Persona F

By daleketchup

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In the city of Eshlur, there is a high school called Gastro High School. There houses a sophomore student tha... More

The train ride to the new school
The strange new world
Rikiya's awakening
Hey! Go get a job!
The Personal Demons
Gearing up to save Shadow Ai
Shadow Ai's paradise Pt. 1
Shadow Ai's paradise Pt. 2
Ai's awakening
Waiting for Ai to recover
Golden Week
Tomomi's thanatophobia
The Angel in Black Armor
Shadow Tomomi's rescue Pt. 1
Shadow Tomomi's Rescue Pt. 2
Tomomi's Awakening
Waiting for Tomomi to recover
Depths of Hel

Tomomi joins the Sovereign Heroes

54 1 0
By daleketchup


            The next day, Hiro has awoken and so does Kaoru. His phone then rings out to him. "Hello?" Hiro replies. "Yo! Hiro! Great news! Tomomi's family called me! They said Tomomi-chan will be okay! She'll be up in a few days!" Rikiya says. "That's good to hear. Have you been giving her the assignments like I told ya to?" Hiro asks. "Yep! And I've been tutoring her too!" Rikiya replies. "We positive it ain't you that's getting tutored?" Hiro asks to which Rikiya does a nervous chuckle. "Well, whatever, you should get to Ai and fill her in. We may possibly have a new member of the Sovereign Heroes." Hiro says. "You got it!" Rikiya replies before he hangs up.

            Later on, after school, Hiro heads home before he notices a poster, one that is hosting a newly released comedy club. "Looks interesting. I'll have a look." Hiro says to himself.

            Hiro picks up Kaoru from his school and heads to the comedy club. Once he enters, he and Kaoru see a white haired woman with hair at a neck length, wearing her uniform and a very small star necklace. "I dont know. I know you told me. But I have had a very long day. I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under." The woman says up on stage, but nobody is really laughing, not that there is anyone to actually laugh at her jokes as there is about three people, excluding the comedian and Hiro. He can see her panicking a little bit before continuing. "Or if its one of those true or false questions, you should be able to add a third option which is, 'Who's to say?" This results to a deafening silence. "Are you done, Fujino? Because if we are gonna do comedy, you gotta give us something good! That was clearly stolen from John Mulaney!" A member boos. The club members then get up to leave the room, one of which notices Hiro. "Word of advice, bud, get out while you can." The member says before leaving. "Guys! Come on! Please!" The woman begs. Hiro and Kap look at one another before turning to the woman. "H-hi there! Would you like to join my comedy club?" She asks with some optimism but both the high schooler and the child know damn well that this is just desperation. "I-" "I'm sure you will love it!" She interrupts before she grabs his hand and drags him inside and putting him on a chair. "I think you will enjoy my skits, I could really use some help here! By the way, I'm Matsuoka Fujino!" She greets. "Now, here is a skit of mine!" She says with a ton of enthusiasm. Kaoru grabs a chair and sits next to Hiro, both of which are looking at one another with a lack of hope. Matsuoka clears her throat.

