Our own fairytale

By Lonely-writer-girl

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So this is a Grimm story set during 2x15 where Juliette and Nick are broken up due to her amnesia from her co... More

Chapter 1: best day of my life
Chapter 2: lucky
Chapter 3: ghost
Chapter 4: think about it
Chapter 5: love
chapter 6: believer
Chapter 7: trouble
Chapter8: heart pf stone
Chapter 9: home
Chapter 10:hit it
Chapter 11: oh, what a life
Chapte 13: same old same old
Chapter 14: dust to dust
Chapter 15: i had me a girl
chapter 16: devils backbone
chapter 17: disarm
Chapte 18: sacred hearts
chapter 19: tell mama
Chapter 20: eavesdrop
chapter 21: form this valley
Chapter 22: oh henry
chapter 23: D'arline

Chapter 12: the one that got away

1.6K 28 2
By Lonely-writer-girl

hey guys so there are some scenes in this from 3x06 the stories we tell our young but there are also lots of au scenes that reveals so more of alexander and Mia's past as well as Mias past at the council. So as also let me know what you think by pm or review because I love hearing what you think

chapter 12: the one that got away

Ever since Mia has realised that the council were going to paint her as a traitor to the wesen community by showing the evidence that they had forged and collected by watching her play a part in Nick's case, she had been a little on edge as she waiting for the council to make their move on her. The only person that knew anything about this new development was Monroe although he desperately wanted to tell Nick but Mia made him promise to keep it a secret from him since she did't want him to get on the wrong side of the council just yet. In her mind there was sense in making everyone else around a target too, she knew that all the council needed to know was that they were all helping a grimm to take them down with her. One day during work Mia got a confusing text from Nick saying that he was working a possible wesen case but the details didn't add and asked if she could come to the old spice shop during her lunch break. Mia was wearing a blue dress with pink roses on it with a white collar, a pink waist belt, pink heels, a navy blue coat and a pink bag. Her hair was neatly held together with a braided updo, she wore light eye makeup with the use simple black eyeliner and nude coloured lips. When she got there so she saw that every one seemed to be one edge and a little confused, she wondered what was different about this case from the others they had felt with before

"hey babe so who wants to go first and catch me up with everything I've missed so far?" she said giving Nick a kiss hello before placing her bag on the chair and taking the coffee from Hank who also had a bag full of pastries for her lunch

" a nine year old boy killed a priest and injured the seminary student while they were performing a exorcism on him" Hank said trying to give her the highlights of their case so far while still leaving out the most important part of their case

" wow he must be strong if he can take two adults and live to tell the tale later, so what type of wesen are we dealing?" she asked wondering why everyone was giving each other side glances as if unsure what to tell her at this point

" we're not sure he is wesen, I mean I haven't seen any of the usual indications and I asked the parents who didn't have a clue about the wesen world, this different from anything I've seen" Nick explained badly wanting to figure out a way to help this little boy before he hurt someone else or worse killed another person

"you mean he hasn't woged yet?" Rosalie asked as she read through one of her books hoping to find the answer inside, she knew that by this point the boy would have shown his wesen side more so if he was in the pretence of a Grimm

"no this was like a battle from within" he said looking between Mia, Monroe and Rosalee who was currently penciling something into one of her books, this new piece of information caused the wesen in the group to exchange a look between themselves

" this is classic devil worshipping as far as I'm concerned but we're hoping that you guys would have another explanation for us" Hank said them knowing that they had to work out what was going on with this little boy so that they fix him to allow him to be the normal little boy he once was

"seriously? you guys can't be thinking what I think you are" Mia said noticing the look being exchanged between Monroe and Rosalee, she could tell what they were both thinking since it was first thing currently going through hers

" what?" Nick asked knowing they had figured it out already as Rosalee began to walk towards Monroe with a book in hand, whatever it was the wesen in the room had not so good reaction to the possibility of whatever this little boy was

" I was kinda thinking but he can't be, I mean they're just stories right? like myths?" Monroe asked Mia and Rosalee as he confirmed what the other two were thinking, Mia was half hoping that they were over reacting to this and the boy was totally fine but she knew better than that

"there are more cases than you would think and we're all thinking the same thing right?..... Grausen" Mia said with a slight german accent that she had perfected over time, languages were hidden talent of hers as she could speak five different languages including Russian, French and German

" its what it sounds like" Rosalee said agreeing with Mia as she gave a sad nod, she knew the proper procedure that the council along with the grimms and royals had come up with a long time ago to deal with possible cases of Grausens as it posed a threat of exposure of the wesen world

"is that a type of wesen?" Hank asked since he was still so new to all this wesen business, he knew that there was a lot more out there than what they had felt with so he felt it was better to ask than not

