
By ZeepZoop_Z

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This a fanfic with orphan bench trio, angst, mental illness, and vigilante activities Idk how much I'll writ... More

Chapter 1 Pt. 1
Chapter 1 Pt. 2
Chapter 2 Pt. 1
Chapter 2 Pt. 2
Chapter 3 Pt. 1
Chapter 3 Pt. 2
Chapter 4 Pt. 1
Chapter 4 Pt. 2
Chapter 5 Pt. 1
Chapter 5 Pt. 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

346 15 13
By ZeepZoop_Z

CW: Mentioned abuse, drug and alcohol abuse mentioned, depersonalization of others, non-con mentioned briefly

A/N: This is a longer chapter, and I'm proud of it. I haven't proofread, so there might be mistakes. I'll re-read later, and then it'll be posted to Ao3, but I need some sleep <3

Schlatt woke up in a haze. 'Where...?' He opened his eyes as best he could, which was barely a squint. The haze of the room was a light green. He felt someone squeeze his knee. 'Joe?'

Papa J squeezed Schlatt's knee. "He'll be awake soon?" Tubbo asked Lani who was showing Tommy how to fill a syringe.

"Should." She turned back to the syringe and Tommy. Ranboo rubbed Tubbo's back. Niki paced behind them, biting her nails.

"Um..." Tommy hesitantly asked, "should we, maybe, get a bottle of beer for when he wakes up? Just in case he's mad or something?"

'No. No no no!' Schlatt screamed, but nothing came from his mouth. "Yeah, I guess." Lani looked up to her sister. "Niki, you need to chill out. Stop pacing."

"Don't tell me what to do, it's not hurting anyone."

"Don't be hostile." Tubbo put a hand on her shoulder.

"Whatever," she muttered.

Papa J slowly rubbed his old friend's leg. "Maybe we shouldn't get the beer? Y'know, see if he can lay off for a bit? He is hurt."

'Yeah...yeah.' Schlatt tried to nod, but failed.

"No point, he'll yell at us for not getting one." Tommy tapped the needle on the rim of the glass a few times before handing it to Lani. "Thanks." She smiled in Tommy's general direction. "Anyways, he's already started killing himself due the sheer amount of alcohol he consumes on average. He's made it clear he doesn't care."

Schlatt looked at his youngest daughter's downcast face. 'No, no no no no-'

"No!" He croaked. Everyone's attention snapped to him, and Papa J's hand stopped in its tracks. He even surprised himself.

"What...?" Lani squeaked.

"Just..." he struggled, "help me sit...sit up please." Papa J stood and walked to his friend's side, propping up his head and back.

"Ok, now explain. What do you mean 'no'?" Niki tilted her head condescendingly. Papa J sat back down at the end of Schlatt's bed, and continued to rub his leg.

"I...I don't want alco....alcoh..." he coughed up air. He took some deep breaths before trying again. "No beer. I...stopped drink...stopped drinking." He took deep breaths. "Haven't drank-" he spit out some blood into the trash can Tommy placed next to him. "No beer...1 week."

Niki stopped in her tracks. "What?! Liar!" She shook her head vigorously.

"Not liar!" He yelled best he could, and caused himself to cough up more blood. Tubbo stiffened. Ranboo continued to rub his back in a circular motion. Tubbo leaned into Ranboo's side.

"Even if you aren't lying asshole, why? Why now?" Niki seethed.

" get better." He smiled as best as he could muster, and that made Tubbo angry.

He shouted, "Well, isn't a bit to late for that?!" His voice cracked as he screamed louder. "Isn't it?!" Tubbo just about fell over, but Ranboo caught him. They stood right behind the boy, their hands crossed across his chest. The two intertwined hands. His left, their right. Tubbo, in anger, Ranboo, in comfort.

"Hey, Ranboo..." Schlatt smiled as best as he could.

"Hey...did you actually stop drinking?"

Schlatt nodded. Before any of the three Schlatt children could speak, Tommy understood Ranboo's plan. "I'll go get some drug and alcohol test started." Tommy shuffled out of the room.

Tubbo turned around and buried his face into Ranboo's chest. He rubbed his back. Lani walked to her older sister and clenched her arm. She stopped pacing.