            "I went to college. For the whole time. Holy shit, right? I just got a letter from my college, which was fun cause mail, you know? So I open up the letter and they said, 'Hey, Matsuoka, its college. You remember?' I say, 'Yes, of course.' And they said, how did they phrase it? They said, 'Give us some money! As a gift! We want a gift! But only if its money.' Matsuoka says. Kaoru does a laugh but Hiro doesn't, this gives her a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I found this peculiar. You see, what had happened, New York, was that when I was a student, I had paid them tuition money. Every semester, two semesters a year, for four years. I don't remember exactly what it was, but rounding up, back in 1999 dollars, it was about $15,000 a semester, two semesters a year, for four years. So it was about $30,000 a year for four years. So it was about $120,000, okay? So roughly speaking, I gave my college about $120,000. Okay, so you might say that I already gave them $120,000 and now you have the audacity to ask me for more money. What kind of a cokehead relative What kind of a cokehead relative is my college? You spent it already? I gave you more money than the American Civil War cost and you fucking spent it already? Where's my money? I felt like Jimmy Stewart in Its a Wonderful Life when hes screaming at his uncle Billy." She then imitates Jimmy Stewart from the aforementioned movie. "'Where's the money? Where's that money, you fat motherfucker? Where's my money? Stay down on the ground, you motherfucker!' That's not the dialogue. But do you remember that scene from It's a Wonderful Life? Great movie, Frank Capra, 1946." Matsuoka says. Kaoru laughs again and before she can continue, Hiro had to stop her. "Stop! Stop! Just stop right the hell there." Hiro says before he stands up. "Huh? Was it not good?" "Listen, Fujino, lemme ask you something. Who is your favorite comedian?" Hiro asks. "John Mulaney?" "Bingo! And that much is so damn obvious. How do I know? Because it's exactly from his shit." Hiro says. "You need a ton of work for your shit. All you got is stolen jokes. American stolen jokes. In Asia. You ain't John Mulaney, you're Amy Schumer." Hiro says. "A lot of western references today." Kaoru mutters. "Look, ya just need some new ideals, some new schticks. You can't rely on others for your success." Hiro says. "But it's what gets people to laugh." Matsuoka argues. "Ya only got my little bro to laugh, it ain't really an accomplishment because he hasn't heard of John Mulaney." Hiro retaliates. "Look, what ya need is some help, and I'll help your ass with it." Hiro says. "All right! I look forward to your teachings, sensei!" "Please don't call me that. Call me Hirozaku Chiba. Or Hiro." Hiro has made a vow to help Matsuoka Fujino with her comedy career. Suddenly, time stops and Hiro hears a voice.

"I am thou... Thou art I...

Thou hast acquired a new companion...

With the Zodiac of the "Leo", your journey is one step closer to it's end..."

            Hirozaku is now capable of making Leo personas. Time resumes once again. "I look forward to learning under you, Hiro! I gotta go and make some new skits! See ya!" Matsuoka says before she leaves the classroom. "This is gonna be fucking weird for me." Hiro comments.


            The next day, Hiro is currently in his classroom, his biology class. "And here, we have the insides of steroids. The stuff that athletes would use to get them to be highly active and endlessly push their bodies. They have something called cholesterol. Chiba. What can you tell me about cholesterol?" Asks his biology teacher. "It's a key part of animal membranes." Hiro responds. "Very good. In addition, animal cells use cholesterol as a starting material to make lipids, including sex hormones testosterone and estrogen." The teacher says. The students mutter about Hiro. "Did he learn that?" "I may need to cheat off him. I'm still scared he's gonna threaten my life." Hiro feels as though his popularity has increased. His intelligence and charm has increased.

            Hirozaku starts to pack things in after school, to which Namikawa approaches him. "Chiba. Do you have a minute?" Asks Namikawa. "What's up?" Hiro asks. "I just have a simple request. You have had great grades recently, and I think you could do very well as a tutor." Namikawa says. "I dunno if I'd be a good one. I don't got the patience for that." Hiro responds. "You'd be surprise. Just try it out for one day and you'll see if it'll do you good." Namikawa says. "Aight. But I wouldn't hold your breath." Hiro responds. He picks Kaoru up from school and heads to the library. Once he makes it there, he sees a student on a table, looking as if he is getting things prepared. He has a pair of rimless glasses, a white uniform and some rather messy hair and some strong cheekbones. He also, as everyone else, has his Gastro High uniform with a number one on his uniform. He looks up and sees Hiro. "Hey! You must be my new tutor, right?" Asks the guy. "My name's Masachika Koyasu. I hope you will be patient with me." Masachika says. "Yeah, no problem." Hiro responds. He helps Masachika with his work and bit by bit, he helps Masachika with his work. As a result, his kindness grew, and as a result, his kindness went from empathetic to grace while his diligence went up too, as well as his intelligence growing from to understanding to solver. "I learned a lot, thanks, Chiba." Masachika says. "Yeah, no problem. Just do what I tell ya and you should be able to succeed." Hiro replies. "Thank you. You are far kinder than my last tutor." Masachicka says. "Huh? Why's that?" Hiro asks. "Well, they went on and on about how a method I would use is wrong and such. They wouldn't know true intellect if it smacked them right up the head, even my teachers are idiots." Masachika says, catching Hiro by surprise. "Where the hell did this sudden 180 come from?" Hiro asks. "I like you, Chiba. I think we will be rather well acquainted." Masachika says, to which Hiro just does a forced smile. "Y-yeah... Can't wait..." Hiro says. He does seem to know a bit more about his new student. As such, time slows down for him.

