went to get some water to calm her down, while the other one offer her a napkin to blow on, brows knitted, worried for their friend.

"I'm sure [name] understands, they're a good person, they'll understand that it's an incident. Don't worry about it, okay? We're both fine." He said truthfully, beaming when the kid finally stopped, grabbing a fistful of her friend's ruana for her comfort.

Camilo wipes her tears with the napkin from the little girl offering it, giggling a bit when the girl complains when he teasingly pinch her nose.


Earlier that day, right after you left the shape-shifter's side, you were pulled to the side of a house by the tall cousin of yours. His Sombrero's thread hung by his neck, keeping it from falling to the ground. His back pressed against the cold concrete, putting an arm in front of you as he peek from the side. He's hiding from something. But from what?

"What are you-" you questioned his movements, but he quickly brought a hand to your face shutting you up, accidentally bang your head at the stone wall. Wincing slightly as you rubbed the sore spot, but kept quiet.

"Sshh, sh, sh, sh!" He paused, Manuel's jet-black hair moves against the blowing winds, as his chocolate-like eyes squint at the wagon parked outside your house. "Look, we have a visitor. That witch is back."

His statement caught you off guard and peeked to see if he was telling the truth. Much to your dismay, he is. The so-called "witch's" things scattered on top of the wagon, its disorderly is getting on your nerves. A blanket covering on top of it, making a little cave-like hole, every little kid's dream cave made out of things and blankets.

You swore that you saw a movement inside of it, but you're more focused on the conversation you guys are hearing from the inside of the window above you. The circular casement is a little higher than both of you, so you can't see what's going on.

"Come on, let's sneak inside. Stay quiet, and keep calm." Manuel instructed, holding his hand out for you, muffled voices are heard from your current place.

Agreeing with his plan, you wordlessly took his hand, and stalked inside, the door creek a bit, but it's unheard by the people inside. Crouching a bit to be unseen. Sandals gaze over the tiled floor, a sickeningly sweet tone coming for the sala.

The both of you made it into the kitchen, ducking down a counter as you two spy at the elders. There she is, the witch herself, Señora [last name]. She held both hands of your Aunt, the two seemingly have a conversation about something.

Your father leaned by the wall, staring deeply at his sister and his former wife as they talked like old friends. His [eye. color] twitch in annoyance, big arms crossed over his chest, breathing heavily. He's quite thankful that his sister is nice, or the woman will a thrown outside as she deserves.

He knows she didn't visit them to check on them, she needs something.

"What are you doing here, Ada?" The [last name]'s words echoed through the casita. The chatter from the women died down. His former wife: Ada, gave him a confused expression, one eyebrow raised.

"I'm visiting! I want to see how you guys are doing-" He can read her like an open book, and the man can't stand how fake she is to them.

"The real reason." You never heard him this angry before, it's scary. He spits that sentence with venom, it went right down your spine. Your cousin is a shredder, so you guess he felt it too.

"Aye Cisco, you know me so well..." she approached him, leaning her head at his shoulder, her [hair. color] locks swing as she did so. Your father's head faced forward, not a single glance down. He can't look at her, especially at the red spring attached to his pinky to hers. "I need someplace to stay, and I thought that maybe we could try our relationship again?" Her fingers trailed along his arms, using two fingers her crawl her hand up to his shoulders.

The [lastname] can't take his ranging feelings anymore, and harshly grasp her hand, his eyes bury into her soul. You watch from the counter, eyes widen from your Father's reaction. He's usually a gentle guy, but right now he's hurt, and he doesn't want any more of this woman in front of him.

"We don't want you here. Go back to that guy you run away with!" Extending his hand to the door, more furious than you have ever seen before.

"I'm here to make it up to you! To [name]! Just gave me another chance!"

You flinch at their raised tones, putting a hand over your ears. Plugging out their voices, you can't imagine how Dolores is holding up. Manuel put an arm other your shoulders, comforting as best as he can. Also looking at the two in worry.

How long has it been? 5-6 years, when she left you and now, she's begging to come back to your lives like she didn't disappear. Like she didn't run away from being a mother to you.

"I gave you so many chances, Ada! Leave me and my family alone!" Your father demanded, his sister coming over his side, not wanting the situation to go farther than it already is.

"Then let's try again, we're soulmates Cisco! You can't push me away!" She reasons, putting a hand over her chest. Not that word again, he despises that word so much.

"Soulmate or not, I want you out of our li-"

You throw your head back, as you felt the sudden impact of something, hitting you right in the nose. It was unexpected that you yelped in surprise and pain. You immediately put a hand over your face, it hurts like hell, what did that idiot do now??

"You good? Is it gone now? Where is the part that hurts?" Your cousin inquired, whispering as he pulled your hand away to see what part of it hurts so much.

"By the nose-" you pointed out, eyes closed. Did Camilo trip again? Did something hit his face? You're about to speak again but cut off.

"[Name], Manuel." You both wince at your father's voice, you were caught red-handed. His tone is soft, unlike earlier.