"Dad?" Lani prompted. The use of 'dad' made the other two cringe. Schlatt's eyes focused on her. "Why stop drinking now?" Niki tore away from her.

"You seriously believe this prick? Seriously?! He hit you! He put you up for adoption! He abused you! He abused me! He abused Toby! He abused all three of us!!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs at this point. Ranboo was covering Tubbo's ears. Before Papa J could speak, Ranboo seethed resentfully.

"Niki." The growl of his voice caught the room's attention. The two made eye contact and he darted his eyes to Tubbo. She straightened as she realized that Tubbo was covering his ears, and Ranboo's hands covered his. Her gaze lowered.

"Sorry Lani." Ranboo's hands fell, and tubbo's slowly fell as well. "Sorry Toby." He smiled back at her. The room door opened.

"We had enough data. Here you go." Tommy handed Lani the clipboard. She gasped.

"He," she swallowed, "he hasn't. Only drugs in his system is nicotine and weed, which aren't the worst. No alcohol, no heroin, not ecstasy, no LSD, nothing." Lani met Niki's eyes. Niki turned to her father.

"Why." It wasn't a question; it was a demand.

"Fourth kid," the room filled with shock and his yawps. " be better. Sorry I'm...I'm such bad..." he heaved. 'Dad. Such a bad dad.' Tubbo auto filled. Niki stomped out the door.

"We're talking later." The door slammed. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo jumped. Ranboo rubbed Tubbo's back in an attempt to calm him down.

"The little girl?" Lani asked hesitantly.

" not..." he gasped before continuing, "not her." The five left in the room stared in shock as a few tears slid down Schlatt's face. "Sweet...sweet girl. Like Niki..." his voice quieted. "Like Niki was be...before me." He gasped for air before continuing. His hands trembled. "New kid...son. Kidnapped..." Schlatt scrunched his face up, as if saying where the kid was is what made it reality. A few more tears streaked his face.

"The kid was kidnapped?!" Tommy stood in shock.

Ranboo continued to rub Tubbo's back, whilst supporting Tommy's weight on his shoulder. "We can talk about it later Stompy, ok? When you're better."

Tubbo and Tommy looked at each other confused. "Haha...ok Espresso." Schlatt smiled.

"Um, what just happened?" Lani asked. "Even I'm confused."

"Schlatt's code name is Stompy. He's a Relic member."

"You're kidding!" Tommy laughed.

"Nope...truth." Schlatt smirked. He pointed to himself. "Stompy. Also...Yagi."

"I'm a Relic as well." Papa J laughed.

"For real?" Tommy raised an eyebrow.


Ranboo smiled. "Stampy, Stampylonghead, or Stampylongnose."

"Wait you're kidding!" Tommy bounced on his heels. Papa J laughed.

"Nope, my friend."

Lani smirked. "This is sweet, but Ranboo, you're wanted in the little girl's room."

"Ah, ok. You two can come with me or stay here." Before Ranboo even finished his sentence, Tubbo was clung to their arm. He laughed, "ok then. Tommy?"

"I'll come with you, I'll see you around Lani!" The three walked out and shut the door.

"So, dad, can you follow this pen?"

— — —

They were met with by the little girl crying upon opening the door. Ranboo ran up to her. "Hey hey hey," he reached his hand out, "we won't hurt you. We aren't the bad guys. We wanna help." They smiled at the girl. She grabbed his fingers.

"You have big hands." She giggled.

"I know, and you have pretty purple eyes." They ignored the eye with no pigment, and what looked like a scrambled egg white for a pupil. Her giggling increased at the compliment.

"Do you know how old you are?"

"I'm 6," she smiled.

"I'm 17. I'm Ranboo, but most people call me Shadow."

"That's your scary name?"

"Yeah," they rubbed her tiny fingers, "I guess so."

"I don't have a scary name, but my real name is Michelle."

Ranboo smiled, "ah, ok." He turned to the nurse. "Do you know why her hair's white?"

"She has albinism. I think she was being tested on."

"Awe," Ranboo turned to her. "We're they hurting you?"

"The mean woman was. Most people were nice, but she took me to another building and they were VERY very mean." Ranboo frowned.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Do you want anything? Water?"


Ranboo laughed, "to the best of our ability."

"Red soda!"

The people in the room looked confused until Wilbur stood up. "Wait Koe, remember we used to drink that in mom's wine glasses?"

