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April 15th, 2020

As Hirozaku gets to his school after the fight the other and he feels tuckered out, as he did go and face off against some lightning knights. "Hey, mister!" Exclaims a familiar voice to which Hiro turns to see Kap. "Uh, have we met, kid?" Asks Hirozaku. "I'm that skunk from the other world! The name's Kap!" Kap exclaims. "Wait, so that WASN'T a dream! Jesus Christ! so, whaddya want?" He asks. "I just need your help and the other two people too!" Kap replies. "Why? What in the hell are you? One minute you're a skunk and next minute you're a 5-year-old boy." Hirozaku asks. "I've been trying to figure that out myself. All I know is that I woke up at a park on the benches. With no memory of who I am. The more I think, the more I can't remember. I do know is my name is Kap because of this backpack." He shows him his bag that has Kap on the side in a sticker. "Weird ass name." He mutters. "Yeah. Though I did find out about the metaverse as I was wandering around. It's called Lethe. A world where one would forget their true selves. I figured that I could find the answer should I enter that world. But alas, I turn into a skunk of all things." Kap explains. "I know the truth lies in Lethe! I just know it!" "And where do I come in?" "You have your own persona and your own melee. With it, you and I can help each other! You scratch my back and I scratch yours!" Kap says. "I don't care for that shit. Frankly, that sounds like it ain't my problem." He replies. "Come on! You could be a hero!" The child replies. "I don't care about that." Hirozaku says. "Come on! Please! If you don't help me, where am I supposed to go?! I have no one in this world!" Kap begs on his knees with some tears coming out. "For all I know, I could be a missing boy that couldn't find his mom! Please please please!" Kap cries. "Fine! Dammit! I'll help! Shit!" Hirozaku gives up. "But I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do for you. I can't give you a place to stay." He says after that. "That's ok! I've made my little fort!" Kap replies. "Your own little what?" Hiro asks before Kap rushes off, parting ways with the red-haired delinquent.

After school, Kap was waiting for Hirozaku outside the gate. "So we doing this or what?" Hirozaku asks. "Yep! Let's get in!" They look around and enter the world in the statue again. As they entered, Hirozaku is seen with his baseball bat suddenly and sees Kap in his skunk form holding a shovel, a hand-held entrenching tool with a splintered handle, while standing on his back feet like a cartoon character with the entrance having what appears to be a door reminiscent of the classroom doors with a lock on it. "Hey, the rumors that I've heard normally say that this takes place in Midnight. How is it that I entered last time and now? It was still afternoon." Hirozaku asks. "I think that was just a rumor. A bit of an exaggeration. Lethe is one big mystery. This world has some strangeness to it. The soldiers you fought the first time you came here are called shadows. They are a deep representation of humans that they reject." Kap explains. "So like the dark side of humans that they hide?" "Exactly! Everyone has a shadow self here but once they accept it, they often vanish and the person feels like they've taken a step forward in life! I'm hoping to find my shadow and ask him many things!" "Good luck with that. Is this the only gateway to La la world or whatever?" "Lethe! And it's more accurate to say this is the only gateway opened. There are many ways to enter Lethe. This is one I found so far. There are around 10 passages to different points in Lethe. But finding them is the hard part. I came across this one by chance after months of searching." Kap explains. "So how does this place work in terms of landscape? Is this just something like a dungeon that's the same in some roleplaying games where there is some massive reward or boss at the end or is it just one big labyrinth that changes every time you go inside?" "You really are asking a lot of questions, I like that, a cautious fellow." "Well, considering that last time I charged headfirst into battle, I got hit by lightning from the heavens, so yeah, I am a bit on edge." Hiro responds. "Touche. Well, there are still some questions I haven't gotten the answers to, and I really can't fight these guys too much on my own." "Why's that? You got this JoJo stand thing that I got, don't you?" "Not really... I only have a melee which is this shovel, as it references how I am willing to dig deep into my past!" "Is everything here some representation of something?" "Well, from what your persona and our melee are, I'd say yes, there is a lot of deep representation." Hiro sighs at Kap's response. "All right. Let's fucking do this shit." Hiro says as he twirls his bat.

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