"I am thou... Thou art I...

Thou hast acquired a new companion...

With the zodiac of the "Aquarius", your journey is one step closer to its end..."

            Hirozaku has formed a new Zodiac Arcana, and with it, the ability to make Aquarius personas. "Well, I should be getting back home now. Thank you for your knowledge, Chiba-senpai." Masachika says as he packs his stuff and leaves, leaving Hiro to be befuddled. "What just happened?" Asked Kaoru. "I honestly have no fucking clue. The last few minutes are like a blur." Hiro responds.

            After school, Hiro prepares to head off to bed along with Kaoru. "Finally, the day's done. I think Tomomi would be good in a few days now." Hiro says. "Yeah. But, there may be a chance that that black angel, he was pulling the strings this whole time." Kaoru says. "Yeah. we gotta know what's going on." Hiro says. His phone then rings to an unusual ringtone, unusual for Kaoru at least. And on Hiro's face, it's completely changed as the phone rings. "Are... you not gonna answer that?" Kaoru asks. "Y-yeah..." Hiro responds as he pulls out his phone and has a scowl as he looks as the caller ID. He clicks answers and raises it to his ear with a forced smile. "H-hey dad..." Hiro greets. "Hey, my boy! How have you been?" Asks Hiro's father over the phone. "I've... been great, thanks for askin'." Hiro responds. "I was just calling because I haven't talked to you in a while and I want to know what's going on with you." "Cool..." "Listen, I am gonna be going to Yamanashi to meet with your grandma, and I'd like it if-" "NO!" Hiro spurts suddenly as his eyes widen. It goes quiet before Hiro clears his throat. "Sorry, I was just talking to a damn rodent. But sorry, I ain't available. I got school stuff to do." Hiro says. "Oh, you're actually studying? That's new." His father says condescendingly, to which Hiro does a forced laughter. "Well that's a shame. I was hoping we could bond. Anyway, I sent your mother your allowance check and I hope I can talk to you later. Love you." "Yeah, cool. Thanks for the money. Bye." Hiro hangs up and punches the wall in rage. "THAT PIECE OF SHIT!" Hiro angrily shouts. "Who the hell does he think he is?! He's trying to be a good dad after all these years now?! That asshole thinks money is what would get me back!" Hiro continues to rage, scaring Kaoru. "I swear to god, that asshole will have god himself tell him that he is in the wrong but no, no, no, he wouldn't give a shit! GRAH! I fucking hate him!" Hiro vents. Kaoru has never seen Hiro like this and takes a step back in fear. Hiro notices and does a small scoff. "Tsk... Sorry ya had to see that. As ya know, I don't have such a good relationship with my old man. So let's just hit the hay and get some rest." Hiro says to Kaoru who silently nods. "Hiro? What was that?" Asks Rin from downstairs. "Sorry, ma, it was nothing." Hiro says before turning back to Kaoru. "You know, contrary to popular belief, sleeping in bed while getting angry actually helps you sleep a lot better." Hiro says, to which Kaoru says nothing and heads to bed. "Shit..." Hiro mutters as he gets to sleep too. Meanwhile downstairs, Rin just sighs and shakes her head as Unsho is with her. "He really doesn't like his dad." Unsho says. "Yes, and he tries to hide his pain of all he has gone through, but in his heart, I know he has the anger of a beast. I believe that his friends will help him calm himself down." Rin responds.