"Oh yeah, I know what she's talking about. I can?" Koe gestured to the door, implying that he'll go get the drink.

"Yeah yeah, go ahead." Ranboo smirked. "Hey Nurse Jellybean, I need you to get Nurse Nelson and tell her about Michelle, ok? She'll know what I want her to do."

— — —

They walked down the corridor, Ranboo carrying Michelle. She giggled as he tickled her slightly.

"Mr. boo! Stop it!" She laughed, her head flinging back.

"Woah!" They held her up into the air. "You're flying!" She giggled. Ranboo lowered her to the ground. Wilbur tapped his shoulder.

"You think the room's ready by now?" Ranboo nodded.

They stepped into the sideways corridor and opened the door next to Fundy's "apartment." Azure was plugging the TV in. An identical blue couch occupied the space, and the room's layout is identical. Azure pulled their pants down before turning to the three. "Hey little one! You're room's in there." She gestured to one of the doors. "The other rooms aren't finished yet, but I'll get them done tomorrow. Her room's done though."

Wilbur smiled to her. 'The blue in your hair is fading. I could...' Wilbur shook his head. Turning to Ranboo, he walked to the bedroom door.

Purple bedsheets colored the space, contrasting the wooden floor and eggshell walls. A grey carpet covered the middle of the room. A jukebox and CD player stood near the closet, and two lamps sat on the nightstands on either side of the queen sized bed.

"You can decorate the rest, and I'll get you some clothes based on what you'd like, but-" Azure was brought into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!" She squealed. Azure hugged her back with a laugh. Fundy popped his head out of his duplex and into Michelle's.

"Hello?" Fundy scratched his neck awkwardly.

"Oh hello! What's you're name? I'm Michelle."

"Oh, um, I'm Fundy."

"Fundy? I haven't heard that before." Before she asked about his age, he spoke. " old are you?"

"Oh! I'm 6." She beamed.

"I turned 8 three months ago."

"Oh ok. Wanna come see my room Funny?"

He crossed his arms. "It's Fundy."

"Yeah yeah, wanna see Fundy?" He started to say no, but she grabbed his arm and dragged him to her room. "Look!" Michelle jumped up and down.

"You know what? It's not bad. I can help you make some drawings."

"Oh yeah that'd be great! Mrs. Green?"

"Mrs. Green?" Fundy followed the girl's gaze to Azure. "Oh, you mean Nurse Azure?" Michelle nodded.

Azure laughed. "Ah, ok. I'll go get some art supplies. Ranboo can you get the art table out? It's in that closet. You know, the one they used for Her." Without another word, she walked out. Wilbur followed.

"Now where'd he put his markers..." she dug around in his closet. "Can you check under his bed? I swear that kid loves hiding everything." She laughed. Wilbur smiled at her, and her cute laugh.

"Oh, ok sure." He nodded before dropping to the floor. "Awe." Wilbur muttered.

"Huh? What's up?"

"Well, I gave him that lame labeler for Christmas, right? All of you probably thought I was insane. But, I know he's a big organizer and loves hoarding, so I got it so he could label all of his jars. Y'know, I usually clean every pickle jar or old glass candle container and give it to him."

"Awe! Let me see, let me see!" She walked over and dropped to the floor on Will's left. "Awe," she smiled, their right hand hovered in the air. Wilbur raised his left hand mere inches away from theirs.

"This is random, but my gods your hands are tiny." He smirked.

"No, you just have monster-fingers. Our palms are the same size. See?" She pressed her hand against his. A buzz shot through his arm.

"Eh, your hands are still tiny."

"Ugh," Azure groaned, "whatever. Oh, here're the art supplies!" They reached for the box of supplies, but their right hand lingered on Wilbur's left for a few seconds before he watched their hand slowly slip away. Tingling sparks took her hand's place, from his fingertips to his forearm. A burgundy box caught Will's attention. He reached for it.

"Oh no..." he whispered to himself.

"What?" Azure dipped her head back under the bed. "You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, Fundy just found something that Sally left him. But, I was supposed to switch some things out, but I couldn't find it. I know where it went now..."

"Is that a problem?"

"Oh, well it probably made him sad. She had three notes written, and the one in the jewelry box referred to Fundy as her daughter, and I was going to replace it with the two notes she wrote on her deathbed."