" not really no, every generation has heard stories of Grausens since they go way back" Rosalee said trying to explain that even they were out of their depths with this one, every wesen was familiar with the tales of the Grausens but few people had actually seen one up close and personal

"people used to believe it was a wesen spirit invading a child" Monroe said remembering the story his grandparents would him and Mia over the campfire when they were little, it was a story that still scared him now

" yeah but never a wesen child, it was always human children that would get ill and the theory has changed now since medinice and science had gotten more advance so now they believe it to be some kind of mutation" Mia said taking a sip of coffee as she watching Nick and Hank trying to absorb the information that they had all grown up knowing and fearing

"so which is it?" Nick asked wondering if you could even cure a mutation or get a spirit to stop living inside the body of a nine year old, he briefly wondered if he would need things like holy water and a better priest but he knew that if that was the case then the exorcism would have worked better

"Nick these are incredible rare occurrences and...-" Monroe said before Rosalee interrupted him, saying the one thing that Mia had been waiting on her saying and confirmed her feeling that she was going to see someone from her past a lot sooner than she wanted to

"it doesn't really matter because they always been dealt with in the same way" Rosalee said avoiding Mia's eye contact since she knew that if anyone was going to object to her suggestion of how to deal with the Grausens that it would be her

" how?" Nick asked wondering if it could really be as simple as using an old tactic from the past, he noticed that whatever it was Mia cleared didn't agree with it based on the looks that were going back and forth between her and Rosalee

" yeah, Rosalee how have Grausens been dealt with in the past?" Mia said mockingly wondering what was the point of bring up something that few of them were actually going to agree with, she knew that some people would be on her side with this

" they would disappear, the wesen council is responsible with dealing with them. Sometime in the 16 hundreds the council communicated for the first time with Royals and Grimms and forged an alliance for the safety of all of them" Rosalee said looking to Monroe for some support since she could already predict Mia starting a fight over what they were going to do about Daniel being a Grausen

" apparently Grausens if left to grown to maturity become some of the world most notorious psychopaths and wreak havoc on like whole continents" he said letting them know why they couldn't just walk away from the situation since it would only get worse rather than better while they all briefly wondered if some of the worst world rulers where infected with this disease

"historically wesen were always blamed for the things that Grausens had done which is why the wesen council steps in" Rosalee said looking down as she tried to stress the importance of why the council needed to be informed about this rather than trying to deal with it themselves like Mia was most likely going to suggest

"who is the council anyways?" Hank asked since this was the first time he had ever had of the council although the royals he was slightly more familiar with since Nick's zombie infection where Renard had told them about his connection the the royals

"they enforce wesen law" Rosalee said before Mia had a chance to tell her view on the council and what they did, Nick know understood why she was so quiet but was slightly judging and thinking mean things to herself rather saying them out loud

" wait you guys have your own law?" Hank asked wondering how it was possible that this whole other world and community within their own had their own government with their own laws, he also wondered how more people hadn't noticed that the wesen world existed

" oh yeah and they really don't like it when they're broken, most crimes are punishable by the death but these can vary depending on their interest in you and thats not always the best thing" Mia said grimly drawing the attention to her as Monroe gave her a sympathetic look since he was the only one that knew about the new development between her and the council

" if this is indeed a Grausen then we have no choice but to inform the council" Rosalee said talking directly to Monroe since she knew what Mia would be voted if asked, although Monroe wanted to avoid any possible dealing with the council in case it affected their plan involving Mia

"inform the council and what? Daniel disappears?" Hank asked thinking that there was no way that they could just hand this little boy and know that his parents grief was their fault, it didn't seem fair to decide that he deserved to die just because he was ill and no one knew how to treat it

" basically yeah it's a death sentence for the kid" Monroe said looking to Rosalee letting her know that he was on Mia's side with this since it meant the council coming to Portland and possibly finding out about Mia being with Nick the Grimm, giving them a reason to call a traitor

"it's a death sentence for all of us if we don't" she said including Mia into the mix because she knew that if the council found out that of their own had known about the Grausen and didn't report it then there would be hell to pay on fronts

" how do we even know that he is a Grausen?" Nick said thinking that before they went and made any decisions that they couldn't take back they should be sure that they were indeed dealing with a Grausen, he could that there was a clear divide in the room

" the law is clear, even if it is a possibility then we need to inform the council" Rosalee said shooting down any hopes of trying to delay her from what they all knew she would do while Mia leaned against the wall drinking her coffee silently, although she was still making faces that them all what she was thinking

" which is why we shouldn't be talking about this, if I knew you were going to talk about Grausens I would have told you not to talk about Grausens" Monroe said starting show signs that it was getting to him since he knew that Rosalee was upset by the fact that no one was on her side with the whole council thing