"You two can come out now. It's disrespectful to eavesdrop," your Tía stated, strolling towards the counter.

The boy is the first one to stand up, pulling you along with him. He mumbled a small, "sorry, mamá..." to his mother, who smiled at him, forgiving him for his actions.

You, on the other hand, stared at your parents. Mostly at your Father who seemingly staring at you too, silently having a conversation through eye contact. One topic that includes: this woman needs to get out of the house.

"Oh my, [name]! You've grown so much!" He approached you, her arms wide open, ready to embrace you. But before she could, you pulled away from her hands, throwing her an uneasy look. "Now, that's not how you greet your Mother." Crossing her arms at you.

"You're no Mother to me." You spat, glaring at your face that resembles yours, you hate her so much, that you can't even look at your face, since you only see her.

"Don't talk to me like that!" The woman exclaims, giving you an offended stare, "I gave birth to you, I'm still your Mother! Show some respect!"

"Not because you gave birth to me, you deserve my respect! You were never there for me!" Angry tear-stained your eyes, you can't handle it anymore. The tanned-skin Cousin of yours, rubbed your back while glaring at the woman "You're always outside, flirting with other guys when your Soulmate is just behind the door-!"

"¿Mamí?" A little voice snapped you out of your range, glancing at the now opened door of your house. A boy, who looks like 4-5 years old, staring at you and your Mother with watery eyes, clenching a stuffed Jaguar in his tiny hands.

She... has a kid?

"Mijo! I told you to stay at the wagon, you shouldn't have seen that." The [hair. color] woman walked to the little boy, crouching down cupping his cheeks before wiping his tears with her thumb.

She has a kid. A kid of her own.

"I heard yelling so I wanna see if you're okay!" The child embraces her, crying once again. It's clear that the boy is her son, and he loves her and is worried about her. That means, he spends most of his time with the woman, and he felt protective of her.

You can feel your chest swarm with envy, you're also her child, so why can't you have that relationship with her when you were younger? Just why?

You storm off by the stairs, nearly tripping but managing to rush to your room as you feel a sob coming out, not wanting to look vulnerable in front of anyone.

"[Nickname]!" The black-haired followed you, right after his Tío telepathically told him to go after you, while he take care of the situation. The boy was faced with a shut door, a loud slam rang through the halls.

He sighs in defeat, but still makes an effort to be there for you, considering you did the same to him when his father died. Leaning on the door, he said, "if you need to talk, I'll be in my room," he paused, waiting for your response, rubbing the back of his neck when he receives nothing, "you can sleep next to me tonight, I don't mind..." light tapping at the wooden door before he finally gave up when he heard nothing. "see you at dinner, [name]."


Camilo watched as the pebbles bounce through the water, tiny splashes were made as the impact of the rock made contact with it. He glace at the circular watch, the golden lid shining beneath the setting sun.

5:56 pm

He's been here since 2:30, not wanting to disappoint you. Yet here he is, still waiting for you, keeping himself busy by throwing small rocks, and drawing on the dirt with a stick.

Where are you? Did you trick him? No, that can't be right, you're not that cruel. Did you forget? Should he leave?

Hundreds of questions flood his brain-his heart felt like it's been stabbed. You wouldn't do that, right? You're not that kind of person, or are you? No, stop. The shape-shifter felt like crying to the horrible concept that he can't get out of his head.

You won't do that, you two are friends now. For the past few weeks, you two are getting close. You don't ditch, whatever happens. So, you forgot? You just forgot.

That's right, [name] forgot. Let's believe that, it's easier... he thought, closing the lid of the pocket watch.

Your Father's knuckles gaze with the wood, as he gently knocks outside your room. He's worried, you've been there for the whole day now. "[Name], can I come in?" He questioned, listening carefully for any mumble of agreement. Silence is all he heard, so he tried again, "Corazon, I need to talk to you, can I come in?" Sometimes he curses himself since you inherited his stubbornness. Knowing that the conversation will lead to nowhere, he decided to get in. "I'm coming in, okay?" The man stated, opening the door, peeking inside.

The room is dark, only a tint of sunsetting light is coming from the sealed windows, the curtain blows a bit as the wind slightly past through the opened door. There you lied, your back facing him, covered with your blanket, with your head resting comfortably on the pillow. The [last name] sat by the spot that's not taken over your body, patting your head in comfort.

In someone's eyes, you look like sleeping but he knew better, you're wide awake, so he just blurts the news out. "She's staying here for 2 weeks."

"What?!" You sprang up, the covers fell from your shoulders to your waist, a complicated look on your face as you stared at your Father in disbelief. "Pá! Are you being serious right now?! You're giving her another chance, remember that last hundred times you did! She'll hurt you again-"

"I did it because of the kid, Mi Vida. They need a home to stay, I can't let that child sleep in the cold." You were unprepared with his reasons, but you didn't care about anything from the woman, not even your half-brother. "I'm not giving her a chance with us, just the boy. He doesn't deserve to be a runaway like her. Do you understand now, [nickname]?" You two made eye contact as he turned to glance at you.