"Oh shit," Wilbur slid from underneath the bed. "Yeah. Um...Fundy is AFAB, but is a boy."

"Oh yeah, of course, I just...I had NO clue. Good on him though." She smiled. "You need help up?" They stood, hand extended to Will. He nodded to her, smiling, and grabbed her hand. Buzz flooded his body.

— — —

"What're we doing?" Tommy groaned.

"Shhh! I wanna see what Niki's doing."

"Tubs, I love you, but should we really be spying on your sister?" Tommy tilted his head slightly.

"Oh of course not, but I don't care. Come on!" Tubbo grabbed Tommy's wrist and pulled him down the corridor. They turned the corner and saw Niki with...

'ERROR?!' The two gasped quietly. Ranboo stepped out of the room, behind Error. "Did you know what Slayess was doing?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about! For the third time!" He yelled. Michelle stepped from behind Ranboo, her arms hugging his leg.

"He didn't know. He was a nice person." They spoke softly, but assertive for such a small kid.

"Michelle? What do you mean?" Error shook his head. "Why do you have Michelle!?"

"If you don't stop fighting them and yelling so loud I'll tell them your name Mister 404." She swayed her foot back and forth.

"What do they mean Michelle? What are they asking me?"

"They are asking if you knew that the mean lady-"

"Slayess," Niki interjected, scrolling on a tablet.

"Yeah. That Slayess was abusing me and taking me to this scary building and testing on me for some reason." Error's eyes glazed.

"What..? She did what?" He didn't wait for a response, because it wasn't really a question. He ripped away from Ranboo and hugged Michelle tightly. "I am...I am so sorry Snowberry." He drew his fingers through their hair. After multiple seconds, they pulled away from one another. Niki and Ranboo were surprised to find a few tears streaking 404's face. Michelle reached up and wiped them away.

"Don't cry Peppermint." She wiped her nose with her sleeve. "Peppermint is used in alixers for protection." They smiled at the brunette boy, the mushroom man on Dream's left side.

"They haven't hurt you?"

She started to shake her head as Niki interjected. "We might be criminals, but we aren't monsters, Error."

"Right, right, my apologies." He stood, hands raised in a defensive stance. After an eye roll from Niki, he lowered them. "Damn, ok."

"Since when was he here?" Tommy walked out of the shadows. 'Shit.' Tubbo weighed his options before chasing after him.

"Chao? What're you doing here- you too Lotv?"  Ranboo looked at their two friends.

"Hey, it was his idea." Tommy gestured to Tubbo.

"You ran out! I was planning to stay put!"

"Both of you shut it." Niki spoke sternly. "I need you two and Shadow to come with me."

"What about mooshroom over here?" Tommy taunted him.

"What even is that?" They ignored Error's question.

"Well, I called a friend of mine." Niki smirked. A figure appeared around the corner.

"Wait, you're-" Error started.

"Say my name and I'll send assassins to your doorstep. I know your first, middle, and last name. Don't test me Spots." A man in green camo pants and a blue hoodie approached them. Black combat boots hit the floor and red and blue sunglasses covered his face. "I'll take him off your hands, Ender." He smiled. He tied Error's wrists together and walked him to a holding cell.

"That's...?" Ranboo looked to Niki.

"His name's Jack. He goes by 3D, Didcoi, and Ibchesi. He's a long-term friend of mine. I trust him. Now follow me."

"I thought you wanted us out of your business?" Tommy jeered lightheartedly.

"Yeah, well if I told you to F off, you wouldn't've." Ranboo laughed. "So, either scram or follow me." Tubbo smiled.

"Got it. Come on Toms." The two followed as Niki walked in front of them, Ranboo keeping her pace.

"I have work to do, so." Niki shrugged her shoulders as she slid into a room. Ranboo sat in a yellow slipper chair. Tubbo went to stand beside him. Niki sat behind a desk. "Don't touch anything." She warned. So Tommy sat down and listened to Tubbo and Ranboo's conversation. I'm kidding. Of course Tommy started snooping around.

'Oooo what is this?' Tommy spotted a tan folder with a red sticker with a black 'x' placed on its tab. He grabbed it off her shelf. He opened it.

"Um...Niki? What exactly do you do for a living?"