"we're not worried about the council, we're worried about the boy" Hank said as the only human in the room who truly had the right to deny all existence of the council as he wasn't technically allowed to know about the wesen world, however the others didn't have the same pleasure

" yeah well now we get to worry about both, thanks guys.... Mia I'll see you at home okay" he said giving her quick kiss since he knew that all this talk about the council was bound to stir things up for her but he couldn't really comfort her more than that since her brother was in the room

After Nick and Hank had left they continued to discuss what would happen if the council found out that they withheld information about a possible Grausen case till Mia eventually had to get back to the school before lunch ended. However the real reason for her wanting to leave was due to all the talk of the council, it was clear to her that her and Rosalee both had different views of the council since Rosalee seemed to fear and respect them more than Mia did. She tried her hardest to focus on work rather than the issue that Nick was currently dealing with, however she failed horribly as her mind kept going back to the fact that they would be taking away that little boy's future away if they called the council since it would mean that they would be forced to kill her. His mere existence posed a threat to the council more so since people had seen the physical change that happened to Daniel. While Mia was beginning to pack her things away for the day her phone began to rings displaying Niklaus's number on her screen, she instantly nothing good come from this phone call

"Émilie, Son Niklaus. Je pensais que ce était juste d'effectuer une pré-alerte vous avez Alexander est sur son chemin à Portland (Emilia, Its Niklaus. I thought it was only fair to pre-warn you that Alexander is on his way to Portland)" He said in a hushed voice which meant that he was somewhere in the council where he could easily be over heard, Mia realised that they probably couldn't speak in english in case someone figured out what they talking about

"Portland comme dans où je habite à Portland, bien sûr, il est! est-ce que tu sais pourquoi? (Portland as in where I live Portland, of course he is! do you know why?) Mia asked wondering it was due to the council now implementing their plan to frame her or because someone had reported the possible Grausen case, she needed to know to what she was dealing with

"pas juste que De Groot a demandé sa présence dans son bureau l'Alexander m'a dit ce qu'il avait dirigé à Portland et a fait qu'il ne serait pas long(no just that De Groot requested his pretence in his office then Alexander told me that he was headed to Portland and that he wouldn't be long ) He told her knowing that it didn't exactly tell her what she need to know but he also knew that she would figure out what he had already did when Alexander mentioned it

"sens n'a tout De Groot lui a demandé de est simple dans et hors travail, at-il parlé de moi? (meaning that whatever De Groot asked him to is a simple in and out job, did he mention me?) She said thinking that could apply to both cases although she figured hers might take a bit longer than he implied it would, she knew that if De Groot had to pick someone to accuse Mia of treason then he'd pick Alexander due to their personal connection and previous extensive history

"pas que la recherche, je ai dit 'ne est pas là Emilie vit maintenant? et il a répondu que «vous ne avez jamais qui vous allez croiser dans une grande ville comme Portland (not as such, I said 'isnt that where Emilia is living now?' and he replied that you never know who you're going to bump into in a big city like Portland) He told her knowing that she deduced what he did from Alexander's cryptic answer, he knew that when it came to Emilia that Alexander would do anything to get her back to work for the council and back with him

" donc je devrais attendre à une visite de lui, super! pouvez-vous me faire une faveur et se pencher sur ce que De Groot lui a demandé de faire?(so I should expect a visit from him, great! can you do me a favour and look into what De Groot asked him to do?) she asked knowing that she was asking a lot from him, she couldn't help but think of all the times that her and Niklaus had spent while they grew in the council together as they trained

"Je vais voir ce que je peux faire, Emilia ne laissez pas de charme Alexander vous de revenir si vous ne voulez pas vous (I'll see what I can do, do not let Emilia Alexander charm you back if you do not want to) He said not wanting to see as unhappy as she was just before she decided to run away, he never thought much about it at the time but looking back on it he could see the signs that she had that life

"est que vous êtes façon de me dire que vous ne me avez pas toutes ces années? (is that you're way of telling me you haven't me all these years?)" she said with a small smile as she stopped putting the things into her bags as she began to banter with him like they used between classes

"et je ne sais pas pour vous mais il manque a certainement été ennuyeux avec tout le drame qui a tendance à vous suivre (well I don't know about missing you but it sure has been boring with all the drama that tends to follow you) he said with a small chuckle, he knew that certain people including himself and Alexander weren't the same people they were before she had ran away from the council

" ce est encore vrai aujourd'hui, mais les gens autour de moi ont leur propre drame trop ..... Bye Niklaus (that is still true now but the people around me have their own drama too.....Bye Niklaus)" she said before hanging up the phone to find that Nick had texted her to ask if she could stop by the trailer on her way home and pick up any books on Grausens so that he could them when he got home

That night after dinner Nick settle down on the couch with the book that Mia had found on Grausens as Mia began the clean up from dinner while she went over Niklaus's call in her head as she tried to think of anything that might be in a red flag but came up blank. Once she was finished she took her shoes off and went upstairs to where she had hid the box with everything related to the council, she knew that there something involving Grausens in there even if it meant a simple dairy entry. Then she went and joined Nick on the couch beside him as he began to read the different stories from his ascenders, he wondered how any of them could easily agree that the best way to deal with these children was to simply kill them before trying anything else.