Meekly nodding at him, you slowly get back to bed, pulling the covers over your head this time. You heard the Man sigh before you feel the bed creek as he got off, heavy footsteps were heard stalking to your door. "Get down for dinner later, I love you, Corazon."

"Love you too, Papá." With that, he closes the door. Leaving you with your thoughts, you feel tired but don't know why. You also feel like you've missed something-something important, something that's worth. But what?

You need some time to think, and you know just the right place for that. No one knows unless they saw you come over there from time to time. Is it a good thing to sneak out, what if your father came back? what will he do if he finds out you're gone?

Nah, Manuel will handle it.

Silently approaching your closet, you pulled out a rough-textured old rope. You haven't seen this in years, a good thing it's still tough as a rock.

Sneaking out is always been natural to you, just to have some time alone, away from the witch that has returned home. It started when you were 9 years old, that dear cousin of yours showed you how just for you to enjoy life once in a while.

You climbed down the window quietly, so quiet that Dolores can only hear your breath, heartbeat, and the sound of rope stretching from the weight.

Once your foot met the grass, you sprinted through the forest near you, a certain location in mind. The sun is beautiful, orange and pink clashed into each other, a hint of little blues is seen too. Seeing a familiar tree, you turned right from it, meeting the riverbank that only you knew about.

You always stayed here, and wash laundry over here. Only white noise is heard, which is relaxing as the flow of the water makes sounds as well as some of the fishes that swam in it. Crouching down near the waters, swinging the clothing away from it, not wanting it to get wet, you took a moment to think about everything that has happened today.

You were with the Madrigal before you part ways and were pulled by your cousin, then that witch shows up with a kid and you run away, locking yourself in your room.

Wait no, you missed something.

You're with the shape-shifter, then Manuel told you about that not-really-a-mother with your half brother then you lock yourself, and your dad told you about them staying... right?

No there's still something important that you missed. But what? You felt guilty about something, for forgetting something, but can't put a finger on it.

You picked up a rock, it's small and rough but has a few small soft surfaces. You stared at it for a moment before you went back to thinking again. The tree leaves rustling from the wind.

But you know it's about that freckled boy. It is when he was hit by something in the face?? Maybe, but it doesn't feel right...

So what-

"Look who finally shows up!" Startled by an unforeseen voice from above you, straight away you looked up alarmed about your surroundings. There he is, the boy that's been in your thoughts for the past few minutes. Camilo sat by a thick branch of a tree, his ruana is off folded neatly resting on his lap. He looks happy, like really happy. "You're late, Lindo."

"Don't call me that, Madrigal." Shooting him a look, but a small beam is seen on your face. "And what do you mean by late?"

"I told you I'll help you, right? You said by the river at 3. It's past 3, [name]." He stated carefully coming down from the tree, then sitting next to you, bringing his knees up, mimicking you. His ruana lay casually on one of his shoulders. "Can't believe that the person who said 'don't be late' is the one who's a few hours late."

Oh. Ooh.

"Aye, Mierda." You mumbled to yourself- your hands run through your hair, as you bury your face in between your elbows. The boy rubbing your back, muffling his chuckles, your continued head still between your arms. "I completely forgot, ugh you've probably been waiting here for 2? 3? Hours. God, I'm such an Idiot!"

"Don't down yourself, [name]! It's only for a few hours, no biggie!" The shape-shifter cheered you up, bumping his shoulder to yours in an attempt of making you smile or even better, laugh.

"How many hours, exactly?" You inquired, you brought yourself to head up, looking at him with your [eye. color] ones, the boy can see the fret swimming through it.

You're worried about him again! You look so adorable too! It was worth a wait! That way you're staring at him is making his heart melt. This makes him look away for a moment, his face reddish from that small interaction, your eyes never left his form brows frown, lips pressed into a thin line.

"...4 hours," Camilo answered, looking back at you for any kind of reaction, he panicked when you let out a small gasp, mouth agape. He doesn't want you to down yourself again. "But that's not the point! You're here now, and that's all I need to say it's worth it!" he continued, making sure that you two shared a mutual gaze as he tilt his head a bit, giving you an assuring smile.

"I didn't bring the laundry, we can't wash them. So, it's not worth it."

"Then, we can talk! Just you and me, any topic you want."

The sun is almost set, only a few bits are seen. Your surroundings began to darken as the light is running away replaced by dim. you stared at his emerald-like eyes, despite the dark place you two are into, his eyes are bright and lively, with a hint of softness inside it. "you're too kind, Madrigal." you mutter, not breaking the contact between your eyes. "especially to me, all I did is push you away, why is that?" you heart increase its beat, as you ask the question that has been in your mind ever since he approaches you repeatedly.

The thought of your problems earlier in the day has been banished into thin air. All of them are focused on the boy in front of you.

The shape-shifter took a moment to answer, too mesmerize with your deep eyes before blinking a few times but didn't look away. " 'cause you're my Soulmate, and I'll do anything just to be close to you," he spoke without thinking, his hair swinging back and forth as the wind blows.


word count: 4111 words :DD

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