            Hiro wakes up in the Velvet Room again, and sees Igor before him. "Welcome to the Velvet Room, student." Igor greets. "I'm proud of you, my student, you have grown so much since last time." Agatha says. She places three cards and places different stamps on them. One is a horse, another is a mermaid and another is a lion. She flips them to reveal Satoshi Kurisu, Matsuoka Fujino and Masachika Koyasu. "You have been going rather far, student. There are many more obstacles for you to overcome and with the help of your personas, you can make it." Igor says. "Thanks. I'll do what I can." Hiro responds. "Hey, quick question, ya guys got any idea what's going on with that black knight dude? Some knight using a crowbar and a British STEM?" Hiro asks. "While you are to rely on us for assistance, student, you shouldn't rely entirely on assistance. A bird doesn't ask for help always, a bird just leaps forward. At the same time, animals carry their children on their backs and hold them until they are ready to leave for the world outside." Igor responds. "This Black Angel will be very difficult for you, but you best be prepared for whatever is to come." Agatha says. "Be aware by looking at key details in all your conversations." "Yeah, gotcha." Hiro says. "Good. You will certainly be a better person than you are now, as your journey is just beginning. Until we meet again." Igor says as Hiro slowly loses consciousness.


            After school, Hiro and Kaoru go to the rooftops as Rikiya requested them to and once they get there, Ai is there as well. "Hello, Hiro-kun and Kaoru-chan. Have you gotten Rikiya-san's message too?" Asks Ai. "Yeah. We were told to meet him up here." Hiro responds. "Yeah." Kaoru agrees. "Is everything all right, Kaoru-chan?" Asks Ai. Kaoru then puts on a brave face. "Yes, Ai! I am all right! I am a brave knight for you!" Kaoru says to which Ai chuckles. "I'll bet." The door opens and Rikiya comes out with Tomomi. "Guess who is with us in our journey!" Rikiya says. "Tomomi-Chan has joined the Sovereign Heroes!" Rikiya cheers. "It's nice to be with you all again. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help." Tomomi says. "It was our pleasure, Oshiro-san." Ai responds. "Now, how should we celebrate?" Asks Rikiya. "What if we went to an Italian restaurant? I've always wanted to go to a place like that!" Hiro asks. "Yo! That sounds great!" Rikiya responds. "Do you plan to celebrate every new member of the Sovereign Heroes this way?" Tomomi asks. "I don't see why not. It would be an excellent way for us to unwind." Ai responds. "It's settled then! We are going to Italy!" Rikiya says. "We are NOT going to Italy, dumbass, just an Italian restaurant." Hiro retorts. "I'll make some reservations. We can make this quick." Hiro says as he goes inside for a bit on his phone. Meanwhile, Tomomi notices Kaoru. "You have been rather quiet, Kaoru-kun. Are you all right?" Asks Tomomi. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Kaoru responds. Meanwhile beyond the door, Hiro has made a reservation. "That's right, a table for three teens and one kid." Hiro says. "All right, we have a table opened for you, it will be today in five hours." The receptionist says. "Yeah, cool. Thanks." Hiro replies before he hangs up. Just as he was about to turn around to get to the others, his phone rings to a different ringtone. He rolls his eyes and sees his caller ID. "Oh great, this song and dance again." Hiro mutters as he answers. "Hello?" "Hey! Hiro! I want to talk to you again today! I was gonna get to a nice restaurant and realized I could bring another. Would you be interested in joining? We can facetime your grandma and wish her a happy birthday." Asks Hiro's father. "Sorry, but I already got plans. Also, wasn't her birthday several months ago?" Hiro asks. "Hirozaku, you better call your grandmother and wish her a happy birthday. Right now." "Look, I can't talk right now so-" "Who are you even hanging out with?! This isn't what I taught you, is it?" "That ain't-" "If I didn't know better, I'd say that you love your friends more than your own family." "JUST LIKE HOW YOU LOVE YOUR MOM OVER YOUR OWN SON?!" At that moment, Hiro snapped and his voice is heard from the other side of the door, to which Hiro groans. "Fuck..." He curses under his breath. "So that's how it is." "No, listen-" "No, no, I understand, you want her to die, is that it? I can call her and tell her that you don't love her anymore." "Can you maybe not?" "Why? It's the truth, isn't it?" Before Hiro can answer again, his father hangs up the phone, as Hiro stares angrily at his screen. "That mother fucker..." He mutters before calming himself and opening the door. "Sorry about the delay, we got five hours to get ready." Hiro says, trying to give hope to his team. "Hey man, you doing ok?" Asks Rikiya. "Yeah, I'm good. Just had to deal with something. Let's just forget it and head off to the place." Hiro says.