" hey how's it coming? did you find anything useful?" she asked as she curled up beside him, all day she had thinking that when everything was over she would be able to home to him and to this which turned out to be the only thing that kept her going through out the day

"well in each case the grimm thought that they were dealing with a wesen but it turned out to be a Grausen and turned out to being the theory then the belief and eventually the myth" he said showing her the book that showed different entries and accounts that were spread out between the centuries which backed up her previous statement about them being more common then people believed

"I never believe the theory that it was some kind of evil wesen spirit, it never made sense and from the things I've heard about Grausens it sounds more like a disease or something" she said thinking about the story one of the older agents had told the children training in the council after he had been tasked with taking care of a possible Grausen case

"I know what you mean, something is on inside this kid but I just don't know what" he said looking through the book that was on Mia's lap as she looked through the book before finding an interesting passage written by one of his ascenders

"it says that 1920 after one of your ascenders handed over a child infected by the Grausen he had nagging feeling that the Grausen was a disease rather than a possession or another ridiculous theory but he didn't how it was transmitted" she said knowing that it kinda backed up her theory that there was more to this than what met the eye, it just needed further investigating

"well at the hospital the doctors did say that Daniel's white cell count was high and that his immune system was stressed" he said remembering what the doctors had said but knew that they didn't believe there was a way to help which made more sense now that they knew more about what they were dealing with

" which I think suggests that Daniel has an infectious disease... How long did the parents say this is all been going on for?" she asked as she got up and began to through her box to see what her previous research said compared to Daniel's case

" about a year, they said they went on vacation to Egypt, Israel and then Jordan. Mrs Keary said that while they were there Daniel caught the flu but after few days he was fine" He said leaning over the couch to see what she was up to, he knew that whatever was in that box had to do with her time at the council but wondered if it had anything that might help them now

"back when I was in training for the council there was a few cases of Grausens here and then, one of which involved a doctor that was certain that the child was infected with some sort of pathogen but wasn't sure what kind. He said that it could have been a new kind of pathogen, bacteria or even maybe viral but the council stopped him before he could do further testing" She said finding the entry in her diary where she had wrote about the things she had heard from De Groot's office while her and Alexander were listening through the venting system in the storage closet

" wait is this your diary when you were little?" he asked as he took it from her as he ran his hand over the imprint of her pen digging into the paper, he recognised the writing as young and looser version of the one she wrote with now while doing paperwork

" yeah it helped me sort through things by writing it all down in there, I wrote that one when I was twelve so three years before I ran away" she said sitting back as she looked it remembering all the times where she hid under the covers trying to write in her diary without anyone finding out

" so what did you discover about the other cases involving Grausens?" he asked flipping through her diary to get a better insight in the adolescent mind of Mia who seemed so strong and a little edgy now but he had a feeling she wasn't always like that

" there was a case about a four year old girl who showing the signs and symptoms of being a Grausen, here it is....yeah she was from Jordan where Daniel was" she said remembering the reason why she had gotten up to look through her box of council thing when she came to her files relating to Grausens and handed them over to Nick

" so maybe Jordan is the connection that everyone has been missing all these years, what happened to the little girl?" he asked before noticing Mia facial expression turn to one of pure sadness, she stopped everything she was doing to look at Nick

" Nick, she was killed by a council agent before anyone could do any further test or even come up with some form treatment" she said hating to be the one to tell him that the council would rather kill innocent babies and children than further investigate this strange disease to discover more about it

" yeah I should have figured, I mean that seems to that to deal with this.... why don't we head to bed? you seem exhausted" he said gently cupping one side of her face into his hand as he stroked her cheek before giving her kiss to the forehead as they headed upstairs after putting everything away

Half an hour later Mia was now dressed in her burgundy pyjama set, a pair grey and burgundy ankle socks and a cream coloured cardigan. She had taken all of her makeup off and had just brushed her wavy hair. Nick was downstairs making sure that all the windows and doors were locked for the night since they were both going to sleep. When he came into the bedroom he paused by the doorframe to watch a very distracted Mia stare into space lost in deep thought before putting her shoes into the drawer. He figured that she would realise what she had just done then fix it, however Mia began to walk away from the drawer like it was totally normal.

