Rikiya's awakening

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Hirozaku and Kap take Rikiya home which is an apartment complex that has pink all around it. "So this is your place?" Hirozaku asks. "Yeah. This is my home." Rikiya says pretty upset. "Well, you gotta get home one way or another." Kap says. "Yeah, we gotta get this shit through your skull. Suicide is not gonna get you anywhere in life. You gotta learn to grow, dammit." Hiro adds. Rikiya opens the door and Kōhei is there sitting on the couch with his mom making some dinner and there is also a little girl there too. "Welcome home!" The little girl says happily. This black haired child in a bob cut and blunt bangs is wearing an adorable little yellow sundress with some loafers on. "Hey, Akemi." Rikiya says. Akemi notices Hiro and slowly steps away as if any sudden movements would have the intimidating looking man go right after her, though to be fair, Hiro does have an intimidating aura around him. "Hello there, it's good to see you've finally made your way back, little bro." Kōhei says with a somewhat snarky attitude. He doesn't seem all that different from his other world counterpart, same type of hair, same uniform, right down to his attitude. "Kōhei, please don't act like that to him." His mother tells him. Rikiya's mother is a middle aged woman with some shoulder long hair that is black. She has an apron on with some pink shirt and some slippers along with some green jeans. "And is this a new friend?" She asks. "Yeah. This is Hirozaku Chiba." Rikiya answers. "Yo." Hirozaku says. "And is that your little brother? He is so cute!" The mother asks again, to which Hirozaku comes to a realization. He never thought of what to say of Kap. But hey, anything works for now. "Y-yeah, this is my little bro, Ka...oru. Yeah, Kaoru Chiba. It means fragrant in English." Hiro says to which Kap glares at him with an expression of disbelief. "You see, this cute little troublemaker was begging me to show him my new friend and I can't say no to that adorable face!" Hirozaku continues on. "Are you serious?! Kaoru?!" Kap whispers angrily. "Don't argue with me, stupid, this is working." Hirozaku responds to his 'little brother' in a hushed tone. "You couldn't have given me a cooler sounding name like Katsuya?!" Kap whispers back. "Would you two like to join us for dinner? We have plenty to have." "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure, that would be nice." Hiro responds.

Later, they sit at the table. "So yeah, this is my older brother, Kōhei, and my little sister, Akemi. My mom is Ryōko." Rikiya introduces. "Nice to meet you all." Hirozaku says. "It's been a while since Rikiya has brought anyone that is a new friend, while that Tomomi-chan is nice, it's better to have someone new for a change. How did you two meet?" Akemi asks. "He tried to ask for an interview. Frankly, he wasn't very... subtle with it." Hirozaku replies. "Yeah, he often tries very hard for people to be friends with him." Akemi says with a chuckle. "Well, frankly I think he gets that from the old man." Kōhei says. The room turns somber with Hirozaku and Kap knowing full well that Rikiya's dad went and had that affair that birthed Rikiya. "Kōhei, please-" "No mom, that guy has to know. You see, the bastard of an old man cheated on mom and birthed that thing. So word of advice, don't try to trust this guy with anything. Because he would break your trust like the old man before." Kōhei warns Hirozaku. "Kōhei, please!" Rikiya begs. "If you EVER trusted anything to this thing, you'd be wasting your time." Kōhei finishes to Hiro, Kap notices Rikiya looking down as if he feels guilty. "Or maybe that is the sin of his birth father, not him. He doesn't need to take that kind of attitude from you." Hiro responds. Rikiya looks up at Hiro who gets a surprised and angry glare from Kōhei. Hirozaku stood up to Rikiya's half brother and his courage has improved. "Please Kōhei, let's just continue this dinner and not talk about your father." Ryōko requests, almost as if she is crying. Hiro and Kap now know who this Kōhei guy really is, he seems to hate his Rikiya's guts as much as he hates his dad's very existence. "I'm sorry for this awkward exchange, you see, Rikiya... came one day and told us. He wanted to know who his father is and... well the divorce happened. Kōhei hated his father ever since and Akemi has no idea who to trust. It's been quite difficult but we're managing." Ryōko says. "Oh, that's all right. Perhaps we can change the subject? And if you'd like, I can help with the dishes." Hiro suggests. "That's sweet of you but you're the guest. There is no need." Ryōko responds. After dinner, Hirozaku looks at the younger child and takes out a 500 yen coin. He flicks it up in the air and uses both hands to catch it, crossing one another. "Guess right and the yen is yours, kid." Hirozaku says, trying to entertain the child. "Umm... The left one!" Akemi guesses. He opens his hand and the yen is there. Truth be told, there is a 500 yen in both hands, he just wanted to try to lighten the mood. He did this and his kindness has improved.

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