"I take payments to find missing people. Why?" She looked up. "Hey! I told you not to touch anything!"

"Sorry sorry! Um...why did you stop working on this case mid-case?"

"Ugh. Because the parents payed me upfront and have been killed." Tubbo raised his head.

"Let's go save the damn child then." Niki started to object. "No don't EVEN Niki! Would you stop searching for...for Afinity if he went missing? If I went missing?"

"That's different."

"Cut the 'that's different' shit. If you won't do it, I will." Tubbo planted both his hands onto his hips. "Right Toms?"

"Oh, yeah—yeah of course!" Tommy shuffled over to Toby, mimicking his pose.

"Ranboo?" Niki sighed deeply. He smirked.

"I don't see why not."

"Ugh, you aren't helpful." She fell into her chair. "Fine. Tommy, grab the sextant."

— — —

"The kid's here?" Tommy pulled his red bandana over his mouth. X-ray goggles covered his eyes. Niki stepped beside him.

"Yep." She wore a tan, long sleeved crop top with brown boots similar to Wilbur's, her long hair tied into a ponytail. A teal, cropped, short sleeved jacket coupled with gray pants and red gloves gave off a hunter aura. They heard Apricity's voice over their earpieces.

"Lotv is almost in position you three."

Ranboo nodded to themselves, as they strolled in front of the building's front door. "I'm in!" Tubbo whispered.

"Move in." Wilbur instructed. Niki and Tommy broke in through a side door whilst Tubbo prepared. Ranboo was doing his job well, because no guards roamed the halls of the area.

"No, but do you want some cookies? My friend here is selling cookies." Ranboo gestured to a server's daughter they'd chosen to bring. He'd promised to keep the child completely safe.

"Sootie, do you know where we need to go?" Wilbur sighed.

"Niki, only Ranboo knows my name."

"Oh shit!"

"Sootie?" Tommy struggled to not laugh.

"It would've been my last name if I had got to marry Sally. But, I use it." 'Because it's Fundy's last name.'

"Ah, ok. Sorry about her by the way." Tommy's voice softened.

"Eh, it's ok. She's not in pain anymore, and I've moved on. She'll always have a place in my heart obviously, but." Wilbur shrugged.

"If you did some gesture, remember, we can't fucking see you." Niki rolled her eyes as she started check the left wing. "Check the right wing Chao." He nodded and sped that way.

"I hacked into it! I can see everything!" Tubbo exclaimed. "I'm downloading it all as we speak. Now, Chao, there are tons of heat signatures in your hallway, so be careful. But, it's in an odd number room, due to it being their permanent room of residence. Ok?"

"Gotcha." Tubbo rolled his shoulder. *crack! Pop!* "Holy shit Stinger, was that your shoulder?"

"Yeah, it's finally loosening up." He smiled. "Niem, go help Chao."

"Niem?" Wilbur questioned.

"Yeah, what?" Tommy added as he opened another door.

"Oh, that's the first syllable of my name."

"I thought your name was Nikita?" Wilbur furrowed his brow.

Tubbo laughed, "Yeah, it is. But her name on her birth certificate is Neimki. She's always been put down as Nikita on important papers, and she normally gets called Niki. Every kid got the same situation."

"Wait then what's your real name?" Tommy questioned.

"Um...well my mom was high as fuck when she had me, so my name's Tuberculosis on my birth certificate. Jschlatt always put Tobias on documents for me though. That's why I'm called Toby, and you came up with Tubbo."

"That's...unfortunate." Wilbur fiddled with the keyboard.

"Wait! I found it! Niki!" She ran over and got to the door. "Someone's with them in there." They looked to each other. Niki ran in and threw the nurse out of the room. Tommy jumped a top them, placing a knife to their throat. Tubbo heard a force hit the door.

"He's not here. The kid Mrs. Gypsy's after." The doctor coughed up. Tommy slit his throat without thinking about it. He slightly gasped.

"Did I just?" Niki placed a hand on his shoulder. "I mean I've hurt people but never..." the two heard a crash behind them. Turning they found a short boy with eyepatches over both eyes, his smooth brown skin was broken near his eyes, similar to Michelle's scars. His jet black hair kept falling in front of his covered eyes.

"Are-are you gonna hurt me like they do?" The timid boy signed with his hands. Tommy shot up.