            From inside the staircase, a shady figure has witnessed all of this. "You and me, both, Chiba. You and me both. We aren't so different you and I."

            Later on, in the evening, Rin drives Hiro and Kaoru to the Italian restaurant called Mijimena Mono, "Remember, call me when you are ready to go home." Rin says. "Yeah, thanks ma." Hiro replies. He and Kaoru exit the car and head inside, there are Rikiya, Ai and Tomomi, who are dressed pretty nicely. "Yo. Did we keep ya waiting?" Asks Hiro. "Nah, we just got here ourselves." Rikiya says. They get to their tables and order their food. "This is really nice. How could you afford something like this, Hiro?" Asks Rikiya. "We got Lethe money, we got a ton of cash." Hiro says. "Oh yeah..." Rikiya replies. "This is for you to get welcomed to our group, Tomomi." Hiro responds. "I am truly honored, Hiro." Tomomi says. "A toast, to Tomomi joining our group." Hiro says. They clink their glasses and take a sip. "So, Tomomi, we should probably explain what we found out. You were pretty much in the dark, weren't you." Hiro says. A few minutes later, Tomomi gets the gist of things. "So basically, the world of Lethe is a gateway for people who will later be caught in a trap but you believe this Black Angel somehow speeds up the process?" "Pretty much, yeah." Hiro replies. "It's strange, that Black Angel acted as if he knew us. But mostly Hiro." Ai says. "Yeah, that shit has been nagging at the back of my head. Like the clue was thrown right over me." Hiro answers. ""We should be careful though. That guy hits like a truck." Kaoru says. "And he really follows the trope of someone who wants to wait until you are stronger so he can kill you. Or, what I'd like to call, the Goku Syndrome." Rikiya says. "Uh-huh... We ain't calling it that but I get you." Hiro says. The food arrives and everyone eats their meals. "Wow! This is great!" Rikiya says as he gobbles the food down. "Seriously? Do you not have any manners?" Hiro asks. "You aren't one to talk, Hiro-san." Ai says. "Touche." They all proceed to feast, with Hiro having the Trinity Lasagna, Kaoru getting the Moonlight Spaghetti, Rikiya eating the Eggplant QIX, Ai enjoying her Mission Alfredo and Tomomi consuming her Chaining Ravioli (author's note, if you noticed all the reference, be aware that I regret nothing). "I eat and I eat and there is still so much for me to take." Rikiya comments. "Goddamn this really hits the spot and I ain't even done." Hiro mutters. "Well, I believe we made some dent in this, I think." Tomomi says. "It's good that you are here, Tomomi. We look forward to working with ya." Hiro tells his new teammate. "Also, I am the leader of this group, so you want anything, talk to me, yeah?" "I will. I hope to be of use to you." Tomomi says with a smile.

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