just another girl (nash grier...

By inhaledgrier

1.3K 9 4


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18 part 1
chapter 18 part two
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
epilogue (last chapter ever)

chapter 21

37 0 0
By inhaledgrier

*1 week later*

violets pov:

"bye sissy" brooke said to me. "bye love ya" i said nearly crying. "dont grow up kiddo" will said ruffling my head. "ill try not to" i said laughing. then they went through security. thats it my only family gone. gone until further notice. i got in my car and drove back to nash's. "so their gone" nash said. "ya and seriously dont be mad with him he wants to start his own life" i said.

you see nash has been in a bad mood since will told us. "i know its just im going to miss them" he said. "i know you are i am too trust me my only blood family after leaving me" i said holding back tears. " come on" nash said opening his arms. i went over and hugged him. "ive got a surprise for you"nash said. "what" i said. "NETFLIX TIME GURLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i turned around to see cam.

"CAM" i screamed. "whats up baby girl" he said. i ran over and hugged him. "told ya she wanted to see cam" i heard another voice say. "MATT" i screamed and hugged him. guess i took him by surprise cause he looked startled. "VI IM HERE" jack j shouted. "jackyyyy" i said. i hugged him. i said hey to everyone else. i honestly love them all so much.

"meet my friend john vi" taylor said. i turned around to see john. nash saw me. i was fuming. "HOW MANY FREAKING TIMES JOHN HOW MANY TIMES. DO I HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO COURT OR SOMETHING" i screamed. they all looked shocked. "how many times do i have to tell you that if i cant have you noone can" he said. then i felt a sharp pain go into my chest. "this time you wont make it" he said. next thing i know everything went black..............................................

nash pov:

i saw violets body collapse onto the floor. she turned pale. "what the fuck man what the actual fuck" i screamed punching him. "ya my friend she got shot please hurry" i heard cam say. then someone pull me off him. "why did you shoot her again your a fucktard" jack j said. i laughed at fucktard. i remember the night me and vi went to meet our friends at school and she called me a fucktard. john looked scared. then someone who i never expected to hurt anyone started punching john. "shawn calm the cops our on the way" taylor shouted. "no he shot violet again" he said through tears.

then the ambulance and the cops arrived. "who shot her" the cops asked. we pointed to john. "welcome back to prison son" the cop laughed coldly. the paramedics took vi's lifeless body and put into the back of the ambulance. "anyone coming" the women asked. " ill go" i said getting into the back. why does this keep happening to her why. "babe please wake up please please please" i said.

we got to the hospital and they told me wait in the waiting room. the boys came running in and saw me and sat down. me on the otherhand was pacing up and down. "dude calm" taylor said. "how am i suppose to calm when the love of my life is probably going to die taylor huh and its your fault for bringing him with you ever think of that" i said. cam came up to me "she will pull true shes strong" he said hugging me.


an hour has passed still no news


its now been 4 hours wouldnt you think the would of told us something


"ya brooke ill ring you if something happens i understand you only got there" i said on the phone. "ok bye nash and hold it together for vi for me for everyone" she said. "bye" i said hanging up.

"violet brace" a docter said. we all stood up. "ok the bullet has went straight to her heart but she is awake but the bad news is she could die any minute" he said.

"can we see......" i said. "room 114" he said. we ran down the corridor and into her room. i saw her pale but awake. "vi" i shouted. "nash" she choked out. "guys" she said. they all looked at her in shock. "you heard the news i guess" she said. we nodded. "come here" she said. we all hugged her. "i love you guys" she shouted. "we love you too" the boys said crying.

"nash" she said. "ya baby girl" i said. "i love you tell my sister i love her too and will and sky and hayes and everyone else" she said. i nodded. " and oh nash before i forget here is a letter for everyone but dont give them out or open them until after my funeral please" she said."i wont i promise you" i said smiling even though i was braking inside so much.

"bye guys i love you" she said. "we love you so much" they said by now jack j matt cam and shawn were crying on the ground. "may i have one last kiss nash" she said smiling. i walked over to her. "i love you nash" she said. "i love you baby girl" i said. i grabbed her cheek softly and kissed her cold soft lips. then i heard a flat line..........................................................................................................

" i love you never forget that" i said kissing her forehead and letting a tear out.

i guess thats it she is gone gone forever. all the boys were crying but me. i cant cry i literally cant cry even though i need to i just cant my body isnt allowing me. i hurt so bad.

"brooke she's..... dead" i said. "what nash please tell me your lying" she said starting to cry down the phone. "no i wish i was brooke trust me i wish i was lying badly but im not" i said. "will booked a flight back we will be there in a day bye nash" she said starting to badly cry. i hung up.

now the job is telling everybody like sky hayes mom. oh this is going to be hard why did she have to go why.......................................................................................

violet pov:

bye nashty i love you i always will be looking down on heaven. "mom, dad" i screamed. "baby girl" they screamed running over to me. i hugged them. "why did god take me" i asked. "because you for filled your purpose" dad said. "come again" i said. "you did what you were suppose to do which was make nash see who he is make the boys see how valuable life is and you did it" mom said. "but im going to miss them" i said. " youll see them soon anyway its great to have two new people here" mom said. 

oh yeah i forgot i wonder how nash is going to take this in the letter.

a/n i cried writing this i hoped you liked it 2 chapters left guys so yeah byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee love yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shauna xox

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