-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung...


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"You betrayed us all..." More

My Office Season 2
One - Previously and so far
Two - "Why is love so complicated?"
Three "Butterflies"
Four "Boyfriend"
Five "Close friends?"
Six "Just Chill"
Seven "Vanilla milk tea."
Eight "YOLO"
Nine "Little Slip"
Ten "We loved each other."
Eleven "Refill"
Twelve "Forget"
Thirteen "Lucky Thrity-Two."
Fourteen "What to do..."
Sixteen "Goodbye."
Seventeen "Up for some fun"
Eighteen "Warm water"
Nineteen "Stay out of our way"
Twenty "Some time alone"
Twenty One "I'll cry"
Twenty Two "Accept?"
Twenty Three "Warm Honey"
Twenty Four "Bad Influence"
Twenty Five "Troubles"
Twenty Six "No problem"
Twenty Seven "Brave Girl"
Twenty Eight "End"

Fifteen "DJ Beer"

75 3 1

Flashback // A couple days ago:

"I've been wanting to- well, can we talk about... us?" Taeyong said.

You opened your mouth but no sound came out. "Eh, d-do we have to?" I smiled awkwardly. "Are you embarrassed by me? Is that it? Being with the No.2 compared to him?!"
"No Taeyong. You could never embarrass me. And your not number two, you're number one in my eyes."
He stayed silent. "Can I ask another question?"
"Have you ever had true feelings for me?"
"Haven't I told you already? Yes I did! Okay?" You exhaled.
He put his hand on your shoulder to make me relax.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Was it because you also liked Doyoung?"
"Yes I- " My eyes widen and he smirks.
"I knew it. I waited for you to tell me but you never did."
"N-n-no this isn't true!" I hiccuped uncontrollably.
"Please, Y/n. Stop fighting it. I'm not mad at you."
I gave up and closed my eyes.
"I guess it's true. I never wanted to admit it but I-I liked you both. I liked you both too much. I'm sorry." I stood up.

"I think it's best if we don't speak to each over for a while."
"No Y/n, it's okay."
"Irene was right. The stuff she said about me was true. I-I guess I am.
a slut and no wonder Doyoung left me. I deserved it. "
"You're far from a slut, Y/n. You need a rest and maybe someone to talk to."

He stepped towards me but I stopped him. "Don't. Not now Tae. I will just walk home. Thank-you for today, I appreciate it. "

"There's no way I'm letting you walk home by yourself. Look at the weather." He chuckled.

Present day

Sounds of Water droplets, trees swaying and birds singing could be heard from your room. You were sat calmly on your mat. The mint scented candles floated around your room.
Suddenly, the door swung open and Taeil ran in and jumped onto you.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Ah!" He surprised me and lays on top me. "Uh, Taeil?"
He sat up and kissed my face repeatedly. I pushed him away and stood up. "You drunk?" I hit his head.
He dropped to his knees and cried to me. "Why are you moving away?! Please don't go! You can stay with me at my place if there's any problems! Why are you going back to Busan?"
I pulled him back to his feet. "I want to be with my family. I'm Sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. "

He wiped his tears away. "You'll visit. Right?"
"Mhm." You smiled widely.
"Before you go, we should have a party- OH a Pool party!"

"Sounds fun, let's do it!"


The next day, after work I met up with Yuta and Taeil to go shopping for the party. Once the food and decorations were bought, we all went to get new costumes.

Taeil purchased Short blue and black shorts.
Yuta chose long pink shorts and a white waterproof top.

I was still looking for the right one. Eventually I found a Black & pink bikini which I liked the look of. I bought it soon after.

"Do we have enough stuff?" I questioned.
"Yep, invite whoever you wish, guys." Yuta put the bags into the back of the car. On the way back I sent text invites to friends who live in the area.
Including Johnny, Jaehyun, Hendery and a couple others who I know from work.


It was beginning to get dark outside. "Perfect!" Taeil had turned on the pool lights and decorated the area. Yuta and I had organised the food and helped Taeil with decorating. They were already wearing their costumes. "I'm going in!" Taeil jumped into the water.
You approached Yuta. "Thanks for everything so far." You brightly smiled and he chuckled back and ruffled your hair. "I'm going to get ready now." You went into your room and put on the costume and looked in the mirror. Over that, I put on a denim skirt to cover up a little. I put a sheer robe on and tied my hair up. Once I applied some makeup I was ready. I took a few deep breaths and made my way downstairs.


