Of Gears and Humanity

Oleh veelozada

4.4K 787 561

COMPLETE UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT | "Elena, the princess of Homestead, and Damien, the only human amongst machine... Lebih Banyak

NANO 2021
| Of Gears and Humanity
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| E P I L O G U E
| Bonus Chapter #1
| Bonus Chapter #2

| 19.2

34 7 0
Oleh veelozada


They were burned. Each of them. Scorch marks across the sides of the trees; branches singed close to the leaves. I slid my hands over the scars. I closed my eyes.


I thought I had more time. Eon made it seem like he understood me. But looking at the trees that blocked our path, he didn't understand a damn thing. The burned portraits in the room was just a warning of what was to come. Were the trees a message?

What are you trying to tell me, Eon?

With my heart hammering in my chest, I stood next to Theo. Five guards rushed past us on horseback. The sound of their horses echoed in the wind.

"They'll notify the King." Theo half turned, watching them, He clenched his jaw, one hand in a tight fist. His nerves were on the surface, slipping down his face in beads of sweat.

I wanted to tell him. Warn him. But I was afraid Eon was not only watching but listening. If I admitted what happened, what would happen to everyone? Was that what the trees were—a warning to keep humans away from the Gate?

"We'll have to wait for the okay to continue." Theo looked back at me with a small smile. "So, looks like you'll be here with us a while more."

My stomach tightened. If I stayed longer than planned, Eon would come. The possible destruction was clear; evident in the damage burned into the trees. What if he did that to the guards? To Theo? Elena? I wouldn't, couldn't, live with myself.

"Theo, I—" I lifted my hand, ready to plead my case—I needed to go, even if it meant leaving them all behind—but quick feet rushed in our direction. I side stepped to avoid impact, barely missing Elena as she pushed herself through Theo and me. Parts of her curls came undone from her hair, blowing in the wind. As I stumbled back, I watched her huff, red in the face. The corners of her eyes glistened.

"We are not staying behind," she hissed, looking up at the guy who would be her leading guard. The look on Theo's face tightened, jaw clenched. He chewed on the insides of his cheeks, nervous; the reluctance was all over his face.

Sighing, I reached out and touched Elena's shoulder. The sharp look she shot in my direction made me pause. Was she so determined? I understood the situation, knew what had to be done, but if there were rules, she had to follow them, right?

But Elena doesn't follow rules. That's why I'm here.

Frowning, I lowered my hand.

"We need to keep going. Why would a few trees stop us now?" Elena's gaze bounced from me to Theo. "You have your soldiers, you can tell them what to do," she said to him. "Lead them to complete my tour."

Theo's brows furrowed. "Elena, I can't," he said. "In this situation, King Rodrigo needs to be included and it will be his word I follow."

Elena's hands balled into fists. Stepping on the tips of her toes to cut the height difference between her and Theo, she lifted her chest. "And why is that?"

I scratched the side of my head. Was she serious? "Elena," I said quietly, "maybe you should listen to Theo."

"No." She didn't look at me, but with the tone of her voice, I didn't want her to. I could only imagine on the look that came with it. Fierce authority. "I need to hear him say it."

"Say what, Elena?" Theo blinked. "Your father is the King, and I, as a royal guard, must do as he says. With this kind of danger—"

Elena angrily pointed at the blocked path. "They are just trees, Theo!"

Theo mimicked the motion, pointing at the trees, leaning forward to look into her eyes. "Trees that have been burned, Elena!" he hissed. "This is not a normal fire damage. The streaks of it, the way each of the trees have been sliced—Elena, you know what lives here and why we do this."

I stopped. With wide eyes, I looked at Elena. Her gaze, hard and terrified, was focused on him. That look alone proved what I've known all along—Elena was clueless. She wasn't told of the dangers, and that was why she reacted the way she did each time we encountered a monster. They were a mystery to her; seeing them pulled the veil from over her eyes.

But with what Theo said also answered my questions, the ones that have been boiling inside me since we encountered the mechanical gorilla: Theo knew, as did his guards, about what went on in the forest. Why they needed the stone. And why the tours happened as frequently as they did.

Attributions left machines in their lands, and they fought to keep them out.

Looking back at Elena, I pinched my brows and frowned. Why wouldn't they tell her? Wasn't shr supposed to be their queen? Keeping her in the dark about this wasn't fair; this was dangerous. Was this 'mock tour' Elena being fed to the fire?

"Elena..." I had to touch her shoulder again. I needed her to feel she wasn't alone.

When she looked at me, I saw the mixed sadness and frustration on her face. She had to feel exactly what I just thought of.

"Theo..." Slowly turning her head, she looked back at Theo and his guards crowding in. "I know what is out here, and that isn't thanks to you or my father."

Theo straightened, frowning. "What..." He covered his mouth. Realization came over his face. He didn't know she was clueless. "You mean you—"

"No." She pointed again at the trees, her hand trembling with rage. "But if you're waiting for words from your sovereign, I'm standing right in front you. And I am telling you we need to advance!"

I let her go. My stomach tightened again. The fear of Eon's presence close by came over me, suffocating me. Choking me. I swallowed a breath, burning my chest/

"You are not Queen yet," Theo whispered, almost pleading. "I cannot put you in danger."

"If that is what you think it is, what we all know to be true, then," Elena crossed her arms and turned around, facing me, "I'm already in danger. We need to complete this, get me to my trivial goal, so I may go home a Queen."

"Elena..." Theo stretched out a hand. His fingers trembled. Looking at him, I saw the fear on his face, the concern. There was even the undying love of a friend who cared and regretted bringing her out this way.

But that hand fell when Elena didn't look at him. Her eyes were focused on me, an unwavering stare digging through me, through my head, and into my soul. I straightened, lifted my chin, and held my breath.

"You heard the Princess!" Theo turned, waving his hand over his head. "She wishes to continue! Gather what horses we have left and any remaining supplies. The sun is dipping beyond the horizon. We haven 't much time left!"

"But sir..." A smaller guard approached him, his hand on his sword. "By law, it states we're to wait for word from the King. If he says—"

"If we wait," Theo looked at the red-headed boy, "this tour will be pushed another day and the Princess will have longer to wait to receive her crown." He glanced back at Elena as the word left his lips. Taking in a deep breath, he added, "And judging by her actions just now, she's more than ready to receive it."

The boy, quivering in fear, looked from Theo to Elena. Small steps brought him to her side. She glanced at him as he took a knee, lifting one hand over his head. In a soft, yet unwavering voice, he said, "Praise Queen Elena." He lifted his head. "Your guards respond to your call."

Elena didn't say anything to him as he stood. She nodded, meeting his gaze as they were the same height. When he turned to return to Theo, she watched him walk away. And when he returned to the group readying the horses, Elena looked at me.

I straightened again and cleared my throat. If we were going to do this, venture out there without word from her father, she needed to know what happened last night.

But she spoke before I could.

"I'm getting you home, Damien," she whispered, closing the gap between us. "It is my fault you're here, and I am sorry to make you go through this."

My determined softened, a different tension grabbed my chest. I was torn, stuck, and confused. I wanted to go home, but the thought scared me. Yet, putting her in danger scared me more.

"Elena," I licked my lip before biting it, "my father's right-hand knows I'm here and threatened everyone's lives if I don't get home."

Her eyes widened. Her fingers drummed over her arms as she hummed. Nothing prepared me for what she said next.

"I hope this means you'll get a warm welcome." And with that, she turned.

Elena, there's nothing warm about what will happen.


Thank you for reading! <3

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