"Oh no, no, no, we aren't the bad guys. Were's here to help."

"Tommy that's not Micheal. We're here for him." She paused. "Wait, you know sign language?!"

Tommy nodded. "Micheal was in here but was told to run to the bathrooms. I guess it was because of you two." He signed.

"Ah, ok." Tommy repeated the sentence to Niki. "Tubs, you here that?" Tubbo make a sound of confirmation. "What's your name bud?"

"My name's Shroud."

"Awe, can I carry you? We'll get you out of here."

"Oh, ok." He smiled. "We have to get Micheal."

"Yes, yes, of course." Tommy picked up the small boy.

"Get out to the van, I'll get Micheal and get out." Tubbo spoke with confidence.

"You sure Toby?" Niki questioned.

"Positive. Go." He assured. He heard the door give in. His feet automatically came to the toilet seat, making him sit crisscross. He held his breath.

"Stay in here brat, and I'll get you when these Eret fucks are gone. Got it?!" A squeak came from the other. "Good." He stomped off.

"Hey," Tubbo opened the stall. On the floor sat a petite boy with the same white hair and purple eyes as Michelle, but as Michelle lacked color in her right eye, this boy lacked melanin in his left. He had huge scars coving his face, and the same pale skin. "We're here to save you. They're hurting you, yes?"

The boy nodded. "I've gotcha Micheal." He reached for the boy. "Can I pick you up? To carry you out?" The boy hesitated before nodding. After Micheal laid comfortably in his arms, he took off to the van. He was met with an armed woman. She cocked her gun, pointing at him.

"Drop the child."

"Hey Slayess! No point in pointing the gun at me; I'll drop him." As he set Micheal down, he whispered to him.

"Stay behind me." He nodded. Tubbo raised his arms, the gun only a foot (or a meter) or so from his temple.

"You know, shooting me wouldn't be useful."

"Shut it." The muzzle pressed against his brow. "Where's Michelle?"

"None of your business, child abuser."

"They're monsters, not children." She spat.

"Oh-ho, no you did not just say that." A crazed look filled his eyes. He felt a swift movement behind him and heard one word from his earpiece.


Tubbo grabbed the gun, twisting towards her and shooting her in the leg. She crumbled in pain, making it easy to snap the gun out of her grasp. With the gun in his control and her on the floor, he turned. Ranboo cradled Micheal, looking at the boy solemnly. "Hey Tubs." They smiled tightly. "See you in the van." He ran off with the trembling boy. Tubbo pressed the gun under the traitor's chin.

"Either I kill you, or you give me information, sweetie."

— — —

Tubbo jumped back into the van. "How's the other kid? What's his name?"

"His name is Shroud. He's five." Tommy tended to the scrapes on zirs arms. "Can I take off you eye patches now?"

"You can I'd you pinky swear not to be scared of me." They signed swiftly.

"I couldn't be scared of you." Tommy assured as he started to remove the first one. He gasped. Shroud started to cower. "You're eyes are sick! You know, in a cool way. I love them!" He smiled. Shroud smiled back.


"Of course!" Tommy scoffed as he removed the other. Shroud's carmine eyes stood out in contrast to their dark skin, the two pupils it each eye seemed to be the thing worrying the child, but Tommy was far from scared. "You're so cool Shroud." Now the boy beamed with pride. Tubbo stood.

"Is Micheal ok?" The four turned to see the little one hugging on Ranboo, clutching his arm.

"Shroud ok?" Shroud nodded to his friend. They smiled to each other. "Then I ok." Tommy looked at Micheal quizingly.

Shroud looked to him. "He's autistic and has albinism, just like I was born mute and with my eye defect."

"Ah, ok." Tommy nodded. Niki huffed as she hopped back into the van.

"We need to go."

"Ok, go drive." She eyed the source of the sarcasm; Ranboo.

"Ugh, why don't you? I'll take the kid-" Micheal whimpered as they backed behind Ranboo as best as they could whilst sitting against the van's wall. "Ugh. Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Apricity, come up to the passenger seat. Chao, you can sit with Shroud behind him." Niki walked to the drivers seat. Tommy nodded. Wilbur scooped the servant's daughter from the back seats to sit in his lap.