The first person was here. I quickly answers the door. It was Hendery. He was wearing his black shorts with a denim jacket on. I smiled at him but something caught my eye. His abs. He chuckled. "Like em? I work out often." He flexed them.
"O-Oh right."

I closed the door behind him. "You look beautiful by the way. He winked and put his hand around my waist. I ignored it and showed him to the backyard.
"Sup!" Hendery said once he saw Yuta and Taeil. I left them to talk to eachover and turned up the music. I grabbed a beer and waited for others to show up.
Five minutes later, some other random dudes and girls show up, probably Taeils friends. I watched them all dive into the pool. I looked at the DJ set and rolled your eyes. Where's the DJ at? Whatever.

Soon after, there's another knock and I get it this time. I open the door and It's Jaehyun. "Jaehyun!" You hugged him. "Miss me?"
"Mhm. Why can't I hug you all day?" I whimper.
"I'm not complaining." He laughed. His laugh was comforting. You both walked into the backyard and he took off his top. I blushed a little and faced the other way. He was really muscular. I never even knew. "Are you alright with the water? I don't want you to get hurt."
"I can swim now Jae, don't worry!" You gummy smiled, then hiccuped.
"Ah you're so cute." He patted your head and then took the beer from you. "Eh- " He drank it.
"So what's the reason behind this party? Hmm?"

- You didn't even mention it in the invite. Ugh -

"I-I'll tell you later. I hiccuped and sat on the edge of the pool.

I could feel something tickling my foot so I kicked it. Taeil jumped up from the water. "AH Y/N! YOU KICKED ME!" He cried.
"Don't touch my feet then, hahah."
"I was just doing a little prank!"

"OKAY THE DJ IS HERE!" I heard Yuta yell. I squealed and saw the man run up to me. "Y/N!"
"JOHNNY!" He picked me up and spun me around. "Tonight it's, DJ Johnny." He smirked charmingly.
You giggled. "Get to it then."

The music really made a difference to the vibe. You all danced and drank. "Aren't you drinking too much?" Hendery suggested. "What? No, shut up." I continued to drink the beers and dance with him.

"THIS NEXT ONE IS FOR Y/N! SINCE SHE IS MOVING TO BUSAN SOON, I WANT HER TO HAVE THE BEST TIME OF HER LIFE OKAY LETS GOOOO!!!!" Johnny yelled before blasting more music. A clear 'WHAT?' Was said by a couple people.

I laughed awkwardly. Hendery and Jaehyun asked me questions but I couldn't be bothered to listen. The music had taken over me. They both brought me inside. "Care to explain?" Jaehyun took the beer from me.
"Fine, I'm moving back b-because I'm sick of being here. I'm reminded of my wrongs wherever I go. I just want to be with my family so please just enjoy this night with me before I leave?." They both sighed but agreed to enjoy the night. I took the beer back and met new people. The door knocked again. Yuta got it. Soon, someone I didn't expect, walked into the backyard. I know I'm a little drunk but I'm fully aware of what's going on.
"Ay man, what's up?!" Taeil greeted Taeyong. Are the close? I didn't invite Taeyong so he must have.
You walked over to him. "Taeyong, you're here."

"I know you may not have wanted me to come but-"
"No it's fine. Come on." I took his hand and joined the crowd of people dancing.
"This isn't like you..." He laughed.
"Want a beer?"
"Sure." I gave him one but never stopped dancing to the music. Everyone was singing to the songs and I stayed in contact with Taeyong the whole time. I could hear Johnny cheering me on.
I'm just letting the rhythm flow through my body. He puts his hands on my hips and we sway together. "I'm gonna miss you when you go."
"You can visit me anytime."
"I will."
Our bodies touched together as we danced closer to each over. He finished his drink and unbuttoned his shirt down. I held him close with my stomach touching his. "Sorry for my attitude the other day." You removed your robe.
"You think I care?" He smiled and moved his lips towards your neck. "Stop teasing me, just do it." You lifted your leg in between his legs. He kissed your neck softly. "Ah..." He planted them all around your shoulder and jawline. You lightly moaned. "Isn't your boyfriend here?"
He suddenly stopped.
"Boyfriend? Oh Hendery? Who cares. It's over between us."
"Are you sure? I think he's coming this way..."
"What!" You turned around and Hendery glared at Taeyong and took you away to the kitchen. "You let him do that to you?"