" Thats weird place to put your shoes..... you put your shoes into the drawer" He said going over to the drawer and took out the pair black flats that were neatly laying onto her tops and blouses like they belonged there, he held up to show her before placing them in the correct place

"oh I hadn't even realised, sorry my mind is miles away you know" she said giving him a slight smile but he knew by when her smile was for real and when her smile was fake to simply comfort him or for show, she wasn't that good at hiding her emotions as she liked to believe

" yeah I noticed is it about the whole Daniel Grausen thing or something else?" he asked as she pulled back the blue blankets and settled into bed while he changed into sleepwear before joining her in the bed on his side

"something else....a friend of mine from the council Niklaus called me today to tell me that Alexander who is an agent from the council is coming to Portland" she said looking down at her hands rather than looking into bluey green eyes that she loved so much, he fixed the blankets around him as he moved closer to her in the bed

" why? is it because of the whole Grausens thing or is it something to do with you?" he asked worried that the council found out that she was investigating the reason they had began to follow her again, he already how they dealt with people that they didn't like or agree with

" he didn't know but he said that he would find out and then call me.... its strange just by the sound of Niklaus voice it was like I was back in the halls of the council training area where he could teach me how to speak french and I'd teach the art of prank calls" she said laughing knowing that what she taught him was not as complicated or as skilled as what he had taught her

" you speak french?" he asked liking the fact that she still had the abilities to surprise him, he knew that he was never going to get bored of her not that he could

"ouais je maîtrisais quand je étais 10, I can also speak German, Italian and Russian since we were taught it as part of our training" she said smiling at his reaction of his french accent, he didn't think it was possible to be any hotter to him but yet again she proved him wrong

"wow what else did you learn from your time there?" he asked interesting in her time that she spent at the council since she rarely talked about it, he knew that it couldn't all be bad but it was something she struggled with as it wasn't her choice to go there

" I learned hand to hand combat, how to write codes, how to decipher them, everything about the wesen laws, our history, you know normal things for a pre teen/ teenager" she said smiling at the fact that her life was far from normal but it was the one she had and at the moment she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world

" oh yeah at that age I was learning the same thing, actually after my parents's accident I was mostly into skateboard which thankfully is something I lost interest in...I have scar on my elbow where I fell off it" he said looking for the scar to show her, when he found Mia laughed a little before gently kissing the scar all the while keeping her eyes on his

" I even had some friends there like Niklaus who was from France and was a Löwen and there was Angie who was the sweetest girl ever and.... there was Alexander who..." she said pausing as she tried to think as she tried to think of the way to sum up what Alexander had been to her before everything came crashing down around her, however Nick's phone rang displaying Monroe's name on the screen

"Monroe, what are you still doing up?" Nick asked giving Mia a look since she was suddenly on alert when she heard that her brother was awake so late into the night, she knew that brother valued his sleep so it meant that he was in bed at a reasonable time unlike her

" Look a guy from the council was just here, he wanted to know where the boy was" he said pacing in his living room while Rosalee stood in the hall trying to cry since she knew that Monroe was playing a dangerous game by telling Nick about the council being involved

" ask him if it was Alexander, he should know what he looks like or did" Mia said since she was listening in on the phone by pressing her ear close to it to hear, she was able to put two and two together

" Mia asked if the council agent was a guy called Alexander?.... You told him?" he said realising that they would be having a different conversation if they hadn't told him and it probably wouldn't be him calling

" sorry Nick, we had to but listen I want to come with you I mean I can identify this guy"he said realising that that would more than make up for the fact that Rosalee had called the council and reported the Daniel's possible Grausen case

" won't that jeopardise you and Rosalee?" he said thinking that if this guy found out that they were helping a Grimm especially on a case involving the council wasn't going to end well for them and nothing was worth risking that

"possible yes but-" he said looking to Rosalee who was still keeping distance from the whole thing, respecting the council and following the wesen laws to the letter was something her father had taught her as someone who work with the council every now and then

"then don't, this way you can deny everything if it come back to you" he said knowing how any law system worked even if it was wesen, he looked to worried looking Mia who could no longer hear him since he had moved away from her slightly but tried to reassure her that everything was okay

"what about Mia? Nick, it will be worse for her if Alexander sees her than would be if he saw one of us... the council planning to make a play against her and soon" he said knowing that he had to tell him before he took Mia with him, he also thought that he should tell Nick about Mia's complicated history with Alexander but he knew that wasn't his place

" she'll stay here if I can convince her too..." he said hanging up the phone on Monroe as he headed over to his drawers as he began to pull out a T-shirt, he knew that he needed to get dressed fast so that he could beat him there

" Nick, what is going on? why do I need to stay here?" she said getting out of bed as she walked to where he was, she could sum up what that phone call was about and she knew there was no way that she was going to stay home while he went against Alexander

