A Twisted Tale- (EJ x Jeff)

By Strange_Ness

9K 289 197

When Jeff is sent out to collect the new resident for the mansion, weird stuff happens. - Language! -Murder... More

Prologue- Jeff's story
-Supply run-
-Evening pt.1-
-Evening pt.2-
-Evening pt.3-
-Late-Night Happenings-
-The Morning After-
Authors Note
-Next Day-
-Target (in more ways than one)-


544 16 7
By Strange_Ness

A/N: Guess what, I'm not dead.

Word count: 659


Jeff was fed up. "I swear, I've been walking for around a month straight and no sign of that damn school! See, this is why I didn't go to collage." He waited for a snarky remark, then sighed. "God, I even almost miss Jane. At least she was someone to talk to." Jeff kept walking through the woods until he came across a small cave. Huh, why is there a cave in the middle of the woods? Might as well go in, Jack could be hiding out there. He walked closer to the cave, the entrance like a giant mouth yawning open. "Shit, it's dark." Jeff rummaged through his bag, pulling out a flashlight. He flicked it on. The dim light swept across the walls.

"What the hell." There were drawings of dark hooded figures lining the walls, images depicting some great beast. "Churnobog. Huh." Jeff walked deeper into the cave. When the flashlight beam hit the back wall, he nearly gasped. A giant mural was painted there. In the painting a small brunette boy was kneeling on the floor, with a look of pain on his face. Black tar leaked from his eyes, which were covered by two long black hands leading up to some beast. A demon. It had marbled black skin with red horns and 7 eyes. More like eye sockets, Jeff thought. The 'eyes' weren't there, just empty black holes bleeding black. "Well. Another reason I didn't go to collage."

"It wasn't the collages fault." A smooth voice spoke behind Jeff. He turned, flashlight raised in defense. 

"What! Who's there?"


"Well that's very helpful 'me' but I thought it would be more polite to ask who you are before I gut you." Jeff pulled a smaller knife from his hoodie pocket.

"Threats are futile. I know this palace inside and out, I can see in the dark, so you are at a distinct disadvantage."

"Cut out the fancy talk. Just tell me who you are." Jeff was starting to get pissed. "You have 5 seconds before I cut you up and use your intestines as party streamers."


A small lightbulb, now lit, hung from the cave ceiling. It was quite dirty, as if it hadn't been used in a long time. The person talking had short ear-length brown hair and was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Jeff couldn't see their face, as it was covered by a two-toned blue mask with black holes for eyes and tar dripping down. 

"Pleasure to meet you, Jeffery Woods."

Jeff stepped forward. "How do you know who I am?"

"The same way you know who I am."

"What. No. That's not possible." Jeff spluttered.

"Oh but it is. Let's just put it this way. The Slenderman gave me a letter as well with directions to your 'mansion' along with information about you. I guess he didn't think you could fulfill the task of bringing me there."

Jeff stared. "That. I don't. No." He sat down. "God. Of course he doesn't trust me." Why would he? I can't get any other  task right. I should have been suspicious of why he gave me such an important task.

"But hey. Not a big deal. You met me, I told you I'm not going blah blah blah arguing blah. I must be going now, I'm quite hungry and need to get some food. Ta ta Woods." Jack turned and began walking towards the exit but something small and metal hit him in the back of the head. 

"Sorry Jack, I'm not going back without you. I need to prove that I can do this. So, yeah. Sorry, not sorry." Jeff grinned. 

"I'll show him that I am not a screw-up. I can do this and I will."


A/N: Oooooo Jacks here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways, I'm not dead, just tired, so sorry for the short chapter. Do y'all prefer the longer of shorter chapters?

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: It by Stephen King

Thanks for reading, bye dears!


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