I rolled my eyes. "What about it?"
"I though we were something. Are we not?"
"I don't know about it..."
He looked mad. I backed up to the counter. He approached me and held my waist. "What do you mean, you don't know about it?" He threw his drink on the floor. "C-Calm down Hendery! I held his hand. He forcefully kissed me. I tried to pull out but he was too strong. He had his hand behind my head, the other keeping you close to him. I tried to scream but only a muffled sound escaped. Suddenly, he was pulled back by someone. I gasped for air and saw Hendery being beat up. "That's enough, Jaehyun!" I yelled. He stopped and held his collar. "Wait upstarts now." You did as he said and ran upstairs. Jaehyun banged him up more and then came up for you. He found you in the bathroom, crying. "Are you okay? I heard glass smash so I came in." He looked at you, blood was on your ankle. "How did this happen?!"
"When he s-smashed the bottle, it cut me a little." You hugged him tight. "Thank you for doing that. He really scared me back there. I thought he was gonna hurt me." Your voice trembled."
"Don't talk to him again, he's a psycho freak. I heard he's your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, something like that.." He helped you with the cut.

"I'll go clean that glass up, you go have fun and don't talk to that guy again."

"Okay, Thank you." You hugged him again and pecked him on the cheek.

You went into your room, removed your skirt and let your hair down. You fix your smudged makeup and go back to the party. "There you are, I had no clue where you went after you were dancing with Mr Lee." Johnny gave you a drink. "Thank you" He went back to the DJ-ing. You noticed people looking at you. You felt a little uncomfortable but you didn't really care. You played games in the pool with Taeil and Yuta for a while. You guys had a great time. You noticed Taeyong sat at the side of the pool with his feet in the water. You swam over. "Hey."
"Hi." He shortly responded.
"What's the matter? You sound no fun anymore." You pouted.
"It's just that I'm realising what's gonna happen tomorrow. You'll wake up and completely regret everything we did together. I just know it." His tone seemed sad. "We'll, maybe! But I really like you. When I move I'm going to be devastated that I can't be with you but at least I won't be leading you on." He looked into your eyes. "It feels wrong, like I'm using you..." Taeyong looked down.

You roll your eyes and walk away to the bench. You sat down and looked at the night sky. You sigh. "I can't really control what I'm doing but I don't regret it." Someone sits besides you. He put his arms around you. You looked at his face. "Forgive me, Y/n." Hendery looked at you with bruises on his face. "Forgive you? I'm sorry but what you did was wrong!" You stood up. He pulled you into his embrace tightly. You kick his shin and he lets go. "Is everything okay?" Yuta approaches you. "No, please tell him to leave." You crossed your arms. Hendery rolled his eyes and was forced to leave by Yuta.
"Thanks Yuta."

People started to leave. Johnny packed up the DJ set wished you good luck. "See you in Busan." He left and so did others.
You helped pick up trash from the floor.
"Y/n, come with me." Taeil walked to the other end of the hot tub. You sighed and followed. He turned the heating up and you both slowly got in. "Ah... You're gonna miss this." He relaxed his head back.
"My friend Mark has a hot tub, his is bigger." You smirked.
His head shot up. " His can't be as good, this is top quality. See all these functions?" He turned on bubbles and lights.
"Yeah yeah, okay." You chuckled. And rested your head on his shoulder.

Taeils P.O.V

She put her head on me, I stiffened. She dosent normally touch skin with me but tonight she is different. I put my arm around her and brought her closer. She looked up at me and smiled. "I'll miss you, Taeil."
"Don't make me cry now." I reached for a beer and someone else came up to the tub. "Hey." Taeyong said, "mind if I join?"
"Go ahead." She moved closer to me to let him sit beside her.