" Monroe told me about the council planning to do something to you which is why me and Hank are going on our own to deal with Daniel and this guy Alexander" he said trying to reason with her as she began to get take her top and find something warm to wear since she knew that it was late therefore it would be cold

" he shouldn't have told you that, I was going to but I didn't want to worry. Anyways I know Alexander ok? we used to be close before I left so if anything going to throw him off then it would be seeing me and believe me we are going to need every advantages we can get" she said throwing on her clothes before making sure her boots were tied tightly she then twisted the sides of her hair before tying into a ponytail

" who is he? I mean I know he is an agent from the council" he said getting the feeling that there was to this guy than just being an agent, he got the feeling that there was much more to him and Mia's past than just being friends

" he's not just an agent for the council, he's the best there is I mean when we were training together we were constantly switching between first and second place. Now that I've left he's like De Groot's second in command" she said stressing the fact that this guys was not to be messed with while also surprised Nick with the fact that she was actually good during her training as an agent

Nick called the prescient to see if there had been any change in Daniel's police protection to find out that he had been sent home since the doctors could nothing for him. So he and Mia decided to head to Daniel's house, Mia texted Hank to let him know that there was a change to the plan since Nick was driving and she refused to let him text and drive. Mia was glad that she had wore jeans, a grey tank top, a light blue knitted sweater, green army jacket and a pair combat boots. She wore very little makeup since she didn't have time to reapply it, she had twisted the sides of her hair then placed it in a low ponytail so that it would stay out of the way when she was dealing with whatever was going to happen throughout the night. She had the foresight to grab some flashlights in case they had to got outside in the dark and her phone for a spare, also so that they could keep in contact with the others in case they were separated from each other. All the way to Daniel's house Mia held onto Nick's hand tightly praying that nothing major went wrong tonight while they were trying to save Daniels life and stop Alexander from killing an innocent boy. When they got to Daniel's house they meet Hank as they went to the door so that they could convince his parents that they could help since they had been discussing ways to make the parasite leave Daniel's body in a safe way that wouldn't compromise Daniel.

" what do you want?" Mr Keary said once he opened their door to reveal the three of them, although they had never met Mia before and they didn't know her connection to the police or to Daniel's case

"I'm sorry to bother you Mr Keary but we think we might have discovered what is wrong with Daniel. This is Mia, she is a children behavioural expert who's helping us with Daniel's case" Nick said bluffing his through it as he tried to think of legitimate way of explaining why Mia was there with them, other than that she was expert in dealing with the council and refused to listen to him when he told her to stay home

"it's possible that Daniel's aggressive behaviour is a result of a parasite that he might have picked up in Jordan and that was the infection he went to hospital to with rather than the flu" Mia said hoping that sounded like something that a children behavioural expert would say since she was just a teacher

"no it was defiantly the flu, he had a temperature and flu like symptoms. The doctors examined him and you didn't, you're not even a doctor but now you're saying what?" he said becoming slightly anger towards Mia who to him was a completely stranger to him, she looked Nick knowing that they had to get to Daniel before Alexander did

" its possible that Daniel become infected with a very rare parasite that could have been in the water when he went swimming in Jordan which is causing his violent tendencies" she said rehearsing the information that they had discovered and went over on the drive there, she knew that pretending to be the expert meant she needed to take the need on this

" where is Daniel?" Nick asked since both his parents where at the door, he wondered if it was possible that Daniel could escape into the woods that surrounded his house while they were discussing this due to him fearing that they were going to hurt him

" he's in bed sleeping, if what you're thinking is true can it be treated?" Mrs Keary asked since that was all she wanted was for her son to return to the happy boy that he had once been, she hated to see him so ill all of the time and hated that she was scared of what he would next

"hopefully but first we need to test Daniel for any anti bodies and then it would be case of refusing the parasite whatever it needed or giving Daniel medicine to reverse the process " Mia said trying to remember what a doctor friend of hers had told when she had called them on the drive over there in between discussing things with Nick

"do you mind if we look in on him? then we can talk about possibly getting him re-evaluated?" Nick asked knowing that time was of the essence since Alexander had a head start on them already so speaking out in the open like this was a huge risk

"tomorrow we can arrange for him to be tested by a specialist, I've already spoken to friend of mine who would more than happy to help Daniel" Mia said after they checked in on Daniel to find him sleeping peaceful, they were currently heading to the kitchen while Mia spoke to Mrs Keary who seemed more reasonable

" you have to understand, we've been through so much already that it's hard not get our hopes high on one more new theory" she told Mia as she went to make some tea for everyone, Mia looked back to see that Nick and Hank were staying back in the hallway to discuss something

"I understand, I can answer any question you might have if you want" she said so badly wanting to make this all better for them, she hated that they were all going through this when they weren't even a part of the wesen world