"You'll sit by the wall, ok?" Shroud nodded to Tommy. They all walked to the front, and Tommy closed the divider, sensing that Ranboo and Tubbo needed to talk. Ranboo gave him a look of gratitude.

Micheal clenched Ranboo's side. Tubbo sat next to the boy. "Are you ok Micheal?" He looked up to Tubbo and hugged him. He looked back up.

"Bee!" He pointed out a charm on a necklace he was wearing.

"Yeah, I got it for Christmas."

"Bee!" Micheal pointed to Tubbo. Pointing to Ranboo, they hesitated.

"That's Ranboo. Ran, Boo." Tubbo rubbed the child's back rhythmically.

"Boo!" Micheal smiled triumphantly. "Bee and Boo!" Tubbo was close to correcting him, but he stopped when he saw Ranboo's saccharine smile. He couldn't help but smile as well. Eventually Micheal fell asleep between the two.

"Are you ok?" Tubbo asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I have you and Tommy, and then I also have my past family. I'd say I've been given good cards." They chuckled. "You ok?"

"Oh, mhm. It's just surreal and fucking weird. But, I'm getting used to it. Having a brother is a revaluation. I hope he's ok. And any other kids we didn't save."

"Oh." Ranboo put his hand on Tubbo's shoulder. "We'll get them sometime. Swear."

"Pinky promise?" Tubbo knew it was childish, but frankly didn't care. He stuck his pinky out.

"Pinky promise." They linked pinkies. They rearranged their hands but didn't let go. Micheal slept between them as the two held hands, enjoying each other's company in the silence.

— — —

"Why are we having a meeting?" Tommy questioned as he sat down at the meeting table. Ranboo and Tubbo sat at the table's head, with Tommy to Tubbo's left, just around the table's corner. Aimsey sat to Ranboo's right.

"You'll see." The Sub Rosa, plus Niki, walked in. Without a word, Wilbur sat next to Tommy, with Apricity next to him. Niki sat next to Aimsey, and Technoblade sat next to her.

"Ok, so. First of all, you all know I'm Ranboo. I'd like everyone to say their real name." Silence filled the room.

"I'm Toby. Schlatt. Toby Schlatt." He clarified.

"I'm Tommy? My real name is Tom Simons, but when my parents passed I stopped using my last name."

"I'm an orphan too." Technoblade smiled tightly. "The old man over there adopted me due to Afinity and I being separated-from-birth twins. Different dad's though. I go by Technoblade Minecraft, I guess."

"What happened was that our mom was VERY early in her pregnancy with me and was sexually assaulted. That man mysteriously 'disappeared.' Anywho, I'm Wilbur. Wilbur Minecraft Soot."

"Wait, you're the guy that gave Ranboo that huge ass tip!"

"Yep." Wilbur laughed.

"Well, you all know that I'm Toby's sister Niki."

"And you all know I'm Eret's sibling Aimsey." They paused. "So that leaves you old man."

"Fuck you all. Anyways, I'm Phil Minecraft, also known as Philza. Im Will and Techno's dad."

"Well, I'm glad we got that down. Now, here's why we needed to do that. We will all keep our rooms, but we're moving most of our stuff into the back rooms. That's where Michelle has been, and where Shroud and Micheal will stay. Another child has been staying there as well."

"Huh? Who?" Tommy queried.

"My son Fundy." Everyone looked to Wilbur.

"They know?" Phil asked, shocked.

"Well, Ranboo did, now everyone here does. But, Sally and I had Fundy a while back. He's eight."

"Woah." Tommy stared at Wilbur, shocked.

"Now, I'm going to have you have rooms back there where you'll actually sleep, but you'll have your current room's as decoy. Let me tell you the arrangements. Will, they combined the room left of Fundy's duplex to his by knocking a wall down, and you, Phil, Technoblade, Fundy, and Azure will stay in there. The leftover bedroom was turned into a playroom. Right of Fundy's room is where we've put Niki." They paused, letting the note-taking Tommy catch up.

"The room left of Fundy's is where Tommy and Shroud will stay. Left to their room is Tubbo, Micheal, and I's room. Left of our room is where we've relocated Michelle and where Nurse Nelson will be staying."

Tommy was about to ask why Shroud was with him before Tubbo spoke. "Ranboo said that you seemed close with Shroud, and he trusts you." Tommy smiled.

"So, when're we moving?"

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