Y/n's P.O.V

"I'll just sit over there." Taeil was about to get up and move but I sat on his lap. "I want to be sat with you, don't move."
"O-Okay." He drank his beer, looking away. His face had gotten red. Taeyong relaxed in the hot tub. Saying nothing. You were sure Taeil had a boner but ignored it and watched as the next person joined in and sat on the other side. Jaehyun drank beer and just watched the sky. He didn't question anything. He normally keeps stuff to himself.

"Why're you so quiet?" You asked Taeil who hadn't moved an inch.
"You're sat on my lap you fucking idiot, how else do you think I'm going to react?"
"Fucking Idiot? Thanks, I'll just move next to Jaehyun instead." You smirked and went to move but he pulled you back down. "You know what you're doing don't you, so stop." He whispered into your ear. The song changed and you bounced up and down to the music. You took his drink from him and drank the rest. "Y/n!" He yelled. "What?" You gave his empty bottle back and looked at the others. They stared at you. "Y/n, come sit on my lap." Taeyong smiled.
"Okay." You left Taeil and went to Taeyong. You danced to the music and he placed his hands on your hips.
"What're you doing?" Taeil looked mad.
"Give it a rest, bro." Taeyong moved his hands to your butt. You seemed to not notice. Taeil did. "Take your hands off her." He looked at Taeyong with a serious face. "What're you gonna do about it? Huh? Jealous?" Right after he spoke, Taeil took your hand and led you out of the tub.
"Is something wrong?"
"Yes something is wrong. You need to go upstairs. Go to bed."
"What? No! I'm not a child!"
"I don't like the way he touches you."
"So what!"
"So what?!"
"It's none of your business, I'm just having fun!"
"Fun? Letting that guy touch you up."
"But I like him."
Taeyong came over and pushed Taeil.
"Taeyong leave him."
"Who does he think he is? Your boyfriend?" Taeyong laughed and continued to push him around. You eventually stopped him when you thought Taeil was going to explode. "Who do you think YOU are! Pushing my friend like this?! Just leave it!" You yelled in his face.
"Fine." He hesitantly walked inside.

"Thanks Y/n."
"Of course, he was trying to pick a fight with my Taeil!"
"Y-Your Taeil?" He stuttered.
"Yes! I'm sorry about that. Taeyong can get... passionate." You smiled and watched Jaehyun get ready to go. You walked towards him.
"Thank you for coming Jae." You hugged him. "Best that you do go to bed. It's been a long night."
"Thanks for inviting me, I had a great time. I'll see you soon."
You closed the door after he left.
"Okay is that everyone?" Yuta asked. "Taeyong is the only one left."


I was standing in the guest room with Taeil. "He's staying overnight?!" He yelled. "Mhm, what's the problem?"
You brushed your hair in the mirror.
"What if he- never mind. No more drinks for you tonight. You can't be trusted." He scolds you for stuff you've done. "Can you shut the fuck up you're so annoying. Like you know better." You rolled your eyes.

"Like I know better? Of course I do-"
You pushed him into the wall and pinned your hands beside him. "Oh really?" You slammed the door shut.
"See Y/n, you throw yourself onto anyone around you, it's not safe!"

"You're not just anyone. I'm showing you how you don't know better. You can't resist it. I know you can't. So stop acting like you do." You turned the light off and put your hands around him. "Kiss me." You whispered. Only his breathing was heard. "Seriously? You're trying that hard? I know you have a weak spot for me." You lifted  your thigh up to his crotch and he faced the other way. You giggled as he grew weaker. "Y/n, I-I'm warning you. Leave." He growled.
"I knew it." You held the back of his neck. He could feel how close your face was. "If you're just going to stand there, leave." You spoke. He bit his lip and walked to the door.
"I told you, I'm not as weak as you think." He left. It made him look more attractive to you.


You walked into your room and sat on the bed. You looked at your camera roll and you still had undeleted pictures of you and Doyoung. You looked at them
He looked so handsome in all the photos.

There's even one with You, Doyoung and Mira at a park. A tear formed in your eye. You miss having a little sister. She was the cutest.

You deleted a couple more pics and decided to post a pic on Instagram. It was a picture of you and Johnny at the party. You chuckled and captioned it 'DJ JOHNNY'

This chapter was kinda long

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