Mia was discussing the details with the Parents while they asked her questions about what her friend at the hospital would be able to do for Daniel, Hank and Nick held back to talk more about Alexander and where he could. Just then they heard a loud bang coming from Daniel's room causing Hank and Nick to run in with their guns already drawn, when they enter they noticed that the window was now open and that neither Daniel or Alexander where anywhere to be seen. Nick decided to go out the window and follow them through the woods while Hank went around the back to cover more ground as he told the parents to stay in the house. Mia decided to follow Nick through the window since that was mostly where Alexander would be, she knew that she had to be the one that needed to deal with him since him and Mia had the same training therefore were evenly matched. Mia allowed her eyes to switch to their blutbad red which allowed her to be able to see in the dark better and to smell better which made tracking Nick down easier since his scent was the most familiar to her. Eventually she could hear two people colliding as someone roaring, she knew it was the sound of Pflichttreue which meant it could only be Alexander. When she finally caught up to him she saw that Nick had arrived at the same time as her as she wogaed into her blurbed self.

"Nick, go and find Daniel before he goes to far and I'll deal with Alexander... go, I'll be fine ok?" she said noticing that he was hesitating in leaving her alone with him, she knew why but that they couldn't lose Daniel's tracks since it meant that they could being putting his life in danger

" Hank should be right behind you, just delay him till Hank comes and be careful" Nick told her before giving her quick but passionate kiss that told her that he love her in case something went wrong and he wasn't able to tell her later

" wow Emmie, really? a Grimm?" Alexander said still wogaed into his Pflichttreue, he tried not to show how hurt he was by the fact that she had moved on with someone especially since that someone was the one person that their kind collectively hated due to that the fact that his family had always killed them

"actually it's Mia now and really,Alex? Killing a nine year old because he's sick, because De Groot told you to?" she said before surprising him with a firm kick to the stomach as she put all of her weight into it, knocking him into the trees behind him as he quickly recovered and threw a punch at Mia

" ouch thats got to hurt, maybe you're a little rusty after all of these years pretend to be normal" he said as she noticed that her nose had began to bleed due to the impact from his punch, this only made her more angry as she ran to tactic him only to be tossed onto the ground so that Alexander could pin her down

" not as much this going to.... I could be a newbie fighter and still beat you" she said as she threw all of weight to flipping them over so that she was top as she delivered another punch to him as he got in a quick swipe of his claws before she dodged it, they could both hear footsteps coming closer to them as a light gave them a spotlight

"hey you okay? where's Nick?" Hank asked as he pulled her up before repositioning his gun so that it was pointing to Alexander holding him in place, he took a quick glance at both of them and knew that whatever had just happened was personal

" he went ahead to track Daniel down, are you okay to keep him here so that I can go and help Nick out?" she said as he gave her a firm nod before she ran into the woods again to pick up Nick's scent and follow his tracks till she eventually bumped into Nick and Daniel's father

" I think I know where he is going, we built a fort out here" he said taking the lead as they followed him into the woods again, Mia fasten coat further up when she realised how cold it was since she could now see her breath in the air around them

" Nick it's getting really cold out here and he's soaking wet, if he's out here much longer he could die!" Mia said knowing that if it got any colder than they ran the risk of him caching pneumonia or hyperthermia and then the Grausen wouldn't be their biggest problem concerning Daniel

" this is it, Daniel? Daniel? he's freezing, be careful when you wake him up" Mr Keary said when they finally found him laying very still on the floor of the fort, he knew that it was a possibility that he could react violently to them if he thought they were a threat to him

" he's really cold, I think he might be hyperthermic....we need to get back to the house and get him warmed up" Mia said after they paused to watch black veins appear on his face like they had when he had transformed but this time it was more as if the disease inside him was fighting to stay alive

" wait this parasite thing needs human body to live in right? so wouldn't it be dependent on the body temp, what would happen if it became too cold to support it?" Nick asked as something suddenly came to him when he realised that the cold was killing the parasite off slowly which was why it was reacting like that

" it would die! there is a small temp range where that allows the parasite to live so the body was go out below that range then the parasite would be forced to leave the body" Mia said filling in Daniel's dad who looking between them looking a lost as they worked out a way to save Daniel

" how do we know that its not going to kill Daniel too?" he said thinking if his body got too low then they risked him dying from the freezing temperature, more so since he was wearing wet pyjamas

" it would only happen if his body temperature dropped too fast" she said remembering the information that she had learned for her first aid training that she was required to have as a part of taking children from her class on trips such as camping

" how we do know thats not already happened?" he asked worried that he was going to lose his little boy in this latest attempt to rid him of this disease that had plagued their lives for the past year

