MCYT Agere & Petre One-Shots

By BlakeyInnit

202K 4.6K 973

Mostly Tommy Requests are open SFW More

Finding Out a Little Secret
Dino Hoodie
Coloring and Naps
Grumpy Kitty
Jealous Baby
Washing Food
Comfort Teddy
Animal Crossing
Flower Crowns
Left Out
Cramps and Tantrums
Timeout and Lines
Squeaky Toy
Big Brother Is Here
Trick or Treating
Baths and Haircuts
Sick Baby
QnA Answers
Running Into the Cold
Baby Holder
Touch Starved
Early Morning Presents
Little Streamer
Moving Is Stressful
Play Dates With Spiders
Coming Out
Lightning Is Scary
Prison Visits
Movies & Panic Attacks
Home Alone
People Are Meanies
Too Much Work
Weird Behavior
No More Scary Movies
Pushing Off Regression
Little Friends
Please Don't Yell
Scrapped Knees
Fussy Eater
Road Trip
A Few Announcements
Baby Bird
Little Sleepover
No More Bad Days
The Secret Little
Upcoming 100k Reads
Full-time Break
Birthday Surprise
The Secret Little Part 2
Easter Egg Hunt
Covid and Cramps
100k reads
Tough Day at School
No More Bad Days Part 2
Tough Day at School Part 2
Little or Caregiver
I Got You
Little Builder

Little Bunbun

1.8K 51 7
By BlakeyInnit


Pet: Tommy
Caretaker: Eret

~Tommy POV~

I was going to stay with Eret for a few days. It was an unexpected meet up but I was still really excited for it. "Hey Tommy, come on in" Eret says as she opens the door for me. I wave to my parents before they drive off. "Here, let me take your bags" they say while picking up my bags by the front door. "Thank you" I say with a smile. Eret leads me to the room I'm going to be staying in. I unpack my stuff and make sure Eret isn't around when I put away my regression stuff.

"All done packing?" Eret asks as I walk downstairs. "Yep, just finished now" I reply. He pat the seat next to them on the couch, indicating to sit down. I listen to what they said and sat down with them. "What do you want to do Toms?" she asks. "Don't know" I say with a shrug. I never told anyone but Eret always made my head feel fussy, they acted like a caregiver sometimes. The familiar feeling came over me. Now isn't the time to regress. "Bud, are you close to regressing?" Eret asks. I was shocked to hear him say this but I slowly nodded my head. "You're okay here, don't worry about regressing" she assured me. I let myself regress knowing I'm safe.

I was waiting for Eret to come back from getting my regression stuff. It's so boring and I can't stay still. I moved around on the couch, bouncing on my legs slightly. A few minutes later I saw Eret come back and I jumped more out of excitement. They had my favourite pair of ears and tail. Before Eret helped put them on me I got changed into a light blue sweater and overalls. I was now in my favourite regression stuff.

~Eret POV~

Tommy looked adorable in his little bunny outfit. "Do you want a snack?" I ask him. He nods his head as he jumps up and down. I got Tommy some baby carrots not knowing what he normally likes while regressed, I'll have to ask him later. Tommy quickly got to eating his snack. I smile at him as he eats. He finishes in no time. "Did the bunny have a good snack?" I question him. Tommy bounces on his heels as he shakes his head. I gave the regressed boy a circular chew toy. This kept him occupied for a bit. "I see my little bunbun having fun" I say. He smiles as he continues playing with his toy.

I can tell Tommy is starting to lose interest in his toy but it's all he has. "Will you be okay on your own for a little?" I ask. He nods his head quickly. I put my shoes on and head to the store. It didn't take me long to get back home. Tommy was still playing with his toy. I walk over to him. "I got something for you" I point to a bag I was holding. He stops playing and looks at me. I pull out a tent that had tunnels in it. Awhile back I saw something about it when I was looking up things regressor use. It was so I was prepared if Tommy needed anything, it was easy for me to piece together he was a pet regressor.

After the tent was set up Tommy started playing with it. I laugh at the younger. I'm glad he's having a good time. I watch him play in his new tent and with some other new toys I got him. He comes over to me at some point and I play with him as well. I'm definitely going to ask to be his caretaker when he's not regressed.

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