" Nick we can't do this, it is far too risky.... although it might be Daniel's best chance at getting rid of this parasite" Mia said arguing for both side since she knew that there was high possibility that they could risk losing him rather than saving him like they planned to do

"you're his parent so ultimately the decision is yours" Nick said to Daniel's dad since either of them were really in a position to decided Daniel's fate when it was him that was going to have to live with the decision

"somethings happening...whats is that? whats happening?" he said as they watched a yellow substance began to come out of his nostrils and ears, neither of them were sure what was happening but it was clear that the cold was beginning to have an effect on the parasite and Daniel

"the parasite is dying, here put this on him and Nick take a sample of the substance so I can take it to my friend for testing" she said as she took of her green jacket and gave it Mr Keary so that he could use it to heat up Daniel as they carried him back to the house where they were going to heat him up further to get him temperature up slowly

As soon as they had made sure that Daniel was okay and back to normal, Mia and Nick went outside to meet Hank who had handcuffed Alexander before putting him in the back of his car so that he could take him back to the prescient with him. Nick had given Mia his jacket so that she wouldn't get cold as they drove back to the prescient where Nick planned to talk to Alexander and show him the proof of everything that they had recently discovered about Grausens. While Nick was in the interrogation room Mia watched them interact from the room on the other side of the one way mirror, she realised that this was the prefect moment to talk to the council or to at least to confront Alexander about everything. So when Nick came back through she gently handed him back his jacket than gestured that she was going to go and talk with Alexander, although she told him that it was okay if he listened in like she had. When she went inside the room she took a minute to look at him before seating down in from of him. Mia still had signs that she had been in a fight like the small cuts on knuckles from where she had punched Alexander in the face, her hair was also down in a mess of waves since it had fallen out of its neat hairstyle.

"what is this? good cop, bad ex council trainee?..... I never understood why you ran away that night?" he said knowing that if she was going to sit there and stare at him then he was going to get the answers to the questions that had been haunting him for 13 years

" I overheard you and De Groot in his office that day, I heard him tell you that the way to tame a disobedient blurbed like me was to marry her and that way you use my animal instincts for missions like this. I realised that that was not the future I wanted" she said honestly knowing that he needed to hear the truth as she needed to say it, it was this was some bubble hanging over her head finally bursting everywhere

" you were in the closet where we used to hide when we were younger.... I wanted that future because I loved you, not because I wanted to control you" he said knowing that what he had felt was real and not constructed purely because someone told him what was best for them and the council

" you were 17 Alex, what did either of us really know about love? I mean we were together since I was 12 and at 15 I still wasn't sure how I felt" she said knowing that she had just let Nick know that he was two years older than her, what he didn't know was that Alexander had already became an agent by then

"well clearly you have figured out what love is since then.... is being with a Grimm any better than the life that you would have had with me and the council?" he said knowing that De Groot was going to have a field day when he found out about them being together

" honestly, yeah it is because at least I'm free and can make my own decisions plus with Nick I know I'm much more than just wesen to him" she said smiling at the mere thought of him which didn't go unnoticed by Alexander who knew that whatever she felt for this guy was real which made it sting that bit more

" Emmie you know I'm going to have to report this back to De Groot when I get back as well as the fact that you and the Grimm interfered with council business" he said letting her know that there was going to be hell to pay for the part she played in the nights events

" I told you, no one calls me that anymore its Mia and yeah I know I remember council procedure but I want to and I want you to pass on a message onto him" she said knowing that this was her time to show her hand and let them know that she knew about their plan to frame for treason

" what message?" he said curiosuly sitting back on his chair as he admired her confidence, after all these she was still the same strong and stubborn as she was when they grew up together

" tell him that I know about the emails and the photos, I know that the reason that the council has had agents following me is because De Groot is planning to accuse me as traitor to the council and the wesen community by using the evidence you guys have planted" she said pulling her sleeves down to cover her hands as she bit her lips slightly, something Nick recognised as a nervous habit that she did every now and then

" how do you know that?.... you hacked into our system, you always were the best they had trained well apart from me of course" he said as she was thankful that he didn't assume that she had gotten help from inside the council, she was glad that Niklaus was safe for now at least

" actually I hacked your computer... so do me a favour when you're reporting back your master tell him that Emilia says Hi and to watch his back because I promise he'll never see me coming" she said standing up to leave the room after deciding that she had enough of talking to him,
however as she was leaving he grabbed her wrist gently

" I know that the girl I fell in love with is still inside there somewhere deep down, the girl that loved to fighting in the gym, the same girl that lay on the roof with me as she named off the constellations in the sky like it was nothing" he said in a low whisper voice to tempt her to lean closer to her so that he could try and kiss her, however she pulled her arm away and walked out of the room leaving all alone with the thought of her being so close to him

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